...Tb* XtorcaS'Socisty of. the tfiree-prolKt* would b* ’'about' Lutheran Church will hold its. A p p ro v e T w o 11,600,000.” AlHUftloWn «ionthly meeting Wdenesday eve­ Need ruhUe Uearia« Tk* WUUiif Worker* . of th« ning, about 8:30, following the. Before placing tha queationa on SoMk. Jf«ihodl*t W8C8 will meet Lenten Qutet'Hour. Hostesses'for School Plam a referendum, tb* Board of Direc­ In the . UdlM' parlor* tomorrow the social period will be Miss tors would have to hold a pubic Frideborg Thoren, Mta. Viola hearing at which such a releren- afternoon a l 'l o'clock.' The ho»- ANNOUNCES THE OPENINO OF RI8 OFFICE tt**e* wiU be Mr*. Florence Moore Kress. Mrs. Vivian Stone. Mr*. House Suggeate Refei^ tfuni would be voted. In addition, and Mr*. Cdlth Turkln^on. Ann Scott, Mrs. Isabel Robinson thcTbond issue which will pay for D«UiIpd Prognlm Wilt. rOR THE Month or Six Weekti At the hearing last night, repre- »«» MAIN STREET^ PRICE FIVE CENTS Mothers Circle will meet v^itb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Kno'fla MANCHESTER. CONNB G Tfeut^ Mr*.~IUyniond- M tgeaam; — llff and daughtei^''Janetror 20 Munro aentatives. of Um—archHertutaH-- States Glehwood . street, tomorrow eve­ street, have returned after a The School Building committee firms engaged on the projects— Ebbeta, Frid and Prentice for the Plana are being formulated in OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT U. S» Biadks gave iU approval Ust night to ning at 8 o'clock. Rev. Robert three-week tour of Florida. > detail for operation of Manchester TELEPHONE 7403 Rush ftelief Carroll, chaplain of all the moth- Vernon .school and Carl Malm- two mora projecu in tha school feldt and Associates for the Bow­ High School on double aeaaions ei* circle*, will be the guest At the meeting of Manchester building expansion program, pass. and they will be submitted to the speaker. ers School—were present to ex­ B ritain in Grapge tomorrow night in Orange Ing on preliminary plana fof the plain the plans for conatriiction of Board of Education soon, accord­ Into Japan Hall, the first ami second degrees ing to Arthur H. Illtng, suparin- Chief Henry Thomas of the 18-room school to be built at the the schools. • Fees will be conferred'on a class of can- tandant of schools. Hartford Fire Department antf.| corner of Vernon and Lydall The proposed Vernon school, Pollce— Chief Herman Schendel. . --I M<>.»< »' Grangers will which will house SCO students, will The board must approve the neighbor with Hebron Orange this streets and for the aeven-rooni be of two stories and will include, general mitlines of the Rian, which' Waahinxtoii. March 5—(A>) Quake Site Civilian Defense coordinator in addition to the 12-ronm Bowera Manchester, spoke on elvilian dc; evening, snd on Thursday night besides 18 classrooms, two kinder- has been worked out by Edaon M. will travel to Marlborough to par- ScKoot on Princeton street. gartens, a cafeteria, and a com. Bailey. prtnCIpal of the - high >^hington, March 5—Na today ■t-diflappoiiit'- -^'^Secretary of State Ache-. Arthur Drns Stdrn morrow night at 7:30 at the Ital- weeks. This would mean that Mission Society TRUSS FITTINO Acheson said In a new* confer­ the deal waa financed by wealthy Americans were killed or injuned. ment in slow Americuin aid ian-American l.nub. All members ence that Britain's struggle ChtaWT— ------— ~ son said today he . reversed the referendum would be held be­ By AKRON Graduated Makes New Hill and said Britain will need are urged to be present fore linal plans and apecincatlons ]\Ieets Tliui*sf1ay' against Communlat-led gberrillaa In the wind up, the Chinene In­ the finding by a State De­ Ala* Abdominal Supporta. Kyodo New* Agency reported about four years instead of for'the Vernon street and Bowers ts "an integral part df the free directly got control of three the quake left a fishing village partment board that career schools were completed, hut It tie Hoalery, aad att of ^rld I common effort to halt tanker* the IT. 8. Government had three to cany out her |I3,- diplomat Oliver Edmund ■4i Emanuel Women's Missionary ji- i i M E REPOIR Communist aggreseion. submerged and puahed up a new would allow work on all three surgical appliaiicea.Rfvat* Fib refused to sell to them. The 1450,- 40-foot hilt. Both were on Hok­ 160,000.000 (4.700,000,000 Clubb was a security risk. Society will meet Thursday at 2 "We have confidence In the ulti­ 000 went to Joseph E. C*aey, for- projects to proceed • Immediately p. m. In the church vestry. FoU tlag Raeun. kaido. northernmost Island of pounds) rearmament pro­ A"; on the completion of the plana. mate success of their efforts, both Japan.. Acheson told a news confer­ lowing the business meeting, a to halt the forces of Oommuniam gram. ence he_ took full personal re­ ■. »» Placing the projects on the ref­ (OontimMd Ml Pago Two) MRS. OLGA KONOW A K.vodo reporter who new over program of Lenten readings and and to build a new nation, and we Spending for the first 12 months sponsibility for the action, erendum prior to completion of music will be presented by Rev. Q iiii’t Pbannacy 891 MAIN ST. wish to take this opportunity of •■•Parted most of the of the program, which began last final plana would mean getting an and Mrs. Carl E. Olson, Mr*. Har­ U UlflIT expressing our aolldarlty of pur­ L691 Milage* were marooned atop April I. already is 336 million dol­ which permitted Clubb to rte estimated coat if not an actual old McIntosh, Mrs. Eric Anderson, OfPOMTI ST. JAMfS CHURCH pose with those engaged in these their submerged home*. He said a' lars behind achedule, he told the tire from the foreign service firm bid- on the projects from Mrs. Albert Pearson, Mr*. Dorla effort*.” rescue boat waa on its way to the Houae of Oommona. on a pension. authorities In the field so. that Marsh, and Miss Dorla Mae John- For SklUful Watch and Jewelry Repair ^ The Britl*h have been fighting coaNtal toMv*n. The Pfime Ministey, owning a Clubb resigned , the same day, the voters would have some Idea of srm. U: S. Against China War insurgents In Malaya ever since fc.iT*’* •aency said the new the price tag on the program they defense debate, said the United Feb. 11, that the department an­ Refreshments and a social hour MAM’ HALE'S June I, 1948, when a state of emer­ hill appeared near the Milage of State* offered |313,600,00<) worth nounced he had been cleared. were being asked to buy. will he enjoyed. Hostesses for this gency was declared. Since then, Inhabitants said a Ray Ooslee. chairman of the of machine tool* soon after the Acheson stressed that Clubb meeting are Mrs. Alfhlld Wogman, the British estimate they have If Korean Parley Fails flowed from program began and delivery “I* waa cleared of any reasonable School Building committee, esti­ Mrs. Mary Johnson. Mrs. Calvin Headquarters innicted some 5.000 casualties on the hill and then hardened. Two mated last night that.the coat of only Just ^ginning.” He expr'esaed doubt of hta loyalty, even though Davison and Mrs. Doris Marsh. the Communistd, year* ago a quake thrust up a hope all the tools will be In Eng­ the board-had found htm t o - b ^ - —FOR Part of World Effort Washington, MaFch 6-HA^—The IVuman administratis rirnltarbir in Ihe aShe area land in about 15 month*. aecurlty risk. Acheson described the campaign government agencies Say* Oaierr Dnmngwl Automatic Fuel Oil Service. hM decided ai^inst any move to carry the Korean war to reported Incomplete surveys "all. the In Malaya as *'*n integral part of China even if the truce talks collspse. Officials said that is procram has not received aid on a aubb was director of Chinea* WILLIAMS me free world's common effort to ■nfl ten-foot wale in keeping with the defense affairs In the department. .M a the present basic policy, but how it is applied if and when a high Udal wave* cauAd thia dam- halt Communist aggreaaton.” sgei »# .***1''^ “I"***** wreckage following a said he rietlred from hia $13,400 Sir Henry Gurney. British high collapse occurs will undoubtedly*— ______wnen a ■ « « « . At least 102 persons depend on what the Communlsti i ^ Minister or with our Job because the loyalty-aecurityin- commissioner, in MalayaV was 1. Railway tracks were twist­ t*?i"**'*^ *"jy"^** ***" «"rn coaches piled up and "aerioualy d m - OIL SERVICE killed In a Communist a'mbuah ed and anarled In places. One Plan By Attlee phrtof spanning the Pax'unn River.— (NEA Radlo-Teie- aged hia future career proapactSe I 341 BROAD ST. last October. Gen. Sir Gerald S»r.S,r Senators B lo c k section of 500 yards of track waa The plan was laid down hy ^ 'o Republican Senators helped Temple, trouble-shooting British » In the highest level* of the De- —^ - _ swallowed by the^ earth. CTurchlll* predecessor. Oement ONE CALL fen»e and SU te departmenU It I* | t * g | bring to light Acheaon'a action In GORTIIERS warrior, took .over aa high com­ 2. An uncounted number of K. Attlee, now leader of the Labor reversing the department board. FUEL AND missioner In January. ' - ■ recognlsed. officials privately con- i - i J l M l U Ashing boats were aunk, 44 dam- opposition. Senator Ferguson (R,. Mich.) Main St. Manchester, Conn. 2-3448 cede, that popular Indignation, g' r r-v m ^ RANGE OIL Acheson told newsmen he Is pier* amaahed on Churchill noted that the United Allied Prisoner Roster had asked Owen Lattimore.. a. Sen­ "Anrf tthoaght Joims win •xoggsraffng dbMt conSdent...... the French -will be„ -Diei®"*’''*able United State* ln+’ | S ’l l A ' r a i ' nonneastem Honshu, main island allotted to ate committee witness, last week and we do - te'j yerk. thekiaelve* out—ne-their- -Sgffle-Clccumatanr*«-to-take-»cUon---^^. X sl Jh. J / C fJL * oFJapan. nenrrwrt 'p niferi' -wWeh-wouWT etthor--contr*mct--Of w, ------— — SOven cbaL* miners were non dottin. "bone oT which has re'yeraed 'the board. LaWm'ore -----— "AndAnd hehe a*idm M he he doesn'trieean*. think -wfnh the*1.-, divorg*. froDi it* oreseiit nolicv. "I don't get i t . . . all year 'round that guy enjoyi verggfrom iU presant policy. j Waahlngtog March'5--^y|»V--Thi15***®'*^^“ ® * "**"• “‘ ve-ln and received," He declared: said he did not know this. Later OIL HEATING. RongM. Refrlgeraters French will change their pro- RetnrMid Frem Korea I 5—«V -T h e 5ve when their homes collapsed. "There is no question of re­ Se)iator McCarthy (R.. Wla.) said the ii/tti lemptrtture. In ipring and lummer he weatern foreign policy aa a result A clear indication of the admin- «*P»ndlturea committee to- j Coal mining operations In ;Hpk- proaches on either aide but the »ay» the leaioni take care of thinai. And in f a l l ______EQUIPMENT the rest! Ac^aon had reversed the board, Wmiiors cRid AN of Internal feuding over the ques­ istratlon’a attitude came last night! disapproved President Tru-1 aiarupted------ipb by floods fact remains as I have fore­ Musan, Kore. March 5—(A*)—The Communists admitted »o Clubb could retire on s penjilon. and winter, he «ayi he depends aniirely on R P l M l I l i i tion of taxes, for military defense. and broken power lines. shadowed that the rearmament Atlantic's Triple Refined Heating Oil!” |jlUl]jljlJ^n in a sperch aent by Aaalatant S ec-; man's plan to reorganise the In todfiy they hold ireportied prisoners and tried to use them McCarthy said, aubh'a p«»n.i»- - Estimates On Request Othor AppHoRCM Acheson said also; retary John M. Alllaonjto the I tem^ Re^ue K aT -T h ^ vpU *• much more-luUly-to wa* $4,800 a year. Statw ^part-' Caff Or Writ0 New Philadelphia Bulletin fonim at carried out in four yeara than as a clutrin'lfo trtica mgotiatlohaT -CALL 1. U. 8. diplomat John Foater -was T to 5. L jn a a l wave* washed away la three." '' The Reds said the ment aourges flgured It at $5,800. DuIIca did not violate an Philadelphia. IfW air deilvend by 77ie ioaolution of disapproval 277 hnuaaa' In Hama)iaka village .. -.^ypuW flupply the ilamea of these pris- After the Fergiuron-McCartby ment with the .British dealing hU assistant, U. S. Alexis Johnson, on Hokkaido, leaving 1,600 per- ChurcMIl saM he d ia«iM M R «R "In due time':—but wnly a f ------L. T. WOOD CO. Afl Day Wednesday 2.1257 now goes to th* Senate floor where that Britain's present M e ra- ter th* Allies furnished d » - remarks, the department declined with the Japanese peace treaty, who returned 10 days ago from Jb e flnal decision will re*t. Major­ aon* homeless. Reports from to say whether Acheson had re­ 51 BISSELL STREET TEL7 4496 ^ e - British claim be did: — talks-with Oenr Matthew~B:~RIdg- other Milages placed the number ermlng "is sufficient for aafaty hi Cqnununiata have been demam ity Lander McFarland (D-Aria) the evpnt of war."° Rear Adm. R. B. Libby repo versed the board, although it said 2. H* knows nothing about re­ way and other top UN military of destroyed homes at around U. S. Warplanes the Secretary had the power to IN PREPARATION FOR THEIR GREAT port* that the Dominican navy men in Korea. haa said it win be taken up there 2,800. “I rely." he aaid, "on the rapld- sharply, that the UN Qomm*n_ next Tuesday. *y gitiwing and overwhelming would furniah additional priamer overturn a board flnding. has spotted submarine* of Soviet "It ia our policy," Alliaon said, Associated Presa reporters flew Trusted Officer design in the Caribbean. ‘to confine the conflict to Korea. The committee, which has held over Kushlro, largest city on Hok­ power of the United States In the data on an exchange basis or not ^owii 5 MICs four weeks of hearings on the plan, atomic bomb to deter acta of ag- at sU. Today. Acheson wdnt Into the 3. He ha* been told by Ameri­ We do not propose to widen the kaido suffering from the quake, case voIunUrlly at his new* con­ ^nd O Our Complete Fud O^Ber- local temperature changea. . . can miUtiiry authorities 'that the scope of the war. That has been dircusaed it behind closed door* and reported few signs of damage. [greaaion while a defensive front The Red admission followed a ference. vice save* tiiue, work, uKmey— - Dae heatisaving t i p * . cour­ battle picture in Indochina haa our policy from the start. Tfial for an hour before voting. Only Th* harbor wall appeared to have is formed In western Europe. demand by Libby that the Com- Iii\30 Minutes Onte you try..You’ll Always..| yesterday President Truman m a^ "I hope and believe this will de­ muntata account for 174 additional He said he made his decision on assure* uninterrupted heating teous seAdo* hy trained driv­ Improve a* a result pf new ac­ remains our policy. It is up to the been battered by the seas. The the recommendation of one of the tion* by French and iLoyallst A' new and urgent plea for approv- city appeared to be returning to I ter, but I cannot make promises or priaonera. Moat of theae are Amer- I ■U season loug! You get: auto­ er* . . . clean-burning Mobil- Communists. If they want to wid­ plophecies or give guarantees. Icana. Some are British. Seoul, k V“. March ft—(41 most e.xperienced and trusted for­ matic delivery baaed on your forces Sghting Commuhist-Ied en'' the conflict and engulf the normal. heat with more he Foar) they must be the one to do It.” tion of disapproval introduced by Churchill said hia first impres­ This makes a total of 1.621 flight of ConuTiunist MIG-15 jets ment's loyalty-securlty board. TVuce talks at Panmunjom art Senator* George (D-Ga) and (CoaHnued on Page Five) sion of the nation's defenses when United Nations aoldiera and 50,000 j today and shot dmm at least five he took office last October waa^a Republic of Korea (ROK) troop* | 'The Secretary also said CTabb deadlocked now over several I's- Millikln (R-Colo). ■ 9 near the Yalu riveri made his decision to retire after Wh«i hMtty wtMMtion Uwra i» fnim' The W. G. GLENHEY GO. Supporting th* resolution were sensation of extreme nakedness for which the UN has demanded auea. Allison and hia closest asso­ Another MIG waa li^ed aa prob' being Informed of Acheaon'a flnal a dfliciout cup of ikilUullr bitaded 336 NORTH MAIN ST. PinaytoSeek ciates oa well as militarv leaders two DemoefaU, Senator* McClel­ such aa "had never been felt be­ *n accounUng. None of them was MANCHESTER fore in peace or war- alinoat liv­ listed In the original list of 11.500 abjy destroyed. V decision In his case. Acheson S H U a r iN E CoS m Try a « « iuj reportedly sUII believe the odds lan (Ark), chairman of the com­ Montreal Fire termed utterly and absolutely un­ mittee. and Hoey (NC), and flve ing In a nudist colony." prisoner# of war the Reds turned 'Th^ wild 30-minute tnorning you'll never pay a w * ae aver taka any. are at least aven on the possibility battle_waa touched off %^en 28 true auggestiona there was an ar- •SEALY MATTRESSps Assembly Vote ’ agreement Anica. R«pubHcanj. Senatnra McCarthy "We had not a single regular over Dec. 18. ^29.95-oRd up^ combat formation in this coun­ F -B6 Sabre—j ets pounced On—a rangement In advance -th r- Stariing^ Thursday Tbey_ have- been~cbaaidertng~for^ .(WJa).^-Mundt- -fSD ), ~ -Schoepp^ Takes 24iives North Korean Maj. Gen. Lee ■vorahle flndings—so— that- tif rial cp*af linwa ^ -many ______ity;" he declared. S lh f Cho referi^ 'V^ednesday to flight of 70 MlGB-Bg'thfTWas'cii™ any weeks, bowex^r, what the IK **). Dworshak (Ida) and NUon out of their Manchurian sanctW could retire on a pension. (Ckllf). "Although an airborne invasion the 11.500 aa "the 'main list of Will Ask Support aa United States should do in event doe* not aeem likely In view of our ary. ^ Acheson declined to identify of a collapse of negotiations. It is Opposing ft were four Demo­ POWa who we hold If) prlaon.': Women Are Victims in and our Allies' naval power in sur­ "Aa for the neceaserv aupple- "We caught them, by surprise vthe foreign service officer who act­ Premier, Attempt to known that consideration has been crat*. Senator* O'Conor (Md), and bounced the whole formation," ed «» Ills deputy In reviewing the PINEHURST OPEN ALL Ku\p 4c a lb. cm Hibi fine given to carrying the war directly Three • Alarm Blaze face ahlpa, I thought it right to menUry data," he aaid, "they are Coffee . . . Featured 0 1 ' FINE REDDING Humphrey (Minn). Honroney take all the precaution* which now being put in order and we an Air Force officer said. Cln^b case. He declined also to Form French Cabinet against China. It la now apparent (Okla) and Moody (Mich), and DAY WEDNESDAY all Ihia week at lb. O I C 7SS MAIN STREET TEU 5680 At Repertory Theatre were possible againat paratroop will hand it over to your side in It was the biggest bag of Red 'K'’'**?®*' he would Identify the J that the decision has been reached one Republipan the Senate's only descents.'* jet* since Jsn. 2.5, when Sabre pi­ offjeeri^if asked by a Senate com­ March Paris, March 5—(JV-RIght to avoid this If posalble.' / Aw time. You must give us first mittee. woman member, Mrs. Margaret the iMsic detN whlrh you have lots destroyed 10. winger Antoine Pinay formally Weaken Home Front Chase Smith of Maine. Montreal, March 5—(41—A three agreed today to try to form a new alarm ' fire destroyed a building (OontUitMd on Pace Four) promised to give us." Another. MIG ' crashed behind In reaching this decision the sd- Actually, the committee deci­ He i^'*a referring to 44,000 the Manchurian border without a (Continue^ on Page Fourteen) ' TASTE THE DIFFERENCE French cabinet and said he would Mce of military leaders that a big­ sion U m«raly a recommendation. housing the Montreal Repertory -hTIl.''iir'. T .T)'"!!'’" * " Jual aa there's no ask the National Assembly to con­ Theater early today and took the Koreans originally listed hv the ahot being fired at It. Two Allied in l*inchun»t Kniiiiiil iilcatAa ger effort in the Far East would McClellan aaJd tb* reaolution of Allies as prisoners' ,but since re- pilots said the plane was stunting firm him as Premier tomorrow mean a weakening of America's disapproval of* the plan filed by lives of two women. ■ hi»yng. commanding officer of Washington. Maixfa &-d4V> • LOW OVERHEAD Increase, causing the resignation torufof Water poured on the build­ The request for names of 50,000 Owen' laittiihore testified todmy of Premier Bdgar Faure.' 'Tile pioneer F^86 combat wing in ■ Washington. March 6-.(4V-The featured a ll T^IS w e e k AT PtNEHURST On U. S. ing. Many famine* were left Korea. . . . Bobby Trelease, TV ROKa, whom the Reda say "do not position of the Tresaury March that in June, 1.945, he tried to Box Special treasury, meanwhile, has been homeless. dancer, will be married In Bridge­ exist," waa based on Communist 3 1 influMce Presldeiit TrumOa sill Itl INK • SKILLED UNION CRAFTS-. paying out a billion francs (82,- -HFNSWEET PRFNK g Firemen poured tons of water port March 13 to Army LL Rich­ radio boasts of the number of Net bijdget (receip t . fl47,»K).'r aghlnsi ’ restrictmg Amerlcait F ^ 'C V .NKM VOitR yiTATK "MEN ... : 800,000) .daily for expenses Parlisr Waahipgton, March 5;,-(Ab^At'::i4peiaons Um Jtu-v susMcta but is on the biasing 'v%BK^waaaHtmildinc butVUV thehllC iri'ITl* ard Cradwelt'Sear*. priaonera' they had rapmred. -The aid to the Chinese'Natlo^^r ' •iriCE p t. RoHle m ■towiey-G«meraliHWV ■MeOraWa'^hatlbnii^ tlMHinwMTTiiHailiilai Fax'ffJtfXB r - - .... - a»>j£g;-BUflgetjexpanditiirea, ,.$330.. ^------1 unaliftWlitffiirt: tSHae-hrarTilnaieJ Ifie Duke-of H’iM|aar arrives from .119.543.78 ...... balance, $4,708, VERMONT MAID. • YOUR WORK IS DONE l-DR. ^ CiORTO.N' IIK.AIIY-TO- EI.3IDAI4: 1948 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN 67 Persons Hurt can legally ge. j work of the Kefauver Crime In- IN G S ARE PASSED ALO NG . Very Clean. -f ance in New Haven tonight will Senate role* subrommittee voted FRY roilFIsil , Spwlflcally, It is reported that ; veatlgaUng committee. Plastiras Ui^eil State to Charge for Late today to sak the Senate whether CAKES 10 2lC TO YOU. some judges have doubts that a bolster bis bid for delegate sna- TOMATOES Ahev«, rif Ml As Trains Crash He called for jury sessions in port In thia state. it should ronthme Its laqnlty la- 1947 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN jury convened under U. S. author­ each of the 93 federal judicial dis­ To Save iB Spies to demanda that Senator Me- GI,Af'IKK or MIIITE P'*"'9"4 Jh**. I ti*4 4i**ase<. .va«.Ml la pM H.I* Radio aad Hrater. . ity can Inquire Into stricUy local trict*. Acheson challenges Reda to sub­ STAR P|li,K t e a . SO 0». t nn 1 7 c 10 to 14-Day Delivery or Better Gary, Ind., March 5 Utt —Sixty- offenses mit to Imparilsl .laveatigathw Returns on Business Tax Qarthy (R., Wla.) be eostod ' ...... MIS aeven peraons were Injured, npne Only Three Report from CoagreiM. SALMON Lh. f an 3 V C MagaiSci |i«aae taHIaira, clfuic Haflauai laounllaf. ____1700 “Where'Your Satisfaction Others are concerned abo.ut pos­ TJie objectives he annoimced, Athena, Greece, March 5—(JP>-~ "fantaaUc charge that the Allies S8 f»i. Cnn 25 c 1946 CHEVROLET i-D R. aerioualy, last night when a crowd­ sible “ruitaway juries" which may Strong pressure from various are waging germ warfare In KO- Hartford, March 6—(41- SilliRFlNR NEW ENMiwi, H«a eiai kgafinaat rfa*, 1 tWa4 >a*aa4«, Tlelinvia a M M i a f g U O Is Guaranteed" were to examine law enforcement _The strictly to the letter of the law," REDS TO GET BUDGET ed commuter train from Chicago go far aflcld in any blanket In­ quarters waa brought today on th* rea." . . . State Democratic Chair­ State Tax department today sp'LE BAKED ' crashed into the rear end of officials and well-known under­ the tax boss said. "We're going to Moscow, March 5 —CD—Tha 1941 FORD 2-DR. quiry suchxab that proposed into world characters, to return indict­ government of Premier Nicholas man John M. Bailey refers to Taft agreed to follow State Auditor ad­ do It ei’en though the revenue in­ KEANH !8 f>*. Can | empty train In the Gary station. general crime condtUofis. ments where warranted, and to Plaatirqa. to suspend the execu­ as one who would "repeal the SOth vice and'taek Interest charges on Supreaae Soviet, the pariiamaat AU the Inlured were riding in eeatury." volved doesn't amount to much." of the V .8.SJL, held Ite opeiriaff 8TARKIST FANCY n 'include Federal Tax ASK M K H U MYANT OS HIAN DICKINSON Some Judges, want to know just proMd* the Justice department tions of eight persona condemned late unincorporated business tax Triumph for Auditors . BUDGET TERMS the first cal’ of a four-car Chica­ aa Red spies last Saturday by a returna. ■eaaloa today aad decided ta PACK n illT E MEAT what and how-much of tradition­ with data on locM crime conditions State Police at Westbrook Bar­ Agreement on the pbfiit’ by'the hear the badget for 1851 tomoiw go, South Shore- and South Bend ally secret grand jury proceedings in order to provide "a comprehen­ military tribunal. The bipartisan State Auditor* TU.NA 7 Oi. cnn Di itRts at No Addtd Cost electric expreas tqgln. Only six of racks captured a Neva 8 e e t£ i tax agency cornea aa a triumph row alghk The two Honaesw may be n u ^ public in th* form sive picture of the overiUI Mtua- Throughout Uie night crowds flahenoaa who crashed into a recenUy charged that the tax for the bipartisan auditor a_ the Injured remained In' hoepitals. •tlon In the United States." milled almut. Averoff rilson where agency had failed during th* 1950- the Couacll o4 the Ualoa aad •SHI'RFl.NE MAVO.N. ot "presaniihents” or general house during-a police chase at Democrat Joseph B. Downes and the Oeua(eU of NaUoaaHties, met NAISE |>|, Jar Otliers were discharged after be­ aUteroentq of condlUonai T McGrath, who aaid the survey the convicted ' members of 2:30 this rooming . , . Joseph P 51 fiscal year to impose such inter- MANCHESTER ing treated for cuta and bruifea,. -Republican Raymond I. Langley__ IB separate aeaaioas today with PreaentmMts ars iSmetimea should be an annual affair, asked the spy'ring are held, shouting for Ryan', president of the A FL Inter.^ eat charges on delinquent taxes who have been examining depart­ th# district attorneys to get juries "a* provided by law.” It later de- •everal menAera of the PeUtfeuM Police aaid Ic* on a switch mity made by Jurias by way of a mib- their release. Guards had dif­ national Longshoreman's Aaaocia- menU carefully to see that state preaeaL hav* caused the exjf>re*a . train, organiaed as Aarly in 1953 as pos­ ficulty in keeping order. tion, drops move to break up aaU- veloped that the department had RiJb «"«• S^rve" Party ®** crtaalnal sible. 1 law and other matters a r e , ad­ UPHOLSTERING COMPANY which carried about 300 paaaen- acUMty on which Uiata ia issuffi- Plastiras said Minister of Jus­ red dub aatmbltahed on Brooklyn not levied such interest charges hered to stricUy. wSion *R*r«i^ li; LitRli^h Muffins. Thomas On- cYs, to take th* wrong aiding. A check today showed that tice Dimitrios Papaspyrou haa for years. ^ KNEW OP DEATH MOTOR SALES, INC. clent sMdenee for indictmenU. waterfrobt by Anthony Ahaataaio. ,The issue cropped, up in the 45 iwmon Raisin RreaU and Protein Bread at Pinehurst. juries have been convened or Tax Commissioner William F. New Vofh, March 5—( - . 48 PURNELL PLACE—JUST A STEP FROM MAIN ST. fhe other train which had just Legal authorities say there ia no been instructed tb, make arrange­ Oonrge W. FMIdaa. V. 8. aa- auditors' annual, report on the de­ JE W K L E R S ...... SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 285 MAIN ST.—TEL. 2-4571 or 2-4572 discharged all paasengera waa in ■called. In only about half of the 93 ments for the pardon* board to Oonnegly, after studying the mat- The World-TOIegraBi aad 8aa TELEPHONE 2-95*1 proMalon in th* law for th* "pre- aiatant aecreUry' of ktate, hints partment's excise tax division. said today that federal au" Wednesday OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 the siding, west of th* station. district*. Transcripts of proceed­ function unfettered by p o litl^ ter for the past few weeks, con- They noted that whilg the unin­ For Thf Finest Meats . . . Come To .Pinehurst 958 MAIN STREET . . . . . MANCHESTER OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M.. TUESDAY m ti THURSDAY' — itment," but that th* courts un- ings have been received hers from that soma action might be taken eluded today that the auditors rence ageata haaw ef the death The engineer. Jack Teeta, 83, of ' which th* juries function Interference. by United States to retaliate fc^ corporated business tax law called only thrse. Members ot Plaatiraa* own are te)^ ically right" and the In- for-a 10 per cent penalty fee for BaiW ra Rm M. 1^ usually parmit them to b* flisd. reatrkUoa* ef moveasent of tereat khargas win be Impoaed taUy twa wash* bafaea her h J 5 BUY NOW AND SAVE « I'M raw* NkMtMB) pravidad Utty dc not i m t the latp filing, it made no mention' of (OMIhMeR aa Page Mfem) TOsHRMNd *■ Pago NIaeteaa) ‘ In Rusfia and from now on. — ------la * tnah ^ iteUito nation*. •Tf* a quaaUon of gdhering : N (OeHttBMd ea Faga Nlaa) ’


BURTON’S FOR BEST MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER, WEDNESD^^^^ Mane^mt^r : ' l l ion Auxiliary 5 Officers Start fold the all-white Jury yesterday mental boapitals whara th* com­ Bid to Revamp For BEE Diay Visit Monda Co43ukirmen of Science Fair that he was taken from a Jail ceil Ilarkness Estate mission says they don’t belong, Casechs for T alk ? to a wooded spot near Magnolia. throughout the atat*. ' Seats Histonan Flogging Defense “They (the ofneete) handcuffed Still a IProblem Those concerned with th* stata’s U. S. Tax Dept. Monday will ba B n Day me around a pine tma.aad beat purs* object fh this plan,Jiowever. OnOatig IHreelofs aod Flmuiers me," he said, ftw y forced him to They say the Harkneaa eatat* ManehtaUr and about 50 ' rap- _ At the meeting of the American Jackaoti, Miak., March B—<97— remove hla dothlng. Gray teatt- rmentattvas of loeat~biMbHnr «pd .tiCgion Aupllla^ Monday night, ■ Hartford, March 5-rOEl—The couldn’t accommodate a( large Paris, Mar. 6-(fl^A dli. _ rageow) Maa of a day Ux Approve 30*Hoiiie De* Five Misalasippl law officers begin fted, before they laid on a leather State Finance Ad\’isory commit­ Industry will visit Ifanehastar's Mrs. Charles H. Romanowekl was enough number o f chronically ill, source said today tha 'Virhooli ‘ mutual undentand- their defense today againat charg­ strap thrse-fset long and four- tee meets today to tackle once oged-and infirm to make it worth th. plan. Th. Bmata must aet kjr adxxda so that thajr any-bsttar ______aot aatisaly asw, aeeoMiag velopment. Green Rd. installed as- historian, succeeding ea that they handcuffed a Maffro vak government has exprasissd^si iBabeB wMe« . again on oft-raised question; What while to spend all the" iiuMiey~tt wtuingnsas to conduct official Jlaiclt-14 or tba raorfaniaaUoa uad«rataad ttW-opanOiaa oiL_ tlio. to nttag. it la net uatvaraaL Mrs. j^rwik Ciarta je- to a trM.and floggod him ta to do Xvlth the Harkhess estate. school mrstam and tha signed. Past district Prseldsnt -A filling 'Otation from which would take to renovate It for that Bboat--tii» cn (»-or- wiiusm automatleaUg talua affMt on that pto^lai4a *Tt la a growiiBr ha said, The Bodrd ttf Dirsetota, holdliig obtain a burglary confeaolon. Gray )iad heen Bred earlier was The bequest made to Connecti­ purpose. that conftoat taaehars. “daalgBSd to ro d a c Mrs. Harry Sweet was the install­ They are being tried in U. 8 . Oatis, imprisoned American daU. IS O U t l O B a public heaitns with tha Town ing officer. burglarized In July, 1850, and cut by Maiy Stillman Horkness of The Harkness will saya the es­ respondent. B n Oagr—Boslaa^.' -^Iadustry, o f tho aebool." h.- District Court on charges of vio- Gray was arrested.- The alleged New York—240 acres of land and tate must be devoted to aom* T h . Toy provision of th. plan Planning coinmlsaioni laat night Mra Harold Belcher, ChUd Wel­ latlng the civil rlghU o f CpI. Mur­ 'Ihia source said th* wUIlngnasa and Education Day—got uadar A Bn Day commltt^ com- beating occurred the next day. a palatial residence in Waterford health purpose. would ateUshth.-Joba«(«liaaotlU possd of faculty reprasantaUvea approved cooatructlen of a real fare chairman, stated that five ry (Sunshine) Gray. Gray was to talk represehu & step forward, itSO, wiuB scboola adopted orphan* at the Newington Lee said Gray confessed. —is becoming embarrassing. ieally-Mpointod ODUwiton o f In- from all tha aebeeUi has hem estate development on (Breen toad flown from Korea, where he was since aj; one time th* Czechs te- I •• • . . . cloaad ior a^day and asambara ,of Home for CrippM Children were U. S. Attorney Joe Brown called Since the 1851 legislature ac­ LODGE 'CALLS CABINET t.m al R ^M iu.; Regional offloiiUa workliig ataes last ^rtng to draw Vhen the two hoarda accepted the an 8th Army truck driver,, to tes­ f«usd to listen to any mention of under Civil Service* would b . snb- tba aehotil systam toured loeaj remembered with Valentines and tify. . a half dozen Justices .of the peace cepted the gift, fiscal officials say, Hartford, March 5—(9)—Oow' tn« subject. our new, figure-following buaiiMssas and Induatrias. up plana for Monday’s program. map of Sherwood Circle. ^ birthday gifts. Mrs. Sweet report­ who teatifled that Gray had not the state has been spending about emor Lodge announced yeoterday sUtuUd. niing^hoat out gmieral Invita- The alleged beating occurred In Oatis waa convicted on chargiia 4 . ■ Nmrt Monday tha schools will Sberwopd Circle, which la* be- . ed that two volunteers gave 81 been brought before them for ar­ $1,000 a monpi on iU upkeep, and that his “cabinet’’—the.\WOOL SUIT pile l^kstage difference. plcturo of tha eoadltibaa into which Itora wlU ha Waleeaiad la ganafal arid Constable J. J. Montfourt. The Italian name of the port of pupUa who graduate from tha houoa,will be buUt, was tentative­ for next month. of the commission. They’re now alfication survey are expected to has made numerous protests Chairman King (D-Caiif), call­ cussrooms aa well as rooms whara 'rile 2.Vvear-oId Korean veteran Leghorn is Llvomo. scattered in Institutions, mostly ed his W .3rs Md IfMns InvMtigst- schools Will go. It was inatitntad ly approved and aaaignsd to a The unit voted a donation for come in for lengthy dlscuasion. Czechoslovakia on the caSe.