Torrance Herald

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Torrance Herald Ilomefl for Salo 84 Money to Loan 92 Automobiles 95 Antoittoliiles 95 Aiiloinoblli>N 95 AntoniohiloN 05 Automobile* fiS TRUCKS. ETC. TPTUrKS. BTC. LOMITA. $1,000 down en met LOANS LOANS HADENFELDT HAS , ^f itooo down: 3-btdroom honii, "Where Frienc Meets Friend" r 8"'lyaWon '' ""' C ""' '" TRUST DEEDS BOUGHT* SOLD NEW CAR TRADE-INS 1 UOMITA. .Very nice. 1. bedroom C : Newer Homei. In All Prices, and Body Stylei PAUL'S HEVROLET EARN A GRATEFUL LOOK Fait Commltmenta FOR INSTANCE: SELLS US ED CARS N SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A'nd We Can Prove It Model for Model Car for Car! FROM YOUR POCKET BOOK! °'"°' "" 0°° CALL MENLO 4-5030 c'hick'ena' Included. Compare price' and quality. JUST LOOK AT THES E---AND COMPARE! $66 DOWN Come and See the Curs 'ourself Every Car Topsl Buy Your Next Car douhla garage on tuilna'a lo| V'n '37 PONTIAC 6 DELUXE SPORT COUPE. ........ Lomlta. 17000. Good tarmi. Really a nice clean oar. And Clean from lumper to Bumper '47 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE ........ $395 DOWN $1795 FLJLL PRICE! from - - Sport coupe. One owner original, all extras. 1949 CHEVROLET CONVERTI BLE Looks and runs like new. Torranco, 2 hedrooma aacn aide. Double garage. AUTO TOPS '39 PLYMOUTH DELUXE CONVERTIBLE ....... .$145 DOWN Low mileage. old. Only $10,300. Cloif In Torrance. No Extra Charge $1695 FLJLL PRICE! Good termj. For Clear. Vision Back $175 DOWN ED JAMES ;^ We Alio Make Riviera Typt '42 FORD DELUXE COUPE ...... A*., ......... 1949 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENC ER COUPE Like newl Push- button radio, deluxe he Low mileage. '48 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB CC)UPE .......... $545 DOWN World's Champion Studebaker Dealer BO x 180 M.I Zone. 11000. ' COX'S AU.TQ TOPS Hall acre, $1SOO. Termi. Original black finish, white,.! idcwalls. All extras, .Sharp!. , . ._ . ._. «j 1 395 _ PL LL PRICE !- .2155 240th St. '41 BUICK 'SPECIAL 4-DOOR .........:.... $195 DOVN 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMAS FER- 4-DOOR SEDAN Loaded " 8¥ West Analieim ' JOS. N. BURTON Open Every Niuht Until t New paint, mechanically top Real Estate - Businesses '41 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELU XE ........... $245 DOWN $1295 FLILL PRICE! ~^ AUTO TOP ; to just see this, one. A blue dream. In Wilmington 2468 Torrance Blvd., Torrance Club Coupe. It's a treat 1948 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENG ER COUPE Exceptionally clean PE .......... $175 DOWN inside and out. A real b uyl! TorrancB 23 1 -R SEAT CO'VER SHOP '40 OLDSMOBILE 6 CLUB COU Ph. Black finish. Reconditioned. inti i.-iyon. Con'iplete Auto Re- " $950 Fl LL PRICE Branch Offices Upholstery. '47 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8 ........... $435 DOWN 1948 WILLYS JEEP PICK-UP SPORT TRUCK Owned locally. Your Choice of More Than. Sedan coupe. Original ivoiy finish. All c'xlras. Radio and heater. Low nilleage'. C. YEAMAtf N«w Dayton. .Thoroughbred 1312 Cabrillo Ave.., Torrance . $645 FU LL PRICE! 200 Cars and Trucks P CHICKEN RANCH Torrance 764 THESE ARE > JUST A FEW! 1946 FORD !/2 .TON CAB AN D CHASSIS This truck has had. See the- Rest . excellent care. Money-Saving Home and bu.lne"? (h'Tha'cVJi'l'"! Come and Low 1941 CHEVROLET 5-passenge .Coupe ....... Full Price $-595 ALL GMAC O * BANK TERMS . GOODYEAR 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-door Se'd an .. ........Full Price $595 VOLUME PRICES '• ' NICE I -BEDROOM' BATTERIES BUY FROM YOUR PONTIAC DEALER H£ STANDS BEHIND 1940 STUDEBAKER Custom C oupe ......... Full Price $435 G. K.