ISSUE: AUTUMN 2018 Homeground THETHE MAGAZINE MAGAZINE FROM FROM Campbell Park Parish Council


The Mayor will be casting his vote

Cast your vote! Have your say! REFERENDUM see page 3

CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL Caring within the community

CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL OFFICE HOURS: 1 Pencarrow Place, Fishermead, MK6 2AS 10am - 4pm Monday to Thursday T 01908 608559 10am - 3pm on a Friday Ward Members of CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL Campbell Park Parish Council serves nearly 6,000 households in Fishermead, Oldbrook, Springfield, and Woolstone, the leisure area of Newlands and the retail area of Winterhill.



KATHERINE KENT TOM FRASER VICE CHAIR LARRY HARRIS TUBO URANTA ELAINE DICERBO 01908 331935 01908 607033 BRIAN GREENWOOD 01908 675766 01908 982626 07885 518252 07956 384000 FISHERMEAD






Telephone: 01908 608559 Caring within the community Email: [email protected] Monday – Thursday: 10am to 4pm Website: Friday: 10am to 3pm

Post or call in to the Parish Office: To email Councillors / staff members 1 Pencarrow Place, Fishermead, Milton Keynes MK6 2AS Put their name followed by the CPPC generic address, for example: Cllr Brian Greenwood’s address is: Community Centres email: [email protected] [email protected]

Visitors are welcome Please come along and see how the Parish Council conducts its business. THE NEXT MEETING Parish Council meetings are held on the THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH, DATES ARE: starting at 7.30pm, at the OLDBROOK CENTRE, Oldbrook Boulevard (opposite Oldbrook Green). OCT 16 NOV 20 & DEC 18

2. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Campbell Park Parish Council NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN

developments. THURSDAY Neighbourhood Plans are required 11TH OCTOBER 2018 to meet certain “Basic Conditions” by having regard to national N planning policy, contributing to The day our Neighbourhood S E W P WILLEN W O I Development Plan goes to the polls. R O L DBROOK the achievement of sustainable I N A L N T N S development, being in general G E D T F ISHE R MEAD S O conformity with the strategic policies A Referendum relating to the making I H N E I E of the Neighbourhood Development L L in the development plan for the area Plan will be held on Thursday 11th D L (ie the Milton Keynes Local Plan October and the Core Strategy) and being compatible with EU obligations You will by now have received your and human rights requirements. polling card inviting you to attend They should not promote less your local polling station to cast development than is set out in the CAMPBELL PARK Neighbourhood PARISH Development Plan or undermine its your vote on our Neighbourhood COUNCIL Development Plan Development Plan. Caring within the community strategic policies.

You will be asked one question, Who prepares Neighbourhood “Do you want Milton Keynes Planning Inspector. The Plan, Plans? Council to use the Neighbourhood having met all the statutory legal Plan for Campbell Park to help it requirements and amended to Neighbourhood plans are prepared decide planning applications in the include recommendations made at a local community level by Town Neighbourhood area?” by the Planning Inspector will now or Parish Councils or Neighbourhood proceed to the next stage in the Forums and there is a statutory The Referendum area covers the process which is the referendum process that must be followed to whole of Campbell Park Parish stage. make a plan. (Fishermead, Oldbrook, Springfield, Willen, Woolstone, Winterhill and The Plan includes a series of How are Neighbourhood Plans Newlands. policies and proposals relating to made? housing, employment, leisure and The Neighbourhood Development the protection and enhancement of The plan must be prepared through Plan, if made, becomes part of the natural and historic environment. a process of consultation with local Planning Policy and must be An appendix to the Plan includes a residents and businesses before an considered by the applicant when number of community actions that independent examiner reviews the making a planning application and the Parish Council will implement plan and checks whether it meets by Milton Keynes Planning Officers, over the life of the Plan. the basic conditions and other legal the Development Control Panel and requirements. The examiner then the Development Control Committee Neighbourhood Plans – what are reports whether any changes should when considering planning they? be made to the plan and whether it applications. should proceed to the next stage in Neighbourhood planning was the process which is the referendum The Parish Council has expended introduced by the Localism Act stage. a great deal of time over the in 2011. It aims to help local last few years preparing the communities play a direct role in The referendum asks those Neighbourhood Development Plan. planning the areas in which they voting whether they want the Following a number of consultations live and work by showing how Neighbourhood Plan to be used with residents and having taken a community wants land to be by the Local Planning Authority to into account comments made used and developed in its area. help it decide planning applications by residents, the Draft Plan was Neighbourhood Plans include in the area covered by the Plan. submitted to Milton Keynes Council policies which provide controls over All residents registered to vote (i.e. for examination by an independent development that requires planning those included on the electoral roll) permission. Policies can provide within the referendum area are criteria against which planning entitled to vote in the referendum. applications will be assessed and set out local standards for things What status do Neighbourhood like car parking and open space. Plans have? Policies can also identify local features that should be protected or If more than half of those voting in enhanced and opportunities for new a referendum have voted in favour

THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 3 . of the neighbourhood plan the local planning authority must make it part To view the Plan, visit our website at of the statutory development plan and use it when making decisions on planning applications in the Plan area. or come along to one of our drop-in sessions The Neighbourhood Development on Tuesday 2nd October 2018, at the Springfield Centre, Plan includes a series of policies Springfield Boulevard, Springfield, MK6 3JH, and proposals that set out how the 2.15pm to 3.30pm or 5.30pm to 6.45pm Parish Council and the community would like to see development take place over the coming years. The Neighbourhood Development plan includes policies relating to housing, employment and leisure development as well as those relating to the protection and enhancement of the natural and historic environment.


GRANTS AWARDED ABANDONED Since January, Campbell Park Parish Council have awarded the TROLLEYS following Grants: Supermarket Trolleys are appearing JUMPING BEANS (Toddler Group at Springfield Centre) received £1000, all over the Parish, left by people towards their hall rental costs to enable their service to continue. who think it is their right to take the trolleys away with their shopping. ST MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH, Willen received £1000 to be used towards the costs of removal of dangerous trees in the church grounds. This is not just a Parish wide problem but a national problem with FISHERMEAD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION received £1000 towards the approximately 1.5 million trolleys costs of running their van used for community events and estate clean- abandoned in the UK each year. ups. If you see an abandoned trolley MK GALLACTICOS FC received £1000 towards the costs of their Presentation event. please telephone Milton Keynes Council on 01908 252570 and MAKE LUNCH MK received £1000 to be used towards the cost of the report it, or you can report it through delivery and development of Make Lunch sessions during the School the Milton Keynes Council’s web site holidays within the Parish. follow the link to the Report it Page. THE WILLOWS SCHOOL & EARLY YEARS CENTRE received £1000 to be used towards their ‘Fun for All’ initiative.

MK HARD OF HEARING SUPPORT GROUP received £250 towards the cost of a social trip outside of MK to enable members to participate, that they may otherwise be unable to do.

FRANK HOWE COURT RECEIVED £1000 to enable the purchase of updated computer equipment for tenants to use for shopping, benefits, contact with families etc

LOCAL MEDIA INITIATIVES - Junior Film Makers Club received £800 to subsidise children from Campbell Park Parish to attend the holiday camp 23-27 July. See page 6.

WILLEN PAVILION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE received £1000 to be used towards the cost of providing a Willen Community Fun Day.

4. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Campbell Park Parish Council CONSULTATIONS


Budget / Precept Consultation & being asked to take on more and IMPORTANTCAMPBELL INFORMATION PARK PARISH COUNCIL PLEASE READ Milton Keynes Council Devolved more services which in the past have Services (Landscape) Consultation been provided by Milton Keynes

CAMPBELL PARK Campbell Park Parish Council PARISH 1 Pencarrow Place Fishermead Council. COUNCIL Milton Keynes ty MK6 2AS

thin the communi Tel 01908 608559 Caring wi We would like to thank all those Dominic.warner@campbell-

Campbell Park Parish Council

1 Pencarrow Place July 2018 Fishermead Milton Keynes residents who responded to the two The full reports on both MK6 2ASCampbell Park Parish Council Consultation Budget/Precept Level Tel 01908201 6085599/2020

www.campbell views Dear Resident July 2018 [email protected]