- spedallsad aubjwta such aa art the special rehabilitation fund for Ing subcommittee into doM d m s -* to fiva taaehars a broadar under- pubtic haaring by the. two boards and music ara Uught. on March 18. Awkwardness of the purchase of a portable type­ alon to Mt a daU for the hearing. > f Feana Lee Flaker —orob.bly »on. the aonlnS regulations in this case writer for a crippled veteran. King also expected to propoae ■were such that the only manner Mrs. Ruth Hickox, the president, Bob Keller and Fenna Lee Olga Bares Fees urged the membership to continue "peace plvi" to settle sharp ^ In which Roy L. Strickland could Fisher are co- ^ Bob KeDor is open to the public tomorrow over tiae of fhe committee's close­ grara. Bills. S 2441, H. R. and . Friday at the 'Verplanck In this piridd of urgent daagsr, cause of th* amount of tlm* given ly-guarded fllei. (OaathiMd fram Pago Oaa) BUI 5803 and H. R Bill a knock-down, drag-out fight to the debate over the tax rate, School. Both are members of the Now*,, Inveatigatora ruahed their top- You This Finer Spring ^ffins with our important curva- ‘ ‘ the board tabled' odtlon on ^))e 8032. Mrs, Hickpx plso ap- Men Will Conduct Manchester High School Science pecret records from New York to mar Cbngreas member, and a nmong eurselvea fora bigger slice cious suit. t . with its feminine aixhed hip > of th* pit would hurt to much proposed houas o f comfort, pointed the following members to Club which is sponsoring the fair. Washington last month to keep group of aasodatas who got the changes In the oil* burner cede, .work with the Legion committees Judging of the 250, entries, .will jine . . . and graceful eight gore skirt . . . I them out o f the hands o f a New there wouldn’t be much pie left 1 Program of F T A ahipa from the governiqChtrriPUt- for any o f ue. — the master plurabera’ ordinance for their 33rd anniversary dinnerri take place today. The jacket-is eVer-shorter . . . with beau- York-grand Jury cOhvefted sudden­ tthg up only $1,000 of thatr_ and th* procedure the beard should Saturday evening, March , 15: ly by the Justice Department. — Reger Putnam, economic ata- Wul details . ... i'ou’ll love the ribbed wool.... ^ ntonay— and turhad them over to Mlixer,______follow telative to persona speak­ Mrs. Elmer Rice, Mrs. Wlllwr Lit­ The March meeting of the Na­ ------Charge ■ Dewhle-Creea - lha ChiHeaa -financed — inutad ing diirinr tn« bodi’d's n$ettiigs. tle. Mrs. • Gari ■ Peterson;"' Mrs: than Hale PTA 'WUI be held Jn the fabric in spring navy and spring gray! - Attorney ; General McGrath's Charles Wlgren. Past command­ Sizes 10-18. I » K i- . ^ Tankar Cbtp.'..^.. ' ‘ - 'S : I suggest that we vigoroualy Sitting as the water commis­ school auditorium Tuesday,. March grand jury move, coming while sion, the board granted approval ers Of the post and past presidents • » Mra. Kdhow. a handsoma ^gure reelat and actively fight any fu­ 11,. at 7:46 p.m. The program, the committee waa conducting in old rose blouise and black SKlrt, to the extension of two sanitary of the unit will - serve on the re­ which la In charge o f the men, will hearinga In San FVandaco, drew ture attempt of the executive to OUCH! ception committM for the occa­ SUIT SALON teatlfiad hafora the Sanata Invaa- •wogently ueurp the righu of the aswera— one'on Grandview etrect feature several di^lays of unusual chargea of double-croaa and con­ and the other on thh west branch sion. and interesting hobbles. In most tlgatloBs aubcommlUaa which la Congieee. ■' — - . My Acid Stomoch! spiracy from irate committee looking into this and ether Caaay- of Gardner street. These exten­ >...... ----- ——— cases the men exhlmtihg hobbies members. —Ben. Stylee Bridgee, Senate Re­ enj^aered ship daalai publican leader. sions will be paid for by those will be present'to explain tech­ King said Secretary o f the The Oenators a r. purAiing the property owners whose land fronts Chianti Advances niques and demonstrate their spe­ Treasury Snyder, by prompting questions o f whather the deila in­ on the new lines. Tha commis- cial skills. Hobbies o f Interest to thd-^grand Jury action while the He (Winaton Churchill) never sion. also tabled any discussion of volved any violations of law, in­ writea me. never. botb men.and women Uhve been comnHttee was out o f town, had fluence p^dltng or tax evasion. improvements of water eervie* to 111 Card Tourney included. violated'an agreement not to In­ —Mre. Winston Churchill. the Green area. ** Casey has teatifled that Mra. ■ ■ * In addition to the hobby display, terfere with the Inveatlgatipn of Konow providsd a tip that led to a four-piece band, made up of the New York Internal Revenue Our power is our spiritusil With only one session remaining this particular threa-ihip deal, and In the 20 session annual setback fathers, will' play several selec­ offices. that it was worked out in the law strength, end that spiritual tions, and as a special surprise a With F O A M Limit Landlords __ tournament of the Manchester. Cushions! Snyder since has unsuccessfully office of a partner of Newbold strength stem* from our civil ht.morous dramatic sketch with an sought to gain access to the files. liberties. ■Fire Department, Club Chi^ti, Tse tad Me Oida’t Koen «bMt HMn Morris, Preaident Truman’s gov­ 'which maintained a consistently all-male cast will be pre.sented. King proposed to give internal ernment corruption sleuth. -Supreme Court Justice William By Tenancy Law Tickets for the military whist A roll o f Tuma costa only a dime. But Douglas, unimpressive record throughout it’s "worth its weishi in sold” when revenue agents and the New York Total Over Million the first part of the tourney, to be held April 22 will be sold at grand Jury free actess, but with acid indiscaiion causes aaa and pres- The subcommittee placed at $1.- Karachi, Pakistan-—(iP)---^ Hie moved tnto threatening position this... meeting. Also, since_ this sni- pains. Turns neutralize stomach .95 .95 the itlpulatlon that the files not 267,200 th* fee's and profit! col­ WMtem European nations have legislative assembly of Pakistan’s last night. — ■ ■ month Is tho last opportunity to sourness almou before it-suns—with- 841 MAIN be removed from the committee's lected by or sttn du«rto Casey and not done enough nor are they do- Club Chianti took second place fcccome a PTA member, it is urg­ out risk o f Gcid reboaod. They contata New York staff office. V- rich Punjab province bordering ao bakioff »odR or ocher water soluble ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ two companions for lining up a Ing «n o^ h . K they yrant the aid of India have adopted a new tenancy with 3,824 points, only 18 points ed that non-members sign up at aeriea of ahlp deals. the United Statea they have got • behind first place holders, Mori- this meeting. elkeltcs to over-elkalize. Tbei's wh/ More than 12 million Hindus and to help themaelvee. law limiting landlords to reten­ anlltont elwftfs cerry Tums—for top« The group named tha two others tion of a maximum of SO acres of arty’s Painters. Chianti Jumped A social hour following the pro­ speed relief. £et 1 or2 Turns after meeTc Moslems took part in. one of his­ as Robert w. Dudley, a Washing­ —Sen. Tom Connelly, from eighth place after the ISth gram has been planned with fifth Of over*iodulgcnce In eating^ f tory's greatest population ex­ cultivatable lands. C h o i ton lawyer, and Joseph W. Rosen­ Under the land reform law^-- session to fourth after the 18th grade mothers serving as hos­ smoking or drinking brings acid dis* ce es changes following the partition of baum, whose share was receivad in We muat first prove that we can, and third after the 17th and 18th. tesses. tress, fceep Turns handy—eat like India and Pakistan in 1M7. one of the most advanced In Pak­ candy. Get a roll today. the name of his Washington law or our own free will, produce istan-feudal landlor<(s' are de­ Larsen's Feed, third place hold­ firm. Dudley and Rosenbaum are unity and stsadfaatneaa of prived of the right to eject ten­ ers, will approach the lost session Kk, Fsclagt 25c awaiting trial on perjury charg­ cow age to match the fanatioiam ants at will without reasonable Tuesday with 3,817; Coughlin’s C h bice of Colors! ea growing out o f a grand Jury in­ Deaths Last Night S,"YsCri M d enforced unity of Communist excuse. It seta the'division of Service, 3,790: Jack’s Ail Stars, Fabulous Foam Rubber*. . for greater comfort , . lasting vestigation of allege! influence dlctatoraihp. produce between tenant and land­ 3,760;, Johnson’s Paint, 3,755; peddling in government loa n . luxury! Choose from,THREE STYLES. In. Sofas . . and our lite-as-a-fcatherr A^bthnui —<^5. iW ight IHsenhower^ lord at 80' per cent for the tenant, Schendel's Oil, 3,713; Hose Co. No. B.V THE ASSOC7ATER PRE.«»S THREE STYLES In Chairs! Mix .them or match them to - Dudley,- who- testifled-at'-a- heav­ in' pjir 'rshT-fnV'IKe 'la'iidlnrir ‘ " 1. 3,691; Hood's - MHkv 8,809; TUMtrOMtHItWUlif >-our- heart’s content! CHOICE OF TEN STUNNING ing yeslefday, confirmed~ Oie '■fig- ~ New York—Mrs.Xouia Cald- Acting Just happens to be my I^njab provincial officials, esti­ 4XXXX.'T5gr- well, one of the first newspaper -eOfcORSt- urea. profession. I could live veiw mated more than 500 landlords are High scorers last night were beautif ully - detailed Sen. Mundt (R-SD). a nnember 4XXX with 124 points, and Cough­ women to cover criminal courts well without IL I have no ambi­ affected by the land reform aet. in New York, serving ns a reporter of the subcommittee, told Dudley tion. 1 ve never had the mcesage. lin's Service, 1 ^ . Why Mff»f wh«ii such fees to lawyers dealing with for the old New York World for —Marlene Dietrich. eowwSinf wll helpi "harried little bureaucrat’ in the 25 years under her. maiden name LAND SURVEYING and awson D e s i A y«g| Aftor y«ur' old IT. S.'' Maritime cammlaslon of Mazie Clemens. I don’t think he (Preaident Tru­ CIVIL ENGINEERING ^ •YWE*>im Imiv« seemed to present “an unwhole­ Ham Cbmmon, England—Sir Exactly as illustrated,... Tailored In. deluxe , decorators- NYLON BATISTE BLOUSE 4lm%im94 man) knows himself (whether Ellington, -Lyohel Tollemache, 88, Britain's m Ailhnf some situation." Mundt said he he will run again, but) he la hsv- Matelaase with FOAM RUBBER Cushions; fringe base, deep, oIde.st baronet. Edwend L. Davit,~Jr.' loungy coll spring construction! Comfort Plus . , for your •weHteyeunelf wanted more light on what Influ­ ing the time of hla life deluding fm rmvftt NM miy ence was brought to bear on them. CIRCLE The Friendsnlp Class of EUIing- Manha.ssct, N. Y. — Einar Registered OvU Engineer and home at thrilling savings! H hivdftlf «»•. the reporters. Kumm. 50. Importer and manag­ Houston H. Wasson. Morria'a - ton Congregational Church met at Land Surveyor New York law partner, la'slated —Sen. Paul Douglas, TODAY aad TOMORROW the home of Mrs. Agnes Kibbe of ing director of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the CHAIRS SOFAS A s t h m a MSKS' to follow Mrs. Konow to tha wit­ f t was Maple street Monday night with 15 Proctor Road, Manchester. Regional security . . . can he 18 members present. Plans were United States of America. Bom ness stand. Yo w e b "I'LL NEVER , ft L 7015 [ If yaw are a m t r a f made for another public card par­ in Bwedeh." Chairman Hoey (N., N. C.) said arranged now. We cannot tales Ann plaaM brief .In yaur nabuUtar tar fraa global aecurity measurea becaiwe ty, the tentative date being March Wasson’s testimony on negotia­ BLYTH FORGET YOU" $ 6 9 5 5 $ 1 4 9 . 9 5 5.98 baeactlan an. wrvfclnf. tions with Casey’s group in behalf of the vSto power o f'th e Soviet 18. Some new members were taken of some Chinese-financed ship Union. We cannot put teeth into into the cla,'!s. Arthur DruR Stun the United Nations. Pius: Williain HoMcrt in The A B C group of Women will buyers may determine whether “Submarine Command’* LIBERAL KEITH TERMS! 942 MAIN STREET Morris also will be called. -Philippines President Elptdio arrange another community sup­ That unmatchable creator of blou.<olicy i* that gta SATURDAY United States should not Act to en­ Marlborough - r . -usttally found'only in expensive livin" room pieces. ^ • . washes as quickly as a - large the war. You'll like this graceful, rounded arm period design, Its heavy fringed base! handkerchief , . and ha.8lthe look 2. 'The talks might ‘ break off Mrs. Samuel Dancause is agaha |Of expensu’ev olegant liiiei) I Everv-^ with a Communist offensive aim ^ ■'Mt HriMwa' ‘ f>iP TTiit»'A<4' :: _ _ ta,charge of the annual Red jCross ' AirtYwig ' ifie unttuci rtSOX/IXe --rampatgrrwhtch ..BtartB-ttrtrr out of their present entrenched . 'riiie local Grange has been in­ CHAIRS "SOFAS" 1 Kore skirt with its huge pbidtet and positions. Gen. Ridgway ia r e c i t ­ vited to neighbor with Hebron hand.some leather belt! Buv it. in 7f- - <■ our crisp, cuts ed to be confident that his posi­ Grange ’^esday evening. several colors in .sizes lO-SO. tion i* so strong that he'could 1 0 9 A large crowd of local and out WHIRLAWAY ! smash such an offenaiv* at ter­ of town people attended a show­ rific cost to the enemy and m i^t ing of National's new Saratoga $ 6 9 - 9 5 $ 1 4 9 9 5 thereby start the Reds Calking Home oh Saturday and Sunday. r t. *■ black magic • coppar DRESS peace more earnestly, Even in the T h e model ranch style home Is on face of a ground offensive^^ the by Kate Greenaway . the Lakeridge Estates tract a Keith Budget Terms '• forest green • wisteria administration would taks the'line short distance from the Marlbor­ Our Cotton moire* charm- that the war should be confined to ough Four Comers. •.spring navy .* tea aqua er has a twlrly tiersd * Korea, under present policy. Mr. and Mra.' Carl Larsoh of skirt, a sweetheart necK- , 3. .The talks might cotlapae un­ Glastonbury and Mr. and |Mrs. • platinum,gray line . . . and its own lit- ~.S der a terrific drive by the Red* Jarnes Ryan of HarUord were-call- BTORE HOURHr Closed Wednesdays at Noon. . . Open The Balance Of The Week From $ • sky blua Ue noeegay. Buy It in gold making all-out use of their air aa •rs here the first of the weel^., A. M. Until 6:80 P. M. . . And For EXTRA Shopping Hours For The Entire Family We Are .. FREE PARKING In Keith’s Private Parking Lot Adjoin­ •r blue! ^ well aa land power. In that avant jSchools here opened Monday ing The Store. .NO .METER PARKING In The Entire a policy which has been on the oon s S * V ssq s aaUBi aa morning tor the third term. Block Just Sonth. Open A Budget Account For All Your II United Nations books In Korea for ' ‘ OPEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 P, M. ' Purchases! aises 1 to 8 -O . «s4kls/u t b i l l ------• Mrs. Robert Porter and daugh­ L a year would probably be put in­ ters. 'Miss Virginia and' Miss 3.98 to effect. It provides that, should h lit tfjgyW 8 JW8UI Roberta,' spent last week ih New Communist air attacks, thraaten York City. the aecurity of the United Nations sizes S-8x forces, the United NitUons msy $100 FOB DOG BITE . 4.98 strike back at the launching baaea. New Haven, March 6 —(P)-'- OF MANCHESTER Thoee boSee are on Chinese terri­ Oommon Pleas Jourt Judge Ray- tory. north of the Yalu riVer. mpnd J. Devlin put a $100 valua­ Allison said that while the Unit­ tion on a dog’s bite yesterday. He fllA 1 Alt-iffOOV 841 M AIN ed Nations do not want to broaden awarded that amount of damagM FO R FINE the war, they also are detemiincd ' to Raymond Rudolph of Weat Ha­ K e itti^ s net to pay such a price for peace, KniTTino mills KlOttIb unuw SAT. MDTINEr ven who was bitten in the abdo­ aa would reward the Reds for hav­ men two years .fgo, when be was 1115 MAIN ST. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL ing a«art*d th* coaflet in th* first Starts A t S P. M. Oea* Aatry (Weatata) 00318328 CONNi btaOpM A tlO t eight years old. .’Die dog’s owners, plae*L Tarteena, Raea Bael, Toys Julius G.^ and Ann Wpedtke of West Haven have to pay the dam­ ■ V ages. }Em Tji*; ,r< ■ / V-:V W. ' .4' .

.-V- fACtrom M ANC^STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH S, 19S2 - t r h^al>liWgHE8TEB EVENING H m L P . MARfCBESlM t. BCBm., W E l^ to D A Y . MARGH- 1952 'iauiv liiiWi Jtsaum pAm p—as tniUy, steais tn m m BriUah tbs Dependables. Tbis comas in English Girl Flies Atlantic in Death Race ~^ontention that Dulles prosoiaed Veto’ Activities recognition of hie outstanding Announce Names The quake, officially named U. S. Backs mat tha U.8. would adtrtaa Jppaa record in the production and qual­ Captaio Leaves $liip~4ii port "Earthquake off Tokachi” was not to ditciiaa traatlaa with Ctiiang Drop at Center ity a t life insurance wftttan dur­ O f Veb. 29 Babies Sim’ s Rays Rush Relief centered 48 miles o ff Hokkaido lanes fCM-shek*a NatiopaUat Odiiaaa ing 1881. This la the fourth time and some 60 miles below the CAR POLiSHtP foveramant until after tha iJapa- ha haa qualiflad ainca Joinlag t)ie oeeax’a surface. ------5 MIGs B r ita in in neaa treaty was approvad. A total a( MS uute _ toamanv hi 18481 Tba Bon bora to I t . and Mrs. Heat Home ______r; . - J Tha traaty haa baan aignad, but taeted tba vutemaa aarvloa ^ S T S m e is at 88 PltUn street. William F. Flynn of 88 Mdga Into Japatt '>nEvi'''Riui^8^^ aceordlng to tba bsntac5i Fall time pasitlM with • General Motors nenTear deal- |iaa npt.'yat been approvad by'tba ^Mt-ta aaMCUted with the New York. March 6—>—New IT, A Saaata and abpw othar r a p ^ aubmittad to the atrasi, Friday. Fab. 88, la Messo- In 30 Minutes erahip. dap week, conpaRy paid hospitalizattan,^ Malay W ar H .' Love Agency of »4al Wd f ieal, fcaa earih shocks—believed in the countriaa. g «M n l manager by Lao L. Y e R ^ 'PWBp5M»“'«]^' Japan Irela^^re vacation with pay. Apply in person to: F r ^ MeDnxio. Tha Japanese govammant al- dtaaetor ad t e eantar. David John Plynn. 'Mrs. Flynn (Cairfiiined from Page One) (OMtiaiied (roai fiNP Om ) (Oouttened frsus Faga Ona) Inauranoa and OI loans ware reoonded hp. seismographs last raady baa bagua preliminary peace prior to her marriage waa Iflas night and todip. tba causae c i meat questions tbs Continue Cases Jean Robtnsaii. RN, d a i^ ta r of By MART E. PRIM « Reds have b tion, Achsaon said the U. 8. Tbs 108 vstsrans wbo soi^t of Trieste. 155 CENTER STREET— MANCHESTER nese Communist government. Jsmslca Plain, Maas: Uautsnaat nology rsaearch associate, makes -tidal wave were smaU considering Ttiesday. live fighting grAupa, which now ”notad with interestT-n recent pol­ bdvles during tbs month of fwb- Tba casqa a t Charles Dowd, 88, Flynn has been serving with the tbs sun’s energy worit for bar all The Rev. Joseph P. Lynch, Fdrd- The U. S. Eighth’ Army com­ comprise 502 mobile columns.” icy statement by the British con­ ruary taprsssnt a drop of fu r ■ year round. ,, the quake Was oge o f the most hsm seismologist, said a shock of munique reported only light pa­ NO n o w s PUBOOB fonaaciy of Manchester, and Mrs: Second Armored Dlvlsioa in Oer- Churchill said all members o f this tained in a directive to Templer, from tbs number wbo contacted msny Since Iast.Bummer. In winter she hesU her house in severe in the world in the 30th fairly severe Intensity occurred at trols and probes across the front. hMue-atatloiu^ force Vare .now Acheson gRld:...... WaahingtoMr Marek B — — tba Qgles -bdJbiwmy:—^ ttma.-Oib8b» 48, uf 14 PaUIIMd century. He credited Japan's tidal 4.38:36 a. m. (ea.t.l. He estimated M The Flynn baby was one of three Dover, Mess., Iw ^ra^phig and Temperatures ranged from 13 to Mppltad with rifles, maohlnegnus "W e are heartened'by the Feiter- Secretary of State Acheeon told street, w u » cemtUusd in Bolton Storiilg sunlight. Last summer she wave alert system with holding it was 7,800 miles-awhy, about 33 degrees (F). TWal .ftiafalla flight fftr l)(na_atJbbjQMLbgi{i^.„aR_lb^ - •WSt6 ammuttitlcm.'':______tton to l the House today no troop-commit' lumeiFout a revolutlonaryAypa o f down casualties. Within 15 min* 3,000 miles south o f yesterdav’s 'The heavy cruiser U .'S . S. St. . C%urchlU said that Vif war defeat Communist terrorism, in manta were made during' the rsK one week for a diepoaiUon. Trial 39. The son bom' tb Mr. and Mrs. utes of the quake all coastal vil­ Insurance Work Barney T. Peterman of 444 Wood-, solar distiller that changed sea quake. That would place it in the fhiu!, aided by a spotting plane, A LOAN FROM gho'uld come it will be with violent Malsys, an alien' movement which cent talks between President Tru­ Justice Jidm A. Swanson presided. water into'^raah drinking water. lages were warded of the impend­ Philippines area, destroyed at least three bunkers ..._g|)eed.and.8ttddameaB;'andJiere. at for nearly four years has. conduct­ man and Prime Minister Church- Both were arreated in connec­ land street has been namad Bar­ ~ Instead of sea, oU burner or ing-tidal waves. ------Trieste observers recorded a'-and -damaged eight- on the- east borne with almost all our regular ed a deliberate and vicious cam­ Ul. I ' Wins New Honor tion with an after-hdurs raid 'on ney Ttaureton Peterman, and the steam pipes, Dorar house is Plaae Drops Biaaheta ^ rlfock St 11.01 p. m (e.8.t) last‘toast. Mantelll'e OriU la Bolton, Feb. 15. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. WUUam armies overseas we must rely to paign to disrupt the life o f the He said IM was acting on direc­ kept cozy throi the n W Eng­ Salto reported residents of the night and expressed belief it was Task Force 77 pilots scored 1Q2 P 4 an unusual extent on the 'home Dowd, tha . bartender, is charged Preston of 74 Avondale road has land winter by stricken area were calm. in Japan. cuts in the battered Rod rail ey.s- country end retard its political tions from President Truman. Max A . Bangs of Msnebestar, ined heat from pmemsl tttemioo. guard.” with aalUng liquor after hours and been named Mary Elisabeth. < the aun. The Governor of Hokkaido flew Icm. Other claims included 28 it vev on CAfU VMJ A tri and economic development. Acheaon’s statement was in the reprsaebtative for The Connecti­ Mrs. Qrasso is charged with vlo- -if YOU on prompt lervice. As soon as Britain has the mod- “ We welcome the statement The dwelling, pa in ty red like over the damaged area tn a plane small boats, 13 trucks and on e! 15 Met. IDMas. am equipment he added “ n'e form of a letter to Speaker Ray- cut Mutual. Ufa Insurance -Cbbi- lathm of the liquor laws. If the atmosphere did not rotate -A YOU on a paymem 'dtie to that this objective Is not to be 'bum (D., Teit.) It answered a eld bams of the region>. looks like which dropped 900 blankets to the locomotive. ahould have available for service pSay in this area, was raeantly Tba cases been continued with the earth there would be a homeless and leaflets to isolated High Priced Coffee fit your payday. $271.29 $316.47 achieved by military action alone House resolution requesting "full notified by tha borne office in the. traditional New England salt- Asked how badly the locomotive aibroad and at home a total of 22 from Feb. 19. State Police of Col­ constant weateriy- wind of 785 areas telling them help was on the It’« “yss” to 4 out of 5 em- III 403.08 .475.80 and also by an imaginative and and complete information with re­ Hartford that ha has quaUflsd for box' house. But the second sfory la was shot up, one pilot said, "M ay-! fhvlslons.” chester Barracks conducted' the miles an hour at 48 degrees lati­ made up of iO-foot high wlh^ws wa,''. . be the Commies can still use the ployod man, women st Thuewi/. Abevg poymenti cover tvoryrhingi progressive policy o f aaelzling the spect to any troop commitments. the company’s honor orvinisstlon. raid. tude. Proves Expensive Como In, write, or phone todoyl A loon of $100 cosFi $20i50 wKen tlburcblll said these would be through which the sun is lured'and General Matthew B. Rldgway bell" pFemoHy repaid U 12 eonsoculitr* combat 'divisions and would have diverse peoples of Malaya toward offered all necessary aid from his menthlr intFoMmenfi of $10.05 Deeb. the lo ^ e r range objective—that of trapped In sir ducts. \ . First Mnrtrie Air Wing pilots $H le $SM *^a much more complex character forces to Prime Minister Shigehi Singapore— — Beating the Oe llieetwe Slene (Conb.j forging In due course a United and The solar energy is blown, concentrated their Are on Com­ than an3Hhlng known in the late through the ducts to first-floor Yoshids. He put his own plane at price ceilings in this British col­ munist bunkers. They claimed . war and a cpnsiderable proportion Pvt. Richard Vlner, 19, West Campton, N. H., talks with his English self governing Malayan nation the disposal o f the Premier . if ony can be an extensive business. at least 43 destroyed or badly ceeM w rn rwar iistt re sav vte- r which will have the choice Storage bins whidh contain huge would be arihored.” bride-to-be, Dora Oow, 20, lifter'her arrival at Boston airport on last / quantities of chemicals piled to the Yoshids wanted to visit Hokkaido. The proprietor of a small cafe damaged. ' j . , The. debate wyi be, PH'Je.d, tonight lap of flight from Iy>ndon for a w ading in New Hampshire tq fulfill of remaining within the Common­ celling in five-gallon cans. Ridgway expressed “a i n c e r e In a Singapore amusement park m i m a l FINANCE C a wealth. • with a vote on. a labor motion of 'dylhg,WlSh of'Viher’s mother; The Couple left for West Campton There are 4,275 gallons of the sympathy , for sll Japanese fami­ was fined $133 for charging 20 -The natives of, Uganda, Africa, 2nd Heer e MRVtS tUllDINO non^conddence In the ability of where the''wcdding is planned for Marcit.8 before Viner's ailing mother. Tha British dispute with DuUes, lies overtaken by yesterday’s disj- .cents for a cup of coffee. The max­ now live in reclangular stone and •04 MAIN n a in (.over WMlwerfli't) MANCMSm, CONN. —(AP Wirephoto). . \. ehemicsl—an inexpensive sodium C ^ t. WiHlom R. Thomas o f Philadelphia. Injur^ skipper o f Liberty the govemhient to Carry out the leading framer o f tba Japanese • compound—used over and over to aater” and. told -the' Premier- "to- imum controlled price for -a cup of wood homes: rather t-hnn-in rode WM 3420 * «*H(e I; Jeoliln*; VM-MANoter— ' ^ rearih'alrhent 'plans'. 'Th> Cohserva-, Ship Raeiiiil 'JabKiibn, la Carried from the vessel aft'e'i* it reached port in let me khow of anything I can do.' release the solar energy and pro­ New Tork.\Thomas, who was thrown 40 feet by “the biggest wave 1 coffee is about one American dime. beehive thatch dwelling.s. I u rwdeiti •< III niTMRdiiit Inm — tives are expected to stay in office' sEreet; Mrs, Alice t-ee, Andover; vide c’omfortable temperatures by an easy margin. have seen aince 1933.” directed ship to port despite ankle fracture arm Mrs. Angcline DeSimone, 73 Oak wicz Jury throughout the house. Dr. Telkes Churchill commented that cook like Miat. . . lacerations and fractured ribs. Ship which left Norfolk, Va.. Feb 28 street; Mrs. Gladys Esten, 52 Earl calls is the “heat of fusion” meth­ with cargo for Holland was damaged by heavy seas March 1. “there Is no potential hostile .sur­ street. face battle fleet afloat” but ifevir- SlillNot Complete tastes like ariat... od of solar radiation. the less the navy is making prog-' DISCHARGED TODAY: xMr*. The Solar heating apparatus cost Angela Raffa and daughter,' 17 ■------\ 13,000 to. install. But the upkeep Ironies research at the Westing- Dr. Telkes said she is unmarried . ress in defense against submarines Huntington street; Mrs. Florence ; and mines. Hartford, March S— —^The Is virtually nothing. The slight ex­ house Laboratories in Pittsburgh. but declines to disclose her age. Ashwell and daughter, Rockville; first ntoeder trial In Hartford pense is for three ordinary electric She has been at M-I-T- since She said she has been interested Mrs. Ann Druge and son, 54 Eld- county since the legislature made GENTLY CURVED fans which pick up the heat rays 1940 as research associate in the aince high school days in scientific ridge street; Mr.s. Patricia Slack, from the winodws and blow them department of metallurgy.' Drigi- work, particularly in the possibil­ 763 Center street; Mrs. Ruth life imprisonment an alternative Mint Hospital Notes ^ through the air ducts. nally she worked through thb In­ ity of using sunshine for heating West, 631’North Main street: Mrs. sentence to death In the electric' Saves $156 stitute's Solar Energy Foundation and for power. Vera Ford, 29 Overlook drive; 'Vi­ chair went into its second session Dr. Telkes has lent the house to on solar distilling research that Patleata Today ...... 142 ola Lawton, RrjCkyillc; Miss Eliza­ RAYON SUIT today in Superior Court. . Dr. Anthony Nemethy, her cousin, the Government developed as ap­ 81111 8now*hoe Champs ADMITTED YESTERDAY: beth Oreenwbod; ,RFD 2. Manches­ a consulting engineer. His wife and paratus for life-raft use in the war. D avid' Mitchell, A.ndqver; Loren ter; David Deyorlo, .30 Liberty Accused of first degree murder Red small son find the house complete­ She believes solar distilling could Perry, 38 Irving'Street; Frederick street; Mrs. Marguerite Crandlo- was Frank WoJcu'Icwicz, 34-ycar- Durham, N. H. (iPi—Although ly comfortable even when the tem­ mean immense prosperity for arid, the snowshoe events, once domi­ Pennino, 79 Lenox street: Mrs. mlre; Mansfield Center; McCiuin old ex-convict, who, gaunt and perature drops to freezing. He es­ tropical lands. Says she: Amelia Brennan, 88 Hlllinrd baby girl, 145 St. John street. pale, lay quietly on'an ambulance nated by the University of New timates an average $150 saving in "Places in ^outh America pafi Hampshire athletes, were dropped street; Loretta ^ y d , 41 Orlftin .stretcher tn the big. center court­ >fuet bills.------llcuiarly'Perii. that haven't enough_ , from the winter sports.program in road; Mrs, :7Arlyne Grilltn. 38 room of the county building. Dr. Telkes’ method stores up North Elm street;. Robert M. Far­ water would benefit. It doesn’t 1 IntercoJIegiate competition ' 15 Iiic’piiie Tax IVIpii , From time to time he would enough heat to keep the house matter how dry it is. The hotter, years ago, the Wildcats are still rell. 206 Center street; Miss Ruth turn, his head to speak In a, low warm for 10 days without sun. She Leonard, Bclchertown, Mass.; the sun, the dryer the air. the more 1 proficient in their use. John Skef- ir' voice to'Public Defender James D; said the Boston area is about as drinklng water the (lolar still will fington. a freshman at UNH, John. Abraitts, 58 North street; Extend Schedule Cosgrove, who is representing him. M int S tick re­ Mrs. Belle HagenoW, 395 High­ far north as this.type of heating produce.’ cently won the world’s 440-yard A deputy sheriff guarded him. could be used satisfactorily. MY MOMMY'S REALLV SMART,.. land street. - by R*88lir aaBibia ATH The process also gives a valu­ dash title on snowshoea at the in­ With the lines of local taxpay­ Mrs. Wojculcwicz, stylishly at­ The attractive Budapest-bom able by-product—salt. ternational convention at Man­ Ke«p Baby Warm ADMITTED TODAY: Arman.I tired but dcawn-Iuoking, sat in a 'CUZ SHE GETS MORE TOR LESS Charest, 127 Summer street; Rob­ ers ill need of help ronialning long blonde sadly admitted little Inter­ Reluctant to talk about herself. chester, N. H. far corner, alone. est in solar heating hereabouts ert McConnell, 92 Bissell street; and the time before live deadline Freahem your lips with iha coe) AT GRAMTS. GRAMTS BUYS Arthur English. 115 Parker street; for mailing the income tax forms Wojcurewlcz was paralyzed from right now. Conventional New Eng­ IN W O O L! QUALITY IM QUAMTITY. Ralph Fayle, 5 RIdgownod street; getting'short, the threes Internal the waist down last Nov. 5. in a Uite of miatl A wonderful clear, , landers may" be apathetic. But Mrs. Ellgabeth l/ing, 8 Keeney Revenue Bureau men at the Muni­ burst of gunfire, at the A. Y. O. bright red. .. is AyeifMI indeli. those in other parts of the coun- trj’ .whq-Jiear of the heating nov­ atreet:-M fA. Alida Nellson, Nor-: cipal, Building have .amiounccd an Packing.. ..Cpnipaiiy. plant,.. New ble for a hitUons;' Ivnly, iadeH^ man street. extended schedule. Britain, which also ended the lives elty through her lectures are not. Coot sw eater. Dainty kond jifn' BERTH jnESTERDAYirJCiamr :_li&rY_Eatet.t«KbrX--UtcX-:WttL7.Wock of Polwe 8gt: -VVtlllam-J.-Gr»heek ^ big imprmins, Abe iS -Miat _.AIahy .'write .'tiilier'i^^ Z~ltrig4i'h^~3L~L'MHoa3ir8uHr-^ to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGreg the two Saturdays before the tax and William Otipka, a bystander. Row. 1.2S pluo laz. One correspondent suggested a ho­ (le.idllno. March 8 and 15, from tel be ■ built in Tokyo 'and heated or. I l l Drive B. Tile state charges that Wojcule- Cwte beret. so% »ooi. % coi- DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 8:15 until 4:4.5, In ad so'nr energy. 30 Barbara Burnham, 54 Strickland will extend their workday on and offire till and was trying to JI7.98 Dr. Telkes thinks it could be ton. Port on lop. 3 ^ ^ SAVE to 30% ...O ne Week ONLYI Street; Linda Mae Puifnrd. -68 March 14 to 9 p.m. escape when he shot and fatally ARTHUR done. HE PREFERS Woodbridge street; Frank Stahl, T3ie three men from the Internal wo\mded tiie other two men. . She confessed her main research Smiggle booties. asm« f v 81 Knighton street; Mrs. Hazel Revenue Bureau are \Vilfred Dii- Today’s prospect was for an- DRUG STORE Interest just now is distilling. Tio4 with o MOlckinp kow. chesneau, Warren Uubehbauer and To Dr. Telkes goes the credit Double thick TRAINING PANTS Sheehan, 'yemon Trallei; Park; other session devoted to oelecUng 942 MAIN St r e e t Mrs. May LeClalre. 140 Bissell Marvin Baker. a jury and two alternates. of improving the solar distiller— used in.a crude form back in 1880 PAINTS - ENAMELS - VARNISHES 3*|Biaia sate Cop, twtotnr. boelini. Soft, absorbent knit cotton .with flot lock —by lifting it off the ground and V tiich V oii U S 'o' OH # seams. Ribbed knit teg bonds, m e O Insulating it. . Royon lolin trim. Reand. 2 ” Spofnsored by the Pacific Sci­ Triple thick' crotch. 2 to 6. "5 ence Board of the National Re­ 08 soon in Charm search Council, she devised a 200- squarerfoot solar still on the Co- McGILL-CONVERSE, Ihc. ...and ours olonol hasset (Mass.) sea shore. Fifty 645 MAIN STREET—TELEPHONE 6887 Our 'Bouncing Baby' DIAPERS Cofossalo^r! feet long and four feet wide, the LAY-AWAY NOW for EASTER still was the biggest of its kind 8*tro soft, extra absorbent Birdseye diopert. ~ |i>> ever bulU in this country. r It was raised from the sands on Top quality cotton Cellophane A A rf stilts and topped with triangular wrapped. Package a# 6. glass covering. The general effect TODDLERS’ DAINTY was like a combined hothouse and i m i m s T O R E s seaside pier. Seawater placed in M ciou s the distilling pan is heated by the BON TON COnONS C hem sun and its vapor is condens^ in- T.V. STYU . , 'Toylnnd' RECilVING BIANKET to distilled water.' j AUTO • ii jO i '' junior Dr. Telkes found that the flat- Cuddly, washable-cotton flannel blankets type distillers caused waste, of ABIAL with assorted stripe, borders. aa nearly half the sun's energy, as I in D iaja ____ Size 30 X 40. Soft baby postals._____ ^ ^ Sure target for compUmente. . . this stunning dress the heat escaped into the ground that brings you lop fabric liewa . . fioity rayon denim, bn which the pan rested. The new- type Cohasset distiller produces 44 CARRIERS \ spiked with removable white collar and cuffs gallons of drinking water from sea HOIDS fastened with a Jumbo rhinestone sparkler. S29.98 water. NUNazni Wash wonder broadcloths Royon PLASTIC4IN ID PANTS Navy or black. Sizes 9 to 17. A pre-World War II graduate of OP POUNtS end frothy organdies. the- University of Budapest, she .. jihoolh, wotar: came to this country to Ido elcc- •ARA«I The broadclothn are high proof plostic. Bfoomer stylo, ntlNtlOM count, the organdie* perma­ Sm, med, Ig, Xlg. White, postefs. nent finish. Lovely stj'les, sweet color*. 1 to Sx. ARTHUR ASttSTOSiiNit numcHu iu n Kb 21 FT. REPAIR KIT KDAL ^ DRUG STORE POK' » AU ^ PAPS SEE more GRANT VALUES 942 MAIN STREET SUP CAtS ICONTAIHU w a w Fits-perfectlje Into-youraciiva life t The Jacket:=wltir I SWITCH PAIK smart double flaps at the hips— is a beautifully - - TH«H MUCHTf ij r f itAG«ANC£Sl shaded ombre stripe . . . and thS'collar-echoes tha- pmewoNoepfui cominatioss SUCTIOM CHROMI SWAN. solid skirt. In versatile gray or tan for spring and CUR HEEL ORNAMENT summer living. Size^lO to 18. 'WEE WALKERS' ASH PAD L O O K I Gowns ond Kimonos TRAY for growing feet! Cloud soft cotton flannel, with -D- ■ double stitched seoms. Commanded by Consumer Hond embroidered trims. 9 9 * ’ WINTER COATS Service Bureau of Parents' Magazine. Grant-bill for SUITS AND DRESSES perfect-fit, comfdM. W hile. L o o k ! lace trimmed dress FwhS SPAMPlItfiS Soft French royon crepe with 2Vi" ISST SOFT SOLE, cushion 1 1 Q WARM 9UAUTT hem .'3 adorable styles. 'VV, MOHAM sole, elk. Sites 0 to 3. I REDUCED TO COST sA.t WIPSBUiami J.la c e trim. Infqnt sites, ^ . ^:KGLUQJfkME JUWIM^ f WlUtNOIIN o ’Si(MSrcoun.~n — ^G R^BE ter wedge. 2 to I. LO O KI Sheds water! Ponfs - I ^ ' An excellent time to buy and SAVE!, f i - • I ' .Water-repellent 'combed cotton u ‘ yorn, flat-lock seams.' M ’f u S FAMOUS PEIFUMU Pwntnf In Fnrlt, Endeeflng, Mnk Owl, Worn over diapers. 1-4; 9 / ^ HACK SAW FAN ‘ tin iE GENEEAl* / One Of Our Gorgeous New tlJfr«slM,aaly61g6 eetipt m wrrM BEITS DURAHE ANKUn ^R eamed | BETTY BARCLAYS PM AUCASS L O O K I htted crib sheets Sizes 9 to 15 noM Every glassful of cottage cheese COTIACE I Sanforized, fine quality cotton. features a "Big Top” TV circus figure! only $8.98 EURESmiU only Fils regular moltresses. AM j You’ll enjoy every srhooth, AMOU N eeds no ironing. White. # creamy mbr.iel of pure, wholewmc C H i i S f i Royon ploHad over sturdy Scaliest Cottage Cheese. SRue I COIOONE STICKS cotton for smooth finish. Iranliif In Parity Endanrlnf, Msk Owl. And you’ll enjoy using the glasses - SI JO rnliM. aely 81-66 ' While, postals. 4 to 6*/^. later for jraur favorite beverage. 1.. Be sure you get Ute whole set of six Circus OlasseA Start today. AT YOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR H O M Nylen rtMerced tee, Iwtl Oet Sealtest Cottage Cheese from your long wreoring. Mercerized store or have U delivered to your door. VISN MSPCNSB . cotton, fancy cuff. d ld S d Colerfasl. 4 to 6'A- A T W l N I N SU R A N C E I?'? on prasenfaNon of Oet the be*t-:-fet SEALTEST. NYANT t ClUnilUN-R. C. MIUIR 8RII ™ in iniurancR policy tipnod by doctor. DOX 0 8 8 KFWSNINO COlOONn NinNIX^ 8»ssls| In fork. Endwsrinf, Mnk Owt. PT. SIZE SI JO walwa, aaly 6i JIm “xisoitT' AHsdMtshsiar 681 M AIN 315 TRUMBULL ST. 815 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER HARTFORD W.T. GRANT CO. « ’

