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TAKEN-J' FIRST STEP to GET REDUCTION in WATER CHARGES REV. CANTY REPORTS PICNICA SUCCESS Church Services 800 ATTEND PICNIC of PR WOMAN SEVERELY HURT FIRST STEP TAKEN-J' WHEN AUTOS COLLIDE R O T H E R E S IG N S A S 8th Democrats Given Endorsement NORTH END G. 0. P. DISTRICT COMMITTEEMAN Cars driven By..osear Johnson of SCHOLARSHIP FUND TO GET REDUCTION 1502 Maple avenue and by Alexander By The Non-Partisan League The resignation of Joseph Rothe, of , Russack, of 141 Mertz avenue, collide- WITHDRAWS FROM 122 Summit avenue, as Republican | <** ?t Clark and Center streets, result- county committeeman of fee sixtii dis­ COMMITTEE PLANS The Hillside. Non-Partisan League IN WATER CHARGES' tee In a number, of Injuries to Mrs. Lee and AUcorn •" were notified of trict has been forwarded to Alexander League last night chdorsed for election the leagues action and arrived in the THE REGULAR CLUB J. Falk, chairman of the committee, __........ ------ ------- “ Russack, who was treated-iby Dr to the Township Committee the Dem­ latter part of the meeting. They spoke fe e Times learned this week. TOHOLDCAMPAIGN Township Committee Adopts Re- Jerome-j . kobb. Johnson was driving ocratic candidates, Samuel AUcorn briefly, declaring their first interest Mr. Rothe Said he i? required by solution To Bring Matter Before wcst on Clark street, when t>.n«.anir- arid Arthur T.,Lee. at a m e e t in g ^ Contend Action Of Regulars Is is the protection and benefit of the business conditions to give more at­ Will Start In September On Public Utilities Board drove out of Center Street, Patrolmen the Hillside Avenue Sohool The aetjon Not Compatible With High taxpayers, and said they, will keep tention to .his busifies and conequent- Drive To Make Township i Prank McGhee and Charles Grant followed a recommendation by the Ad­ Aims’ Of North End faith with the taxpayers. They said ly will be unable to do fee work re­ ‘Community Conscious’ RETAINED PERCENTAGES Vestagased the accident. visory board fea t fee members of the they would make no promises andi quired of a committeeman. The letter RETURNED TO CONTRACTOR board unanimously and unreservedly would not-be dictated to or dominated. CULMINATES QUARREL is dated July 7 and as yet rib reply has PUBLICITY CONSIDERED considered AUcorn and Lee, the best ...: Other speakers included J, Harry ON NAMING ASSESSOR been .made by Mr. Falk A VERY VITAL FACTOR A resolution was adopted by the candidates after having interviewed Swann, Charles E.. MoCralth, Jr„ and Township Committee Wednesday night the Democratic and Republican nom­ Raymond Iglar. The North End Regular Republican REV. CANTY REPORTS Flaps were laid last night for a cam- * to petition the Board of Public Utili­ inees. Club severed its affiliations wife fee paign to make Hillside “ community ties Commissioners for a reduction in „ .Thggi,as,. president of the Regular.. Republican Qlqb. of Hillside Conscious’’ of the Scholarship 4jd the water rates charged by the Eliza­ PICNICA SUCCESS league, made a report on why fee. ad- Tuesday night at a meeting ip the Fririd; at it f e jh e Sigh fichoto beth town W ater Company. The resolu­ visory board had reached the decision. Masonic Building. A resolution VIT APPOINTED BY Fund r,immlttoc tion listed several reasons why this Rev. Father Thomas F, Canty, ppas- adopted withdrawing its board__ He pointed out that the preamble o f and the executive board of the Alumni'" should be done, Including the conten- ter i>f the St. Catherine's Church, m fe e league’s constitution declared the trustees from fe e board of trustees of Association of fee school. The group tlon that the company's investment is 'following letter to the Times belief of the group that a political ma- the Regular RepubllcaW'OlUb. SCHOOL BOARD TO Iroted to sponsor a community, card : not as large as it was when the rates ”hanks..th03e..who participated. In and M jlte is a danger iio a community. He Was Returning; Home After Visit Affiliation Detrimental Iparty and da-nos in..fee high schoofca • were increased a few years ago and attended the w m m l^ ^ F ^ S n ic VBSld' declarod it 6 time appointments were To Step Daughter When Hit = John W. Krug, district leader of . .fee. terlday-.evening Sept8mha£_23: tlie fact that the-service is not up to Saturday made on the basis of qualifications and B y C a r On Salem Ave. REPLACE GEO. LANT fourth district, presented fee resolu­ Publicity to fe e needs arid merits of the standard maintained at that time — not on the number of votes a man con­ ‘The ‘Old Fashioned Community tion. He declared many members of fee fund and fee work it is acroin- r Seek Secretary Post- trols or can-influence. He said the sole ■ The man fatally ipjured' Monday Picnic1 which was held on St, Oatoer- Runnerup In Election Nam ed the club have absented themselves plisiifog was decided upon as a vital - , Three ^applications werewww iLwimureceived for -vjivuiiii&j juiy am was a .object now is to find jobs for fee peo­ Sohooi Grounds, July 9th To Fill Vacancy Caused By from meeting because of its. affilia­ night when struck by an automobile factor necessary to gain voluntary eori- 3 ple who control votes. , the post o f clerk to the Board of As- big success and X wish to thank every- tion with the Regular Republican in Salem avenue about twenty feet tributions from' business fums in- • sessors from Graham Winters, Sidney A. Wopd, secretary of the Recent Resignation ! who took part aa well i those* Club. - The club can achieve greater south of the intersection of Francis dustries and individuals. A program'of Jacobi and Albert Adams..They were who .attended league, in his speech declared that Anton A. vit, Jr, of 1520 Long ave­ untiy and strength within its ranks place, was identified Tuesday evening Ipuiollclcy concerning the work of the filed with other applications and the While many members are personal by pon-participation in fee Regular is ' WitUam-' GIM Oy; $8; - J a f i g r ' K r fiifto ccmmitsee wifi be ldid out. A pub. .‘I feel it is my duty at this time to nue, was appointed by members o f the appointment will be made at a later personally thank Mr. Ohas F. Jones, friends of the Republican candidates, Republican Club activities;- he assert­ Rherman avenue; Newark, who had ilieity oommlttee was appointed .by date. Mrs. Wells Woodfleld, the pre­ Mayor Stanley Weston, Mr. Wm. Robert O. Thompson and Committee- Board of Education Tuesday night to ed. John E, Trousdell, former Town- been visiting his. Step-daughter, Mrs Township Committeeman Harry. ’ sent clerk, informed the committee she Brooks, Judge ^amyel B. Goldstein, m an George W. Herlich they feel that complete fee -term of George O. Lant Ship Committeeman, declared he Anthony Nowhark, of 15 James street, Schnabel, ohairman of the Scholar- : this is the tim e. for standing for the refused to consider accepting the job. Police Chief Norman' Sanford, police who resigned two weeks ago. The term —glad tosee the North -End club break: ••nd was returning to Newark when hip Fund Committee, as follows;” : principles they believe in rather than The ordinance authorizing the Town­ Captain John Mason, Fire Chief away from a group that might inter* Struck. Anton A. Vit, Jr., Eugene F, Hoffman, simply on friendship. expires in February. ship Committee to appoint the clerk Albert Chamberlain, Mr. John Trous- fere wife the township oommitteemen Held For Manslaughter nine Nichols and Arnold H. to the Board of Assessors was passed High School Graduate dell. Mr. Robert Thompson. Mr H-.ign who are qualified to run fee township, The car was driven by Charles L. McCigig, on final reading. The annual salary ari for election to the board Gense), Mr.- Arthur -Lee, -Mr,Georgs Hillside Is too fine a community to be Wallraff, of 46 -King street, a candi­ The fund committee and fee alumni _will_ba $780, Honeywell, Fire Captain P. J. Keelan twice. He was defeated for a place run by any board or steering committee date last yiar lo r the Bepublremy no- executing board Will meet, next month " The retained percentages which the of the Elizabeth Fire Department, as 800 ATTEND PICNIC jnnlv hv a small margin this year, hold- and does not want dictation from such Mlqn for Tax Collector, W allraff to ooRsider further plans for building township is holding on paving Jobs y e ll as members of both the Elizabeth tog fourth place in a field ofsiX.He a body,” ne naasd, There was no other aUiotoJ uii' a ieCliuicaf Charge of up fee fund available for loans, H o ff-.... done by Chapman & Montgomery and Hillside fi>ligt_4 ^ 'E i r e Depart­ carried the west end of the township comment as the action was taken wife [Slaughter and turned over to fee mann, who is president of the Alumni will, acording to the terms of a reso­ ments who took paift in the sport OF PROGRESS CLUB by a decisive vote but lost in the other a rising vote. immediately. prosecutor's office, Chief county Be* Association, will call a meeting of that lution passed, be returned although games), also the Blessed Sacramenlt parts of Hillside. He is the first gra­ The resolution severing the tie be­ ■ f ife® Roy^-Ar Martin ^^ paroled'-him-in organization to gain toe cooperation . the time limits have not yet expired. Church Baseball team who also parti* The first annual outing and carni­ duate of Hillside High School to be­ tween fee clubs follows: is own oustody.
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