em. We consultations, in total we received consultations will be available on As we prepare the Parish Council budget for 2019/2020, we would like to hear your how you prioritise th . As well as understanding the issues that are important to you and, there the area will Milton Keynes Council on the subject estate to estate that you live in, it is essential that wediffer know from Devolved Services – Landscaping of the Parish inevitably appreciate that issues and priorities will Consultation things that residents share in common regardless of location. however be many 1,135 responses. Your input is vital in our website, www.campbell-park. Dear Resident us to keep the Precept as low We know that resident opinion will be split between those who would like us to protect the services that we currently provide and those who would like the Parish Council precept Milton Keynes Council is in the process of devolving some services which theyYour currentlyfeedback to the consultation will help us to strike the correct balance provide, to Parish Councils that are prepared to take on the possible. dget for the year ahead. In 2018/19 when determining the bu for a Band D property, for 2019/20 we have made an ‘in principle’ was £145.80 Over the years, the response to our annual Budget/Precept Consultation has highlightedP recept annually by 5%. coming decision to increase the budgets in the assisting the Parish Council to make but the initial analysis of the resident dissatisfaction with the level of landscape maintenance throughout the Parish area. financial plans and government

There are many factors that will have influence had oursubstantial cuts to theirAuthorities central concentrating Authorities With Principal Milton Keynes Council’s landscaping contract with SERCO is due yearsto end. Ainll Principal2020 and the cuts also affect Parish Councils. Parish Council are now seeking resident views on whether the Parishfunding Council and theseshould take them, should be devolved over the maintenance of landscaping within the Parish. of delivering their resources on the, includingdelivery meetingof statutory the costservices, residents will need to consider strategic decisions on how your responses show a 9.28% return rate whether other services There are three options to consider when taking over the landscapingto their local– 1) Parish employ Council. a

landscape contractor, 2) manage the contract in-house 3) top up contribution to Milton Keynes Council. As well as making financial arrangements for the year ahead, the Parish Council will also formulate budgetary plans for the next five years, so although the majority of the Precept year that it is raised, some of it will be “earmarked” for future projects.future A number of Parish / Town Councils have already taken over this spent Inin the course of decisions on will help to inform Committee money, raised through the Precept, for the Budget/Precept consultation researching the feasibility of taking on landscaping, the Parish Council has spoken to, and , ensuring that resident involvement is review Your response to this consultation Business Plan met with various Parish / Town Councils to assess how they have implemented and projects and also inform our managed the landscaping in their area, and the feedback from residents on the service central to the future plans of the Parish Council. and they are now providing. overleaf your views by completing the form us know rd 2018 in the pre-paid envelope is utilised to provide the services you and a 9.90% return rate for the Most of the Parish / Town Councils have opted for the first optionPlease and letemployed a 3 September landscape contractor, only one Parish Council to date has gone for optionreturning 2 and it managed to us by Monday the contract in-house - this involves procuring the necessary equipmentprovided. and employing additional staff.

Regardless of which option has been taken, residents and Parish / Town Councils have seen believe the Parish Council should be Landscape consultation with the a noticeable and positive improvement in their areas.

There is, of course, a cost to delivering the service and although those Parish Councils currently providing the service receive a grant from Milton Keynes Council, there is no guarantee as to what the situation is likely to be from 2020 onwards and it may be that the providing. majority for both consultations in Parish Council has to cover the cost of delivering the service in its entirety at some point in the future.

If the Parish Council make the decision to take on the landscaping service, the costs must be factored into our 5-year budget, including the possibility of losing the grant from Milton Keynes Council and how it will impinge on the other services we provide. favour of an increase in the Precept Please let us know your views by completing the form overleaf and returning it to us by Monday 3rd September 2018 in the pre-paid envelope provided. These are challenging times for and taking on the delivery of the everyone, with the demand on landscaping service in the Parish. services growing at the same time that financial resources are diminishing. Parish Councils are

Campbell Park Parish Council A NATION REMEMBERS

Campbell Park Parish Council will be inviting the residents of each of our Tri-Services estates to celebrate the Centenary of the end of World War One. NAAFI BREAK Each estate will be gaining a commemorative bench that will be unveiled and dedicated on Saturday In the Coffee Shop of: 10th November. The timings will be publicised nearer the day. MILTON KEYNES CHRISTIAN CENTRE Oldbrook, Milton Keynes. MK6 2TG

EVERY FRIDAY 14.00 till 16.00

Come for a brew, stay for a chat. Food and drink available from the café. You can bring Partners and children with you.

Just turn up, you will be most welcome. Whilst this is a social event, there will be Representatives from several military/veteran organisations should anyone be in need of help or advice.

THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 5 . Campbell Park Parish Council JUNIOR FILMMAKERS

The other success of the project is how the children grew in presentation skills and self- confidence each day of the camp. For example on the second day of the camp only 6 children presented their learnings of the day before to the group. By day 5 this had grown daily to a peak of 12 out of the 16 Campbell Park Parish Council club participants. recently awarded a grant of £800 to Local Media Initiatives to support the AT LMI we believe in providing attendance of children to film camp access and opportunity to children who could not afford all or part of the irrespective of race, culture, fee. backgrounds, financial capacity. It is important that children who are Running for a week during the interested in filmmaking are given summer holidays, the theme of the opportunity to participate and the film camp was how artificial finances cannot be allowed to be intelligence is changing the world. a barrier to this. At film Camp this A lecturer from Cranfield University summer, 4 children attended free of attended the camp on the first day charge, and 6 attended at 50% of and spoke to the children about the fee charged. this topic. It was quite interesting to see how engaged and curious We need to keep ensuring that the children were and the number children who cannot normally afford and range and intelligence of their these extra-curricular activities questions. are given the opportunity to do so. These children come into film It was also quite good to see how club and they shine and excel and children learn to work with their are motivated. We have to always strengths and choose production ensure that we provide these roles which suited their personalities opportunities and make film club/ and capacities. camp accessible. This reduces inequalities in society. Funding from organisations like CPPC make this possible.

Some parent testimonials

Lisa (not real name) had a lovely time will definitely recommend to others and she looks forward to coming in on the 8th. Many thanks (Parent)

Ditto Alex (Not real name). She really enjoyed the week. Thanks to you, Karen and Jason for all your hard work. (Parent)

My son loved this course! (Parent)

6. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Campbell Park Parish Council OLDBROOK COUNCILLOR SURGERY OLDBROOK FLYTIPPING Dates for the next 3 meetings are: 20 October 17 November 15 December

SPRINGFIELD COUNCILLOR SURGERY Dates for the next meetings are: 13 October 10 November 8 December

FISHERMEAD COUNCILLOR SURGERY Parish Office 1 Pencarrow Place Fishermead 10.30am – 12noon 6 & 20 October 3 & 17 November 1 & 15 December

WILLEN COUNCILLOR SURGERY Willen Pavilion, 22 Portland Drive, Willen 3 October 7 November 5 December

This fly-tipping was spotted in Rest assured we will continue to Oldbrook recently, fortunately monitor this location and report any HOUSEHOLD WASTE once the miscreant was further instances of fly tipping. RECYCLING CENTRES established. Milton Keynes Councils ARE LOCATED AT: Environmental Crime Unit were We take this opportunity to inform able to contact them with a view to residents of the MKC Recycling Bleak Hall, Chesney Wold MK6 1NE awarding a fixed penalty notice. The centres. owner of this rubbish was then very , quick to remove all the items. If con Newport Road MK13 0AH

Newport Pagnell, Campbell Park Parish Council Convicted of Environment Officers are well aware MK16 9HG of this troublesome location and fly-tipping, you can incur a fine of up to £50,000. The centres are open make frequent attempts to curb the 7 days a week from: regular amount of fly tipping that occurs. 8am to 8pm from 1st April

Word Search – Find the missing word to 30th September £15 Marks & Spencer Gift Voucher to the first winner out of the hat 8am to 5pm from 1st October to WORD Y S N O I T C N U J 31st March L P I W H P A A T Y SEARCH Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day FIND THE W S D O E L R N A N and MISSING WORD New Year’s Day. K O R D O W N L E E

L L P N C E P Z E N Centres will close at 1pm on Citizen Christmas Eve and Rail link E D H I T S W T R A New Year’s Eve. Network M I O W I R L D O W Artwork A E O D C K N K A R Soldier WINNER OF R R R A I L L I N K Market THE JULY Display £15 MARKS & SPENCER K Z C E M E T E R Y GIFT VOUCHER COMPETITION Theatre TO THE FIRST WINNER E T H E A T R E J U WAS Junction OUT OF THE HAT Miss C Brooks Window T I N E Z I T I C T Oldbrook Cemetery Find the missing word

Citizen THE MAGAZINE FROM 7 . Rail link Campbell Park Parish Council









Cemetery 8. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Woolstone Preschool The Community Centre Mill Lane Woolstone MK15 0AJ

Our Preschool is a Committee run setting providing high quality care, learning and play for all children aged 2-4 years old.

Sessions are available from 9.15am to 2.45 pm Monday to Thursday and 9.15am to 12.15pm on a Friday, term time only.