■ \ PAGE SIX tCHESTEH EVENING HEEACD. ICANCH^SnSR. CONN, W EDNM AT. MARCH B. 19S2 KANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. GONNi. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6. 19S2 T — ■ 1 later, has beei I eugageJ for ths o» Bm fC ' P h i'll' Taaiaiaf' " Aaadeia-' an aaalitant professor in tho oloc- aide as chairman and wiU have as caateu. Muale .tion, read eomparativs Hginys of Weems Ea Estelle trical angtnaaiing department. Degr^ Unit Ends ^tiary Backs Wins Promotioii Trust Gunpiany [ JapancM Hogpltal Dantaged by Qnaka SheatoMaC a^ b a fumlahad by Rockville the acale of wages aa paid by the associate pfflcera: Sherwood To^ VBxight Captain BSataUe was graduated Smith, Harry Thoren, Earl Ander­ Town of Vernon .to their teachera from Manchastar High aohool Mambara of the eommittaa. which and w ages of other localities. Is Made Captain 10 Year Absence son, Amandua Johnion, Herbert NEW PHONE Trip to UN Issues R^hts la kaadid to Pai with the 1058 claaa, and raoelvad Benson and John Poison. Leidoii Diimer Pranda M. lO iisr, 33ie question >yaa asked ae to Ml B. a degree from the Maaaa- A' V _____ ‘ Votei^ Granl^ Mfi. and.Mrs. Sidney E. Estelle ^ N em to rs a t SeSadia Lodge No. RafNakmenta wiU be served hard to make this at|W a auceeea. whether this was a “bonus" (or chusetts Institute a t Tachneloty during a aortal after the meeting. Iroup of High School Warrant* for Addition* Local Pott to Obteme tlehitt may this year, or aa increase In pay of 156 Parker street have received In 1043, and his M. 8. dam s la p i i V.O. of A., WlU once more have Mm of the eommittaa ar $68,900 Total which sraa to b# continued. Abner not|flcaUon from the U. 8. Naval electrical enginaaring from North. ^a chance to wttnaaa* their (ormar JCurrent Affairs Ouh al Shares Reeehred hj bar c< Brodkk of the Board of Elducatlon CaraUnn State CoUega In 194B 5 3 7 - a 2 4 5 3 8 12tb AnniVBrgaty of|; ataUir'tt^t tha amount was for Academy a t AnnapoUa. Md. o f tha dasiOn team after an absanoa of or m ay t o la a member a t Tau Bata PL Itn naorty 10 years when the officers Wilfiess Assembljr loMers Today Didksatioii of Palbfaig boms. this year only, insofar as tha promotion of their son, Weems E. Kappa Nu,‘ American llia tlt^ at T FOR M fistnui UNION IN M ANCHBm ■I 1 Appropriations Include 327,000 sraa concerned. The 337.000 an d-n portion o f tha driU team EateUe, to the rank of captain. He Electrical Enginaen, the IniitttiitO conduct Initiation caremonlas at YOU MUST CALL THISINUM URS «The Current Affaire Club ^ Stockholders of The Maaeberter Judgs William J. Shea of tha m PACO nuA A $27,0^ for Teachers, was then approved by the.voten. la In the Alt' Force and is on duty of Radio Englnaera, and Ah»Hcan BODY The final Item was for 31.500 Society for EnglpaerliuC Educa­ the regular U-monthly meeting to­ Manchester High School has be«n Im st Compahy- today received tupartor Oburt wUl act aa toaat- Chiro, Egypt Mardi S—itv-In ­ aa an instructor at the academy.,. morrow night pt Orange Hall FOR TiniFINIST IN RADIO, TILlViSION. i n mkater at tha annual birthday $20,600 to Appraisers for snow removal. Selectman -Pa- tion. ' tcd a fum of money by the Mm - warranta "entnung them to auh- formed aourcaa said last uidit IM ganl stated that Uw money has Captain Batelle, an Instructor inh ’’Iho Scandla dtgrao team was iLECTRICAL AFFUANCES AND RiCORDS eater Rotary Club for a trip to acrlbe to additional aharea of the banquet of DUworth-Cbmen-Quey persona win go on Mai a week tha department of electrical engi­ Mrs. EateUe was the former extremely active la the period Mat f Poet No. 103, Amwican taghm, on Rockville, March’ff^The apeclal already been spent, due to the Mias Alice 8. Preston, daughter of MASSAGE ^ C A L L ' . S m. United Nations Assembly in bank. Tha Trusb Company at ita from today tai connection with additional roads in the town, and neering, entered the Army In 1943 prtor to the part war, appaswtg Saturday evening. March 15, at 6 ebdro's anti-Brltlah torch riota of town meeting held laat night was and was commissioned a second Mrs. Carrie V. P redton of 21 Lilley York, it was announced at annual meeting on Jan. 33, votad o’clock at tba Liqllon Homs. Judge the number of anowfalla. Mr. street They Mdre two childran, thronkhont tha CbUnactieut dia- (A t ¥ e« r Home) la open meetlt^ of the local club Jah. 33. attended by some 200,resldents pf Brooks spoke again, stating that UautenanLliL-lA4S..Jkttee,.aendag -trletf Maaaachuaatts and Rhode Is­ to ihcreaae the authorixed cwpital Shea la a nwinbar of the local Le­ * Sixty-aevan persons were klllad in the air offenalvd In Europe, the Rdicar, -5; i3UffinM3H; 18^ land. Baoauaa of wcwklng adiad- ad last night at the Country, Club Mock .from 3,000 aharea of $2S par gion poat aatf baa aetad w maator -theTtown of Vernon, who approved Jie felt that, as-85 per cent of the and Uva at Wild Rosa Shores near in tbd ilota and fire damage people in the entire town lived In Normandy Invasion, the BatUe of nias and paraonnel aatarlng (ha ■ discussion Of club business, value to 10,000 aharea slavia and Saudl-Aradia. They tlrely^MnCi^ed with Hamilton Takeg 2 Lives penaes for the ensuing year, Memorial library at 3 o'clock. 4NWM CKCK-ir would.do considerable work on the _ _ Potiuck Supper Kvo been notified of the four Standard pr^ucts. 3371,246, was approved. Edward The speaker will be Mrs. Maurice new list, and one for 317,000. Two “ The Friendly Class of the Union questions on the agenda and nave A native of New York City, Mr. Kuehn, a local attomay, was Wright of Springfield, Maas., who Apply To nOEIITS other bids were expected to be re- Congregational Church will hold a Mready written to the embassies MacTeman, attended New York (Coattaned from Page'OM) unanimously elected a member of w ill talk on "Ora|du>Iogy.” The Apply lo Ponoo celved, and the work was expect­ potluck this evening in the church jff the two 'cOun.trles in Washlng- University snd was graduated the Town Planning and Zoning prealdarit, Mrs. Dorothy Bancroft, T l^ Hohorty, Sopl. nSTLTKnUlf ed to be completed.by Oct. 1, 195i social rooms at 6:30. There will be fen to secure their opinions, ideas from the University of Michigan rear of the adjoining five-story 60- Commission for a term of five urges an members to attend. Mra. HERALD Om CI It was also explained that what-, a business' meeting and social. Bid aolhtiona on the four diacus- with a degree in aeronautical en­ apsrtment building. years. Marguarlta Church, chairman of ever amount was'voted, the Board Mrs. Hattie Kingston will tell, of ' Mon points. gineering In 1939. Immediately on Its occupants had been milling The Wednesday Afternoon Club tha hosteasea, will be aaalated by DEWEY U HMMI .1 3 MsmI St. of Finance expected to divide it her recent trip to Florida. , ' 5 Beginning at 1 o'clock in the aft- his graduation, he joined Hamil­ about the front of the apartment meeting which waa scheduled for Mra. Harry Parker, Mrs. Hazel OolMial Btanl Oa. 4 0 over a five-year period. It was Lenten Service •rnoon there will be a- three-hour ton Standard's engineering depart­ block with" a few belon^ngs in today naa been postponed until Newberry and Mrs. William 415 Poriior Shoot 333 Main street voted that the revaluation as re- Ven. Archdeacon Roman Hard­ sciisalon period. Kach group will ment. In March, 1947, whpn the their hands. Wednesday, March 12, a t Wood Aleshin. Jewetora — Bat I33S-^ — quired by law-be carried out- by ing, will preach topight at 7:30 at S divided Into four committees, division set up a new sales engi­ A number of aged and ill per­ V - professional appraisers and that the evening prayer service at St. ^ c h to.^tnke' rare of one question. neering department, he was trans­ sona were moved to various hopl- the sum of 320,000 be,, appropri­ John's Episcopal .Church. ®ie arguments of the respective ferred to the new section as senior tals. Some refugees were given ated. Women’s Society IN MANY YEARS! Cpuntrles will be presented st that sales engineer to maintain sales shelter, clothing and hot coffee at The sum of 311,000 was voted The Women’s Society of the Unie. At an open General Assem- contact with East Coast and Cana­ nearby Red Croaa headquarters. for the Vernon School after the Baptist Church will meet tonight y sewnon, which will follow, the dian aircraft manufacturers. He Also destroyed were a small explanation that the money will be at 7:30 for its annual birthday has serveit as assistant to A. H. restaurant and a vsllet establish­ party; , • Stual U.N. procedure being used, ment In the front section of the . used for grading the grounds and Miss Clara E. Arts ' e Anal decisions and proposals French, West Coast representstlve theater building, ___ completing two unfinirtied rooms. 8II be offere>l for S))proval.- ' of United Al'rcrsft Service Cor­ The Item of 38,600 for Ihe Miss Clara E. A rt* .^ u g h ^ r of poration, since 1949, -...... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arts, .died -'.„STh« Current Affairs Club has Board-of Education was approved Sunday at her home lii Faiiffeld. Miected eight outstanding seniors after some discussion. She was bom In Rockville. She om Manchester ss delegates to Superintendent of Schools A. E. 8e U. N. Assembly In New York Wapping Chatterton explained that the leaves four sisters, Mrs. L«na id at Hillyer. It hi^ been tcnla- About Town Board of Finance had cut several Morse, Mrs. Adete Koetsch, Mrs. 8vely arranged by adult advl-ors At the annual town meeting Items before the annual meeting, F, Leroy Elliott and Mrs. John ' Members of. Mystic Review, Monday evening a tax rate of 26 Zinker of Rockville; three broth­ lb meet and talk with the dele- .r Inchullrig the amounts for fuel, ers. Paul, Albert and Oscar Arts, gites of the countries they repre- WBA, will meet at the Holmes j mills was laid on 38,480,374, the repairs and alterations. A total Funeral Home, 400 Main street, total of the 1951 Grand List. The of Rockville. Funeral services will Clearance Mnt. The students chosen arc: of 311,900 waa cut from the be held Thursday morning at St. Barbara Bentson. Fenna L _A«t.(io£izfid. 1 . en ter .Into .an. agree-- TOe Homemakers mertlngs ar­ a M m » - ——I t — — . _ STt'Tvafi-afthSimee^ 0 —M itlllnj44 —lltr W IB S F ■flev The first In the aeries of neigh­ Finance to appro,oi late 35,250 to ment with the Highway Commis­ ranged'for'this 'week "by the'Tol­ frig h t has been appointed chalr- borhood Lenten services for pa­ the treasurer's budget for the ele-, sion in regard to town aid funds land Countir Farm Bureau have iaclcc'tfi. ^ ■an of the Barter seal campaign rishioners of the Buckingham mentary school bond interest foi ' for roads when available. It been postponed to March 11 and SOLD NATIONALLY AT $39.95 VALUES TO 334.95 onsored by the -.Manchester Church will be held tomorrow at the year 1051-1952 waa approved. i was Voted to accept the report of 18 due to conflicting engagements, E itary Club for the benefit of 8 p, m. at the home of M.r. and Another item appioved’ waa the I the auditors.' The town was au­ March 11 at Vernon and March 18 &nnectlcut Crippled Children and Mrs. Ernest J. UtZIg of Diamond recommendation of the Board <,f thorized to borrow 350,000 In an­ at Columbia. NOWTI137 Adults, President Harry Maldment Lake, East Glastonbury. The meet­ Finance that the proceeds of the ticipation of taxes. Council To Meet tr>sluced Melvin Hathaway s ing of the Ladles' Aid Society, sale of U. S. Treasury ' bon D, The final Item of 327.000 for the Mayor Frederick Berger will 8siting Rotarian from the Hart- which WHS to have been held this which was authorized In a tov.n teachiera brought another discus­ preside at the meeting of the City ffrd Club, and chose George Fin- afternoon, has been postponed un­ meeting on Jan. 9, be put with sion. Joseph Homelson, who Council to be held tonight at 7 «rll as “Rotarian o( the Week," til Wednesday. March 12. The the general fund to partially re­ stated he represented the Maple o'clock In the council rooms. FAMOUS With a brief resume of his hack- speaker will he Mrs. Charles Gip­ place funds appropriated for J^ound. Mr. Flndelt (a president of son of this town. tha renovation of Union School.. ' 1 the Venetian BllndSi Manufactur- The tbtal of the budgets of ex- BERKRAY JACKETS llig Association of Connecticut. The mid-week Lenten service at 3-ton« utlM , quilt Umd, water Emanuel Lutheran Church will be­ CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS .repellent. Maroon and gray ?Pope Gregory XlTl in 1!182 gin at 7:45 tonight and conclude coinMnattoti,' tan and brown •rdered that October,4 be followed at 8:30. The adult membership POWER CLEANED romblnation. Bizen 84-44. Regu- - October 18 In order to adjust class will meet after the service, f: Ur price 313.05. Se inaccuracy of the Julian calen- also the Dorcas Society and John I. Okon In ihinriirsirr and I ii init\ Emanuel Choir. “One Of Manchester’s Better Performance D in w i.i I.-- .\M) ,' I \ I I 11) NOW $737 Oldest Painting Kirma** i Interior Decorating Famous Atlantic HI-ARC is the gasoline that McKinney b r o s. W s N ew ! Painting gives you the best in fast starting, si:\\ \(.i; \i. i n BUY NOW FOR EASTER Paper Hanging quick getaway, power, top mileage - ) 1 3 0 1*. ,irl M. 1.1. M.m. lu -tcr ."i.iOH It*s Different! the gasoline for all-aroimd better performtoty. .a.Ccunplete.interiar Dec>i^ orating Planning KANCBT-TEX o Complete insurance FREE Coverage FELT BASE RUG by lIRD o Quality Materials and In Dt'coratur CnlurH . . . Harmonizing Workmanship ALL ALUMINUM COMBINATION With The Character Of Any Room — " ■ I . Member Of STORM SASH SCREENS SEE IT TODAY AT For Estimates IK. Longer Life and T E L . 4 3 7 0 COMBINAtlON DOORS Atomic radiation tests have proved—beyond a 74 HENRY STREET 1 MANCHESTER shadow of a'doubt - that Atlantic Aviation Motor Oil PORCHES ----

MANCQ^TER EVEmNG H E I^ D . MANCHESfift, OQNN,* WEDI^i»£>AY. ICABCR 6. 19ST -im. . -e" r'lF /It^CHESm EV^^G HANCHZ^^ b o m than it la to' rtpalf attadu for aalf-danial—aseov to hava dla- een U ylo distribiite toUst artielH sembly to provide for a apecifle apem It front abroad, in Um pro*- appaarad from our aiaka-up. to the vaterEns tbaie. JJnlta in. counting and was an honor student South Coventry Eight Fram Town Judges^nr jtiiy State to Charge intereat charge for teat special Ijocal Students at Mancheater High fichbol, grad-, EATA1 ent instance, tbs Anaiican .way the . rourth Digtrlct tala turns ' O f lata, howavar. 'wa hava bean vMtlng each meath. tax,’’ 'he aald, rather than having uating tn 1961. ' .Ctintitts iirraUi o t Uf« has been defended at home Mn-riidMUMIs tee general tax penalty atetute wondering whether wra are not en­ Bevan tables o f niUtary whist Mnke Dean’0 List Study of Riackets or Late Returns ^ On Honor List • ------— with absolutely no decrease of our titled to the aickly comfort of the CavMrtiy 7 - «m Now Is The xMly. / The f^hteoo river in Venesuela aBuS^n^mvo o5I*me. were in y la y FrWay night la the Connelly aald he felt a rate IS aiMcll ttn «t practical' capacity to defend dt thought that wra hava Iota of com­ vastly o f tha Plret Oongiegathhial has a.mean, depth of 338 feet. M«Bcli*iUr. Conn. New Britain, March 5—Eight <€ •) Ouroniclieukeinia Aid Hem rage Ow) around tee 7J annual IntcYeat ITiree local atudente were cited tioa ■lim riym 6> « abroad. pany. We Jtava been woijdaring la. Pender, chief ward­ Church. Priass were awarded as students from Manchester are in- penalty charges for late corpora­ for high scholanhlp' at Trinity WALTER 5: SSS?SS5; whether wrehava not been suffer­ en ofAde Civil Defenee pragnun in follows: first, Mr. and Mm. W. n a profinim hit a pubUe n t f interest pcnelty chergae- In auch tion tax filings would be fair. O O IN O TO PublUh*r» Bryce Honeywell. > Clarence A- elBded on the Dean's List for the START SEEDS IN By ALTON U III,4KBM.e e AU were bdsed upon cluea College by Dr. Arthur H. Hughqs; way So peirdSf er peiai € _ FooBdbd Octbbtr 1. AgmiMt CormptiiMiT-Bat ing from the treaknfaa of an age. 9e«eatiy, will give « M-minute last week a t Los Angeles when Cincinnati, March 5— A turned up In their main research— the eudttore said. the one "That." be added, “would -equalise n>bb*rslM«fMa«iaoad I BradflMd, Harmon N. Codirane: first quarter at the Teachert. Cbl- .Jw w i t per month interest c h a ^ dean and acting prerident,,y4*rho Wa iU« bagtahlng to doubtibt thgir 'tallIk on the’ progimm tomorrow at 17. S. Judge Xaon It. Ti _ ITKilpnig auma oC~aaMaurjttst ,h4w tee two types ut buBlneaa texeq In u a TW or laoaw. v*M nai Pttbll«b«d ET«rT Eranlnc Eaeapt Jhe best single action that heoana, Mrs. John H. WeeUaiiiC o f CMtoeqUcut, New m taln , A i M « n r general tax penalty law regard to penalty.” released tee Dean's List |«r the Siaaplr l«r soft ntip of e* I Eundayi ud Holld»yA Entered at the anyone believes In making Coventry Orange at the hall In Mrs., Herman P. LeDoyt. Mrs. (dlemlesed one such Jury, originally people,with one form o f chronic healthyIV cceu w grows,gtowa, and exactly •ooM Bppar oc Unnt. Ih* tad k r ' Po»t Ofnc* at Jiahirbaater. Conn., aa could be taken, to reform the In­ college offidals revealed today. FLATS OR IN HOTBEDSi leukemia, the blood what happena to turn the healU^ should have been imposed. This During tee poiM year the unin­ semester which cloaed Feb. 3. iarond Claat Mall Matter iutlona, much less keeping'' them, North Coventry. The talk will fol Harmon N. Cochrane and Mrs. T. fitudento from Mancheeter in- asaembted as a regular panel and would run 12 pef cent on an an­ corporated buslneas tax hauled in They ore Vincent L.' Diana, 86 fectlr. SMty re en*. ' ternal Revenue Bureau following William Graham,. Tha party was It came from - a '20-yoar search cell into a canoer ceU. nuainual basts. oasiB. n res *a4 root pleat, r any more. W e m n bei^ni^ to low the buslnese meeting at 8 p.m. cludod; Penelope Moriahoe, 18 later recalled the district attoiv < Into the cause of cancer, and that By learning that mechanism, '81,860.037 in taxes. It U expect­ Clinton street, EUerd M. Hulbert, Hoaer teck if ■•• coos SraMCRIPnON RATES dUclosures of graft and Influence sponsored by the Couples Chib of Although egreeing to go along Ona Tekr'br.k,-n^ Mall ...... Sll.no think that thlg ta'an age which Mr. Pender’a. talk will highlight UUey street; Francis Pagani, 17H Bay for thp rackets probe. hunt promises far bettw cancer- science then can huUd' more ef­ ed to do better' during the curreht 168 .Oakland street, and Charles te P im ou •IT*®m oouau peer SnietWI .....f ».oo Preaident TYuman took by submit- the church for the benefit o f the Spruce strest; MarilyA Wupper- with tee. auditors’ recommends- rect E. Holier, Jr,, of Bolton.' iSla Montbt by Mall .. kiUera to come. fective drugs that could prevent fiscal year, ' One MHnlh by Mall .. .1 1.00 does nm bailp^ In denying Itaelf- the "Poverty Soolal" program of redacoratlon program. Theta feld, ffl Brookfield atreet; Ann Tankarlch, chlM , Judge for hla tioH; Commissioner ConneUy Con de­ MIsa Rqte Smith, daughter ot • Garage focililiet available BRIMMS PLASTI I INt P Blnsle Cnpy ...... t .05 tmg to die Congress a reorganiaa- the IsKturer'a Hour with Mra. G. will be a similar p ^ y bare March CABBAGE. . . dlatrlct, dukllenged tha session on The drug and research were the capeer process. f H I P I H M S N I N 1 C • ...... - ! •< Weekly, by Carrier ...... I .30 anything,. The idea of “going with­ Marie Hansen. 96 Oedhr street; fending hia department for ita 8 Mr. an^Mra. Raymond W. Smith • Airport bus U epi at our door Uon plan providing for civil serv­ Raymond Johnson 1 a charge. 14 for the same purpose. ^ grounds that it had been put to deacsibed today to the Second Na­ " I f we find the msln principle, past policy On tee subject. A^UiEN HtRT Sub*. Dellrered. One Year S15.00 out" anything that can possibly Marguerite Hlnricks, 140 Summitt ------/, of IQ/Church street, waa named • Grand Centrol and Pehnsylvonia ice selection of the M ooUectors of Other aclections in the program iliers were 12H tobies of set­ street; Mary EUen Moran, 48 aroili by the District Attorney tional Cancer Conference by Or. we will have a line of drug re­ ‘T stiU feel teat we md tea right he had was once respectable. Now T O M A T O .... Alexander Haddow, director of toJ3ke Dean’s List at Hlllycr Col- Stations ere convenient MEMRER o r internal revenue. This would elimi­ will be Bonga recitations, ptaao se­ back In play at the Grsen-Chobot Steep Hollow laiie; Angela SoU- arithout ctmsuIteUon artth the search thilt wUI be reaUy frultfuL” thing from a practical standpoint Sh^t^tbury, Eng., March ____ :e. She is majoring in ac- W B A m TH E RE AL FEB THE AgSOCTATED PRESS It seems slightly ridiculous. Why court, and that if also made public the Chester Beatty Research In- Dr. Haddow said. *Tn 10 to 20 UPi—Six tf. S. Airmen were slight^ „ The Aiaorlaled Preea le eiclualrely nate the present situation in lections, round-up of an oreheetra Post, A u sponsored party at the mene, 114 norence etreet; and iff_ not'imposing intereat penalties Cempleldy MoJw nhed bihI Redenroted - ON XODE HOinEt entitled tn-the-nee-nf repoWIraHoa ahould-anybody glve-up anything? to-be piayed-with toy- iaatrnments, -a form of presentment CO the nnr» Btitute, Royal Cancer Hospital in years, all these dntgn~ now beiag ly injured tn a fire which early ,t6- which every collector enters offlee iMgloir ttoirPriaaFiaiil. PriM Slilri^ Taylor, 148 Bouth M«tii PEPPER . . . V . . .15e. 9 fOr each ihonCh of delinquency,'' all newe dlepatrbee credited tn It. and n spelling-bee on Omitfe > eotite tiaihe which bad not been London. used may be of historical interest ^ destroyed, quarters of 400^ air- FomV ftad on not otherwlee credited In thla paper Once thrra was an answer. It arero awarded as foUowa: aroraen'a street. he said. owing that office to his pwUttcal words found in the manual be­ first, Mia. Eleanor Shaffer; sac- given court clearance. Tha drug is OT-41, a code name only. They wiU be obsolete. Bet­ Commlaitoner Connelly explain­ pen In a U. S. Air For^TranaU appralaers well T and alao 'lhe Inral newe publliheC.' here. was that -It. developed character, In Older to be eligible for Dean's All rishle "f republlretlon of epeciai Influence, a circumstimee which tween a boy's and a giri’a team ong. Mre. Ivy U Whidden; third. List, a student must attain an — ALL TESTED FOR GERMINATION — He said he would call a apeclal in honor of George Timmis, the ter things will come from the ed that since tee minimum teg/ mp near here. // help Yoa. Jury If one araa desired, but that, chemist who created it. It la a fundsmentel knowledge." diepat.chea herein are ale'j reeerved. Increases the temptation to use and waa good for the soul, and carried out in the form of a base­ Mrs. Charles Jacobsen of Stafford. average of B or better. from unincorporated businesses M The six were hnrtsirhile remov­ PRESCRIPTIONS a healthy practice of humility, ball game. Refreahmenta in pover­ Men's first, Harry Naven; sec­ WE HAVE HYBRID TOMATO SEED the panel he dismissed had no butane ehemifsl, in a new family Oancer-cauaing chemicals, he only 88—which would mean'^a ing their personal belongings. The . Full aervice. client of .N. E. A. Serv­ ;x>Iitical standards for administra­ more legal steadlHg than any of anti-leukemia drugs. Carefully Compoonded any eMgatlan trhan yon ice. Inc. and an experience which allowed ty style' will be eerved artth Mrs.' ond, Emlta Daxy of WUllmantic; AERIAL WrLP-^HDNTERS finds, appear to combine with monthly interest levy o f qnly/five camp, accommodate! more than PiiMlahere' ReprcjenUflve*; The tion of the office. Thomas D. McKinney, Mre. Jamea third, Charles AxpinwaU. Specials; group of dtlsens who might band In early tests on small numbers genetic material in the cell, ulti­ (ienta—the department woiiM have 2,000 men. All American airmen U X IN O TO N AVB. Jullm Methewe Specie! Arency — New the individual to concentrate together to diacusa crime condi­ mately knocking out certain gmes ArUinr Drag Stsras I JABVin REALTF York. Chlcayo. Detroit end Boetnn. T*he President's proposal la good, T. Laidlaw, and Arthur H igaterof Harold Teems, Mrs. WUIsrd Ft. Frances, OnL — UPi — Sev­ of humans in - Britain and the looked "foolish” to bill for such entering or leaving Britain have ______«rt 50Mi Street thought and appetite upon the Bolton in charge. Green, Harry Blanchette of WIIII- eral permits have been granted tions. ' United States. GT-41 brought or controUera of heredity. These small amounts. to pass terough- it. MaMlMBtav U IB and, although ha made, it late and It la known that the grand Consult Your Travel Agent MEMRER At’DIT BUREAU OF more important and . enduring The grange hae voted to send mantlc. In charge were Oscar here to hunters planning to shoot BUSH HBRDWJIRE CO. temporary remisslona or improve­ loet genes may be ones that con­ CIRCI-’LATIONS. grudgingly. It does stand as an Juries committee of the U. S. Ju­ phases of life. ' ■ U ' 200 chicks to Austria about the Miller, George Farren and Louis wolves-from aircraft. A spedal ments in 28 to SO per cent of trol certain chemical proceesea In '" It would cost mood to bill and answer to a problem Congress It- SteuUet dicial conference held a meetbig cases of myelogenous chronic leu­ the ceU, so the cell is able to grow •tte Herald Prlntln* Compeny, Inc., We don’t know any real reason early part of thla month. Tha permit Is required. mail out Interest d ti^ e s in many aawmei nA financial rekpoinlblllty for .self has raised through Its own In New York City last Friday to kemia, Dr. Haddow aatd. One pa­ in wild or uncontrolled fashion. tj^krtphlrel-error* appearinr In «d- why that answer la no longer March 20 meeting will feature dlacuM the rackets j procedure.- cases than the stele would re­ vertleemenle and other reedliir matter use of its investigation powers; Neighbor's Night with Wapping, tient haS'Steyed Improved for n Dr. Haddow declared this line gt ceive In return.'y'he said. "And In The Manrheeter Evenirs Ileral .'. good, or why it should have been Judge Harry E. Watkins of Fialr- year. research now la very promising, Yet what happens when the VeiTion and Mansfield No. 64 in­ mont,' W. Va., who heads this we would certeinly have been repealed. All we know is that few vited. The drug does not affect an; and suggMtod closer concentra­ criticised for such action." Also, Dlaplay adi’ertlilny cloelnit^ .hour*: President, actually proposes a re­ MwegggBffK'! group, find other committeemen, other forms of leukemia, inclui tion of research in Britain, Ameri­ For Mondai'—I p. m Frldav. seem to accept It aa a basis for Ehtplorer Post Troop 87 will 1 It .Is the u i ^ policy of state and HOUSE'S said they did not consider it prop­ ing any of the acute or rapidly- For Tueadav—1 p. m. Monday. form in answer to a need estab­ havs a set-back p ^ y Prtday at ca and elsewhere to get results. ^ federal te g ’^en cles not to bill for Tor Wedne»d*y»-1 p. m. Tueaday. lished by CtfhgreSaT Immediately, action,, and that.wa are..never er for-them to discuss the matter, progressing leukemias which For Thuradav—1 p, m. ‘^Wedneediy. 8"piml in the American ' liq|ion publicly. usually affect cjiildren. such smplt amounts."'.. For Frlday.t-1 p. fn. Thuraday. there la a hi-parUaan move In Oon- lonely, on Jan. 1, or..during„Iieht. Hall,'Wall atreet. South C bven ^, Apple Ear Tbaeber OK’D Tbe-^ix chief said ho planned qnceUoa LegaBty. - GT-41 can be token by mouth Ubllne, ni., —(x v - ls it all right For Saturday—1 p. m. Frldav. greas to block the presidential, re­ when we make no resolutions and to raise (UnUs to be used toward to confer w ith. the suditors..about OaaelSed deadline- lO JW a. m. »aeh t t was noted that no grand jnry ’ and has no serious bid effects.' Dr. to glva the teacher an epple? putt)|ng a floor on the amounts day of piihllcatlon earepi Saturday-^ form. and keep the present give nothing lip. Of course, If we the completing of their aatl-hoat liaa been called in West Virginia, Haddow termed results to date ______^lldi^pra^t. _ The MoUiie Boerd of Education would be billed. sj-stem. Why? Because the ■ap*' really e)Beem-U>e..^y»lueajifjce«Qlus.. or in other diatricte where judges " a r good as with any” other drugs says it is, providing the teacher Plans have bMn eompiided fw « also said he planned to take Wodne.edny March 5 tion and self-denial, we ahoutd not have been reported raising quea- used for leukemia. beS 'nb 'hand in collecting money polntment of a collector of Internal .the. Past Commander's and Paat the question . with the 1983 be affected -bjf^any- mood~ of tha tlone of legality.^ The work of Dr. Haddow and to pay for i t That’s the gUt of a legislature -in an effort to have the revenue la ohe of the key privHegea Preirident'e Night of the Oreen- There waa no Immediate com­ associates earlier led to urethane URFENTERS, PUNTERS AND ELECTRICIANS ARE BUSY QETTINO OUR REHOD- times. But company was always new rule being written Into t ^ interest penalty charge fully clar­ of. a. senator, becauae- Democratic Chobot Post, and Auxiliary Ameri­ ment on these questions by Mc­ and nitrogen mustarda in tablet redrafted hilea and reguIaUona^ DpfendinE Our Way Of Life heartening, especially when It ified. senators want to retain that pa­ can Legion, Coventry and Mans­ Grath, now temporarily absent form for use against leukemia. . „ the board. " I plan to oak tee General As- ELEO STORE IN SHAPE. IN THE NEANTINE WE HAVE ASSENBLED THESE ODD An Important blow for the tronage privilege, and becaiPVcA.' • ame to the point of admitting to field Districts to be held Monday from Washington. preacrvatlon 6f ,Amorira waa one another that the resolution at 7 -p.m. Mrs. Raymond L. Pen- Rufus McLean, who heads the LOTS AT BIO SAVINBS FOR YOU! publican senators want to preserve 'der and Mrs. Edward S. Franx are Justice department racket unit as- arruck In the House of Repreaent- adopted had been a failure, or that It, too, in case they .win the elec­ in charge of the supper o f sea^lop- Davenports Blgned to sift the Jury reports, atlvea yeatorday when, by a vote tion next fall. the thing glveh up for Lent- had ed potatoes baked beans, baked said, however, the program is pro- of 236 to 162/ permanent peace­ Congress, obviously. Is anxious been tasted again. At least, then, ham, tossed salad, rolls, coffee, I ceeitog with Jury seaalons called apn'e pie. or convened in 47 districts. time ron.scrlptlon waa hehded back enough to Investigate when it there was a human society of good As An Added Feature We Are Giving to committee, where, w'e hope, It effort and weak performance. 