-SMITTV" SMITH , Coupe....... Full Price $395 - ping center. $3375 price. Authorized Shall Dealer EVERY USED CAR SOLDI 1940 OLDSMOBILE 5-passenge Small dbwn payment. Move In. 101 Hignway at VHatern 1939 CHRYSLER New Yorker Coupe ... , ..... Full Price $395 - -^ Easy Credit You Said It .Harbor City, California 60 X 180 ft. lot. All Improvamtntl Phone Uomlt. 410 1939 CHEVROLET Town Seda n .......... Full Price $295 In and only $1250. Hadenfekdt Pontiac 1938 BUICK Special Sedan ............ ..Full. Price $249' Come and Get It 27 It. trailer In good condition. D CARS IN TOWN" Truck. .......:. Full Price $195 S850 total prlca. "THE NEWEST USE 1940 DODGE %-ton Pick-up Auto Repairing 9>l 1937 PL-Y MOUTH 4-door Sed an . ... r. ...... F"" Price $ 95 C. C. HENNING 505 Pacific Coast H wy., Hermosa. Beach 1930 FORD Model A Coupe . ............ Full Price $ 50 .....,,,.... Full Price $ 15 1 975 Torrance; Blvd., Torranct Frontier 4-8987 . ' * ; Some Shining Examples * Tor. 1 1 26 or I767-J Complete OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY SATURDAY & SUNDAY INCLUDED m8 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER ................ .$1695 ranci-. Phono Frontier 4-8883 by Motor OUR CARS ARE BETTER! . No Down Payment '1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR ..................,.',^.. .$1195 Real Estate 80 Rebuilding OUR PRICES ARE LOWER! TO ALL QUA JFIED BUYERS! EXCHANGES and WANTED Ford .................... $89 Come- in Take Your Pic c Drive Out Your Car in 1948 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-DOOR ..,...._. $1495 II You Really Want to Sell Chevrolet .......... $99 We Welcome a Careful Buyer Dodge and 5 Minutes - - - No R '1948 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR ........ '. .............. .$1295 Try DOWN Plymouth ...... $109 > . FULL W. W. Jordan Company PRICE PAYMENT 1948 FORD "8" 2-DOOR ............'.,........... $1095 . (Up to 18 ivfontha to°Pay) ' 617 W. Anahelm, Wihnlnuton .........$ 345 $ 35 . / PAUL'S "C HEVROLET TE. 41281 - RES. TE. 42983 ' .- R & B 1948 CHAMPION COUPE . .. ............ ,.........: $1295 RESPONSIBLE FAMILY. 8 «ttlllt». 30 "Your Local C levrolet Dealer" Automotive Service ..................... $1295 fitly amall reannnably priced limise. ..........$ 495 $50 1640 CABF lllib AVE. 1947 PONTIAC SEDANETTE 420 E. Canon, Torranca '41 BUICK 4-door ........ « vf-lr-ran. atpadlly employed cimplo. (Between Main and Avalon) '41 DODGE 4-door ...... .........$ 495 $ 50 ' . Torran ce 617 ^ Wrlto Box V. torram-.. Herald. Phone TErminal 4.9206 '42 PLYMOUTH' 4-door ..... .........$ 495 . $ 50 - Open Evenir gs Until 8:30 ' ' ' ,. 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4: DOOR .......... $1195 "TIIKMK IJEDMOOM HOUSE. ss-ioo ."' c-iirrd truat ilrcit. Payablo J37 ..........$ 147 $ 15 'J947 DODGE 4-DOOR ..................... $I2« $ 49 ~ $ 5 In iiouth'wcHl 1,. A. To'rYa'nc" Bld-w! Factory '36 OLDSMOBILE 2-door COUPE .................. ."$1195 ....;.....$ 125 $ 13 MONTH E;ND SALE! 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB Property 88 Motor .....,..$ 197 $'20 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL '37 BUICK 4-door ....... FULL PRICE 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE ...... ; ............... .$1195 '36 CHEVROLET 2-door ..... 