WANT-ADS Smallest and Lightest in College Nick Tremark Hit .4G0 He Responsible for Any Debts Con- Players Baseball, (2), Worthington (2), Herman
Olympics Face Real Crisis Opportunity Knocks Daily In These Columns But Never Tarries—Answer All Ads NOT MANY-8UT Quickly LESS THAN 15S OF. a IN RIQHT PLACE! DISTRICT OR WATERBURT. M 1 THE BROADWAY Probata Court, Juno 11th i. D FOR 1991. Though our hero to nttlnr very MONEY NEEDED ESTATE OP Almas or Ami# Sols tow hita lately, pone can aay what vert, lata of Waterbury, In aald Dla^ BUGLE blnglea ho la getting, are not of trlet, dacaaaad. Upon tho applica- the moat timely variety. Saturday, ON tion of Arthur Montambault. pray' YANKEE HAND that ha ba authorised t< hla triple at Boeton, waa a moat Ing may •all eartaln raal aatata belonglm timeiy variety. to aald Batata—aa ipar appllcatlor By DAM PAKKIB Saturday hia on flla mora folly appaara. It la triple at Boston, No Contributions From 35 ORDERED. That aald appllcatlor was a most Im- ba haard and determined at th< portant sock, aid- Probata Off lea in Watarbury, -ir the Cubs to of Nation’s “Million- aald Dlatrtct, on the lfth day ol BILI> CARET’S LITTLE brother Mike built the Garden bowl ing o'clock ir take the first June A. D. lilt at t:10 The Garden now has an advertising manager Joe Sullivan, eon of the forenoon (Standard tlma), and game which they Eddie the alderman, has received offers to complete his higher educa- that notice ba given of the pendan- won 2 to 1. Yes- aires”—About $46,000 tion (which Includes football) at Notre Dame and Manhattan cy of aald application, and the tlm» his Arthur French, former Harvai I football, baseball and track star, who terday, single and plpca of hearing thereon, by PHONE I in the 13th in- thla order one tlma Ir married Joseph P.
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