'The Oreen-Chobot Pnst and IN WATKINS A\ARCH OF VALUES According to McLean's records, y thinks that political dividends may Auxiliary. AL. have voted to re-! sessions have been or are being can be conaldcred dead. be forthcoming. But when ' the' Wow there la nothing but indif­ decorate the interior of the hall held nt Birmingham and Mobile, The adyocatea of permanent proper cure involvea some loss of ference. The Idea of curbing our­ sometime In the spring. This, Ala.; Juneau, Anchorage and Fair­ will Include painting. banks, Alaska; Little Rock and peacetime ron.seripflon for thin na­ ita own standing political preroga­ selves In any respect doesn't even tion ,aald It wa.a neeeaaary to make register. After all, why should Mrs. Richard C. Snow, Fourth ; Fort Smith, Ark.; Los Angeles; GREEN STAMPS tives, then its interest in reform New Haven, Conn.; Wilmington, _ua_atron(t. But, to ua, the .crucial anybody, give up. anything ? District Auxiliary. p.rest.dent, M n .' DOUBLE uffers .a., sudden decrease. ■ ...... Mildred C. Judatsi unit president,, select your cover! Del.; the District of Columbia; test of thla natlon’a atrcnKth, of The same tendency can he found Mrs. Raymond L. Pender, unlLl S' Miama, F la ; Atlanta and Macon, Ga.‘, Chicago; Fort Wayne, Ind.; the depth of ita belief tn Ita own In Congressional reaction to the vice preaident and Mrs. George fib r Topeka, K i^ ; Portland, Maine;' Ijrlnclplea. of ita ability' to face presidential appointment of New Op en Forum Nelson of Andover, unit chaplain,. I Yea, every one of the specially priced V March 6 world criala with confidence In visited Cedar Crest Sanitorium re- Grand Rapi^, Mich.; S t PauL bold Morris, the Independent New March-of-Values Sofa.6 is made to or­ Minn.; Jackson, Miss.; Kansas the way of life It triea to defend, York Republican, to conduct an A Tribute To Bowers der and delivered fresh from the City, Mo.; Concord, N. H.: Tren-' came yeaterday In the House. To the Rditor. Investigation of corrupUOn in all workshop. ton, N. J.; New York City: Albany, j ENTIRE STOCK OF We were afraid that the Ameri­ It certainly Is refreshing and en­ Buffalo and Brooklyn, N. Y. MEN'S BROADCLOTH. RAYON. FLANNELEHE branches of the government. If couraging to see someone who has can people had becoihe fated Greensboro and Raleigh, N. C.; AND KNIT SKI Congress waa entirely sincere In enough fortitude to take a public Chewing )Vriglqr’s Cleveland, O.; Muskogee, Okla.; aheep, who had loat their rapacity lls attack upon corruption, it stand in what he believes to be GreenviUe, N. C.; Philadelphia; SAVE PART OF YOUR correct and to have the additional (L e ft) .Use this sofa fo r a room furnished to proteat, who no longer had the wuuld.aeek.to.glve Morris a hand. . Memphis .and . GreeitvUle,.. Tennu-.j INCOME, REGULARLY moral fortitude to stand ilp for courage tn affix his name to sucii Spearmint Gu b i « in-mahdifany. It brings to your room" the Houston, Tyler and Waco, T ex .;' Bu^ its ^(^eloping^ attitude toward .c,9niXorL.pfja„bi£jou ____ - theit'^' -own convictiona. who- haiY a atatement. In thla respect.,JMr, .-BurUngton,„3ifLL-Jae»tile..^^.W^ W m -mii^eato -tha^^ f'YmrfCa'tf.T^ygi^ Vs-‘to-beTromin ■anch become dully reconciled to the ac­ ^ a ce associated with 18th Century furnish­ and Milwaukee, Wis. gross prefers to keep the corrup­ not only for hla courage but alio HelpHtefiiesIrYon Other Juries, McLean sMd, have ceptance of everything that waa for hla choice for Town Manager. ings. In keeping with today’s trend, it has tion issue alive rather than kill It You’re always set been called for March 17 at Dan­ AU Siwsond Styltf proposed to them. We were afraid In my humble opinion, the finest to enjoy a refresh­ two cushions and fringe valance. Its arms ville, 111.; Aberdeen','Miss.', Scran­ TIwb, aet aside n certain part of your pav- off with any real reform. It finds recommendation Mr. Sherwood ing litUe lift whm are gracefully rolled, and the back curved in , check for your aaviaga aocoont—and watch that, with the people themaelvea ton Pa., and Fort Worth, Texas; . it grow! diagnosis more pleassnt than cure. Bowers can hays has already .been youtove a package a crown effect. 'Trimmed with boucle fringe for March 18 gt Waterloo, Iowa; OVERCOATS in auch a dnood, the membera' of Yet' its oratorlral fervor against extended to hini. I refer to weYact for March 24 at Spokane, Wash;, the House would be so many rub­ that hla name waa proposed, nbt as shown. Choice of dozens of decorative corruption t will nCver dlmlnlAh, fflint Gum with you. and for a date to be set In April TO IE CLEARED AT GREAT SAVINGS ber stamps before the Insistence by a member of Kla own political Tbit deheiout gum ^ \ Crown-back Lounge covers. , even though it Itself Is really the at Providence, R. I. 2 0 7 » OFF of the military planners, party but by a member of hla op­ hat a lively, full- bodied, real spear­ Jury transcrips have been re­ last ditch defender agalnat reform. position. Mr. Walter Mahoney,, a ceived from . Arkansas, Minneso­ But. aa the result Illustrated, Democratic member of the B ^rd mint flavor that REO. $70.00 VALUES what has been going on In thla cools your mouth, moistens youi Reg. 8225.00 ta andiindiana, and are under 5 S f i 0 0 of Directors, proposed Mr. Bowers’ Sofas 5189 study by the racket unit McLean NOW . BROKEN LOT OF country in the paat few weeka haa No World For ConMiHtenry name for this position and haa throat and freshens your taste. The Banko'^MaNcliestef' pleasant chewing action gives you .so said It would be premature to been a resurgence * of individual been frank amj o^ n in hla support. A MUTUAL" SAVinOS SAriK The cleverest Japanese opposi­ Mr. Bowers can have no finer trib­ added little pick-up that hdpt you keep discuss results to date. . opinion and protest. REG. $65.00 VALUES tion to the agreement by whleh ute to hia principles nor his abUity. |oing at your best. And W rlgley'i / S a ,^1 5 5 2 - 0 0 People who do not ordinarily opearmint Gum costs so little you can (R ight) Here’s the famous old Law- NOW ...... Men's Dress Shirts we will continue to maintain I shall view the results of the D (-05115 make their views known to their voting with considerable' interest chew it often every day. son sofa with a new flare! The roll Depoalte made on or before the troops in Japan Is resorting to an j when the membese of- the board Remember, too, Wrigiey’s Spearmint *~06hgre.aamen began expressing arms are slightly heavier than form­ • IN fUii nrth o f any month draw iateraat Net All Sins or Celer8. argument for which this coun­ vote on Mr. Bowera to fill this Cum meets the high standards of quid- Local Stock^ REG. $50.00 VALUES Uiemselves. And the Congressmen ky set by New England tastea. It is the erly and made more comfortable with try haa ho .real answer, except to post. The six Republican mem­ pmuct of a company that piooMred trom the 8rat of tha noMte. NOW ...... 95 to whom they expressed their bers of the Board will be hard p\it separate pull-over pads of Foam- QaotetkMM rnmlsbed M 5 4 0 '* ^ $3.65 to $5.00 Velues plead that cnnaiatrncy la Impoa- the development of quality chewing Cobnni A Mlddlebrook, Inc. views found themselves liberated If they are found wanting In their Latex. Two cushions are again used, SALE •••■*o**«a*«a*a Bible in our kind of world. rum. So, be sure to get the original ItOO P. M. Price*' from what had seemed their auto­ support of one of their finest and wrigley’e Spearmint Gum. Look fas . and the deep fringe valance and moss REG. $40.00 VALUES. strongest party members. $ 3 2 - 0 0 _L matic compulsion to go along This Japanese opposition con­ the green spear on the pateage. fringe pipings add decorative touches. NOW ...... tends that the agreement conflicts John J. Cratty Bank Stock* with one of the moat revolutionary 8t Main street. Choose your cover from a big collec­ Bid Aaked with the Japanc.se constitution it­ ALSO ODD LOT WOOL AND COHON itepp In all American history. Manchester, Conn. tion including all popular weaves and First National BaikC The final maneuvering on the self, which forbids Japan to main­ colors. of Manchester , ; . . . 33 38 FLANNEL, CORDUROY AND KNIT bdl illustrated, very vividly, that tain armril forces or produce arm- Tree rings have provided a cal- Hartford National ALL WINTER ■amenta. Since-the agreement not eAdar_af-weather and human ittej— BaniHuid Trt'at.. “ 27 -29- backeri abandoned, in "'{Re in eouthweatern United sa-. only-assmnes lliat JBpaH Wtir prb^' -Hartford-Conn,; ‘ ihmv(Io\^,“ arr their cl'aima to the t’hj: bark 'nearlyTOOd yeara. j f n Manchester Trust '.. 57 — duce armaments for our troops In effect, that we needed this bill Hundreds of Phoenix State Bank -JACKETS and now, from the practical military Japan,, and perhaps elsewhere, but and Trust 60 — . manpower point.of view. In the also a.ssumes that Japanese forces \R ^. 8249.00 f Ii* Inanranc* Companle*----- every eheuM knevr — and, they offered to throw away will, Ih time, take over, the de­ Sofas' 5219 Aetna ^ r e ...... 83 85 fense of their own country. It Sm ari^a hrics! Hartford F ire ...... 138 143 Au c k i n a w s — everything except the -principle. 33'/3 7» OFF They conceded that conscription would seem In obvious conflict National Fir...... «2 I^ e n lx ...... 82 87 «b— f €hoo.l«w h.r Dl— on^Rlnw UNED AND UNLINED would not be brought Into 'effect with the Japanese constitution, (Right) Here’s a new style in a . Life and Indenmlty Ins. Coa. WOOLEN — GAIARDINE — LEATHER ■ aa long aa selective service waa which pledges Japsh to a complete March big, (82 inch) lounge sofa. 'llte Aetna Casualty...... 86 91 in operation. They even offered to, demlllthrizstion. Aetna Life ...... 79 83 .front and back are shaped in a B O rS’ SHOP put a time limit on ita duration The embarrassing thing is that Conn. G eneral...... 128 133 At one stage, they even agreed to we. who have dicUted this prcsonU concave curve. Low arms have Hartford Steam Boll. 3514 88*,4 2 0 to 33% OFF 'Travelers ...... 605 625 have Qie military training in­ agreement, to Japan, also dictated three pleaLs each, and both back PubUo rtiUfies volved t.vke place in the schools panels have big buttons made SPECIALS the constitution by which Japan Conn. Light, Pow er.., 15 16*4 V- ta.aTFiid or Tn ' unvveHiia~ mma forbids ttseir mRIt'ariSm of^'a^^ .... from, the -boucle -fringe-used to- 1951 B U le K 'SGPER 4-DR. _, trirn cushions, ahri and back Conn. PM-er 38 38 training cAmpa. 'They did not. in kind. We are,'therefore, ourselves ---- Radio, Heater aad ffynaflow. HarUord Blec. Lt. . . . 46',4 48',4 I TT s w I o m /II oF the end, care much how they got asking Japan to violate the con­ edges. Here’s a big sofa that, Hartford Gaa C o.'___ 37 39 * SHOE DEPT: ' thla principle-established, so long stitution we gave Japan. none-the-less, fits into the liv­ So. New Ehigland 1951 FORD 2 -D R -SED A N Tel...... 33H 3514 aa Jhey did use the present This docs nbt seem to bother ing room furnished with mahog­ C h se Out! Radlq and Heater. I Manufacturing Comoanlea Sizes: 4, 6 . 8,14,16___ _atmoi^hera of world and national. any in 18th Century styles. ______J Tggigd — only thfi o*'* iOFF t .R Is doing Am. Hardware ...... 19 21 ODD SIZES IN MISSES' • amergency to bind the America of the militsry things It tW it has • Choose your own cover; your Arrow, Hart and Heg. 4814 51',4 tomorrow. to do in the world, preferring to 1950 MERCURY'4-DR. sofa will come fresh from the Assoc. Spring . 30 33 S . 'W '* “ *"• ij Radio and Heater. Their pretense that this meaa- ' ' ■' rafher.than consistent, workshop. Bristol Brass '. 13 15 , for us. QUILTED J£T JACKETS 170 190 ' ,ure had an3rthlng to do with oUr and always considering that the Oollina ...... Em-Hart ...... 70 73 present military strength and pre- threat of Ru.asia and our need, to 1950 CHRYSLER 4-DR. ruuiwitifil In WriiiftR*»h o -W.lH.n Mon.y-»ock ::i t ...... ’--t— —-Radio'and H eater. ----- Giirvffd-fion l Lounge Fafnir Bearing;. 3e'4' 39'4" ■ parednew vanished. There is no be able tb, conlhln it from every 7"; Hart A Cooley ..... 37 40 Reg. SIO.0 6 ...... NOW . quarrel, anywhere, with this coun* -V 22 24 - 4 Botes on^ Coeporathro ^ C ) Q H angle -o^•the• world map is suffi­ Lahdera, FTary, Cik. . Guorantfio. 1 try's present maintenaoce of ade^ cient Justification for such a / New Brit. Mach. CO... 35 37 BkKk or Brown. Values •Rox Special ‘ Formerly 8289.00 31 quate armed strength through the policy.-But it will be interesting to Sofas North and Judfd...... 28 to $12.50 ...... '(R igh t) The §0-lnch Modern Russell M fg.y...... 19 V4 CHAMR Jr. Boys’ CpttoR Pullover Sweateri processes of selective aervice. ^ 'f .how the Japanese, cQutta. .rule Btm ^y Works eonu 87 -‘cy- - -“rrjr-~u;vc _ . i i - .lL;AiLteja!portod.-i»By-happon:-the-- B l l l C K 4 m ' 7Terry''BteiCrt'';'. ' . 105 With the concept that Atnerica question of the agreement's con- Ptedlo. Renter and Dynnflow piece need fiot .be/8tiffaiidTjoxyT Torrtngton ...... 3i »3 Sizes 4 to 12. O A needs tb be strong. But there was Union Mfg...... 21 24 § slltutloniility is raised. Perhaps TOiia Tu^.uriaus- aofa- achlevea V ▼ Reg. $2.79.' ...... NOW a|| o O X U.'S.- Envelope coni. .. 78 88 I quarrel with the, idea that we the courts, too. will follow the ag- distinction by means, of kn un­ U. 8. Envelope pfd. .. 80 , 65 L Should stampede ourselves,/ under gieaslon rettirnsi and ^ v e the 1948 CHEVgOt,ET 2-DR. SEDAN usual arm design. You ma.v have Veeder-Root' ...... 33 ' 86 In tilb’ Very riean. mohos: the stimulus of present emer­ final blow to what, was qnce Gen­ your choice of the sofa sketch- The above quotations are not to Dorothy Dodd. Valentino abj gency, Into a permanent, post- eral MarArthur’a fine dream of a with curving back^' or with a be construed a* aetUalrtnarkets. All Long SloevB Polo Shirts and Sport Shirts emergency basic change tn the pacifist Japan. 1947 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN back that has a straight line be­ and Air Tred. ' Vc^es American way ot life. . Radi* ta4 HfWter. tween the arms. You will want Legal Notices $9.95 end $10.95. NOW Perhaps this vote Ih the House to cover' this Modem piece in Mhy Give Up Anythinff? a t a co ur t or pr o b ate H»ld yesterday repreaerited a timely re-' 1946 CHEVROLET 2-DR. one of. the. modem textures, at Mancheeter within enu' for the ODD SIZES IN GROWING GIRLS' 20% off capture of the power of decision There was a time when, if we friezes, or modem patterned Oletrict of Muicheeter. on the 29th A n*w WqK In baooty — day of rebruery. 1»52. , .... Engogamant ring bos * ^ for the American people them­ did not make some New Year's matelasaes or damaaksL Present. JOHN J. WALLETT. 1941 FORD 2-DR. 7 diom wdi with 7 diomond Tcy, but must ORDERED; That the 10th c.oy o' making resoluUona at the begin- OPEN' Modern T uxedo Lpunge March. 1952. at ten o'clock, forenoon automatically we were Sing of the year or trying to give at the Probate Office In the Munleipa R09. $7.00 and $9,50 ^ told would be Building in said Mar.chester. be and r ux; Perhaps up anything during Lent. And, for tha seme is assigned for a besting on .It ipeana that ^tUl going to aome lime, we ha\V felt, that this GORMAN TUESDAY Reg. 8310.00 tha allow'anca of aald odmlnistrstior VahMS. NOW ____ ... Sofas ‘ 5269 account with said estate, aseertalnment be America, no strong represented some decline In our of heira and order of distribution, and us Into thla Court directs that notice of the personal amount of resolution and EVENINGS time snd place assigned for said hear- carl MlteHan character. We have regretted It— MOTOR SALES, INC. fe*cg f beh ____ glvan to all______persona known___ t *Ute. bo Intsrsatsd tharein to appear and hr for nothing makes a cigarette teate 285 hfAIN ST.—TEL. 2-4571 or 2-4S72 hoard tharson by pubUahlng a copy of New , aa so good Of a few days without one QEEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 this ort.er In aome newspaper havin' a clrculaUon In said District, at Idtr' et d —and yet have proved Incapable avs days before the day of aald hear­ ing. and by mailing In a registerr of doing anything about I t The Istter on or before March 4.. 1952. . JEWELERS BUY NOW AND SAVE py of thla order to Marion R Alvdrd. oouragj to resolve—the fortitude < WATKINS V S Uader, street, Manchester, Conn. 533 MAIN ST. — MANCHESTER JOHN J. W A L U m , JudfO. 7 ■ H fa p KANCBB8TER e v e n i n g 'CTRAZA. MANCHESTER* CONN^ WEDNESDAY. MARCH S. 1951 “J s j UANCHESTER! EVENING HERALD^ i .P0NN•.JP;P1^ESDAY^ MARCH 5, 19M mmfi

Helaing WUI Cive Give! U. S. Asks Retum actor" but his mother. Mrs. Sophie Into IL " ■ ^ aajd Army an d lM "H e oouMat do that Mnd of WOMBTS 3.n4.9t •ia,ri«.iAo lOYS* MO. 2.H CNILDREN'S MEN'S JRR. ' ■ ■ r. — rapreaaiitetivaa who, bad thing to hia Own paopla,*’ al LIMITED QUANTITY DOUILE KNEE Radio and TV Recital March 9 Since the atayt o f the Korean Of AW OL Soldier Flatted bar aald bar son had a added. WE CARRT ALL | «r o o o ~ U M war. Red Cross' flald dlraninil, Saatam Slaateid TtaM W T irr—ItM rood army record. Mrs. ChamacU said bar mother ‘LKAPINO BRANINI have served V.* 8. ■ fighting ^M rs. Csamacki. who l(vss Ih SPECIALS Sunday evening. Marciv 9, a t 7 and two aiatera, cdu> live in Po­ Finreale foAca on tha paniiuniln, Ob­ WaMUagton. March' 8——Tba Oamw Park, cald that U bar aon land, had written her occasionally i0 .n Wtitori$1.99 SWEAT $1.66 o'clock. Clarenco W. Helainf will lArlhir Bnif Sliffii f taining reports about thafr Btata dapartment plana to praaa •ought antaiii behind t^ In m but did not mtttUon aeaing bar w n c —B«ck»u«« Witt. A «:it—WDRG—Rellfloua Talk. q . w WONS—New*. _ praaaBt an orfan recital at Enuu^ families back home, 'dlatribat- ta t » return of aa A W O L Ainari- Curtain *T thlidt he waa forced AproRS " WCOC—lfu»le. 1;t»—WTHT—Breakfaat with Ben. ,i ing comfort artlcl^ offer^ SNINTS 1 * WHAT*^Pollut flop. uel Lutheran Church. Thia will be ean aoldl'ar who diaappearad ba- JilM .. ^ .WKNB—Nf .... WTIC—Bob Steele; Weather. J his flrat formal recital on the now- guidance and cheering codnaat IPair* 1 WDHC—Newatln**,------hind the iron Curtain m alplaa. Blark and 1 WDRC—Tho Cblrrfo«iH. WHAT—Newa: Coffee CTub ly improved^ orpan of KmanuiU . . . often working around thi M aud Mh tap atytrii. • as. I I wIttbB w w paiata 5 WTMT—V.IUnl L^y. WGCC—Good Mornlnf, Good Mualc; clock when the going la rouglu and tumad up recently In • Red I ptreate A ragalar 79e Daahia wear at bad- ltl»-WTIC-atMU D«IIm . churctb . Bojrm* tim4 gfrta* dmrmrn — fclttOi Irregnlsfe. af Ihmeni VHm Oavatnd with 8 ex. A C A A WOV8—Jack ^ w w y ■ Mualc Shbp. WK.VB-Phll Hale. Mr. Helalnc atudled organ at the Wherever Armed Forces may propaganda campaign. ■Of. SCe • poir votao* brand. Oray anly. lac. Xagalaity M 8. 5 T^HT-Tliy Nctrtbof. Voice. WO.N8—Weather; Bill jenkin a Show be stationed such workers will 1:11—t y n c —Bob Steel*. - New England Conaervatory of Hu- 1 ^ departmant said yaatarday - W D r4 —Carl StaUh. WONS—New.. atc with Homer Humphrey, (Cceiv- be needed. 4:ja—WDRC—Arthur OodfMy. 1; tl—WTIC—Weather. Cpl Alexander X CaamacU of ! • « —WDRC—Taakcc Kitchen. >. 7;Sa—WDRC—Old Mualc Boa; New*, ing his 'twchelor of music degree Tour contribution to the 19S3, "* 'WTirr—Boh *. Lloyd, from that inatitutlpn. More reebnt' Oaona Park, Long Island, N. T „ a WTlC-*-Tounf Wldrter Brown. • W TIC-Bob Steele. .... „ , Red Cross Fund will help pro- a.u_WTIC—woman In My Unuee. WCCC—New.; Good Morning Mualc. ly-he has pursued further Mudlea vldo these workers. “Oiva fled ^ into Communist CaeehoMo- WONS—Bill Jenkin. Show. in brgikn with Clarence Wdttera, ^'WONS—Haytlrha -for Children.. AVKNB—.Newa; Phil Hale. where you live, give to tha vaUa Dac. 18, IBfM) from his post ALLESON'S • w” ’” h a **-Mu»lc. y _MUflC. ------• Shop. l! i l —WTHT—Weather. head of the music department of Manchester Red CTM.'* J.*a_W I)R C—New.; Old Heeoro Bhc f;*a-W D R C —World Newa Roundup. Tdnity College; and with'Dr. Rob­ with tha Sixth U. 8. Cavalry Dlvl- MIN'S AND lOYS* YVEAR T : WHAT—Story OwM". ■ WTHT—Phil Becker, New.. ert BsJier. organist of the First aion In waatem Germany. 7SS M AOr ST. (CXMtNEB BISSELL ST.) / TEL. M14 •v WT 1IT—New.; Jo* OIrand Show. WTIC__New*. ^ - .... . ~ AVTTCWuit Wktn Bltt.------WCCC—Kiddle Corner. Presbyterian Church. Brooklyn, — Ha was jaUed aod lM lir tiirasi^ WONS-^reen Horhc}- and Temple Emanuel, New York a car operated by Fred L. Finne­ g, U_WCCCI—John Bailey; WHAT—New*. municado a' Jraar althougir ha ap­ WKNB—New.; Phil Hale. City. gan, 62, of 69 Benton street, the parently managed to smuggle a c l WHAT—Crci.by'. Quarter. WONS—New*. court was told. Both cars were 3 DAYS ONLY— W H IU THEY LAST WTIC—Trurit Paite Farrell. iiH —WDRC—Shopper'. Special. Mr. Helsing's program will con­ note to the -American embassy lx ;A..a_:WTtP—Note, and Quote.. sist of works by ^ c h ,‘ Handel. damaged on the left fronL • ‘'wilATr^Band by Demand. W'TIC—W'orld New. Roundup. P ra gp . No reply was received " WONS—Wild Bill Hlrkock. WTHT—Martin Arronaky. Franck and contemporary French A charge of speeding against to fltre inqulriaa made thereafter ' WDRC—Memory Lane. WONS—Bill Jenklna. and American com p^rs. Lewis R. Scanlon, 27, of Stur- by American cUpIomata to ' the h . |4_WDRC—Curt MaMiey and MarthaWHAT—Je.tina with. Wamp, i ; 3A-WCCC—.Newa; Breaklaat Newa- The public if cordially invited. bridge, Maas., was continued until Caach govammant ;’S GOOD NEWS • Tllthn. boy. No admission charge will be made Monday. 1 WflAY—SpoHe. t Last week, the Ckecha Anally WTIC-C—Radio Bajakr. but an offering will be received for IcA'Ve-WONS—Newfc 4VTHT—aib Lloyd. , 'said Caamecki had been agnt to W TllT—World niebt .Reporter. the Memorial Organ, fund of the FOR MEN AND YOUNO MEN *744—W H T —.Ii»hn Coate. GRAND Jim r REOONVENB8 Poland a week earlier after he ;V.Te*l*k ■. 9 :m-~ WDRC—.Vewa. church. 1 , ( S;*A-WDRC-N*w.. W(?CC—Mualc. "reouested asylum" thera. He la STARTS WTIC—Newa. WKNB-Newa; Polonla. New Haven, March 5—(JH— of. PoUah deacenL / A tVON.U—New.. Ntw Spriif HakanliH Slacb at a Saa- J J J J J J WIIAV—Italian Progrram. _ l J J j J.J J J J J " WTHT—New.: Jo* GIrand. WTHT—Breakfaat Clifti. After a recess since last Thura^y, 'Iha dapartmant '^ d the Prague U'e federal grand Jury reconvenes Communist newspaper, Rude '|.|v’J\V^^^trlcll,y Sport.; Weather WTIC-Theater o** Melody. \VONS^*^ortJ«. W’ON8—Newa. Court Cases here today, presumably to' reaumc Pravo, reported Cxameckl had sattaial LOW PRICE. R aplar WHAY-fiijpp‘‘r Brr^nulf. »:I4 WDRC—Thia la Hartford. its Investigation aim ^ at deter­ gone AWOL/becauae he disagreed THURSDAY WONS—Tello-Teat. Urk Smith. mining whether organised crime "with the dtgreseive policies, of a: .10 . WONS—Crean Patt e raon. Judge John 8. G. Rottner this i:t5-WDRG-Thln 1 n-lifvf'. w ere—Newa; 13 lluncr'ed and 30 exists in Connecticut. H i e paael, the Unitea States" and Was "dis- While they last Crease re- Jj§y».WTir-i.Emile morning continued from day to %WTHT—S«’rrnn Nf-w*. ■ HU*. • ...... - . headed by Dwight Blakaslea of satisfled/with Atnerlban Imperial- aiateat, a l|^ teeata. Beaatl- to i WKNH- Italian Hour.' day the case of George Potterton, ^ WONi^John ,M. '• W'HAT—ClaHan Prf/|rram. North Haven, already has haard Irm.” - FREE-m m m ful new apitag sluk^ qt taa,, B- WDRC-^uv Taomb»r«lo. WTlC--tNetra;.,IUU. Xulb. ------71. of 34 Winiams SUcjft, charged testimony fn m four - state attor­ Thnrns^. ’ wUh Viblatfo-n of rutes of the road. S M e Department press "oCHcer 9:15—WDRC-Blnic Croaby. neys, six police chiefs and several Michael J. McDermott aald Ciar- gray, blue, brawa and green. ‘ I ' WTir-Thir^ 8l»r Extra. w h a y—Famnua Trlala. OLD PANOUS NAME NATIONALLY ADV. ' WTHT—.Stock N>ws. Potterton was arrested yesterday other law enforcement officers. In­ neiiki'a purported requeat for asy­ Sixes 29 to 44.^ Shop early, FAMOUS AOV. i:5#-WTHT-SpoH» WTIC—Victor H. Llndlahr. by Patrolman Peter Staum fol­ ■ w ere—Good Mornlnr Mualr. l•;•^-WDRC-^Arthur Godfrey.. cluding State Police Oommia^n- lum obviously waa "a result of sale eads Satiuday. i A3.98 Y;#p-WO\8—Eultcm Lc-wl*. Jr. WKNB-.Newa; Fred Waring. lowing Investigation of a two car er Edward J. HIckev and Galen, pressure." GABARDINE wY iiT—My Tni* Story. snd trailer truck accident on East FASHIONED WTJC—W«yr.^ KIur Show*. WTIC—WiBlrome Travelera. Willis, head of the FBI office in Army aiitboritlea in Germany WDRC-Bd.iiUh. ^ , WHAY-ItaJlan Ufe. Center street., Injured slightly in Connecticut. ^ WTHT—Wrathrr: SV»no tn/l StnrUf the crash, Potterton was taken to described Caamecki aa a " 1 ^ - WHAV Symphony lUH. WCCC .Mualc. WONS- N» ws. Journal of *h^ Air. It:l5-WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. his home where he received medi­ VALUE Ii:54—WTHT-Kdward Arnold; Mifa* f : 14- WON8- TcM(>• T#*. alne of the Air. cal treatment fo^a cut chin and a GABARDINE SPORT SHIRTS SPORT \^*ONS-Rtimrx ami .Slorl^^. WDUr—.lack Smith, I9;3a^ WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. bruised head. Xegalar $9.98 layoa gab-- FABMC SMASH WONS— Hammy Kav*Rinr Croaby. A charge of speeding against, f ;3*--WTir— of the World. WTIC—Double or Nothinf. ardlae sport akirte. Long STEEL ^ WTHT—Lfinc ItaoKcr, WHAY—Italian Program. David Petke, 20, of 17 Campfleld : ^ WONS—Gabrl#*! Il**attrr. sleeves, washable. Expert­ ■ WDnr—Huh FlfPen. WKNB-Myatery Voire. road, was continued until March i • « r CEL SATINS WCCC—Newa; Muale. 17. Petke w’as arrested by Patrol-j ly tailored for style and SHIRTS ^5*4 WDRC-Ert Murrow. 15:14 WTHT—Aralnat the Storm. ATTENTION OWNERS! . FOR LININOS. SLIPS, RTa WONS--Milla nr-ta, 11:05 WKNB—Newa; -540 Club. man Frederick Tedford Monday comforL SnuUI, medium , WTICr-Oiia Man x Family. night about 9 o'clock on South ^:#A-wr)Mr-bir Towr. WONS-Udlea Fair. and large la mat, blue and WTir-Strlke It Rich. Main atreet. Another motor WTHT-Mvat»Tv Th»alrr. ^^'TIIT—laone Jnucfiey, •3 T P R T D . RAYON V w e rr—Kldr.lf Ooriii r. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey, vehicle violation, reckless driving, $1.99 • W Tir—lUlla or Ivy. • WHAV—Stat# OuMKl Show. WHAY—Italian Program. placed against Petke about three LINENS “* WONS—Thcalcr of (hi* Air. 11:15- WTHT—VSlien A Girl Marrlei; weeks ago, is ' scheduled to b* •f:!*i-W D»r—Dr. Christian. ll:3#-WDRC-Grand Slam. heard the same day. FOR SUMMER DRESSES WTtr—(Jr#*at iIIld^raTi^'Vf*. WTIC-King’a Row. MEN'S TRIPU.TOE - il-JlVTHT--TThfc Top^.Oiiv WONS-Queen for a Day. Henry Leister, no certain ad­ W'HAY—Malaaoo - Program. APAatnmn lunn coum Z WHAT -a S o Proudly Hall. dress. was aenteneed to 30-daya Ip • 4 5 ’’ RAYON SUITINRS Piral quality, long aloeve rayoa 1:M WTIC—You Ib-l Your Llf^. WTHT-Break the Bank. jail for intoxication. WDRC-Hcil SkH.v.n WCCC—Newa; Mualr. NYLON HOSE FOR 8PRINO SUITS gabardlaa ahirta. They come In deep w ere—12 Humlrc. A ‘*0 Hlta. 11:44—WDIIC— Roaemary,. Judge Rottner suspended judg­ H • Bad paatcl aha dee. Regidariy eeU WTIC—Dave Garroway. Beantlfnl aewl spring shades. •I WON.H—N#*w»: Johnv Mohko’a Orrh. ment In the case of Jeannette A. for for 8J8 and 8.90. V WTHT-Bold Vcfitur#*. WHAY—Honr.onl Program. Tbree dayi only at this amaalag Atternaaa Puleo, 22, of Willlniantic: She wa.s • t r m . m m m u WHAY UConn*8t. Franrla. ^•k'>t- arrested by Patrolman Milton low price. Shop early for the •• ball. '■•A-WCCC—Luncheon MuOIcale. best selectloa. Pair ...... FOR s p r i n g w a s h a b l e s ’f ; » WTir-Th»* Rlir Story. WTIC—Newa; Weather. rtratton jSbout 6:45 this morning i OR S1.5S EACH ^ wnitr—Bin* Cmabv. WDRC—Wendy Warren, rollowing’ an arcldont at the in-1 ^ WTHT-Mr. Pr»*alil«iit. WHAY-Itallan .Voice. ’’ NITE RRAR REG. $3.91 1P:M WDItC—RoxInir^Botitf. WONS-Curt Maaaey Time. tersectibn of Chestnut and Park I Mumni fAMiiT •50” CELTARFETAS J WON.S- Frank Edwarda. WTHT—Jack Beech Show. streets. After coming to a stop at j DWUINM * Broodclotfis! a. WTIC—^rrla CTalf, Confldrnllal WKNB—Newa; SpqrXt. the sign on Chestnut street while | ^ lnv«*at{Rator. 13:14-, WONS—Capltoj Commentary'. HumeWk'.--—...... -vj-.;-.... travelling south, the .accused en­ • Frints! JN0ADCL5TH •|•:l4--WON8.-Jack‘a Waxworka. ^ DUG—'Aunt .Tennle’a Storlea. tered the* Intersection and struck Taa caa have aiaWpl# TV aeh »! WTHT- EInmr navla. . WKNB—Dirk Haymea Show. • WOVMS! • Eggnhell color only. '* ‘‘Ifrsr-W Ttr*— ’ irrmT* • 'srftTTtrrtnrrry .WTHT—V4« (*«e HvIrMftahf.------.•Jgrgtliit-fttH .bJlIiiite Ni‘wa: Mualr K«»(dn. 13:34 -WONS—VVomen’a Page. —at a Iswar east tbaa aav ether m iim s • AtTirSifl 1H IfdifkTlS'fo 36 Tni^^^ •» WDRC—Dame Orchcatraa. Trent. •ysten yet devisad wHh Hw aaw • WONS—.lack a Waxworka. I3:5MP -WDRC— Romance of Helen * FM r Colors! Bring your inside casement me«h- WTHT-Gurat Star. WTIC—Marjorie MUIa. Yd. i#:41^-WTHT-i.Travr.l Diary of th#* Air WCCC—Newa. \ ure to insure proper fit. WONS—.1ark\a Waxworka. WJlAY—rtaxHoaa Program. \ '# I * Finod CoNors JitOP-NVwa on' all atatloiia. WTHT—Phil Becker. JljIS-WTHT Uatr Bob l.loyd. WKNB—Man on the Street, * Spnliidd CoNors . WONA'-Jack'a Waxworka. It:44-WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. -WHAY- Nlxhl Watrh. WCCC—MiiaJr for Mtlady. Ssv9 on your saw­ WDIiC—Puldlc Srfvlce Program, 44 ON8—Crean Patteraun. t WTlC—aNVwa. I WTHT-We. the Women, ANTENNA SYSTEM ing needs. Espe- An Itmt quality. Never 1 WO.NS—lark'a ^^’axw^rka. I 4VKNB-'Mualr From the Weat. l:(Wi WDRC—Newa. h o m e c o m fo r t Shop dslly csthered before have we been -fIj.nO 'WTK' Il.drI Statlir |I:M WtiNaS-. N» wa. ,'\TIIT—Newa; Wa the Women. from R tuiufse- able to give yon thia lS:tP- WTH' .\Vaa and Mualr. '4’TIC—Nf’wa, V (urer’s over runs. miper value. Ibeae am Ftrat ttma at tWa low ^ Tharadav Mornlnx 4VCC(*-Mam-healer Matinee? * reg. 2JM ehirta. prlea. .NevelUea* atripea, Hitt WTIC- Johnnie !*»*«* Wllla and WONS Newa. MORIARTY Bros ptelaa, eoat atyla. AU ahwa. Ifla Iloya. WHAV-Newa WllAY-'Nrwa; Rjirat Roundup. 44’KNB - The Patteea. 3 1 5 CtNTlR ST f:l4 -^WTIC Farniar'a DlRrat; N#*wa. 1 !5-4VI>RC-Ma Perklna. J;SR- WONS Bill Jrnklna Show. WTIC—Juke Box JIngIra. TEL 5)35 lY IL iT TRIMMED CO H O N WOMEN'S RAYON OR COTTON $3.95 MEN'S REG. $6.95 RAYON AVDRC—Yawn Patml WTHT-Paul llarvev _WTIC—Weather: Fariiiera' Dlfeat WONS-Yankee Food Show, x\'(X*C .~N*warw»l, a }''^AY-B.dty Kimball. b WHAY- Chapri Time. Young Dr. Malone, SLIPS indy2 SLIPS K WTHT—Mornlnr IVvollona. M*n‘ healer Matinee, i MOBILHEAT T.V.PJUAMM $ Dabardine Slacks C 9:1.4 WTHT Breakfaat with Ben. '4THT--.County Newa; Mualc lUU. WHAY—Free WarliiR. 1-4.1 -44’DRO- Guiding Light. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE WaahaMe, aanforized.aUp*. beautlfuny ■a rayon or eotton. Deeomtlve WONS- Juat Jenkina. taSared. Aa added muat for your eeata in mandarin or Johany aol- Criaaa realateat praportloaed olxea 44 KNII--Kej’board Kapera. aprteg wardrobe. lar atylaa. 29 to 4S. Navy, brawn and tea. ’ Sr'-"-* «-■■■, --- Her* <* the IV amcima system thst makes everybody hippy! WE CLOSE OUR DOORS SATURDAY, MARCH-8 UONS—r*onn**tlrut Ballrnnm. M«r*»r*l MrBrldr. We will be glad lo give you complete informaiioo and an Television \NKNB N*w»; Mb Club. <\__^imullaiUm cstimaie. No obligation. 1:IH-~\\'DR(*,—IVrry Maann, WOMEN'S,' MISSES' MEN'S REG. $3.98 and $4.79 TAN WHAY- <>p*ii llfKii*.;..’ FOR EVERY PURPOSE StocA Up AfThisXow Price M. iVk Kate Smith 8ho NV TH —Clndfr*!!* \A'«**krnd fin Alimi'm— AITTO. MIRRORS. WLNDOtV ADDITIONAL MARKDOWNS rtrw Spai'a TTntrt WTHT...... nit-lt- W*H', -...riiMiml; TUtt* 1,15—fJaldiv Hayca.' Npwii. l*L A p :, OB.SC'I'R'E rt^tO- Howdr Dnody. - - .44’J^U:— ------TRICOTKNIT [;(Yy—.Siina Preinl»*re. rilAVE BEEN TAKEN---- Weather Forecast. 3:44- 44 DRC.>-:BrlchtPr Diiv. PheiM 3322 1 • • ^ ' 1:»-World New# Today. 4VON8' ' I t 's '« D<»e ’» Life.’* i i&—yVanIty Fair Theater. '4*DRC->-*IUIlop IlnuRp. ^■011- Kiikla. hYan A OlUe. 44 ('C T —M iiilr. '■:U-TI»e Ooldberiea: fiiw n r y '. fihi.p, WHITE ALL COSTS DISREGARDED ’ Connecticut SpotHaht. Stiles and Serviee ------45—CamHI Newa Caravan, W 'ril’r- .Marrias* h>r Two Full eouat, aaaforixed. i nOr-ArthiJr Oodfrev. wh'^w MaMiiff. GLASS CO. i rtWStrike It lUrh.. U H A Y —Nowp; Ooon lloua* 214 SPRUCE STREET, MANCHESTBR TEL. 5095 fllzee 29 to 42. Propor­ I rialnclotheaman. »:U^'Dltr-Hoiun>*rlv. 24 Birch St. Manchester tioned leg leagthe. I (MV-BoxlnK W-TH?-ll.iail of Ufo. ■ i;4.V—Sporf Spot. 4VTIIT-M try Mtrliit. ^ .00—('tinifclv Hour. S :| iS _ 4 V m v S p w »: Music. Black aad multi etjpr. I 00—Kay^ Kmerami. Yminn R Kxmtly. YOUR LAST CHANCE Temarraw 4\ TI I T —Jtiycp ionlftii, REG . 4 .5 0 fllaea 4-9. A muat for ynar M. r. 44' H A 4'—J N hiTiofpp, budget buying. ;—Nancy’ Kitchen. ECZEMA irCH •ARTER BELTS, REB. 1M to U S ...... 69t-149 l:30--The E ar and I. Oot y w dewnf Fry L45—<*arry 4toore Shimr. 1:30 Flrat 100 Yeara. T V FOR 1952 BRAS, REB. 1 JO to I N ...... (fc 1:45—Mike aiid Ruff. LABE TRIM REB. Tie I;00-Thr Bir payoff. reDinol 1:00—Kate Smith'Sh>>w. OINTMENT BRAS, RES. 24)0 ie I N ...... LeaAer Oitords 1:30—Bill ^h ow . DESIGNED FOR FRINGE 1^9 For long.losting reMcl AREA RECEFTION -r- BREATHINB BRASj REB. IN . SUES I t M, 40 ...... U 9 RAYON An leather upper*.' Long /- BTRAFim BREATHINR BR«S RE9, IJO ...... I 8) PANTIES wear eanapn aoltR 8lqM .77 fliaaa 8, 8, 7. Ftah rim n LOMR LINE BRAS. SUES SO to 40, REB. U lO JJt .THIO to SM trimt with nttraetlva fame paaekk •ety In Your Home! BIRDLES, RED. M l to M l ...... MO to 4J0 iXIRA LARGE UFEJNSeiMNeEIRnilPAII^ -~-JIG^74»K-«Otuii lEfc IM N43d' .~ ," r r . r .~ r . . M 0 b r U r EXTRA HEAVY REG. SI.S9 — — - CttTTON BOWNS, REB. tIO ...... MO Ssper Hmo STOCK SELLING UNDER SENSATIONALLY SHORTIE SEERSUCKER FA’i, S'lES SI 34, N, REF • 94 .1 JO PRICED TOO! $20.00 PER SHARE NAVY ANB BLACK SUPS, REB. 129 to 4J0.,... I J O a id I M Please wpnd me without cost pr obligation your cir­ HALF S U F l ftY O N OR NYLON, REB. to 199...... MO NYLON HOSE cular on New England Utility, HANMABB^MI. M l Tax het...... 120 EXTRA SHEER 51-15 NAM E . 8Ught IrregnlarB of temoua name NAVY0R.8REEN, RER SOeSPalrUO haaa. flheer lovUneaa la latent aprteg i hadea. Pair ......