Our children play, explore and learn through a variety of experiences in a beautiful environment set in a village location. To find out more about a place for your child please contact us on 01908 692476 / 07923 511808 / [email protected] Or visit our website

Woolstone Party Venue


Why not book this outstanding venue for your next event? This Community Centre/Church can accommodate functions ranging from birthday and anniversary parties to wedding receptions and evening functions. The perfect setting for your event photos.

Facilities include: seating for approximately 70, car park, fully-equipped kitchen, free wi-fi, beautiful maple floor, disabled access and toilet with wheelchair access

CALL 07840 924532

THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 9 . Campbell Park Parish Council CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL SUMMER MISERY COMES Meeting Dates TO AN END For many people we had a blistering the ward Milton Keynes Councillors, The meetings of Campbell Park Parish summer with long sunny days and and pushing the Anti-Social Council and its Committees are open balmy nights to enjoy but for some Behaviour team, and proving that to the public unless otherwise notified residents of Fishermead this was there was no longer anyone living or, in specific circumstances due to definitely not the case. in the tent, that action was taken to the confidentiality of information being discussed, the Councillors present pass clear the site. a motion to exclude the press and public. For the residents of Fishermead Boulevard and Bossiney Place their The Parish are seeking to have nights were made unbearable by an the area cleared of the overgrown encampment in the woods behind bushes to ensure this area is Dates their houses. returned to the residents and help * COUNCIL them sleep better in their beds. 16 October, 20 November, 18 December The encampment first appeared 3 years ago with one tent being Tuesday 7.30pm used by a rough sleeper. This year however the camp grew from one tent to what can only be described PLANNING, INFRASTRUCTURE & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE as a training camp complete with 1 October, 5 November, 3 December, boxing ring, chill out area with 5 sofas and a punch bag. The area Monday 6.30pm became a meeting place for a large number of people with loud music continuing until the early hours of FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION & POLICY COMMITTEE the morning. 2 October, 6 November, 4 December Residents approached CPPC after Tuesday 7.00pm contacting MKC and with no success. The Parish Council began pushing MKC and PERSONNEL 6 November, 2 January TVP to take action, but as there was initially someone sleeping in the tent no action would be taken. It was only BUILDING & PROPERTY PORTFOLIO when the Parish Council contacted COMMITTEE 9 October, 13 November, 11 December

Tuesday 6.30pm Want to advertise your business? COMMUNITY & SOCIAL WELLBEING COMMITTEE Our Parish Magazine is delivered to 6000 households 22 October, 26 November across Fishermead, Oldbrook, Springfield, Willen and Woolstone. Monday 6.30pm SCALE OF FEES AS FOLLOWS: ¼ page advert £35 COMMUNICATIONS ½ page £60 23 October, 27 November, 10 December full page £100 All prices per advert, per edition (exc VAT) * Meeting held at the Oldbrook Centre, Oldbrook Boulevard. All contributors to provide their own art-work. All other meetings are held at the Parish Office, 1 Pencarrow Place, Fishermead To book your space email [email protected]

10. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Campbell Park Parish Council FOUR BRIDGES FESTIVAL - A BLISTERING GOOD DAY!

On a blistering hot day in July and despite fierce competition from CAMPBELL numerous events being held in and PARK PARISH around Milton Keynes, and more COUNCIL importantly the game, Caring within the community Campbell Park Parish Council and Community Council held their first Four Bridges Festival for the residents of the two Councils. Councillors and staff from both Councils were up at the crack of NEW BUS ROUTE dawn to turn Oldbrook Green into a venue for a fun packed family day out. On the main stage there was live music provided by the Bag Ladies, The Retros, Inside Job and Dr Moonshine and the Community Stage went down a storm with performances from Keira Baird, Streets of Woughton, Phoenix Arts We have just learnt that there will be and Indecisive. a new limited direct service from to Milton Keynes The community stalls and food College via Willen and Downs Barn vendors (despite the heat) did a to arrive at MK College at around roaring trade and the children were 8:30am. Presumably it will have spoilt for choice with circus skills, a new route number. Two buses bouncy castles, donkey rides, face will return in the evening from MK painting, craft activities, Mr Bubbles, College to Newport Pagnell, one selection of inflatables and youth at around 4:30pm and the next at activities. around 5pm.

