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MllMIUTr IIA T ^ ^ «» ' - Phr*-an' INffMi _af Mar■ta 1#6# : eflL'i.W waim 'affito'^^

Maay O : Caiartoa W. Oaraon af IB Walla iw aM hw iyitatia aodaty wlUj to born l a lf c and Mra. Edward wlB hoM a __ It toBlfbt at tha ItaHaa>Ainaal‘ , _jraat waa tnnafamd Iran tha o’aloak at « 7 : jhti wsfamtoy Maamctal honttal ya»: „ Banaan a t M Ctordan atraat on 0’alodt A ll 8$ i V i7dwii aaa cIoboaiadTMgaatraatattrSO] Batnrday at the Manchaatar I^ractical Gi/ta For ; .^«B M -’af «tauriaMmm ay and e’doek. ___ tarday aftanoan to tba Nawtagton hoi^lal, attar auffatlag an fttaok ortol hoapttaL The baby win ba MtmcheBter- ' A City o f ViUaye Charm named Anthony Bdamrd. Mra. »— ■ an mntndad that ofpoeumonto. rrian & may aand carda to Mm at tha Nawtagton Ilanaan'a paranta, Mr. and M ra today to tha toat day tor puirdwa- Chartaa E. MaUor M Arltagtoa. Mother’s Day AdvarUNas an Para I t ) UANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAT 8,1949 4 F U U in :B K N PA^BS) PRICE POUR Cl Vatarana hoa^tal. Nawtagton. VOL* LXVm .. NO. 181 • ■ ■At / *: !IW 'tntimtjr tiw tlckato tor Ladtoa* Night VIrglata. and New York Oty tare ■i.,— - U t. wtoch wfit ba bald on latuiday. lOeim. ^ ;• ▼idtliig in town tor the paat R a g . 9 4 . 9 6 5 2 ’ * X 5 2 *’ P riiit«d ■ta- lli tlw »!•• A group a t young paopio a t tha Mra carl Bchwarta of Pttkla iMOl t i Oonoordto Uitbaran diurah to atraat returned home Prfday attar Ih a Manehastar Ragtotarad Win Top Schodantic Honor# at High School Schoors __ 1 1» a gnawta o< Uun- "Miriwg ptoM for a tomily banguat a two wadu’ vacatton at Madeira liUncheon Sets Bradley Declares »m«««rtiig Mothar to ba baM Beach, Florida Mr. Sebwarta who Nuraas Aaaoeiatton will meat In cans ' tagk Irtitwl. tiua «c IMO. aeoompanled her on tha trip down tba hospital eUmc room tomorrow IM «M aln n Iwbbt rtn* Ptiday aranlng. Tha roatt baaf avantag at 7:50 o’clock A special Honor Pppiti dianar wUl ba aarrad at d:lS. Iha to Florida win remain thara tor. apaalmr tor the avantag, will ba ptonnad program pr omlaaa to ba another month and wlU alao vlalt intaroaUng and anjoyabta from Tanaa and other loutham provided. $2*98 Heart of Europe Listed Today . A t LtdtM’ AM lodaty «< Ooe- atart to flntoh. on buataaaa. MfflU lA tln n a dntith wtU atait Trin ity Paat Ndbta Qrandt As- A smart all ovar floral pattern 62'52 cloth with 4 large. In Legislature Have Uii nuittnff tmuorrow bIc M at Ifanchaatar Lodgo of Ma Tba bua raaervad by Mandiaatar aoctotion win meat in East Hart­ T:W Mwrp InMMd a t S o’doek ford on Wadnaaday at S p. m. matching napkins. A manufacturer's elosaout mama Miss Janit Rogers and will hold a apacial eommuiriftattonl Orange mambara for the vtoit to this low price possible. Pre-Iaundered and fast color. Is Defense Line to ar& tr to toko ean at tbo pro- on Tuamtoy. May g at 7:M p. Qunltaaett aranga. ta.niompeon. Membaia are raipiMtad to reasam- Miss Carq] B^yk Top giam wMek InclwlM a party fcr Tha Maatar Maaon dagraa w U OOnn., tomorrow. evening, win ber the Marry <3o RonniL ioaonry n«nb«n a t tba aodaty. laavo O ruga Hah at 6:50 sharp. S enior Seholaiffie Stn* aaampUflad by a team oompoi A t tba maattag of tha Protoa- u Ohslructionlst View of mamban a t tha Trardaral New Pattern#— Plastic Aony Chief of Stall tofM Cktowar Oaaip, ftiaaUto lonal Woman’a Club tomorrow Bendix DaLoxe Sounder Basis dent^ Assembly Tbid Wmr Yittanaa. win maat thii o ra - Bqnan Caub of tha Ttardam Ih- Uttto Chrtottaa Hager, daughter ovaniim at the Canter eburdi, Dr. Bendtx StMidard lanca Oo^ at Hartford. Than of Pr. and M ra RuaaaU Hagw- of AMure# Senate Com* ataa at tlw 8Uto Anaory. At and M n . Raymond U Barrett of Mtoa JanU Rogam to valadleto- lUa owaUiif thm will ba alacUona win ba rafraahmanta and a aoelall ProTidanca, Rhode Xalaiid, haa bean Longmoadow, Maas., will show $199.95 Table aoths i^ttee Frontiers of tor tha dalagataa aad altamataa hour following tha dagraa woili. visiting her maUirnal grandpar­ edorsd sUdaa a t thalr trip last $189.95 Seen Loomiiig rtan and Mtoa Carol Bobyk oaluta- ents, Mr. and M ra JdbnX Olson on House Votes 8 Bills ^ to att^ tha atata eoavoition In summer to the National parka in' w ith Naenud Inetoltotleo w ith Narmat Inataltotton O ^ lective Defense tdrton of tba aecond largest grad­ MrMgaport on Jnaa t and C. Pfc. Robart L. Johnaon, aon of Henry straft tha past two waeka Mr. and M ra Arthur W. Johnaon, ift Common With For Business uating claaa in the history ,of MSn- 65 Bdiool atraat, Mandiaatar, ra- A son waa bom to Mr. and Mra Reg. 91.49 54” x 54” ...... ■i ' ■ i ■■ ■' chaator High achool, tt waa an­ The Official board of tha South cither W ^tem Nations nounced thto moralag by Principal Oh Municipal Bonds eantty graduated from the A ir­ Wandan Pouehar of 516 Osntar Methodist church win maat In tha Moke Syry Day ''Mother's Day w nMwnmwBa plane and Engine Jet Madianloa stroat In tha Hartford hoapltal on obapal this ayenlng at 7:50. Shreve Says ‘Recession Cdaoa M. BaUay at a opaetai aa- o o n ts ; Repnblican oouna. Chanute AFB , II. Hla Saturday. M ra Pouehar to tba S v. Reg. 91.98 54” x 72” .. $ J.69 Waahington, May 3 .—<4^ sambly held in High School balL Retort Charges € ^ f* Modess oouna conalatod at training In former Bamiea OsrvtaL daughter -r-Gen. Omar N. Bradley told From Post'War Peaks* sm io iaialntanaaea of oonvantlonal and of Mr. and Mra Paul a t Janto to tha daughter of Mr. and . » Formula sehaton today that Ameri­ MHw Jaala Bagam MIm Carol Bahyk Mra. Frederick I. Ri^am of 88 ly to Measure* Affect­ emor Seek# , Only Axe turbo-Jat type atrcnft and thalr 70 Mata street With A Smart damask and floral patterns in heavy 4 gauge Inevitable t Will Bring angtnaa, Inatructlona ce n r opant ca’s dafenae frontiers lie *in VatodtetotlgB Balatatotlaa Wellington road, and CacoT# par­ your for neocb^,, plastic. Just wipe them off. WiU not crack or peel. Relief to Consumers ents nm Mr. and M ra WUItam ing Town* and Cities, F o F F i g U r i u g Tenonal Publicity*' tag, taaiwctiao; adjuatmenta, mata' Mr. and MIrA 'John ’Wutch” theiheairt of Europe.” The I aad.Mtoa Bahyk ware llotod today aa Wgli ■tafaato tananea and minor rapaln to all Lovett of 64 Hawthorne atraat, Bobyk, of 40 White atraat. And Fish B ills b ea u ty , 'ca re , t o o ! Aifoy chief of staff was be- r ehwa at MaaMiMter High eehaal State Cafiitol. HartfoM, ojnrtama and unita. Ra antarad tha will calabrata thalr 55 wadding aa- B n llcttn ! waa aaida la a aehaal Aetira lii Sali*al Affairs aerrica Jidy If , IMS. He attanded ivarsaiy today and will ba at fdr# the Senate Foreign Re­ In addition to maintaining the Rent Ceilings M ay 3 .— (JPh^ ov m rn o.i; BENDIX Limited QuantUiea Left lations committee UMirge ap­ WadUngton, Nay t — (dV- blgbeat acboluiitlc averagaa m tha SUte Cspitol, Hiurtfnrd,' tha Mandiaatar High adiod. home to friends attar dtanar this Bowles, reporting today that Saeratary at State Sehaatn M ay .'— (flP)— T h s Rduise np- avanlng. Mrs. Lovett to tha daugh­ Bromley Lace proval of the 12*nntlon North ehM toflpur tha atert a f tha SOS-membar .4radiiattag claaa of 8 f Republicans h#d refusad td ter of Mra MSuda CnmpbalL 1945, both girta have been highly proved to^ y nod sent to the Myatle Raylaw No. 9, Woman’a Atiaatle saenrity alltaaee. m raaavary gragrani No Immediate Answer hold further meetinga with Banadt Aaaodadon wiU meet at **Wntod Ba Oangnaal*^ tha tamlag paiat la Chinese Reds Claim active ta ax(ra-curriaular affalra Senate eight bills authoriz- I The Jahto IS praiddant at tha Currant him and- other DemocTstie WllUng WoHtora of tha Odd Pallowa han tomorrow night Automatic Washer ’XiaogmpMcany.’’ he m M, the eaM war. Bat ha eaaUaaed ipg vfiHouB municipalities to Provided on How Much at 6 o’clock. Tha aoclal commlt- South Maiathomst church win Table Cloths of ttaSM nembar nattona Affalm club, aaaUtant editor of leaders, accused the G.O.P. of I 1 that the waatora wotM ahaaU iuue bonds totaling 87,170.- taa win ba handed by M ra Batty Wadnaaday at 9:50 and the hoa- am anaady In pqsitieas wbvm any nat n a t.n g a a ’’the eaaeaea The High School World, prmldant New ‘Yardstick* WiU adopting ”a policy of irra­ teaaas for the aftomoon win ba Kwangteb Captured at the Spanish club, oecretery of gobtokl, Mra Ida Wataon and M ra We've got ’em! The latest, the greatest and the lowest At Greatly Reduced Prices Non tato weaUrn Burope addevedm * tor. Waaawt 000. Included was a IM,000,- Increase Rent# Costs tional oostructioniain.” Aldea Outamer. The Ouard team Mra Richard Turktagton and Mm. ba a oonqnast at their pmm .torward vtgaraaaty ta Sock and Buskin, and a mamber of 000 bond issue, to finance con- OijmmMccw Robart Turktagton. Tha Blue thf Round Tabto, a cappelto choir, ( II M» Chargaa “ Prwaaal FaMtaity** win prnetlea tomorrow avantag. priced of all automatic washers! The Bendix is the only tSa reaftaBltoe at anr h aW B struttion of a stafip. power A Republican report dwraad Plata supper uauaUy held at thto Reg. $6.98. 72190 seta ...... $ 4 - 9 8 SMiira yon that our froa- ato ablaettvaa." Aebaaaa told V ictory CliSmed in Bat* 5q)ia-attoa and T-taans. Waahington, ^ May 5 —.(Av—The tlina has been peatponad and wlU plant by tha-bofou^ of WoUtag- tha governor with ustag tka |M* automatic washer which has been home proved in 9 titora at eoUaettva detoaia Ua in a meatlag at tba Caltad Statoa de on Borders of Carol to atoo aa aaoutant odl- ford. government coma up tQd*y ntti a partisan meetinga far ;‘parhbaiai ba anaonncad at a later data w ataon with ttialm la tha hanrt rhaaihiT af OomaMrea’ ham News Tidbits tor of Tba High. Wpkop) World and new formula for figuring fair POHIM By-Ftay publicity,'" and aaM tha Lsgkdn* years of trouble frae service, yet it cost |4Q to |70 leas afW nnpa." * Kiaugsu - Anhwei and n member Pf tba Currant Affairs rent oailtago—but It,provided ao Reg. $5.98. 00.80 and 72190 cloths. . . . . $ 3 - 9 8 CalM Fram UP) Wires > The liouito acaaion. though de­ tnra would have to work out a i- amdiay backed atoo' tha admta- Waahtagtoa, May 5.—(F)—The club, Franeh dub, Boiiianhto. Stu­ immediate answer on now t wiU program without the govaranr’a than other automatic washers. Now choose from 6 g r e a t totratton's ptoanad mguaot tor 5L* praaklaat of the United Statoa Chekiang Provinces dent Council apd Spantob dub. voted wholly to bllto affecting in­ ooslatance. ORANGE HALL BINGO dividual towns and dtlea aad to a Increoae renta. 155.500,000 tor araw aid to tha Chamber of Commerce aoid today lAIfOH toaS aver to 8avanty.«na addiUanal bopot atu- The new formula wiU tp.iliei Asserting that “soonar or tatar, Bendix washers and get yid of all the work of washing! Reg. $4.50 and $4.98. 60|80 and 72190 $ 0 , 6 9 pact aaUona. Undar qiieattoning denta ware atoo nauned by Mr. few flah and gome maoxurea, woo ClolllR* •*e«eoe*«*«»a##nenn*enaean a *YaeaaMoa from poat-war paaka' Bhaoghai, Blay 8 .— (/P )— fly^ Atlantic to oa wav to England to the 14,000.000 dwellinga etill the reactionary grip on tka Ra- 22 REGULAR GAMES n u n ptonator Donnall (R , M«m , in giant Globamaatar.. .Riubard BaUay thta momiag. Utoaa otud- marked by conaidembla pohJlcal publican party in Connecticut will Easy terms! % . Kwangteh, important city hy*ptoy. under Federal rent control, 't .wan ha aald tha uenay arould ba ■ pant o f buaineaa to taevltabla. Ha added Tabor, fimt-yaar medical* atudeat ahta. hieva maintained an average worked oul under order* trom be broken,” tha guvamnr eallai to put la Miapa and ahip to Buropa that It will bring “ ovardua reUal midway between* Wuhu aad at Woat VliglBia unlvaraity, deUv- of B or batter tbrongbout tbdr Speaker John R. ’nuifa da Ha again bemoaned whok ba tkaS tke oalgtaal eont of.ika aquip- nual maattag. alao told aooM 5.500 Communist radio said ta i^ . taken by the House to certain po­ colta the " ‘rotten borough’ ajnfaaa f o r 5t o n ^ ~ i m d ' "Guard of Honor,” a novel.; .Bo­ honor atudenta "moct unusual," taat night announced d*'ai'.i of the aiant waa aavaral tlmea graatar bnotaaoB toadam: The radio claimed victory for livia oounta at toast ate dead and Prtadpal Bailey aoM that this .ta litical devdopments. new “yarda'tiek,” designed to pro- of representation” which gives the EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 51 150 000,000 Rapubllcona a majority to the Hollanderisingl ^ Electrical D cfti— Basement than tha . , Ogum ad- *Whan tha currant readjuat- the CoRunonista in a battle S5 wounded aa result of Moody tha largest group to attain honor Though Thim shut off SB speak- v)^ property owners .1 n<’ >perxt- HBW STASTINO TIME— 7 :U The JJ99. O A i:W COM nUatotratton ottetoto* have used ta mant haa rna ito oourm and buy- on the barders of Kiangs'a- ■toda. which EoUpMil Sunday’s m t - atetua in tha htatoay o f ^ adraM. aaq M ata. thgy.Arou^t Uuttvrf" i^tm tam akf 75 to 40 ytti'cent on House, and said: tag tor taveatory raptocameht ra- morka to conclusion, conaidarable MANCiMMrtMl COMW apaaking at tha progmia. Anhwei aad Chaktong provlaoaa. Hamenthyy oletnlona . . . IBlIlat Tha honor atodanto onaiprtae al- rental- Unita. “Thla means that tba Houaa at- For a eompleto rart— Bradlay asM tba Joint bhlefa 6f vtvaa, buUaaaa * o u fd fla d . Itaalf The radio aald 9,400 Natlonaitata Beaeevelt aoya that U. A slnca moat the odtlm top quarter of the mantioo waa made of the tactic RapreaenUUvaa haa a Bat and , atatf am .*ia wnanlmOtia ogma* on a aouadar and taSaitaly aiom ampkn'ad by the Democratic con- Gawatleaa Left (JMiak^’ared flqal veto ov«r all legtalativa no* anda wonderful beauty 1 warn captured. end of World war H has q>ant as graduattag claaa. with only f|ga Tba new poUey, Woods atuu Win BMOt" that ta earn aC attack aattotoctory batoa.” The report hat not bean con- much money sUppoattag ‘ToteU' echo]ora who are not honor stud- troilad Sonata ta delaying action grass ta tha atata or Conneetteut. ’Tha ahitt to a atom aohd and on ao-caUed.'"pt^ Republican bilto. not mean a general, tcrooa-ina- The dead bond- o f Republican taad- treatmenL k t ns cam fta V ikJWHAMIcou Aatorlea’a atmtogy will ba to ’’car­ drmad hy'aay other aourca. tarton and faactot ragUnaa'as wa anta being laduded. in the top board hike ta the nation's mnt ry tha war back to tha aggmaaor, orderly pattora of prooparity win have for true danwcratle mgimaa.'* ,T hc bmak-down In tai-parttaan ership U a heavy hand ...” s m i o B B S o r your for ooeL We’D store) MANCNIfTiA Conn* aSorto to tolaptmae Hangchow, quarter. ' ) . . . bOl. Bot in opnouttclng the baata muntotaty auhjngatlag tha aoureaa ba Modiad ar dalayad. Shrava 191 inllaa aouthwaot' o f ham, CI& United Auto Wotkam form The iargaat graduating date talks, anndmead'today b|y tba gov­ The governor said tha tafonna- .It in our spacioaa vaults aald, if tha govataatoitt ratoaa tea- ernor, and tka appotatmept of under Which aU futura rant m- at hto aaintoiy tad laduatriai brought, tha raply the Uaaa wata a ^ aak Ford Motor co m p ly for wax that o f 1949 and - aantalnad Qs«aate-w^ he granted, th* bow. tibn that the RapubUcana would AMESITE DRIVEWAY snd As wffl noLLuninizs aa aad laya deton aoanow lo aon- ’^mt •f^peder.*’ 806 mambara. Gtadnatiidr tkta ItoiWk y . foUftt-ya 'toambar o f (aa mg diracior left ifaSnawerad: hold ho more w-parttaan confkr- M n M q sM a O i trokh-ea pmpoaid by Fmaidmt Tha Oonunaatot radio aald atoo vaar will frjipx.'^tomtag. June govnVnor’ a cR S l 1 ataJL 4^ eaaeu- ancaa Came from Senator ChasMp JM m TiurvfB and AsphsH and M B it lor a new loose on Ufa uvo- tMaitiaa m in ine the nura H iird Taxingn district leSislation at the foot of theM ca i-„ H m Orifliial la Now Enclaiid a .hrtdgalMad p inoome. In *ucn ?aaaa. rente *•?' HMt toTlMM. Quizs^d Again Taagtaa and tha aaa hod bean un- youngatem Jola volunteer aaarrii- Hl«ghaAtlf V I WA i ®* Ronvnlk. 1750.000, be upped to a SO u«. cent •e%*eL 1 tha obattnaat covamd. em who am aaarchlag tar them... A V i c w r p aawem ta PiPutnaih. (200.- (Coallnaed aa rage Tea) ’Ta WMd war n.”n .’ ha aald, *wa Tha American opokaomaa aald |0M. Ta r “targa” ' tandlorda— thoM ' and HEALTH MARKET Whnn y «« loiBW whol MIRRO mnana to Mother.., Twenty-year-old U. 8. Army priv­ ____ rn tha ataetric ntant and' ranting more than four units—in- had tha aaotty «tparl*aea of the Navy waa atill ready to avacu- ate from Chtoago to itontaneed to tog, oa tha NonoMfly haaebaa. tha Angela Calomi^ Still ato tha 1,600 Aatorieana otlQ ta S^«Srw"’’;.'rSSeS' Arg™U»« IW >*• ■5™** o" IRa To Cut Funds aa an FBI informant ta the Cbm- Be Given Help Sdrmnto, Italy, oa third part at Argentina Dalraata Rodolfo Mu- In addition to eettine up the State department haa given gfjrin hou** muatot party. Italian tour ....Four hundred Buk- ttox mod# kta proposal during de- NewDamPlanj amount of net Incothe to xHicb pcrailaaloa to nagottato dIfatMly HOwavar. Angela Caiomiris, the katoka# guanISaa attack Cabaaa- bnto on laratfa admiaaloa to landlords are entitled under t^ with the ttapart-lmport bn^'-far GRAPE PRESERVE 21c photographar, did aot altar her tuan, aortheast o f Manila, but am membtmhlp In tea U J{. )taw. tha prncedurM elv- outline aa Anieticna govemmeal ’ iawa Baby Shop Vandenberg Is Ready to Chennault Spys Secur­ driven oft by oonatabutary troops Preea Ottoer (Uotatel MeOararntt, taatiawny on party activittoa He spoke after tba Arab oouncoun-' NwviwatLkii I oteps which ..iust be taken MAXWBU. Boina B E N D I X aulotnalfc Iro n er Ask Five Per Gent which alia obaarved during aavan ity of -United States Brltitoi Btoadcaattag corpora­ tries aterted a taot-ditch Bght to i *.jOmu»II®W • l*#VH R»iun* i hy ludlorde to get rental booeta. ta anaouaring thta. sold a apaalr t yaam at uadaroover work: tion says ito broadcaata dimetad delay Xaraal’a hdmtaaion. P a w o ^p P n k i e e t a t W iu ll* Lbndlorda first must p cti;' n govramaeat repreaentethre uaR B M lliR O , the flnmt nlnmlnuni, to Slash in Aid Money She waa croaa-aaamiaad for the At Stake in Conflict toward 'Ruasia am briag Jammrt. Pope Plus imracentta aat)l the : e* .« • m-reiues un- come to Waahtagtoa aaan to tpta COFFEE 1 L b . B ag 49c noddng new to I M w . dtoiww am, ibe elrcedy has come of • ADJUSTS TO n r YOUI tklrd day aad haa bean on the . , . . Top policy makers of CIO- Romon Cathohe Church fnvomd i m Ar Ixycks Is Fsvoreq | —----- nitb beak officials At tba saw Unitad Sta^orkam of America on mtamottoital mglmp to guoranr j ■ ^ (Voattaued ea Page Bigbi) Uma. a highly tafurmed xa««*f* thtoc vpnfhHng, emy-tmekaa ntendb, and hm often wiabed for Specials ' Waahtagtoa, May 5—(F) — Sta­ atand ataoa taat Tuaaday. Waahihgton, May S—cF)—Gea. • isss cioTHff smrfiMOl Mtoa CaloBUrto toatiSad that one ■tort thraa-day maetinga in Pitta- tea free acoaaa to Jtnualain’s holy . meat ohlctal aald the Vultai State* maim A pcdi in her cupboards wQl tdl you what ptoccs she ator Vandanbm li l ^ Mich.) Joined Claim Chennault aald today the aa- bmwh ta Which they are ekpedad places. I . Hartford, May 9 — Con,- Pmator Taft iK . Obloi today in a man ta bar |iorty branch waa aa- curity of tba United. Statea to at ctructitol or a pamblara oavigatioe ■ e ^ • riUI bellrve* dpata •• • SCOTTIES FACIAL doani't bava... and sohra your gift profafcm. drive for a 5va per cant cut ta gov- pellcd In 1M5 attar ha had object­ to frame 1949 wage and social In- Nat FaaebdUavtaf Vam nh It rtah. lafants’ CJiristening Sets ataka in China and plsadod tor auronca damonda. . . . Salectla ii'*: Iraqi Dalaitata'dMBil Mo^d Ab* wd pow^dam to «*• Atlantic ract # . A O evnmaat opamttag ospanaaa. ed to attaeka oa Earl Browitor, ‘ poMtiva acUon” to . aid anti- Jovy bagina in mUrdac trial In New rlvar at Wtadaot; Locks. will be ^ Vandonborg aald that if tha than top Oomumniit official ta baa opened debate oti. the tara^l SbettoB !dan Badly Burned TISSUES Giria’i Draaa, gertrode, coat and bonnet ...... $ 10.98 Gire Mother The New Easier Cotnmuntot forcaa Utorc. HOVaii ^ FUippe Totnoasl. 58-yaar- appheatioa by daotaring in the mooouqteffad wllbta' a l«W -waeka Aaaunta. May g—Wj— llmasna J- ■toah to appUed acroaa tha board to thto country. by' the U. 8. Corps oa Engineers ■pproprlauoaa bUto aa they come The warttaM Nadar of the “Fly­ old ax-convtct, Indictad for first General AaaenfMy’a 58-natiaa apa- Again Target llemaaway, II, at 54 Perry nvaitaa M irro m a iic Boyn’ :>->Romper, coat and bonnet ...... $10,98 The government ooatanda. that ing Tlgam” toldjtha Brnato Armed dogma murdor in aloylng of Con- ctal Political,coanlntttae tlmt the the 8 tate Flood Cotitral «nd Water hbeltoa aaa badly burned today !« • P k g . M c d ..P k g . F or bwom the Saaate. ha wlU oak that Um pmaant party legdorshlp waa PoUoy eommlprion annountjad to- 2 25c 4 Q L - 412.95 Way To Iron WHh A fu n ^ for tba European Raoovefy Sarvttea commtttaa tM|kt tha boot graaa avaaua Jawatar during nt- raapmulbie for Browdar'a ouoter part uf China already baa baeg (CaatlBOa#' au raiw *A i) piogram' ba cut ta a Uka amount. tamptod bokhip. W a lla re . Say# Trealy Mirropfatie Infantp'* Crepe Sacqnes, in white, pink or bine, Pmviotuly, the M l^ g a n aana- ta 1 H 6 aad fm a a witch ta tha toat to the Oommnniato < "by ouT j’^'aw.ptanr for .the navigation HMMim^.lsTSa^wai rmitayt.nl • 8 QL-- 4U. 9S te* fought to piuvant any atooh ta party Unr to advocacy of a pNlcy poaoivlty.” , , . and hy-droalactric powar project Deinaml# *Curruptiuii the ptaaL waa onearltag n honsy laee trim 91.^1^1 tba 5B.450.00a 0M MUMwlI plaa of vfoltnt revolution. *Tf wa do not act aooa, xU China raborUd to the- ootnmtaraHi ^ t e r - ■natal raO when emmm eh oasM CABBAGE Strainer Pan BENDIX IRONER authortoaMoB. altbougb ba aald Tha wttaeaa taatlfiad yeatarday will oa lost,” be added. afternoan by Richard Martin. Of Political, Moirdity’ rahitaarr an H’oauirai Bta Oa that waa only a caning uodar that ptopa foi a Pfograaatva party The ratlrad Air Force otficar, of Beer-Can (^^ner ) ito oectoUry. diner mdirally from mpartcdly ffghtod n ma(rii to mad 91.7f were dlaciiaaetl at a Common lot , pravNua-wropoas to to nccomplMi Infants* Seersndter Sun Suits, phuitic lined, whtdi tha Appeoprtottoao ecromlt- now hoad'uf a comraareial airlina Bo4toa May 3—UP)—Henry A. a sartal aaasher oa the ra# whan Tnbed Cahe Pan taeo had a free haad to nmhe ra- ntaating lopg bafora a party witb In China, urged at toast a mtal^ ! tba aaaidWjactii The oM pro- tee Bcr idaat happwiii d plain for boy or lace trim for jgirl . . 9 1 .9 8 bha* matMnrmv \ WoUaca- says tha Atlantic poet t o r i * 91J 6 duetloaa. that aama waa orgaaiaad to run mum program of aid ao that tha Saves Polio Victim*s Life pooata stirmd .wite coatrovaray demands "corruption vorruotion nrof nnitti^ipolitical POTATOES 25c , ' ' ”1 don't know any buataaaa that Henry A. Wallaoa for pmaldant. anti - communlata aaa hoM a ovar a pariod ot 95 yaam. Dntueber Batoatatad Tha oatisiatad coat of the pro­ and personal morality.” Mirra Cookie $229.95 Qoutdh’t maka a 5 par cant cut la She aald aba attandad the aiaot- -Twachbaad for tha taourgonca at The pact’s price, ba told a Pro- U actaaatl, May. 8 —(r i—IAa Bonnet#* head siae# 1 3 ,1 ^ 1 5 ...... 9 1 .5 9 to houackaaptag aoate If It had tag la tha wtator at 1M7. Tha p r » Ithaaa, N. Y„ May 5—UP) ^ A>oa tt wblob aHappd over the pl« ject. aa now ptamtod. Is -(25.000.- Dnraeher, amaagar af liha (taw P ra a o -d lA O Chinaaa nationaltom.” greoMve party rally yeatarday, ”ia to.” Vandaahara aakL ‘^mth aa- gmaalva party wga aot up to Ju^y, Spaetflca^. ba aald tbam am praqty. young mother stricken,n nioa^. 8a - I a n p ^ 'l t on and 500 to (50,000,000. the oompromue with reaction that YaritOkmtg w ^ ^ >ad9g» pandituraa gtaag tha rata they am URRd it RR R IttMORk** Working ta cToaa. onoparation HEALTH MARKET T m K ettle 1548. * vast atoekpUaa” ' o f arma ta tha with polio ended a croaa-ceuntry it forcee on the buyers." O b w ta tha govammant, Fd Hka to aaa Statoa Friaolpai Spaaliar Palmar bagan.tffv t5*bour Job of wtth Uw’eeroralsqKni. other state Chandtar said ba beard aa eridanst 5 Q L - 4 S.45 Hat# in grey, red* brown or blue. Siae# PblUpploM aad other Paelfle areas trip today ta an iron lung —aHve The U. 8. la welcoming the " Another great laundry work saver—by Bendix. Jroner tlwt aconoBiy oppUad.” Undar dafeaoa cmaa-apaaitna- that could be uaad- working tlw bqinp by- haad when aganrien local graernment offl- tatorahip” ta Portugal, be de­ euffletant to aappart a skarga hr GBAJHI AGOOO •mall, mediom and large ...... 9 1 .3 9 How far the currant aooaomy bacauSa o f bar husband's daft use - the Mactrie m aUt gave out east etala aM rafacted private intereats Te a K e ttle tloo, tha uadaroovor agaat aald Gravely, aa warned that Ruaata clared. It ta rabuUdtag Germany Fmf Bayaaa a New Verb tata height, knee control and lapboard aU adjust to your drive may gat to a auaatloa th u to atanding “pn the brink of unllm- o f a baar-can opanar. | af Chayatuw.- Uw Army aaginWs have mode aad Japan tato a ‘teew workritop teat OnrarijarJtaijMaasgl^ IQLISJ 6 w ill have to await actlea on all ap- the priactpal a^oakar at the meat- every e ff^ ffetflng the study of lag waa John pataa, adUod of Tha itod wiipaaaaa in the Far B oat” Death rode ovar t|w Union Pa- j Tha comhiator wired ahead to for war.” ba added. It ta trytag BEEF STEAKS u. 79c Waphable Pique Bobby Hal#, riae# 6 month#, size and com fort Fully automatic heat controls. See avoprlattoo bOto. Tha Senate to cific Flyer that broufM Mra. i North Ptatta Nab, tor q new ar- tha i u t tww and a half years Mr. to ‘.’sneak Franco’s Spain Into the Otantowns taM ka a e rif» W NI trimmed Sirloin, Porterhooee and Short Steah. Drip CaOee juat br^ital^^te tak^tham up. DaUy Worker, Oommuntot ngwa- Other Ciaatriaa W # Fan Bhlriay Palmar, 97. across tba matpra ar a aaar power and. pump Martin aaM. to aUmtaate.obJecttan. how easily anyone can iron anything now—with tlw here. Aai) If Ctnaa to owallowad up by back door of tba Unttad Nations” 6 C « p - | 3J 5 2 year# 91*39 waatora ptataa yaaterda.v. unit. ■hla fagturea af the aaiiiar plans It ta supporting the Duteb ta Indo- a ' f«»BO(UM)tar Saaator Taft ta one o f U party toad- the Oomamatots. ChannaUlt aald. ]Bu( bar war pUot-huaband was Na Beplaeanwnt pens Maw rauaodnra FaBawed new Bendix Automatie Ironer. am oa trial to Faderal coart oa Indo-Chlna, Malaya. Siam.' Burma nrile with Marshall plM aid and trad aitflM Oidarad Drip Cnffte the aituatlao With a mpoitar. baalda her whan the rie ^ iic motor There were no ropiaCeoirni pasta Tha eurtant inraaBgation'af the titatag “pride in the number at Delsrit. May #*-0 aaM -'N iril leak the Senate ’ Qbxrgaa o f cutaptracy to 'teach and ladonaoto atoo will fall to tka pgaWtaHty Q t aktaading Connecti­ 8 C B p ~ f t .2S Denim Short#, plaid trim, siae# S, 6X r91*00 Oammuntaia. opamttag tha air* .pump of the al North Ptatta Rut tha Omaha ’exccutiona’ performed by a cor. UaH ad'Aufa Waritora BONELESS VEAL pidilicaa Fottoy ooaunittoa to aad advocate viniaat avarthraw portehlo iron lung huraed out. Pim dapnattpanl arimd Diat a cut rfera «b*4htlon from Hart­ rupt and savage Greek k oeerh* a l^ tomevraw-what eouma .tha o f the O. 8. UovaaBBBaa t. ' In turn ha said Oomaiuutot oc- PwnwbrMand brand new pump wUt gwaitad tke ford to Mplmba, Maes, the C o ra e n d N o U Come In! See It! P6i ^ aaght to taha la aa ggan to Mtoa Catomiria aaM eumo mam- cupattoa a t aoutbaaat haia “wlB s a jt s L 'c f n FOR STEW 9LM Elatcfaing A^idriff# 91*00 Bfcauaa he crouchad tharS and Palmara thf*a^ M 4 fahnar carried deratapkwnt "el bbrer qt Wtadoot Hath at koaw. WaUpoe aata cut aspaaaca to the potat wham It bam at tha maattag objactad to brtag gmva ptaatouh upon ladto opamtad th4 lung pump by hand on until they mrabad OmahaU- Lraka wfw'oritated by Chngreei PreeWant - Tritman waa . told ay wtn Bot he Bocaaoary to ratoa aaw puahUig a pragraaalva party aad aad aaoauragt to Sovtato; to ra- fra mom than 10 btmra. kha* antera squa^Dng, than knaaUng. than ait- Jate. 5. I#4f. It has baba carried on Sepatora Ommalty

