Status of Construction
UNITED STATES DEPAR'.IMENT OF THE IN'IERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Regional Office, Region 4 Salt Lake City J.O, Utah RE.MARKS BY REGIONAL DIRECTOR E. O. LARSON BEFORE THE UPFER COLORADO RIVER COMMISSION AT CHEYENNE, WYOMING, MONDAY, SEPl'EMBER 2l, 1959 The F.t. 1960 appropriations by the Congress for the Upper Colorado River Basin are adequate to continue the construction activities now underway and include about $2-k million for 3 new participating project starts--the Hammond Project in New Mexico, Seedskadee Project in Wyoming, and Smith Fork Project in Colorado. The total. obligation program for construction on storage units and participating projects is $78,o80,032. In addition, $961,013 is available for advance planning and $915,654 for general. investigations. By comparison, the F.Y. 1959 obligation program was about 68 million dollars for construction. The authorized obl.igation program for continuing construction is as follows: $46.8 million for Glen Canyon, $12.9 million for Flaming Gorge, $10.l million for Navajo, $3.l million for Paonia Project, and $2.0 million for the Vernal Unit of the Central. Utah Project. Amounts included for the new participating projects are $487,000 for the Hammond Project, $1.3 million for the Seedskadee Project, and $487,000 for the Smith Fork Project. About $.764,ooo is available tor pre- construction work on the Transmission Division. STATUS OF CONSTRUCTION Generally speaking, construction of the storage units and participating projects has proceeded on schedule in F.Y. 1959. Contracts were awarded to begin construction on the Paonia Project and Vernal Unit, Central Utah Project, which were new starts in F.Y.
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