All the activities were free and In addition, the times of the No. 1 everyone we spoke to thoroughly and No. 2 will be adjusted so that enjoyed the day. both bus routes will coincide in order that students travelling from CMK to Following the success of the Ousedale will be less likely to be late day, we will be holding the because of having to wait for missed festival again next year on buses. Saturday 13th July 2019 at Two Halls Park, Coffee Hall It is anticipated that these changes and additions will start operating – so put the date in your after October half term. diary now.

THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 11. Campbell Park Parish Council SUMMER HOLIDAY MULTI SPORTS SESSIONS

During the School’s summer holi- day, Campbell Park Parish Council provided free multi-sport sessions for children aged 2-16 years, with activities delivered by coaches from MK Dons SET.

They were held for an hour every Tuesday during the 6 week break, with sessions in Oldbrook, Willen and Fishermead.

The activities proved to be very pop- ular in Oldbrook with an average of around 20 children attending each session. Unfortunately the sessions were not so popular in Willen & Fishermead with only a few children attending.


Campbell Park Parish Council COMMUNITY CENTRE ALLOTMENT RENT IMPROVEMENTS INCREASES 2019/20 A SHADY SPOT an outdoor space that faces South Managing and working an allotment East they provide a welcome area plot requires advance planning, with Residents may have noticed the of shade for users. All awnings are some decisions needed well ahead new sun awnings that have been electrically operated and have a of their implementation. installed at both Oldbrook and wind sensor fitted. Springfield Community Centres - one With the above in mind, Council at the Oldbrook Centre and two at Milton Keynes Council provided has recently set the rents that plot the Springfield Centre. These are a grant of £5000 from the Parish holders will have to pay from 2019/20 for the use of all the user groups at Partnership fund towards the cost of onwards, bringing the cost for one of the Centres. As both Centres have purchase and installation. our average sized plots up to £46 per year.

For a number of years, the amount that we’ve paid annually to maintain and service our allotment sites has significantly outstripped the income we receive – last year we paid out the equivalent of £3 for every £1 received. Although the rent increase for 2019/20 is significant, we believe that the decision gives our allotment sites viable futures and that renting a plot still represents value for money.

12. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 13. Campbell Park Parish Council SHEPHERDSWELL ACADEMY

Shepherdswell Academy amazed and Latin dances. But it was audiences in front of a fully packed Shepherdswell who successfully theatre on Saturday 23rd June 2018 came first and proudly held the as their young, talented and brilliant glitter ball trophy. Supported by dancers, waltzed and cha cha cha’d all parents and many members of to achieve first place. staff, cheers and celebrations will long continue alongside wonderful After winning their heat back memories of a perfect day. in January, 14 children from Shepherdswell Academy in Shepherdswell Academy’s Principal, Springfield, Milton Keynes went onto Jonathan Cursley, is so proud of his the grand final of Dancing School’s children and staff, “I had tears of UK 2018 at the Derngate Theatre in joy! Seeing our children on stage Northampton. and enjoying themselves so much was such a special sight. It was The children competed against 23 truly magical to see how this event other schools from the Northampton, Oxfordshire and brought our school community regions. Head judge Gorka, from together. Well done children, I am BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, and extremely proud of you all and a big five other professionals judges thank you to all staff but especially watched with amazement as all the Mrs Bywater and Mr Curtis for being schools performed their ballroom amazing. Keep dancing!


Campbell Park Parish Council NEW FLU VACINNE & FLU CLINIC DATES

If you are pregnant, you will be during October and November for offered a flu vaccine and also one to those patients who are unable to protect you from whooping cough attend on a Saturday. (Pertussis), it is important that you discuss these vaccines with your We do not always have details of midwife as they protect your health people who are Carers. If you are and that of your baby. a Carer registered at CMK Medical Centre and have not received There are some important changes If you have received a text message, a text message, email or letter to the NHS flu vaccines this winter. email or letter, the dates for the flu inviting you for a flu appointment, clinic appointments this year are: please contact the surgery for For eligible patients under 65 advice. years of age the vaccine is called SATURDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER 2018 Quadrivalent. Under 65’s only Pharmacies and supermarkets offer flu vaccines for patients who are For patients over 65 years of age SATURDAY 13TH OCTOBER 2018 not entitled to a free NHS vaccine there is a new vaccine called Fluad. All eligible groups for a cost up to £12.99.