ADDRESS ...... M A N Y ^ N g lp U . LOTS AT VERY BRAS11C MARKDI EnRA SHEER BARK SEAIK F*d. Tax iRclndad A ' . ■ -'J ...... «l**aeee«eeeaaaao Wanaaty Extra Patented tope for that axtra wear. Pamow -Park Aveanes". flUgfct ■ I ) IrregnlarB o f I jBB bean. P a ir ...... BeaMitful Mahogany Conaole um and irook, Lc. i^naiw>M *>siw INVESTM^^T SECURITIES TAKE 71 WEEKS BENSON’S A MAMMOTH SALE 4yE'VE PLANNED FOR MONTHS! ReodyNow uYAWAv"iiAN 541 M A IN s t r e e t TELEPHONE 8631 RADIO . . . TELEVISION . . . APPLIANCES TO P*Y! 713 MAIN STREET — TELEPHONE 3535 964 MAIN STtEfT

.ff . ; , ; -iga M.. IIANCHESTEB EVESflNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY, MARCH I. 19S2 -■■•■ ■--.^ SwHon Two W E D N E S D A Y . k A R C H S. 195t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1952 -Rcthm. taach aaait.ftP(S'TsatxBliiad''JbF:3mBrld‘ iiattdTfJEnYJKin^ Wo h*ve. thorofora, concentnitcd Uw." - iseC in ^^ii^ yOT. RTWM jlMUMUy to"M tw CMifTW AiHliX '--tiwr ClUlU ii^ •• * 1. V qfCo .' '•ifiiii.': Ji’Tu" > U fe nanaaalt^ lng 4caggiag mi(.tha. tko.PsnHniianna af tka many vRnl' and a recent survey Indieatea that members, hah SS branehas and e m tp g n for an .nmilmimUa Rad Cross sandoas which ara ba- T o Step Up Pace Nom inating Group collection o f used eyaglaas frames Saturday evening, March 8. Theo­ a majority of tha Houaa foreign about 800 ehaptars. It i length, o f Urns. In ths rsslden. tng carrisd an both In this town Celebrate Golden W edding Anniversnry and lensea waa repCMad last night dora Palrbanka. past commander Few er AceJ affairs Commlttse now bellsves feundad at Asheville, N. C., in Ual tRvitknv iMutieularly, majors and nmoiig oar oarricemen. and thia collection will, be contin­ of the local American Legion Post ■ W orld Federation Call thst ths UN should bs strsngth- 1M7, through an amalgamation Tha Rad Oroaa Fund Driva com- nMstn tnsf mststa ^ . P ic k ^ by L. of C. ued due to the great need for re- and enptaina ara urged to get Only by tha eancsirtsd efforts of ■mSWm * Ss*ss •• mstses (w tb* rebaf ( and a meaaber of ths district and I n P a s t ened. of Americana Unitod for World mittaa. urgaa all workara In tha tliair workara out so- that houae- condltioifed eyeglaaaes among the department Boys State Commit­ “ Sentimant for world law will Government, the Mpssachuaetts svaryenoeonnactad with thta most aeetlSetn, a** *sa OaUI*r SMtssn 2W. fund c a m ^ g n . to oomplata tbsir to-houaa eanvaaring may nasumo a imilarunt campaign can tha 1002 needy. Tha reconditioning is done tee, and several of the local (Boya Kow York. March A f Anb Prof. A. Freamiw HoUncr rise among ths peopis and, there- Committaa for World Federation. soUdUng as qmckty as poaiibla. Directors in Debate ; A nominating committaa to by some firm in New Jersey. majority ct tha atata leKislaturaa of WUIIamatta Univefttty daclar* mora acosferatod paea. ' Rad Cross drtva nt mada a sue- who attended Boys State In June Manchastar motorista wars i fors In tha stats Isgialatuyaa and Student Fsderallsta, World Fed­ TIm committas potats out that Tha loeal quoU is 980,000 thU praaaat a new slate of officers at A t the Close of the meeting Mrs. are also planning to attend the re­ that onoa callad upon CongTaaa to { a; ■■Foaa o f worid fovammaht ara dent that 'Stalin exsrclaes Amari- World ClUtena committas; P o M p o n e A c t i o n t o T i n i *® **• **• *>• tee served hot chocolate only, and ia January; according "fepXtiw apnaidarad and reactndedI their ac­ laolationlata,' 200 par cent Amari sembly, CathoUc Ladles of Oolum- ’ The reunion for the 210 high can soversignty at present. Ha TTWF'.x 1992 national convention no deaaert in deference' to Lenten school boya who- attended tha IttSl monthly report of Chief at jP o ^ tion. But haclun of auch a fad- cana and profeaaional patriota" 'Uiii plunge lis into war at any n i g h t 08 3 (b M ill will be' held In Philadelphia in kua. was chosen at the meeting regulations.' Nutmeg State and tha 188 girls Herman O, Scheadai to- Acting aration aay they ara not diamayad. moment and, meanwhile, he causes June. M t manoen of Uita 910Q.M0 OppcMMt Wchta Sorraadar 'posal Fails to ((garner held laat night at the Knights of who attended the Laurel Girls Unitad World Fadaraluta, Inc., Pf&ponania of repaal arcued thay our taxes to rtsa and ourt dollars aurplud raiaed more guaatkma .than General Manager Janwa H. 8Haak- daya auch a aupra-mtional gov Oolumbus Home. Members of the State in June et the Unltteraity of which waa relesaad yuatarday.- ' ‘ oppoaed to aurrander of thia to fell. AimounciHg Tile 1952 General Electric L i n e ! 5 Affirauitive Votes It suunverad. Mra. Bourn, in atddy. mni( Pease l y Law committee ere Mrs. Ermano Qara- Boys, G irls Stat^ Connecticut ia being planned by The report shows thara wera S3 ampient will coma bacauaa t*>*^; „,tlon'a rifhta to anoihar," Ing the brochure o f taat yesu-'a Donald Potter of Hartford, . de­ la tha only way to prevent war. “ Ws sdU ba abfa to prsvant ad­ r budget, -dlaMveied that the actual Vanta, Mra. Richard Post, Mra. Butomoblla accidehts in Fatmianr, ^ponanta claim world fedara-1 In the jnidat Of tha aattatlon Slip Board of Director* last ______Oomalius Foley, Mrs. Edgar Noel partment director of Bo^s Stfte. while In January there wera M. In for and afainat world fedar fedaration, venturers like the Kaiser, then For Sale avr^ua waa gl4S,000, $39,000 of Reunion Planu^l^ Won would threaten Unitad BtajtOf; Hitler, than Stalin, from throat- night waa forcad to poatpoaa a c j waa Io m M fo tha Water and Mrs. Lawrence Decker. and Mr*- Charles B. Yarrington of addition, there wars six Isas ar* , _ , y . tha Unitad World Fedaraliata ara A t the business meeting the ’'Hocky Hill, department chairman entng our llbertioa and forcing us tlon on adoption of a tax rata until { Department, which operatM in- rcato for motor vehicle vtolaticna •^TTialdaal of one world, one *ov- Into sfsr after. War only when members voted donations to the Mlsa jferbara Wallett, past of the auxiliary's GIrla State Com­ It February than in January. 7 o’clock tonight whan what had l of the town budget mittee. amment. tt an old one. but ,t >y'duMtlonal. Red Cross. -Heart Fund and Italian president of the American Legion HoWever, the report abowa that caught on during and immediate­ And their leaders arc directing T A V E R N bean regarded as a cut-a|ul-dtlad and last year exoseded its incoma Flood Ifellaf drlvaa. The commit­ -.The.young pebpla who are now pjrthat amount. there were 30 arreafe mada for ly after World War II. whan at their effort* toward Congreas -on ' matter prior to the masting arui' tee for the fashion show and card Auxiliary and a member of tha in their senior year in Connecticut other offenses during: -Ftforuaiy, feast 2? atate legialaturea me- ttiq.groundf fo ret^ affairs are the ad bilo a tarn-hour ldtig~«Bifr — Mrs. Bourn said rite hopes party which will be held on March district and department Girls high achoda-were-choaen fo r their wjille“there w(era“f^ 'a u ^ arrests niorallc^ Congreaa to do aoma- responaibitity of . the federal, not RayiatBtl L ttnaaB between Republican auppqrtera of find out tonight under what con­ 18 at 81. James' School Hall' re­ Stats committee, and Miss Janet leadership end ability to report to. made In Janupry. thlng toward’ building a world atate government. FIXTURES Acting General Manager Jamea H. ditions and authority tha tovim ported on progress of plans- for Bradley, Who attended Girls State their towns dn the week of train­ hmNOTM AfiMicy loaned the^ money to the Water feavid Cham­ tt houaa from ,3 until p.- m. Natives , aae.a-aa- M-ua — __ . ■ gdeqiiat'e to ajuiuTa |iaace. ‘ smd Melvin Hathaway, quickly ber*. who was pire'aeht last 'night, of Naw BMfp'^.'li'aaA. I%e' fonher Statea that had adopted reso­ aligned ' themselves wUh Mra. said- that there wtU- probahly x Lillian Denham, and Charles-Hath­ .p»iife*t • « Mw ifew Yarti Itoaid Trl lutions calling for ,»ptpe_,.kind of Bourn, Slid'the debate was oh. surplus of 33,000 or 39,000 thia away were married at AcuaHhet limited world government In­ 5 ..... Attadi CUkbloB year. ' ... -I-- on March 9. 1902. ’ "T cluded: The. 30-miU rate recommended Supporting the Democrats' Ifecy moved to Hartford In 1010 Alabama, Arkansas. ^ California, Q0ldtHfiuUn%mn by tha acting general manager stand last night,was Walter Hib­ and became renidents of . Bolton Colorado, Connecticut,' Florida. would bring in $61,209 more than bard, an avowed candidate for the In 1942. They have a daughter, Georgia, Iowa. Kentucky, Louisi­ WONDERFUL FOR CHILDREN la needed to balance the budget of still-vacant general managership. Lillian, at home, and three sons, MAN WITH ana. Maine, Maryland, Maasachu- 33.147,827.78 for the current fiscal Speaking before discussion On the Carlton T. Hathaway of 298 Sil­ HARDWARI STORE aatts, Ml.ssoiirl. New Hampshire, year, and thia cushion, which tax rate was begun, and again ver lane. East Hartford: Georgs D. New Jersey, North Carolina, Ora- Sheekey said was “healthy," waa while the debate was- undqr way, Hathaway of 9 Broad street. East SELUNG EXPERIENCE on. Rhode Island, Tennessee, attacked as excessive by the three Hibbard suggested that, on tha Hartford, and Milton B. Hathaway C'tsh, Virginia. Democrats. basis of the Grand List, the bud-1 of Rosedale, Bolton Lake. There States that have passed repu­ An inexpeneive. practical, every, A Rood opportanity for day hoyns necessity. So comfort, “ We would be taking .jone-half get needs and the estimated re-' are 13 grandchildren and three diating resolutions include: able and roaVenleat! Eajoyahle for mill more away from the people ceipts, a 294-mlll rate would be great grandchildren.'' the rifht man to work into t t ’Shibam*... mwtery akyacraper city <4an Arab horde bore down on California, Colorado,. Florida. than we have tq," if a 30-mill tax Both Mr. and Mra. Hathaway Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky. l»ulai- ynii . . . a perfect gift for friends ample to meet the budget needs of the desert. We heard the name firing with deadly aim! Aa the shots who y»re III. Smartly styled. Choice la adopted, Mrs. Bourn said. for the current fiscal year. ara Orange members, and Mr. department head. Knowl­ ana. Maine, Miasoiirl. ."'lew Hamp­ Director Ray Warren tried to more and more as we beat our way whistled past, our guide explained thial of colors. Top till* at 4 angles. up from the Gulf of Aden. Near waa their method of welcome. The cloaer shire, New Xersey, Oregon, Rhode ■Tray foMa for easy storage. force the Issue to a vote at 10:30 edge of power tool equip­ Inland, Tennessee, Virginia. p.m., moving that the 30-mill rate the mud-and-straw city . . . the bullets, the warmer the welcome! J Kesist Repeal ke adopted, hut with Republican D iscovers Body ment is esaentiaL Apply 0 Some states, notably Connectl- Director T. J. Crockett absent and nUIS4SAIIERAS Cit and Arkanaas, have restated $3.98 And More Harry Firato undecided and ab- attempts to repeal their afflrma- O f Young W om an F IA S H BUUIS, CASES, atalnlng, the best the Republicans MOVIES, PARTS BLISH HARDWARE ipv* resoTiitlona. could muster was four votes ‘ ■' Virginia Is the latest state' to soMimwe Hiw mom houywooo agaiBsl th* Democrit’i three: West Haven, March 8 -(4 V -T h e reverse itself. Her state legisla­ Mayor Harold A. 'Turklngton, Al- fully clothed body of an unidenti­ liU N ir D ins SU rts I ture. in a resolution adopted Feb. den Bailey, John Lappen and War­ fied young woman was found to­ l.V declared opposition to the ren voted for It. Since a minimum day in St,. Lan’renca cemetery by a prinetpi? of world federation as of five affirmative votes is need­ New Haven man on hia way to “ it is now being advanced in cer­ ‘AH-FOOTSIES’ ed to pass a measure, 'the board work. tain quarters^' Two years ago the remaineiLdeadlocked. Polire said there were no marks General Assembly adopted a The AIrfonm Sole# by Good.vear Never before o f this price! , * Calls Reoraa of identification on her clothing or TesoluUon endorsing federation. VI will cradle your feet and nreh— At this point Mavor Turkington person. The body was unmarked Some states hsve withdrawn \ called a five-mihuta receaa that except for an abraaton on the left 834-828 M AIN ST. TEL. 3181, MANCHESTER Kaolutinna calll'ng for world fed­ •uch heavenly comfort. lasted about 43 mlnutea. During ahln. eration.but have eontinned to urge V SEE your clothes, washed the recess, the GOP' members of The woman waa described as at­ atrengthrinihg the U N ' charter. . .Ronat a 30-lb . turkey and bako ..As Little As 'the board^osetad themselves, and tract iva and'possibly'«f Slavic de- < tl pmCar our.Anwficaa watomne, You naay- have -tried-other Ykey’re completely waakabis Tco/fy elean, -dTied drier than ' Anjong_thejTL.s,rijy,ah»xa*.— ■..thrw-t;ineh.nki s t «ha «»me timet .. .whjEa.tM.me«Wnx..W,#,?..mil.miBd.*.ti»S«ntu..Th,« though. . . when good friends drop ales, but until you've Maryland. . “^ P r v fe w S iy by'hl^^^^^^ ^ HtlS-Warrert moved-that-tba mat- -^-Albert-Garqcck of--New-Haven lfry «iVir7Dt1lKWflH^ “'tiled BanantiBe'-Al^^ ,. Shonld the states ever under­ Broil your hamburgers or steaks the amazing “ Small, ter be tabled until 5:30 today to who operates a tool *hop in Derby I ’ve been a globe-trott^. moat o f my don’t know how Ught, how bright, O allow the directors more time to avenue. New Haven near the c'eme- take to force federation action to-, They're Sat when — and bake potatoim or dcuert— load Selector" that saves you life, and that Ballantine Ale flavor how deeply flavorfol great ale can be. ward aetting up a world govern­ study the bndget. He changed the tery entrance. always means home to me. There's T ry a glass today. You 'll agree. . . at the tame lime! ^ gallons of hot water! ment. they -would first have to get parked — taka P e r W eek time in the motion at th4 request CaroccI told police he had driven just no touching it. 11 thera |u(l isn't any ala Ilka lallonlina A la i of Hathaway. two woman employes of the ceme­ .memorlalf from two thirds (32t of them anyw'her^ If you like to cook (or if you After Down SEE all the grand new time- _l.ihe state legislatures urging Con- In recommending a 204-mill tery to the office on the cemetery don't like to cook) — this is the and worksaving features! grara to call a convention to amend Paym ent rate, Mrs. Bourn, besides pointing grounds and diacoverad tha body range for you! >, out' the 317,260 excess that It Wing beside the road as he started the Constitution. Kven then, In the SEE this finer Automatic opinion of wime experts, Congress aould make available, said that fo leave the cemetery by. a route Washer in action today! We'll would be under no compulsion to receipts from sources other than other I than the one he used In en­ Mora poopl# lika H, mora poo|Mo Doy h* show ydu how it can cost Ita taxation might he higher than es­ tering. do so. You'll find **Ah-Fool»Ies’* LIMITED QUANTITIES! SEE IT TODAYI than any athar olo < by 4 to 1 to own in the long run! timated. Last vear, such receipts Police Capt Stephen Wilson And If a convention were called, bouncer Is a completely » 1 . 9 8 ran about 320.000 higher than ea- said the woman's clothing was wet ■P. Ballantiaa A Sona, Nswark, N. J. it would not necessarily produce a but not disarranged. He estimated proposed amendmetit. I f it did,"the new and wonderfully com­ P a ir titrated. In addition, she said, the budget ahe had lain where she waa found amendment would require approv­ fortable walking een*a- “ a fe,w hours." al of three fourths (.161 of the tlon. usually riiows a aurplt-s at the end of the year. The only clues police had to states to become law. work with, said Wilson, were a ^ \ Spurred hv Cold War ' In answer to Flrato'a. reminder that the 361.206 aurplua that a 30. tan' ,‘p6t6" CCifalTe ■ 'w#a wearing. The Constitution has never been This bore the label of a Newark. 834-838 amended in this fashion. All A REAL ABIG MADE BY mill levy would bring In was baaed .i, , , •*'* '* "* ' or a iveu-arK. -TEL. 8181 on a 100 per cent tax collection, -‘■“ “ '‘•.-•."'‘J " ’'’ changes thst have been made have found In a coat pocket. One, man­ M AIN ST. been Initiated by Congraes itself. Mra. Bourn said that the record MANCHESTERa of tax collection In Manchester IS ufactured by tha Sargent Com­ Moat of the repudiating resolu­ FOOD FREEZES REFRIGERATOR! GENERAL ELECTRIC! pany of New Haven, bore the let­ tions havf come during the last “ very good" and that there 1* nn ters amy and the number 129. The two years- ajralnst the background danger of running into a deAcit other, mada by Hart and Hutchin­ of the cold "war and the shooting T because of unusually bad tax col­ son of New Bi^taln, had the num­ in Korea. lection. bers 119 and 12. The tight agaiiuit world federa- MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING------i ^ A | IL O W 'S FOR EVERYTHING Sticking' by hi* recommendation. The woman waa wearing a wed­ tlon has been rarrled direct to the Sheekey said “a 361,000 surplus tr ding ring a green plaid skirt, red alslcx by aiich organisation.^ a.x the Veterans of Foi-etgn Wfrx recfi.P.ta. _fcoin-_sourcfanother., than, xnd- hsd-baan.carryliig-a^red-hand- (VFW l snd the Daughter* of the ■ taxation, the Acting-General Man­ bag which contained two compacts American Rcvoliitipn iDAR). ■ ■ ager. said that although these re-r and 25 cents in change. Opponent* have rlalmeil ■ t^iat . ceipts could not be estimated too She was described at being about closely, he believe'd actual revenue 26 yeara of age and about five some agitation for world govern-1 ACU.9T -X- ment I* Commiiniat inspired, ) NEW greeniooriipofie with derived from these sources would feet three inchea tall. The Oregon legt»laluie reyiealed approach the estimated Ogurea. Ita resolution, w:hich a.*ked for' a I'nexpeeted Inrrraaea There are, 17,494 wlrea in each Strengthenfsl ITN, after a bitter Pointing out unexpected In­ of the cablea supporting the San debate. REFRIGERATOR- creases In the coat of the town gov­ Franciaco-Oakland bridge. Sen. Philip S. Hitrhock. tiien miracle ehlorophyin ernment he said he is going to itate moderator of the Presbyter- ask for 310.000 more In refunds l>n Church, oppo.ied repeal.'" He and claims for expected damage called opponents of the memorial FOOD FREEZER suits against the town and that in­ Personal Notices •Apostles of Hopele.ssnea* ’ ^-ho surance rates are going to be rais­ “don't know the diflerrnre between ed by 36,000. In Memoriam .S ave Va to Va ChrLetianity and Qpmmunlem.'’ ! Backing him up, Warren stated the necessity of beiny prepared for -' In-tovint m^mfery -aF my littsbAn^V COMBIRATIOR CRRUln Jo«i 3i. Nlcholf. who cdntingencie.* and said - “We M«rrh 5. 1850. ON W ARM QUALITY WALLPAPgRS shouldn't run too.close." Warren . also mentioned the 'TId ow oti to know w#'U ihfaI ALSCO ALUMINUM t minutes...but ALL DAY IQNG I WhAr« pArtinjr 1* no mor^,* 3105.000 surplus which the tdwn And that thF onA wf .lovFd an d^ar. "Inherited" from,* last year's bud­ Hat only Ron# b#forf. Sform Soili and De«r^ CHOOSE PAPERS FOR EVERY ROOM in I get, and which _"we shouldn't Mra. Flor#nr« J. Nlrhola. Guaranteed ly your home from ovar 450 pattanu of Wards Good HouMkeeping and Nattonally-Known papara. You'll a papar lo oomplamant your styla of daporadon. Immediate Delivery on Wqpd The Only TV ao4 Appllaaoe outlet 0 f Ita Kind la Caaaectlettt A For Fun Information COMPAREPARE IOUR QUALITY AMD______Fr ICES. Call ' Ybu'n iiad Warib wallpapata cost % to 1m S A Y I I 9 6 G dian. cbmj^abla wallpapan sold tiie w li^ WEATHER KINO toiFh Cbiffitry Laara how baaudfuRy you can daocwalalfw homa for laaa with our papara.' AISCO »:n:?junKwya*-«vu>r4CtK ’ 2 Fhone .MOs or Night* 4010 "GlVEYODirHSSifiiv^^ Bank Financing 48 Da.vs Flint .Payment TELEVISION — iSnilGERATORS ^WASHERS wifli IVarda color ■ harmoniginq wallpapara. Two Doors! DRYERS^ FREEZERS AND RANGES Thay*!! giva your homa aya-piauiag, loom-k^ NO W —g. toothpaste Remomber o«r pfeyieife Beaaatlbual a All hraad-aew IMS room epoidinatiaa. in both daatqn and color. pepferaMy aflar moals— low-price sales? WeB, aow we’re amds wHh cUofephyU. you ean havo a dean, models! Gorden Tractors Make Farm Chores Easy t fODME piEVEE QllgigJeill offeriag bigger aad better haggaiaa SEE OUR SAMPLE BKS. Wa hava tham tho life-giving grssu sub- fraah month aff day feng/ Two Compartments! at TremesUfooe Savtaga! Came la e.All w-lth ariglaal aiauu- tfefhounj stanos in all plants. It Chiorodsat elsans aad see these TV 'aeta aad sppU- faclurer’a gmwaateaa! on display now. Ona emntaina 2Q0 pwftwnm a adrads in tooth boantiAiUy—pro- The lop compartment it a real freezer — EASY-ON CULTIVATOR ATTACSHMENT WARD 1W 2 HORSE ^ W E R HOE-TRAO aaeea for youraelt! See their hraiid- a Noihing hat fomana dacoratora' ttalactiaaa of Nationally-Known your mouth! motoo eom plen mouth keeps up to 33 tbs of frozch foods at zero aew gleamiBg eeadlltoB. .Check makes! — • By ming Chiorodsat hygiano. Childisa lovo it. temperature u long as one year! their IttSS features. Watch their a Weatiaghaaae Quality papan; tha othar hat 250 sa-piwf Toethpooto ragularly— Oat CUocodant today.s •utstaadlng performaaee. Pick out The bottom compartment is a big. 8-cubic. a Cmaley of Waida wallpapan. Taka a book homa to the BMdel yea waat far year heme! a O. E. ioM eaJUwaior 1 8 1 . 5 0 with grouad-grippiag dree fool refrigerator that NEVER NEEDS DE- Chaeae from Aumrlea’a flaest BM how tha wallpapan you chooaa will look •few a*lfe Otaw iri Givt Sfewt Naady Ipasaaialur Ofefer ( a Motorola ,,------Keeps FROSTING! Gives you “ Moist Cold” — tcfevlalaa and heme appUaaeea! with -your inm lahlngs-ror ask. for your traa 2 hours offer using Chlorodsm, ywi H-buihri etpseky. did* Oaar laafewl Far Moriat a pound of butler juel riAi a Emersoa Quidc-diopoa S-ipaad dr|va tor pewar whan yew wont IL Stratton, or Qinten 4-cyda air-cooled enghie that de­ braoth wgs dill ctoon In 99% of keeps even uncovered dishes fresh and crisp. FREE PAItKINO SPACE *■ *"4 om! bevensM sad other awch- fer taiy •preadinsi 'FOR .EVERYONE a RCA ®®py M Waida 1952 Vfell^pa» Why ipaad whan yaw need R. Pedliva-aclien dutdv aotfly fho bad'bfoath cosos fesfed. d BMd hctni! I So many wonderful features, tool velop* 2 H9 at 3400 R9AA. U«m only ohdut 2 pM i o f Opea Neaday thru Friday t' te t a Stawart-Waraar Bel oaU or atafi in today? oparofed throwgh lavar at hondia. Pewarad by Iriggs A hours (ofer, 3 out of 4 woro sHII Satarday S te • a HaiHeraftera gdiolina par hour. 26 labor-tovlng ottoehmanti ovoloblfe froo of bod brooHii //S Af4/i//FfS Ctf£i/t rO O M M Sn foiiM ifM reoio* I Inv Enc RieEcec e9 Ec^pce^ca^ EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN—FULL IS WEEKS YO PAY OPEN EVERY EVEN IN G U N TIL 9 LEVER-LITT CUUnVATOR 2M-3 HP CHOR-TRAC TRACTOR SHOP BY CATALOG Town and Country ■ Low priced model with tire s ...... 24.95 W ith ,3-quart fuei Unk 4^...... 229.50 IT'S EASY. ICONOMICAL. TELEVISION MID.«mJUIOES, me. AAoxhawm plant daaronM and deaa oeeurafe cuhivalien. Ruggedly built for do| tarvica. Sliapla, potHfva DRUG STORE Taka H artfard____ to^Bridj^^'Str^_Baar_Left at Park ta Shevala and tool gongs indMdwally adiwitabia far depth dutch. S-tpaad drivo. Kaaaay Street, Ihka , treat ta V in t Step Stga, angina davalcp* about 3 941 MAIN fT., AT ST. JAMES ST. Avaaaa, Thra ilgM S to Mill Street. ond fer row widths wp la 30*. Steal tubing tool her. Hfcrt36O0^MLUM* 4 3 0 J pM i fool par hr. Wl:2i tirea 24S.MOAO snnT CONSTRUCTION a n d APPLIAN CE CO- p h o n i 1 2,t2IS w w w Ask Abpat Wards Convenient Time Payment O ct Y ou r aljgiinent T b d a y r-P a y L a te r. . {■ ' f J. lUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER^ CONN^ W ED N E^AT, .MARCH |f. 19SS v \ ■PSMSH ' ■■ ■ . ■" ■ mil«8. nd>th.,8( S t O T m V B a r k Tfcneh Feaur Red DrWe in Indo4!2iini iitjrea t^olitics . MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1952 P A G B iR iM ir OV.hrwv’'rXV;J' . Jhr tNs. iMlrntah gatdaoa aad-Mlhe' - s *?«»<. iTidc es Full mmtrn fordag Franch moUla uaita aftar U tUr hand-to-hand dghUng. Talks to Mothers rent stumbling block is Red insis­ FTA will meet tonight at 7:30, Worse’ll Bite tore Nias naa af tha gsiriaon were RockYille Elks Give to Booster dub I^ris^tier Roster tence that Russia help euperviae prior, the regular meeting at 8. Pinay to Seek the truce and Allied refusal to T d lla n d to killsd. .Viatmlnh loaats vara not Blame for The Tolland Federated Chutoh inamedtiUely deteralned la Ota in­ Q n C h ild B e h a v io r Short, Reds Say oonaider the Soviet' Union. Ladiee Society will meet at the Assembly Yo^e No AcddenU or Dam* Preddential ElectionB cident of tha alx-yoair-old war. Both truce groups meet again at On March 2 Rev. W illiam C. H. church parlors tomorrow night at ~ m »eb and 'VlataaaMaa IJ AIM. Thursday (9 p.m. e j . t U oe selected fo r his B to d iy mdrh- • o'olockr ago" Reported After Onfy 3 Montlu AwSjf^- ProOeduro Dr. f^ n k Horton, local pedli'- (OeaMaeaB fraos Faga Oaa> Wednesday). moppad up rtehaata tha ing . sermon, theme, “ The Wen Is Thy 4-H Town Committee will' (Coattooai frosa Fi^ga Oaol mlah a r o ^ BacUau, 108 triclan, spoke before a group of IJghtnliigi Sleety Etc. See lUiee on Way Out AHles inalat the Reda impressed Deep,” giving a most Inspfrlng sponsdr a spring rally at the Town aoothwast jot SaigiNi. (OinllnnsO ffsas M ge One^- 40 mothers .yesterday morning at Hall Saturday, March 8. Reports ment haa approvsG but fo r wUch trala klUsd 87 o f ona anamwIgToup. most of them Into the North Lenten service to a large congre­ XJMWseiiebl*. utd U(ht'> ' Puaaaii'Boraa, March 3—( ^ —A the Community Y pn “ Child Be- Uprala Stiifleiits J___ from each club will be made and it has not, voted fundA Far to tho north la thnlUd riv- He eald he had not yet xeeMved Koreanarmy-,— — gation; At 9 A wr.“ Rev. Moe con­ ■Illy aeeompaBidd dM t, ntia, hall, pMfttcal mvU war )a.jragitig la thU havTor'"" at andthifi one" o f the group sthglnt" wnr~be part o f the ' Baa lOi-'Votea... ambatUad Korsaii RapimUc daaidta M dtfU artC a b i| ^ ^ 4 ^ aront 8 reouast from Benetor Ferguson Lee repeated todays-"We re­ ducted the regular Sunday service program. There will be dancing Pinay ia listed as an inde­ and aaow in a hU am litorm which OB to aavo Indo-cr' aeriee of Hpdiemaker’a Holiday Church Guests tba praaaura o f a mightjr Oaaeomi-. tfi supply tha number of State De- and refreshments. • pendent In poIlUcA.The group/>f dowririhtloB. Tha high progranw.«i>onaored by the Man- leased at the front ;the m ajority at Tolland Jail. ^ hit MaachaaUr and other Oon* mat army maaatd naarlta north- Mr', and Mrs. Joseph Krawchy- independents, which also IncluqM partoant oSIclala who have re­ • eheater Branch. Hartford County of prisoners of war whom' wo cap­ The Young People postponed nnetieut oominunlUaa laat night Rtn froiitltr. command papactod______its troops.-J'" droi^ A ’ caravan o f 14 or more stu­ ex-'Premler Paul Rejmimd, prom^' infittratiag alemants of ono onomy ifie d " oh pensiona after Inveatlga- zk'ivere recent guests o f Mr. and but cauaad no aeiioua damage. a praaidsBtial alaction omy tured.” dents from Upsala College In East their regrlsr service and met at Ised him its support yeatordfy. with dlviaton tar north' of the Bod • >Xt tlrt beginning of hie talk Dr. Mrs. Benjamin Mlller of Hartford. PoUca reported no accidents thraa months away, antagonism tlona. The Reds have said this many Orange, N. J., will visit the Em,in- ij?® tourch and went to Rockvlll* Thqt gave hlni a' start ot 102 'votes rieor, meeting mUy laototod riotot- Horton told what U normal ba- The PT a will meet tonight at 8 caused by road condltiot\a and batwaaa PraaldMt flyngmaa Bhaa Ferguson told a reporter h4 times in support of their claim uel Lutheran Church on Saturday Church to see the Itfvciy plc- o'clock in tho cafeteria o f the on the 313 he heeds for' cohfIrina- State Police said there were no anoo, whUa fYoneh artinsry and thought an appropriations aubeom- havlor and what parent! want to that any ROKa in the North and Sunday of ox thisinis week.}weea. ^ ri\ese ‘ll*’® ^ '^ O . "The Pilgrimage tlon. ■ a and tha ona-houaa National Aa- pianos hthliaaad etharo Baaing Hicks Memorial School. Dr. An­ mUhape cm the WUbur'dloss mittee handling State DepartBsant aee develop In their children. Then Korean A rm y Joined voluntarily students will he guests of the Lu­ Play,” ! similar to “The King Pinay said he would spend the aambly haa flarad into a running south fiwn tho riror. thony Gessay of Rockville will n g h w a y In this area. he diacUsied specific behavior pat­ and were not impressed prisoners. ther LcagUA along with the Jun­ Kings,” which was so popular 25 rest o f today drafting his speech Tho fFi funds, o f which he is a mamber, sneak op "Fluoridation, Helping Bolton an automcrnile skidded terns In young children which are Admiral Libby called General ior and Senior Confirmation yeara ago. , ; asking the assembly for hiAfiirat ~ Political obaarvara hafa hcraa tahtjwtth______. ____ was antitlad to this Infarmattohr Nature to Provide Better Teeth.” an Ice and struck a utility pole. — normal—but- about-whieb-parenta l.«e on his statement of Tuesday classes, at a potlnck at the church The Sabra Trumbull C3»apter, p . vote o f confidence. Several Uw~ umeat uiiaaiakmity uat.Kbee B e Bumboo canfl, 40 mllao ’'bFHgua&a "BBtd" he "w aa;gatoic- A movie will also be shown en-, a t ' By early atteraoon almost all / might be concerned. A lively ques­ beginning at 6:30 p. m., and will A.R., of Rockville w1U meet with Uttla ebanea for ga-alacUon a e n of Hanoi, tha delta’s main only for tha number-ritot, the that the 50,000 "do not exist.” titled "Behind a Smile.” Refresh­ parties will decide their votes only hCancaeeter streets were free of tion and diacuulon period follow­ IJbby said the statement was con­ present a htunorous skit on the Tolland members of the commit­ after hearing It . If ha saaka anothar four-yaar eaator. Tha Viatmiah had baen names—of those pwatenew who ments will be served by the fourth snow and slush although snow wss ed hla talk. tradicted by Red front line br6ad-f life of a college freshman, follow­ tee. Mrs. W." H oyt "Hayden, Mrs.' tagm. M Utof at Froaoh ooflUMoionUoaB resigned while undar loyalty in- xgrade mothers with Mrk.'Herbert r If he wins the confirmation v o t^ still falling at mid morning. W U N a t Mmm veaUgatlona. Mra. Barbara Dik was hi charge c a a tA ...... ing the aupper. Leila S, Hall, Mrs. J6hr» H. Steele ■Nioderweifor as chairman. / he will try to form a cabinet of Manchester commuters to Hsrt- in the canal aroa- Tha Praaident, although con- In deoIinM. to name the revMw o f the nuraery for pre-achool chil­ Quotes Broadeaat On Stmday morning the visiting and others o f .the Rockville com­ Enrollment in tho canteen experts dedicated to solving the ford found road and tragic condi­ Four Amarlcan B-36 bembora vincad tha Korean people wtU .In­ wort tumad over to the Fronch officer In'C lu bb’e case, Acdiaaon dren, with about 20 children there. "The psychological warfare pro­ students will take charge of the mittee at the social rooms of Tol­ course to be held in Tolland, given financial crisis. tions nearly normal this morning. sist that ha run. told tha Aaaoci- said that to Idanti^ him wrould The next Homemaker’a Holiday gram of your army la very incon­ worship service at 10:30, and will land Federated Church on March t y the Red O oss and sponsored Pinay wants to use both p it- tn other areas State Pblice at today, booatlng to about 800 tho atad Praaa he had made up hla. munbw of U, 8. warplanao eon^ mahe it toftnltAy m'bri difficult program will be on April 1 at sistent with the stand General, Lee be entertained at ’ the homea of 12 at 3 p, 'm. __ bv the Tolland Ladies Society. Is auasion and force on delinquent the Canaan- Barracks reported I:....',.' mind 'Icmg ago*’ not to aaak an­ trlbutod for tho fight. to Impose on other qualified offi­ which time Miss Eloise Keckefoth has taken in these meetings,” 'Lib­ Emanuel members fo r dinner. •Die regular meeting o f the Vol­ virtually completed with IS ladles taxpayers, who he estimates are lightning had put their radio out other term. cials what he called the highly dis­ , of thip. State Department of Health by said. “ A s an illustration o f this unteer Firemen's Association, Inc., enrolled. Mrs. Maurice Foulkea of cheating the government of aboui of order, but they restored service But political intlmatea of tha agreeable taak o f ’revlewriBg evi­ will talk on "Nutrition for the inconsistence I quote from 'a SCOT TO GET W O RK whjeh was scheduled for Monday, Rockville will Instnict the classes 600 billion francs (about 31,70P - with an auxiliary power "system. 76-year-oId “ Father of the Korean U. S. M inister Aids dence on a colleague. Fam ily" and will show a moving broadcast made by your psychol­ March 3, was postponed \o March at 7:3d p.m. March 10. 13, 17, 20 000,000) ahnually, 'Iliat is ahnox! A report from Wallingford said Republic" aaya Rhee copld'ba In'^ ogical warfare forces opposite London, March 5—(,?>)—A deter­ Acheson aald in response to a picture entitled “Why Tommy 10. because o f the town meeting and 24. 40 per cent of the 1952 defeqsc that hail had coated everything duced to run if he thought he ROK Army forces in the Kumsohg mined Scotsman, arrested for try­ question that Clubb had baen told Won't Eat.” March 3. t Mrs. Florence Essex and dauto- budget. • with Ice and traffic moved at a | would be elected eaaily. An English Church lira ’s a man who^ beliavea that area during the late afternoon of ing to barge into Prime Minister after the final decision tn his ease ter, Mrs. PhvlUs R. Myrtle of WII- Pinay probably will offer n "fis­ snail’s pace. Danbury was pelted Under the Korean Constitution, hanging hihiaair'each day actually March 2, 1952: Churchill's house at 10 Downing A food sale was held at the that hla Job would be chanj^d. lington Hill, were callers at the cal amnesty"—no penalties agalns' b y an inch and a half of hall fol­ the President Is elected by the Na­ improves hia^aalth. He'a Com- ” ' I am an ex-ROK soldier who atreet, finally got what he, Went church dining rooms in the Tole N ew York,— (JP>—A donation to ‘That was hla only commsnt bear­ Stee'c-Hall home on Monday. evadci's who pay up. within a givci: tional Assembly. ntaader Seiaer, USN, Senior has been captured by the KPA land Federated Church Saturday lowed by snow. help repair and malntalp a .ISth ing on Clubb'a statement that the after—the promise of a Job. Kent Buahnell was a week end period. I f they don't, Pinay would - In January, Rhee sponsored a Oantat ufnear of the Naval Air G ile a d from 2 to 5 p. m. for the benefit of .....Meanwhile the weather man Century EhjgUah Churdi," one o f ifivesugatiofi had damkged hla fu;^ (Korean People’s Arm y) and fur­ John Scqbje, ^ y car-old'laborer, Xlipst nt..the .home of his parents; gct toi'.gh. , ...... proposed amendment for direct Statien at Corpus Chriatl, Tex. the Ladles Society o f .the ■’ church. promiismlaed clear, cold weather late tho oldest In England, has been ture caredr prospecta. nished ttAtointf ' to a m'ember o f had to do tome fas't talking, how­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bushnell. Among punishments he report- today' 1and tomorrow. election, of the president and for a n ^ e by a New York nilnlater. , Above, at the Naval Air Statloa, The. dedication of the Sunday the KFA. I am living an aaay life ever, after bobblee took him in yes- The fund raising activities of the cdly has in mind is taking awhy In -comntanting on the’ -Olubb ’■ BchWoV room' 'df'th'e'GIleaa Odhgre''^ Rent';,l8,a Btydtot fit Y rIo Uniycr-- two-houae ■ national aaaembty. T h e Rev. R. c.