1938 OLDSMOBILE Coupe . .-.'. ........ $ 55 MUST BE SACrilFICED $1146 $115 On<! C-T- . 100 ft. hualncu frontngi- in Rebuild ....... 1941 STUDEBAKER Champion '37 PLYMOUTH-Coupc .... ........ $ 167 $ 17 Rtni> for dovM'ipnwnt FORD "V-8" .... $ 89.50 1937 FORD Sedan ....'.. ................. .'?.:.$ 95- 1947 FORD 2-DOOR .......................... .$ 995 Brokers Wi-lranii. $10 PLY., DQDSE, CHEV. .$109.50 '37 DE SOTO 4-door Sedan. ....... .. $ 97 ....................... $ 55 Own'1- Long Brni-li n-S7iriO .......................$ 95 Installation .........,$ 20.00 $1095 ............. $145 Itnsincss 90 All Other Makes Low Priced See LINCH First 1940 PLYMOUTH Fordor .... .............. $295 i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I94i NASH CLUB COUPE .$ 895 1940 BUICK Convertible Coup .................... $445 ; No Money Down 1941 OLDSMOBILE Hydra-Mat . ........ $495 .$ 795 FOR SALE Small Monthly Paymenta Your Licensed and Bonded Dodge, Plymouth, and 1942 BUICK 4-door Sedan . REBORES . OVERHAULS 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sed in ' ......... $110 A Prosperous, Going TRANSMISSIONS Dodge Job-Rated Truck Dealer 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Del «e Sedan ............ $395 194' CHEVROLET'2-DOOR .$ 495 Business Concern C&G ' .-GRINDING CO. 316 S. -PACIFIC COAST HWY., REDONDO "Les" Bacon Studebaker 2130 - 233rd St.. Torrance Phone FRontier 2-2122 1200 Pacific Coast h Iwy., Hermosa Beach NURSERY Phone Lomlta 2070 Phone Fror tier 4-8991 SPECIAL 3 DAYS ONLY! by younger people willing to OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ' wor*. Community growing with Trailers 91 Mac Good Buys 1949 BUICK SEDANETTE .......................... .$1795 At 1948 FORD CLUB ............... .-,.............. .$1195 Plenty calli lor cut flawari. BALDWIN McCollum's PURSCHE'S Beat PROPERTY Best Buys Gaffey & 8th GOOD USED CARS These 1948 BUICK SEDANETTE .......................... .$1595 option for 5 or 10 yiara If ntaded. Trailer Sales '49 BUICK ROADMA'STER '41 NASH ''600" 4-DR. SEDAN Specials! 1950 CHEVROLET BEL-AIRE ..................... .$2295 \ $76.50 per month, walar J1.50 per Sedanette . ... .... $2395 Runs good ... $395 CHF.AP TRANSPORTATION CARS ^ month, no meten, uie all you START. AT J3J.95 '41 OLDSMOBILE "6" 2-DOOR 1949 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE '........., .$1595 Lv land ' for V "eA>e"<tf naadad. 3 Lith 2201 Pacific Coast Hwy. '49 BUICK SUPER '39 PACKARD CLUB COUPE. ~ houies, good seed itoTe, alao ollice, Sedanette .......... $2295 Ver'y nice .......... $265 '39 Plymouth ........... $295 WEEKLY°PAYMBN"T $9 Phone Lomita 1739 handicap. Alklng'siOCO for stock '48 DODGE' 1949 CdMMANDER 2-DOOR ..................... $1695 4 Goodwill. '38 PACKARD '37 Oldsmoblle ........ -$245 '37 DE SOTO 4-DOOR 12,000 «ct6al mile. Sedan ............. .$1695 CLUB COUPE ...... $195 With radio and Inner- MAKE OFFER FINE NEW AND USED '38 Plymouth Coupe '... ..$245 Down P.iymcnt VJ9 4-DOOR . WEEKLY PAYMENT $8 1949 CHAMPION JOHNSON'S NURSERY TRAILERS '47 CHRYSLER '39 NASH 4-DR. SEDAN $lt5 New Yorker ........ $1695 Mlet me at 16220 S Vernont '37 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR 5411 I. Arteila St., Ballllowar '3U PLYMOUTH Ave.. Oardann, tor th» bait Maal BUY, TRADE, OR SELL WE '47 DODGE Custom Sedan $1295 4-DOOR SEDAN ....$195 WEEKLY^PAYMENT" $8 -TERMS REPAIR GARAGE '46 PONTIAC Sedanette . $1 145 '41 PLYMOUTH '35 FORD 2-DOOR ' SPECIAL
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