Flu vaccinations for adults are free SATURDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2018 There is no charge for flu of charge if you are in one of the All eligible groups vaccinations for babies or children. eligible groups. If you are a patient All children aged 2 and 3 will be at CMK Medical Centre and are in SATURDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 2018 invited to the surgery for a nasal one of the eligible groups you would All eligible groups spray flu vaccination. Babies aged have been sent a text message, from 6 months in the ‘at risk’ group email or letter inviting you for a flu Please inform the receptionist will also be invited. Local Schools appointment. If you are not sure if of your age when booking an are now responsible for ensuring you qualify please check our website appointment. that schoolchildren in reception which lists all the and years 1, 2, 3 and 4 are offered groups. There will be some evening clinics the flu vaccination.

14. THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council Campbell Park Parish Council SUMMER HOLIDAY PICNIC & PLAY EVENTS

During the school’s summer holiday, Campbell Park Parish Council held a Picnic and Play event in Woolstone, Willen and Fishermead.

Each Picnic and Play event had lots on offer with a bouncy castle, a reptile roadshow with lots of creatures to meet, our lovely face painter who created some wonderful designs as well as glitter tattoos. Of course, we had our children’s entertainer – Mr Bubbles, who provided lots of fun for the children, particularly welcome with water balloons on the very hot sunny days! We also had refreshments – all free of charge.

The activities proved to be successful with an average of around 60 people attending the Woolstone and Fishermead picnics and a lot of fun had by all. Unfortunately, the Willen picnic coincided with a very heavy downpour, so despite the event still going ahead, very few people attended.

If you have any feedback about these Picnics, we would love to hear your views. Please email [email protected]

CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL Caring within the community

THE MAGAZINE FROM Campbell Park Parish Council 15. Nature WATCH Squirrel on the garden Kids fence. Sent in by Jake Newton. CORNER (He has seen a wood- pecker on his balcony, but he flies away before Hello Children, he can take a picture) “Gosh” it’s Autumn already. The dark nights will be here very soon. If you don’t have anything to do when it’s dark outside, why not send a Ava Vandyk has sent in drawing into Kids’ Corner. We have not had a some pictures of her craft drawing from you for some time. work done over the holidays. Thank you Ava, you have Autumn is an exciting time outdoors. Things you can do like been busy. collecting conkers, acorns, and sycamore wings. See how many different leaves you can find, take them home and ask your parent if you can make a display on the window sill or on an old tea tray. You can take a photo of your display and Word SEARCH send it to Kids’ Corner. If your photo goes into the magazine FIND THE MISSING WORD we will send you a £10 book token. Word Search with a difference M I S S P L Y T E O Thank you to all the children who came up to say hello in the summer holidays. One little girl saw me in Portsmouth. G A E M I T Y A L P She said to her Dad, “That’s Penny from school, I want to say D O R E T N I W U H hello”. That was really lovely! N B L L A B T O O F If you can, please come to the Halloween Tea Party on U L T A U T U M N R Saturday 27th October at the Springfield Centre from 2PM O E N P S N O W I A

– 4PM. There will be lots of fun, come in fancy dress to win a R A I P P A I R S H prize dress. G S W L G N L S H O

I hope to see lots of you in school very soon. Don’t forget Y O N E D R A G M O to look after smaller children when you are in the play A U O P P R W O W T areas. Remember to look after each other, and remember STRANGER DANGER. L T I I G H S S P R P H O M E T I M E O

Until next time

Cllr Penny Find the missing word Autumn Playtime Autumn Winter Football 3 £10 PRIZES Winter Hello from Mitch & John! Snow Home time TO THE FIRST Snow Wind Apple pie WINNERS OUT Wind OF THE HAT GardenGarden Bob apple

GrassGrass Playground John Mitch Playtime Football

Home time

Apple pie

Bob apple Hedgehog Story Playground

The Badger Boys, Mitch & John are down by the canal. John has been given an old barge boat by his Uncle Bob, so the boys have decided to renovate it so that they can live on it. They have to get cracking before winter sets in.

They are going to the hardware shop to get some wood, nails and lots of different colour paint. They are going to call the boat “New Beginnings”. When it is finished they will be able to sail her on the canal. This will be a whole new adventure for the boys.

The first room they will do is the Galley, that’s the kitchen to you and me, but on a boat it’s called the Galley. Then the bathroom, that’s called the head. The boys will still stay in their den until the barge is ready. It is going to be a very busy time for the boys. Bye for now, Night, Night.