‘ HunMcker.*''^c^ Peasaoela, -Fla..' -he- denranatratefe ^ t h the KPA. ' •• ierday.dn chtogto'Qf'l'hsultihg society sre carried on by ■■ five' •slty; " ' . ' the ! 'right to vote. French "lay." . Rhee argued these would he the method he «levised for allevlat- case, the Secretory said he wan gatinnol Church w ill take place on ot St. Paul's Chapel here, aent a Libby said the broadcaster then havior and uslngf insulting Ian- groups o f workers. The- combined Mrs. K arl Tobtaason. who has docs not provide prison sentence:: “ more In accordance with demo­ Ing the negging backaches he seya departing from the policy of Sunday afternoon. May 4, St 2:80. 3200 check to the rectoj;.>« Iffiey appealed to ROKa to follow hla ex­ guage. earnings o f all flye grpu'ps arc been a guest o f her daughter and for taxpayers who cheat the gov- dentiata get from constantly bend­ avoldtfig disclosure of step-by-step The following committees ..were cratic principles." Critics said Church, Oxfordahirei' England. ample end Jbin the Reda. Scobie kicked up a tow at* lO pooled for' general expenditures. ernmxnt. actions tn Uie process of Investi­ appointed at a meeting held re­ family In South Carolina for over Obituary Rhee introduced the measure sa a The New York clgrgymnn aald he ing over dental chalra. Lee called the report a fabrica­ Downing street when a doorman The society recently voted to pur- gation of employes. He said he cently: Program, Mrs. Robert two months, has returned to her Pinay also has been telling par­ move toward hla reelectioh. was impressed with the antiquity tion. — suggested . he wrrite Instead of chAEc 150 folding chairs for the did so because so many qusstions Foote chairman. Rev., George homo in Tolland Center. liamentary leaders of such other , After only two daya debate, and m agnlflcm ce o f the church Admiral Libby said none o f the dropping^in uninvited. new social rooms of the church the assembly turned down the had been raised about this case. Milne, Mrs. Adolph Simona, Mrs. Miss Janet Anderson of Tol­ measures to halt inflation aa a he saw ^ h visit last sumnier. day’s exchange makes “any dif­ Scobie,' who comes from Glas­ from funds In its treasury, Satur­ Deaths amendment by a whooping 143-19 The finding of the department’s Merton Hlljs, Mrs. C, Daniel W ay land and N ew York City spent tho wage and prize freeze/ reform lof About Town ference in the principle of yolun- gow, told Magistrate A. L. Steven­ day's food sale was sponsored by week end with her parents, Mr. the fiatlonalized industries, ! a Newsmap aopve snows cnucal situation In Indo-China, where Viet Minh Communists are advancing at a vote. The President did not take board on an employe's loyalty Is and' Robert Hawley; publicity. ta iy repatriation,” key issue be­ son: "A ll I wanted was work.!’ Mrs. William Syacha's group. It The subject of the Lenten serv­ Mrs. Charles Fish chairman, Ml.ss nnd Mra. William E. Anderson In longer wrork week and Increased Mra. Annfre Schora rate Imperiling the whole French position in the north to the point where the defenders may have to his defeat lying down. Renters to Learn subject to review by the Loyalty fore the ' subcommittee. "They The magistrate released him on was well patronitod and a financial Mrs. Katherlna Yunshur Schors, Suggests Recall ice tonight at 7:30 at the Zion Doris Hutchinson, Miss Olive W ar­ Herald Photo Tolland Center. encouragement for exports. maka a major withdrawal. Most grave recent setback was loss of the fortress clty of Hoa Binh, necessit- Review board of the Civil Service won’t buy 'voluntary repatriation probation and told the probation success in spite of the storm. gg, wife of Anufre Schors of Bear He suggested that the voters .Lutheran Church wrill be “Lent ner, Mrs. Douglas Porter and Mrs. Manchester Mailman Chester It was not clear how many of ing a “ last ditch" defense ring around Hanoi and Its port Haiphong. W ith Chinese Red troops massed on commisaion, which still haa the and we won't drop it.” officer to find Scobie a Job. The volunteer fire department Swamp road, Andover, died yes­ Indt^hina'a northern border, French fear a Korea-type Invasion, possibly an "end run" through Thailand recall the lawihakers. A .“recall Art of Heckling Demands Decision—You have ^ t Edward Foote; hospitality, Clar­ the ticket sales will ge given at Sandalio Consuegra of the these proposals he would call for Clubh case under consideration. Morgan is shown above presenting S taff officers worklnir, oh truce V as called out Sunday rhomlng at terday afternoon at her home to attack Cambodia and Cochin-China. " ence P. Rathbun chairman, Mrs. next Monday night's meeting at 8 Washington Senators led the tomorrow-. A "ministerial decla­ movement" sprang up. , One Choice.” The general theme But there is a big dlfferenca be­ a check for 325 from iy>ckvllle supervision met- for only 14 min­ Cerro Bolivar, 'Venezuela's 8:30 to put out a fire in a truck ’ after a long lllneas. Tw o weeks ago, aevetal hundred of these services, which wrill con­ tween loyalty and security risks Alice Foote, Homer W. Hills, Mrs, o'clock at the School street li­ Amerlcto League Hat of 17 pitch­ ration” must be ^diplomatically Kuala Lumpur, Malaya — (P) — utes. Each side said it had nothing mountain o f iron, ia expected to on the Wilbur C!ross highway in Bom In Minsk, Russia, on Nov. and Acheson stressed that the Norman Warner. Mrs. Winthrop Lodge 1359, R.P.O.E:, to Herald brary. ers who fii.lshed with perfect worded to catch a ma.ximum 'o f to account for their financial deal­ people gathered pc the National tinue en consecutive Wednesday new to offer and there was no yield 10 million tons of ore a year Western Tolland. 34, iSgS, shs came to this country Rent-payers in this Federation State department itself, with the Porter and Elton Buell: refresh­ Sporta Editor, EUu'l Yost for the fielding averages. He handled the votes from the sharply differing Tax Probe Opens ings and net worth. Coventry Woman Assembly carrying placards and evenings during Lent, is “We Go TTie membership drive will con­ point in Just talking. Their cur­ to U. S. steel mills before 1060. In lOlS and had been a resident capital, determined that they shall' Secretary as the final arbiter, ments, Miss Clara Ellis and Mrs. The executive committee of the most chances— 30. Fre,nch parties. "T h e ir conduct has been euch shouting for recall of the assem­ W ith Christ to Glory.',' Manchester Booster Club. Mr. tinue for a two week period. Aim Of Andover for the past 20 year. be heard on municipal matters, makes ..the binding decision as to Albert Adams co-chairmen, Mrs. that the committee Is interested In bly. Petitions were drawn up. are going to be taught how to Morgan ia the exhaulted ruler of o f the Booster Club is to raise Bsaldsa her husband, she leaves Monday in N. Y. Iii Minor Crash The assemblymen were Incens­ whether any officer Is a security Wilbur Porter. Mrs. Helen Keefe, funds for the purchase o f new having their story as to why It Is heckle. Mrs. Joseph Thompson o f 101 Mrs. Karl Links, Mrs. Donald Ray­ the Rockville Lodge of Elks, The two tons, Samuel Schors of Man­ ed. ' risk. Under the procedure set up equipment at Manchester High for unusual," King said. Padl A. Krishman, chairman of Hemlock street left this morning mond, Donald Martin and Wilbur check was turned over to Treasur­ chester and-Harry Schora of. An­ They pointed out that there , la beginning in 1947, any employe the extra-curricular program, par­ Washington, March 5-f/Pi -- Mrir Barbara Wheeler of south the Selangor Rentpayero Aaaoda- for Charleston, S. O., ilvhere Porter; ushers. Calvin Fish, John er George S'uith at the Manches­ dover; tw o daughters, Mrs. Harold no Constltuttonal provision for re­ has the right to appeal to the Se% it now! --—--— — --- House tax Investigators voted to- Coventry was, bruised and ^b'er tlon, said his group would support she wrill visit har daiSghter, Mrs. Hooker, Douglas Porter and ter Trust Company. ticularly sporta.' Hartley o f Manchester and Mrs. call. They also claimed that the Secretary from a finding of the Joseph Trenton of Woonsocket, Public Records automobile was dsraaged when It but one candidate in forthcoming James Tuttle, and new grandson, Charles Warner. Booster Club drive in Manches­ Temporary officers are T. Jack dgy to launch their long-pending ''recall move had been carefully departmental board and Acheson f t I., and eight grandchildren. struck ^ utility pole on Route 44A city electionsi "But.'' he said, "w e James B. Tuttle. Mra. 'Tom pson Crockett, president; Dr. Ray Moz- The wonderfully new and different Inquiry Into the New York In­ planned by Rhee supporters. said this appeal was taken by Charles V. Leo, a student at the ter started yesterday. The Elka' the funeral will be held Friday In Bolton nesr the Bolton-Ceven- are going to heckle plenty. I shall expects to return about the end ot zer, vice-president; Hal Turklng- Warrantee Deeds Other pressing national affairs dubb. Hartford Theological Seminary, check was the first received since morning at. 11 o'clock at the An­ ternal Revenue organisation next try town line yesterday. instruct members how to heckle March. will be the spealwr at the Gilead the drive started. ton, secretary; and George Smith, Monday. Charles P. O'Connor to Edward were ignored for five days. Red­ dover Congregational Church. Dr. The accident occurred at about m jself.” Congregational Church on Sunday Over 1.000 membership tickets treasurer. William Tuthlll, pastor cmeritu{i "fhe probe will reach Into the top D. Wilson and Eleanor M. Wilson, faced cabinet ministers were call­ Ths Sacred Heart Mothers property on Vernon atreet. 9:15 p. m. According to State Po­ ed in to explain the government's Husband, Wife morning. March 9. at 11:15. were distributed at last Monday Membership in’ the Booster Club o f the Andover Oiurch,> will offici­ echelona of the former officialdom cle will meet Thursday evening ill, is open to all. Marriage License lice. of the Colchester barraclcs who attitude. Rhee himself was urged The Ladies Aid Society of the night's opto meeting. A report on ate and burial will be in the Town- of the Internal Revenue bureau, in­ Drinking Water 8 o'clock at the horns of Mrs. Mat­ Gilead Congregational Church will Robert Carf Anderson of Man­ inveftlgated. the car skidded on to appear but asked to be excused Change Places aend Cemetery, Andover. cluding'former Commissioner Jo­ thew Moriarty, I3l Park street. hold its monthly meeting on. Wed­ chester, and Frances Nsdyne Val- lee 1n the road and struck a pole "because of illness.” Fiienda may call at the Holmes seph D. Nunan. Jr, and former nesday afternoon, March 12,. at the lsly, .of Richmond, Ind.,. to be mar- in front o f, Pepin;! gTPc«fy .store, MeanWhile. the propoasd amend­ ...... Plant Invented Funeral Home, -400-Main street, ■Deputy -"Commlealoner -j'^^rron ' Mr; and Mrs. Abram Matchett ^bbndale, Ili.'^ ffi— A w ife home of Mrs. Robert Hawley on this evening fropi 7 to 10, and ^ ment has not been forgotten. Rhee were pleasantly surprised by a Mesli\_ who_ r^ Ig n M . Ja..hft8d ..Ql ■“ •■■<:"*• takh .GdUadUaUe£l,^MrA.Re.bert -%omorrbw'^rrwh-3 ' said - he - -might' ■■ reintroduce the ' 'Lo's Ahgeres, C s iif'^ A 5 — An in­ Irroup ^ .. and Mrs. Charles Fish will W the p. m. mer for reason.^ o f health. David Werbner and Max Gross- measure after the present legisla­ ventor of s practical process of relatives at a housewarming at hospitaKln an ambulance awapped a.ssistant hostesses. man, lessors, and William Schultz tive session which ends March 20. places wl|h him before the trip A t the same time the commit­ converting sea water into drink­ their home at 34 McKes street laat Mrs. Carl Lankof of East street Mim, Margaret Hamilton for Schultz Beauty Salon, lessee, Japanese Toys Then he added firm ly: “ A fter was over. tee announced It had worked out a ing water and the Refinite Co. have week. They received many lovely has been appointed chairman for Mrs. Msrgaret Hamilton, wife for rooms 7. and 8 located on sec­ the will o f the people has been "peace" agreement with the Treas­ almost completed negotiations for gifts from the guests who came Mrs. SylvJk Hastings, o f Paul- the town of Hebron which Includes of Robert Hamilton of Arlington, ond floor o f building at 9B9-08S made known sufficiently, if the ury and Justice departments for Sydney, Australia Jap­ building a “ pilot modSI" plant. from Andover, Hartford, Rockville, ton. 111., stop p ^ the ambulance en Gilead and Amston for the 19th | N. J., slster-ln-faw of Wllllsm Main street, for 10 years begin­ legislature still adamantly defies jotht use of secret committee files anese toys have been selling so Company officials said Inventor Worcester and Manchester. The route home to'ronfer with their annual Easter Seal campaign of Hamilton of Alpine street and ning April 1. • It. the people may find legsl the Connecticut Society for Crip­ on the New York tax picturs. well that unless Import restric­ Peter Jones, of Los Angeles, will home was decorated with yellow, doctor. There s h ^ e ll down ateps. Jsmts Hamilton of 87 Oarden means of carrying out their will." green end white, and a bliget breaking a leg an^arm. Her hus­ pled Children and Adults, Inc. TV Chairman King (D-Califi said s tions ease this year, the supply build the portable plant at Refinite atreet, disd suddenly Monday eve­ I'. S. Ci^HDADTIES luncheon was sefved by the hos­ This campaign will open on March plan had been worked out "on is will not meet the demand, an Im­ Co.'s home oifice, in Omaha, Neb. band, Warren gallantly gave up ON RECONDITIONED USED TELEVISION ning at her home in Arlington. Fu­ tesses, Miss' Elaine Gibson' of this his ambulance cot to her, and they 13 and continue through Easter mutually satisfactory basis all porting company official said re- Vietminh Build Jones explained he has success­ neral aervlees will take plare to­ Washington, March 5—(g')—• town and Mrs. Gertruds Bertht- Sunday. The co-chairmen are around." It will allttw a New York cently. fully produced s "barometric" or returiied to the hospioil to have morrow at 2 p.m. In Crane's Fu­ Announced I T , H. battle casual­ aume of Leicester, Maas. her admitted. Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. Winthrop neral Home, Kearny, N. J., with grand Jury access to the files, but One company, believed to be the natural vacuum, which makes the ALL OK'D and GUARANTEED ties la Korea reached 100.208 only one irhporting Japanese toys Indochina Force Porter and Mrs. Charles Fish. burial there. not exclusive pa‘-sesSlon. bolftng and purifying of salt water ______' • \ today, an Increase of 300 since into Victoria, has already had to Every city and town in the state The Hamilton families will be Initial sessions of the New York more economical. Inst week. restrict allocations. One shon of Connecticut will participate in reureaented ai the service by Mrs. phase of the King committee's Saigon, Indo-Chlna, March 5-r- TABLE MODELS manager said he had to replenish this fund raising project which is Witlism Hamilton and Mrs. Elea­ probe of ttx corruption will deal ('P'—Regular Vietminh troops ap­ OE TALKS OPEN SEIZES SUIT OIACHINES one line three days after it ap­ he.'ided by Gov. John Lodge. I^ O TO R O LA 8V2 IN. $ 59.95 nor Hamilton o f Boston, widow of with "five or six" Internal Revenue pear to be moving into areas north Rev. George -M. Milne, Mrs. peared on the shcl'.'cs. "When it New York, March 8—(AV--The Dayld Hamilton, another of the employes In the New York ares. of Saigon In incrsaalng strength Milne and childre'n are moving I^MERSON IOV2 IN. . • • • « 45.00 Washington, March 5—(>P)— comes to buying people forget In­ after losing a series of flghu Oeneval Electric Company open­ Hamilton brothers whb Uj'ed here King told newsmen they woUld The F B I today announced neiv from the parsonage in Gilead this ternational differences," he said. with French union forces to the ed negotiatlpna today with lead­ ATTENTION LADIES! 1-^HILCO IOV2 IN____ 79.00 for several yeara Mra^ Rleanet be questioned-on their activities as' week to their new home in Wood-; ■eltorea of 1,883 coin-operated soutlj In recent weeks. Hemllton and her three-yesr-old an outgrowth of Information ob­ slot machines In Illinois, Ohio, ers Of two rival nnloBs seeking bridge. Conn., where Rev. Milne I^ H IL C O I 2V2 IN____ 89.00 Ea.ster Island Is so named The French announced tonight wage Increases for approximate­ granddaughter, Jsnn Perkins, are tained through answers tn bureau Pennsylvania and South Caro­ cause a Dutch explorer discovered w ill take u[l his pastoral duties at Balling Friday night on the Queen questionnaires requiring employes lina. about 200 o f the Communist-led ly 115,000 OE workers In 100 THURSDAY NIGHT the First Church of Christ there. It on Easter Sunday. rebels had stonhed a fortified post -Elisabeth for a mbnth's visit with plants ncroas the United States. Gilead ladies are invited to at­ relatives In ScoUsnd. CONSOLE MODELS MARCH 6 - 7 to 9 P. M. tend a Red Cross home nursing course to be held in Columbia at a 1—ADMIRAL IOV2 IN...... $ 65,00 \date. to be announced later. Tlie And you ^et F u n e r a l a «;cuise will be held at the home of 1—ADMIRAL I 2V2 IN...... 139.50 -1— ADM IRAt^«VF4Nv^ .... 129.50 Oeorge W, Ooodno CoVkell, and will be limited to 15 -all-theso Gxclu$tvn^~t The funeral of George W. Good-' ■ members; T h e course' Is free' and 1—EMERSON 20 IN*vv....;. 89.50 no'of 50 North Elm street. West- is on\ of the services offered by 1—ZENITH I 2V2IN...... 99.50 'features 'too! field, Mass., who died suddenly loiDW about M n g the A frican Red Cposs. It will Sunday while visiting In Manches- be held Nlwlce a week fo r two 1—ADMIRAL COMSINATION 125.00 tsr, was held this morning at 8:30 houu eacji evening and contjpue fm m the John B. Burke Funeral for seven lessons. For more in- Any of these sets will be installed for a nominal fee. ;or combined! > fc»mat.ion Nmntact Mrs. Bela Home and at 0 o'clock at St. C A L L 3535 f ' James' Church. Rev. ; George « J M C AND DEMONSTRATION Sclireier in Hkbron. Hughes was the celebrant. Rev. Mrs. ErnestNpingwell has re­ turned home after visiting her Edgar Farrell the deacon and Rev. MRS. DORIS BE LD IN G , factory representative, will be Theodore Gubals the sub deacon. sister. Miss Vitfi^Osborn, at her Mrs. Jane Maccarone was organist e r e *s why you can carry more at our atore to demonstrate and explain the sewing ac- i heme in Shelton. and soloist. Hpayload with Dodge “Jofr-AolecT tion of the famous New Home machines. If you have BERSOH-S Burial was In St. James' Ceme­ irucks. The threads of a spider's web any sewing problems, bring tliera in to our Clinic— ,, are really cables made up of many RADIO . . . TELEVISION . . . . APPLIANCES tery where Father Farrell read First, they have hettor weight the committal service. Thursday night/ . S^Hbres each of which may be, only • Ona-piaca porcalain food distribution. This means bigger pay- about one-Scventy five thousandth 713 MAIN STREET — TELEPHONE 3535 . .... of an- inch in* diam eter;...... — comporimanf------C r e a t e load capacity is engineered into a Dodge “Job-Rated” truck. Many • Quickoba lea Trays...... trucks carry too much weight on the Course Sdbeduled rear axle, not enough on the front. • Bin-aixa, all-porcalain' But in a Dodge toe right proportion NO MONEY DOWN H ydrate ra Storrs, March 5—A 4en week is carried on each axle. NEW HOME PORTARLE^EWING MACHINE • Femeua Malar-Miser aeurse in creative w riting will Besides better weight distribution, Haul fasterl ONLY mochaniam with 5-Year ■tart Thursday at the Nathan a shorter whwlbase provides .easier rl D odge “Job-Rated” turning and parking. Come in and trucks are IMwered by high-com Protoction Plan Hale Community Center. South pression enginee to give , you top Coventry with Yandray 'Vahee as try one o f these easier-handling performance with rock-bottom $ 4 9 . 9 5 • Aluminum aholvaa Instructor. trucks. Get all the facta about haul- ^economy. Big power gives yow pull ____ The course la being sponsored fii( bigger payloads. Y«t^3avB $25 ... that cannot ruat - ~ by the Division 6t University Ex- and apeedthat sa ve tone on every trip. BffiOW w m AWAY ■ . - - tonalon o f the University of- Con­ „Dp le Tt.Weeha Ta Pay' • N oW Peted-Sexfoty- ----:—— necticut on a non-credit basis. A s Ad^-erHsed l a UDf'X PLENn OF WEAR iEFT IN SHO! Indicator The course which will be open F or 87A8S to all adults in the .area, is ached- Anoeriea's IROUGHT HERE FOR REPAIRING a • Booutiful, Raymond .tq,#lart..8t,,7,..p,..fl}„,,,will ha . BIggnt Alewtag Valiie;. Ktostta;^ iDeatn^ .x-s/Tsimv.M ''‘.T sw»eiwei!MCwv:*««aa:sr*Vi.»-i»a‘/«>v^i«n6- ra|dieut^siyiii«# ...... ----- aoy-two-houes eaeh-and— regtstray tlon will be at the inittsi mee'ting. ^ The meeting day also may be Changed to suit the convenience o f the m ajority o f those ro is te r­ C o m pa n io n v a lu e! ing, according to Stuart HT Man­ WE USE THE BEST FULL UNE OF SHOE Model IR-106 ning. assiitant director of the Uni­ T h^ w iig ActiM tff $ 3 1 1 versity Division. ' OF LEATHERS POLISHES OBdr PASTES •;i' •! Mr. Vance, former newspaper library editor end resident of Mer- ‘ ‘Witli our new Dodgo, the payload is YOURS FOR AS LOW AS Oak Leathers SADDLE SOAP row. Is well-known as a teacheib' Carry morel In Dodge “Job-Rated” 08* lenfer lifel Then’s a Dodg- .Waterproof Leathers KIWI. ESQUIRE o f creative WTiting, and has taught trucks, the engine is pieced forward truck ^ t ’s “Job-Ratei' to fit your the course privately and also as and ^ front axle b«dt—for better Neolite Soles NUGGET and YANKEE high, the cost per mile low!” road and load condition—with, load- $ 9 9 . 9 5 Neoprene Soles part of the Hartford YMCA pro­ distribution o f the load. T ^ t ’a why carrying j ^ load-moving units fac­ SHOE POUSHES gram. DOWN ... soys M OM IS SAFIR you can carry bigger payloads— tory-engineered to atand up on Raw Cord Soles without overloading. Geared rotary. FnU atae. Sews forward sad Best Flexible Soles For IMPORTED ENGLISH lES FINNEGAN Dopondablo Fumitun Company, Oakland, California tougheat aerVioe. reveree. All attachmeata. Quiet rnanlag. 38 f . ''' year gnaraetae. Women’s Shoes ond SCOTCH SHOE LACE$ See. uffothy^M(kli!QS^6oy //7 Neolite Soles For Chil­ M sKh 5-:i:«^>e-(iaul • After uaing Dodge Vo6-/fo<(«f touckf CM give our driven more fteedom in - AMERICAN RAWHIDE Also sea tha 2 other a St. ..Loiula hotel for eight yean exclusively, I want dren’s shoes. They out­ Shoes Repaired : under cross examl- to our Dodge 1-ton LACES report that your new modela are wear everything. While Yott Wait Cycki-nMrtlc FrlQMairoa^oiid that former Reve- truck. With our new Dodge, the pay- k ee^ g meaold on Dodge. load ia high, the coat per mile low. And the new Oabixa, Mestar Jamas P. Flaae- ‘N o vehicla we havei ever aeen him aa our tnu|«portation is dependable.” ,«ISJ oi»^ Standard Medals, n claim agalaat ‘TRUOa Guard. priicad fnam $000.00 M ed la .. ^ ■ SQLIMENE, INCORPORATED RADIO . TELEVISION .... APPLIANCES 434 CENTER STREH^ TELEPHONE 5101 'SHOE REPAIRING OF THE SETTER KIND FOA OVER 40 YEARS' X 718 MAIN STREET — TELEPHONE S5SS -.1 15 MAPLE STREET — Just A Step From Main Street Across From The First Nktional Store’s Parking Lot JOHNSOH BROOnnERS 1043 MAIN STREET , EUCTRICAL CONTRACTOR^ MAMCHESm .... 3 ------' k ' ■ '■ • .; _--- - ' ^ -'-^ :--t'-- : - ^ ., ■ ■• ■ .: » ■-■ ■ ,; . ; ,....w-- ...... "'-.‘'M t« V ■ : • ^ ^AGtrsncm:^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,- MANCHESTER^ 00NN4 WEDNESDAY; MARCH Hf, » « ■■ V.- - ^.MANCH^R^EV^ENmOHERAL^^^^ -PAGE

training for It-yoar-olda, plus 7H members changed their 'mfiida Complete Sale years la ths reserves. about UMT and thought perhaps " A ^Vicious Rumor* May Hurt House Shelves Vote Detays Actloa it could be worked but some other . Their vote merely postponed ac­ way.” . ' _iLi|4_X------_/<- Of Fourth Mill IMT Start for tion by sending the measure back Shcfi said this set of circum- Blood Banky Red Cmss Says to eommittee. 'stsnees has occurred oiriy a few NOTICE The cllaMctic roll ctil cyt si'rees .flmes.during his 20 years in Con­ I • . ' I A "vicious rumor" has bssa .-has not made any charge for blood 83rd Congress party lines. The motionT to recom­ gress. Four • Story Sprinfrille m it, the bill was gupported by 155 Brownson, a,'former Army offlf THE THOIMSeOLLA started in town, which, gathering i supplied to any patient In the hos- Plant Will House Press 'piuil since the Red Croes Blood RepubUcans,' 81 Democrats; op- cer, said he was. “ frankly sur­ mdmentum, is doing untold dam­ Washington, March 5—)—Bit- posad by 131 DemocraU, 30 Re­ prised" by the support given his soNSTRaanoN m ii affum h ie m . Wireless Corporation program was stiutod. Every pa­ pubUcans and one Independent. age to ths local Red Croes Fund tient who has reived a transfu­ terly-dsbstsd Uhiverasl Military amendment. He said he woifld try 24* MOAD nkllT —m . 2-921* drive and which, if ndt quashed, sion is informed by the hospital Training (UMT) sppsotod today A freshman Oongresaman, Rep. to get it considered again by the Rockvtiie, March 5—Sale of Ute msy ssbotsge the vitsliy neces- that the blood rcceiypd hsa been- to bs a dead lasae, for the next few Brownson (R-Ind), was credited House "as soon as possible." SpringviUe MIU of J. P. Stevena Bsiy blood program, a Red Ooaa donated through the American Red with throwing a big monkey Vinson told newsmen that would official revealed today. months st least. > wrench into an adrainIstraUon ma­ not be during this scuion. and Company, one of aeven in a Cross. The hospital stands ready - The House yesterday shstved an OPEN EVENINGS group cloaed by a strike of CIO- An employe of a local manufac­ at any time to show its records to chine which had survived prelimi­ turing pliuit Las stated that when administrstioh bill to start UMT. nary challenges in trying to push For Your CeN venle^ To Furnish EstiBiotes Oa textile workers in Pebruary, 1951, substantiate this statement to any It ' Voted 236-162 to send the * VRGE8 RI M.8IA BREAK to the Pinnacle Corporation was .a member of his family was oper­ person who questions Chis fact.” through the bill. ated upoii at the Manchester Me­ measure back to committee, Hartford, MJirch 5 —(jf)—A can­ • AMESITE DRIVEWAYS cfompleted yesterday. Legal agree­ In view of the above facts, there climaxing a dramatic and unusuU Brownsbn suggested an alter- didate for the Republican nomina­ ment for the trahaActlon was morial Hospital within the last can only be wonder at the reason nats plan of requiring military • 7 few weeks, the blood used foit session. ^ tion for U. S. Senator, Probate • CUSTOM RUILT GARAGES aigned a month ago. fo r starting such dangerous ru­ .Rep. Vinson (D-da.), chairman service of all physlcsllvfit high Judge ., Walton Clark. Jr.-, of The four-atory brick structure, transfusion had to be paid for. Thp. mors. the Red Cross spoke^sn achdol students while they com­ story IS'Without - foundation and of th# Armed Services committee, Darien, says the Kepiihlican plat­ • 550 feet long and containing 156,- said. He pointed out that the -com­ then killed off'- any immediate plete their last two years. This form ought to have a plank calling • GENERAL ELECTRIC REFfcimATORS 000 square feet of floor apace, will contrary to fact, the spokesman ing Bloodmoblle visit on March I f chance for reconsideration. -He would be augm ents by two sum­ for the immediate severance of houae the Press Wireless Manu­ said. ' con only suffer needlessly from told newsmen his committee would mer encampments. Non-studepta diplomatic rel.a'tidns w ith Russia, facturing Company, Inc., manufac­ No Basis such thoughtless talk. not bring up any more UMT legis­ would be required to complete Judge Clark, the' chief speaker turers of electronics devices. A personnel executive of the '7 ' . ■ r lation during this session. equivalent training. yesterday at the weekly lunchhon The firm, which was moved ccnipany which employs this man, Sen. McFarland of Arizona, The House first tentatively ap­ Republicans hold here, al;ltal to asoertain Drivers’ t'esls Democratic leader in the Senate, proved the BroW’iison proposal, "the United States should try to more than 250 employes, most of ^Miethcr there was any basis for said that in view of the House ac­ 160-145. on a teller vote. Then It bring about the exclu.sion of Rus­ them to be taken from a list of the tale. She was assured it was tion the Senate probably would rejected the program. 235-156,. on sia from the United Nation.s." THURSDAY * FRIDAY * SATURDAY local applicants now being not a fact She taxed the family Z Resumed Here not considw UMT before the end a roll call. ' ■ acreeh^, according to a spokes­ of the man Involved, who acknow­ of the 82nd Congress. The teller vote meant only that Consistent Griddcm X / ledged that there had been no m an-for Press Wireless, a subsi­ Driving tests were resumed yes­ WiU Try Again members were counted as they Tallahassee, Kla. — i.l*i — The nseis diary of Pinnacle CorporaUon. charge for the blood used, hut only But proponents Insisted that filed past a designated point In the Florida State Univcr.sily football OperaUons will get under way for the laboratory fee. The story, terday here by'State Motor Vehi­ UMT was not permanently dead. chamber.-Thelr votes-were record­ team has never lost twice to the "'T|r««Ton« In about six weeks. however, it growing and gaining cle Inspectors Nicholas Ash and “We’ll start all over again in ed by name on the roll call. same opponent during the last Jerome E. Respess of Wethers­ credence with each telling. the 83rd Congress, after the elec­ Rep. Short (R., Mo.), leader of five years. i:he Semlnolcs have a The facts are these; the Red George Massey. A total of 25 pew field, also president of the Plasco- drivers licenses were Issued follow­ tion,” Vinson said. the opposition, had said he expect­ record of ,30 \vm.s again.sl nine de­ Beautiful, Matched Set of ..Z: ..mold....Corporation- .af -Windsor Cross stated: ...... ^Chairman -Russell (D-Gk.> of ed to put across his recommittal feats a s they fai-cd- 20 different Locks, .heads Pinnacle Corporation No patient in any Connecticut; ing examinations. J the Senate Armed Services com­ motion, by 40 votes. He<^sald the teams. In the four years that v,.a and Press Wireless Corporation. hospital has paid one cent for R id . The tests were not- given the mittee, another strong supporter; final margin' o f 74“ vercs "meant TSbh VcIIrr h a s' T ^ h Tfceil roacfi 8 Heavy-Base Tumblers .... The... Sprlngvllle. p l a n t.i s th e Croas blo^ Since the reactivation jplLst. tWA.wesks .whlla motor, vehicle “ I'l .1.0 .6. .ststement ,"tt,. wiU..h« thAU .JA. the .SOrminute .debate, on ..the record -reads 30. .victorioa , and fourth of the seven Stevens' mills "of the Red' Cto'u ’BTqod p togfam registrations were being issued st little short of s national tragedy” the Brownson program, "Some only .four losses. to be sold. Remaining are the in July, 1650. 7 the State Armory on Main street If the House action "means the Minterbum. American and Hocka- No patient in the Manchester death of UMT legislation.’’ num mill plants. Hospital has paid for/blood since Donald R. Wilson. National There was no indication of the July, 1950. FAVORS VODNO GOP Commander of the American Le­ by ■price paid by Pinnacle for the Before the blood proftram was Hartford, March 6—(iP)—A del­ gion, commented: "I can imagine Z' :■' 4- Springville structure. put into operation, and in such egation from the Connecticut B large number of people are hap­ Si«v$ G e n e r a l H o y t Va n d e n b e r @ areas not now edvered by the pror Young Republicans organisation py tonight and most of them are gram, erfbh pipt of blood costs the reported it .got a "favorable" reac­ within the confines of the Soviet natient $25 plus laboratory fees. tion from Republican State Chair­ Union." SAVE TWO WAYS About Town In such arseis as this, only the la- man Clarence F. Baldwin yester­ Wilson interpolated this obser­ • S d R i ^ d j toratory fSea are charged, and the day when it handed him a resolu­ vation In a speech he read at the St. Mary’s 50-50 a u b wUl hold blood i^donated by the American tion saying that the Connecticut legion’a National Rehabilitation ON THE YEAR'S OUTSTANDING Its March meeUng in the parish Red delegation to the Republican Na­ conference. He oal.d the flaht for hall of the church Friday night at Slover Comments tional convention ought to include UMT is "by no ine.ans over.” 7 o'clock. The committee of hosts Willieam Slover, superintendent a member of the young G.O.P. No House members did not aotuallv and hostesses for the supper in­ of/the local hospital,' this morning •member of the or^nlsation ever vote, on the merits of the bill t o Sold at Looding Storot cludes Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Norris, stated, "The Manchester hospital has been so honered. establish compulsory six months' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Robertson/ Evorywhoro for $3 .6 0 Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Phelps, apd Mr. and Mrs. William Hunmfprd. TV SALE Any couple who has not be«n.4x>n- tacted an d ' would like to attend this meeting should contact’any of COUPON OF f l o C r m C d e l s the shove committee mepibera. A son was born at the Hartford Hospital on March 2 to Mr. and Ntvtr Btftrt Havt W« Mrs. Carl Lelner, French road, Off trtJ Sock ■ Buy. • . RFD. A son was also born to Mr. DRUG STORE 1. FREE INSTALLATION and Mrs. Willigm Christiana, 875 Main street, cn'March 3 at the Mt. 942 MAIN STREET AT ST. JAMES STREET I 10« BOB O Rlsns qra Sofedga — Sinai Hospital. ' ■ PINS Guaranteed against INCLUDING OUTSIDE chipping '’Members-of the a Clef Club are THURSIUV;jlUMY4 SATURDAY O Hedvy c^ ta l boSOT'' reminded that Leon Fallot will be -preseny at-the-reguiai-- rehwiraal r o o f A N TEN N A ::0;Dlamond!’’dlear:gian'»: tomorrow night to take a group "W a^xeeHCl^eHC^ DRUG s t o r e illH »i Thin-blown, beautiful picture. O Gay,' bright ’colors O D e lic a te " F ro ste d /'a special meeting of the First /Congregational Chiirch, Vernon s " AS MUCH AS laurel" pottern Is Center, will be held tonnorrow eve­ CAMAY SOAP C O M tS 2 . "fired-en permonentiy ning at 8 o’clock in the social REGULAR SIZE CAKES. iLimil 3) , ASSORTED room to act upon amendments to the by-laws. 23c AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT . . . PHONE OR REG. 29e Mr. and Mrs. Harlan J. Witham, OFF formerly of Easthampton. are now WASH CLOTHS 3 COME IN TODAY . . . THEY'RE PERFECT residing at 23 Hudson street. Mr...... T o d a y there are no far away places. For London, Withsm is associated with Cheney REGULARLY 10c EACH. (Umiei V * A l l FOR HOME ... (DEAL FOR GIFTS . .. BUY NOW Brothers in its Industrial relations ZiRC ’ REGULAR LIST PRICE ij7 .,• 'Jj: division. .