Hi,* ■/■}■!' '.'3 . , i-' '..'^r , t-' ■ •' K v'-- I'.it.jK ^ '■.'■■■■'. "’ ■-■■''■. . ■' MANGHE8TBR SVM UtU UElBALil. MANCHiaB'rER, CONN., TUBSOAr, MAY 8. 19-lS iiUii MANCBE8TBB CVi»lNd M A LD . HAlH»flVl^R. CONN, TU t^A Y . MAT l U 9 -'I- ■■ > ■ ^ y , - f ^ ■^i••V ■*' j baled on aijvirrai ocoBJwns uui,na ‘ the drive. AMESITE DlHVEi] erect dwelling doaer to north ald«: with -padugea. WUsy Mam has aaaawnoed pnwtidi O nly 7 iHfles o f Roods Gmcer Drive Although tbe local quota has game which will be played eritti T o B o Itta ta D e d PartieB Split lymss ArraageBt Une than rtmilaUona. allow oni aailsted to unwrappiiuMmr pack^ S lij^ r« M a y Town Offiduib not been tiled, it h o j^ that It CBidee VN Maleriala Zoning Board Lot NO.'m, AltowatrtM;^ lit Ken­ Columbia the girls ba mem­ tha-4affbv«r taeato Buadiy aner- win be' during the w ^k. Response neth Ostrinaky, permlaaton to con­ bers b f her bridal party. The boe- noon at 3 o’clock on the Andover In Eb^tionB Here Called Unimproved Returns Slow from local retailers has been ao Thonuit IK Colla duct Insurance busineas in homo The April Shower .Ball held ia tsesse ware Mrs. Robin Lsoaard, League field. JBe Paroled 'Wait Opi^onj disappointingly slow that a report Acts on Pleas Barbara Ahem, Lillian Day. Alice cm this group Is being postponed 2-9219 and to have sign for same, IM Yeomans hall, Saturday night, un­ Donloa and Dorathy Lsonaro. They Mr. and Mrs. Joaenh Kaplan who Tall CedBFB and Shrio- Bisaell street. were married April 3, have re­ Demiiarats in Two In apiU of the fact that O o n -ra ffo rd 308.4 mUee, H a r^ rd until U ia more nearly complete.. der the qwasorshlp ot Columbia served dainty aandwtehas, cakt, YHnMTBDKIv-nU-SAT. Town CounaU Studying] Balch-PonUac, secUnf permis­ turned from their wedding . trip Board of. PBidons AI m n«Alcnt to regarded a . highly s ^ T »•»'• Waterhury 3X8A eps. However, Give the The siuble amounts already Recreation Council was the crown­ and eoffae from a tabto mads love­ and have aet up houaakeeptng In Towns W hile Re|mbli- mil as. received from a small percentage Three Applications Are sion to sell and store used cars at ing point of the council’s adtlvt- ly with bouquets of spring Bowars. Autumn Street's Sew­ 160 Center street, withdrew Its their newly fumtohed home on R educes Sentczicis . of tied, naiwly one quarter of its Improved highway mllsags to ..CampBigo Fine Booat of mercantile establishments leads Granted, Four Denied, tlss and the highlight of tbs Miss Wiley will bo married May U WUUmanUc-Hartford road. Mr. ana Oorry Two Othepa noticeably proporttonet# to popu. Mrs. Ubert, campaign chairman, application before the hearing, as social activities here. The hall in Columbia Congregational church er Situation town read systesM to sUII rated Excellent Butlnou did Alfred Dupuis, seeking, per- to B tound MaSlad ^ WilUman- Kaplan to to the dairy and poultry M ancheater M an aa unimproved road by tbs Stats ■ lation to tho state estimates. ;Due to voluntary “support on to believe that when the, returns Two Withdrawn was made spectacular by a can- bualnoaa •with hto. brother, Morrto By The AiMSdated fn m tbe part of the TaU Cedars and from the remaining arms are re­ mission to keep chickens and erect terplacc In tha form of a hugs Uc. ’Hm problem of toaUltotton qf { Highway DepertmanL Work performed with state Loctnion For Rent coop for same at 90® Tolland turn­ The Andover and Columbia base­ Kaplan on Cheatnut Hill. 'M re. Hartford, May »~(P) — Thrss Dsoenria rsUlnad ooo^I of ' money to other yean has reduced .Shriners, Manchester’s Cancer delved, the local drive may be Three ■pplloattona before the Sower-pot It was four fast high Kaplan, the former Rebecca Sara- eenltory eewer Unas to serve Au- Entiakl and Slmsijury, while Re- Manebtstor baa only asven mllea foM proated by $346 during Sat­ considered a complete success. AHoU pike. and probably six foot across aad ball teams met In a practice game men convicted of murder, now the milaag* of unimproved, or dirt BISSELL ST. Zoning Board iMt night were Action Is Deferred Sunday afternoon, on the Lsagus Rae Horn of WUUmantlc haa been eerving Ufe terms to state prtoon, tunm street sad the undeyelo^ thuMtff Mn ransinod on top in Nnu* of roads listed by the State Hlgh- roads to towiM which to turn has urday's celebration. Featuring the from It atretchsd Sowar stsms go­ amidoyed aa a aeerataiy to ttae^ g a ta d c e ^ TrumbuQ to Munlciiiel sray Departmant as unimproved, SMrinera’ moakejr-mascot and Fire Destroys High Octane Gas granted, four denied, and two The Great Atlantic and Pacific held in Andover. John BoCekoUt have beta made eligible for parole ares to the eaet of th at road' to' Increased the state grant for 1649- ClfMie T« Main St. It Fine In ing nesriy to the ceiling on 'which and Iks Gennaa wart the local Zoology Departmant at the Uni­ by the Board of Pardona atlll unsolvad, awaittog optolon etoetkma yaetetday. • and on wtaleb it has bean ellottad 1960 to $406 a mile from tost hand-orgam the coUecOon taken Alexandria, Vs., May 3—(P)— withdrawn. Action waa deferred Tea Company presented two appli­ had been hung colorful balloons versity of ConneoUcut In Enfield, Denuicrata ssaito a this ysar 13.831 of atate funds. On About 300.000 gaUons of high oc­ cations to the board, but action batteilss. The gams eadad a a Governor Bowles predided ever from tha town counsel aa to yser'a allocation of $870. This was lip along the Une of marrii exceed­ Sture 20* By SO* on two other applicatione. pending repressatlag the Sowars. Tbs pbee field by a two-hour The Eye Of the submission of a new plot plan. permission to move e liquor outlet purchaaad a lasga Chriatlan Flag The men are BoUsh. Maskaltls, town wrlll recsiva an ellotnient of way Oommtosloaer G. Albert Hill Heat Porninhed The following applications were which were lighted by a spotlight tographer for National Broadcast­ which will match to atoe, the 66, of OoUtosvtUe; Robert Bairn, manto, may ba dafened if a sawer the minority reprsasntatlon re­ $46,677. made public agreements between tte appeal for cancer- fire believed set oft by lightning. from 723 Main street to Eart Cen­ fiom beneath and with a fan there ing Company to New York City, twfiw Una to installed to serve the quired by law. ’nmothy S. Conley ucoi -i: lU... Palmer, permission to keep chick- they were kept bobbing up was a wsek-snd guest at Marrl- aome montha ago to replaeo the ren, M, of Hartford. area. Whaiher or not ths Dlmetom Tb.l waa ra-Gsetsd Brat aetoet* entirelylUrely out ef the . ''«Brt toatf* ttlcs concerned.eoncerned. ap Uberally on Saturday are age tanks on a cleared hUltop, of land on Foster street for a busi­ and down all evening, making maes, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maskaltls waa convicted in 1663 will oontlnue cooatdsratlon of this | men, rsceiving 3.06U votes to class, other 'towms still show again thanked for their generosi­ part of the Army Engineer corps BRAE-BURN REALTY cne and to have coop for same at ness exit The board has asked for old one in Blllcage Baa 3 Tanner street; Raymond Col- very effecting lights and shadows John A. MaeVeagh, Br. tienal church. The Chriatlan of killing Joaenh Kapento. The meaauni at its aasaioa tonight to ia$6 for bla RapubUean laiTs mileages of unimproved ty, especially thoae who have dP* reservation near Fort Belvolr. new plot plans. on the celling. The staga, by use Mias Lois DaVris of Southiiiftoa axe-alsylng took place In 'a ehack uneastato. atopa the Board fa FraneiB A. Ryan. At the same time Oommiasioner • .. But Not In pltts, permission to use proposed has been purehaaed to raplaee the hixhwaya. Litch6eld County HUl reported on the dlrst road ap­ Three applications held over of Sower boxes, waa a veritable spent the week-end with Miae Ruth State Sag whlrii haa hung to the Avon mountain during a quar- voted to withhold from the public In aimabury. DsmoemU ra- seems to hays a larger proportion two-car garage for temporary liv­ Robinson and attsndsd the April any advanoa notloe-of what It will tatoad tea first and second aelect- propriation of $1 mllUon, be issued ing quarters at the rear of 494 from the last meeting of the board Sower garden, and around the church with the American Sag. I over a $600'debt. ‘Am crime Salvatase 9. 'Ve of dirt roads then any other, writh YOUR Fur on April 18 were heard. All were hall, which was set up oabarot Shower BalL waa found out when the shack, to taka up la its futum maatlags. manshlps, but yielded tbe tax ool- Fairdsld Oouhty etoo In the run­ the break-down of aUocatlona for North Main street; Ernest A. aiid which waa a gift to the church which Kaponto Uvad, waa found toetorahlp' ' to the Repftopulrilcena El­ oonstructlon and maintenance of Holden, permission to do light granted as follows: Richard Parl- styls, there war# Maybasktto on Mias Janet Cblllns. a UnlTSfSlty from Mre. Mary Yoomana many Basad on past- dtocuaslon. It ap- Salvatore J, Vendrillo. of d7 ning. seau, aeeklng permlsalon to use » each tabio, Sllsd with candy and of ConnscUeut student of Nursing, aare. paam that tha problem for tbto bert R. Curtla (D.) waa Gaotsd Improved roada In tbto group tbe Coat! manufacturing In existing build­ yean ago. It u a grown *abby Bates end Warren were eodvlct- Alton street, will be toatsUed fii^ selectman, defeating WHItom Newrtowm eppeare to top tbe list mileage has inereaasd from t,g$5 ing at 199 Demlng street; Loretta garage for temporary living quar­ peanuts. The walla wars dsoorat taking a training coutaa at Nmr aad faM with tho yoars, aad araa la the question cf putting to with 86.4 of rnlmproved roads, ters at 144 Adams street; Albert sd with foot high bunny rabbits. Haven General hospital at praaent, ed to 1684 of Slaying Abraham n large main line eewer. large Great Sachem of the Improved a HaU (R.), 891 to 741. in the tost year to 9,096 this year. Bouchard, permission to sell fruits while many church members wUb Klein to an East Hartford grooery contest for tha tax cottoctorshlp, and New Milford has 80.4 such You, onlgr you can decide wkt beer Bring your furs to and vegetables in season at road­ A. Sleurpa. one year permlsalon In all manner of dress, made ea- was horns for the week end, with it prsssrvsd to uMinory of Mrs. e n o u ^ to aoeommodste, to the Order of Red Man at' the 6Srd Tbe work on improv^ roads Is to store light beverages at 631 her father, Harvey 8. CoUtoa. store holdup. They were arrested fUtum. the rceldeatlal growth of William G. Karr, (IL>, defeated miles. Washington has 51A miles, eovered by an appropriation of 96 Burton’i nnodem fur side stand at 844 Middle Turnpike, pscially for the evening by Alice YooinaM. It sssms wtot to no ahortly after Klein was shot to great council seaelon to be held at the Democratic Incumbent, Fran­ Utchdsld 65.d mllea and going to North Main street, and Charlea Miller. The addition of pastel Mr. and Mrs. James Young re­ hang It unprotocted. Mm this whole aectkNl. Someone must the Bond Hotel to Hartford May milUon dtvldsd under a formula vm IU for complete west. Hald. extension of permission to death. Two other men wsra ar­ pay for this installation by msana cis J. Joyce, by eeven eotee, 817 ths other extreme, .Proepect has granting e blgber rate for each of K Permission Granted colored crepe paper added to the turned home Sunday after a three Paulina Lohr, chalnnan of tho rested with them. On# was re­ 6-7. Mlantonomoh Tribe No. 66 none end Beacon Falls baa only conduct Home Portrait Studio at gayoty of the whole. Dr. Ralph E. to 810. tbe first 38 miles and a lower rate ** A ,, '■ '' protection »t reason­ Permission waa granted by the day visit with friends to New purchasing committee had tha new leased recently after hto UfO term of Manebsater to the boet tribe. In Naugatuck, kepubllcana took one-tenth of a mile unimproved. 273 Hilliard street Wolmer, Wilbur Fletcher and Wal­ York. Their daughter, ChroUne, Sag at the recent meeting of the At tha prsssnt tima. If tha aa- General Chairman Walter A. for the remaining mileage. Under , is IhilY fireat! board on the following applica­ waa commuted. The ether traa all contacted oftiooo except tiMt In this, area East Haddam shows able rates. Estimates ter Card, assisted by Mr. aad who had been in Washington dui^ Ladles’ Society, for thesn to found Insane. He was released aeaamfeat should bs tevisd against KeUy announood today that ptoas this formula the 1940-1050 alloca­ tions; Carl Bolin, permission to prassnt boma owasrs. It wpuld bs ef town clerk. Harry L. Carter (R) 60.2 mllm unimproved and, Staf­ tions amount to 9976 for each of given for repairs and erect porch on dwelling closer to Mrs. Herbert Bnglert and Mr. ing the week with the aentor clam The society voted $10 to the after a few years to a state hottrt- have been completed to make this eras re-elected aa borough wraiden, ford 50.6 mllea and Mrs. Howard Thayer arrang­ from Windham High school, Joined Mountain Laurel Girl ScouU, for a tal without being brought to m u. a prohlMtlva sum, and town offt- the first 38 mllea In a towm. Last remodeling. east side line than regulations al­ To Give Private . ctoto have considered further that acaalon the beat ever held to tbe defeating Peter P. Meegan * ct/txs.. her pupils to Hartford Thursday on hospital Friday morning. TaL ervation of Connecticut. Salvatore LOAM perched a etork. carrying a baby an tducaUonal trip. Fred Tatro, to Its bill, and In thla were placed WtH Receive Prfaeeao Margaret Vendrillo I s school bus driver, very generously man. He wras bora Check These Features Of Our "CANDID WEDDINGS" the lovely gifts presented the drove the party to the city. They lUJMO Detoy Getttag Ueenasa Bolton Voiimtear Firs Depart- UkASBRE CAN VOU BBT FOR SALE guest of honor. Sandwiches, cake VUlcan City. May S—(ffV=-A msnt wUI hGd iU annual meeting Manchester and was aa outstand­ • Tha photographer stays with you the complete day. S C ie n r i^ iC «EP>AI«.S and coffee were eerved by the hos- were accompanied by the following eourca eloae,.to the Vatican seem a t ths Flrwhousa tomorrow night ing football player in hto younger I- a that Ac w AVS SATlSV? parents to assist in their cere Hartford, May 6—(P)— Appren- • 35 to 46 pictures to choose from. , , . , Lawna Powtr Rolled tessei. ^ . Mrs. Burton Starkey, Mrs. John Imately 116,000 Connecticut uo- tariat of state said today Pops at a o’clock. Election of offioors daya Mr. Vendrillo to married snd • Your choice of either 18 black and white prints or 12 fully colored prints WELDON'S Miss Beverly Wiley was guest of Koselka, Mr. and Mra. Howard tortoU detoj^ getting their 1949 Pius X n would reeslvs Prlncsm 8 Star wUl bs ths chief busineas of the has two children, Salvatore, Jr., , CHORCHFS A m ealta DHt m honor st a surprise bridal shower driving licenses beyond the April Margaret of England during her meeting. snd Barbara. 7. in an album. Hinckley and Mrs. Donald TutUs. Nooatina Appnarimately $800 was rsal- I MOrOR SAl tS ' held in Yeomans hall Sunday The Srst stop wee the State Cap­ SO deadltoe, according to State stay la Roms. A t present Mr. Vendrillo to a • Nice mssortment of albums to choose from. ^emoon whan about SO friends itol where they were taken through Motor Vchlclae Commiaslonsr El­ Sptdala s o llssd by the WA.C.8. by the prss- member of toe Rotary chib and • Formal portrait of bride taken in our studio snd presented to you at no itnnAp .v»ssDS; gathered to chare her )oy*- The and shown all the Important points mer S. Watson. Ths commto- entotkm of the comedy "Sister collector of wrampum of Mtantono- Thos. De Colla hall had been Uatefully decorated Spadal Dianara Busts Bwrtngs It"' tost Thursday mob Tribe No. 68, which he baa extra charge- TaL 2-9219 with pastel colored crepe paper of Interest, as well as observing sloner said last night that 644,983 the architecture of the building drivers beat the deadline out of Erary 8-9 P. SL and Friday nights. OompUmsnts held for many years. • Special albums for family very moderately priced. gracefully draped, with etresmers aro still being recslvsd by ths • Extra prints very moderately pmed. showering down over a table laden and Its trim which showed the 760,000 who held licensee Isu year _ p statues of famous men of Con- and presumably wUI rsnew tham group on Its perfonaancs. Bach nscUcut history about whom they tbto year. player waa saoepUonaUy wsO- FOR AN ALBUM YOU WILL ALWAYS CHERISH have been studying. They then *T«other Is A cast and ths amoothnsss of tbs Rainbow Assembly Phone Today And We Will Be Very Glad To Make An went to the State Library for fur­ (la Celer) individual performances Indicatsd Appointment To Show You Some Samples ther sight-seeing and saw the Loretta Yeung Vaa Far Towr Plaaaara painstaking twhsarsal and atten­ At New Haven Charter, a coUecUon of Lincoln’s tion to stags hnslnsss. Procssda of memoriiUs, portraits of all the PLUSj “I ef lasr* TELEVISION tha undsrtoklng will gn Into tbs state's governors and many other Wttb Year EseasHa Dital fund for conatructioa of a new The 12th annual seaaion of tha hlatorical coUecUons. After lunch aTABTS "Life Of Bney* parsonage. Grand Assembly of OonnscUcut. | In the State Capitol'a cafeteria, Cavey’s WEOi •AUae NIcli A Motberia Day Open House Order of the Rainbow for Oiria. Ruselwal Studio V youNEEIHOREVERTUSE- * they went to WTTC to see a broad­ will he held at Center church par­ will be held on Saturday. May 7, STUDIO OF MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY cast of the Down Homers, met ish room next Sunday at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple, ^ Whit­ 489 MAIN STREET (Odd Fellows Building) Tel. 2-9880 soma of the announcers, t o u ^ the Motbsm ef Sunday school atu- ney avenue. New Haven. Regis­ atiidlo, and then went up in Travel­ HARTF OR D dsBta have been invited to the tration will start at. 8 A m. and er's Tower. The next stop waa at 8 5 c DRIVE-IR party which to being given by member* must present current due /^i(To/MncAuy// Che Wadsworth Atheneum and cbufch school officers aad leaders. card. The moralira acsslon will Morgan Memorial where there Buiinots Man's Mtos Edith Walker of ths Con­ open promptly at 9:80 wtto Grand | ,vaa not nearly enough time to see necticut CbiincU of Religious Bdu- Worthy Advtoor, Mtos Diana Da- everything that was interesting to vla, of Norwalk AaaamMy No. 14.] Lunchoons catloo wOI spssk snd s musicsl prMkUng In the Beat. w them, but where to the Htotoneal fl Bergmaa program will also bs enjoyed. Mrs todety Room they sat in a chair Dinner will be eerved at 13 noon | ALSO '/ Cary Grant ChsMss F. Sumner will pour st to all who have made reaervatloas I ,nad« from tha Charter Oak and tbs rsfrcsbmcnt table. Mra. DaWd saw the second copy of the charter NOTORIOUS and the afternoon session wOI be I Toomey, Mrs. Burton Tuttle and reconvened at 1:80.: II m degrees I Sparkling, New os It was hlddan in tbs oak ao Club Lunchaont PLVR Mrs. LssUe Vsugbn will bs bos- many years ago, as wall as tha bir o f' toiitletioa wrlll be exemplUtod j “CAMPUS tOBoao. by toe Grand OlBcera during the j cycle Mark Twain rode, etc. Then, BILL DONAHUE HONEYMOOIP* Tbs Young Married Couples ulCer a visit to The Hartford Times afternoon and at toe cloae of toe] whsrs thsy watched the paper' group of Bolton Center church will session, drill teams wUl put on a] A( Tha Onhui For Dlnnar bs known as ths Yomaroo Club. competitive exhibition. PRINTS coma off the preaa they returned Tbs name was offietolly adopted to Columbia, tired but happy. Catarimr ‘To aria Tfesnt "Levee ai Cetwsa.** iBHs It to estimeted that over 800] Beieertb • Ce^tafe, “m m n at the tost meeting of the club. girls from all parts of toe state! M n. Margaret Cumlnga, who WoddiBfs, tenqBcta Mrs. Osesr Krsysig and Thomas will attend this annual sesafam. Flatter Mom .with a apent the wtoter with her daugh­ wars winnera of first prise in ter and aoR -in-law, Mr. and Mra Partita hilarious evening of comic wlilv* gift of fashion from our T. A. Loughrey, at BayhiU, their which followed toe bustness meet' home on Oelumbia Lake, left lag. Conaolstloa prise was won by summer-new group of ’rauneday to return to her home to Mrs. Burton Tuttle snd Leonard HEATING PADS London. Cavey’s Ducbnrme. Caeca Or Baifiaae hard to (11 half sizes. Mra. Loughrey . entertained at * S i tea to honor of her mother Wad- $ 1.9 B to $7 .9 5 Bembergs, Crepes . . . neadey eftemoon. Among thoae Adverttoamant— AB OnaraatarB praaent were Mrs. Ralph U. Wol­ rhT ** DsUvsrad dally. Gift Fruit Bsa- Arthur Drug* Store they’re all repreaented mer, Mrs. Gladys Saltntorsb, Mrs. beta from Pinshunt Grocery. AND IT COSTS ONLY A PENNY A PERSON A DAY! LaVergne WUUama Mra. Irving in a delightfully colored Lobr, Mrs. Blwald Anderson, Mrs. Lonto Kaplan, Mrs. Louis Soracchi, WED. THRU SAT^ A d e e re e d e C u u a n n l All the automsii^ hot water style array. Come . . • Mim NslUs TutUs aad Mrs. Donald I you need—even on heaviest washdays Tuttle of thla town end Mra. p r m r i E In t —for less than a penny a person a day. choose early! Charles Wallace of West Hartford. WEDNESDAY A r as rrell as style... Mra. Anderaon sntartalned with BOYS AND GIRLS WEEK Aad it doem’t matter where you live! ptono racltaL i S S S f w mIHTMLINUlIMKnilMa m NIGHT No gas or electric connections are Dr. Richard A. Wdmsr, Mm. BOWRE aeeded vrith a Duo-Therm Water Heater! Wolmer, aad their two children of ProaiiTefP.M. Studebaker*s the Miry are spending a few daya OlMllB tf.riS You bum cheap fust oil—available any- with Dr. Wotmer’s mother. Mra. wku a —and get hot water—day or night WMSiHS I I HOBBY SHOW .98 Ralph U. Wofanir at her home on i Nofiva Broilad —at the turn of the tap! rduhlla c Lake road- • I Hem’a whet yev ge9 fee ^ 9 b u y w o ]* d Cosae ia aad see the brilliantly beauti­ And More Dr. Ralph K. Wolmer. a member Chicken ful, strikingly styled ntw models finished of the mumlnatlng Engineering Society attended a meeting of the GoMaa brown Froach COMMUNITY “Y” HI claan-lincd look of a 1949 Scudabektr ttlU in fieamhig white ensmel. Four sius to group at the Submarine Beee In r«M ei IOQ it!a a car writb the righi build for duift. choose faeml New London Thursday. He took Fried Potatoea, CriMnr Grata Salad, Hot RoDa, tYoe don’t sea a trace of cnaaboraome axcaaa bulk ia SIZES aa hie gueete. his son. Victor end e v W e e e l thoae tries, graceful body contoura. Tbcro’a no gas- hto brother. Dr. Richerd Wolmer. Coffaa. Wednesday ) 3 to 5 •sM selaaetati waating tur^ua pcmiidage in the ru|gad Studebeker 12>20 The pvegram fe# the dqy Included "Waek Uato" : Clab e Aet*. a tour of the beee and InspncUon AI For vn'Ti~neeth DuoTherm of the aubssarthee In the Intoreeta $1 5 0 Thursday ) 7 to 9 Tkis b ■otoring'a most ndvnnced kind of deaign- 14V, - 24V, of vtohm end .Ughting aa It Now ia the tiaic ta ra> ing—it cats driving costs substantially every mile. A u iM fu m e n m o n came heMtabUity; the toepeetkm Unr teetles aaC viatnallai;. aWt* aUa. atrra yaor table for Moth- •na tira aaC atoll trto riaat ar Stoa Stop in for a look around mpd let us give you the 3 8 t o 4 4 3 to 5 only names of some ScudsbeVer owners to check with. WATER HEATER oratory. be Haiitcd. TtL 8802. Wed------IT, You’tl be nasased to laarn what they save. Among the young people who diaf partita aad bMqaetq 'a went to Washington. D. C. wttb art aaaared escalleat food, the senior class from Wlndheas WILROSE•K ^ . ii DRESS . SHOP High school, duriag tU a wefhto aad aenriee at the Sheridan. CHORCHES MOTOR SALES vaeatioa were Joan Boraeehl. Dor- Admission Free • • OAKLAND W E K f M A K C H X lim **Alway$ F int to Show the LiUost* othv Slvaas; CUrolyn Young and 'S'•'.i-.*- Tuvu Tssbilk. * !s S a r L a .1 .„8HEIUDAN BLOG. Albert B. Lvman. manager b f TODAY • “RTO RIVER" • "LETH LIVE A LITTLE" the loeal Aamrican Legion baeahall R ead HeriddL AdYS-


the the Droalaa religioua cato of insurance” before being- tha hUI, which compals optrntora followed T h e want out and why—a geatwo which awteh* ae thara an aavaral ftaytn liCMUMd by tJM BtBiB. to have insurance, has b ^ ”nn- one tm nlghf' (Tbomasi. ad tha hateimig capadW o f tha Thomas Rlchner. who aocem M - ad tor tha ^ Speak* Toni|^ Stresses Need ” Wa ahould not have to wait im- tried in aiiy etate.” He said it SONOtONE HAS OPENING FOR Club Concert Sy U UM the Sagl group waa audlaiica to a . matfead degree. Reek villa The SpotttR IMR tU • penon to Invrivad In na acci­ was a copy of one introduced r«- P ln r tha Baatbmroa THa in G MA- iad tha Trie muato. gava'audi a tiNiijr# waa "rarta* to superb performance Uiat without bean tha naa o r the Kao- dent before having him taka out cently in New Hampshire “which, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE foday^s Radio go." zn4 iko irrsoistlbla ihytbm jor. fonowad by a leaa conaelwa- natloB flqld tor a praettea aaaetea For Insurance iBBuranoe,” said Mr. Cohen. " I f I am informed, faces defeat" ' Seen Superb Uva but emotionally descriptive further Inquiry one wiahod ba of tho arraagomont of "Atatoat mifbt hava had m spot la wkMi to this emitng insurance te desirable. It sbould be Want Actios Delayed Uho bting in Lovq” from Brlgik '‘American Fantasy" (Haakon do a.aolo number. It aaams that Goat and Suit hold frtm the outset” .Mr. Wiley said that Inauranca Car Necessary. Selling experience (ieai dooa, waa only m am d by a Uttls Berghi a aoatalgle aattiag of Kurt Mr. Mcbaar ia a true c o a ^ ptaa- Gompuleory Measure Wiley Attacks BUI groups want a "atudy" made by the Beethovens 24th Annh confusion as to wbaro tho tuna Well’a "September Bong" a ^ a - iat Hkd satartalasr in bis dwa Bastan 8tsii> laaato tbte avenlac WilliamV» aoeew e H. WUey, executive aec- state on such a bill with action atal arraagamant made fbr thla Revue planned Before Judiciary Com­ dateyied until the 1951 Legisla­ Established Clientele Wowa oa all atatiooa. versBPy Event Highly waddatad durlaa the awaa, that Msbh' aa wa latar laamsd. which at aicht Voteohm Maaoate halL retary, Connecticut Aasoclattoii o f O n»t: N«Mfc SsSW- 6aate out oloaa out aad trie . . . aad oaa amat woodar- mto^pgrtlally account for hia Insurance Agents, attackad the bill ture. U t lB - - Votnaa WBOB mittee Today Judiciary committee members V. Pndsed by Critic rybtiiadc —quite intact. fully Juatidad. ceusnt eoatrtbttttoa ooatrll to tha aa "worse tnsn any type of coni WDBC—World Tooitht Miaa Tha monthly hualaaaa maatiag are understood to favor some type WTHT—Joe HaatL " i t e RsasiaM Piaale." a amd- BlalsdeU ia her solo aum- gram. Thiland County Farm vot the WBqB o f tha VarOon Meth­ puteory insurance In effect Apply at 18 Asylum Street or Call Hartford bera, gave the flute a moat vflwaat Hartford, May S-'GD—Tba need of compulsory insurance ss a pro­ w u «. WOWS—Bop Show. By A m SIrIcfcbwd PtaM loy od Bmaiqn BIHlt, Tuaaa waa The dMlce off pregiam numbeca odist chareh wW ha haM thla eva- " It would make people pay more tection, against "flrst accidents." W n C —Morton Downey. personality aa a solo taatruaiaBt rvaa t h e ^ t fb lly seleetod froM Bureau Sponaora the fo r oompulaory motor vrticla in- for their insurance.” he declared. 6-4070 for appointment. [ « a 8— The Baatboven Glee Club held a mqat g m i M i g :Arnwgamant. and perhaps becauaa ona doaa not tha aUadpetnt nf technlqaa. Inter, atag at aight o’elook at tba chareh. lliS S — It gave tba cfiib siiadMca a ehaaca Event in RodEvUle M iiila r fVataaaad auranea was again atramad nt n "Insurance for familiea which have Advertisement— «m o-«u n* otoai- lU 24tb Annlvareaty Ooocart Out oftea hear the flute as aueh, it aav eat. aad vastety. tb a flna raaard four or live operators would hair, w o w s—Danca Orch.; Wawai t6- show thair vaiT baat. Tha fra- Tha aeWUmr *® **"**5 . public hearing today bofora tha WTHT — Weather Roundup; evening in tba High School Audi*, ■kaheid all tha aumbara Mm play- o f long dtaamiw. held by the to pay more tlian those with one For your Spring salads — Use ______MffT quant aocaata wana glaoad with Baatboven Chib, te atm advaaeinf. Vernon Meawmakors tor May 4 Lagtelatun’a Judiciary eommit- Robinson’s French Dressing, ta y Orchaatra. toriuro. Perbapa tba ouUtandlng ad: "OoocartiBo” CTmmlnada. (W a aochvilte. May S—(Bpaotel) — or two.” Wim<~4jwdatiM. «* »• *nLor«BK> the mala cbdnu waa the subordin­ tha aooompaalmaat, ggala. a moat fore!) “Syrinx” (Debussy) a datt* vim at tba aoclal rooms of Um /Mn. Mary BoBy ' ♦ w — I dental aspeneet WOOO->M«wi: »*W Chib. w n o —Nawa; Johnny Bradford la t e ra l part of tho: parformaaca. Word; has bam raoelvad fli- for aa an-out attampt to sqiMich ation of the individual to tba auc- doua musical atory raminiacant et Union OongtogaUonni church on m 19.20 115.60*21.) l| -Janyjgrtpra; Show; Daalfn for Uataninp; Few of ua would dour that tho d ty of the death o f Mra. H a n a oonunitteo bill whiieh callad for ISH . Wowa. of tba entire comert. Plenty tha Pipes of Pan—true MaMe af Wodnoadny aU itlng at 1:S0 p. m. ^ * W llo —T e w s Wldder of credit ia due to everyone con­ truly good tbiaga of Ufo opMag Spallaoy Kelly, widow of Frank J. a type of “ coroputeory” motpr va- •3«® ’212- *1“ U Bra-i Fiaamaway MadaUtlaB from a aourca beyond ouf very lim­ tha Spheres. “Carman Paataay”— apoUborad by tha ToUaml County W ^IS-Tw e^ Btliw. cerned—local and "intm g artiata a medlay. of tha bast kMWB MNDERAND Kally whiob oocnrrcd la WaaMag- hlmo Insurance In (Jonnaettcut. Abev* povwBBft g*v*f evetfthieml U TH T-^ IdSI MC. ited powers and a Saa porfocm- Farm Bureau. A fantura win ba a ton, D. C. Mra. KaBy waa a formar A lem e i SlOO emH SJ0.40 wbM WDBO—P N SSI MC. •like—ia that peraoital modcaty thamas from BiMt’s Carmsa ■. aae Tha measure, praparad by Rap. pfemptlf mpeid te t7 mcntktf temee- .will be% yhero *^wbRO->WtiuMr TWm AU. bowed to tbe music and tbe inter­ anea of any form of art would aaem BODY WORK talk hy Mr*. Paul Uvlngaton, RockvlUa resident Funeral rerv- Blmon 8. Cohen, saiingtan Rapubfi- vflve faftotexNHe g# IIOJS i or vfahAemmh iroMB-att»K >t Arrow. WFHA— tSS.1 MC. . to be lacking in this roeognttien o f those raclpsa which audlaacaa fBahion coordinator of ana of W n C —PM 4BJ MCi SSA MC. pretation and intereet of tbe ptecer thrive OB, and w hidf many aniM* loaa ware bald In Washington, D. can, would raqiiira both oparntora YB8 klANager . ^irnrr—orowi B«rMt performed w a a tboughtfuUy If setea point of tka rovaioat or BoUr m im b in I P la m . la c . Hagtford's ioeding etoroa wko wfll C , Tuaadto morning, with kurtel and owaan to tolw out n "cartlfl- $3* •• 6MO M aiamKire f r n o —When B Otrl Marrlw. WDRC—PM On the air 1 pjn.