Butterfly Indicators 1990-2018 Technical Report Van Swaay, Chris A.M.; Dennis, Emily B.; Schmucki, Reto; Sevilleja, C
Assessing Butterflies in Europe - Butterfly Indicators 1990-2018 Technical report van Swaay, Chris A.M.; Dennis, Emily B.; Schmucki, Reto; Sevilleja, C. G.; Aghababyan, Karen; Åström, Sandra; Balalaikins, M.; Bonelli, Simona; Botham, Marc; Bourn, Nigel; Brereton, Tom; Cancela, J.P.; Carlisle, Bruce; Chambers, Paul; Collins, Sue; Dopagne, Claude; Dziekanska, I.; Escobés, Ruth; Faltynek Fric, Zdenek; Feldmann, Reinart; Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel; Fontaine, Benoît; Goloshchapova, Svetlana; Gracianteparaluceta, Ana; Harpke, Alexander; Harrower, C.; Heliölä, Janne; Khanamirian, G.; Kolev, Z.; Komac, Benjamin; Krenn, H.; Kühn, Elisabeth; Lang, Andreas; Leopold, P.; Lysaght, L.; Maes, Dirk; McGowan, D.; Mestdagh, Xavier; Middlebrook, I.; Monasterio, Yeray; Monteiro, E.; Munguira, Miguel L; Musche, Martin; Õunap, Erki; Ozden, O.; Paramo, F.; Pavlíčko, A.; Pettersson, Lars B.; Piqueray, Julien; Prokofev, I. 2020 Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van Swaay, C. A. M., Dennis, E. B., Schmucki, R., Sevilleja, C. G., Aghababyan, K., Åström, S., Balalaikins, M., Bonelli, S., Botham, M., Bourn, N., Brereton, T., Cancela, J. P., Carlisle, B., Chambers, P., Collins, S., Dopagne, C., Dziekanska, I., Escobés, R., Faltynek Fric, Z., ... Roy, D. B. (2020). Assessing Butterflies in Europe - Butterfly Indicators 1990-2018: Technical report. Butterfly Conservation Europe & ABLE/eBMS (www.butterfly- monitoring.net). https://butterfly- monitoring.net/sites/default/files/Pdf/Reports/Assessing%20Butterflies%20in%20Europe%20- %20Butterfly%20Indicators%20Revised.pdf Total number of authors: 66 Creative Commons License: CC BY General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.
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