
1/9/2020 Here is the Reads 2020 longlist | CBC Books CBC

Canada Reads Here is the Canada Reads 2020 longlist

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This year's theme is one book to bring Canada into focus

CBC Books · Posted: Jan 08, 2020 8:30 AM ET | Last Updated: January 8

The Canada Reads debates will take place March 16-19, 2020. (CBC, covers submitted by various publishers, see individual pages for credit)


Fifteen books are on the Canada Reads longlist for 2020.

From deeply personal memoirs to poetry and speculative fiction, this year's longlisted books speak to the theme: One book to bring Canada into focus.

https://www.cbc.ca/books/canadareads/here-is-the-canada-reads-2020-longlist-1.5411178 1/16 1/9/2020 Here is the Canada Reads 2020 longlist | CBC Books We're looking at Canada's 2020 vision. How do we move forward together? These books inspire readers to think twice about the lens through which they see themselves and Canada.

The final five books and their champions will be revealed on Jan. 22, 2020.

The debates will take place March 16-19, 2020 and will be hosted by Ali Hassan. The debates will be broadcast on CBC Radio One, CBC TV, CBC Gem and on CBC Books.

Ticket information to attend the live debates will be announced on Jan. 22.

The Canada Reads 2020 longlist is:

NDN Coping Mechanisms by Billy-Ray Belcourt Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club by Megan Gail Coles Radicalized by Cory Doctorow Sputnik's Children by Terri Favro Amphibian by Carla Gunn We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib Love Lives Here by Amanda Jetté Knox The Dishwasher by Stéphane Larue, translated by Pablo Strauss Son of a Trickster by The Youth of God by Hassan Ghedi Santur From the Ashes by Jesse Thistle The Lesser Blessed by Richard Van Camp Worry by Jessica Westhead The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter Dear Scarlet by Teresa Wong

You can learn more about all 15 of the longlisted books below.

NDN Coping Mechanisms by Billy-Ray Belcourt

https://www.cbc.ca/books/canadareads/here-is-the-canada-reads-2020-longlist-1.5411178 2/16 1/9/2020 Here is the Canada Reads 2020 longlist | CBC Books Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson

Son of a Trickster is a novel by Eden Robinson. (Red Works Photo, Knopf Canada)

Son of a Trickster is a novel about Jared, a compassionate 16-year-old, maker of famous weed cookies, the caretaker of his elderly neighbours, the son of an unreliable father and unhinged, though loving in her way, mother. As Jared ably cares for those around him, in between getting black-out drunk, he shrugs off the magical and strange happenings that follow him around.

Son of a Trickster was on the shortlist for the 2017 Scotiabank Giller Prize. It is being adapted into a television series set to premiere on CBC in 2020.

Why it took Eden Robinson eight years to write Son of a Trickster

Eden Robinson is an award-winning author from Kitamaat, B.C. She is also the author of the novels Monkey Beach and Trickster Drift. Son of a Trickster and Trickster Drift are the first two books of a planned Trickster trilogy.

Eden talks about her novel "Son of a Trickster." 16:49

The Youth of God by Hassan Ghedi Santur https://www.cbc.ca/books/canadareads/here-is-the-canada-reads-2020-longlist-1.5411178 10/16