- sacred were not included. Tha dans abhor—Uit partermod to COMPARE 1 ItiSS pjB. placed firet. Tbe audience Kneed Miaa BlalsdeU with technical f|^ •84 CdRtdr Strtdl have tot hor aubjMt, "Spriad aad to be in St. Bamard*a eamatary, WCCO—Junior DJ»c Jockejt. this from the atart and promptly Snal "Onward CStrlatlaa SokBara” Bummor Acceaoorioa,” thla to in­ RockviUa, on Wadnaaday morning Dr. J. W, BarnaO • tU — Same aa WDRC. arraagamant by Shnoona. of the cUity, native charm, aad peraonAi clude tho Bubjacto of pockatbooka, Tj^-TKf coaeawrB tMAT if AM ro SAF rrs** WPHA abowad appreciation. famous SuUivaa hymn tuaa. gave gradeueaeaa that claimed aa «i- at ten o’cloek. WOOO-Muale Although tbe actual number in hate. Jewelry and tha lateat la Dr. J, H. Barnett o f tha Sodol-1 WKNB—Nowo: Ro«M b Motl< P. M. Just tha daaltad touch. Par nam chore: “Tbe PUght ot the Bumble egy Department, of tha Untvarslty 4:19—Wowa; Scoreboard Van- tbe cborua was laaa than that of aprita atyiaa, Tha coate and aulte f€it6anai FINANCE C a being baeknayad. thia atlrrlng cli- Bee” by Rimsky-Koraakeff—a . womm of Connectlout. who apeak to 2nd nm . • n a n thiatu euiioma etiea. other yearn, and tbe tenor section roaz provided all tha thrlU M tha A G E N C Y F O R wlOba modelad by tha BACK LABELS WDRC—Old Roeord Bbop. peroanlal favorite to haar, but aal- WIIROSE DRESS SHOP througout thr county who mada "P robtema of Family U fa’' at tbe rse aum tn in . auNOnsTix. conn. 5:00'-Evening Centinel. bad been rather cut abort by out­ more familiar, combtaad with tha w n c —I*o(tU rmoM Ufa. dom given with tha huaytMt dez> SHEAFFER tosm under tha dlrpctlon o f local Het>ron special ’ Family Wart »» DM 3410 • DavM Hevn. VU SIANaiar 7:00—Muaic. side events beyond control, tbe inspiration o t a now approach to tarlty of last evening. the South Methodist church tbtej - balance of parts waa really aatin* teadara in claai pa ^ n a orad by A U« *( tlM • BLN pauH, nnU U II mUM, CMMnIti, luM WOOC--Nowf t Bte BrotiMr M L 7:16—Troplcana. • an eld friend. PdRB awl Pttidli Tha WUltem Bladjsokl pl>M da evening nt S o^riock. ______7:30—Oardening with the Oalla. factory, tba BMUownesa of tone WrHtea By Phthte tha Bxtansion Servioa and Farm (Mm «Nt H rtiUnm U ctl MfmniOiit Inw WOm~C»ptaln ibdnitbt. Salalato Are Splendid Alexander Kouguell, ’celliat, also the Hebron Bolton Road has bean ghara. uniform, and tbe diction above re­ Bvaratt Moaugnge, Bdward L. ' Don’t Let Modu Bureau. Miaa Katharlna 'ringtoy. WT HT—Bky l(In (. played hla numbers aa if they \)-ara Arlhar Drug Store extenaion clothing apaciallst nt Ha wishes to AND YOU,TOO, WILL |< . w n c - ^ iw t n oiii Biu. 7;60--Sporta Nowsraei. proach. For tbe coat part, tbe Peck and George Vlnoe took care sold to Chnrlaa and Bvn Kalatl Of peiraonal graotings. 8:20—Wawa. cborua enjoyment of tbe sliiging a part e f him, aad not datached tho University of Connecticut will a ir w te hava ramambered w % Si48— of the Incidents aoloa ia the varl* technique. The fln t “ Rtegle” by Maw Tork. T^e new dwntra a n uiank al‘ ^ WDRC-Horb Bhriiitr aad Ray> 8:25—Boatoa Bravea va. Chicago waa oontagloua. with a famiUari- o)u group numbers, and proved be tba commentator tor tba revue. him in this way. A ll hla many Cuba. ty of performance that spoke of Schmitt waa foUowad by the Win Tint Sammerl Mra. Paicy Cook of Andover, ramodaling the houaa and w ill oc­ CmtougsMy, Msnisssy sod akend Scott them selves musically and mentally Habema” by RavaL Both Miss cupy it in tha near future.. ThisTill. W«»TO hop* ha vrtU *00" ^ *•* WTHT— PM Ob the air I pan.- long and frequent reheaniala. alert to their important assign- chairman of tha Tolland Qotaty *• atorril to health ar4 atrength. Chimsy, tms, WMMh*TOB Mis. paa. Tbe men proved tbemselvea BtaiadeU’s aad Mr. KouguaU’a solo plaro has been known BUY SCHENLEY y S WTfO—-fVont Pat* rarroU. 1 1 menu. _ . numbera complemented each other F o r Complete Home Bconomlcs Committee will The regular monthly meeting Same aa WTHT. quite capable, under Fred Wer­ George L. Vince, the 17-year-old also ba an exhibit of work done Ackerman plaeo . of the Hebran Women’s Oub wlU MO— in a most satisfying manner. Just The place formerly known aa " ^ jj,.,. . "HaUaluJah A-Men” (Handel i • t How City Road, StaffordviUe, of toe town. He Uvea in the house ^ a n d ^ year eld whisldes.* ' '■» 6:45—Oky Doky Bancb. aung with tbe absolute abandon tone retained its sweetness and they base their muaic U unfamiliar PHONE 3786 plaoed with nlatlvoa. WOftO—Jaek CalBaa HaadUa- 7:00—Kukla, P>an and Olllo. te now aarvlng as a meat aaqiatat I where he waa born, and in wnich OMCIttb. of good use—and a naver-fatlir.g true- pitch throughout. Hia voice to ua. The naareat wa may coma Mrs. Charles C. Sellera, •J*** I six _ genaratlons______of tha Smith fam- , 7:S0—Mohawk Showeaaa. with the 156th StoUon hoapital in Glara I .. ■ ___ as____ .J^aa^Waraea RRlram .. WOWS Sporto; Nowa. favorite with any audtehne. deflfiitMy ahowed off to the best to it ia.our whole tone scale, and TOarged last Friday from tha uy |iavo uvod.M Bis daughter, Mias I 7:46—Wawarool. advantage in tha well known the harmonic minor. Some ori­ tea aa ahspte-Joel pick Tokohoma, Ji^an. ___ _ THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. ^ W n O -S trietly Sporta; Waath 6:00—Faaturo Thaatar. Tbe second club group of songs ap ton pkaao ■ aai year Btatlonad In Japan’s major port Avery Oonvafoseent hospital, piorenea E. Smith, principal of the M A N C H E S T E R . C O N N . opened with two a cappella num­ ‘.'Blesa This House.” (Brahe), not ental raoea even use the Micro- Hartford, spent the week-end at aohool in Wast Hartford named in 6:00—Wa the Paopla because thla number is familiar tonal scale, with qugrter tones in- aaBMuaefteM fa r wnritea ara city and aaat of tha headquartara ^s-sr t j ^ T a d Staala Show,' bers: "Lullaby" (Brahma) and becaiiaa that ia usuaUy a avar. Bade aad teeara lyaar of tha ElghU Army, Master tar- her Hrtron home. She left Mon-1 her honor, makes her home with E. A. SENKBEIL ' Member Federal Depoait laa. Oirp. 2 Album, “ Dona Wobis Pacem" a canonical stoad of the half tones w-hlch we day to spend soom time reeuperat- har father when not in Hartford. 10:00—Bozlng, Waatchaatar Q ty hmdmnce to a singer, but because know. ftea aaa piateedad a n ta a l gaant Pruitt te flUlng an aaaantlal I Carter SL Phone 7519 r—Spertapego. CRflCEf. offering which waa delivered with it gave us a brief idea e f hbr avary Baiatd . . . fin , Theft job with tha Array’s OccupaUonal Ing nt tbe home o f Mrs. Ednn Mr. Smith, who has suffered more SbSSB— ravarenea at no aacriflee o f pre- Tbe drat foUi dance represented (toMnwood in Marlborough. Maaa. or leM ill baattb in past years te higher notes . . . and the ttanhre. the Bedouin traveling dancers, and aad the lan ifaa a f laatha. Forces hare. ^ WOMB Anaworliaa. clzlon or tone-—truly beautiful! volume, and quaUty made ua w Irt Entering tha Army in Octobm Tha eth birthday anniversary of I now in Irirly h^th *n^^. - WOOO—Wawar Omieart Hour. TTia third—“ Let my people go” might luive hwird mow or the The coat is 60 Uttid .. . tho proteetlmi 60 froBt. 80 22, le ie , ha arrived in Japan in nua.CtlaB. danxhtar af Mr, and | abte to halp out in some ways rtth I WKWB—B40 ChiB. - Urges Court Test —a tn ^tion al Negro Spiritual,* aamel When we flrat saw *^eatl phoae today . . . DONT LET MOTHS WIN THIS July 1. 1647. _ .. m n —S o ran# OoBUBan; followea in musical cadence tbe La Ouibba” Hated, it aeemed rath- Buperter Court served April 28. by a family «ri« 1 WMthw. On Birth Control emotional upheava. o f the tezt— er an ambiUoua undertaking for a SUMMER. In Brito of tha fact ^ t t ^ at her home. Four genaratlma I Mrs. Charlw *^*’?,®” '*J*P* W t lS ^ n lle Goto Olaa CluB. and avaiyone concerned had to be singer so young, but in aU fairness, . ware seven caaao Ite t^ were present, including her great- cipal o f too M a ^ B. Hall artool in on tha."qui vive” not to mantlon ha t4X)k it right in hla stride, and WPItO—Lowell IHomaa. Wew Haven,'May S—(P| — Coo- before a Jury in tha Tolland Cou^ nactlcut'a birth control law may the accompanist, Paul A. Chetelat made uS think: " I f he can turn in ty Bnparlor Court todto. * wood Miner, . her WTWf —Itaymcpd Baldwin, wboBs contribution here deaarvaa such' a wail rounded performance Sera tornUhad any burinma aa ^ w n o —Thrao Star Vztra. ha d e c la ^ unconaUtutional Btould Omt Mr. andTtaa. 1 home. a caaa that ‘'elaariy had the Ufa all the tba cradit of a real concert at this early stage, there la a sure attomayo in the caaaa ware patents, aad too Uttla gW haraalf, Schools here opened Monday aft- ^ W OW B-Bw b Bv Star. t V E N I N O S m ROSE DRESS SHOP of a woman at ataka” ever reach solo. In a full program where his future for him!” in courts ateawhara or aoma CMM Othara present ware Miaa Mary or tbe usual spring vacation ot a WHERE ELSE CAN particular part cannot be too I Vlaltlag Artists w art er 10 daya, tf week ends are W m tO—Baulah. ^ V. S. Suprema court, a Wew S R N R I i E r f U7 MAIN STREET SHERIDAN BLDG. wora not Gray, the UtUe glrt'a aunt, sM naven attonmy declared here yea* fiighry praised. One would go far to tad a via- Tha caaa of Mario A jlW ^ va. her amaO brathar Gaoffrey Kirk- oouated. WKWB—PoBi* Partp. tarday. John Q. Tilaon. Jr., lold Tktrd Club Grouping Itlnp trio more enjoyable than the .ffhMdora Friad wan achaduted to Th* two and a half year eU | WOWS ■ P ultcm L n w Jr. i m u ham A birthday caka dMoratrt a atata*wide citlw r"' • The third club grouping in­ guest artiste of teat evening: iinE|i€«rci pieM coma bafora *>»• «w«*^ _ with tlx candles graeod tha tablefcOrtPew I daughterbirt%a»aav»a nra.ot Mr.«ran. andwwe. Mrs.~ ,re William----- — W T T —Bdwla C HUl. Nawa. on the birth eentrat law that tt cluded: “ Behold that Star” (Tal­ Frances BUladeU. flutist. Alexan­ Baer Ta Make. . . A Oalteto r * Eat Tba cases of Bally H. Chadwlc^ •ad lea craam and otoar drtcaclaa O’lhmnaU ^ a ^ era d a n ^ r a - WTKt>Suppac Otuh. waa eztremely douottui u..., . ,Tw ley anoUmc lovety a cappella of­ der Kougiaell, cellist, snd Thomas .Icupa sifted dth M ih att- Admx, wtato of Bart PatorO)^ m n aMved,. Sua-EIlan ryttOni TllS — General Aaaembly wfll tevise the fering: md’ two utterly delightful Rlchaer. pianist. These three art­ MFyurpeaa ..aateg wick vse Thaodora L. GaUart J r, tt»prtkanta:"r - —r > WDIIO—Jack Smith Show. law. affairs where the club really "let iste won the audience with their flour H te f afllk and D ^thy M. Lea vr * 0^ 11- Vw ntl Warkl hern at the l‘“S • *»tlefaetoiy recovery. > WOWS—Ttno-Taat. TTourt action," he aaiy evening nt St, Peter’s i^iis- »1535.ia SdSe- preaent law upon the medical aa- Pawdar H cap Uiopyid Mombara o f the RockvlUo Em­ pccta of Wrth controL" outburst in humor that put the stories about their numbers, ltq ).a a lt pacaaa MARK i2**®irJi^taS^Sf*OTTOd. Master cop*> church, to oonaider cleaning W D B O -au b Plftaan. audience in a perfect m o ^ to be ex p la ti^ what was happening TRADC blem a u b wUl meat thia evening mand- and^rapalr on church property, and WOOCL^Wawr S iB »«> Sarai Raw Lawranca M. GUman (R., Sift flOur, Rumford (aU-pborphate, at 6:45 o’clock at Laclarc’s Funeral ' ado. Boarab). aponaor o f a MU which no-alum) Baking Pawder and salt Home, 28 Main straat, Manchsatm WOWS—Gabriel Haatter. would parmit a phyaician to'pre- logetbei. "Bakc-Tbsted” Rumford WOOD’S to pay reapacta to their deceased W KNB-sIim •eriba cautraceptivea If a married has been aporm-ed three genera­ KaaroeWN KAaT"Ty«at member Mra. Kite Mahoney. Tha Philadelphia, la alsol J. Robert Schuyler, who is teach- woman’a health would ba endan* tions of moa cooks.to Cut in shorten- tor ^ the Unka tag c li^ in rr^tying ag^ tola WTHT-ioauet membara wiU also meat m W n c —HoUpwood Theater. garad by pragnancy, shared TU* ins. AdamUk,stirrimqukkly uatila Wednesday at 6:46 a.uu at 8t S * ii«r I y***"- •* aproeorlng two benefit aen'a peasimiam about ita chancaa Superb Quality — And son dough is formed. Gently knead Bridgat’a church in ManchaaUr to flarblch. Who has baen card murUea at Hebron town ban, TidS^ thVuast May dand May 18. There will be WPitC—Bdward ft Hurrow. for paaaaga. for 30 seconds on flouicd surface. attend the funeral eerricea. 10 RoU dough into an obfong H .inch CLAM A ^ ^ a ^ ^ t ^ t b e ^New togland tables for bridge, whlat, pinochle, WWNB—Tommy Doraay. Engtoa to Mart BUY SO MUCH CAR ? B^nTM ara. *«tback a^^ crlbbage. AU card WOWS—Inaida ot Sporta. More Tea per Bag thick. Cream buttes ot soargariae Thara win be i. meeting of Rock and sugar . tetetber;. spread aver vlUa Aarla Ho. 2640 F.O.E. on baa ifiacbarged and aad iate at hla|pi*y*** o^ r oUiars interested ^ cordially in dough Sprinkle pcoms avar ads- Thuraday avanlng. May 5 at , nt WDRC—Mystery Theater. tuit Roll as for jelly roll, sealing 8 homo beta. ■ ----- *n] invited to attend. Proceeds will be WONS-^Hartferd ChlMS Bai Bad Man’s Hail. Boat ____ MainBtriMt, i edge trith milk. Cut into i -iiicb lUccs. BISOUE to be followed by refreshments 10 U **0 to defray expenees to be ta- ban Gama. . Place cut side down ia a greased be conferredthls J?*Uwm. 1 curred in the teaching project. W T H T -R ad Ryder. S s S s a-inch pea w tmiiaii paa. ^^CConccntrate and n aoclal hour. canmoMi^eandldaUa. . Tkay ora M r and Mra There waa .a .erSiMaervica i o t f h Holy WTIC—Tbla la Tour Life. Omit Maettag Ernest Dtagwen. Mra Ellen Grlf- Bake ia hot ovea (eao'F.) fat tOMt Company B. Connecticut Ha- Commimlon at S t Peter’s Episco­ • ll » - - asinutet. Makes is rolls. ta, Mr. and Mra. Adolf 8“ ®“ * pal church Sunday at toe 11 a.m. WTHT—Karl Gorwin. tional Guard. wiU not meat this Mr and Mra WUUam Landom avanlng at the Manchester Ar­ service, the Rev. B. R. Keen offi­ t i i t .Vaaraabv6*«*r«a* "SALAIM Mrs. Moon. Kenneth A. Porter and ciating. Mr. Keen announced that W IH U>-M r. and Mrs. North. / mory, but will meet on Friday, Ura JuUa Novak. » May d, at which time tbe membera next Sunday at 8 p.m., w ill be the The degree team o f the weal ______WTHT—Town MeeUng of the w ill receive dlaeaM immunisation time for preaentatlan of Easter Air. RUMFORDf^'"' BRtfar Than Oystar booster treatment. Grange will do tho mite boxes from the various church W TIC—Allan Toung Show. TEA-BAOS Returns from the HebrTO cenjer i gchools of the dloeesA and an ef- May FeDewaklp Service •AKINO DOWDIR The Rockville Council of Church drlva were quoted at J ™ I fort wlU be mada to furiiiah trana- WONS—News. Women have planned n May Fel­ only 614.12 to go to * ^ 6 the ^ portatlon for those of the local • i6 6 - or Lobster Stow quota. Very likely by the w e to^lo 1 church school for too prasentation lowship Day service at the Som­ appaarn in print tho quota wui ceremony. Just how much the to- W D R C -W 4 tho Paaala. 534823232323532348232323484848482348232348485323484848484853234823232323532348235323535323 ers Congregational church on May WONS-Hartfard OUffb Isaa- havo been reached. Aa eometlmee | tal (• for the offering from S t ban Game. — " 6. The annual buaineae meeting happens------tha drive 1 lagged— -.I at firs t I Peter’s has w ill start at 2:80 with too Fellow- taUng a spurt at the last It ia nounced. w n c —Bob Hope Show- r e c i p e b y FOUNDER OP ahip service at three o'clock. This BlSte'’ SIDNEY WOOD doubtful if it w ill reach .aat year’s w ill include instaUatlTO and devo­ mark of 6880. however. Part of the WDBC^trika It Rich. tional meeting. A Silver tea wiH WTHT—News. sum realised is to remain in tha HEAR FORD RADIO FOGARTY BROTHERS be eerved by the ladles o f the town for local, aid if needed. The w n c —fibber McOaa aad 256 CENTER STREET TELEPHONE 4366 church In their recently redecorat­ greater percentage will go for re- Landscaping Fred Allefl NIC Sot. 8 PM Holly. Hara'a a caa- Skippers^ Dock ed partofe. MBrcb. vefdble pleeeel Lawn and shrnb Service WTHT-Huaie by Martin. The theme for the meeting la Raymond E. Smith. S r, who la Ford Iheoier OS Fri. 9 PM amay pcactical ums. Priauriljr a "F r e e do m s Foundation—The home from BoMon hospital after NO JOB TOO SM ALL ItMiS—' KOPWERSCOKE Am oco Fuel OU b New Eitfliuid’i Famoua Shore Dinner W hitrf, Noank, Conn. WDRC—Hit the Jackpot uMMag tsi for sdaodde fsadiag . Christian Home." M n. Richard undergoing a aeries of operations, ObB Anytlma SEE FORD .IUEVISIDN WTHT—Art Mooney Show, progress, is can ftrtt be uebd as a Marks o f Somers is chairman in te reported improving day by day. E. A. Jerome Tel. 1-3151 WHHC-TV Mto. e PM charge of the meeting and it ia Ha has rscelved many cards end "Thru tbe Crystal Boil' w n c —Big Town. bi-chair. Chair locks iastaMly ia expected that all churches w ill be Id lS A - pisce on Mbia. whoaS Ask About Our O i l B u r n e r Thoaoaado havd oajoyad thte deUghtfal Clsm repreaentod. WDRC—Mr. Ace and Jana. wide bsM ptovidas JEDDO WONS—Tba Daema Taylof Con- , Budgrt Plan Sales and Service Btagao at Shlppow* Dock ia Noaak, whoro it w u Leghm Meeting ina._aoa-«ippiag sa- The American Legion Post No. certa prefiarod uuler the diractloa of Sidney Wood. WTHT—IVa in tha Family, i»T- 14 w ill hold its ragular meeting nt w n o —People Are Funny. Now yoB caa lavor tho identiesl rich favor at the Legion HonM thia evening nt ti<46^ hfliat. Wo wfll doHrer It to your hoBW;—roffu- eight o’dock. At this meeting Before You Buy WTHT— L#t Freedom Ring. there w ill be InlUailon o f new la i^ if yoe Hko ^ whothor or net yoa sro a candldntea. the initlntlon to be in Order Next Winter’s Fuel dairy castoaier. Jest leave aa order in 4^onr M ilk ebarn of the initiating team of the Ooventry-Manafleld Poet. Ra- hottle, or phoae 7I87. Yonll be thorooffhly de­ freshmenta win be eerved at tha flate d with the root **lionie aiade’' fator of t|eep cTOcluaton of the buelncea eeaalan. SCREENS SefttaO Tryeute Yai, dMTt d)c dsBvarad pries. And tool pries hctodai liwrteriatiea r h f Edi-^ Caah Prices sen elaais ia A creaaiy broth. Try it this week, Tryouts for the American Le­ from toe factory. gawEna. oB. forterai kixra ond on oB filter and air ciiiTsw to won't yon? gion softball team will be held at Investigatt ose is al- TImj Tan NOW! toe Legion Field thla avening at Mtar, tea And B tedudat tort wondarM saw Ford “FaeT toot awnars to a practical table sK for tha 6:80 o’clock. The Legion has an-, ora raring about. . . toe teal of fard*a “ MW Step" fiWa—OT* » « * * l ea Tune in TonUe grosriag child as it caa ba used tered a team in the RecreatiTO either ns a dianar laMa or for play. League for the coming aeason. A RUSCO sofo-wide Mats te Iha loval-ridteg center eaclion . . . too faal ol Ford'e 1P.M. Gtmrd rail caa ba raasooad ia- M large turnout la expected tonight "Magic Action" Brakas— you Hop 35% eoiter . . . dm faal al now sMady.Tahte alto can COAL JUST ADD A QUART OF FOLK” H ydra-Coil" and "Foro-Flex" Springs— tony smooMi ton hamp^ fora and ba asM m a coavaa- Summer Price ALL METAL SELF STORING ''Folko Hit isat"chaiP*feraBachar T ^ ’phohow siaipid H Is to p re p iM W ooT b CIb b i Bidqae. Jael add a qasrt of oft... "Fingartlp" Steering... "rietere Window" VklMByl tod teal for BdOfolMalcat aad fwnre—and yoa^ be serviat a foanaet’a deUffht. smooth and ahaa (aadiag the $ 2 1 *35 TON COMBINATION SCREENS yourtelf. Coma te and drive d*e *49 Ford. Yae*B word to order riffit now. ctefaL Saleciad North- craaay and taolhaoaw. Special! Parada'' eta Hard Mapla aad Now In Effect * / tcttrdy caattractioa T o n i H o m e AND STORMt SASH fpaa yaatt o f aaiieteK ORDER WOOD’S CLAM BISQUE TODAY! WKNB PemMnenI Refill Ym r Neighbor Has Them Oa His Rone Now Yd«r RsdOd B W COKE LEAVE NOTE OR PHONE MANCHESTER 7697 81.00 VahM They ProvMe Tear Roaod Rainyroof VeatUatkn Janes Craan Riasc 50c Therein a 81.50 Valae Far $ to n BE SMART, ORDER KEMP'S On« Dollar Tht BartUft-Brainord Co. .iBcsqMratdd ______NEXT WINTER’S FUEL NOW HARTFOROi €ONN„ Or Ask Taor ParM Daalar far a MW* la Iha *Af fardi BRYANT & CHAPMAN l^iinitcd Time Oaly P H y tL fB d C r ^ r C o ^ r o ^ E K r w M n g S ig im d James’ Beauty SaUm M.Ae CLOUGH T8S R »bi Btrddt CALL 4 ^ ANp OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL EXPLAIN 74 BastCaater 84. T bL 8 -8i t t [ I - ■ DILLON $ALES and SERVICE __ _ R. G. MILLER & SONS T r i. 4101 ISfi CENTER STREET . ^ a MANCH18TH* "TP / ■ ' / ■" ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HKKALU. MANUHR8TBR. CONN,. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949 PAG! IIjlKUHBBTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.# TUESDAY,'MAY 194R ■Wf" Z made communities like Mancheo- Ida Baiuxoft, a ehut-la member, st HlUcrest tonighL Mlaa Baacroft on a propajand* victory, which way to auch a policy, the AMA, by ter poasihle. ^tpte to Note But nobody seems to care; and • «WT ■ laufferad a eplaal imfiry at her would ahow thcB# boms more del* atUcklng aocUllaed medicine on one hand, and oppoaing the natu­ It seems as though the oMesl W O N D E R IN G Miuic Week crenUal to the Koreana than we The Open Forum stamUng sebooUMudo in the UaR- were. And they have reaUy won ral and logical growth of organl- ad States wUl continue to ham its WHAT T9 GIVE that time, ao when bar heimh per- aationa like the Blue Croaa on the Ught hidden under the bushels af llartfoni. May Gov. mito a meeting oaco a yoar ia held Jit t u i that victory. Communicationa for publlcaUona In the Open rmsLjDOL. u ta other, la going to give American! farm tools and piecea o f broken Cheater Bowlee has declared thla at 'hta home. The proof o* their victory la be guaranteed pubUcaUon If they ^ THE LEADING LADY Mn. Grace W. Goriiriiig. a tho impreealon that It la really In- machinery that now occupy ^the w eef to be mualc week In OonneC' that we are now moving our own The Herald reaorvea the right to ^ ^ e placea where our country's firat teacher In the Vine atraet odwol 4 U i VBIUBtUN Ureated only in one thing—the that may be libeloua or which la ■*". tieut He urged that musle be nt Hartford, to booM on a waric’a fm*.. ttoopa out of Korea, not through leaders learned their ABCh. IN YOUR ROUSE ■V Oeni tr L tin. prcaervatlon of the aUtua quo. of pollUcal vlewe la deatred by contributlona r f thla c h M ^ thought of aa a language with ao any voluntary declaion of our own, tot lettera which are defamatory or abualve wtll be rejected. What do other raadera of The Herald think about it? political hoimdariea.. Mra. Leater Pitney Of Woat t24*t2fi MAIN STREET TEL. 5191, MANCHESTER but at the urgent requeat of the FORMOTHER*SDAY? ;ln e atatement doalgnting the Hartford aad her eon Kanfleld, of Koreana themaelvea. Doing thla, R esp ^fU lly ydurs. ^ price for his vote for repeal of hia Marian M. Biiasell waak tha governor eald: "1 boliov# Maine, vialtod at tbe home o f M n . we now have to take approxi­ Mr. Oiepee And The Prise resdution, it la a price which can­ doeply that tt wo in tho United Loulak Prim, M n . Maude P. Butao and tho pooplo of otbor nn- Steele and Mro. Joaephlaa Abocn mately the aamo rlek—of con- To the editor. not bo p ^ nor do pa think that "Oeeni5n«et Senr Connecticut he. on his second thought, would 'tieno waro to locraoee our an- Sunday. The tote Laetor Pitney Mail ...... a«MiIW-OU queat or Infiltration on the part of Tour article In last night’s Herald TO the editor. Why Not A PGrman«nt ¥fova? psrUining to the refusal of tha r e ^ y want to demand it Freedom elmnge ef mualcal ideox nnd If wo waa a former realdent e f this JM • » the Ituaaian-eponaored regime In Tour editorial of April « en­ w ^ to arrange . tntemaUonnl >tt ky Board of Directors to leleasa Its of the press la, in this instance, titled "Sour Oscars” is at vari­ town many yean ago, / _ ...... I M What bettdr way to show her that the** not only toeira of orebaetrna and choral William Braos of West Hart­ northern Korea—we refuaed to Yankee agenda In advance aeems to me to not some far-off concept, but an ance vrith the facto. ur Old had actually been made laat tall, pmrpla, eraage^ white, laae. Power and wellea In "The Black 'r: Motheril Grob these buys todoyl Their good leoke 11 a the aettoa o f Congreea: vaguely comforting. It offered the our action. „ To the Editor, and our editorial was based only front, gripper feutenerd Bostic llluaion that the construction of a IS SALVIA, apikea of aearlet aowere S ta 4 fart Rooe,” failed to return from a fine construction : t : compare with othart eeilti^ fee Thooa who thought that hla vic­ Tht AMA’fi Cfinpaign A s for “closed" or "executive on the comments of Mr. Jean Her­ alriiteeelng tout Friday. lido intartt. Woihfait. 