•-•^Ife/V-r Paris, Moscow and Tokyo are only a matter of hours by air. hT / xOxIde The Cosmopolitan Club will z e a s y t e r m s meet Friday, March 7, at 2 p. m. 29° WAX PAPER 93 OlRtaiRMt BIO 3 5 -iPIECE ELlCTRfC % ‘ilv z ■ And with every passing day, new advances in aviation, In the Federation room of Center ' z ; Church house. Miss Anna C. f l-euacr e ^ Ic l DRILL and POWER TOOL SET fy*. • bring us nearer to our enemies. French, reference librarian of the ^ Cigarette Fay W for It l i Secon.d Oongregational Women’s CARDS Lighter your job is by buying U. S. Defense Bonds regi^arly. Why not start League will meet tonight at 7:30 HOME NEEDS SALE Ohrmoe Like ,..W niP99tOH# with Mrs. William Stearns of 79 pinatklt Fla'eh TELEVISION now—make today your “D” Day! By buying bonds you help , .North Main street. • The new­ Critp-IIexible< sgroup, as yet unnamed, will also htrr floriil $-pt. R9c ASKS o m meet tonight with Mrs. Richard Cup and build the great economic strength that backs up our armed forces. Byers of 144 Green Manor road. laaHie bdetl Start yourMlf oh the road to personal Women of the church interested in Saucer Set Joining this new group will be wel­ . Contoins 4 cups come. ' and 4 saucers kREM L .( financial Indapondon^ thrpugh U. S. Dofanso Bonds And today history has taught us one lesson—pence is \t>r the strong! .....A Q c MRir T o n k l — The-WCTU 'wttr have' an 'altiffay price . .. session. Tuesday. March 11. start­ Come/otf 24*Pe. tiirtMMs n i «M a| Through U. S. Defense Bonds and other forms of Don’t forget that bonds are ndw a better buy~tbah~ Remember, too, when you buy bonds you make ing at 10:30. tim work’o r making 'Aaclliir Badifng' DISH CLOTHS 2-CeH j 4-01. 5 7 « ! Vheelchair cushions for the Vet­ GLASS SET Knitted, dh rol* • • FoCUfling I bettit laving you c.in build a cash rcser\’e. Money that will i ever. Because now every Series E Bond you own can erans Hospital in NeWington will .Spoiklihg ioiest FEASTIC ROLL^ one of the safest investments in the world today. be continued. A poUuck will be green tumblert BASKET ...... tome day buy you a bouse or educate your children, automatically go on earning ihtercst every’ year for enjoyed at noon. At 2 o'clock { in PlNst IthiinM Rtra lMlris4 Is fHi Ilf IS-nm USE YOUR CREDIT Rev, James R. Bell, minister of ' Sthh,ww'wtp 9 O S Rainimw Paper 4% £::’,9 8 ' Sit;.. sittlll Ellt Is sir.., Hm'i Writ Tn tit... of support you when jou retire. Remember, too, that 20 years from date of purchase instead of 10 as be­ tdttt * NAPKINS ... J. P e Vt,** tiKtrIc Drill with 3- # 7 Chrom. Alloy St«.t *». B 5 0 y a m For Defense Bonds are as safe as America! ■ — . the Church of the Nazarene, will .For car—home 4 WAY low drill chiKk T vm iI 0 ,1 |I* 11 /4 I o W ) if you don’t save TcgAtlarly, you generally don’t save fore! This incans that the bond you bought for $18.75 speak, after,.which the monthly BOWL COVER SET • Au.lllary chutk • J,!®''!;?''? business meetii^ will take place. COLO j|ir;1 Plaitic-r7 pc. Ml . .. . . ^ iWEB at all. So go to ydiit company’s pay office—now»-and can return you not just $25—but as much as $33.33! • **?’»’ e 12 tw d ^ dik • Moldad Rubbar OIk • iootar-T^^ FeinttMiiar . George C. Rauchle, Jr., son of TABLETS • PoUthlAb Boowat ' • Stwr^ $1^ Corr^lngCota sign up for regular saving and United Statcs-DefeiwtP —A $37i50 fchnd pays $66.66; Andso om Bankers rec*^ -I ■'"Mr, ana Mrs. George Rauchle,-Sr., of 43 Courtland street, holds the UNDERWHlTlRi' USTIO-< rim FOR ONI YEAR Bond purchases through the Payroll Savings Plan. -- oihroend X^ehse Bonds a& a .safe investment. . ^ pbsition Of sergeant at arms '' of 23c Chi Gamma Iota fraternity. at B o’ant College, Providence, R. 1. Hara Ara luti • Faw af ItiE Mouy U fail is-'^T»ff’.y\rTKa.‘».'4* Vy»x:i;'J_ifc^gn;rTv.wr r 2ili*J2uJJ22222jI]Z525^1Z21i4—L— >»• Mr:-and Mrs;--'George - Sadd -of -Adfr, OweUr/ i r - ' • “C t i e ^ i r Is • » ^ . after spending o- vacation in St. BokeliteJ------^Jwainut groin MINlRAL^ Petenbu.rg, Fla. tinlth.jAdi.finlak f clomp' •pong* Drivar Sot y Fi * Jhm Capmkarf raitiana ut M hmehm 9MU HP fB H mCN . OIL - lemh's Weel Boo ! . f' . ' REICH EDrrORH AT VALE tr7.2i2^33‘ 9 • UiUiRptg OrB. There isj>o safer in v estin g In.^e woiW -foefe^... U. S , Sohd£! New, Haven, March 5—(AV-Yale VIRGINIAN [a. a ■ 1 T University is host tolay and to­ 39c pi . » » > morrow to 12 German editors, B}gall 17-inch direct vjew rectangular tube for clear, sharp 1 r/riters and iirdustriol consultants N ■ eii" pehart picture-of photographic quality. World-famoiu, t ' - ** 1 J%€U.S.a0Vir^miHHmMpayfirlAi$aAitrfuiiit.T^TymmrprDipailmmllliaMii^‘ who have been touring the United COUPON I . W K»$wl»r Sh» Capehar? Symphonic-Tone,'.Deeply'paneled, dittinaive- r t ' 1 . ■ . L . , . ■ ftr tM r pHriMk Ik* Adtvjuiiig CouMcif*»d States since Feb. - 15 under the Atciiien.Aclion ANEFRIN 2>4 -0Z. fBikiaiB mum t-*> auspices of the Mutual Security l i I B O X M doort highlight a f idi mahogany veneer cab­ [t - agenejr. Taie is the onl.’ education­ 1 9 ‘ n a i l AaMfeittaariH LYSOL inet in Chippendale'styling. Glorious to see * 0 ReleM, u m •» al institution on the group’s itin­ C U P P E R ■' I K O T ^ t a b l e t s ! —glorious to own at the tow price'of jRr.JU 'i jEH liiEii ■.•'f’r-'miuwyv- erary, which consists principally OisiRfeetiRtl i l s - of newspapen,, advertising agen­ ■ Tube *lKluda y*d*nl Esciic Tm, efaman mta. . - Tof 36 (Limit cies and industrial pl.ants.. 89*' 1 only) g

< ■■ f BANTLY BEST BUYS IN LIQUORS iiw ^ patpr lEtiPtitng OLD MR. BOSTON PARKER’S RESERVE OIL CO. ROCKING CHAIR...... 5th 3 .3 2 86 PROOF BLENDED .5th 2o98 HIRAM WALKER’S ^ O C T a . M SfS—2e459^ FINE ART GIN 90 PROOF ...... 5th Range ond Fuel CORBY RESERVE . , ^ A m PILSER’S ALE BLENDED WHISKEY .. .5th J e O ^ f c. - -r L - . CASE OF 24 CANS ^..Only 2 e 8 0 ^ -t' : Oil PistrilNitors WILKIN’S 4 YEAR OLD A i l A OLD 48 WINES 333 Mda*StiMf BLENDED WHISKEY ...5th Port, Sheny, Masoatol ..5t^ 6i4c i 7 ' ' ' AdwertiM in Tha Herald—It 'r- ouaa ,._ ’ 'i ir«1'wtJ'7rrwrapi?'T>

MANCHISBI^ EVENING HER^D. VAMCHISTEK. CONN,. WEDNESDAY^^IURCR EIGHTEEN k'r<*»ai*:t»subtm-.o‘ i.||Al?C»®StEjS iYESP? <3p|W, Y^DNJ^AY, l^OT 6» viet submarines noring" around her and than stir in two enpa of com fin pans (1-S cup M ira ) abbot S-6 67 Perao^rU iirt shores. -r-;—-- Plastiras ^Urged flakes, soma ralaina and soaoe fun. Bake In hot (40«r.) onn 30 Money Received from Play 171# government said TMMay ehopp^ pitted dried prunes. Drop to 35 minutes or until wooden jpick As Trains Crash that five Rusrian eubmarinea were tha confection onto waxed paper inserted inia centercanter o t muffin eenacs sighted off the eastern tip of the To Save 8 Spies B a r g a in s with a $aaapooB. BO as to Berra a| W ill Help to Train Nurse island republic. small rounds. Iraq F f Ooai The Secretary o f War. Oen. Hec­ SMART MATERNITY DRESBIAB u POB* Om ) ThG Uanclieater Bcgtatar«d*ual Initiative and intelUgence tor Trujillo MpUna, aald the cose The amroach of spring atimu- have Juat bean atockad at the Bend, sold the train was will be submitted to ths Bsc^ty ths National Prograsstve L iste d b y irer lataa a daslra 'f w fresh newiisps, Mo n t g o m e r t w a r d c o m - Nurses Association at its meetflif freedom. This nation rose moving only 30 miles on hour as it Council "after conclusion of ths including members of indoors as well as .oat. ■The PANT, w«n worth the attentloa *“ L.®t*ht, voted that the noiiay free entetpriee for all and entered the station, official inveeUgatkw." Hs oaM MANCHESTER n/XET^VER- Ohr wm progreas, be~addritr On aad-ssvarat ministers, of any mothar-to-be who wanla m o o iE m receive from the play, "Bom , "Normally we wbuld have pulled the probe to far has proved the wars said to be appealing to the INO COM PiUdrrnr Main Street, to maintain bar waU-dnssad ap- socialism the nation in on a track an the other side of ia in a pooIttSb to help one gratl- Yraterday," will be used for a Stu­ He vvent on to comMt^ 'England' submarines were Ruasian because Premier end the Justice Minister pearance. ' Tbera are one-piace the platform, but the open switch they used a type ot Ugfat pedlar to saspead the eoMcutlons. desire—whether in TOP- and two-pteoe atylas in rises nine ASSISTANCE dent Nurse Scholarship Fund. and her national te u tb program threw us into the rear of the This money will be given to a girl to Soviet vessels. Defense counsel conferred with LINOLEUMS, ASPHALT to twsnty at $5.9* to $9.3>, Spun with what xiighMsappen in this other train standing on the side , -s," ♦' OAILT BOUESi graduating from Manebestef High In Washington, the U". 8. Navy Popospyrou urging that the exe­ sweeten the cream to taste and TILE. PLASTIC OR RUBBER rayon frocks, at $8JS, coma in country. The flm year it took 10 track,’’ Teete said. iHOM E PIEiatANBa«TS FOR^ into a traveler’s luggage and come FLOOR COVERINOS or in the 103 to • P. It. School who is planning (HI enter­ ordered Rear Adm. Marshall R. cutions be (Relayed unUI the ^ -t- AGES are oenvenlent to buy | Spring Charmen aplM it with a little cinnamon and It’$ Singly- navy, aqua, and in a light tan per cent atyv>* national budget out looking crisp and freah are latest and moat serviceabla of With a brown figure. In tailored, in g, a school of nursing. Due to and thiaj^mr it waa 20 per cent. Grier to investigate. Grier com­ pardons board bears the cose. at the PINE p h a r m a c y . 6M likely to be in one of the new and cloves, and add a dash o t salt.'Add EvMrian by ApM la fir a PROBE RED SUB mands the 10th NaVal District at In oil, 33 persons wsre accused PLAS'nC WAIX. ‘nUGB and bard-flnlah rayon there a n some the urgent need of nurses end the Dr. JapdBsaa said. Tbe program N o r to o MKAVT. . . teor ■TOO lA kt| Cknter etreet. There'* the NEW highly practical man-mada fibers. In Crochet the spice lightly m yop get the WonSerful increased cost o f the course, the San Juan, Puerto Rico, ah Ameri­ of operating a spy network to CHROMK-AND-PLA8TIC FUR­ aUck Jackets atriped ia blue, green started with the government re- Ciudad TruJino, Dominican Re- ______FOK m auu m MAIL OR AM MAIL jbN I RE-FltX. which reduces the The fashion possibilities inher­ flavor Just right NITURE. All these conveniences Mencheeter RegUtered Nurses Ae- can island only 80 miles from ths communication top secret Greek 0h e needed for a wave by twenty- i or tan,, with akula fhatchliag the ToL 4021 building the hospitals following pubUc, March 5-*-)—The So­ price of $10.03, and It’a.exception­ dressing table, be ■ sure that you budget go further — time-saving no cost and no obligation for this she can't expect to get out of bed 824-828 TEL. S lU al at the sale price of $13.SO. If not only hpve enough light, but kept about six Inches away from and economical designs that are superior and individualized deco­ Sony, M nm H or phooo ordort. at once, feel full of pep and vigor, viet sector power company noti- * Good Soloction • FUUY UNED ¥ you're interested, don't postpone that it is properly placed for com­ the back of the vanity. "DUSTER" - STYLE ROBES easy to sew. Gift pattern printed and start in right away with all fled West .Berlin officials last MAIN ST. MANCHESTBM rator service. night it Intends to stop electricity Inquiries. plete’crfertlvcneas. Also see to it that the height to OF .NYLON SEERSUCKER are inside. 25 cents. the work and pleaaures of life. R«9. $29.75 $7.50 VALUE One vanity lamp should be set the center of the lamp shades as gay spring and exceptional­ Raisin Bran Muffins ON SALE ONLY AT THE On the contrary, after a serious deliveries to two West Berlin areas ly practical at BLAIR’S, 757 Main supplied with Soviet sone power. New York, — (N E A l—The fash on each aide of the table, allowing measures 15 to 16 inchea. This chopped hard cooked egg and Ingredients: 1 1-2 cups sifted lIlneM or operation, one must plan Ions that can, through 1052, go about 36 Inchea between them, and eliminates tipping shades in a Street.-Available In bright rose or flour, 3' tea-spoons baking powder, on a period of recovery of strength west Berlin buys a small minced parsley to a well-seasoned amount of its power from the East WE GIVE CONSUMERS GREEN STAMPS stnigglo for IlghL blue, with smart white piping, medium cream sauce. 1-2 teaspoon baking aoda, 1-2 tea­ and health which is called Con'! they have a three-way belt to suit spoon salt, 1 cup Heedless raisins, valescence. and paya for it by supplying pow­ the style to your taste. The three- 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons molasses, 1 This ia often a discouraging er to a Soviet sector hear Ham­ Tuaay's NEW WIND AND When the spring-coming feeling Singer Sewing Center burg. WEATHER LOTION is available quarters length I* perfect for 1-2 cups milk, 1 1-2 cups ready-to- time, particularly when it aeems to stirs ambitions to re-decorate your ^ drag on and on. Yet convalescence at the PINE PHARMACY, 664 either morning duties or evening home, youTi find wonderful assists eat bran, 3 tablespoons butter or The eastern power company Center Street, just at the season lounging. They wash In a flash, margarine (melted). USTED ICLOW from a disesM or an operation;' ia gave no immediate reason for its in the NEW DRAPERY or SLIP­ an important part of the recovery when harsh winds and uneven tem­ dry In—practlcaljy—another flash, COVER FABRICS and VARIED Method: Into large-mixing bowl decision to cut off power deliveries. HARMAC process and the need for it -bhouid peratures do their wqrat on deli­ and need no pressing!' Price Is UPHOLSTERIES at Cheney’s. siit flour, baking powder, baking However, West Berlin officials r w s soda, salt. Rinse raisins li) hot be recognized. said Soviet seitor people told them •DiSTINCIVE MEN'S WkAR*______cate skins. The new lotion gives $8.98 in sizes 12 to 18. There are some twenty types of 832 M AIN STREET, MANCHESTER water and drain well. In medium- Rest is the main key to con­ the East needed thfe power because satiny softness under any condi­ materials for drapes aiM slip ARROW SHIRTS. McGREGGOR SPORTSWEAR. DOBBE HATS ______= j g • i f _ tions. Serve either a tomato or an egg seized mixing bowl beat eggs with valescence. Rest In bed is gener­ of economic difficulties.- ' corara—-yarn-dyed brocedrs and rotary beater until whites and ally required at first; the person sauce with codfish bails for Fri­ damasks, tweed and Jacquard German officials said West Ber­ ALLIGATOR COATS, INTERWOVEN HOSE, PLEETWAY PAJAMAS You can make applesauce cake yolks are well coqibincd; stir in. who gets up t(x> soon or stays up day fare. Canned soup may be weaves, woven stripes, gorgeously lin can provide enough power for Into a special dessert by serving \ised for the tomato sauce. To molasses, milk, bran, and raisins too long may aOffer a iclapse sp'ashy prints on linen, cotton, or itself from a new plant built after 946 M AIN STREET TEL. 2^183 it with spiced whipped cream. Ju.-t make an egg sauce simply add until mola.sses is dissolved. Add to ALSO A fEW DEMONSTRATORS LEFT which delays the return of per­ the 1948-49 Russian blockade but NEXT TO ARTHUR DRUG chlnta—and a wide range of poa- dry ingredients and stir only un­ fect health. During convalescence aibiUties for re-doing chairs or everything, /particularly exercise, had been buying eastern power til moistened. Fill 18 greased muf- because it waa cheaper. .. i couches at the CHEl*rerY BROTH­ should be done slowly. ERS REMNANT SALESROOM. The periods out of bed should be short at first Gradually, they The good that woodpeckers do KEMP'S RECORD DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS can be extended. Fatigue should in eating destructive insects far SILVER BXrTTElR DISHES are outweighs any pecking damage to one display at the DEWEY-RICH- be avoided. How one feels after The Hotteit Hitt By Sypw^Soigttert being up Is a good sign as to the tree itself, tree experts say. ■ whether one is pushing oneself too which suggest a very attractive ad­ m u c h 'o r ^ s t right. a a t • R«d SoiiUclBW "HAMtONr" ...... dition to one’s own table service or In addition.lo gradually increas­ an extremely acceptable gift. The ing the activity, plenty of sleep LIQBII "GANDY DANCER'S lALL' • a a • . Frankie Loinn ellver .dishes are in the rise and and soft but Substantial foods are shape to hold a regular quarter . desirable. Most convalescents re­ "SAILOR'S POLKA" • aaaaaaaaaaa . Dnqn Martin pound of butter. They have a glam quire frequent small meals rather insert to make diah-waahlng eqsy 777 Main St. Manchester, Conn. 2-3448 then a few large ones. "•ARY DOLL" • • a • ' Tommy Tudwr and to avoid tarnleh. In nice silver May Need Hperlal Foods plate a butter dish ia $5.98 or Special foods,m ay be needed at t $10.00; in elegant Sterling silver, this time. Just what of course, de- CEMENT it Is $35.00. pcncls on the disease or operation experienced and must be individu­ I^AOY TO USS WslBCpilwf nnibto Our new Spring fashions are arriving every day—so we’re staging Creole Red Bean Souri ally prescribed. The use o f small 3 9 fr^uent feedings of easily digesti­ T«U^ I Oil I this remarkable March Clearaway to make room for them. Come " W ide KEMP'S H] Three slices bacon, diced 1 In . and sra th«M truly marvelous values! INCORPORATED onion, allced, 1 stalk celery, diced, ble food ia almost always the same, however, regardless of the type of SHOPPE We’yp a marvclou.'^ col- 2 bay leaves, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 illness suffered. 763 Main 8traet H .-^ G r t ^ n Stamps Given . Tel. 5680 teaspoon paprika. 2 cups hot Cor. Oeoler and Griswold Sts. - bx-.t ii.vn -'-ui:—Ikaml.juiiv-'.:-.------..ifl ...... Cpnvale.sc.ent.s-fr.om... disease - ot OPE|jl« A; M. t«rYP.M . FURNITURE tlHl MUSIC FRIGIDAIRR wHt(ffr''l“ r x n r i ^ k1dney b m n ;~ y f S t iU F t B 5 : s a A . M . operation should relax and real­ fabric.s waiting to bo W slicra lemon, % teasp. ' of poliAed calf and light, O ty . o f painUhg. It docs'a gratefully fast Job o f removing paint from 30" UNEN-LIKE RAYON mesh. A hmdionm o a o m o ty note brushes or from the cover of a 38" CRISP WAFFLE PIQUE ( i paint roller. It’s equally effective Waihfatt to 150*. .Shrinkage controlled to • Vot-dyod cotton in i4l<«l;«olor pcMtob. Wof> BROTHERS fog B$e with navy, or to complement the to tsdw paint off hanf^ And It’s 2 % * Cool, crisp RqyonI for fomRy sportiwoof. a real help in sponging off the flo dofign give* rich tbxturaJMorwf. O woM H ’S ChooM dork, modiwii, pottoi dicidot. 79e yd. S a l e s r o o m j unintentional spetter. Brux comes for ikirti, droeio*, chRdron't wear. 5 9 c ydt in $.45 and $.75 sizes at the -fMANCHESTER JOHNSON PAINT c o m p a n y , 699 Mela Street. BRIDAL SHOP Sa t u r d a y 9 to 4.4s 'JW* 783 Main Street—State Theater Building * Gustafson Shoe Stdj^o I Toungstars enjoy making their Tal. 2-9474 WEDNESDAYS - ^ 70S MAIN STRIir— r * owa candy. Moke it the way they Next Doer to TsITa Boauty Salon do. Melt a package of semi-sweet Stt Oir A M M F ail 11 FarOfMiiRf Ifoy Spaaiilt 4 p e - Advertise in H m Herald |l Psye chooolBlG pteoitt ffTYf MoC wstsr •f- t .-TOT > - JIANCHB8TER EYENm<5 ?ERAU).JCANCHE8TEa.^ C0NN* jm >N iSD A y, lU M ..J..-. MAi^CHESriSR EVTKNli^ HERALD.^" PAGE ■ud>d*ii;A.ifii.i)-rtiki» ■nw.-iir’ -t i'fiiiWiir"tB’imrii'\Tiiv-' ’r- iii' d(4i’s* ’i.idrv.’biiLiU.

K South 1952 A. P. All America T'r Facta Were Straicht Twirler on Toe* Pro Euketban Refem s Loop Completes night with the third and fourth vBA’a Anxious to Make Witli One Exception GcUfaiK Up In The WerM teams- . playing 4pe game at * Dodger* Assign Drive-Ins Move Into _ p. In. A preliminary between'two Venice, Plsi., March *—VP>— ^BalUmiM^ Mkrch 6- H i l ^ Sea8q]ni..rToiiight teams in-the Intermediate League — Santa to Minors Groat and Lovelette Miners Next Victims -The Venice .OondoUer,. ar week­ Refaraea for a NatloEial Baakat- will s ta rt a t 7. ly newspaper, last week printed baJl Association gams between Final two games in the •Y’ ♦— A sport* atory about the home- Baltimore and Rochester next Top Spot by Game Outdoor ladoor Track Vero Beach, Fla.. March * —(*5 Senior BaaketbaU League will be —Two seasons ago Jack Banta towA'a baaketball team reach­ Monday will b* strictly in the ^ y e d tooiglit at the 'Y*. In. the Hertdierg Ha* Guided ing th* finala of ,an area bas- leusure class. Chapel Hill, N. C. — (NEA) — was hailed as one of the hrlghteet BA'* Leader first game ot; the twin-bill the While North Oarolina’a field house pitching proapecU In the Brook­ .ketball tournam ent At Punt* TheyTl call the game from Bill Wade Scores . 23 Wapping Harvbatera will meet Silk Town A. L. Entry!r Oorda. tall chairs. Ilk* those used by Point* Galore la being used to store medical sup­ lyn Dodger orgahlxatlon. * ■ I] Darling, Wbrionan and • Points in 97 to 64 'Morlarty Brotheni,. Mortartys are plies for the BChool’a new hoepltal, Today, Banta, like the unfbr- To Five Victories in • The facta were atraight with tennis officials, at opposite out of th* race for'a playoff, but one exception, reported the comerg .of the court Also, sts FraaUe’s «»7) its indoor track la in use outdoors. ttknate Rex Barney Is trodding Hagan Also Named; Decision; Bob Maekey Wapping la assured of a playoff that long, long trail—the road Eight Starts; Details^ Gondolier thia week. The in tennis, ball boys will re­ P. a r. pu. barth. , trieve loose balls and handle 2. Wade. r f ...... 11 1-1 23 "Wive* are not on the team," back to the minors. Zawoluk on Seeond tournament waa held three 4 Rice, rf ...... 0 j.j 1 Hoop* 37f King B6 In the second game, White Glass B ln^ taHinr ov€r^tlir*TOachtnrr years ago. the ball on Jump*. 1 ' McQueeney, If ."... K 15 says Manager Eddie Sawyer of tlia B anta'a^xarser^ .iq>parently le —Teai^—The Selectkm*—— rein* with the Brltl*h American* .1 Wlladn, if 4 1-3. 9 Standlnga and Crockett’s Insurance' will Phillies when asked •why wives ar* over, ended because of a sore arm. The newspaper explained the The experim ent haa NBA atH 3 Dead, c ...... 5 5i-7 ' IS wind up the regular league aegapn. The 26.-year-old righthander tn thf American Professional Bas­ taam’a coach had left the proyal. Ihroponenta. say J t. will 1 Pease- r x ...... 3 2-3 W._ being banned from training camp OMJTHE . New York, Much ketball League, Sid "Sonny" 1 Orimn. rs ...... 5 (bO Playirffe will - atait bfondar at aearwater. Fla., this ipingr from Hutchtason, Kas., will re­ wrong score book at the Gon­ .remove two persons from a lOj Frahkle's Drive-lji ..12 main her* Friday when the malnU South dominates th* 19iS2 Asso­ ' Hertcberg hg» seen hi* charge* crowrded floor and consetiuently 3 R McKenna. Is . . 3 0-1 • American Legion ....11 cop four decision* In seven starts. dolier's office. 3 R. McKenna. Is ■■■ . 5 (M) 10! Dodger squad shifts to Miami for*^ ciated Pres* AII-Amerte* colle­ speed up action. Poquonock 8 the exhibition whlrL CH'erall record for the Silk Town­ It Totala ...... 42 13-20 tT Wethersfield ...... 7 giate team announced er* 1* eight wins and a like num­ Ilariartr'a I-asrela iS4> Horn’s Cameras .... 6 , Banta’s future is dark, indeed. GIANTS today, Two player* from the 5 Kins. r( t 2-4 4 The Dodgers may send him to the ber of setback* for « .500 percent­ 1 Wlin*, - If ...... 7 Big Buck's ...... i- 5 Phoenix, Ariz., March 8—(ff)— Southern, Gonforence and on* from age. The local* have been victori­ Frick Denies 1-2 15 minors In a bid to transform him Max Lahler, 36-year-oId southpaw the Southeastern were named 3 Nowak, c ...... 0 1-5 1 Mcriarty's Laurels . . 4 Into a first baseman. Jack is a ous In there last three starts. JakeLaMotta 3 Staum. c ...... 7 S-4 17 Balch Pontlacs ...... 1 acquired by the New York Giants along with one each from th* Big 1 Conran, rs ...... 1 4"S 6 fair hitter but even if he makei, Friday night In the final regular New System 3 Maaon, I s ...... 9 from the St. Louis (Jardlnals In Ten and the Big Seven. scheduled game the/ BA’ijw lll. en­ 3-4 21 a successful conversion the best the EMdle Stanky deal last Decem­ H cked aa the )>eat all-^around iPlanstoQuit . Frankies’ quintet moved Into he can hope for is a Job tn Triple tertain the league (tampion IS Total* ...... 25 i724 ^G4 first place by a half game margti S26-828 MAIN ST. TEL. 8161, MANCHESTER ber, waa back home In St. Peters­ players of tha season by a vote oi Scranton Miner*. The M iner* Of Policing A. Gil Hodges Itmms as the re^- burg, Fla., today. Lanier flew out 229 sports w riters and broadcast­ In the Rec Senior League las. lar Brooklyn first baseman for a scored a 101 to SO win over the - 4 If Defeated PaesoWiieh Calleslaae 4SS) night by virtue of an easy 97-6-; of the'Giant camp after midnight, ers were Dlcjt Groat, Duke; Clyde f- ...... ® '’•» good many years. BA’s several weeks ago at the Tampa, ' FI*.. March 5—(Ah— .1. Twarkina, rf...... 13 S-3 2S victory' over M oriarty’s Laurel.s. a few hours after he was notified Lovllctte, Kansas; Cliff Hagan, Armory In giving the "best shoot­ MacKey. If ...... j.l 37 Banta graduated to the Dodgers that his partner, Johnny Broccoli, Kentucky: Cnuek Darling, IO|tra; Baseball Commlasloner Ford Frick Detroit, March —Former Zabel. c ...... s e-13 31 In the opening game of this turin- In 1947 after fanning. 199 batters ing exhibition secnr a t the Main middleweight champion Jake La bill, the Poquonock Ootleglan.o had died suddenly. Broccoli man­ and Mark W orkman, W est 'Vlr-. ptfM t hall this sea.son. ___ .. said-today that baseball will con­ .Kracuraa,. rs. . .0 in as many .Innings while winning 'Motts Saya he Is gothg’.io put up Cna-mon. r* ...... o O-O o blared away for a clb»^'OT-92 win l5~ahd 'loiing five gamieb Mon­ aged Lanier'arestattrsnt-- in ■ St- gln ia-- . ’ Finn to Return ' tinue to ,exercise oonstant vigi­ Rice. Is ...... 2 S-’O ‘9 Petersburg. All have broken schcnl and con­ his taxing glbves for gocyl if he is Klehauakaa, 1* ...... : 0 0-0 0 over the Wethersfield warriors to treal. Danny Finn will return and this , lance to prevent gambler* from beaten badly In hta bout with Ehi- take over undisputed possession of ____ ;...... BIk Year la »«* . Before leaving, the veteran ference scoring records. In «ddi- "•alone ■sftouM-help-swell the Arm»|- approaching "player*-, but he denled ' genc ' (Silent)- H ainton'"here’' to­ M- TMalr-; .-7r"JTr,'r:':’.~'-iS '' Tf-H thw d pia»*' ih the nhia; *Uftdii)8 s.'’ -hurier said- that he hoped ta - re­ t«on,-they are wteards at grabblBg orv seating capacity, Then, too, that a new "police" system has n ig h t „ WelliPrallelcI 1^’arrloni The lean youngster came Into' turn to Phoenix Inside of five refeounda and have shown a com­ Linger, rf ...... o 2-2 This la the final week of the cir- hta own in 1M9 after another ban­ John Alary and Johnny Esersky ; been instituted. It should be a good fight with Lvnfh. If ...... 5 2-2 cuit'a schedule and every game is day*. , mendable team spirit In will be back. Asary, former Co­ ner season at Montreal. He won 10 DODGERS out assists. All are equally adf^t The statement followed a atory La Motts rated a slight underdog. Almquiat. If ...... 2 0-0 Important. Now the American Le­ games for Brooklyn including the lumbia All American, hooped 20 Herald Photo from Los Angeles quoting Bill fina. c ...... g 2-g On defense. Hairston has ambitions of bein^ Schuman. c ...... 3 1 31.3 gion must defe.at Herm's Camera pennant clincher and great things Vero Beach, Fla., March 5—(A>) points In the 21 point win while Bonny Hertiberg Summers, American League um­ the first man to knock I-a Motta f"hop. Saturday night to tie F ran­ —The Brooklyn Dodgers "cut” Second T««m fetersky flipped In 33. The latter Flemke, rg 2 1^3 wqre expected of him in 1950. pire, as telling the St. Louis from his feet Mieaterling rg ...... 2 3.4 kie’s for the top spot or the Ud­ But 1950 waa B anta’s last In the four players from their squad lo'- Two morfr players fodin the was In the NBA with the Boston Browns that such a system, de­ King. Ig ...... 17 2.7 der and Herm’s will have to win day. Southeastern Conferen^— Frank Celtic*. Ball handler deluxe. Carl "I’ll retire—definitely—If he major- leagues.' During the train­ Last Night *s Figh ts signed to keep players from the beats me decieively,” declar^ La 28 Totala ...... 39 14.27 92 to gain a tie fot fourth place with ing grind he had trouble with his Pitchers Phil Haugstad, Jack Ramsey, Kentucky and Bob Pet­ "Red" Melnhold. former 1..IU star. fans before games to safeguard Score a t h alf time. 50-34 Poqubnock. Wethersfield. Banta, catcher bipk Teed and vet­ tit, Louisiana State r/w ere named Wall Shlel. Jack Ijuib. Bill Pleas _ ____ ■>. Motta. But he quickly added he Jaw, teeth and finally with his the athletes from gamblers, would had no thought of losing. Poquonock lost little time build­ arm. He won only four games and eran outfielder Jim Russell will re­ or. the second teana w ith Bob Za­ and seven foot Elmore Morgen- By 'niE ABHfMriAfEP pkESB be In effect this year. ing up a lead in the first game as lost four and ■ spent most of the main here tyhen a 40-man team woluk, St. Jobn^ of Brooklyn; --thaler round out the squad. There also was plenty of confi-. White Plains. N. Y.—Bill Bo»- "There really Is nothing new deniie in Hairston’s corner. His Boh Mackev, Adam Twarkina, and season at Montreal. leaves Friday for Miafnl to begin ./Dayton and Rod Jackie Allen, playing better slo, 12.3'.s, Pittsburgh, knocked about It," Frick said. “I have the exhibition aesson.. Fletcher, Illlndls. than ever In the three latest BA manager, Mike Mlele, said. "We’re Sports in Brief Bill Zahel hooped all but seven of B apta spent 1951 with F ort out Sonny Bishop, 120, Trenton, talked to American League Presi­ Sara Page Jackson, Elizabeth City, N. C, demonstrates on the beach all right We didn't take the La the Collegians 50 points In the Worth of the Texas League, It was . Haugstad is staying behind to Spectacu^ shooting little John- triumphs, has scored 225 points In dent Will Harridge and National rtj’ O 'B ri^ of Seattle (he scored 16 5ames to hold the Individual N. J, .3. at Naga Head, N. C., why she haa been chosen regularly to lead the Motta fight to lose.. It" Lynn Patrick, coach of the Bos­ first half. Bill King amassed 22 hoped that the Texas sun would work some stiffness out of his arm League President Warren Giles band during halftime at football games. Wake Forest's pretty major­ bake the soreness out of his arm and Teed to obtain more practice m ore. tM n 1.600 points thl* *ea- leadership. Newark, N. J.—Walace "Bud" The contract requires that La ton Brulna in the National Hockey tallies for Wethersfield and the Smith. 130, Newark, Stopped concerning precautionary meaa- ette wdll establish a Summer school for twlrlars after college lets out.' Motta weigh in at 169 pounds or League. Is the youngest coach In buzzer showed Poquonock leading but It failed. Banta appeared in in sw-ltch-hltting. ' Russell and son); Larry Hennessey, ViUsnova; Frldav’* game Is ll.ated at P Bobjmoubregs, Washington; Ray o'clock with Frankie's In the first MIguri Mendevlt. 141, Havana, 2. iires, and I asked them to caution —(NEA) less. Hairston ia-expected to come the circuit. He Just celebrated his by a 16 point bulge. 50-34. only 14 lnnin.<;:s. He could only Banta apparently arc on their way San Jose, Calif.—Eddie Chaye*, the players about talking to in a t 162. , 40th birthday. ' In the second half, Poquonock throw hard pitching underhand to- the minora. Steiner, St. Louts and Dick Knost- game at 7;.30. Reserved seat an, Kansas State, comprise the tickets are now on Sale a t the 140. San Jose, outpointed Glen strangers, but that is all. More than 8,000 fans are expect­ continued at a safe lead until hut didn’t have enough on the ball YANKEES Hendershot, 142, New York, 10. “Nothing has come up to arouse ed to turn out for the battle at The University of Alabama sea­ TVarklns was lost on personals to win in the big time. St. Petersburg. Fla.. March 5- bird team. British American Club. suspicion that any tampering has Barney, like Banta also had a Jiih .T u c 'k e rVDuqueane; Boll Los Angeles—Art A ragon. LOCAL Olympia. Th* 10-round bout will be sonal record for successful free and then the Warriors Ztarted to (.iW—Veteran members of the N been attempted, but we Just want broadcast and televised nationally throws waa act In 1916 by A. B. roll. With four minutes remaining brief taste of glory. Barney hit his York Yankees are impt-essed pVer Watson. Kentucky: Walter Dukes, 1381a. I-os Angeles, outpointed peak In 1948 with 15 victories In­ Seton Hall; Bill Mlkvy, Temple Laiiro Salas, 131, Monterrey. Mex­ to eliminate any possibility of that (CBS) at 10,^p. m. (e.a.t.j. Wells who scored 104 tlm^a from the score stood 91-74 and suddenly the showing of pitcher Frank OUlrp happening. La Motta, who now has cast his all of WeUjersfield's shots found cluding a no-hltter. Since then he ! W»st Virginia and Ernie Beck, Pennsylvania, ...... inn u% M fll4 ico. 10. SPORT CHATTER the foul line. Shea. Pp^nrnr Must Be Oareful lot as a llght-heavywelght, de­ the range. 