30 to 44. rospectable party ticket In 1990 sessions I also agree that there Do we have the oldest schori- IS ToaiATO PLANTS, GBNUINB MABOLGBB, baara baavlly. Not to Pay $25 much more than this low W ord prieel W ell lollorod ef tory and the electioo of a heavily The American Medical Aeaocia- house tal the United States right sholt, and of other film tlgures In Trendi aoldiera belpiril poUca la could, in a pinch, be solved merely should be no such thing, Tou may this country and in Bngiand ail t MirliRt aaM ftelL tlKea IS ptoata ebaaU aapply avaraga rib knit cotton; with neatly hemmed eloovos. Tops for Democratic Ooogreaa would, for by finding one other preaentable here in Manchester? tha aoareh today oa -ha eklM tlon, having .vowed a battle to the ask any Director which Director of whom commented aa if tha de­ fiually aS aeaaaa. cleared after three daya of heavy New Haven, May 3—(P) — Tha I under or outer wear! Ragulor sizes. mean a fuU continuance individual to run for the United baa taken the lead in opposition to Having heard rumors to that efr 4 MOCBD aCBPBlSB COLLBOTKIN. Oar aelaotisa aC lovely end agalnat all proviaion of health feet. 1 made inquiries, aad. Mr. cision on not to finance future ratal. New Haven Central Lahor oouaca M O. IS c CHILDMN o f federal rent control, are now States Senate while Baldwin this practice. I have lepeatedly “Oscars" waa a new and startltaig aaaaal ptoata, aaaaaal eetars. aecurity to the American people turned to Connecticut aa candidate Matthias Spleae was kind enough Power and hia wife, Linda (A P L ) urged Connecticut docton I cdlled upon to prepare for what token the atand that all our meet­ thing. ' Chrlatlan, were oafa at Toufliat, SlAZiR SOX #>O e through governmental agency or for Governor. ings should be opei. to the public. to direct me to the structure and lee WcO caatad ptoata aarafoliy peeked aad dellvarad paatpald today not to pay $35 ■■imihiiita w ill be. In many caaea, aubatantlal This "easy” pletnre waa, as give me some information. The 36 ralloa from Ouannxate. Tbay program, and having voted to ex­ I have rarely written letters for gsjse. a n guaata of a Moroccan artoto- Ito tha American Modicel oodocis- M ft iacmaaea. we say. mainly aa Ulnsloa. Bat publication in the press but 1 feR structure la used aa a shed on a tion for use in opposing Fadoral pend a aultable aum of money in Keeney street, farm. Mr. Spless tt yau aaa aaa see ptoata. aead fidSemid we arid add attheat cratthera. Congreaa departed from the the lUosloa waa aboot the only that I could not overlook thip ar­ hoolth tatouranco. Thalr bright candy c o m co lo n propagandixlng Ita point of view, thing the party dM have ready tells me it dates back, to pre-revo­ axtia charga. S boaatital daep blao delphtatasae aad S htavy Wollaa flew to Choablanca from -mendatti'' to decide that land- ticle. While I am on the Board Table Pads Marrakech thla morning. Tha council eontonfiOd U » AM A| arowathfaiH Mercorizedcotton . , , haa begun to fiood the nation'! foe 1999. And new the Ulnaioa vrill do the Job to the best of my lutionary times and pre-dates by Sawertag chryaaalhimam dhrtaleaa. ptoiuiod to use $3,009,000 mtood by laeda had a right to obtain a fair with lu argument has been shattered, had the re- ability with no favoritism shown several years a building la anoth­ CANTBBBUBT OABOBNa tho aaoemmento ah a "ehudi f u a ^ with alostic knit-ifl tops. 6Vi -$’/>, qulremeata of 1990 ticket auk - er part of the country which is Mt hMOBM from their L-mnat "aodaUaed medicine in any way. Others will verify the aaa eteasam Bide. Seattla, Wash, [ for "togtolattvt lobbying aad prep- and properuea. Aa agalnat an ah- lag iaereaaed. Baldwin hlmaelf fact that I have constantly urged now publiqls^ as the oldcaj agaiid^ agatatot tho tatounaoo M&. fiome of Ita more lurid deaerip- le removed from tbe picture, people in Manchester to take more standing schoolhouse in the coun­ Andover 2.98 PROPORTIONIO adlute fteefilng of preaeat rente. propemd to Congnoi by Pn ridaiit tlona of the evlla of aocialiaed altber aa backgrauad prestige IntuiMrt in the actions of their try. |H o^ 8. Truman. wMdt aaay have been , what tike or as eaaergeacy caadidata. Aad NYLON SUPS medciae do not tally with moat Board of Directors and particular^ The building seems to be in A n fu la r masting of the badtoe’ Tho labor organtantloB’s stand aatloa’a tenanU hoped for, it Ma going from the pictare la- ly to attend our msetlngo. BenovoleBt Society wifi bo hold in wou taken la • totter to Dr. Sam­ reporta from Britain, but perhapa good condition for ita age, and aniseimenf 3 ^ dded that the landlovd needed ereaaee tbe aamher of top candi­ Sincerely, easily restorable. I believe with the church eodal room on Thure- j uel C Harvey, praaldont of the that la to be expected. A little ex- dates the party must Bad from Raymond K. Cooper Mr. Spless that It should be d ^ a t • p. itL OaoiMctieut Medicnl aoelety. Or. I aoBMthlng of a break. And it la an optimistic lUnlmuu of aae to Tha anmial May Faotlval of the A figure-fitting buy for short, aggeraUon, on the aide to produce Bditor’a Note; It is the province bought from the present onmers; Harvey woe ariud to* bring the] eeemthlng o f a break, or, m a fail three, aae eaadUUto far wmimantlc Council of ClutoCh letter to the attenticn of the oo-1 mod.. toH gotil In teoroso or r 2:G. 134.95 WATERFALL BEDROOM fear, la the keynote of the Ameri­ and the duty of a newspaper not moved to a public location and re­ .One Day The AAB Vocal Studio Women w ill he held la the C o^||n- aeeurately, aomethlag of eleman* Ooveraor, two caadidataa lor only to inform the public of im­ ctoty at tho current aaauol aaeot-1 while. Bust sizes 31'/ j* to 4 4 '. can advertlaing and propaganda tTMted Staleo Senator. stored as nearly as possible to its — tional church nt Wtndbam on lag. BED. CHEST AND DRESSER REDUCED! tal jwtlea, which the laadlord U pending public action, but also to original state. In my mind, this EaUblished 1908 technlquea. Aa far ua, we agree Of course, 1960 may ba a year ’ nt 3:30 p. m. The Andover golag to get under Houae Bxpe- discuss the issues involved, and to old schoolhouse la one of Manches­ Special I to an aasoeiato o f this that it would be vaatly better If in which any three candidates indicate currents and opinions Wooda' ruUng aet- could win, or it may be a year in ter’s moat prised possessions. Just Cuaton Made, Goarantted One of Ndw England’a Leading Institntioag of Voicn OOuacil afid repreeeototlvi MiM 2.9S FAJAMASI which may be influent'al in the as surely as Manchester stands hero will d tu ^ Darien Architect S J u T m ^ u i n 'p r o f i t ataiTdarda 1 tWa country were to aoWe lU na- which the moat wonderful Repub­ approaching public action. A re­ To Fit Yoar Table Training. Stndants Prepared For Any Branch of Vocal On Tonus, 20% Dmm; ■ Itlonal health problem In a volun­ lican ticket would merely be sacri­ today aa a thriving community, The oniiuol church mooting waa W A S H P / ^ landlorda. porter who reported an approach­ this sturdy old building, now rele­ held in the Soeinl room taatlTues- 2 5 7 tary. private enterpriae, or free ficed In a contest against what ing action, vrithout chatting its Phone 7691 Today Art, Indoding Choreh. Oratorio. Radial, ConeerL W ill Face Court! CMfarMMA9bW Preaidaot Tnuaaa'a “mandate,' may be the mighty three the gated to the Status of farm catch' degr praeododby a potduck oupper aaaociatlon way. and our diataata background, indicating ‘ he issues Radio and Opera w d:SO p. m. Molcelm Crook, ar aa ha thaught. waa for tbe re- Democratic ticket. But the party all, haa played a prominent part .No extra charge to tave ear Handsome addition to your home st s mofioy-sovlno lorn for the A M A ’a propaganda pro­ involved, and gathering what prooidod a t tho buelneoe mooting, Darien, May 3—

—James M. Brent Quolilyl Cotton broad­ pdal of tha Tan-Hartley Act. leadership cannot afford to apecii- knowledge he could of the lil-ely in the development which has Improvement Of Speech priest Bed, roomy chest e f drawers, dresser with totgo gram derivea from the fact that Ute either way. It haa to try to koeorto o f each oOtoer and com- Baker, 37, aocially premlnaat I cloth, cut lull for sleep comfort. What eitwiTl to he implied by thla attitude of the officials abou‘ to nUttoe were heard and accepted. Darien architect who waa woundad | plate gloss mirror .u a smartly styled group with oModi we do not think It la doing much groom three real candidates at consider it. would be failing in hia OPEN FOR TEACHING DURING THE SUMMER New stripes. A-B-C-D Sfoclr upf 'maadata waa abandonment not The foUowing efiicen won Meet- In a midnight ahootlng la tha curved Walarfall tops. Rich W o l^ veneers over select to promote auch an outcome. once. duty. Obviously, on the other hand, ad: Onurch ctoih, Mias M oiioa clualva Tokaneka saction last I adly Telephone S-0860 I Sovel Buy your now Has nowl alimlnata the poaaibillty of aocial­ in which we ourselves will continue Church odiool, gave a nport of tal connection with the ehootinq | W aihM 'A et. personal aacrifice of making the to hold finalresponsibility. We can, that deportment, which anowed These mon-tized cnos tie into REDUCED, FOR THIS SALE ONLY iaed medicine, the AMA la luke­ are Piem F. Berry, 37. an tnvest.- S a M labor leaden, at firat, ex­ run for governor that year. Or therefore, give no aasurarce to any Mr. Jones b the teacher of **oore, N ^ definite progroao and bin announce­ meat broker, sad Mtoa Dorothy I,. I full knots, stay wrinkle-free. pected to ba able to write their warm In propaganda and negative they are almost as blue as the public official that n-ould tend to ment o f the need for Biblea in this Mbrrtoon, 83, hto ataaographor-1 Democrats were at Philadelphia tenor, who appeared aa guest soloid for the 6-C bf group woo roapoaded to by a vol- awn act. in action. make him Judge of our reporter's New Spring Dresses houaekeepor. laat summer. work. I f that is Director (tooper’s spring coneert in Manchester, recently. u ttti^ contribution o f funda for Baker was shot, potioa said, after I Today, the battle in the Houae The AM A literature alwaya In- Actual, altkoagh they have tbata- purchaM A cei^ttoa i mto a window at Borry'a SALII ALUMINUM la leading to tha drafting of a new cludea, nekr ita climax, the atate- net yet cataaed down mkngk to I tadhfbita IfiM WdhfidPltafbH. labor act which la going to be a ment that "the voluntary way la reaUae R. the fact that the party ;ss>«s---- a. ——Si -S — — — — “ I •—' IM.—. WAUTILB 38^ eroooiag the numbar of coodpromiae between the Taft- the American way,” and then it haa three top aeaBaatloaa epaa "gpertnSstng to Firs $4-88 la 1969 Is likely to prove aa as­ ProtorMen" aad croatlng tho additiemol Sq. fL Hartley Act and the Wagner Act. alao proceeda to pay tribute to or- set rather thaa a liahillty. At Rockville Cleric It la going to retain mere Taft- ganiaationa' like tbe Blue CToda least. If there Is aay werthy Moat' Sixe*->» T« 44 Mrs. Clifford fiennott, who haa Enjoy oosy-to-cleon, sparkling young ambitioa ia the party. It haan a guest at the home of her Hartley previaiona than It aban- and the Blue Shield, which do in­ Fyr-Fyter atoter aad brotbar-in-Uw, Mr. and Chosen Officer bright walls for years. Won't IMnh. The mandate, at leaat aa it deed repreaent the American way new has aa epea lavitottoa to eeme forward and provO itaelf. (Ihfai . (Flghtar) MOTOR SPECIALS Mn. G«H«e Nelson, nturned to chip or crack. Choko of colors. waa originally conceived, haa of meeting America'a health in- There ie ae laager aay ^reasea her homo m Boston. Naugatuck, May 3—(F)— Thai guadny eaQen at tha home of faded. auranoe need. for aay strato^ medeety, la and Service Bsv. Albeit P. flehUko, of Woth- Brand N«w 1949 Motors Mr. aad M n . Natoon w e n the for­ o n flald has been ro-electod prori- la both iaatancea, a coalition of But the AMA, in ita December which wenM-ba candidates wait fire BsBagalehere • Beebergaa mer's brother and ■toter-tai-lnw. MO. •.98 HUO-IN for Hghtalng to strlko. A good dent e f the New England eoator- eteaervhtiva RepubUehna and can meeting, had aa opportunity real­ Badlla From Tko Fadory Produdion Line Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson, of w of the United Lutheran ay- | healthly straggle tor heaera has South Woodstock. HUOMSONT aervative Southern Demoerata haa ly to promote organlaatioaa like been declarad open, and the ra- nod of New Tork. Howard Sprankla. who to a pa­ TWelO —(tbsta wielded a heavy Infiuehoe ea Oon- the Blue Croaa and failed to take spenso may startle tbe party JOHN W. KEEGAN Plymouth or Dodgo tient In Hertford hoepitel, to re- Other offlcen chosen at tho an­ greeelonel action. But that la not it. The Blue Croaa vraa aeeking leadership aad solve Ita prehleme 4fi Ardamra Band poKM Improving. nual meeting here yesterday ta- tor It. As for the Deasoerats, Metol rofloctor and ends have the whole atory. What la really the aupport of the aaaoclatldn in P lw a a I 4 » eluda: Vlca prasldant, tha Beer. they are chortfing new In abeat Harharf H. Hadaeka, of Bridge­ boked-on white enamel finish. ruUag Ooagreaa, we think, ia fi de- ita own plana to organlaa Itaelf Ui' the sanw way the Bapnhilcana $ 2 5 9 - 0 0 in su dled port; secretary, the Rev. O. Gordon Perfect (ar kilr’ *"', both, etc. aira to enact balanced legialation, to one national unit, capable of ware chortling last summer, tor- Ellington Parker, of (ToUtaievUle; treaauror. which wUl have a chance of atand' aetting uniform ratea and paying getting. la their turn, that It Is Herman Grita. of Martden; nnd| often the unforeseen Which Is Including All Gaskets and 5 Qta lavoliiie Ofl I L ing up and proving Itaelf la auch a uniform benefita anywhere In the eUttoUelan. the Rev. Carl ■ O. the logteal In pollticn. Mra. Lottie J. Miller arrived Klette. of RockvtUe. 99.95 8 ^ A S RANOt CUT-PRICED NOWI why that it will be Invulnenble to country, without regard to atate On 12 Months Budget - $24,50 Per Blontli home from the Itoekville City boo- MO. 1.19 POPULAR Save money now o« this new, modern Q ^ 4 « 8 8 abw demanda for change after linaa. Thla would, if made poaai- pltal Saturday morning where OARDfN HOf rangal Has full-size oven ond broiler; each new election. ble, eliminate one of the great THERE'S SOMETHING NICE she hoa been confined with a hip injury for the peat nine mortha. 614“ kM outomotic heat control.- self-lighting On Tenae, diilicultiea in the -way of the Bdward Weld a etudent at the AMESITE DRIVES! growth of the Blue Croaa and the OVERHAUL Boys Acardemy to Sufflold Spent Tormo Armagodl long S2-inch handle helps-pre- bumert; storoge comportment! B e h w * SSentaly Lassan From Korta Blue Shield. But it turned out, at 1987—ABd Later - the week-end with hto am t M n Gkrita Of filnterinto vent bockstrain, The keen edge ABOUT SOME FIRES! Graea W. Ooahrbur of Mata street the December AMA meeting, that - ThomiiB D. CuUn on blade speeds up your work! Pethaps one reason our S U U Chryslor, Plymouth, Dodgo, -The Alghland Dtotrlet ef Boy D^hrtmcnt has begun to recog- I that organisation had no love for JARVIS Scouto. B n planning aevoral 2-9219 albs the Uct that it cannot delay having the Blue Ctom organise it- events. A dtotrlet Court of Honor 4 toluUon of the German problem srif on an efficient nation-wide doSoto wrae held in this town Thurtdey j night, while the Dtotrlet Clamporee 8 HANDY ALUMINUM ‘ t i e . S4.M UrSIOHT forever, and cknnot alford to al- basis. The reason, it seems, was REFLACEr in g s ___ _ wlU be held the weekend of May PANS-ONLY low the Russians too much ieader- that such an organisation might Tht warBi, sfift bIbw REPLACE CONNECTING ROD BEARING8 14 and 18 at Totiand with troops ihip ia their own proposals for gather too much centralised pow ef a Ire ia tbe trej^ee REPLACE PISTON PINS from Tolland. EUtaigton. Itodc- Germany ia that it has benefited cr into ita own hands, and that vllle. Vernon. TeleottviUe, and . . . or the BMitle ire un- PISTONS EXPANDED Bro-td Brook taking part. r22-gaugo« rustproofi mirror from the example of Korea. these, too, would be lay hands. 8o Fast, offidonf dooningi dw the kettle with its ALIGN CONNECTING RODS _ The community oupper that waa finishelid. Set incl. 1-qt. pudding Ti&rt, ia a situation which is the AMA doesn’t want govern be held in the aoclal rooms of malic rug adjustment. premiae of a cop of tea. GRIND VALVES. REFACE AND RESEAT h ’ pan, I-pt. soucepon, 7-'m. skillet. Germany ia miniature, we have mental socialised medicine, or The Good Earth Tlicac are nice fires- but REMOVE CYLINDER RIDGES toe Congregational church on Ma; • Sat of 10 ANochiMida.l3.9fi been tagging along behind Russian compulsory health insurance. But d in charge of the ILS.T.U.V."’ A$ Your Safest there’s definitely nothing CLEAN OUT CARBON snap of tha Ladtoa Banavolent Special/ policy. First, we rejected Russian It doesn't really want thinga like nice about fire such as INSTALL NEW GASKETS Soriety haa bean postponed to a STURDY STEEL WAGON prapaOala that both of ua evacu­ the Blue Cress to get too big, Investment 4.9S STAINLfSS SH OP pictured here—a fire that 5 QTS. HAVOUNE OIL date to be announced in June. REG, 8,75 w mm ate our ocenpatio* troops from either. can rob yon withnnt TUNE CP Mrs. Gordon Downes of Maple NEW. PLATWARI 4>7 7 Kerto. We dM so because we cal- We have an idea of what the avenue who hoa been In the Hart­ Now Rodaeod! / * New Cape Cod houses un wuming of all your poe* ford hospital where she underwent fid-pcWfsrd .O yiutMi tpa niisrians h*d AMA might have done If it really der construction in various Oldimobiit eeaeioafi. Parts and hthor e Mrioua opention haa returned Btoir regime in narthera Karea wanted to fight effective batUe aectiona of Manchester. $ 7 5 - 0 0 home where she to convaloaelng. Amazing Ipw prico for flatware Body tiampod from 1 piece ef iattOr Organised than we had U e against socialised medicine. In­ ‘ Flra toaarsaee to Itaelf wU neS prevent smeh Bilin*ton Grange will celebnte Engine its 43rd ennivonary on May It of rustproof, sefid stoinlau sted; stool; no seams to tear clothing- fIfla M we OrOre sponsoring to stead ef voting a Mg propaganda 4 Beams a M hats with t hd- inslBetrnphtoi bat at least it teUevee the fiaaa etol $7.76 Par Month For Yoar ’S7-*48 OMa dlUnaai unaalihed upatalra H«l barfitoe tovaived. Let ae tssae a peUcy far yaa that On 12 Months Budget with an annh-aiaary hxqquet in enduring bright finish. 35'xUV5 *... eolia rubber Hres. Korea. liiOrefore, war chest to denounce the evil it wator beat eU Msraat. firaplBee, sriB giva yen 'reaad tha rieck pasM-al-totod pfto tbe towm hall. The Peet-mastors or feared, that if feare, it might have davoted the toll tsselntt— . enppet aad brass are in charge of the program that " 'N e w Price : par troops out of KarOa, the aame war cheat to putting on a phMsWag. We lavHe vaat to- **We Aim to Take Care of Our Oum' the benouet. which to in RS6. 15.95 WARDS REO. 2.98 TWO-TRAY nation-wide campaign promoting apectlMi. Price fiiajMe aad ap. "h-rge of the Home Ckonomica b i M Cl Ceaetractoia to acewrdaaee witb "--imlttoe, TACKLi ROX r hi CBS aray or another, of private laaurance er non-profit in' plaaa aad iperifieetieai. “'-hvard Weld who to a atudant CoaipIttdIj iBfiUIlcd LAWN MOWIRW IR IQ 97 Corea by the Rusal euiance Ukc the Blue Cross plan, Boys' Aevderoy In Suffield CsOheetfiosw i I w M“x r ^ i the Berth. that would have been positive Brown-Beauprei Inc. -- t»-e' honor roll. He la the GSMccntration on the tree enters '-;w ef Mrs. Once W, Qoohriag lO'A” wheel*, sossi,pneumatie 24 gouge (tool box; shaped to.NAma^ to agree Jarvis Rtaify ' 'fatal StreeL MANCHESTER ROBERT J. SMITH, 30 B1S8ELL STREET rubber Ht m 5 erutiWo steel metol hondto, 2 eotchSL self, prise cure for our national medi­ Inc. I'o f both Ruaeiaa .\ pot hick supper will follow cal -care program Inatead of mere­ ' Co. __ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 7191 Utf iHixinexn meeting of thc MOTOR SALES blades. Pncloeed peart, wheels. lock ot eoitter. Dhddod .troyx ly negative atUcka on the alter­ REALTORS Hethewav-Miller Poet. Americer .512 5Vcst Confer Rt. ’ S 953 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 34.50 = Lec-ion Auxiliary meeting' that native to a sound cure. 654 Center Rtrcet CHRYSLER - PLYl^lOUTH- Phone 4134 w ill ha held at tha home of USE %’ARDS MONTHLY PAY51ENT PLAN . . . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Ualeas it does eventually aae its Tel. 4112 or 7275 * ■,' i'-VT' '*''':’ ' . ,• r'4. % •-

MAMCRESTEB BVBNING HERALD. MAKCHESTER. CONN.. TDETOAT. H AT 8. 194f huge mural depicting, pro-historic musical aad dramatle high achooi Scholarahip Given animal Ufe, te to tbsTeabody Mu­ CESSPOOLS AND SKP ' - Fatima Guild ___ iparaxta. Mr. tad Mrs. F . W. Is Initiated organteattona. was a fte n w ®* • seum of Natural A rt here. ManchMer To Pick Board Observe Ciean-u^ Week aUier at Tateavillf. ^ . oimnaetieut gcholaatia WrtttM The award of the scholarahip POWtK ! Af-; Cheney Tech r Soulti Coveoli^ Joaeph ’ A. ■ tefatti:' nf award this year (Mto te a aawnbar Art liMtructor WM announced yestorday by .the . Into Sorority ef the journaHem clUh a ta Btetra* Aihtzer Frize committee in New For Peace Da^ 8M9; . P 9 0 i » ■ road, Bauth |*V ;| •?• : 'Jjpilgariiig iB i^c wera marrlad April M- at Syracuaa. May 8—Mlaa Char­ ^Mtee Jurgstas for two yeare hto EaUtoger said he Intended to use |!' N .. I ■ 1 been Parede of Youth cerrstaoim young Yale art Instructor haa been the award to travel In Italy “when • t John’B ebureh, Springfield. lotte Worgan, daughter of Mr. T M ic k t _ National Ctoan-Up.«nst down by the Poet Office De- Noted Sculptor to Lec­ U M h H a w A t Teeh Local Group Would *Vh9 Mtoaes A lice Breen. Mam- It waa aaaaaaeed hy ent, received a Parade e f Ym ta awarded the $1,800 PuUtaer art I#, nt1.m im iiil^.. Peaty which netted a good sum af fitonay iBcoma fn w i rente o f |1,000 an* :80 o’clock. Election of preaideiit vlca-presl sculptor ne well sa n lecturer and ttuditortaua, Franlp W r a i^ t, prrri the w ell about 28 teat awfly and Mtoa Worgan. a sraduato o f Postmaster H. OUa Oraat aaya Approach jco box must be kept acUvitfea and games. There are lihghast, who broiu|bt up the qjies- High achooL te • tor the Orange. BuaUv haa rnwratlng expenaaa—In* May. « . 8 and 8 dent and aacretary for one yaay or clear of rocka, ruU and snow. writer. Ordained in 1932, he at­ stenL te chalrmtu and may ba « « * aaw (Tharteep floating on Uie Mansnen«i tJawsi Hobby Show at Y.M.C.A.. after­ untU their successpre are elected: It is important that t heee «ogula- two ping pong tables which are in tion of a "Peace Day" observance ftac. In aome way which she could I fMahman in tha (te ttw w W btoW Mrs. Oreeea Barter e f Euehlaad d S teg toMa—of 1800 a pear, plus Post should be Just o ff shoulder tended the Chicago Art InsUtuta, continued use; usuaUy a waiting ■i acted (or furthar daUlla. Aa ia- Appointment a 'teadslhrsrk a tions be carried out, so that the New York School Design, Royal here soma weeka ago, has baen ac­ not deacrlbe later, Mrs. Pierce During the road. WappIng, w w admitted to a dapiaciatlon allowance of 1200 a noon,and sverlng. carrier may effIcienUy tisiry out highway, box fnatened to poet so line of boys who wish to play art tively promoting the affair. And dtnietioR anwtlM took pteoe at T w , Thia leaves a “net operating Friday, May 8 eomptroUey and a euperintandent; Academy of Fine Aits, Roms, ha atidltortew Saturdav merain grabbed the child by one arm and! was cteetod Boctel Chairman of the Manoheeter Memartal hospital Us dutiai. Many oases ot neglect that It overhang! allowing the at the taMca. A tournament to to will appear tonight to urge kdop- draggad bar from the bole. Peter |^r pledge claac. income of . $200 a pear or 20 per Ever Ready Circle. King s Appointment of the tollopring fender of the car to clear poet. ba ptayed In the near future for tton of the plan, plus an appropria­ j i puplte from Mtetk |iw Daughters rummage sale, 9:30 a. committees fop one yean BxdCUn' aatoPe” oversight on the port of niawecth. a neighbor, gavo aiti* I — :------• The Youth FollowsUp p>rtpmied cant of his gross rental incoma ttsm riisr, and hs will be taotifled Box must be on right h a^ aide the sdwol championahip. tion to see It through. %i'uouBb high achotd are oUglble He then is entitled to a rent m. Second Congregational church. Uve committee, , Honda Setback to another favorite paa- mSS. I^areme O ^ra^^o>alr» floial rospiration Until the Fire Oe* their eeomd. movie night w e a of highway aa approached. A t their tost meeting the Dlrec- AprU so to gaturday ovaniM. ^ ealUng increase to boost hts net Mother and Daughter Banquet Grounds committee, Nuteing hi> asnna Uni9 with groups of four or five tora voted to place the quaetlon on leaan a f tha town Hono.’' , wm I partoMwtIlflTMIBViBk pulmotorineooagtotata »oarrived. »a »»^ AtWWW Elmanuel Lutheran church. carrier knows where Ua stops are, Meet your carrier, talk with .mtttaa, aUtea .a meeting af that I the Windham Community Memo- 7. The main feature win ha *Y d t^ Income to 30 per cent. In this case, mlttec. Finance committee, Build, him, cooperate with him, and ra- students ptoytng. while a aeriSua the agenda for their first regular Wapping Boys’ and Olrls' Talent Show ing committee, PubUc Relations and who Uvea In the houses, but (.group will Uke ptooe May II | rial hoaptOa where teia wae tokew Men." comlo strips and taort s ^ such an Increase on the property should be become aid:, or In ths celve aervice with n amlle. minded group are playing check- May meeting, and preaniuably the is |U par month which brings the Hollister school. commlttes. Insurance committee -downatolia In tha Nathan .Male Uttendanto aaid tha girl waa suf- Jsctewlll maka up tha rest of tha evsig h nsw cnirlsr wsra to be as­ Boxes ahould be so placed that era. agenda to drafted to Include this rWar^nae • I #ma4ffiEP #9Wim m1uw*1p lUBt WAR llOt About 80 of the aaalor cteao of landlord’a gross take to $1,143 a Friday and Saturday. Bday 8 and 7 end .Budget oominitee. The radio haa a group of boys item. kOnnmttato Ointw*. \ fering from ohock but shmshe was not program. Miantonomab Tribe o f Red Men sign^'to ths route, It would be they may be conveniently served In serious oondltion. ■itewocth High school laeludlng The first movie night waa a sue- pear. The figure la obtained this At the annual meeting o< the difficult for Mm to w ry out his by the nrriers without diaiaouat- elm^red around It. “Just listen TUlinghsst, noting that tha town Hl-Orowera 4-H Gardw Oub urap: host for 63rd Great Council ses­ to tbe tune! It’s bound to be a haa held iU “days” Mr the armed Ivwin meet Wedarolay inetead ^ The South Cmrantry Basebcq throe teacbera. Mlaa Mollii. Id It te b o ^ that ^ aama sion of Improved Order of Red Ck>rporators the foUowlng bustn work, beesuae so.msny rutal mail Ing from their conveyance. Kultiplp the landlord's operat* Is scheduled: Appotntment.cd five band o r sonm bot number being forces, believea that the town 'jprtday thia week at the aome of ,a u b , last year's ebamotoa, was Sander and Mr. Bemwtt, left and their frianda wm come Men at Hotel Bond. boocex do not conform with regu. Have an mall stamped before Ing espenses, including taxes and Corporators to bring number Up played." should stage e really big affoir to /Mrerituth Ctobring. ^ againegam votedvoieo intowto thewe ienlorowum- ^■'^I'lHartford veeto^y >t B I®**' enjey and make tbte a auoeato Saturday, May 7 Inttons, and many do not have placing It In besL Tour carrier al­ On fair days another group of be devoted to worid peace.. It to “ piano win no tampletcd Ttire- BaeebaU League of WUUmanUc at ^(our-day trip to TIcketa may he obtatoed at the dapradtatlon, by 100 and divide Breakfast Fashion 8how-Ba to twenty-four as requinri hy Sec­ names on them. < ways has e supply of stamps and by 70 (the allowable percentage of boya will be playing basketball in hto thought that the leading na­ thla ovenlng hy «5 «»b «».^ an oiganhm^ meeti ^ to ^^ilngt^ D. a The trip wtU to- door or from mombora c f ths zaar. Women o f O o u n ^ club. tion 2 of the Articles of Incorpora­ Following are the regulations.' enveicqies tor your convenience. maaUc Friday night. Bustom around Waah- expenses). The answer Is the tion; Election of seven Truatoea tha rear of the school. In the tional exponents of peacg ahould Young U ^ rs mub f,«r the fl- Youth Fellowship. n m U rn U m t a M t dona not atop gt the property Manchester Country club 11:80 a. courtyard the students have built be brought here as apeaken had tnanoo comhuttea anooaorad riuh- Managor Thomas J. Kuehn of Ib®l|-_4M n c. Annapolte, htd-. and . The regular meeting of the amount to which the' rent can be m. Tickets by reservation only. to hold office for six yeare 1949- tlM . f 9« p a r tar the etraet ta front of your lot. ‘ increased. In the case above, two ^ the finest horseshoe courts that poMtibly two months or more ' mage and white Mepnent sale Bat- locmclub tonortod thara wfll be WappIng P.TJt. whleh waa to hay# Boys’ and Girls’ Teen-age Block 1955; Election ol two Truateea to K. of C. Hear Talk in the state. Several boys are be­ should be devoted to making full etx teams la K teaguo this year, • Mopom a^ew *^**,^. IM, ta tnelet ot a pavanaat you'll ho proud ef. that’s $1,148. hold office for two yearn 1949- , uTOta from to a. m. ♦ < » » » • “ • t® been held Tuesday night arm BOW DOES YOUR FINANCIAL GARDEN Dance, Maple and Main streeta About Town coming what some of the “old arrangements:. ho bold at the home o.* Mro^An. toeludiag Puteahl - portpoBod until further notice. E«wer Pbreentage Figures Parade of Barber. Shop Quartete. 1951, unexpired terms of Philip timers of this game” would call ton M- Laaooa. Mrs, ITedortek O. RIdgaa QaattUeb-Baecn, Wtel- Wfiuistw Ceneroto atroeto Mko tha vhelo nalghhorhoed Cheney and Rev. Wm. Dunn (D e­ The Past Matrons of Temple By Railroad Man ,tTc Aka aim Leonid Motpra ochopl of w d ^ wnmem GROW? For “large” landlords, the form­ High school auditorium 8 p. m. good. 'Btea^wmto___ bosteso ostees at J,erixt homehomo mantle Elks and Laonaro Motora. i scow* ««w>eiatlon netted Mpa attraattva aad boost property valuae. They ula works the same wap except Legion Ladles’ Night at Legion ceased); Election of one Trustea Chapter 68, OJE.8., w ill meet at . The above sports plus baseball Atlantic Pact TllW iS Hey ^ mght lUMBVe MriTcharlto WXM ^rawe. Ben- The eeaeon wUl open >«®y.W aaaoetoUon neweo start planting it eow. Don't eqnaader aney your rcenoreas ta for the lower percentage flgures: home, 0 p. m. to hold office for four yexra 1949- the home of Mrs. Herbert W. Leo P. Barden, representative of are supported by the students’ jaSntadllro. and lir a . JajspFdoB Loshe. [ d pmi. . The loca^ttom, 1 safe ta etroH Itihttag eeata aadaratafar haeauM ependtog all your asralnga. BztravagaiMe U the wead that wm 1993, unexplred term of WllUnm Robb, 284 O nter Street; Thursday- jhxtdn IS with RoekvUle at EUoworth High. bdtobaU team Multiply operating expenses. In* Monday, May 9 the’/New York, NesvHaven and canteen where candy, pies, soda, 0Dohofttaa* 0 -lW tW . a practice garni defoated 8L Thoma* nhte h m Itt* OfficM For Ronf th e y roflast aera light ud art uniforaly skid* eiBoiher yoiM’ dreams and kaep them from hlcomleg tote raamy. eluding taxes and depreciation, by YWCA Spring Check-Op. Cen 8. Hyde (Deceased): Acceptance eveniiog at 8 o’clock. Members are Hartford rallro^, last night toM etc. are sold. The canteen to open­ Again Target A ragdlar meeting of tho' teqai tha local ttald Wedneedey at f An Objective Bavinge P|a« Insurm the confidence ea^tim to o f Auditor’s Reports tor 1947- reminded to bring articleo for the ed each recess for five minutes and doy, w . This taakaa ti»«ir 318 Mata Sirdtt raatatant. eat or dry. 100 and divide by 79 (the percent­ ter Church. 8 p. m. Speakers: members of Campbell council, Boord of Edueotion wiU tako placo vi^ry. The next gamo wUl bo sncoewi. Open aa aocoimt fo r each member e f tho famny at ma age alloemble for the “large” op- Kay Knopp. Joyce Fuller. Joseph 1948; Appointment of nudlton tor white elephant auction. Mrs. Fred Knights o f OolumbuB, what bis or­ at nocn tor 15 minutes. It to op­ Fire in tbe underbrush at the Maacbeeter Savings * Lean and wnteh yopr eavtege grow wHfr (CoxttoiMd freoi Paga Om ) tonight at » PJB. » t thaTeum with Etot Hartford J. V., May P Mian yen eennider thalr long itrvlea nsd l e v oration*) W righ t Dorothy DiaseL ensuing two years or until thste E. Thrall will assist Mrs. Robb, ganisation has to offer In the wsy erated by the students and all C2oAte Offlto bTflouth OumaStr .ow n at Ooveatry owned Pine Mra: A s m R, Oflrt the aid of our genenxM (Uvldcnds. tavtnge tamred ap te gMOR MeCRyxn, Ol P . at East Hartford. Housing authorities said ma­ Tuesday. May 10 successors ere appointed. and members unable to be present o f sGcommedaUoiui f o r ' groups R e v .’ profite are hantfed through .the P it and hobby entrieo fto Orove to Booth Ooveatry did c m - BnlnttaanBO ennt, Portland eanaat coneroto strottn See n e Student Activities Association. “paymenta" on this "shoddy" pact PrincliMd H®wy , PhoM 3046 chinery plready has been set up Cotton Pickers’ Minstrel at Ike present offlcere of the hos­ ars requested to notify either one wishing tu mskc a trip to Boston • PTA apeoaored ahow May 81 foom alderoMa domage to tho pine gyp the hoot pnTMtat Invaatnent your aoney can o f the hoeteeeee. Italy, and Cranbrook Academy. he aaaerted, “to to create false troea there gaturday aftornoon. nounoed top honors for tb® FOR TOUR CO.VVENIENCE OPEN THUR8. UNTIL AiOO F* M. to handle landlords’ applications Whiten Memorial hall, sponsored pital are: C. Elmora WatUns. or New York to attend a baseball Bloomfield Hills, Mich. He al crises.” J-g p. nu at tha Mathan Hale president; Mrs. AUto Baker Oeventiy Vahmtear Flra Oompray ation claas 'nwreday. They are bay. orga your eity officials to build your strtet tor increases. Because of the by North Methodist church game. Laat year membera of the spent some time in independent The former vice prcaldent noted Oemmunity Oealer auditorium yaledlctortan. Ronald ^ possibUlty of a log-jam In process­ groups. Tinker, vice-president; Mias Jen­ The Women’e Mlaeionary Socie­ council' attended a Sunday game may he placed with the foUowtog: 1 azttogutebed tho flamoa after with OMOrotv-tha safe, durable, low-onnual-cort studies, end worked under the Condition of Girl the Russlana “have opened the isoma dUneulto w tha approximste of Mr. and Mrs. ing < requests. Woods’" office an­ Tuesday, May 17 nie B. Wind, secretary; and Man­ ty of the Emanuel Lutheran in New- York. This year it Is pos­ Pats, lirei Frank W rtog^ t ^ noted Swediah-American aculptor. road to peace In Berlin. Now we I four-inch underhrueh had a good Raicblo of Warbhouto Potot 1 ^ AUTO GLASS PEPMMbF that dreswn up the ebola bleok. nounced that any boosts granted Open meeting — American chester Trust Co., treasurer. WU church will bold its regular meet­ sible that a train trip sriU be Cart Id e a . must take it" phana TFimmantie sadO fra, Ruto win date back to the time at Legion Home to discuss Sold'j liam P. Slover Is eupertatendent. ing at the church on Thursday at Is Reported Good (Muring, Manchaater #188; start upon tha arrival of the com­ Arllne Chlckey. ■cheduleit inetead. A oommittse to Vlaitod Peitngxi He proposed: pany. Chlof Ernest J. gterket re­ Mid Mrs. Alexnnder Cblctoy of MIRROllS srhich petitions are filed. Sailors and Marines Fund. 2iS0. Memtiers are requested to consider the proposal aill be "The ijea t moral equivalent tor Wes, hba. Howard A. Oratt, With- POBTMBP CIMENT ASSOCIATION Manchester Father McGlynn went to Fa­ ported that a lighted cigarette had WappIng and Mlm Vw tSy Jw- The housing expediter said the Friday. May IS ' bring old sheets for rolling band- named at a later date by Grand tima, Portugal, ahortly after the The condition of four-yaar-oW the pact to the competitive ooeper- mantle 2T78-J1. Mlaa K a t h ^ oar Medhoe Ave« Now ToHi IT, N. V. Annual Spring Ball—Employees Fnrdto, Maaoheater 8887. Thar# bean toaaad from a parked car. galw. daughter, of Mr. and Mm tormula for granting Increases re Urges Chinese agee. Knight Thomaa J. Morrlaaey. ^tparitions to the three children Janice Miller, who ran into an ation of Russia and the United Occupaato of tho ear ^ WlUtem JurgelM of Bwtb Wtad- of Manchester Memorial bospItaL wm hohe no admtewon adntteelon loo.foe. AUa u A eedeaol ergtoleoilee ie toprewe eed extend (he inei e l pertlead cemeM suited from an extensive OPA Following Mr.. Barden’a talk were reported- He had tha unique automobile yesterday afternoon, is States and Britain within the OQUy CnOO w i ■or || orem the cO*MtauWVW5«ap«co-salototortona. All survey of net incomes earned by Hotel Bond, 9 p. m. Seml-formal. trteo wm ho oHglbto for a oed eeeetele. * * Iteewgh idixdOe reieerch eed ewaieeerieo field werit SAVINGS & LOAN ASSO., he. Mrs. Arra Sutton Mlxter will tkels of motion pteturea oooeemlng privilege of a ten day vMt with “good" today, rt was reported at United Nations to rebuild a world a ^i«w"«diecUee wm hol®'** ^ ** ***• three etudente have bean Iteted on both “ large’’ and “ smaU" land' Annual concert of Chamlnade Be Given Help ixspare and aerve a complSte Lucy doe Santex, then Sister the Manchester Memorial hoapitel. that to fit fo r all men.” Musical Club. Emanuel Lutheran the Industry alid beauty apote of - — ------af »K«inPor mav «» honor ton eacn « the four 963 MAIN STREET TEL. M IS S lorto In 98 cities from 1039 l uacheox aa part of the cooking New England were ahown to the Oores, but now a Carm elite nun, X-rsya! have been, taken fe r posai- H. Lester Hutchinson, Labor •(iKtlt lb IHt lUW ANNUAl-COST f'AV(M[NI through 1946. church. demonetration to bcglven at the who is the only eurviror of the hie hakd Injuries. member of the British House of DEHMMMMB Saturday. May 14 Coattauod tram Page Om • membera of the council. This study showed that half the Second Oongregatiotud church on . Plans are progreaslng fpr the three children to whom the vision JaniCe, the daughter o f Mr. u id Oommons who' to UraveOiiig with lant^idb In those years received Brownie Etevel.-Center Springs of Mary appeared. He interviewed Mrs. Robert P. Miller of 28J Welleoe on a nationwide apexhing 9) Park. (In case ol rain, revel a-lU be that "the powerful Industrial Thursday afternoon. Members o f annual Oommunlon breakfast o f WIU consist of a one-hour dtroral-1 doe# not kUl these trees. Three Went of the J®®*®*! hlgter returns than the 80 and 29 potential of a Communlxed Japan the North Methodiet church Will the Council which »in be held at personally, besidea Lucy, membera Garden drive, ran out from be­ tour, called Winston ChurchtU's 1 ■entativr to Nutmeg Boya flUte V-' per cent figures and halt received be held May 21) tween cam parked oa the esM side fledflod etagestage program amiaad aa aapprox* p iN ^ I| dlffcrontdHferant famUlosfamlUas notidiwnoticing tootho will be added to ths vast raw ma­ be special gueate of the Women’s St. Bridget’a hall following the 9 of her family, persons upon whom recent Boeton speech “astochlev- atmtamlmBf BmmMPVOflRa l mmfim tilO lower returns. Wednesday, May 18 miraculous cures have been ef­ of Garden drive and struck the ous. Irresponsible and dangerous Imato twiphawr d s m ^ p r w r ^ fMnM had placad caUa for toe S roevtora » d has St. BridKcl'S t'ofnei o.ioue Club terial resources and ths Immense League at this time and all wom­ o’clock masa at St Bridget’a Froceada of this wm xteo he do*Iconipany. One of toe parUee hadlcouncll for torro ywro w o mje Bvpeneee Approved - manpower of a Communlsed Asia, en of the community are cordially church on Sunday.-May 15. Mem- fected at Fatima ainoe it became a right front fsnder of s north­ to world peace ” ' ^ —Pot Luck Supper 6:30 p m. ahrtne to Our Lady, and witnessea bound automobile driven by Bated to UwmeaUeaed fund. Ring I ^^Stitod^ttM'parked car *** ! ^ v l to * H l^ In allowiiag expenses, the Fed­ wm Be Waste et EPorte Invited to attend. There will be bera of. the council will attend Hutchinson termed proposed ewtotailmgHtw MMIw 1 ^to ^^maaaetod teffi tafmMWM wSSe iOte 1 ketbul ketbafl tOt ^ lHl AIMa^ ACUVA ID itl Te eral yardstick approves the Inclu- Sat.. May 21 and Sun., May 22 of the events of 1917. He also dis­ Caiarlea E. MoUer, 49. o f 65 Wad­ implementation of the pact And Qomm of Uia popolArlty con- "All Those in Favor", musical •Tn another form this Is exactly no admiasion charge. communion in a body at the maaa test now under way wm reign 1^ It Town amptoyaas had| V M GWekey te aioa of taxes, maintenance and what we fought the last Moody, At the breakfast following, the cu ss^ the apparitions and aubae- dell road, according to tha report through military aid to the mem­ Student OouncIL was In the Itottn such other items as normal “wear comedy. Temple Beth Sholom quent occurrences at Fatima with of Patrolman William Pearson. during tha avantog. «tur ti‘triinmad the *teato *“to cruel costly war In ths Pacific to The Women’s Federation -of past grand knights of the counell ber nations a “grievous burden" about five feet from tho ground. Honor Society, hto been active to and tear." But mortgage inter­ vestry. 8:30 p. m. the resident Bishop, and the Cardi­ The resulting fall ratoed a bump on the people ef Britala which P^U e of grade eeven at the Tuesday. Wednesday, May 24-25 prevent This win be the sacri­ Canter Church will hold ita annual will be guests of honor. . gouto atreet echool with James T est and amortisation are not ac- fice, the criminal waste cf all nal of Lisbon. He modeled a stat­ on the back of the child's head and would “JeopardlK’’ that country's ce^M e as legitimate iterating Annual Elemriitary School Glee meeting Wednesday. May 4, fol- ue of Our Lady of Fatima from aha 'xaa taken to the hospital by Laldlaw wm take thahr educatiop* Club concert at High school. tremendous efforts." lowing a Pot-Luck Supper to be program of social aervices. expenses. Even sa he testified, the Com- the description furnished him by her mother. The accident occurretl al trip to NOW Havas Hmnday. Friday. May 27 held at 8:80 p.m. Election and In­ In front of 17 F Garden drive. No Michele Olua. Soclaltot member With them wm ba BupaitoteBdsnt under the new fosmula, accord­ muniete in (3htaa were sweeping Quartets^ Parade Lucy. Hie book, “Vision of Fa- of the Italian .Bcnate, aaM Italy ing to the housing expediter, in­ Military Whist of S t Margaret's stallation of Officers and Group tima," is read throughout the arrests were made. Jeha C'ReUly, Mia. Ratlly. Mrs. Circle. D. of L, at St Bridget’s on to now vlctoriee and closing In Leaders will take place. The pro­ would become a “beggar nation" creases will he granted no more on the great port dty of, Shang­ ! ChrLstlan world. Oeorga M. BloOdgood. Arthur dto hall. gram la in charge of Group B who Hei^ip o ji Saturday Mrs. E. Mao Holden is chairman unleas her former war Industry to hart. Mtea Katoerto Purdto and often than once a year in , most hai. converted to consumer produc­ cases. However, exceptions may Sunday, June 28 will present a one-act play by the of the Lecture Committee. Both Mrs. UUaa Btantok. Iha group Annual Spring Outing of Brit- But Chennault said the United Center Thespians. Military Whist tion. A ^ UNUSUAL OFFER! be made in eases where taxes in' States eUU has tim e “ to decide on One of the. chief functions of reserved and unreserved aeaU are wlU leave the echool about BJO o. lah American Club. All day. the "Society for the Preservation available for the lecture, and may "Yet,” he added, “your Mr. m., end return about 7to0.p. at crease, or where there are other and execute a poMcy o f positive Acheson aaya that under the area-wide changea Provlaional League of Women and Ebicouraghment o f Berber ba obtained tbrouj^ Mra. Holden Plans Advanced Oecar MUlar aad Lawrence C. action which may yet avert the Voters of Manchester will hold and her committee, or at the rec­ terms of the North Atlantic pXet ultimate catastn^he." Shop ()u8rtet Singing In A s sri- Latimer wto be in charge of the 2r - g r 7.si!y!!L sa7?rt?A S i: Bible S«n Beet Seller Had No License Unit Discussion Groups tomorrow ca" is its ^ community aei rice. tory of S t Jamas church. the United States will supply 15 oetoack party Wedaeaday at 8 Cbennault’s report to the Armed evening a t 8. a t the homea o f Mrs. Typical o f this Sepirlce was $3,000 Father McOlynn will, following At the meeting held tost night per cent of the arms, while Italy p. Bt, to toe auditoriuro of the Service committee waa hi# S*tood' Inrtug Gunderson, St the home of Mrs. Michael Gor­ Washington, May 8 — The Farm Drive, raised by the Bxrttord Chapter for his talk, answer all questions on must produce 85 per cent." Nathan Hale Ounmuntty Center Mottoyem Alae.Tll make ^ m m protw al^ (or your —iJPi Is Arrested Here of the day to a congreselonel and Mrs. M. & Hathaway, 5514 man, further plans were made for BIMe is still the beat seller that the Shrine Hpspltal for Crippled what is to him, and to thousaiids The pubUo te tovltod to a Oodi Oxaghter for even leee only 01,28 n asentk. group. He appeared eartlpr at a Parit etreetf CTilldrex, $1,900 Rockville Chapter of others, “the most importMt the Military vniist which the St. book publishers produce. I t record­ closed door meeting o f the Joint Margaret’s Circle, Daughters of and Butt Ravua Wedaeaday at ed atowst two and one-half times Graham M. Holmea. 18, 138 contributed to the Visiting Nurses event of the Twentieth Century." 1:20 p. nt. At the Ualen churrii ai That ia exactly tbe deni yea eaa get hi ear fltodtote AmlAeet Bewi Senate-House "Watchdog" com­ Oibbons Assembly, Catholic Association, and $750 the New Ha­ Isabella, to planning for May 27 as many aalbs in 1947 as In pre­ W o^and street haa been arrested for the benefit of St. Bridget’a PersonMl Nulires RackvUla Partidpaata wm be cVMfen ago tit Md oMor. Call aa today fer foil defolle Reneemher, for operating a motor vehicle with­ mittee on foreign spending. Ladles .o f Gplumbua meeting to ven Chapter presented to the In­ members of home aoonomica club* war da^. Bales in that year to­ Senator McCarran (D., Nev.l, have been' h M May 3 haa been school building fund. taled 9,248,000 copies having a out a license. Police Sergeant fantile Paralysis Fund. nader the dtrsctloa, of ^Mteo Cbre head o f the “ W atchdog" group and postponed until May 17, New The Rockville Chapter will pre­ To Recommend Reports were given by the chair­ Cxrd of Thanka “factory value” of $9,289,000, the Walter Cassells made the arrest man of each committee, which In­ H. Webb, ToUand County home yesterday at 3 p.m. on Spruce advocate of aid to China, said membera ate asked to n-Jte change sent another “Parade of Q ^r -1 W* wUh to thank all of dur fiitnda Bafars JdmSSss Otnsus bureau said today. The re­ Chennault told them that "the cluded the following: Refresh­ and neiskbors for the many Sets of demenetratieu ageat s tre et in date an^ invited to attend May teta" Saturday evening, with all New Dam Plan kthdnrM and aympathy shown us in port o f a 1947 census o f manufac­ time la now ripe fo r uee to make 17 meeting. procseda being turned over to tbe ments, Mrs. Joseph FalkowakI; The echool hmeh program wm James Madden, no address, w ill raffle, Mrs. E. W. Graham; tables our recent berenrament. Wn would bo rontiaaed thraugh May. Saladx tures and sales in 1939 was 3,800,* a definite step" to help the Na­ Girl Scout Drive to help extend niso like tu thank the Manchester 000 copies. ) presented In Town Court to­ (Contliraed frem Page One) , and carda, Mrs. John Jamroga; wm be amrsd on tbo warm’ daya morrow on an intoxication chai„'e. tionalists. Northern Connecticut Alumni these cervices in our community. Orange, the Oleaners • ( the South JOHN H J .u I’j'i n . INI of University of Maine will hold Two programs wiB- he held; the prizes ;and publlrlty, Mrs. Michael Methodist church, and all thoss who. wtto a hat dteh w atternate Madden, who recently completed a mile ^orth of the T^indecr L,iKka- Gorman; table decorations, Mra. sent floral tributes and loaaad thsir eheloa. (Yialrman Mrs. Raymond Jail Bcntence on an identical its annual spring banquet and first being at 8 o'clock In the High School auditorium, and the second Warehouae Point highway bridge StefsnIe Tunsky; and tickets. Mrs cam. B. Fmrtto remtods paraato o< GirVs Ttoo Piecer charge, was arrested by Patrolman meeting at Hotel Heublcln, Hart­ Edwin Klley and Jamea Barry. Mm. Alfred Rood and daughtera. Water Bute Charge ford, M ay f a t 8:30. John -SCaley. at South Methodist church 15 min­ and three miles downetivam from chUdraa taking advantage of UiU fnsurors • U t a h or* William Scully yesterday. the existing Enfield dam owned by program to ktodly bring $1 on General Alumni secretary, will be utes later aa a climax to the drive. gto VAIN STREET t e l e p h o n e agio May Be Discussed the speaker. Reservations may be Tickets may ba secured from the Windsor Locks Canal oom- Monday for that week’s meals made before M ay 5 with W - M. Mrs. Bruce Miller, Mias Emily pany. Flrot graders a n now tsktog their Sew-Easy Overall Alvord, Prospect Hill Road, Wlnd- Klsaman. and ail Council. Scout It would be integrated with the neon meal at toe audltertum at The question of the South Man­ and Brownie leaders. sub-structure of the railrosd tbo Natbdh Halo Community (tea. chester Fire District water rate For the benefit of the vUitIng bridge so as to eliminate danger I^ARADE OF BARBER SHOP tor where tbe program te carrtod charge which hat been aeheduled quartets, the Britlsh-American to the bridge from ice and debris euL Volunteer helpm a n Mn. A* for action on the second regular Flnar Club on Maple street will hold open during high water. QUARTETS Harry Olsea, Mrs. Matthew UU May meeting of the Board of Di- O O yS , I a ITIS l i H y house after the concerts to enter­ Constructed to a height of 45 SATURDAY, MAY 7 ten, Mn. David McCtelten and tain tbe gueste, aa well as Man- feet, the new dam would be 9.8 rectors, May 17, may be further a . ^ o • ■ HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AT ft P. M. Mra. Earl M. LytnSn. The menu dlacussed at tonight s meeting of [ Ix re e il aCU O O l riiestcr realdente. feet higher then either the exist- fer the eonmig week te w fol­ the Board of Directors. The Corn- , ing dam or any dama previously And lows: Today (Monday), gpaghetu mlBstonem o f the F ire Diatriet j oroposed for a replacement of it SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH AT 8:15 P. M. with meatball sauce, cahbaga and have asked that the present mtes Boys’ and Qlrto' Day waa ob­ I This, accofdlng to Mr. Martin, Fre seated By RoekvUlc Chapter S .P . B.B.aQ.fl,A. Many Applicants .greatly Ineraasea tha amouht'^of carrot ealad, fruit. Tuesday, baked be cut sasertedly to bring them served yesterday -by pupils of Ne Tickets Will Be SoM At Hw Doers beans with frsnkfurte, raw v«gc- in line with chargee in other towns. Gradas Vn and Vm at the Green power which can be developed. Spans ered By The Olri Scouts of Manchester table aalad. buttencotdi pudding. At the present time tha charge achooL For Licenses Here A navigation channel 12 feet Wedneaday, potato salad with la $10 per hydrant plus one cent Each pupil served on a commit­ deep would be dredged to the alte This to The Finale Ol The Ai m m I O lri Scent FMng Ortee i l l ’’-iisr of the dam ftom the Hartford end cold cute, peanut butter and Jam per inch foot on fire lines. The tee which made plena the pre­ aan^ch, fruit Thursday, chick­ Commissioners ask that,,the rate vious week for carrying on the Many applicants for driver’s of an existing 15-foot channM from licensee kept Motor Vehicle In­ Long Island sound. Locks In the en noodle nted, vegetable, "My w if* was 4iit of town...’ be cut to one half cent per Inch claemoom leaaons in mathematics, cookies. Friday, cream of tomato fooL applicable only on mains of social atudtoa, English, and music. spectors Nlcbolaa Ash and George Windsor Locks dam would pro­ Massey busy today giving road vide painage for- commercial and soup, tmto flah aalgd sandwich, ice aix inchea or over and that the Aa a result, oral questions, demon- cream. Bnad, butter and milk are hydrant charge be $10 aa now. strations, qutosea, and diacusaimui tests and tosuing licenses. One of pleasure craft betwaen the dredged were conducted in an interesting tbe men remained In the office channel and the pond created by aOrvad with kU meala. This, they estimate, would reduce RHODDENDRONS - AZALEAS Maridrt, Betty Lou and RUaasU cleaned oat of my engine when. I irel ewitAnI I? costa for water by about $10,000. and informative manner. Recess while the other accompanied the the dam and extending to Holyoke. "Last ttaia 1 was ia kera yon toM nto tkst engine oU The Dtrectora, at the time the and noon periods were also the re- application oa road teats. The locks would be above the rafl- A. Leonard (ctarned to their home AtlanUc Motor Oil for my thouennd-mikdmngs* w m to grt dirty. .WaU, 1 probaUy never proposition uras advanced, ep- sponsibUlty of the pupils, under Over a dosan people were wait­ road bridge to eliminate the pre. YEWS- FLOWERING SHRUBS an Lakevlew Terrace over the mppsaai peand to be dialncUned to make x supervtoton of their teachers, Mrs. ing at one time thia morning to viously- required installation and week-end nfter a ytaak with their w m M kton keliavad yon knt asy wife was out of operation of a draw-span by the reduction. The present contract, Doris OOdersleeve and A. Hyatt be given their examinations. The Y m sir! Adsaric Motor OU keops SutUffa.. uupectors make their headquart­ railroad. LANDSCAPE SERVICE \ town and I wa4tod tka diekaa.* signed 25 yeara ago. If anything, N o alteration o f Bulbeley brtetea a^bMsclaan. Beewe Adntoic Motor might be increased. It was hinted, Vtottore during the day wan ers in the oourtrooma at the Police ahould ehargea ba in keeping with “Superintendent” Felix Sambogna Station, at Hartford will be requlrro under "WhsTs Out gstte do wM eUT" OU T*~**“ oto aludgs — iglits fusKor* and “ Aaatotant Superintendent’’^ A. No examinations have been the new design, in centrast to aoihe H.O advanced coats through the years. of the sariler {dans which called HUTT NURSERY Msioo. And ks Wg* jUm etrmgfh doss There also was aome quaatfon as H .nU ng. given for the past two weeks In 2568 MAIN STREET GfMge R«i|ro«do Manchester because of t ^ license- for a drxw-opaa to provide for "Plenty* .1 was ptrtting tko last af tke daan diekes s top*notdi job of lubricadng yonr is p nr nnmnw to bow aervice and axtensioa eoete naviiraUan. The new prOpoaal GLASTONBURY might ba abaorbed by the town renewal period that baa kept the 4 A|r|iliuiM ia tke raA and starting lo let Ike dirty dUbwater Motor o a is lbs irat loguier priced motor oU to giva staff of tlte Motor Vehicle Depart­ would permit 20-foot clearance un­ PH ONE 3864 water department If the fire dl»- Mother, Daughter der ths M dge even when tbe river V. -nrke thf** way*"— .ukout ta- oat of tke sink when it hit amt Dirty water... ciren trie t rate to cu t ment busier than usual. 4 Roait yon tboae big BXTtA FBATUBBB. Why nto im ja m Inspector Ash comet, to Man- to a t the 18?oot o r flood stage. diekad: Dirty oil.. * dean enginel** INreetora are reportedly study­ Banquet Friday As designed, tha dam would 4 C atE Adamic Dealer for EXTRA aaswiea ^ ing the matter. cheater every ’Tuesday to toaue op- have neither benafldlal nor adverse eratoeW Uoensea. Rood 'THebbytog" Every* Ex t r a PRATURRB prednemf Hava him and effecte on floods, either upstream tatoadej Night PYas, that's the nay 4 s m it. V s * Asms smgim yom An unusually interesting pro­ in Sprlngftold or downstream In •nto. dmdmmsSr.sIsaaemsmifmmdhsspkdam nttl your anaksato vdta Adaaik Masse OR evesf 8948 Fund Is Set Up gram haa been arranged as enter­ Hartford or etoewbere, Mr. Mar< Come On An* See^ Come On An* See 1000 aMee. Hy Bxa Barnett By Mra. Anne Ctobet tainment following the Mother Rolaiy Oub Cups tin aald. HOBBY SHOPFI masdSmekMetmOS.r The young girls of the family and Daughter banquet at the g DftewnW Btrort Phnaa B$gg This uaeful little overall can al­ For South Church GMAC TMI ATlAMTie RiriNINO COMRANY vrlB adore this exciting two piece so be worn as a aun outfit. It la Emanuel Lutheran eburdt on Fri- J h r e on Display ThE COTTON PICKER'S Opoa to B. M. to 7 P. 18. **|’ p eajd * . . I WU eold when I aaw tka etadgs it dreas with Its giown-up air! Dainty almple to sew and requlrea only 1 day night of this week. Members Deaths l^nsl Night sesMsfS trim the wing eleevee and 14 yards of 35-lncb material for . A $600 fund to aat up under tbe of the Luther League at the H a n d peplum. you Uke. have win of William J. Shielda of thi« churdi wlU put on a akit entitled, ' Trophy cupa to be awarded by JAMBOREE! U the largest size. Convenient snap­ Ann Artor. Mich.—R. Ray the tagidat short sleeve. per closing on each leg makes tor town, who died AprU 25. the In­ "Mother’s Great Daya." the Rotary Oub for top e^iiblta FMtetB No. 8068 Is for stsa TTie akit to in eight scenes rep­ at the Boya and Girls Week Hobtiy Baker, 88. aaeoclate editar o f The quick changes and easy Ironing. come from which will go to South Ann Ariwr News, and acience and You*U tough an* shout ssith gleet H U » 9tod Id years. Stss 8. wjng The cute puppy-face decoraUotui Methodist church, according to the resenting Important events in the Show and the beet acta In the Tai>< ■isaxaik S yards of 89-lach life of a mother. In addition to tha ent Show are now on display la feature writer fer the Booth t * LOAM tS on each knM form protecUva knee will which was admitted to pro­ Newspapere, lac., a MldilgaD . H ar fld s p a tte n , asnd 28 osnU, pads and are easily made o f scrap bate by Judge John J. W allett late akit the mothers and daughtera one of tha Maacbeeter Etoi^c AT ' i s sOm y s o r aams, addrsss, aiss bag odds and ends. yesterday. will be entertained by an appro­ company's Main atreet ahow wta- group. London—^Eugene SabUn, 74. $Im FOli SALE HuML^ad ths Patten Numbsr Pattern No. 5948 oonaiat o f Ua- The Manchester Trust company priate eonle motion ^cture. dowB. . Igrtoee wUl be awarded at last dmrga d’affairaa for ths Rua- |sSH9»mwtt (Dams of your BUS pattern, alxes 8-18 months In­ win invest the sum. and the In- IT m dinner w ill ba served by the Both ebews In age groups, so that WHITON MEMORIAL HALL l,awnii power R olM CARTER CHEVROLET CO./ >"< r) IIW Avs. AXMtiesa. cluded; hot-iron transfer for ap­ Emanuel Brotherhood under the all youngstera, 'rtgardloBB of aga„ sian Imperial embaaay in I x>ndcw.. eome to to be applied toward the Budiaraat, Rownnln—Oheorghe plique; material requirements: em- coat of care of the lawn around dlrcetioa of Eraeet Benson of Ln- have aa opportunity to win a sup, AhtafitO’Drirta • I Bommor Faab- breddery Instructions, stitch itlua- the church and win be tn memory therwood, the Lutheran summer Osrtiflcatea of paillcipation wUI Petrascu. 77. regarded as Roma- TUESDAY, MAY 10 I f f MAIN STREET ' nla’a leading painter, noted tor you smoothly In frxUons and flniahlng dlrucUons. of Mr. Sbleld'a wife, Mrs. Sarah camp at Webater, Miaaa. ‘nckete 9e given to el) boys giid-glris en­ S',30 P. BL apriDHtato-som- Send 20c tn Ooina, jroor name, Joyce SMelda, the will sUtee. for the dinner are atiU availaMa tering either show. lendacapaA marinaa'aad etiUe. rH 0 N i - « t 7 4 .« 2 «a *o msksi addraae and the Pattern Number Tbe balance of U>e.eet8to will and may ba ehtelned by exltt H ht.H obby fihow to being held TICKETS 7Sc CALL t - t t U OR > M T S That. jorigiiial Adverttoewent to A ium Ckbot (The Manchester go to two sods, Wesley and Ches­ Mra Albert Harrison. 6019, Mrs. $99 ii laflaj’. wnmwday. ARd Fritar ^PogHhdly No Tkkstm Sold At Tbo Dosir I petst- Evaxliig Herald). 1180 Aye- .Amer- ter Shielda end Chaster Shlelde to d a rtn ee Peterson. $575, or Mrs. of thia weMi at the Community T igpn — ell icaa. New Tork 19; N. T , ^ )xaaMd Bdelatotratoe. Anrtin Beecblat, 81U. ^ iSt the North End, Ptnehmat O roceiy. MARUMBSTBK BVBWINO HKKALU. MARCHBarrBR. CONff„ TUESDAV, MAY 8. 194# ? A 6 t


nan Memorial Sunday. MfF •• Bradley Declares BmergeBcjr' Ofictora Hits Repui^cans | i T odt a : Ttekets Bsay be porehaaed from High School’s Soimder Btois ^ Mra Crist or Mra UrbanetU. Obituary _—,------— , ^ - \ Lot's show our choirs that we are Heart of Europe Dr. Robert R. KeeMy and For Obstmc^ioii interested in them. Honor Pupils Dr. Joseph Maaearo Seen Xobining Tommy Prior Shoots 70 Rulings Bobbie Hayes, Arthur Splelman answer emergency calls tomor­ In Legblature West Sldes-PA’fi Pl«y THK Is Defense Line row, it la announced hy the To Pace High Goif Win J and Buddy Collins are s p r i n g a D e E it u Edges Rockville Tonight fit Wcfit Side few days of their vacation at Ken­ Listed Today. Manchester Medical Associa­ For Business Cm m Heard Here; neth Bamea' Ckmp in Odrain. Ceatlaiusd tiMS Page One tion. Ceatlwwfi (MM Fage ' Pagani’a West Sides and the HERALD ANGLE Tommy Prior posted a pai. Honors for the fifth period at -'(Ceatteoed (roas Page One) (< from Fage Ona) Polish Americans, sohsdulsd to 70 yesterday afternoon as Tnuufmred to EUsworth n g b school were an­ from which he Would launch the endar In the Senate. It ia too late Denial A. FansuUo, 47, e f fiSfi •y Manchsster High’s golf team Launch Road Trips^ te the session to waste time t e ^ In Tenth Inning, 10-9 play last night at the (^al. nounced Friday as follows; Mar­ final attack for victory. ways to atreamltee tha state gov­ Forbes strqat. East Hartford, died t^ARL W. YU8T trounced Hamden High, 17 to ;. T r i b u n a l cipal Bailey flUed the role of social hour while Governor Bcnnea at hia home yesterday after a meeting offered plans to hulwarlit wUl try agate tonight. Last jorie Babler. a sophomore T'hat beachhead cots the. United ernment. proaperity. at homo and abroad: night’s oontsat waa poatponad ^Sports^Batw^^ 1. in a CX3IL match. The con- [ guest speaker.” States 21.U00 casualties in the reviews hia post-mortems. When abort UtaaaiL Ho was bom m achieved highest honors, the only Conway finally aubeidad to the BttMneaamen s h o u l d glw* due to threatening weather. test was staged at the Country ; iMt« hMTd yMtOTtey student to receive that raUng. Honor Studeats firat 10 days. 1 was a commander the Democrats indicate an Intoraat Hartford, aon of the late Alfonso Petke Scores Winning > banging of Tbim’a gavel and Cot­ In action rather than words, we "prompt kttention to tho task o f ' First pitch U scheduled at 8 pas of Easleat Bauafis *tba ball a little too bard and when aub. Jfe e l Tonight ___ at th* aMBion ot Um Harilyn Macdonald, a sophomore, Honor students are as follows: in that sea-to-land assault and 1 and Marlon Devito FansuUo. He pricing cohsumen hock Into the ter’s shouted objections.’ can get our Job done and I So In­ leavea hla wifa, Mra. Mary Jafie Run on Wild Pitch; | /tax Score | o’clock. Ths usual two doUai It was one ot my sa it hit tha cup it bounced o-jt. Hs Prior missed several birdu- court u d attotiMr Rachel Collins and Fenna Lee Jacqueline Alves. Janet Barnard, hops that the occasion shall naver PurtlftAa HlTiiffir***' market" 1^ lowering pricae and Jim Rohan reports a committee to the civil aide Donald Behrend, Joan Beleh^, arise when 1 might agate be called formed the govamor'a aecratary.” Ftaharty PansuUo; a son, Daaial attendance prise will • be Vounds; sverythtog cams easy pite did svcrj-Uiteg right and hia driv­ putU by narrow margins in I Pre • Season Choices ^ Fisher, freshmen, received higher Aa if taking iU cua trom the bringing out new producto. aaki ing was accurate." meeting of the Sportsmen’s Water Carol Bobyk, Elisabeth Boyce. upon to participate in such a bax- Rep. George C. Conway, the A. PsneuUo. Jr., o f East Hartford; Ridibard, Finnegan, Maachestcr (19) ftwarde

MANcnUin eK eyiSNING HERALDrMANCHESTER. CONNn TUESDAY. MAY 8. 1»4» MANcmarlSilviafmG h e b a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ;, Tu e s d a y , m a y «, i94t N. , ■ _ _ TMa’a Ik a t! Htip Wanted—Msle m HQtwaliatd GotMli M Hotmto fat Bate 72 Hmmm far Bate . Tf T u o m k k V i ) ^ ruL zs...-' BY ftINTAlNB POX John. Joner O'Oalahad McKnlght what to do. Judge—Why, tearta tteAT.^ ■'< ' LARGE Transplanted tomato MAN FOR fountain, Inacbaoaatta ROOMY OaUret imk cut-pricad *ae always painfully polite, ANTIQUEB KeOnislied. Hapatnng BKITON B nuarr- R*al Think! Even tba woodpecker « C|0 I-IMO. SEDAN BodeHAf, water piping, deep and uses bis head. planted flrmly in hla place, he’d ing a newspaper article vary eam- Service Oo„ 829 Main streat tear. shp'lofft *e»t pumpA gas and SEVEN WeekF old klttauA to be FOUR POSTER bed and woven ARTHUR A. KNOFLA acra tract no Parbar atreet Itoi blow cigar smoke in her face. And fuUy. When he had eoma to tha U )8 T —Wallat HiKk •chool 1946 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Call 7301. ______. alectric automatic water beaters fiven away. Call 8660. . ■pring. Reasonable. Call 3-8816. REALTOR ' , appotatownt eall Howard . R. <3> Employee—How about a sub- yet the damaela, far and near, said end he remartted to hla wife: , l^turday p. m. Vicinity HasUnga Real BstaU SpMUlite LAWNMOWERS aharpened, ra- aeailablA Prompt aanrtcA Ed- ■hr ' 876 Main Strset atantlal salary increase? You Socko Slug was “Such a Dear!”— Husband—Do you know. daar. I kttfB* Dr Iff Store and Prln- 1941 TUDOR SEDAN weig W. Jobaaoh Pboae dOTS. PET FOODS, accaaaorlea and SIMMONS Studio couch, like new. Phone 6440 Or 6688 Odd Fellowe Rlqg. Pbone S*UOT. Kart Flaster. think that tha clevarnaaa qf tte K paired, hartj and powar Washing with slip cov' rA Reasonable. Call know, three other compnnlca are . Boaa—That\ so? , What com­ ’’AU you folks who have trou­ block to the eon. See Balch For Bargains beating. Van Camp BToa Phone pmg of d ogra* the RaanM Sup­ panies? bles, remember the teakettle—it Wife (heaving a sigh of leUef) Vicinity o f Edward atreet and 4777. ply Shop. TM 3-4378. HANDY HOD baby washer and land. Win aeli for 8800. ebll tmion Court. Phore 6036 after «. 6644. wringer, like new, price 836. Call SEVERAL New 4*room homaa Hartford 8-8880. ' ‘ 3 ' Employee—Tha gas company, may be up to Its neck in hot wa­ -irWeU, thank goodness, our •7 Edward. Reward. __ _ VENKI'IAN BllndA All typta BEAUTIFUL Cocker Spaniel pup- 7702 after 4. spaca for 3 more, hot water boat the electric company and the coal ter but It always continues to Junior won't hava anything to fall POOOIB A Patannaa. Phimbfng sing.’’—Norman Rosa. over. BALCH PONTIAC. Inc. made to order, atao raeonditiofN and baaUng opntractorA Phone pICA 8 weeka old. Red and blonde. oil bumera, 810,6(>0—down pay- FOR 8AIJB or akebanga Bul|dteg company. •U3ST—PASS BOOK No. 6S783. ing Beet quality. Fmdell Manu­ menL Sl,'/00. P-room single, built lots at tba Green. Wm. Kaael^ 155 Center" Street for eaUmataa Uaadiestar 8-M04 H. C. Chace. Harmony Hill, South Notice la >iereb\ ttiven that Paai facturing Jo , 486 Middla 'Pnra> or Rockvma 3183. Bolton. Phone 8437. MachlRffry bh4 Toob 62 8 yearA 80-day ooeupancy. A Builder, 816 fhmUr street. Phone LANK LEONARD Bbok No. 6678Si laaued by The Phone 2-4545 pike Bast Call 4866. good buy at 88,000—88.000 down n 7 8 . MICKEY FINN Tlw Head BIsnl ^Sarins* Bank ul Manchester has BFPICIBNT PhimMng aad heat­ CORN PLANTERS, oulUvatorA payment Several. other stagtes LAWN Mowsra, hand sad powar, FOR BALE—l«t 80 x 100. Water­ keae^ lost or destroyed, and writ- ing. Phiggadv dralaa machme Artfetes far>Sate 4S harrowa, plowA mowera. Trac- aad 3 family bouaea. 88,000 and BECAUSE THE SHERIFF W Ea,Y0U SURE! BUT WE'RE WEU,1M tra application ha& been made to told, abarpan^ rapairad* Pmk tora new, usad In farm and gar- front Helfhta Coventry TM TS EIGHT! SECTION60F cleaned. CM J. Nygren. Phone up. Laka property aad bulldtag > THE OOUNTT VACRe PROBABLY IS SUPPOSED TO JUMP AND TOM/MP ONLY YOUR PEPUT1ES;\ HERE NOW, said ImM by the person In w hose 1839 CHEVROLET two-door, up and delivery Raya mada Saws 8467. MEN'S Rebuilt ant' ralaatad aboaa dan modelA Open eveningA Dqk- lots. For I ppotntmant ptiaae Phone 3-ImM., ' ‘ i c n ! naibe suck book was Issued, for $443, full price 1041 Bulck spe­ Ued. Capitol EquipmeBt Oo., 88 High and low Bettar than aheap tln Tractor Co„ WilUmanUc. Howard a HastIngA Raal Ertata I TICnAaSTlWriMfE^ OUTWHEV ONLY ONi BQUAD CAR W TRYIN* RIGHT MANP HELP SERGEANT UNCLE PHIL! YOU'RE MICHABL-AND Main. Mancheatai- Phone 7068. X new onoA Sam VuicA Sboa Ra- LOT—90 X l4s. Centrally located. THOSE SMALL TOWNS HALLI6AN THE s h e r if f ! a n d l U SOON PUT payment of the amount of deposit cial tedanetfe. a real nice one. Spaciallst, Odd Fallows Building, UtOlUea Will eaertflee. Phone \ jREN MBKPARE AU/TWRE iSMt TO PATROL TOO MUCH GROUND/ represented bjl said book, or for 1941 Chevrolet two-door. 1047 Roofing— Rffpafrfiig I7A palr Shop lOl-Mah. atraaL 489 Main street. -WHEN AN EMERGENCY HAVE BEEN WHEN YOU WEREN'T FLOOR Problems solved arlUi ROTO-TILLER for hire with op­ MIS. 1 ^^“ GfSrSTfS.MIlKV MUCK WUCC' AND THATS WHY IT S LOOKED the- Issuance of a duplicate book Ciievrolet comvertibie. 11,493. HELPIN'’EM. HERE. IT WAS ONLY linoleum, asphalt Uls counter. ROOFINO and Repairing of all ROYAL IhHrtablc typawiifara and erator. Phdne 8-3848. FLAT 5 and 5. Duplex 6 and A. lymoMMir m p w o tfctio h . SO BAD POR YOU-BBIN'AMAY/. LIKE INIS COMES therefor. __ Many others. Douglas Motor Expert workmanahfp. free asU- adding machlnea ITead typawiit- LOTS OF lOTS. Lakewood -Cir­ Sales, 333 Main atreet. Open klndA Chimney arork, gutter .Largs lota. Both near Ctater. im W EH? HAVENTKOU? NATURAL LOST—Parker 51 fold top pen. mates. :.'pen avaningA Jonas' work. Expert repalrA Honeet am and adding madimae aoM or GARDEN rrmetora Bready Planet cle North, Westminster Road. WHH— every evening 'til 9. CaU Madeline Smith, Realtor. 3- Qroea Road, Indian Drive, North Under please phone 2-0687. R*- Furniture, Osh atreet Phene woricmanaliip. Satisfaction guar­ rented- Repairs oa at> makea Jr.. Beaver riding with attach- 1842 or 4876,' MartoWA Elm, Oxford,' Irving, and Brood aratd. m i Ch e v r o l e t " -two-door 3-1041. anteed. C ^ Ooughim, Manehee- mentA Po’ver lawn mowera Oia- ston chain saws Capitol Equip­ streeta. Madeline Smith, Real­ coach. May be seen at 61 Avon­ ter '7707. FOR SALE— 30-gallon automatic FOR SALE--Attractive stx-room BOUND—Buff colored, small cur- dale road after 6 p.,m. LAWN Mowera, hedge shaarA ment Oo., 88 Main atreeL OalJ Cape. Cod with glaaeed and tor. 3-164ll or 4879. lay haired female dog. about 6 adssore sharpened on pradotda gas hot water noateiA good con- 7658 dltloA Martnw'a screened sun porch, hot water ntbs old. Call 3-3842. 1948 DE SOTO 4-door sedan, machineA Repair aervlca. Pickup Movliig—Traching— heat, ofl burner. Pine panelled radio, heater, excellent condition, and delivery. Tel 3-0868. 85 Fair- Storago 2fl FOR RENT— Powar and hand recreation -uom In basement, full fSitbariNiB for ante 75 6eld street BULK And package seedA feitil- lawn roUers lawn sweepers. Capi­ driven only 7,000 milee. Tel. laen, lawn graaa *eeda at the shed dormer with two rooms and PtraMiato 8 6344. , rASHES, Rubblah removed. Ocl- tol Equipro'ant Co-, 88 Main CRYSTAL LAKE—Scverhl eel- X -3 KAl>lu need Oaingt Have It ra- larA yarde aad atUea cleaned. Kennel Supply Shop. TeL 3-427A bath practically flnlahed. Mod tagas for sale. Priced from 83i- Pbona 7088. em cabinet kitchen, full length se r v in g Machines expertly re- 1929 DODQE, very good condi­ oalred by aaparts Pleh-up aarv- Dump truck for hire. Sand. loam, 300 to |4,7j0. Tom Minor, agent Ice, guarantaad work Sets chack- screens and storm windows, NtNwfeM X).ei««l., Im. pp'red or adjusted. Reasonable | tion. Can be seen at 141 Center gravel, fill anef atonA James ONE SET of Britanica encylo- Tal. RockviUs 1M7-J3. rates. Work guaranteed. Call ad In the home- Oar radloa a Masiral Instrunifmts SS laundry In basement. Lot land atreet M aeit Phone 4628. pedlSA Like new. Call 2-3431. acaped. Call 2-3806. IBOUTO AND HER RUDDIER Remorse BY EDGAR MARTIN 0171, or evenlnga 2-0410. ■peclalty. Manchester Had i e CRYSTAL'LAKE—Root# SO. A rilNNY BU8INBH8 BY HBR8HBBRGBR B U G S B U N N Y 1089 FORD 1-ton pickup. 1039 Service, 78 Birch ctreet Phone LIGHT TKUtTCINU. Half-ton Sne prewar 7-room houae.. OU HVWt COM l% i t t P V4OV0’. TOQ 6U*.TtCT\»»6 06 PAIR o f girTs Chicago roUer CHICKERING PIANO, 850. 35 EARLY Oceupancy, 8 cheerful (fB ALL LRVntAM .- [M OST v o o B 0.^ ^ 9?B lft VOU HMduJr VOV.O Ford sedan. 1088 ^ c k ^nvertl- 2-U840. ptek-up trmk No aaboA' no buraer hot wafot beat FpO con- r HO... ^ \ ^ o r Night crawlers. akatSA else 8. Price 810. Call 3- Plonaer Circle. Tel. .2-0314. rooma 3-car garage, ameette r*9 u oo JITBY* OVBte MY BHOOtDBR. I mL k V>Q(» i TRKt tikKStVO VOU TO SALE - ble sedan. 10.8'’ Bulck sedan (2) rubblah Phone 3-1376 er 63VA 0541. crate cellar. Large Uvtng. rood, 3 T t\x POOR ,VOv3t%0*Tt FlVbVtT - a w . « 3-0286. 1086 Fbrd sedans. 1036 Ford REFRIGERATOR, wahaer and ap­ drtvA landscaped grounds. Cen­ dining room, cabinet httchmi, '8ACOBG.' trally looate ."li.'C ' wr. -1 BOTl M T Sne Foam keepe new Compact drop In style agitistor PLEASANT Single or double ry Ward. l> and tom clouung boalery runs Domestic and overacai- crating Unuous hot water with a private vou sail * m t t Maach. H avrli^ chanically. Good tircA Must be and shipping ehirelleni van serv­ family, on Main street. Couple or HUOE 9-Room single on East Oen. Pbona 7788 4>r 8873 seen to appradate. Tel. 3036 or handbaga rapaired, sippet m- ter atreet. Ideal for profeaalonaJ M d TT-*-*'* Bor sea far rent Phone placement. umbrellaa repaired, ice to West Ciuesl and all parts gentleman pi eferred. Cal) 6803. BKA^KUKN REALTY 3-1888. • of U S.A. and lianada. Pelephons Ronts Bfid Arremortefl 46 man, funeral home, etc. House la men's ahlrt ontlar* revemed and Manchester 6187. or Hartford S- HEATED ROOM for rent, on bus In excellent repair. Oonaidarable READY To Solir Ring the bell at 1941 STUDEBAKER aedan. Radio replaced. Marlow's Uttis Mendiiag JOHNSON S8:a Horse outboard cash required. T. J. Crockett, Manchastet 8216 Ed. W Kra- Snop. 1438- Mi.tor Sales and Servica We also line. Gentlenxn preferred. Call fw 8sto 4 and heater, white wall Urea. 2-0017. Broker. Phone 6410. sanicA SuOitrtMui Realty i'o. Oood oondlUon. Private owner repatr the others Caplto; Equip­ s u A l FINISH HoUanO window RaaltorA 46 Farfcina fttaet- TRANSPORTATION Price reasonable. 104 Parker Paintifiilf— Pajwiwt 21 ment Co.. .18 Main stiwet Phone COMFORTABLE single room, EAST SIDE—six-room Cape Cbd. street Telephbng. 7069. shades msd* to msasurA Keys 7968. two unflniahed, artplace, oU WANTED—ilulldlag lots. Dcairt mad* whliv you wait Mariow'A walking distance to Cheney'a SPECIALS! CALL G. FICKS7TT for Inside and CaU 2-2812. steam heat, liuulated copper to buy building lots in Manches­ outside painting, paper hanging, BUILD Your Aqua Pa) dinghy, plumbing, recreation room, pairt- ter with water availablA Writ* GENERAL HouseeJeaniBg. pamt- general ca.'centry work Free 8 fL cartop ndat. Kita complete Csbm’Ib u d Make An Offer Aoto AcccMOiria Ing and wallpaper a specialty. 20 DESIRABLE room, suitable for ly finished. Stnnt. windows and Boa K, or phone 7726. eatimatea given Phone 4208 with oara. U cut to assemble. one or two at 14 Beech atreet. Tlras yeara' experience. William Hiller. screenA 810,600. Q. I. poesibUlty. ST JOHN STREET. Prewar Cape *H)s«rgs htstete gsntening durinc Bit few minulaa 846 plus tax and fralght. Expert can 8133. Elva Tyler, A gent S-4480. n ss PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN TRUCK TIRE sale! Lowest price* 6708. INTERIOR AND Bxterioi paint­ repairing on all make motors. cod, 6 anlebed rooms and attaoii baW ^ tripsr* flaan InaldA .4 new Urea and In years! Example; 8.36-20 10- ing. paparb.»uglna. celllnga re- New and used motors on dlpsiay LARGE Double room with twin DURANT s t r e e t — AttracUve ad gataga, oaa'iUfhlly lag dacap- CALL ROY and Gordon. Eaparta BRjahed. FuUv Insured. Expert 9IDB GLANCES BY GALBRAITH kattan. ply Wards deluxe—1648— price for rug and uphoiatary thampon* Authorized Lvinrude dealer. Ed's bed. for gentlemsi,. Phone 6398. four-room Single. Immediate oc­ ad groundA reasonably priced. T. BY DICK TURNER | ^_MERRILL C. BLOWER int.'POIXTE 4-DR. SEDAN— 862.85, now during . Ward w e e k - work New im o wallpaper ouuks Marine Service, Cerjar Swamp 116 North School street. cupancy. Real buy at M.000, J. Q roekstt Broker. Phona 5416. CARNIVAL FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That*s How It Is Ing Complete noma and offtea Edward R Price. Pbone 3-IOU3. Good to run all aummer. New only 868.46 ,>lus tax! Savings on cleaning. AU kinds of odd Jobs Road. North Coventry. Pbone down payment, 82,100. Monthly GIRL WIMHCBS! / 1 MMto Manchester 8738. FURNISHED Room, gentleman Am YOU nm n e u PRsrae Nuuo Ljvksmob« , 9 b / ydu avery alae! All passenger tires Phone 2-0087 or Mancbeeter 3- (HARBONNEAU House paint­ payment 885.04 Wm. Goodchild, • HAV8 JUST Wff3MMI / PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN— also reduced! Don't miss thia big preferred. 37 Foster atreet, near Sr„ Realtor. Office 16 Foreat 1 ZERVICE TO A gtAMOBIZED O eqa' Inside. Front end rebuilt. 434U. ing, Intcriui exterior Paper Center. MPtoGERAlDAf sale! Montgomery Ward, 828 hanging, floor aandUtg and re6n- StreeL 7025 oi 2-0604. n i H u i s r i GoM thraa all around. Main. E3CPERIENCED. aU kinds of cur­ Diamoniiii— Watchc NEW INO PONTIAC S-DR. SEDAN— ishtng. Call 3-0676 or 3-'2806. WOULD LIKE working girl* to tains laundered, straight 86c, Jew elry 4ir SMALL Five-roonr house. ' Large ^geAjTvSAiof>] Good tlrto,'' clean Inside, radio BUY A Guaranteed rebuilt motor , share my home. PrivUegea of en­ lot fruit trees Low priced. Cra HUDSON ruffled 81.25. CHIed for and de­ tire house Including, complete use ASd h—ttir at Wards! ’’’or big gas and oil livered. 2-2411. I'EONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, Re- 2-0736. j aeMvertd Her* Fnfly U ft CRBVROLET 4-DR. TOWN pairs and adlusta watches expert­ of kitchen. North end. Garage ■s'vlngs and longer car-life — reflniahsd. Reasonable. Call 2- SlEDAN—Ona owner car. AH trade In your old motor for a ly at reasonable pricea. Open available. Coil 2-1887 after 7 p. SIX ROOM alngla, ranch typA 8ra- WMthM^CMteel Hm Isv 4391. m. gauipiaaii t Wards Rebuilt Motor! They're • Bulldinf—Contracting 14 Thursday evening 129 Spruce place. hot water heat with oU. 16M DMKIE 4-DR. SEDAN—One factory rebuilt expertly in- SrJOO RFPAPERF ordinary room street. Phone 3-4387. two-car garagA Immediate oceu­ - * • 2 3 5 9 " •wner car. C3ean an over. atallcd. You can buy a Ford, ALTERATIONS AND addltlona Including paper Window acreens pancy. 812.000. 8-room atnslA 8np*r4ia Fnnr-Oeer Sedan 1887 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN BufliiHftta {.o ca tio n s 4 and 2. completely Snlshed. flfo- Chevrolet Plymouth, or Dodge New ceilings. Also roofing and palntad Iniartor and exterior For K«nt 64 wttb ISI top. blab tianipraa —Radio and heater. New 1946 motor for as little as 811 month­ aiding. A. A Dion. In c Pbona Garden— Farm— Dairy place. hot water beat with oU, alan engbM. 184 Inab wlawl- pioter. Clean all over. painting. RaMHmabis. Raymond ly. Montgomery Ward. 838 Main 4860. 209 Autumn streaL Ftska. Pbone 3-0337. . Prodneta 50 SMALL Building near Main nicely graded and landscaped inaA (Local Issas to ba MANY OTHERS atreet atreet, approximately 000 square large lo t 818.600. Alao a few ex­ addrdl. tXiNCRETE Contractor, mason OUTSIDE, INSIDE Painting and PREMIEIR t'trawberry plants, 81 cellent 80 foot loU In B sane, • Only tbp aeeaaaorlea y«n UMITED TTME Only! Ward's feet Purnell Corporation. Apply Open Monday and Thurs. Evenings work and ‘.andscaping. V. Bel- paperhanging. Free^ eatimatea per hundred. J. P. O'Connor. 171 Mariow'A. 8460 and up. h. A Beecbler, Raal- Mder Once-a-year drum lot sale! It’a luccl. Phone 3-1801, Prompt servlee. Reasonable Union street Mancbeeter. tor. Phone 8980. • Oaab «r Bom payaaants Ask For And Receive A BY AL VERMEBR Wards premium Grade vitalised prices. Phone 7830. D. E • Wttb er wWtomi trade-in PRISCILLA'S POP BROWN-BEAUPRE. Inc. oU ... Vitalized to give you CAKPENTEh 'Vork of all kladA Frechette. PEAT HUHAR 4-yard toad. .812, Wanted to Rent* 6S COUNTRY Atmosphere, yet in • 01 ed. 8878. 1041 Plymouth club CARPENTRY, Alterattona cabl- flBPAtR AND Biotbriae aswltig furalsbcd rooms. Reasonable rent Motorcycles— Bicycles II netA Ule ■leUlagA tils bathA machlBaA Also dean and repair Consider Rockville o f near by. coupe. In good condition, 8746. kitchens Jobbing a. speeiBity. WANTED—BRIC-A-BRAC, fuml- BUlLDKdS OP ' Oakland Garage. Phone 3-0486 1941 INDIAN Motorcycle, 74 motora Frank X Dion, t Ridge­ tur*. aatlquas. Old Min Trading Prefer duplex References fuf- Oi-erhead. Motor newly overhaul­ Also naw construction. Pbona wood street Phone 7776. nished. Gall 3-9383. or 3-0386. 8883. Post 17 Maple htreet Pbone ed. Can be seen at 41 Lewis t-1086. AMESITE DRIVEWAY 1646 NhSH, 8500. Clean car. 383 WANTED—A or 4 room unfurolah- street. Call 2-3178 anytime. CARPENTRY, ROOFINO. AJ Pm sts fnstractteiw 28 ed rant by young couple W. Ateo Tarvis snd Asphalt and BOB Center atreet PhOne 6286 after MAHOGANY drop-leaf tablA 8 p. m. branches. Work guaranteed—qo Moorhouae. Phona 7390. RELIABLE—BEABONAKLE—WORE job too small. Problama Invltad. AUTO DRIVINU, dua, control Duncan Pbyfe basA 846. Pbona l a r J*. 'K 1 Wanted Aolo»< AAA oerttSed laatriietor Bai- 3268. or ear at 118 Waddell GUARANTEED—FREE EBTIMATCB **- BY MICHAEL O'MAI.I.KV ANU RALPH LAMB sraClAL 1936- Ford coupe; 1036 Low prices. Home Osrners BvUld- ^wwerw«mwm.aaT.a*aaaam.ew. VIC P LlhiT______Fog Gets An Ides Ford two-door, both In running Motorcycles 12 Ing Bervlce. Tel RockvfUe 1867- larf a Drivtaa acbooL OaC t-3345 Road. ■' RuBincM Property for Sate 7U Moatbly Paynieate It Desired J3. fru i ewpMni iwuoeifl THiV TfU US IT Qopditian, 8175; full price for WE ARE still Daylng top doUara WE BUY and sell good, used fuml BUSINESS Opportunity. For aale “ My Bisrrted dsughtar is ae unlucky— toatiHl thoaa tevaly ON 1N0M M68B6 OONT TSU ; WM A JEM Bt 708 J tetii ears. Franklin Motor*. 653 for clean iuMo can , 1037 - 1041. CARPENTER and hulldar. Eatl- Maaicsl—Dranatte 29 tuM. Oambtnetton rangcA gae a small hosiery and underwear DEMAIO BROS. testhar eushtont I gavt hsr with ths vsrsss burnt on thsm!" ’•Lteten. Junior! You're uaad ie playing In the mud—grub US ANYTMINBbB 0 0 ¥ n J CHANN8L WAS Center street Barlow Motor SAlea. 396 Main roatea given on 1st class arork. ranges and bestcra Jones Fumi- shop. Oood volume, low overhead. around snd find out which one to mamsr ------^ i O * * ' — StreeL Manchester. 6404. PLANO 'tUNINU. rapalra racon- tura StMTA 88 Oak. Phone 3-1041. SINCE 1920 * uTELEPHONR 7AB1 W. J. Wabster, 1076 Middla TUih- dlUaalag, ate. John Ooekerham, Ideal for woman. Call 3408 or 6642. OUT OUR WAV jiY J. R. WILI.IAMB OUR BOARIIING HOUSE wtOi MAJOR HOUPLE .Jt MPfK WDKTN SO' . 1641 BVICK club coupe. Radio and pike Baat Phone 3-4204. 31 Blgatow atrost Phona U19. BLACK ^Olenwood kitchen stove, , MUCH TO OUNN8L Hi WAS kaiBtar, 8700. Phone 7688. Bosificss Senrtees Offered Ut four gaA four oil Alao SeUcra ORfXnSRY STORE and 11-room \- t SBAOl *MtUf LAST SUBW^ oorr ATIFM SO g B T TH8 WHJ.IN8 10 SUV THM oak kltchan i^binat. Call 3-0070. bouse wltb two-car serage. Only 84AD(nteA,to OOBEMONC* ENTRIES. SH U fP V . [ ATATfSBIFE 1M1 BUICK super sedan, a good MATTRESSES Re-made aad atar- Fteriste^Naraertes 15 HtIp Wanted— Fenate SS AfiAFFB *tecD m e — XDEBAM SD i 6KfMIUM1D / j W Ime. Rsasonably priced. 1946 store within haU mile radius and ^ 8 6 T n / ^ Utzed, Uke new. We cal) for and SALESGIRL Wantad. We have EASY SPIN Dry washer. S yeara located in Maneheater. Store doea IU b vjaM b e o f t h e OP MV WIPS’S Cbavralst two-door, fuUy equip- deliver anywhere Frank F«lk. 43 PAN8D58, perennial Sower plgata, old. Recently overhauled. Call 2- MenHBRvJCNrK} 1^ «ad m good coniUUon. 24 gladloU bulba. strawberry an opanlng for full Uma salaagirL an excallenl buatnesA (tonatder- TO SOME RESPONSIBLE KB»m>C»CV OBBEV. South Main strasL Cbichastar. BxpertenCa prefaycad.' Apply In 3466 after 8. able cash necaaaary. T. J. TUB NAME HAB YHETieACK AND mnths to pay. 1641 Plymouth Conn. Phone Caleb ester 480. plantA asparagus roota a^ graena aad shrubs. Woodland paraon. TSxtUa Stores. 913 Main Crockett, Broker. Phone 4616. ~ .EBCAPBD My m in d / WON ACTACKOF^ twn-door. Fun price. 8705. HOSPITAL BEDS aad whMl (KuetCBON A FankUn MotofA 653 Osnter UNULCUM - Asphalt UlA waU OardenA 168 Woodland atraaL stresit Chairs for sa'e or rent Ratos rea­ YOUNG COUPLE r V E , Pbone 8474. GBRNCOMSinB MV NAB HAMBD^ alMat Open eveningA oovarihg.fDooa by rattablA wall- RE^XABLE (wl or woman for sonable. Keith’s Furniture Cb CREDIT MANAGER OF LARGE. WELL RNOWN AND RE- trained man AU jobs guarantaad. Phona 4166: WITB AUOdW— IT S o Pb e WTPCH.' HEW 1648' Custom built for WHITE Flowering dog-srood MMdy poaitloa In candy shop. U AB LB 'rV R N lTU B B STORE, wtahea to eeirtael seam reapsa WILL slOrCOME HaU Unoleum Oo., 83 Oak atnsL Good opportunity for the right aible ymmg eeaple wbe wadU be tetereatod to. tbkteg aear an aw 9>Mt, Motoroln ear radio, worth Phona 8-4032. avenlags 6168. trees on Route 6, Andover. TkL 7 CU FT. Croaley refi^crator, GARAGE •tOM EA 678. selling for |60 with aerial WUUmanUc 3008-W8. parson. Apply i - , > •- V . . - r . i HP*./'-. *'• MANCMtssyiBK BVENING HERAliDrMANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 194» llAKCREBTElft IVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 6, l»4 f

Prisoner -.Jlidg*, t iMCt.lMIlV AatoAMiWlM Par Salt 4 BasiiieaB Servwta Offered ,18 Floirista—NaraerieB 15 Help Waatcd—Male 86 HouMhold Goode 51 k 00**8 far tial* 72 Hoaoss for 8alr . Tf YUUNERVUXB PULK8 ST TONTAINE rOX John. Joner (YOalahad McKnight what to do. Judge—Why, hoiria thait m ANTItlUEa KeiioialMd. Hapalnng liAROB Trahaplanted tomato MAN FOR fountain, taadiooaetta ROOMY Cabiret iink cut-priced BK ITO N S T R E E T -' Rei^denUa> Sense and Nonsense I waa alwaya painfully polite. AVAILABLE HOMES b n r y l a y PISTOL EJIPBRT Whene'er he met a maiden fair, Prisoner—I swoc* tb triL Ori ckHie Os any rumttuie Tlemiuw, planta (or sale. Tony Oarabino, work. Fun tips*. Apply Mr. for Ward week! Modem hard- • 7-raom alnglA oU heaL brsM Cou. H C MBnoEns, Hoss trutiL but every time 1 try **aw ISP aouta Uain atreet. Pbooe 18 Olenwood atreet l^ n e 3-4187 Vaughan, Arthur Drug. . wood cabinet with baked-enamel plumMng and flrentaoa’. tbrd* Eternal QoeoOea tittle Moron Joke; Do you know he grabbed his bat (ram off his SPRING IS HERE! why the moron’went to bed in the hair . . . and made a bow and lawyer objeota. S64A finish inside and out. Baay-to> WELLINGTON TOAD rooeu and bath, tad floor. B v k. fellow remembers so many daaa porcelain-enameled sink. eellom oomVtion. Priced reaaodi jokes fireplace? It’s simple. Becanae he kissed her bend—and acted goah- RoodiiB—dUdlng 16 Excellent 7 niom, eU burner, H *—I suppoee yoa thiafc ro t a Pk-UONU'S rafrigardtion aaretca. Slluatioaa Wanted'— Huge atorage space. Saves you able. 81E508. Fhoae ManebestA With aU tbs detail* that mold ’em. wanted to aleep like a log. almlghty grand, And when he Let US help you with your steam heaL rode a pubUe bus, he made a ipoat perfeot idioL aJUmriBD'ADVT. Repaira on all makea comnar* Male Ume and atepa. Rag. 884.80 84- VACANT TTML a H» Why can’t he remember with ear problems. We have a fine etal ahd domeaUc. 34-boitt atrv* ROOFING — Bpedaliatng la re­ A young man wa* anxiou* to unholy (urn and tread upon his She— CMl none of a* to pettooL ; pairing roofs of an kinds, also inch alae, 884.80. Hurry ... tale New 4 room, plus two tmflnlah- equal akIU ilB PT. MOUiRS: assortment o f used cars. Here lea. Phonr 2-17P7 WANTED—Suminar employnwnt sp e ROOUR In aatabitabed coin- The number of times he's told have Ma fortune told. He went to neighbor’s feet tb .show some fe­ new roofs. Outter work. Chlm- anda Saturday. Montgomary ed. Hot water .heaL oU burner. A . M . tA 4 H5 P . M. is a partial list:— for collage student with two chil­ muiUty elobe to atorsA achoql? ’em? —Ormoe M. Oorit. a awami. As he sat at the table he male to a seaL Aiitt yet the gals Angry Man—YYhy dM yoa las A U . APPUANOES aa'vioad and naya claaned and repaired. No dren. Phone 8888. Ward. 838 Main. TWO f a h u -y 18 roomA' hot water heat, oil and btiA OO steam heaL Bvary notioed the crystal baU had two (for some strange cause) gave me 88.00 for my goatT repaired, buroera, rafngafau,»re. )e i too small or largm Good FOLDING KIddy-Koop (acreened Get all you can for the money you holcB in IL poor McKnight the old '’he-liaws '' Tax Adjuster—Well, keep klm work, fair prtaa. Free aatlmatas. burner. One step off Main streeL room la la perfect condlUoa. 1948 C H E V R O L E T C O N V . rangta waabera at? All work crib) tike new. 818. Thayer high Madeline Smltfl, Realtor. t-18«2 •pent; Young Man—What’a the idea of Another gent, named Socko Slug, out of the etreeL The tow Bays: Call Mowlsy. Ifanchastar 8881. DhEo— B lrdo— H ele 41 RAILROAD SIDING f d Poaod C O U P E ' guaranteed Metro Uenrtee Oa chair. $6; fram ^ baby awing, 1,100 feet frontage, near Wilbur or 4878. ^ Give all you can for the money the holes? greeted the girlies with a ahrug; ’For private possssrions Ixnmdtog Tel Mancheeter 2-4ISS3. Fortune TeUer—On Wednesday and kept hla bat upon liis bead and a-buttlng on publie prapmty. THX Penon who picked 82.80; three Chlneae grass woven Cross highway. Suitable for ga­ rtf- you earn. 1948 DODGE 4-OR. S E D A N FOR SALE—English Better,- ohalia. Ideal for porch or lawn, nlghta, I go bowling. and cut their idle chatter dead: 82.00 a running fooL’ m A -MefUf* l>y mirtake at The WE REPAIR all makea of waah- Hcatinit--4*taBibinK 17 rage. warehouse, truck terminal, months old. Call 3-8818# I8.80 aach. Phone 8378. lumber yard. I aiI* for Balt When on a trolley-car or bus, he’d ' ^Otnnia Bank yettarday kindly 1947 P L Y M O U T H 4-DR. Ing machiiica. Automatic or the woodpecker let a woman stand and fuSs; and Thr bead of the bouse waa read­ wringer type models. Purnall GENERAL Repaird' lobbing, re­ SEVERAL Building toW Akw Tb* Tliink! Even • Cf0 I-IMO. SEDAN modeling, Water pipuig. deep and uses hla head. planted firmly in his place, he’d ing a newspaper article very cat*- Service Oo.. 829 Main street, rear. FOUR POSTER bed and woven ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, acre tract on Parket streeL Foi iuWP^Wanat ky Hifli artool akelloB wa,i pumps gas and SEVEN WeekF old kittene. to be blow dgar smoke in her face. And fully. When he had eoma to th* 1946 DO D G E 4-DR. S E D A N Call 7391. alaetfic automatic water beaten given away. Call 8880. . •prlng. Reasonable;’ Call 3-3818. RBAL’TOR , appointment eali Howard . R. Employee—How about a aub- yet the damsels, far and near, said end he remarked to Ills wife: . tW , Hftiwday p. m. Vicinity HaatlngA Real Batata Spactalik LAWNMOWER8 aharpened, re­ aaailabla Prompt ‘eervice. Ed- 878 Main Street atantlal salary increaae? You Socko Slug was "Such a Dear!''— Husband-.83o you know, dear, I oytbtiiP Drfg Store and Prin* 1941 T U D O R S E D A N • PET FOODS, acceeaoriea and SIMMONS Studio couch, like new. Phone 5440 Or 5088 Odd Fellows Blifg. Phone 1-llfff. Karl Flaster. think that the cleverne** q( tha am t Raataurant OaU 8301. paired. hanj and power Waatalna waMf W. Jobnadii P h ^ 8878. know, three other companies are remetOea clipping, grooming, With slip cov re. Reaeonable. Call EeUbliahcd 1821 after me. father often proves a atimbllat- nuichlnM repaired Pick op and bathing, hand plucking and dip­ 3-8888. Home UeUnga Wanted CO VENTRY-Lot 78 x 180. Foat U38T—Boy*! HUnoia arlat watch. BTiBAM, Hot watrr and hot air blockx from ae ? aohoM bad cldit Born Tha(\ so? What com- ’’All you folka who have trou­ bloclc to the eon. delivery. Friendly Flxlt Shop. TaL heating. Van Oamp-^Broa Phone ping of doga at the KaiuiM Sup- Vkialty of Edward atreet and See Batch For Bargains 4777. HANDY HOD baby washer and land, wm sell (or 8800. emi paniea? bles, remember the teakettle—it Wife (heaving a aigh of relief) 8M4. Dly Shop. Tel t-4878. may be up to its neck In hot wa­ Vnioa Cburt. Phore 6036 after 4. wringer, like new, price 835. Call s e v e r a l New 4-room homes, Hartford »-5ga6. ’ Bhnployce—The gas company. —Well, thank goodnesA our vENiiniAN Blinds All types Ota electric company and the coal ter but it always continues to Junior won't have anytliliig to fall I t *|ward. Reward^______PODOfU * Petarman. Plumbing BEAUTIFUL Coeimr Spaniel pup­ 7792 after 4. space for 2 more, hot water heaL BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. mede to order, alio reeonditioot oil burners, 810,500—down pay* FOR or exchange R u lin g company. sing."—Norman Rosa over. *L£tttr,—PASS BOOK No. 6S785. u a i heating epntractora Phone pies. 8 weeks old. Red and blonde. ing Beat quality. Flndell Maao- mata H. C Chacc, Harmony Hill, South menL 8I,'/00. *-room Mngle. built lota at the Green. Wm. K a i i ^ Notice la *ier«-b\ niven that Paaa 165 Center Street factuiing Jb, 488 Middle T u r» Builder, 5 lf Cental street. Phone or Rock'I vine 2188. Bolton. Phone 5427. / Machinery and Tool* 62 8 yearA SO-day occupanev-. - A LANK LEONARD Bbok Mb. 66T8S, '.aaucd by The Phone 2-4545 pike East ual) 4888. good buy at 88.000—88,000 down n rs. MICKEY FINN Tha H«ad Mont SaTinra Bank ol Mancheatcr haa CORN PLANTERS, eultivatora. paymenL Several other slngtee LAWN Mowara hand and powar. EFFICCBNT Phimblng and heat­ FOR- SALE—int 5o x 100. Water* lioea loat or Aaatroyed, and writ* ing. Plunadv draina machine Artldca for 8al« 45 harrows, plows, mowers. Trac- .and 2 family houses. 88.000 and , ’D U rg fQGMT! SBCTI0N60F BECAUSt THE SHERIFF WELL, TOU SURE! BUT WE'RE W Ea,l*M ten application has been made to aold, sharpeniit rspalrad- Pick cleaned. Carl J. Nygren. Phone tote new, used In farm and gar­ up. Lake property and bulkUag from Helghta, Ooven(iy up and delivery Reye mada Ssars PtH»eI-li^ / I ’TNi (OUNTY WNeiCe PROBAlLy iSSUFFOSmOJUMP AND’TOM M9 ONLY TOUR d e p u t ie s ;! HERE NOW, aaid bank by the peraon in whoae 1939 CHEVROLET two-door, 84M. MEN'S RebuUi anr rMaMad ahoea den modeU. Open evenlnga Digi- lotA For ippolntment pkooe name attcb book waa iaaued. for 1445. full price 1941 Butek spe­ filed. Capitol BqtSpment Ob., 88 High and low Better than ebeap Ua Tractor Co^ WlllimanUc. Howard R. HaaUnga Real b ta te O N tf O Ni fOUAD CMt W TRYIN* RIgHT MANPHELP SERGEANT UNCLE PHIL! YOU'RE MtCHABL'ANO payment of the amount of depoalt Main. Manrheatei- Phone 7888. X new onea Sam Vulea, Bboa Re­ LOT—90 X i 4y. Centrally locatai. ‘THOSE gM A a TOWNS HALLI6AN THE s h e r i f f ! a n d cial ledanet'e, a real nice one. Specialist, Cd-1 Fellows Building, UtOlUea. Will sacrifice. ’10 m m o L TOO m u c h g k o u n p .* fp re aented by eald book, or for 1941 Chevrolet two-door. 1947 RoaflBK— RtpaMiiir 17 A pair Shop rot-Matb akraat. 480 Main strset. ANP TMArS WHY ITS LOOKED HNHB1 AN EMERGENCY H AVEBKN WHEN YOU WEREN'T FLOOR Problems solved srttb ROTO-’rtLLER for hire with op­ UlS. the’ Iteuanee of a duplicate book Chevrolet convertible 11.495. SO lAO FOR yOU-teiN'AMRY.* LIKE THIS COMES HELPW'YM. HERE, IT WAS ONLY therefor. Many others. Douglas Motor linoleum, asphalt Uls bounter. ROOPINO and Repalflng of all ROYAL fkHtable typewrttera and erator. Phdnc 3-2846. FLAT 5 and 5. Duplex 5 and 5. Expert workmanship, fras eaU- LOTS OF IGT 8. Lakeweod-CU- Salee 338 Main atreet. Open kbUM. ChinuMy work, gutter adding machinea need tybewrlt- Large lots. Both near Ctoter. HAVENTTOUl NATURAL LOST—Parker 51 gold top pen. matea i.'pen evenlnga Jones' work. Expert repairs. Honest ere and adding machlnae sold or GARDEN rractom Bready Planet cle North, WeatoUnater Road. every evening 'til 9. Call Madeline Smith, FUaltor. 2- Green Roadv Indian Drive, North Binder pleaae phone 2-0687. Re- Furniture, Osk atreet Phene vorkacanskip. SaUhfaeUon guar­ rented. Repairs on ah amkea Jr.. Baaver rtdins with attach- 1842 or 4879. •rart. 1936 CHEVROLET, -two-door 3-1041. anteed. CbughUn. Mandiee- MarloWA mentA Poorer lawn mowera.~Dia- Elm, Oxford.'Irving, and Breexl ter 770T.’ . Btoo chain saws Capitol Equip­ FOR SALE--AttracUve atx-room atreeta. Madeline Smith, Real­ coach. May be seen at 61 Avon­ FOR SALE—20-gallon automatic fACH7NX>---Buff colored, amall cur- dale road after 6 p.,m. LAWN Mowers, hedge /ahtsra ment Oo., 88 Main etraeL OaU Cape Cod with, gtaaaed and tor. 3-lfi4i or 4879. lay haired female dog, about 6 aclBsore sharpened o ^ ’>reclsida gas hot-water Boateia, good eon- 7858 dIUon. Martnw'a: acreened sun porch, hot water tn th a old. Call 2-3842. 1048 DB 30T0 4^^0oer sedan, machinea Repair serylM. Ptekop MovtiRg>—TrB ckiiiK — heaL oO burner. Pine panelled radio, heater, excellent condition, and delivery. Tel 3-^888. 88 Falr- FOR r e n t — Powar and hand iSwbarlMiB far Sato 75 Storaga 2fl BULK And package seeda fertll- recreation ruom in basement, full driven only 7,000 miles. Tel. Seld atreet / lawn roUars lawn sweepers. Cspt. PerfUMiale laera lawn graaa eeeda at the shed dormer with two rooms and CRYSTAL LAKE—Several eel* J --3 5244. I lABHBB. Rubbish removed. Oel tol Equiprasnt Co., 88 Main bath practically flniahed. Mod­ KAIMU need llpinsr Have It rs- lara, yarda and atUca cleaned. Kennel Supply Shop. TeL 2-4278. Phone 7858. tagas for sale. Priced from 82)- Machines expertly re- 1029 DODGE, very good condi­ oalred by experts Ptch-up serv. Dump truck for hire. Band, loam, em cabinet kitchen, full length 300 to 84.7j0. TVn MbMr. agSnL ^ 'le d or adjusted. Reasonable tion. Can -be seen at 141 Center Ice, guaranUM work Sets cBeeh- gravel, fill and atone. James screens and storm wlndowA ‘Tel. Rockville lji7*JI. M«\aatM 8>>i4trM*, Isr. ad m the bioma Cat radloa a ONE SET of Britanica encylo- Mnsiral' Instruments SS laundry In basement. Lot land­ rales. Work guaranteed. Call street Macrt Phone 4838. Rem orse BY EDGAR MARTIN 8171, or evenlnga 2-8419. specialty^ Manchester Rod i o pedlaa Like new. Call 3-3481. scaped. Call 2-3808. c r y s t a l 'LAKE-Routc. 80. A flIN N Y BUSINESS BY HEK8HBBROER B U G S B U N N Y I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES fine prewai 7-raom boiuA OU 1989 FORD 1-ton pickup. 1939 Service, 78 Birch street Pkooe UUHY TKUtmiNU. Half-ton MOST VOU o o .jn w ftu i you nwdLvrt " HVWl V40Va1'. VOQ *(U«,VYCTm& OY Ford aodan. 1938 BulCk converti­ PAIR of girl’s Chicago roller CKICKERING PIANO, 850. 35 EARLY Occupancy, 8 cheerful burner hot urater heaL Fun oen- NO,,, lf6ALLUCViltA«t,»^ 3-ue ^ k -u p truck No aahee. no skatea stse 8. Price 810. Call 3- ML A VMQO TH(R lA tiiW VOMftVO VOU \ SO AGHAMtO OV VAVL'WG VOd PpR BALE - Night crawlers. ble aedan. 18.V* Buick sedan (2) rubMab Pbune 8-1378 er fiivs. Pioneer Circle. Tel. .3-9314. rooBiA 2-car garage, amesite erata cellar. Larga Uvtng. raei^ JITBY** evtto MYSHouuMw. y 0541. drive, landscaped grounds. Cen. 1 . AVL A\.0»56 ,5M>T 2-0286. 1986 Ford Sedans. 1038 Ford REFRIGERATOR, wahaer and ap­ dining ' room, cablntt kltehtfh, RAMLIN*.7 th» TAGOBG ' TOW, roadster 1940 Plyaoouth con­ pliance service. Oooi gaaVetS re- MANtmESTEH Package deUvery trally located. Madeline, Smith, ■unporch, extra lavatory.. Up­ M A kinwi uacr? THAYER Carriage, carriage mat­ HAINES UPRIGHT piano, as la. r M A Q A ^IB B for prompt reliable ' placed, mntbra a specialty. Free Local light trucking and package Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. stairs 4 oedtaomA osdar Uaed vertible. Keeney's Garage. Buck- tress. full size erih. all very good 825. Phone 2-0886. aaistca patronise a dependable land^ eeUmatea Phone Jda MeOeoa delivery. Retngeretora waabera cloecta, tile bath. All hardwood kBlM Unm .eobaeiiptlon agent 2-3313 after 6. condition. Will sell as lot or in­ FOR S A L E ' New 5-room house at and atove moving a specialty dividually. Reasonable. Call 6643 floorA 3-car garage. One acre Lawaat authnrlaed puMlahera’ 1886 • CHEVROLET coupe, Phone 2-0783. 89 Holliater atreeL all modem Im- evenlnga * Rooms Withoat Board 59 provementA .tear bus and acbooL land. Bus service. Near stoteA re|M John Hinrlebs Phone 4698 condition. Radio and heater. 62 PLOWING, Harrowing. Call 2- school and lake, 8U.000. Will LAVELL'8 . Express light trucking Step In and look It over snd If Academy street. Phone 3 ^ . 3528 after 4 p m . FULL SIZE Girl’s prewar Haw­ take 8TJ100 first mortgagA Tel. h a v e TOU bad your Zombie to- and delivery. Weekly or monthly ROOMS Fot Rent, working couple Interested call George L. Flab, dpy? Bast Bide Soda Shop, 188 1946 CHEVROLET 2 -d ^ , 3 tone thorne bicycle, balloon Urea good er girls Kitchen privileges. Call 22 Brookfield street for price and Tom Minor, agent, Rockville KAIMO — Slectrical Appliance rubbish routes Invited. Maq- 1U7-J2. Bpeeea street ____ color Job, perfect oimdlUon, ell chaater. 3-8880. condition. Price 810. Also prewar at 185 Spruce streeL tendA Tel. -8894. I have other 4-4- Service, repairs picked up and Birch portable hand victrola 85. new Uree. Can be aben at Oougb- delivered prompUy 30 years' PLEASANT Furnished room 7 room housea for sale. lin'a Service StaUbti. Call Vincent KIJUBIMH ane aahee removed In- Call 2-0777. BROKEN Cement for fill, free for experience. John Makmay. Phone gentleman. Oarage. Phone COBURN RO vn Green section— Wgiit*i—lical Batata 77 tdidiig. 87 Ooane ctreet. Marcia. Til. 484X. 2-7U48 1 Walnut etreat. ctneratore cleaned. Sand, gravel and eiodara. Van aervtce and FOUR CAN milk cooler drastical­ 1984 6 rooms and eur, parlor, oU hot 1888 PLYMOUTH coupe. Good local moving Phone B M. Joooa ly reduced. Single lift top door. A-ater heat, fireplace. Insulated, CUNdUXCRUyO BKUXNO - r M at*, u BOTI MYSTIC Foam keapa new Compact drop In style agitator PLEASANT Single or double car upholstery ,clean and freah eanditlon, g6a6 Urea. Phone 8067. Household Sdfvlc— 2-1881 2- m 8. room, one minute from the Post two-car garage, escellent neigh- YUUR eRINHOtTY cooling unit. Freon refrigerant borljood, near bus and acbixd. Wttboat. obitaatian t« voo. are An Invitation BY V. T. HAMLIN feeUng: brings back brightness 182 Mi^la^treet Office. Call 8583. A L L E Y O O P O ffe n d 16 A AIIHTIN %. CHAMBERS Co Vocal used. Industry standard rSUnga. Priced for ready aale. No agentA artii gppralae ar moke voo a cash to bid oxr upholstery. 3. W. H -H te te g U uk—.' yffu KNOW. BY 1988 a^ftlDEBAKER Commander moving, packing and atorage Waa 8293.50, now only 8348. PLEIASANT l-umiahed room, con­ Phone 5052. aftai (or •rbpartv- Baa oe bafOra Bteie Oorp.______aedag. Very clean, excellent me­ WEAVING at bums, motb holes Montgom jry Ward. > 5APPI------and tom eloUUng boatery cwia Domestic and ovemear crating tinuous hot water witb a private vou sell TO IE.«*UN W3WN fjgpN^aa WTLi, Kanch. Havrldee chanically. Good Urea Must be and shipping Eareileni van serv­ family on Main street. Couple or HUGE 8-Room single on Bhist Cen­ Phone 7738-Or *278 AND-----^ NVHAT sebn to appreciate. Tel. 8936 or handbags repaired, mpper re­ ter street. Ideal for profeaaioiiai M d aaMDe beraea for rent Phone placement. umbrellas repaired, ice to West Cueat and all parts gentleman piefcrred; Call 6803. b k a b -b u k n r e a l t y 2-1888. of U S.A. and Canada, relephone Ronts and Arrewioiics 4f man, funemi home. etc. House Is men's shirt onUart revemed and in escellent repair. Oonsldemble READY'To SollT Ring the bell it Manchester 5187. or Hartiorn 6- JOHNSON S8:a Horse outboard HEATED ROOM for rent, on bus 1841 8TUDEBAKER sedan. Radio replaced. Marloiv'a Uttia Mending cash required. T. J. CrocketL ManehesUf 8315 Ed W Kra- SDop. 1438. Mr.tor Sales and Service. We also line. Gentlennn preferred. Call ABleeatoBB fe e 8 e le and heater, white wall Urea. 2-9017. Broker. Phone 5418. semes. SuO'irtiaa Realty tM Good eonditlon. Private owner repair the otbers rkplto; Equip­ RcaltorA 4b Psrhina ftreeL Price reaeonable. 184 Parker i-LiAT FINISH HoUand wtndour ment Co.. .18 Main street Phone EAST SIDE—six-room Cape Cod, TRAN8POBTATIOK shades made to measure Kaya Psinting—PsporiiiB 21 comfortable single room, streeL Telephone. 7868. 7958. walking distance to Cheney’s. two unfinished, flraplaoe, oil WANTED^—Dulldlag lota. Desiri made whiie you wait Martew'a CALL G. FICKE7TT for Inside and SPECIALS!/ Call 2-3612. - steam heat, insulated copper to buy building lota in Manches­ outside painting, paper hanging, BUILD Your Aqua Pal dinghy, plumbing, recreation room, part­ ter with water availsbiA Write GENERAL Houaecleanlag, paint­ general ca.-rentry work Free 8 fu cartnp nrlat. Kits complete CM m In asd Msks^ An Offer Auto AccooMiiiw— ing and wallpaper a apeclalty. 30 DESIRABLE room, suitable for ly finished. Stnnt. windows and Box K, or phone 7728. estimates given Phone 4208. with oars. .' II cut to assemble one or two at 14 Beech street. T in s years’ experience. William MUlcV. 845 plus tax and freight. Expert screeitA 810,500. G. I. possibility. **Oaom InslstaVo WW wV en gordwilng during tha iw mimilaa Call 8133. Elva Tyler, AgenL 2-4468. ST JOHN ST’REBT. Pnw xr Cape StSS K.YM Ot 4-DR. SEDAN TRUCK TIRE sale! Lowest prices 6788. INTERIOR AND Bxterioi paint­ repairing on all make motors. Ood, b finished rooms and attach: birtwaan tritripar ’'A new tires and In yeara! Example: 8.25-20 10- ing. papartwiglng. ceiltnga re- New snd used motors on dlpslay LARGE Double room with twin DURANT 8TKEE7T — Attractive ed garagA oaa’itifuUy lapdsca^ CALL ROY and Gordon. Caperta flqjahiKl. Ftulv inaured. 3hipert SIDB GLANCES BY GALBRAITH tttin. ply Warda deluxe—1848— price for rug and upnoiatery ahampae* Authorized Evinrude dealer. Ed's bed, for grnt.Iemaii, Phone 6398. four-room single. Immediate oc­ ed graundA reaaonably priced. T. 6,;p o r 4-DR. SEDAN— 882.65, now during Ward week— work New imp wallpaper oouks Marine Service, Ceijar Swamp 116 North School atreet. cupancy. Real buy at 88,800, J. QrocketL Brafcer. Phone 5418. CARNIVAL BY DICK 'HTRNER | FRECKLES AND UlS FRIENDS ThaPfi How It Is BY MERRILL C. B L M K l all summer. New Ing Complete Dome and ofibce Edward R Price. Pbone 3-IUUS. Q b^ bo only W-45 .ilua tax! Savinga on cleaning. AU kinds of odd Jobs Road. .North fkiventry. Phone down payment, 82,100. Monthly 6 ^ WIMNCRSlJlSHk^ FURNISHED Room, gentleman 'Me y/ T L iw rm o ov.W you 'lUE MWD waft FOR - M8I avery also! AU paaaenger tirea Phone 3-9087 m Manchester 3- Manchester 8728. paymenL 885.94 Wm. Goodchlld, / A « YOU '^ Y o u n m s MAio But YOU SAID m t INTIAC 3-DR. SEDAN— (3LARBONNEAI1 House paint­ preferred. 57 Foster streeL near zsRvice GutMocitep. HSV* JUST )M0M M*, T ia S w ^ R ' alao reduced! Don’t miaa thla big 4340. ing, Intcriui exterior Paper Sr.. Realtor. Office 15 Forest D n MAID.' tcu tnxldei Front end rebuilt. aale! Montgomery Ward, 828 Center. atreet 7925 o: 2-9694. Ubraa a|l around. hanging. Boor sandbiy and reOn. Diamond*— Watrh« t h i U t W Main. EXPERIENCED, all kinda of cur­ Uhlng. Call 3-9575 or 3-‘J805. WOULD LIKE working girls to ONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN— tains laundered, straight 85c, Jewelry 48T SMALL Five-roon house. Large tires,' elean Inside, radio . share my home. Privileges of en­ H u i S o N BUY A Guaranteed rebuilt motor ruffled 81.25. C^led for and de­ GENERAL Repairing, light car­ lot fruit trees Low priced. C ^ heatbr. LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler Re­ tire house Including, complete use at Wards! x-or big gaa and oil livered. 2-2411. pentry, painting Floors sanded, 3-0736. ' OeOvered Hera Folly CHEVROLET 4-DR. TOWN ■avlaga and longer car-life — paira and adli:sts watches expert­ of kitchen. North end. Oarage BamnaaO. Ineladlaa SEDAN—One owner car. AH reflnished. Reasonable. Call 2- available. CoU 2-1887 after 7 p. SIX ROOM single, ianch typA fire­ trade in your old motor for a 4^1. ly at reasonable prices. Open WMlSoNtiMitial Heater affStament Warda RebuUt Motor! They're Bulkftng—Contracllnii 14 Th'orsday evening 129 Spruce m. place, hot water beat with olL 1848 DMX3E 4-DR. SEDAN—One factory rebuUt, expertly In­ 113 00 RlfPAPERF ordinary room atreet. Phone 2-4887. two-car garagA Immadlate occu­ m -F*2 3 W‘ ewner ear. CMan an over. stalled. You can buy a Ford, ALTBRATIONq AND additlona Including panel Window acreens pancy, 812.000. 0-room stnglA 8o|wr-Slx Fear-Deer Bedea 1887 PLYMOUTH 4-OR. SEDAN Businen* ixieation* ChevrolcL Plymouth, or Dodge New ceilings. Alao roofing and painied Inlartar and exterior 4 and 3. completely finished, fire­ erttk 181 a,p. >H » iiiimprea —Radio and heater. New 1848 motor for as Uttle aa 811 month siding. A. A Dion. Inc. Pbont Garden—Farm—Dairy For Kent 64 place, hot water heat with oil, tAm eaglne. 134 laeb wtsMb inober. Clean an over. painting, ttassunabla Raymond ’ ly. Montgomery Ward, 828 Main 4860. 299 Autumn StreeL riaha Pbone 3-9387. Products 50 SMALL Building near Main nicely graded and landscaped baoA (Local taxaa to Oa atreet large lot. 818.600. Alao a few ex added). MANY OTHERS PREMIER tTmwberry plants, 81 street, approximately 000 square iXiNifftETB Contractor, mason OUT8TDE, rNSTDE Painting and feet. Purnell Oorpomtion. Apply cellent 60 foot lota in B sonA aOoly tb* geaeseoftee foo LIMITED TIME Only! Ward's work and -anoai aping. V. Bel’ per hundred J. P. O’Connor. 171 8450 and up. b. A Beechler, Real­ Opsa Monday and Thura. Elvenings Pjzparhanglng. Free'^ estimates. Marlow’A. Onca-a-year drum lot aale! tt'a luccl. Phone 3-1601. Prompt service. Reasonable Union StreeL Manchester. tor. Phone 8969. atiaefe ar ttaw* pajramato B]^ L VEIMlW il Wards premium Grade vitalised prloea Phone 7680. D. E a With er adthnai trade le PRISCILLA’S PUP Ask For And Receive BEdWN-BEAUPRE. Tnc. oil ... Vitalized to give you CAKPENTKh 'Vork of all klqda Frechette. . PEAT HUMAa 4-yard load. 812. Wanted to Rent* 6.H COUNTRY Atmosphere, yet In a Good aUowaac* (er yoar EVERY DAY t WISH bOU’O QtVE premium quality, premium pro­ Rooii siding*, additlona and al’ also bag 8I Loam. 4-yard lead, town. 6 room Cape Cod. One un ME THE SAME CARE SO Bisacll Street Phone 7181 03ME HOME tection, premium performance teratlons Alao naw oonstmctlon. 812 Pbone 6.M5. 850 BONUS, 5-6 er 7 room house, finished. dormcrA fireplace, din­ nXlMEOlATB DBI.IVBRY BU5Y AND ATTENTION YOU 1888 BUICK four-door aedan, ... all at premium drum lot sav­ SleffcrL Phone 3-0353 Repairing 2.3 responsible people. Manchester ing alcove, screened-ln porch, oil ON nOHB MtHIELS (5IVE THEM.V ings! Free delivery. Nothing to buaineae man. Phone 2-9737. . steam hpaL Insulated, copper black. Good t lr ^ two apares, CARPENTER work of al) kinds. MATTRESSES Your old mat­ HoinehoM Gooda 61 McCLURB AUTO . price; 8535. Phone 7141. pay 'Ul the oil is yours. Ask plumbing, hatchway. Corner iqL 878 Mato SL Coraer Strsnt Attics flniahed. cabinet work, al tress sterilized and remade like WANTED— 4 o r 5 room rent by 60 X 150. Occupancy anytime about Warda handy contract teratlons and also colorful plas­ new. Call Jones Furqiturs and CHEST of Drawers stovea mis­ Tri. 3 ^ 2 1848 BUICK Roadmaater, four- plan. Act now! Save! Montgom. family of adults. Call Mrs. Joseph EUva ’Tyler, AgenL Phone 3-4468. tic tile oathrooms and kitchens. Floor Oovaring. 86 Oak. Tel. 3- cellaneous usee fumiturA Rail­ door aedan, Uke new. 81.875; ery Ward, 838 Main atreet. road salvage 167 Middle Pum- Draghl. 6556. 1841 Chevrolei. fieetline four- Charles Davis. Phone 3-0394. 1041. / .,/J pike East. Monday through Fri­ THREE ADULTS nOeO 4 or 5 un. dpor aedan. Motor Just overhaul­ CARPENTRY, Alteratlona; oaW’ MCfAIR AND motbrtsa eewlng day M . Saturday 9-9. ed. 8875. . 1941 Plymouth club furnished rooms. Reasonable renL . Molorcycicb Bicycles 11 nets, tile ceUlagA tile hatha m OlselitBM. Also clean aa. VIC I LI_NT______Fog Gets An Idea Ford two-door, both In nmning Ing Bervlce. Tel Rockville lErt- Ruaineaa Property for Sal* 7(1 J3. rm i dannen touoees oepdltlon. 8175; full price for WE ARE still oaytng top doUara WE BUY and sell good used furni­ BUSINESS Opportimity. For aale “ My married daughter ia ae unlucky— letin g these tovaly cars. Franklin Motors. 653 for clean >iaeo can, 1837 • 1841. CARPENTER and builder. EgU- llBricBl—DraoMlIe 29 ture. Comblnstlon ranges, gas a small hosiery end underwear laathar euahlens I gave bar with tha vdraat burnt on th a m r “ Liatan. Junior! You're utad to Rlfiying In tha mu MS Ulxed, like new. We call for and •AUBtOlRL Wanted. We have EASY SPIN Dry washer. 8 years located in Manchester. Store does TUB WnMOKOF’THW Chevrolet two-^r,^ fuUy equlp- deliver anywhere Frank Falk. 43 PANSIES, perennial flower plfinta old. Recently ovemauled. Call 2. end tai -giood condition. 24 gladioli bulbs, strswberry an opening Cor full Ume salaaglri. an excellent businexA Consider­ KsmuCKV OCOSV, SOT South Main atraoL Oolcbaeter. Fxp^enea preferred.’ Apply la 3455 after 6. able cash necessary. T. J. TO SOME RESPONSIBLE THn NAMD MM ma«ths' to pay. 194l Plymouth Conn. PhotM Oolcboster 460. planta asparagus roots ever­ tem-door. PuU price. 8785. greens and shrubs. Woodland peraon. Textile Stores. 913 Mala HOSPITAL BEDS sad wheel Crockett, Broker. Phone 4516. .fSCAPGDMNMiNO/ FmkUn Motore. 658 Center LINOLEUM - Asphalt Ula,. wall Gardena 188 Woodland streeL StreeL chairs for sa'e or renL Rates rea­ YOUNG COUPLE' Vt/m Pbone 8474. S«aNCPM 8«NG MY ■inaC Open evenings.. covering.*Done by reliable, well- RE^XABLE uirl or woman for sonable. Keith’s Furniture Oo. CREDIT MANAOBR OF LARGE. WELL KNOWN AND BB- trained men. All Jobe guaranteed. Phone 4188; VHTd AaOdW — IT NEW 1848 Ooatom buUt for WHITE Flowering dog-wood etoady posiUan In candy shop. U AB LX ■ rU R M TU R E WTOBE, wishes to eootael semo lespeo vJiLUriOrCOhito Hall Unolaum Oo., S3 Oak otrooL Good opportunity for the right ■iUe young eoopie who wodld he In ter ee tad to.taktag ovOr ■■ on- ‘:^9Mek, Moborals ear radio, worth Phono 3-4022. ovoolnga 610E trees on Route 6, Andover. TeL 7 CO FT. Croaley refrigerator, GARAGE - f l 8, aalUng Cor $60 with aerial WlUlmanUc 3096-WS. peraon. Apply in person only at Tbor #aaber, both 6 months old, paid balanoe. en OMotlUy terma o< a COMPLETE BOMB OF BulH 9* Tear Lot. It’ X 2T NEW FURNITCRB CONSMTINO of a 1848 7 fL •WeettogOeesF' N o T m ca BY LESLIE . PkWP 4884 betFbbn ,6:80 and GUARANTEED repair aorvtoo oo Munaon’s Can-iy Kltebeta, 117 New radio, 81Sr play-pen, 88. Phbn* 3- WA.SH rtiKKS .t-JD. waahen iroaa toasUra, aloetrie TOMATO Plants (or sals, 2,000 Bolton Road, One mile beyond 0450. $650.00 Electric Refrigerator, a 184# * vm ouMtoT dMT# OBlMUBa experience. Apply la penom kncchoic desk, latest In ehrame This Is Not A Pretab hno gfven me nntborisatloo to dbpoor of H. The silgtooi prli* hdOkCAFINN, 'IBlFtkMl 15,000 POTTED planta for Moth­ Center Restaurant, 488 Main was 81,181.17. The ptiee anthorlsed to mo to aril It Mr la tTIKM, CBOtoM'tWMM LAWNS Mowed, ohrubo pruned, breakfast seta. Imitation fire­ UtaY! eondltkm. l«o>w adlo- Weekly accounts Invited. Rea- chesL Hka new; youth Jied, crib, fl.,600 for eeme raensnrihle pinna who ean tako over tk •UyfiSCMK . m fc amiable ratae Prompt oourteous end basket* for cemeterlsA at aMato of 828.4*. n e o u f f i . ! ^ reaaoaabla priesA Ootaages 81 BMp Wgattd—Malt 65 baby acalcA ebUd’a ' desk and aervtce B. A. Jerome. S-SlSL chair, washing macblnes# com­ F. SIEFFERT raek, now eia- MCh and up. Orchida 8SJI0 each, If jroa at* tatoreoted In this fnrnltnia or any OBIVKkdNOP oabto. In good oondl- MAKE 820 a day! SeQ SUybright bination ranges. refrigeratorA PhoM Maoeheoter 2-*S43 planes contaet v RADIO fiarvh'.liig Uspendaoie tow pansies 45c bazkeL creeping brsM name plates for front doors phlox 25c each, five for 81; cut Save at Chambers' Warehouse odel and guaraateet. a .RL Ap- Write Hubstamp, 355-0 Con- SaleA Manchester Green. CaU pbaaca. 2i Maple street 3.1.575 flowers, $2 bouquet* and up. At greaa Boston, Mass amall gsedel. McOonvtUe's GreenhouapA 802 ______5187. Privately Atk^UNTANT. COmpleto ae- Woodbridge str-*'t. Open eve- ' MR. CHADWICK ON WEDNF.SDAY lipped. Phone SERVEL Electrolux refrigerator, eounUag aervlce and tax work. sings ’t » 10 and aU day Sunday.^ DISHWASHER Wanted. 3 nlghu hhccellrat condition. Call 6301 Read Heral^ Advs. Phone Hartford 5-0355 t A. M. To 5:60 P. M. COL 3-8838. Pbone 5847. | wackly. Apply Cavey's Grill, after 6 p. m. • . THE'DOURke HEAPEK: Hi m , MEM w - . *h «u -*'> ■■♦ ‘'i . "^i*- V '■ ■• Ju'- •*' '-Vl,■ ■ -■ ^. * ■- F • .«.T to. r y , " , *, , .

ef ...... ■‘■>?-'r'- ■ ■- ■'■ ■■".. \ -'.v* - V - **ap as .•;•;.> J...... - . .. f j :'.K TOSW AY^lfAtS. It4» S B W ...... AVaraga Daily Nat Prasa Rob 1 - et C. a Warttoe Bme ^anr(;(Bt(r 1Ea^tttn0 ll^raUt Far the Maato at Manh. 1949

BO troepa, the task o< suparviainB i; SMr aad vwy Tonight M Family Night at the thaaa a«tivltl4s la almoat (mpoa- 9,740 South Methodist church and there iPonr Gmierations at Putjr 'Drive Started slbls when dona ’eaUasfy by vpli will bo diseossiona for the adulU natasrs, and Maschaater haa long 1. V i add young p em ^ games for tlm By Girl Scouto paaaed the IT troop avarags, ’Mancheeter^A CUy ef Vittege Charm ladan litcIoQ*' youngsters, and movies for all when a paid exscuUv* la naosa- from 7 to 9 o’clock. BUworth<>Bnitn-QuMr ■aiy. ■ wriMn litgloa. wul MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. MAY 4,1949 (TWE.NTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS TtaUght at 5 o’clock the .Bolton Seek to Collect 95.000 ■ One of the early oMtribatars to VOL. LXVnL, NO. 182 Aivertiebig * Page Ml ■ad BUUard a ti««u congregational Church sdiool offl- the drive was the Cdamopolltaa it to jp««c«od to the oars and teachers will meet qt the Before End of Week; CItab whoee donation, Uke thorn of ral Home in trtbttto home of Mrs. F. D, Luck. all -eluba. indviatrlMi aad buaineaa a Maboaej. Mn. Most Worthy Cause aafabllahmenta are a reaj bobat to­ Connecticut Group On Carrier Midway ______mbrntd. Major John The Women’s Missionary Socie­ ward the goal, and arc ap added n.i MahiiitiT. M h member and ty of the ’Talcottvllle Congrega­ The annual drive of the Man­ incentive to the workere. Solons Hurl Angry |Diilles Declares W ar P a n of the poet and tional church will meet from 10:30 MBi Mahoaey wee a member of a. m. tomorrow to 3:30 p. m. chester Girl SoouU got underway Individuals look upon tbsir part There wUl be the usual box lunch­ yesterday, w itt many adtilta and in the drive as they would upon any project in which their'neigh­ eon at 12 o’clock and tea and cof­ giria canvassing Mie homes and Ah open oMetlnc ia beins e>r* fee will be served. .^1 the women bors and friends arc participating 49c Misses* White an4 Paste] Colored Charges on Delay (■Med lor the Ijegion Home on of the commimlty are In vit^ busineaa establishmenta in their —a desire to leiid a helping hand, Probable If Senate ■nMdajr erentnc, K ey IT, for the arses. Working until late In the Uke for Instance, one woman who F*lne Combed . ‘ i. : < pOhlie diacuaaian of the Soldlere, A large attendance is expected evening the worken met with con- being unable to . take-part In the Baum aad Marinea f i ^ of the at the meeting of the' Ladies’ Aid slderabte suocese end wish to re­ work as a leader, gave a aub- On Assembly Bills n il bow It should be han- Society of the Concordia Lutheran mind the public that the'drive will stantlal piece o f equipment for diad. Chaagce In the etate law re- church tonight at 7:30 when there continue through Saturtey until camp Merri Wood, entirely un­ Cotton Fathties• ; ♦ ;* gaidine the fond are proposed in will be a s i^ a l program to honor everyone has been contact^ solicited. Doesn’t Ratify Pact the corrent Legislature and these the honorary members of the or­ With a goal of $5,000 thla yaar, With slaatle waist band. Small, medium, large. Wsdnsaday aaly.. ganisation. Senate Democrats and win be dhwiUMied at tte meeting. CM of tha chief alms la to procure ■i ' Says‘Violent a paid exacutlve t o . tkka .edhs 'of RepubUcans Say Eacb Lather Leaguers of Emanuel Mrs. Everett Belding vtrlll be Girl Boout actlvitlea in town. With American Delegate to Lutheran church who are to take leader when Group B of the Center Side Hoping to Force Action^ Urged church holds its dessert meeting 3 9 c es^ part in the skit at the Mothers Four Powers Meet United Nations Urges tonight at 7 o’clock. HALE’S t : Deals; Bowles Ui^ea aad. Dau^itera . banquet P^rlday Approval of 12-Na­ apsBlng,-May 6, are reminded of Bay ’Em By The Boi Headquarters SixvYear Terms for FBI Undercover Mail rMicarsal at the diurch this The hoatesses for the Wesley \ On Berlin Blockades tion Defense Alli­ ereniag at 5:15. Group MWtlnif the South Moth- CANDY BARS, 39e Misses* and Childrra^ Minor Court Judges Testifies About Reds' odist church tomorrow evening at PORV - Ceaaaetfeat Bepa. Altb(ratoua A. WMeeff (center) o« HartfaHl ms4 bin. Owao CMag ance; Repudiation of k Ceodrotlcut aeaaaeo aboard the I'SS BUdway dartag. .a CoogreeNooal The "laijah" rehearsal will be 7:46 will be: Mrs. Robert Spencen Box of 24— 95c Activities in Sl Louis Spaagaii. ataad with * * * * * * w * .* . * « ^ ,w * _ . b M at the Second Congregational Mrs. Russell Roberts. Mm. Fred Stole Capitol, .Hartford, Left to right are! Saaaaaa A. F. Oaaaaaa, af New Leaden; Alrwaa Appieavee A. n. Bndan, ef Bart- RuMi. W Thr„ w,tt. BJU Treaty Would Make fafd; ScMMUi IL W. Bcrgeaheltc, e f BloomfiFld: Bcpre.watative BiMceff; Electrjnlcs Teehnlclaa g-c church tonight at 5:30. Towle, and Mrs. Fred Edgar. Arthur Drug Store ANKLETS May' 4L— ote*, does not ratify the North A t­ Asiflsito DrivM Macleod. work out details for lifting wrote their essays are: Edith Mc- The four gmemMsas ptetared above, are from left to right, Mnk patronage.’’ and ahoutvd: lantic treaty. Dulles, Ameri- T eL 3149 Testifying for tha sacoad day CblaOee Coamxmlst treepe knif- the 10-month-old Berlin .ThomM D. CoUa CuUen and first grade teacher Charlce Uucol^ great-groiMbnother: Mra. Blchard Webb, inether; aad '•’There wlU ba no deala on pat­ la the Ctommunlst conspiracy Says Management Lacks ing deep into aouth China eelae Chinese Government Wsshinglon. May 4.- .4* — Tni- can delegate to the United Miss Marjorie Leidholt of the Mra. Arthur Berne, grandmother e f Virginia Webb. ronage. Governor Bowlea will trial, Youaglova told of attending city only 80 miles northwest of blockades and for a m eeting Democrats today won a fight TWi. ^ 9 2 1 t Green school, aad Cynthia Cre- Ranges, Relrigeratora Gsurden Fence not deal, under any canaidaratton, Confirms Oty YieMcvl Nations, made this assertion Mrs. Doeolse and Tix%. Bosse ef Indian Orchard, Ma«k, were gueats a Communist school in 1945 and Confidence in 'Impar­ Nanchang, capital of Klangai of the Council of Foreign to send the Wood labor bill back hore and sixth grade teacher Mias at the home of Mra. Webb, 857 Center atreet, for a famUy get-togeth­ laglMation for patronage." 1946 at which Macleod waa a lec­ to the Senate Foreign Rela­ Helena Booth of the Washington tiality* o f Donnelly province. Red radio claima' . . . . To Reds Without Fight Ministera. The conferees met 1 to a House committee. tions committee in urging approv­ er held here recently. Washers a ^ All Senator CSiarlea 8. Houae, the turer. l^ght Jurors selected for first de- at 12:.31 p. m. (11:31 a. m.. al of the 12-nation defense alUe ■dwoL R «f. Si .59 Special Republicda floor leader, aprang to Aaked whkt th« attorney said, grea murder trial In New Haven Their margin on the motion to INSURE Othtf Appliances $1.00 hia fapt witlv a. challenge to Dem- , Bulletin! e .s .t .a m id reports that the ance. Thera will be a meeting of the Pinea Civic Assoclatton, Inc., %^IHl Younglove gave thla suaunary: Bulletia! Superior court of FOIppo Temaaal. recommit was three votes— 212 to The monthly meeting of the ocrate to "produce any evidanee" ' Skaaghal,. Blay 4 — (F) — blockade will be li'fted May 12 "Totall.v DiffarMt Sitoatioa" Manchester Improvement Associa­ committee for the ' 13th annual will hold lU last business meeting McRINNEY BROTHERS 9ivv foot X twslvs Inehea Hardwoad, double iial^d at all polnta, "Ha said that tha baUot box ' Hnrtferd, May 4——The . . Secretary ot State Acheaon [ and the foreign ministers will 209. of the season tomorrow evening at that RepuMlcana were delaying was not the answer to bring about btaanteetorcra Aaawelatlon ef Shanghai waa Isolated from In- :Th« tall, scholarly diplomat told tion will be held at Liberty Hail banquet of the Gulseppe Garibaldi Real Batata aad Insanwee T to jk iu u COM painted white, A real value. . . , - leglalation becauae of patronage aaya U< 8. haa no'poMUcal, abjm-. ! gather Msy 23. Battle Ends la Stalmnate Society at 3; Oak atreet tonight 8 In the YMCA. There wUl be an Sodallam, but that it would have Canneetteot today reitetated tiona to AmetiAmerican goVenifiaent loCa :;.faad Cldaa MSiy by Camhm* the committee It is dealing with a on Golway street tonight at 5 conalderation. The British Press association This outcome left the House election of officers for the coming 505 Mato SL Tel. 6060 to come about by violent action.’* to ‘ Gev- Cheater Bewlee l(a to Spaki . . . Senator Muadt (R- nlat troop* who threatened to "totally different" world oltuatloB o’clock. at 7 o’clock. He tenned Wechaler’a accuaa- . said 8tr Alexander C?|dogan. Bnt- with no labor bill before it—in ef­ year and a summary of this year’s • ■ ■-> '-t . , , The FBI informant said Melvin eppeelMen to the appaiatmeBt 8D) tsyt his anU-Commumat bill farce NatlONaliat ahaadoii- today than it was a year ago. Tha tlon "a falsehood made out of ment of the big Yangtze hai^ ’ iih representatri’e at the United fect ending the great labor battle Cb. 3 of the 8MFD will meet at activities will be read. Pinal plans Ring and Naomi Ling were other e f the Rev. Joeepb F. Donaelly would make espionage "lem at­ I Nations, had notified London of with a stalemate. pact then was only being discuss­ the firehouse tonight at 8. for the informal spring dance to whole chrfk." Inatroctora in the cUiaaea. He also ■a the pnbBr member e f the tractive" for "romantic, giddy- tlon of Haakow within 4$ ed, he said, whereas now it haa H m exchange came after Weeha- hoars. AU land route*, out of these dates, 'there was no con­ The administration was tmable be held at the Long Hill Golf club told of becoming chairman of his Stale Beard af Mediation aad ayed noviUatea’Jl like Judith Cop- firmation here* immediately. to put through its bill to repeal been formally signed by each of Mrs. Anna Addy and Mra R. in EUst Hartford, will be discuss­ lar Odea agitoi ampbaatxad that Ion. Shanghai were under Cwmnm the participating nations. Adjustable ftrooin Lawn Rde Communist club group, the Roose­ A r b lt r a B e a , AaaeelaUoa Today's meeting was called to the Taft-Harlley law and enact Symington will be the hostesses ed. After this business meeting re­ no action would ba taken on what nlat control ba* the ' ajparaat ’iTius to repudiata th* treaty velt club. Prarideat W. A. Partin made N. Y., N. H. and Hartford Rail­ ; work out "details" of the two labor statutes more to the liking when the Home League -nneU to­ freshments will be served by Mrs. ha called “pet” O. O. F. bUla imtU Put in evidence was a program nppaaaab .'to-'Shanghni of. Baa now, Dulles ooatinued, would r*- RepubUeana agreed to ait down pahito today a letter be seat way withdraws appSorilMt befbfe^ : dates. of unions. morrow at 2 o’clock In the Salva­ William Horgan, Mrs. Edmimd adopUd at a state convention of to the geverimr In which be . troopa waa at lenat 2d mlleu flect a change in Ui* Amcricaa with Damocrata to diacuaa major Interstate Commerce commiaslon On the other hand, it succeeded tion Army CitadeL Peresluha, and Mrs. PL B. Steele. Reg, $1,39 Special, each the Missouri Communist party in ■apperfad aa eartior atoteBseat to abandon about aix milea of away. Today’s meeting at the United point of View and thi* would mak* Red Men' s 89c adminlatratlan pcopoaala. States' United Nation headquar- in preventing passage of the All members are urged to be pres­ amde by Exeeattve Vies I other nations change their plans. .Warhalar chairgad RepubUcaiia August, 1545, calling for inten. trackage between ColIlnavUle and Wood bill which would repeal A drilghtful party was held at ent. d v f efforts to recruit new mem­ Pnaldent Nerris W. Ford that New Hartford . . . Btookl>-n fath­ Shanghai. May 4.—uF—The ! ters here marked the first time "Out of that would com* a wttb-ohatvnetioaiam, and Houa4 in government confirmed todav i t ! that representatives of the four Tnft-Hartley in name, but keep the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A light durable, adjustable, fisxlble tooth rake that egn be used bers. Father Deaaelly waa aot ac- er of four children ia shot to death most of its .essential provisioils. war," he declared. Flke of 70 WaddeU road last night tom aaaartail that It waa the Oem^ eeptahle to the aaaoeiattoa aa haa yielded Hangchow to ’ the | great powers had sat down to- There will a BA club meeting In both narrow and wide apacaa. Adjustment can hs made by ocratie aide which waa holding up Tha program callad for tha in. by gunman who pushed vlcitm’s getlier on the Berlin blockade is­ House leaders indrtfa\e—Assert­ Yankee Radio Network la without I regards war as inavitable. OanSanda U d a p to asslin I Shanghai’* last land escape route Russia agreed last night to have ,. House for a while. | glfta. A buffet luncheon was ewgraaaman, Dewey Short, Mi ing that management lacked con­ angineera, annoimcers and newa- the United States call in Britain I Their strategy is to wait now Dulles did not specify which na­ served to the twelve guests from Bbuaa contandad that tlia othar to aouth China. 1 Schwabe and Roger Slaughter. fidence in the “impartiaHly” of the uMn after walkout and executivea and France. I and see what kind of bill the Sen- tions he thinks might change their a table which held a teige and at­ aide waa holding up the bUla for Schools to train party leaders take ever tb e w jrii. and announce A Shanghai garriapu communi­ plans if the Senate refuses ta Toa*ra lucky— to enjojr tba tractive birthday cake trimmed in the purpoae oC making deala. Rev. Joeepb F,. Donnelly. Alfred C. que said Hapgchqw'a deffndcra, a Waiting for MaUk I ate may ^ willing to pas*. ml Multiple and membars were to be set up in they are "prepared to carry on in- Pretorvation i Boviet deputy foreign min- ratify the trtoty. ■any advantagaa of heat- blue and white. Houae aaid that RepubUeana S t Louis and Kansas Oty. Fuller Isirt nlgtft declared oppcal- definitaly.'* provincial Peace L'paet for BepohXraas wart wilUng to diacuaa propoead tlon to thd appointment of the corps, withdrew at nooa veatar- ' i*toL Jakob A. Maiuk, arrived at I The autoome of tha tooonimit- May Mean C%aagc In Methefla inc w i^ otL Lat na Inaraaac Electrolysis BINGO* Aa today's aeaaien opanad, Fad- told 1 Unitod Statto flriegatlon head- Spring Steel Lawn Rake legtalattoa with Oemoorata. He eral Judge RarOId I t Madlaa ra- N aif Haven p r i ^ da tha puMic day. ChliMse pr«sip diapatriMa tal vota waa an upset for Repub- But in hia earllaa.an9 aMd tea- yonr h i^ witti o«r dean The Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary, Snperflaoafi Hair Removed member ef the state Board of quar1(|m„a(.. 2. Park avenue juat VFW, No. 2046, wUl meet At 6M . I aaaartail, howaver. that Ma aide Jeeted a flafanae motion,to wipa a fore* ef 4,000 Conununiats took liaan iMder*. who put tba Wood timony be said the I f f ^ g of tka Safely. Quiefcly and Madtatlaii and Arbitration. Ifite walkout by its ewUro etaff ef over. m e f i 2:35 and went into session dalhaiT of oor fine grade Forbm street in East Hartford to­ PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 P. M. wouM -ast."ba atobbadf* toti sut-aavan day«*sf tasUmoay by a angineera . . . Eighty-five bill o v » in the House yesterday Barlin blockade, if it comas may tiea. FuUar, a fonaer member of the radio fHangch*w's with Dr. Philip C, Jeasup. U. 8. With strong support from aouth- flid ofl. IPa eeonoailcal be- morrow evening to pay their re­ Permanently girl FBI Infonnant »**>. iBigeat alrplaae pa Monger population, ia ambaaaador at .large, Cadogan.and mean meroly a change fai Ruaaia's will w«at f* Appobitmanta strirtl.t privstr AND YOU DON'T STAY LATE Reg, $1,69 Special, each 89c tb a Sonata flgbt came after The motien waa baaed on ?. con­ board anti also a tormar president about 400,000.) ern Democrats. methods and “not a change la egoae there’s no waste. IPs spects to Daniel A. PansuUo, of the Manufacturers Aaaoclatlon lead ever to fly Atlantic, Unda In Jean Chauvei of France. The ff*M ynu oa brother of Mra. Nettie Aceto, one Free Cnesaltalion Goverfior Bowlea had expr tention that the witncaa bad com. The new Red advmice trapped western power conferees were in Yesterday's voting turned up a Soviet .mtention." practical becanae we dellTcr hla *^Hdphatle feeling" that minor of Connecticut, said that aa public England in U. 8) Air Force’s JMMkwii OBjb Mary M l of the members of the auxiliary. Olftee HiMirs: 9:30 s.m t« 5 p.m » ’ ' ■ mitted an "infamous infiltration Globemaater transport plane .... Nationallat farces remaining in Jessup's office waiting for Malik. margin of 217 to 203 for tha Wood Dulles cautioned against too at year conTcalenec. Heat treated strong spriag steel tines. Width of frame 15H in^ eourt Judgaa aheuld have alz-year mamber, Father DonneUy would the big triangle bounded by bill. That meant the administra­ • w a i wa kova tfw HcriN Mctgbers unfamiliar with the vi- Closed Wediieadav Artrraofia* of the defenae itsalT’ in attending Belgium Oiamber of Deputies rat­ A crowd of aeveral hundred much optimism over Berlin da- hardwood handle.ndle. IdeiU for 'lawn work. tenna. a Communist protest meeting on also be chairman and would hold Hangchow, Shanghai and Nan­ tion forces needed to suing eight velopments. , ,■ aMfc Card iw a m y» ciniw are advised to take a Silver Mary Crossen, R-N.. Prop. the balance of power. He added ifies Atlantic trealv, with Senate milled about outside the building. . swbus to Forbes street and Tinker. Hall Ih a letter to the General Aa- the triM’s op«ning day, Jan. 17, king, 160 miles inland. One Red The meeting was held on the | , °y*rnight , to put he Wood . H e said the pact, binding tka ;-|M-«dw9 yaa-wam la ... 869 Main St„ Tel. 2-2667 aambly’o Judiciary committae, the that the priest, who is director of still to act . . . U. 8. la consulting then turn left to find number 6S5. MAINSIREET BaaeaMNt using FBI funds. with other nations on steps to radio broadcast, elaborating on 23rd floor, where the U. S. delega­ bilMn the cooler. ] United States and U other nations W® tWBJf y®® IMOf® Over Marlow’e govSmor aaid tarma o t that length Angela Calomirta. Greenwich the Diocesan Labor institute ">• earlier claima, said 80,000 Nation­ tion has its main office. Plans for They succeeded in getting the i to stand together in o p p o ^ g any would teUeve "many of the prea- known to have sympathies strong­ compel three Russian satellites to la lay i. tailar Mlact ATLANTIC village photographer who kept abide by human righto pledges. alists were captured in (hia tri- the conference were announced by needed margin although there was i aggressor, is needed to help solve The South West Manchester auraa, polltlca] and ethcrwlac, ly on the Bide of union labor.” angle. one more vote cast today than in the German problem, -yaan aow. Federal agenU Informed of Com Senate,, working toward final the U. S. three hours earlier. Civic Association will meet to­ which have plagued theae eourta muniat doings In New York for In hia atatement Fuller said (This was not confirmed elac- "It is now possible to consider yesterday’s ballot. i from former Undersecretary of Range and Fuel Oil morrow evening at 8 o’clock in action on $300,000,000 Federal aid DOOR PRIZE In the fa s t” seven yeaiA teetified she went to that he waa interested in a state­ where.) detailed arrangements." ih* Unit- The motion to recommi was , su te WIU CUyton, th* aanatoni the Jiome of Angelo Dupont, 14 ment by Governor Bowl*a criticiz­ to education blU. takes another supported by 193 Demor rata. 18 ; also got an expresaim on tha prqa- Ha prepoaad further that the the meeting in Waahiiigton, D. C. look at proposal to strip out fuada Only see lanes remained open to 1 ed States announced today, Ensign street. PRESCRIPTIONS Chfldren’s Dresses tenna bo otaggered, one-third ef ing a report by R. Norris Ford, ex­ the gov^ m en t defSendera, and Republicans and one American- i pective lifting of the Berlin Moto- C.uiiie and Tr> It and You W ill Like It ecutive vice president of the Con­ for almost half the states ... r . HASSISON’S CALLED FOR the judgee being appointed for two they were using them. Evaluation l.abor member. j ade. Clayton said “we hav* woa L. T. WOOD CO. The Manchester Grange will yearn, another third for four and necticut Manufacturera Associa­ 9. Chamber of Commerce pre­ Voting against recommittal were , the battle of Berlin” but that it is . iB T h a R aa rt Of Main SL Short sleevea. Siaes 3 to 6x. pares to vote on resolution de­ of troops by ship was continuing meet tomorrow evening at eight AND the renudning third for alx yean. Protest Made tion. Me reviewed hla association on a fairlj' large scale today. Fh e Persons 6£ Democrats and 14'^RepubUeana. I only one small segment of tha Babinow BnlldlBK 51 BiaaeB SL. Phoae 44M o’clock. After the business meet­ Tonight Value$ to. $2,98, Now AU raappeintmenta would ba for with Father Donnelly when he. nouncing Secretary of Agricultuie Takes Home Htiag From Bebaff east-west struggle. Pailer, waa a member of the beard Brannan's new farm program as Reports . that Qeneralisainno ing there wiU be a special pro­ , DEI.IVERED aixyeara. Chiang Kai-Shek waa atiU in The outcome seri ed to take some And, Clsyton declared, "oa bal- gram of musical select!ona. Vnth alx year tenna. the gover- and the priest was appointed an step toward "complete regimen­ of the sting from th# rebuff anca, Russia is winning tha cold On Tax Boost alternate by Gov. Rajnnond E. Shanghai persisted. It h u ' been Die in Blaze ner aaid, " I am aura that many tation of aBric'Jlture ... Court­ suggested he is here to see that handed to President Truman by war." St. Mary's Guild will meet PINE outstanding men o f both partita Baldwin in 1944. room recital of how FBI agents ------I yesterday's vote. He had msde He cited the act of the state no "driUa''to* .>hsde (selling out Thursday at 12 noon and members would bo wiUing to serve who trailed Judith Cbplon on espion­ to the Red enemy i. X...* in Taft-HarOey repeal a key point of , ars requested to bring their own PHARMACY would otberwiee not be attracted Manafacturers Contend Legislature providing for the gov­ age hunt produced account of sus­ t w o O t n v r fl i n F H m ll) re-election campaign and — ernor to appoint triparte board The Red radio reported deepen­ lunches. Tea, coffee and dessert 664 Center Street to a position 'that now holds ao Anotber Rise May pect taking her trackers for Injured in Jersey City after yesterday’s maneuvering—it . will be served by the hostesses, SOCKS 1C v r . Uttio permanency." representation. Later, he mid. the atreet direi^ona in downtown ing thrusts into south China, but appeared the administration could Tel. 2 9814 there waa no indication of any im­ Mrs. Herbert Fraser and Mrs. .The Judldaiy committee 'has Coflt State ^ Business act was amended to provide alter, New* York. Flash Fire Earlv Todav not put it over. , William McCann. Solid ro im and fancy top half soeka and turned back etiff atylss. under conalderatien a MU setting nates for each member Father Israel prelaen bor bid for U.N. pending attack on Shanghai. Today's vote salvaged another i Flashes! ANTIQUES u ___ ^ _ Donnelly waa appointed aa an al- Trains were . reported ruiming membership with success or fail- chance some tim* in the future. ' the length of minor court Judgee’ (Lafa BaUettM of the UP) WIm ) terms. I’tarnate to the public member. Ufa apparently hanging on ikiue I Jersey City, N. J., May 4— A*/— cut Industry haa protested against Prof. Burton Camp. Fiv* members of a family were Grcea Stamps Gives With CasN Salea a 55,000,000 boost in ita annual taoc of international regime for Jeru-1 *outhward at least 50 miles to- The act also provides.' P\iller aalem ... FV>ur men are trapped killed and two injured early today WU proposed by Gov. Cheater as a flash fire shot up the stairwell Agree Oa Charter Bowlea. aaid, that the public member must 899 feet uadergronad in burning! Ona Red broadcast said the act aa chairman of the board‘ In Communist troops had driven n ore of a tiiree-story brick building W ood Labor London. Ma.v 4— Tea Eaie- atAUCTION Have You Got Your Soldier Starts Spokesmen for manufacturing anthracite mine in Girardvillc. all meetings, both in mediation Pa. ... Mysterioaa Berlla trial titan 200 miles southwest of here. pea* natkioe agreed faday ea a concerns told a legislative commit­ and arbitration. Fire Chief Frank Ertie aaid the tee ycaterday that another rise in behind closed doors proceeds, in­ Shanghai and an equal distance Bill in Brief charter for a eouaeil ef Eurepa. FURNITURE - CHINA - GLASS Tb« i l A I W COM One-Man War the tax bill might drive busineaa volving American Military gov­ south of Nanking. It claimed 12 blaze started In the ground floor The eharter will be sigaed at eae- Tickets For The 1949 from the etate. ernment charges against young more towns in the continuing Red hallway and mushroomed out on eawale* la hlhtorie Ht. l amee pal- MANOfltSTuI Comm* push. the top floor of the building. |- aee tomerrew. Forelga BRIC-A-BRAC - OIL PAINTINGS Backers of the governor’s plan German employe. Bann Closed Shop Eight Russian Officers contended, on the other hand, that (ienerarQay American C-97 Stratofreightar The government central' new* A family of 11 on the second from th* ten natfane have indoatiy could well afford to pay eompletee amlden air lift flight said many points n*ar Hpngebou', floor got cwt uninjured by climb­ rept in Statefl A | | . i meeting tor the past two days, ing through a window onto the American Legion Hall, Mancheater, Conn. h Vienna Hit on Jawa the Increase. from western Germany to BerUn to th* north and northwMt. w-ere draftiag details of tho doeume^ I SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE> SAVE Before the General Aaaem'bl'v’B Retires Soon with 10 tons of coal although under Red attack. Jtalan reported i roof of an adjoining building. The thorigillK C O n,t r a r t 9 The rounder oonntri^an Brtta^ (Ob Lasaarfi Bt, wMeh raaa stf Blatai SL, epposita stale Anaery) 30,000 Reds had ‘‘infiltrated’* two ; structure is surrounded on three By Fighting Irishman Finance committee waa a bUl in­ cargo caparlty is 26—A flghting corporation busineaa tax, a boost Armed Forces m . Ger- ■ays south polar region “ ia most | .u w 'l I, 1 , DeamarU, Italy and Ireland. estimated to increase tbi yield IS the Wood Labor bill in irief; • * • Army Irishman who aUrted a ona- fartUe field in world for countless 60. his son Albert 22; three daugh- EXHIBITION WED. EVE. 7.10 STREAMLINER i Snutty’s Uphdstering Co. man war against Russia had a from $15,000,000 to 520,000,000 a many Give Military In Shanghai, mor* Nationaliat! tars, Mr*. Angie De Marco. 20; 1. Bens the closed shop, except | cterged With Conspirney year. siientigc studies.’’ ... . British troops — evidently a division— ; Phyllis Guazzo, 26; and Concit* headacha today. So did the U. B. Governor Farewell Navy postpones, because of weath­ in states which have'laws specif i- Lexington, K y„ Mny 4—(to— . Wide Selection for Dealers and CoDectors ' Beat the Spring.Ru$hl. Army. Oac e f Three Flaaa Offered boarded waiting sbipa this morn- Guazzo, - 24. cally authorixing such contracts. Edward FretweD Prichard. J f- The propotol wea one of three er, first teat of effect of atomic ing. The men were fully equipped.' Injured were Mra. Mary Guazzo, fenner aide to aeveral top rankM And eight Ruaelan oSlcera had raya on ahip’a anaer ... Two but allows sn employer to notify a Furnished by Baich^Pontiac aere Jaws. taxing plana the Democratic chief Grafenwoehr, Germany, May 4' but there was no word of their 55, the elder Guazzo’e wife; and Washington efllclals nad- A. B. • % Order s( Mis. rtmdi rw w s< Wsm HartfWd, feeaserly ef Youngstown. O., man face prison ■eelsa. tag a( $ rash seat HIteheoefc ehaira, sal sT 4 Esuife 3 Pc. Set ReupboLstered fit,low as $110 There waa an unhappy feeling executive has offered to a substi­ — —The U. ■ 8. armed forcto In deetinaUon. Samuel Da Marco, 28. bis aon-in- union ef job vecanciea and give i rank. Jr„ ami e f the Baatoefcy at­ AND that the man who writm Ruitoa'a tute tor the present aalea and use Germany said farewell today to aantencea'of ap fa 49 years for Tha last big American Uner due ‘ law. Both suffered from emoke the union a “reasonable time" to torney general, were lAarged tp- amhsaaiv sBp seat ctelrs. ast at 4 rabMt ear chairs, m aa^- holding up Baltimore and Ohio nates e f diplomatic protest would tax. The others, a personal in­ Gen. Lucius D. Clay. In Shanghai before May 23 also potaoning end burns and De Mar­ dsy with eenaptrncy to forge ^ * y t t i Case eleek (S I t ) amde far Baslth-ratleeeea el Beetei^ Cbairs ReupbplBtered m low as . . .. . $30^ ^ come tax and aa Increase in the express train near Martinsburg, send men to fill ilieih. ■ | Oatmsa wsrfca, pr. Csaa. sadlTsas, aaapto aaake fast Mp have writer’s cramp brtore' long, ’nUrty-flve generals, 11.000 waa getting up steam at ita pier co had cuts on both feet. Also in­ 2. Keeps the present provtaion Ufa Is fast fan’s _ It Takes More Than tax on unlneorporeted huatoeae. troopa and scores of oicplanea* par­ W. Va., March 9. here today. The ship, the Ameri­ ewrty maple Mp stead, Balem reciser, 2 leddertodt To Be Given Away by too. a jured was Fireman John Bills 38. for 80-day injunctions, to delay hi Beordon eeonty. By. Hwy w w « . Large Aaaertment Of Materlala u have had hearings piwvloualy.' ticipated in a review and tribute can Presidant lines’ GMeral Gor­ fawhMfaS*** ’ Maplrs chsafa ef dtasrsrsk sleigh bed,' Pfc. Ed. J. Touhey, IS, of How­ of 303 Stevens avenue, who hurt strike* that imperil the natiotml iissMd fa s eesM hidletxwfa fo- ard Beach, Long Island, N. Y.—aix There were only two witnesses to the retiring military governor. don, took aboard 1200 paaaengers. in favor of the eorporation tax bill. 1 , J, -• ibis back in a fall. All three were health or safety. torsed hy ■ F e iersl grsad Jury DiIworth4Amiell.Qney Post, No. 102 2 WEEK’S DELIVERY TEL. 7267 | fast tbiee inches tall, 230 pounds "Thank you, God bleas you." TreoBury Balance .April 18. The trw* Wfl eestsised • Beaallfal cherry femhear aeenlaiy, Senator Richard Forester (D „ salfl Oay, deeply moved. “ In 3. Requires noii-Communist * to 95 Is. wUe, pr. vaee hack ckaire wHh BpaaM Hopes and Dreams To and the alleged cauae o f it all—waa oaths of both company and ninn ealy ese roont. Weterhury) contended that indus­ leaving the Army—this la my last, Washington, May 4—(P)— ’Hie . went aboard, SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE under observation In a locked room Ctlmh Down Fire Ladder ufficeis • • • at a Vienna Army hoopital. try could "well afford” to pay the review—I wUl always treasure the' position of the Treasury 3Iay 2: a U. 8. Navy spokesnuin aaid it I by na trem vaileae fiae beaeee and eelatee aad bald tax-boost. *3t will not to a handi­ preaence,of you men on this field Samuel De Marco and Mrs. 4. Contiinies the office at .NLRB Attacked ta Bedro m Touhey, according to Provoat '^'Net budget receipts. 340.933,-1 has ahipa available to evacuate the Mar>’ Guazzo escaped from the Hartford. May 4—(to — A 25- far tbto sale. Set aC 5 r«mk Datdi d Marahal Col. Willard K. Liebel, cap, or, In any way, be a mlUotone today." 855.29; budget expenditurea, $193,- i 1,550 Amaricana still here, if nec- general counsel, an Independent da wttb eraatbm earvlag, ebarry American Legion around the neck of Industry,” he flatning seven-story apartment by official with power to<'se«k Injuiic- year* *M West Hsrtfard hiseiwtfa Build A Fine Home... had been drinking “hut not enough Ha told the row s. of soldlara, 917,245.52: cash balance, l3,-{casaiy; and that the Navy will # aaid. climbing down fire ladders one Uons In unfair labor practice wss heosi . gagged, rabbed had at- DD YO U n e e d a to cause all this dlaturbance." standing at attantibn. they still 797,559,770.57. | etay as long as needed. JaHeabey Jeoeph M. Rourke, eecretary- havs a Job' to do in tha cause of story to en adjoining roof. cases. tacked ta her ewa bedream shertly % amJeBm aM reyM Llabel didn’t apeelfy hew much after aUdalght today, f t s aaias pr. large CM- . . .HI takes aidlled hands, hiaiber, bricka and cement alaohol ha thount it aheuld have treasurer of the OonnecUeut Fed­ peace and freedom for which ao t>t 3Iarco was clad only in pa-; CoiatisiiM Tsft-Bsrtley Bsss pltdier. U eration, of Labor (A F L ), aaid he many died. . jamas and had a pink bath towel i 5. Continues the Taft-Hartley at tha riettai was wHbheM by . . . hnwa plambtot and copper wiling to bntld a hooae raquii’efi yesterday to cause a man had Been financial statements Indi­ tea eet. Beneek to: "Here in Germany, we are en­ over his shoulders. He did not i bans against unfair labor pracUcaa leg dver ever. that will become a heritage . . . a home that will witncaa TRUSS? Start flghting the sentry outside cating eanilngs of 26 to 80 par tering a new jihaac,” he said, which Petrified Wood Search I know at first whetber his wife. \ tor unions and employaro, hut— roridest of a fliot floor i the Soviet-occupied Grand hotel la cent for soma Connecticut firms. will see American authority trans­ I Angie, bad earaped. t A e r her | unlike the T-H act—pm aits im- aa Oahweid aem e. Tho the rearing ef a happy family. Yon can count on na ta He challefiged industry "to come was alias fa Ibo flat at «i fl%* Banish Fatlgat With Vienna’a international dlatrict. ferred from a military governor to I body and that of har sister.: ions to engage ia ooa type of •ec* haild yoar ideal hoaM sturdily, anickly, economically Friday, May 20 Walk acrom the atreet to the forth with belanea aheeta and show a civlUaa high commissioner. Brings Find of Uranium I Phyllis, were brought out by fire-1 oadary boycott, at AtiMks fiffff kHffiMI s: OB ua whare It’s going to hurt." Bettiee Blajr l i men from a rear bedroom. The 5. Permita people on strike to away sa a bastassa trip. I f * wHh the finest aaaUty materiale . . . the finest eklllcd E x p a rtC a re swank ImMrial hotel and slug a Opponents argued that a tax in­ • e • Russian eOcer standing tbarc. Clay paid tribute to hla military *.>**»—*• *■ ether three victlme were found in j vote in plant alectisna unieas they craftsmen. Conanft ne today. crease might well stifle production government aaeocietea,- singling If yea are over fifty aad fcat'afaety^tlw caaae of year Enter the hotel and start owing- or ev4n drive tnduatry from the Lee’s Ferry, Arts, May 4—VP)— ^atato agency, aaya there ate abeut ' a front room. • |have been replaacd ta their Jobs Tieketo on sale at Legion Home, George’s Eaao lag at the available supply of Rua- out Lt. Gen. Clarence R. Huebner. for aix noontte mors. WsriHagtm, fatigoe is lack af praper aapport toy year raptaea. . state. M rs Bakar’a search for 200 logs lying exposed on the Bek- A police pulmotor equad worked | o r Other aian oflicera. Some aaid the atock- hia chief af staff, who will take petrified WOM to sell as aouvenira er claim. Tliey contain three per over Angle and Phyllla for neerly 7. C^tinuss maay Taft-Hartley fag F ipidiwr BniM WHh Maachester’a Largest Builder Of H om es C. 31. Drew, Jr.. repreaeDting command when the general retires psrted today Station and aU memberp. expert AKRON MODERN TRUSS flTTERS eaaraatee pile waa eight, othere aaid 12. tba Naugatuck Valley Industrial led to spproximsteiy 540,000 ia cant uranium, he said, worth ap- an hour without success. j provieione. such as tha indepen­ All agreed Touhey took them on May 15. uranium. proximatoly $310 a ton. ta Baof dence the Fedeial Mediatkm -T their work. Free totorpuiHao.li^J^rP at ear atara— one at a time. Eight want Sown. council, aaid: A 17-gun salute greeted d a y ’s "Paopla ana getting tired of ax' White lookiBg for petrified wood In addition, the Atomic Energy The famUy' of Fred Kohli. 53.! service, the ban on iintan politiosl Private Fitttag Room— ExpairisaBpi Atteadaala. As a grand finals ba grabbad an arrival at the parade grounds. pending ao muck affort to pay tka ■he esma upon aome fisky logs | commieaieB will psy 31 cents s and his wife, Mary, 45, all climbed spondtag, tho baa on strtkss of Ckr OR display sHentatcly betweea Georga’p gaan Iron chair and took out aftar a Standing gt attaniition in a, Jaap ' ha Fodoral •cm ploy so, tho provtlson .T M. REID 9 t SONS asst at sorarraasnt drovadrove pagt tha long Uxaa e f troops ■triltingly yellow. Samples sdnt to i pound for the vsnsdlum. ■Sfely threu ^ s rear kitchen win­ Buaaiax eolonri. Than AmaricfaV tka A t ia M Depsrtment af Min- i The ursjilum dwosit is tka dow onto a root whan they wore for lawsulta on braheb of oon- JARVIS REALTY Statfaa anil The First NaOmml Parkiag Let an Uaia military poUea grabbad him. " It win only taka tha axtra ia hishia lastC t riaapaettaa. *' tracts. aad a epeelfle ghsrantoo B19B - ton Acres, T e i ggg Under heavy eaoort, he waa straw e f auto aa iaateawd tax u Fighter ptanaa In fennaUaa oral Roaouroos rovealoi it waa ost ovar found ta tho etato, Dun­ awakened hr stsoka. 654 CENTER STREET PHONE 4112 Or 7275 Street. this bin attampta. er seme new ■pelled hia name In tho aky. chniotlto. rich in uranium and ning aaid. KoUTs idne childron— five boys of "traa spierii" (aoseowhat ito* BanniELD, masbl token away by ambulance. changod from the Taft-Hartloy A • crowd of aeveral hundred tax, to break the taxpayers’ incm- At on* point In the ceremonies manadium. ,Ure. Baker and her huritand. and four girts—nmgo ta ags from Austrians attended the festlvjtiea. tiva' ta ornduea," the general seemed close to taara. C. H. Dunning, dirqctor of tka R iW . operato a erne 11 gas statioo. fl to 21. i f-f-V...... 9 *1-1 ^ I 1