'The clock was In favor waa of little use to the Dodgers be­ Shea, a bust since headed a list of 19 additional play­ ...... M M cause of wildness. great ...... iM m4 104 "Sometimes strangers will come By clared he needed only a couple More than 3,500,000 games of the winners and returned them rookie aeasbn of 1947, '^throwing ers who received honorable men­ F u ller . lai 104 Farmhands Htrlkeont Artists and'offer to buy players a meal or more fights "and I’ll be ready for a six point victory. Twarkins. Brooklyn finally gave up on i tion...... S5 A5 W) 3.W EARL W. YOST •t. have been rolled in 48 American his natural slider the vets Pummy a drink. We Just have to be care­ Ma.xim (Joe Maxim, light-heavy­ Bowling Congress Tournaments Mackey and Zabel totaled 89 of Barney and sold him' to their St. These are the players dhosen for 1952 Associated Press AH-AmerIca college basketball team as deter­ say. ,■ Lovellette. a 6:09 rangy 240- • 81. I.OU1* --(/P)—A combination of ful about the players being picked Sports Editor weight champion).” their team’s total and King hooped Paul team In the American Asso-. mined by a vote of 229 sportswrtters and bpoadcasters. . Terre Haute, Ind., drew the ptunder named on the first team Totdln ...... W7 4^)« 497 1M3 but only 11 perfect games have elation where Clav Bryant, former "This Is my l a ^ chance and I Luamit Mrrat (I) four St. Louis Cardinal minor up by men they know nothing The 30-year-old La M otta will (been recorded at these meetings. 36 fob the W arriors. most votes, with , Swissvale, Pa., a close second. Others, in order of choice, are: Cliff Hagan, know It,' 'Shea remarked. for the second straight’ year, and prreltA ...... M 117 JVW league pitcher* last season racked about. seek 'to break the longest losing In the nightcap. FTankie's had Chicago Cuh pitching star, will Owensboro, Ky.; (jhuck Darling, Dearborn, Mich., and , (Jliarleston, West Virginia. Groat, the smallest at a mere 6 ft., rrftoflln ...... 102 100 lOR W7 attempt to straighten Barney out. KO.\ Arii^ault ...... M 93 up a total of 958 strikeouts be­ "But as fsr as a 'police' system PETE STAUM worked the East the Manchester Billiard Academy streak of his 12-year profes.pa '.VV4i'.'**4.a*ii'T'"4l3 - tween them. The Red Bird quar-^. la-■concerned; w e plan n a - such Ham|lton-TourteUoUe. ...Claae.—,C. I on Oak street it.waa announced to- career. He dropped the only two 'Laurels to cope with-and as'each ■ ..March , 5r;;TtiPi--T, 'Kansas star -frora -Terre" Haute,-- ' Klot-r ...... ino 117 122 339 towft arid Rdpcat'er," Wo'rt' raH^s ’the Red Sox Manager Lou Boudreau let consists of Wllmer MIxell, Wal- measure. We Will continue to ex- schoolboy tourney game last Mon-,{jlay by 'Majtager Benny Pagan!. starts he made last year.and lost aame. day recenUy-aLHialcab-race- player rested, Morlarty's gang .Jto._J,.l»uaibeiLA»dng£t____ Ind., received the moat flrat place w'Mnmi5yfmFiT.''B0hhjrf5rityhHTrgtr ererse" ch^Tafil ■ Tlgllanc •aa’y*Tim rT«“TinK««F4' CTff«|fe 3!T^Sevw»l'enme* ■filt"thTtrat' engagement 0 il8“ yeaf. h1yJ95g-tnfta‘ ?ut-waa-edgei3FBy Qroa r -^ ToUli 49« 499 544 1529 track. Their psrentaparents were Easton ^ riffhe way writ h FoTBoston BalTTIub expressb g Joy with the way Vern and Gary Blaylock. The first three all." New Bfllaln. East Hampton scor- t® «>*te Including Paul Correntl. The 22-year-old Hairston gained and Come Again six men. The loss of their best re- In total points, 763 to 759. arc lefthanders. Mlzell, who pitched ed a stunning upset 29 to 26 de- R<^er Raymond. EM McLaughlin, boundcr. Bob King, hurt consider­ To Table Tennis Tourney Quarter-Finals steplje has been looking both The commissioner made It clear considerable support here a month Orlando, Fla.— (NEA) — • Groat, a senior from Swissvale, O uthrl^ ___ . 98 99 107 302 for Houston In the Texas League, clslon over th* top-seeded N orth M orris .Dowd. Wln- ago when he put on a sizzling 10- able and the Laurels were a tired Resume Touicht afield and at bat. Pa., got 139 flrat team votes, but IwgmoOrPtuK . 98 84 \U1 287 that his conversations with Har­ Bob Porterfield of the Waahing- When Ted ’Williams once 81 85 led the group with 257 ' whlff*. ridge and Giles was more or less Orosvenorsdale club. "«E receive »50 and ninnerup roimd bout with Robert Vlllemsln , The tempo of play increases fter a toufdi workout ycstcr- moved up with 34 second-team bal­ HnciliinO .. .. 1«1 247 .. #2o. ton Senators had flye combatcomoat pij, vi.sited here he was Interviewed State Women's champion, and .V, Boudreau said Stephens Chamber* V 9J HO) 114 305 Blaylock accounted for 248 as a routine, and Just a case, of locking that ended in a draw.' - with every match in the Town Pete Aceto _engE^ged In a hotly lot* to Lovellette’s 22. Each first flnnw ...... 100 • 91 114 305 Jumpa with the 82nd Airborn Di first half with 19 points as, B.V THE ASSOCIATED PRESS over the radio for eight 'didn’t look "like 'a lame-legged ■i« - . — «»'V ■ — hurier for Johnson City In the Class the barn before the horse Is DWIGHT PERRY report! M let-] ^ vision In World W ar II. Table Tennis tourney being held contested fo-.ir .set match wlthl team vote counted five' points, a D Appalachian League, Montgom­ rbracy Wamea Frankie’s built up a comfortable The annual state basketball minutes, not once mentioned ballplayer." / second team vote, two. Total* ...... 484 455 527 \m stolen. tera that are awarded athlete* at - Comblara d l tournament resumes tonight with bssebal). at the West Side Rec. Willis Aceto the winner. Both plajws A week ago Boudreau labelled Ha RoeiI ery fanned 230 with St. Joseph of . The two major • leagun presi­ Manchester High now cost U-10 ’^*‘1 roantry Clnb IVomra lead, 44-22. Tom Mason’s 12 was Kilpatrick, Tom Martin and Pete cr-.ecuted fine s'.'.ots th a t drew /ap- "Dick, the Great,” as Groat la fit Oorgp . . 95 — 99 194 Ollarl ...... fi" 91 102 *»8^i hent for the Laurels at this stage. games In aU three classes after It was all about flahing, the Stephens the"key" to bis infield the Class C Western Association. dents are In direct charge of each.____ u AtA. _____ one.7 time___ . 1 the— « M i«.ter« X®?***^"*** game in the Small A rm stpons ...... 85 90 83 2.54 Spoooa (01 Aceto a.dvanced to the quarto:' plRute from the fine ga^rlng knoiA’n on the Duke campus, re­ . 100 104 no 314 * “ School* Tournament game at Surowipr , After the half-time rest, Frankie’s an evening of activity limited to Boston Red Sox slugger's problems. \V Inter ...... no 94 10.1 307 Slayhaugh struck out 223 for thrtr umpire staffs, making all as­ cart the school ten cents...... 118 131 104 MrCormlrk ...... 82 92 72 246 finals with wins l,o.st night. watching the matches. 'p(e ,fl:-st ceived a tremendous ovation last ...... UK, 99 117 321 Goldsboro. N. C.. of the Coastal ] Teachers College In New Britain. ■Tfthnaon ...... 112 94 101 ' 307 N'el.'oii __ ...... 78 84 91 253 continued their fast break method the small schools division. , favorite subject. Kilpatrick, featuring a tou.gh BondreaU' said hb-starting In­ Friday when he played hi* last signments and receiving their re­ r.ohb* ...... 90 103 98 291 Rerifren ...... 68 69 65 202 three sets we'.e carried to deuce. field may have ' Walt Dropo at M adam no 102 01 309 Plain Lesgile. and were never In serious trouble.* Form held true In last night's "By the way, Ted," the an­ chop serve, ran off th;ee straight Aceto won the first seV22lo .20, Duke home game and turned In a Sadroxlnake . — 92 — 93 ports, but anything concerning the MANCHESTER HIGH scored Paatnre ...... 62 H.) 71 213 Wade, pernio. MeQueeney. Lou games at New Britain as slxth- nouncer ashed In sarcasm, first, Johnny Pesky at second, general welfare of baseball comes 894 points during the recently' HAL TITRKINGTON and Sonny Totals -...... 497 509 490 1496 Wtlkle ...... a.... 91 68 85 244 sets from George, August In the and Miss Korsak boiled back to 48-polnt performance aj^nst Total* ...... 534 49.( 520 1539 Charles Kocsts of Royal Oak. HepUberg witnessed last night's Lnrky Five (*» Lockwood ...... 88 8^) 76 241 Dcscl,- ^ b Griffin and Ray Mc­ scc ■•’d Griswold High boat 14- “what business arc you In?" ope;il.ng match. -August w ai Im- Stephens at short and Fred Hat­ North Carolina. He will play In the under the Jurisdiction of the com­ completed 1951-52 basketball sea­ I,auth .,...... 88 77 93 258 capture the second/b.v f-.e ..aame field on third. Mich., had the best am ateur score pro NBA doubleheader at Madison RIo.harda ,> Kenna all hit double figures for ranked W atertown 55 to 45, and "I'm In the lumller btisines,” j proving with every set but time .score 22 tn 20. Aceto took the Southern Conference tourney missioner's office. son. The Indians averaged 52 5 ...... 79 95 8.5 2.59 Total* ...... *469 473 460 1402 Frankie’s with the former's 23 Williams replied seriously. Hockey At A Glance in the U.S. Open golf champion­ The rules now call for the pres­ Square Garden. Ray McCarthy al­ Arf.’ppson ...... 44 79 88 213 Drivera (4> eighth-seeded . Bloomfield elimi­ ran out on Him as he .went down third set 22 to after Miss Kor- BRAVES startin g tomorrow where it la ship last June, His 297: w ss 10 points In 17 game*. Lowest pouit so made the trip to New York. WIr slpp , ...... 82 89 117 388 Dummy ...... 72 72 72 9ie heading the list. Maaon, Pete, nated 18th-ranked Stafford 53 to "Lumber? What do you Bradentorr Fla., March '5—W)— possible Duke wllll play West Vir­ ence of an umpire on the Held an total was 37 against the Alumni Low Man to defeat by the 8co:ci of 21 to saa lan the cmint to set point. National League strokes behind the. winner, Ben ...... 70 70 70 310 Dummy ...... 82 82 82 Staum and Bob Willis combined 32. m enn?” a.sked theaannounccr. 8, 21 to IS, and 22 to 20. Rby Hartsfleld thinks' he's found ginia, thus pitting two AIl-Amer- hour „ before game time, and in the opening game while- the — — — ■. ' — Dummy ______90 90 90 270 for 53 of the Laurels’ total and The fourth ano. deciding set went Boston 4, New York 1. Hogan. N,' Totala ..'...... 385 410 <1ar pewere Neither game was close once “Wliy, T swing lumlier for Tom Martirt w arm - up for hla a doctor who’ll help him etneh the icas, Gr6at'‘and Workman, agathiit Frick's statement Indicated there highest score was 69 against East REO SENIOR League playoffs 453 1248 ..1 ...... r. 74 82 2.31 to Aceto 21rto 19. will start Tuesday night. Director Banter ...... 82 74 • 81 2:47 Mason’s 21 the highest. . » they got under way, and the Mr. Tom Yawkey.’’ .| f quarter finals match by getting There will be no matche.s to­ second base job for the Braves this each other. would be no change In that poli­ Hartford High. LaklnK ...... 89 107 86 282 ■This Aets the stage for Saturday year. cy. Bill Murray said today. Should Trailrr. (4i crowd’s chief interest, centered on the nod over Mike Laurentano In night b m Thursday nlaht Mike Lovellette already holdk eveiy r'opt^llo ...... 82 95 81 r»« night when the Legion team will the scoring performances of He says the doctor’s advice that Herm's Cameras, upset the Le­ REvilla ...... 77 Totals .... 490 499 493 1482 straight Sets. The scores were Pierro .will face Willis Kilpatrick Big Seven scoring record, with one BRITISH AMERICANS will HI 89 247 go all out against Herm’s to main­ Lxon Drobiak of Griswold and exception—the single gamb' of 89 VlllaRP <'liarm«>ra gion Saturday night Herm's and Mancinl ...... ; 84 99 •81 264 tain its pace with Frankie's. 21 to 13. 21 to 17 and 21 to 9. a t 8 and Tom Martin meets Pete ‘f * of green fodds wind t'p their regular American Wethersfield will play Tuesday P*tr^nf» ...... 87 101 98 286 Pivot* (1) Dick Kross of Watertowm, each of Rose Marie Koisak, a former Aceto at 9. and milk to cure the upset atom' points which he shared with Morrow ...... 102 106 ...... 115 76 Agrurr (1) Pro Basketball League sch^ule night for fourth place In the final 83 290 FI.rk ...... 84 275 whom accounted for 20 points. Sports Schedule ach that troubled him most of last Kna^tmao. This mark may go by Whit* . .. Jennincs ...... n.. 81 75 103 '’*,9 Pro Baskrt.Hill At A Glanoe . 8.3 .91 93 347 this y /ftk end. Friday night the standings. If tjie Legion win* Sat­ Total* ...... 483 431 1345 Carlson ...... sr 92 86 259 , The big schools play again to­ year Mema to be working. (he boai’ds on Friday when Kan- CriK-kftt .. . 83 78 87 247 Th^ R-’tllln* (8) .NB.\ T.ie Braves used four players, CampanAlf . 88 90 368 locals oppose the league champion urday, Wethersfield and Poquo- nan ...... 79 91 90 •JV night at the New Haven Arena, Local BaRlietball ras and K-State (Lovellette vs. M lnd^ra ...... 10‘ an Ford ...... 91 1)7 100 Bo.ston 91. Baltimore 80. where Greenwich and Norwlcli alternately on second base last Kncsomml clash for the Big 7 RutltlfM ... . 74 SS 104 344 Scranton Miners at the Armory, nock will meet In the first game ’'Br'Tl ...... 9.' fifi 82 2R.1 105 84 Tonight' Chuck Stobbs New Prize DeMara ... . 88 78 75 341 McBride ...... 113 .302 New York 92, Rochester 90 won .first round victories Monday, seasoq. ' title. •A then comes two games on the road. Tuesday night In the playoffs Scolskv ...... 74 K3 4? . •'*0 (ovc’ttme). Wapping vs. Morlarty, 7:15— Saturday night the BA's play In R icher ...... 8h 94 98 272 Totala ...... 560 564 539 1603 with Sacred Heart of Waterbury ' -—;----;------Hagan Only Junior -U i--*2t- -4M-- while Frankie's and the Legion. livrw—Man —Indianapolis A6r-Fort-Wayne-68.-- Y. darvU Realty (9>. Elmira and return to play in 1^111 tangle tn the nightcap - The -r>-- • ?n 2m meeting Meriden ana Weaver of ^n-^Wbite~~Sox Q iia r ie r s \ JVomfciili- Xediiux- . lUmilton ...... 84 80 79 215 Philadclphit 83. Minneapolis 81. White Glass vs. Crockett's, “8!30 ...... 78 113 94 284 Bridgeport Sundaynlght;-----“ later game will be a pMEpWf Tor Tntitr ■ 401 434 413 !24S DufiTTiry TT ...... 71 Jl.i -Hartford- playing-A^onli -Y r------■ ------Howard Ltindccan McClure ...... 113 88' 84 284 Groasl ...... 71 '930 D* (31 Rohrbarh ...... 83 87 84 354 flrat place. Winner of the game S3 76 A t the Yale gym two games in Friday, March 7 D. Cowles ...... 100 118 103 02!) tueky’a NCAA champ* when ■ev­ . IIrneer Office 'nderson ...... 82 78 88 218 During its 10-game 1951 foot­ Banrri'ift . 80 _ 191 en-foot , top volfe-gettesr RUfford ...... 82 84 85 253 \’IC H.4NSON of the BA's has “"J* fourth place ...... 80 80 80 310 the medium scVola tournament BA’s vs. Sc:ant(m, 9—Arinpry. Pasadena, Calif.—(NEA) — ...... V... in Frernun ...... 86 81 77 2 44 T vler ...... 88 90 97 ro Dummy ... ball season, the University of send Wilcov Tech of .Meriden Charles Klein Stobb!t was amazed Loomis ...... 93 93 ’86 on the 1051 All-America, placed drawn 30 foul tries In three games fi" M erenlno ...... 7r 191 97 Benton ...... 90 97 86 27:4 Florida waa penalized 47 times for Saturday, blisreh 8 -> Tbuftellol ...... 9.5 91 101 267 Frey ...... 104 M against Stonington and Gilbert when traded by the Red Sox to the Fox from the Athletics CrandaU . no himself on the sidelines. Adept.'at ToUl* .. . ..~44! 454 -428 isM with the local American Leagueiar ^ , 94 294 Total* ...... T.’’; 4W TS 1419 ■438 yards; ■ ■ Legion VA Herm's, 7:15—rRec- ...... i.. m in 326 The New YnrU ICee-m haa rimnnad Of this game Will meet the DImlw ...... 115 98 88 399 Hlgh*of Winsted against Darien. Balch vs. Buck’s, 8;3(>—Rec. Whit* Sox. Tipton. Morton. .. — 82 84 165 shooting with either hand, Hogan The New York Negro has dropped league champs in a best out of Low Man ...... , 70 70 70 310 So was everybody else except sparked the Wildcat* to their hiath JoliMaa* FaU t Co. It) in 20 of the tries for a .667 ^ r - Totals .., ...... 504 "482 490 1476 iCrtckaon ...... s ...... M 14 101 383 three game set for the playoff Total* ...... 435 440 1330 obviously, members of the Boston rarUon A Co. in Southwestern Conference title and Beaupre ...... 41 92 89 349 centage, Vic had 4 for 6 against Americans’ high command. Toppinc ...... RT) 81 a 22-gafhe. winning streak. In file 1 Avenue ...... •... 81 81 crown. Should the Legion win Sat­ 87 253 81 243 Bridgeport. 9 for 14 agalnrt Sara­ urday. the Leonard Streeters will W rlpht .... 88 SO 25^ FOR 2 WEEKS Therrler- ...... 84 99 183 SEC tourney last weekend he be­ .... 78 83 77 238 toga knd T for 10 last Sunday Vaae(tnib*»nl 86 90 253 McCarthy ...... 89 93 9! 273 Feexer ...... 83 50 92 2.n came f: Coope ...... 88 83 .!|4 26.5 19-18. He was the main reason why .' 1949 OLDSMOIILE "88“ chester Booster CHu^ Roa<^ is the NVliion ... 90 96 269 and switch-hitting Inflelder.______M. Cowles ., ...... 107 77 287 Iowa was Ih the thick of the battle___ 4-l)m>r -Srdsm-4iTTrm "Radio, "h n tcr.'h y d n u n allb ■Tutlt|f-"T:TT'“ r.T r:™ «T r’ Booater.Cluh. tlcket-^lrive.-TU'kets- -Horan—r~ ....77 —-73-*244- •Bury­ ■ttotmey . TTT ZTTJ father’of JImmyT one bf'lH’e flneaf are available at the sports depart- •Tilbrrt 117 96 301 REG. 427.80 But Chuck Stobbs is a prize. ^ Piets .i’*...... 9S 95 93 285 for the Big 10 title. He hold* Ju*t all around athletes. In Uio Itlstory McCourt . 96 98 381 *':»»«• ...... — Milaapy'i Radts a T. T. (21 .ment of Th* Herald. ------— Installed - ' ■ GUARANTEED. 1st QUAUTY Paul Richards couldn't convince about nvery.Big 10.scoring.reeoBd. Rdmnnda ...... 88 w 134 307 of the school. ‘ ! hinisrtf that the deal had been Bob Cain and Aaron Ro Total*’"."r. . . . ’ ’ 97fim x SGI IH'3 Because on aij. injury Work­ 1948 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN-COUPE Total* . . . " 474 451 1259 Include* Hardware resnect’vely. And when tlie Hoda Khoppe (0) BIrtodifood ...... 8! I09‘ 83 r.i Mai Mellette, southpaw hurier ! wrapped up until he reached El Goodin ...... '... 8.3 03 79 246 man's play suffered in West '\fir- Blue. Radio and heater. ('llfford - . 83 89 101 373 NIX 3IEMBERS of the BA's are Gourlnakl Sox required a durable cat« Nheldon ...... R2 as 89 256 who will be trying for a regular 89 92 258 NPECIAL MATERIALS THROUGHOUT ' Centro for the early training and -Tanls ...... 86 87 92 265 glnla’s last few games, but' ^i-a Sfork No. r-5W ...... ^ | l “ 5 Averace ...... averaging better than 10 points N>lll|tan . 79 106 280 all-round worth, they larder Kvariekl ...... 93 84 S6 36.3 earlier consistent topnotch por- ...... 87 87 8T 341 joowin nas a P®'**'*’ Pitching staff Annlrllo . 57 84 354 saw Stobbs In person. Then, every Jacobs ...... 87 9.5 62 264 per game. Kennv Goodwin haa a Mann .... 94 90 273 time the telephone rang Manager nau Lollar of the.'Bro’wn* formances demonstrated his, abil­ 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE Totala ... p 431 445 484. 1370 v?e i i» a graduate, of Syr- L^ntlnl a. Jim Rivpra. the Pacific Rny MntAra <1» 15.TCint average, Vic.yiCA HHanspn ^ n |, acusenoiiio. ■ University where he ma- 87 85 243 Richards „was airald sonieone Total...... 349 359 "iai 1040 ity bcyoqd question. Hb holds all pf t-mspr h'lilAi. Gray. One owner car. l.ow fiilleage. ^ 1 A E> .2, Jackie Allen - 14.1., Bobbv inred in (mimeiien. West Virginia’s scoring marks. In­ •Hleatard ...... 103 107 92 303 Total* a.a 436 ■456 1308 would tell him that the '22-ycor-old Stock No. r-446...... A .. 3. Ilolme* ...... 82 92 98 273 Knight 12.6. Puggy Bell 11.7, and I *" J®"™*****"' left-hander had leprosy, or some­ prihclnal bait. PrinrecB ill cluding a single game high of 60 77 Temple’s Mlkvy, picked on the t>r»eo. Radio, heater, overdrive. Exeellent eimdltlon. •V iE il C TOWN POOL championship Beebe .., ...... 99 98 97 294 team last year as a Junior, scldcgn Phn wii fmm sH thm— ards. “It looks'-to me. as though smack dab Into a pennant, or Slock No. r^ ss* . ■...... ^ I D 4 9 T«faT« , T40 4J0 Ta* 1-35S toum^y If ptwrnM Miifch 17 at the Red Box kept Stobbs justffdiig sfrln" of the same. Mclnto/ih. n.i 91 101 3ft5. showed his lOOl form and cillM' ’ .... .enough for him to learn how. to . .Indeed, they may already. ha\ Totala...... 49X .46.7 ..4Sa 14i7 lie teriTi6d_the diaappolntment ^f - I,, 1949 PACKiUD 2-DOOR SEDAN pitch, and then tui;ne'd him loose.'* done ao. , ■ . Maarheater Radiator- (I) the'season. 6 ii t’he other'bide, t*c ’ ■ ' ■ / 3Iaruun. Radio andHirater. Ex^gllent condition. Bycholfki ...... 90 111 m 116 SAVE^ WITH SAFETY-FULL NON-SKID • Stobbs, a sirappiing sljc-foot one- Lat% ...... 119 S8 99 316 voting indicated eevefal comefs, Low mileage. Ntocii No. ITtSSB...... incher weighing 185 jio'jnds, has Berzenfkl ...... hr, 108 81 277 such as LSU’s Pettit. Penn Statd’s don't miss the kpown nothing, hut the Bosox Luca* ...... 98 101 121 320 Jesse Arnelle; LaSalle’s Tom Gma I B 9 M IC Il JSIIPES^^^ TBEAD W lD m -^ll^ ‘10«-^!U w I'kHd IhdlKnh’a Doit; Green. Radio and hieater. jotniid'tifrtr' l^^^fipordA.:Mirrar New England League farm >club Totiila 485 528 1537 Priced to sell! Stock No. INlgO...... ___ five years ago as a rapid bonus RIVERSIDE AIR CUSHIONS Today A Year Ago—Ulinois tj’oy fresh from a Norfolk, Va., clinched the Big Tpn basketball X Pioneer (4i adcller Pined * 1946 lU ICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN high school. Swick ...... 105 Green. Radlo.iand heater. Good fran*|Hittallnn. TffNiri^ title by defeating Mlchigmn State, MUler ,,...... ;...... 89 SiXR Tiro W ee* Tub* P r i c ^ The youngster, who definitely 49-43. Burce ...... Ill Stock No. r-iiis...... haa a - major league arm and Lupl^n ...... 100 . $500 of P u r i Five Yiexra -Ago—d4)hn W. Schubert ...... 96 4.40-1S ' 1S.25 z s s doesn’t have to resort to anything Mauer, basketball coach at Ten- Majcnufon ...... 101 1947 IMICK SUPER A-DOOR SEDAN WNHC-TV other than a fast ball, curve and Black. Radio and beater. A real famllv car. neesee, - w«* appointed coach at Montreal. March IJ—cn —W oild CHANNa 6 iT O -IS 1S.4S 2 .70 change, pitched key games for the Army,. T otals 802 833 featherweight champion Sanly Stock No. r-S69. ...'...... Gold Sox under Joe McfJarthy and Mala Offli^ iO) Forfeit, 1 0 P . M . Ten Years Ago—Lightweight F.rron ...... 74 88 104 26« Saddler left Montreal today mli4> 7.10-1S 1S.45 2 .N REBUILT MOTORS REDUCED Steve O'Neill. He makes his first Champion^ Sammy AngoU out­ $500 of hi* purse for. his baht 1948 Dbo^E 2-DOOR SEDAN ‘ ' i . :•' u:;-.' •- ‘ ■ ______baseball switcji with a big league pointed Bob Montgomery In a 12- V .l.rt (41 draea. Badk> aAd kcatcr 7.«0-1S f------17.M Z 9 5 against Armand Savoi*; Mond record of^3S victories and 23 de­ round noh-Tltle bdurat New Yo"rk. TEnmn - ...... 115 ii4 115 344 night. *' Stock No.) s e t THfM AT T H ira i f ST OM A feats. Twenty Years Ago—P e n r o s e Klelnschmidt ...... 94 113 109 615 a.00-18 lt .9 5 ».» ^arello ...... no 104 108 323 That waa the fine leveled eg THURS., FRI., SAT. Frank. Lane strengthens the Hallowell of Han’ard rah the mile Pontlllo ...... 13.5 95 97 327 the New .Yorker after he was < 1950 ID SEDAN Itegs.lta ...... 106 m 89 317 « 7 o . i a . Pale Hose with every barter, and tn 4:12 2-5.to set a meet record In qualified by the referee -for hitt Gray. beater. > 13.7S TJS w ith a m inlvum of^jpaoney spent. the 104-A gam es a t New York. Stock No. -4*4. . . . ToUl* ...... 560 547 518 1525 on the breaks, holding, heeling i . $ 1 4 4 5 HVavlnc (•> hitting with the lacea of RIVERSIDES FOR OLDER CARS Relder .'...... 116 lOO 94 310 1950 M CURY AN 'Hnbersn ...... VH 101 88 293 glovex rt 2-Toa« 42-4* For* V-« ■Exchange Moran ...... ■ 97 tt 271 And, aald Xontraal Athlaf RadknA^ter, aOO K l§ 93 278 Motorola TV 4 J 0 -1 S IS JfS 2 J 0 ' fitenger ...... Commission Chairman, L o rn Btpefc No. NT-J $ ^ 7 9 5 * txauuvi QtMMUMDfSCmN ¥ o t.i. 379 "iel 1052 Gauthier, Stmdy la' lucky Ka not suspended. " ' iVE CARS1 P A M O U l ' ^ ' ^ f o o - t a n . f s 2.40 Ereijr Ward rabailt is. guanMtoed Just like ■ new ciar. For N Dr. Roatr (*> ‘ , . "Due to the fact that he la G *' ★ n o t m u 4 i m p m n n u u n c i days or 4AM asOea .whlehever's flrat. Plus a free SMinUe liiapee* 92 M 277 AR WARRANTY « .s o - ia ia .2 5 3 > S Hoa wiwa laatalled Wards. yoor Ward BahuUt om W ards Cordr ...... ; 89 Ing into the United Stataa Armya- W INSTANT •^AMHT^ TUMN# a. Cartei^s Work Clothes IrUh ...... 107 98 28« and we like to aee a i -HmHiTmgmtyumtUHn, **H*tgtAT*K Moathly Paymeat Flaa ealy 1*% doara, IS asoatha to pay. Vennert ...... 120 107 u 325 For Painters, Carpenters, Plumbers DicklnsDn 89 91 81 968 his dpty for hi* country—we laanrr STOCK ,Duchesn. ss. 95 M 278 give him a chance to make his 1 Staiek ElNlrNit Lilwritiriw . 33-40 PLYMOUTH • • • 0 * * 0 5124.C TdUli ...... 49.1 484 4« 1441 ing. We will npt soapei PUCK ’ Wrave («l ONLY 10% DOWN ON TBUAS 35-42 DODGE • • * • • • a I 5124.C Dietz ...... J* m 88 College 401 MMdl* Tarapikt B m I T*L S - l lM MASON 108 112 TKL W. Frey ...... : ...... 94 ift. 108 307 sM o s ta a s ta m •ascaniM HURRY—SALE BIDS SATURDAY 42-47 DODGE $133.00— Exelwege Whrier ...... 144 let US 481 COlumbte Yale ST. WOODWORKING CO Lov Mui ...... 85 91 85 9U Brlnceton *0, Rutgan 'SI. Total* ...... S27 n r '514 I«M NYU *4, CCNT 4f.

*■ :k-: - • A :•

■ *■'• i \ . • • . ' • , * • >\ . • ■ ' '. ■''■••• •■•■'■.'•*. .-«»••-' .' \ ■■'I. ; , • ’ -.I’- 'V / . .. .: a ''i’ ". ' BANCHlSTra im eNW g HERALB, «AliQnSSTBR, COWK, WEDNESDAT, MARCH 5^ 198* ^ KANCipM fla EVENING HfiRALD. MANCHlBTERr OONN.,' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. 195* OUR WAY . Agtcpii^lj|« Cor , 4 BY J. R. WILUAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOFLR DAILY CROMWORD PUZZLE *’■ ■' ' ' ... 4' I T I ...... t ' ------i---:---- T BdR .Waald4mili*ale,. *S ----■CiJwi —gaw . Dairy-:-- WHhimt tana •iBB'^in k'i P^h^octa______M L S T M e "Clastifiei D ^ R M IE R MOTOR DeCORMIER MOTOR C A R P U ^u t will frame naitalah*. KXPnnENCED Offioa worker EIGHT ROOM singla ^ U i country - R ip e n o R trM B diii ed upatalra rooma. Raaaoaable. •tmoaphare. FuU bath, automci- ' m 6 aoo\ Answer tn SALES. Inc: SALES, Inc. with knowledge of typing and APPLES, McIntosh, Roma Baau- ROOM FOR Retit Women only. A>MHtUEA6 Aa^- call 2-4291. bookkaaplng. Five days, 40 hours, Phone 5524. tlc hot atater heater, lam e lot p A n w r rc D CNSO MB Hem on At Hw Optra Low Cost— High Value tiaa and .Wagners. Bunch Farm, OP LIKB A . ■ 0 UAO0 O6 H (^•A -^Ia your aiatar axpeetlng AlvertiseiRMb BUYS OF THE WEEK good starting pay. P. A G. Motor 529 West Center. Phone 8116. having 90' frontage. Bus paaaez u r X B r r / Specials HAHN’S Furniture refinlahlng and Freight, Inc. Phona 3063. AT THE CENTER, clean comfort­ door. FuU price, |6.8S0. Alien ■a-i. SiJAfUl -*»T¥llS65 roe tonight? CLASSmED ADVT. tta la re l -IMC-DeSOTO 2-DR. SEDAN 1939 OLDSMOBILE 2-DR. repairing. Oomlcea aoada to able room in quiet home. 20 Clampet, Realtor. Phone 3- D RO M «».J fO u H o e A t ' Yds DEPT. HOURS: order. Phone 2-9533. WAMTED—RaUaMa woman to live or 2-0880. r M A « i flSASEOAft eteieecM R a^o and heater. An excellent SEDAN HouachoM Goods 51 Wadsworth street lOparehjr SOaemaa . 8:15 A. M. ta f:30 P. BL car throughout. Radio, heater, new motor, new in cara for two ckUdran. A COLLIE Pnccliil, t A gone out for Room and board plus aalary. BEAUTIFUL lloubla room. Ctom- COflipOBtf front end. HeilMheM ScrvicM PROSPECT STREET ICHASIM& Salaaman—Hava you e B ib 1951 WILLYS 6 CYL. STATION Must have rafaraneea. Oall 2-299X lo t ALBERT OF THE plet'e light housekeeping faculties itOM BlUa dSMsaiile COPY CLOSING TIME 1939 DODGE 4-DR, SEDAN A L B B R rd FURNITURE CO. T O o a ra b f; . — — ^.-le El, E —• fairy in your honwr WAOON ------J M kA available- Just ^Vaeatad by couple If you are seeking the ■tVMh ■ t c o t i e f U ln u a iB fe tromj^n pTBi^r^tTeir^UBC up ^irtta • Radio and heater.. SALBSLADT WANTED, part Wlaliea to contact a rellabla and • Couriara ~hut X S ia ifr FOR CLASSinED ADVT. Just like new—Save a lot FLAT FINISH Hollmid wtatfow leaving town. Central and at a 0 AB/OM.A HMalodimia red tape in Britain nowadhye. Uttla asiaa In aqr angliia. ' See These Today At tima.. Excallant atarting salary. responsible person who la going prica so reasonable you'll gasp! charm of an older home TVahielaa There ia a clergyman In East­ MQN. THRU FRI. ahadea niada to moamr*. All Exparienoad prefarrad. Apply in hoiieakeeplng. IfMilkcuidlar 1950 FORD 2.DR. CUSTOM V -8 DeCORMIER MOTOR metal veaetlaa blinds at a m... Hurry: Jerome, 14 Arch atieat, we suggest you consider n iia a t • War god bourne, England, wtaq aaya he Aa the l^ trolt Free Prana m i .pully equipped and then some. parson. ToU’ and Teeika, 95d Main 10:.‘1D A . M. SALES, Inc. iow prica. Keya mad* whU« jroo I RAVE BEEN HOLDING IN MY first floor. t ITCoaunandad fiTter peeala a car for his pairiab work. it; "Thoaa two GEUfbnila coUaba •UacL this three bedroom six. la^nsii »*lODiaputad wwjniiwi « CoosUllatlaB aSEara's The church atighatoriea say he SATURDAY 9 A. M. 1947 WILLYS 4 wkSEL DRIVE Mancheater > watt Ifartow'a WAREHOUSE SINCE LAST LARGE ROOM with, complete kida who are claiming a world m - 24 Maple St. . Tel. 8854 'YEAR S ROOMS FURNITURE rpofn home. Almost an lIHMjrwvaactlleWt^erabp ‘ grii>d*« would have to have a garage firat; . UNIVERSAL JEEP KIND, Motherly woman betnreen kitchen privileges. CaU 2-9116 innvars Gounod 88 Brit ort for aee-sawtng will twUb WEAVING of. bunu, moth holea And These Appliances eaastMAji 12 Lacked but. the iMuncIi inaiata he must what bush leaguers they art itf In fine order throughout. 1949 CHEVROLET four door jle- 55 and 65 who la interested in after 4. < acre of land .with two car 28 Ironing 37 Man** name Toum cxwPCRATioN lynx and torn clothing, hoaltty runs, WTHicH IS A Li t t l e 21 Summer (Fr.) ** ' have a car before being given a they take a trip to Waabingtto BE APPRECIATED luxe. Low mileage. Excellent con­ permanent home and raaaonable garage. Automatic heat, IMUUUUIt aiCompoaerot 38 Acid ariutioaB permit for the garage and ao it See These Today At handbags repalicd, sippsr re­ ■alary to cara for bby 6 and girl SCRATCHED AND LAST 22 Small lizards and' watch tha profearionals m dition. One owner. Phone Paul 22HabiUtpUfit "Lohensrin" 42 Insect looks like a merry-go-round. work," placement, ' umbr«ilaa repaired, 9 while mother works. Call 2-3330 YEAR'S STYLER modem kitchen, cozy liv. 22 Unaapirated DeCORMIER MOTOR Carter. 8239. “WeaUnghduae” Elec, Refrigerator 'Boarders Wanted 59-A Siriy - 43Nods men'a ahirt coilara reveried and between 8 a m. and 6 p. m. ing room with fireplace ItFaftenaagria MHomlhold DIAL 5121 SALF.S, Inc. replaced, MarloWa Little Mending "B aa^ ” Ccmbinatlon Range. SSOfUigteath 4SFcar Juvenile Jbix Many a tombstone la carved jh/ 1950 CHEVROLET tudor with QD HOME for mother and atWUted_____ 84Chan / — 470caan'^ We welcomed the day 24 Maple S t Tel. 8854 Powergllde tranamiaalon, Radio, Shop. MAKE BIG Money aelllng Amer­ Washing M ad^ and many other' features. 27 Rodent ehtaeling in traffic. ' "Emeraon'* Television Set ‘ chlM. Will care for child whUe When the achoola filled their l.ost and Fonnd - Manchester heater. Nice condition through­ ica's outstanding nyUm slip. AH 28 Equality 1 ORGANDY Curtains laundered by “Mohawk" Axmiiister Ruga mother works. Rockville 5-7959. Excellent location, handy r 8 rooma out. It’# Douglas for valuea al­ sixes, 3 lengtha Free sample Englishman No. 1—Terribly aor- —And a few other articlea 22 Pqrdw parts Now they are emptying, . IX3ST^=Rca wallet between Center 1950 CHEVROLET Deluxe. 9V>r> ways. Dquglaa Motor Sales, 333 hand. W ill'call for and deliver. Full time or along with your to bus; 60’ day occupancy. ry you buried your wife yestardiw. Phone 2-0643. IF YOU ARE AN HONEST lORcgiet Pandemonium looms. Church and Mancheirter Green dor, radio, heater. Outstanding Main. regular Job. Phone 5-2788 , or ap­ Inspection by appoint­ - J6 i n Englishman No. 2—Had to , , . . laet Wrdneidayi Oontalna ade- car. Local prominent citixen for­ PERSON I’LL GIVE YOU TITLE Business Locations 21 Walks in water ^ Louise Darcy. dead, you know. ply Charia, 69 Allyn street. Hart ' S-$ HBTEIL ----—8 ' iquate identiflcatlon. Finder pleaae mer owner. Extremely nice OF THIS ON LOW FRIENDLY For Rent 64 ment. 24 Communica­ THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL ford. U6 $0ME< tion mail plcturea and papers only, or throughout. Douglas Motors, 333 BniMiiiF—Contrartinff 14 MONTHLY TERMS •ORN -IHUrTV YEARS TOO SOON /« m K » M: •* Speaker—Gentlemen. I think Mra. J. o . Stone, or Oneonta, ALL CARS FAR BELOW SMALL AIR condUioned office. 22 Prayers we glue manufacturers muat stick call 60r>2. Main. CEILING Aa I had orlglnallv sold this but Ala., caught two mica in the same GENERAL pARPENTRY, Altera- the party who bought It Is not In a 100% location at 869 Main street. ROBERT J. SMITH, 22 Inner tiraa together. tiona, additions and new cqnetnic- Help Wanted— Male S8 trap at the aame time. Both iplee DON'T FAIL to see McClure for 1951 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan— poaition to take It. If you are not -Apply Marlow'r. MICKEY FINN bark Listner—The feeling ia musi- were dead when Mra. Stone found ilon. Dormera. porches and ga­ Incorporated Rather Embarraaoiag! BY LANK LEONARD FOUND -Large, young male cat, terrific allowance on your cer. Radio and heater. This car Is like WANTED—Two raen ' t o ^ a n ready for It, III continue to hold It 4*Ruaaiaritown laife. toem.—J. Grady Stone, Oneonta, rages at^rea8onab^e nricea. Work­ cars. Good pay. Steady Work. Tiger and white. Call 6S12. McClure Auto Co., Hudson Salea new with very low mileage. for you as long as you want, at no Houses for Rent 65 953 Main Street MWKICOMNT 41 Snare Service, 373 Main street Open 1950 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr^—Radio manship fiuaranteed. Free eatl- Plenty of overtime. Briinnar's extra cost. , TOSKPHT* 420paniaaa And then there’s the cannibal's FOUND - Sunday evening on evenings. and heater. A wonderful buy. mates. Robert M. Alaxander. T et Packard, 356 East Cci^hr street. MODERN SEVEN room home 43 Stable daughter who liked the boya beat Insurance salesman to prospect; 3716. raONB ME IMMEDIATELY Tel, 3450 Main atreet, three atrand pearl 1950 Wlllya Jeep- -With snow plow. available March 15 to Nov. 15. 44 Swlaunlng when they were stewed. “I know you told me yeetMday bracelet. Owner may have aame A SAFE PLACE TO BUY 1949 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan -Radio JOHNS-M/ n i Show It To You Home is to be rented furnished you weren’t Interested, but I During Day or Eveninlr After 6 P. M. Please Call 480paraby by paying for ad Call Mlaa Elor- and heater. Beautiful condition. BALE82 only to adult couple. $150 month. Wagner, Detective—You're looking for thought now that you’re older you ehre Ijaml)erg, 3480 after S, ------USED CARS 1949 Oldsmobile fl, 4-Dr/ Sedan-- RoofliutTrrEMInK 18 Phone HaHford 6-0358 . . ReferentieB required. Call 78M your.cashier: Is he..taU or short: might be wiser. - — — . MR. ALBER’T : Mr. Heck 7848 ...... ” .Trtatanaad _ Black. hydramatic drive. A very GUARANTEED Roofing and roof after 6 p. m. BanTcer—Both. fine rarii . Exclusive J^na-ManviUe Mome AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 — ■ E Annooncemeiits repairing. Giittera and conduc­ Insulation Contractor for Hartford VACANT—Four bedroom custOn 4tCity in India , _ It's the folks who pay an they ATTENTION CAR AND- .1948.. Ply*nUrthd«»h-Cotit>e - Radio tors. COttgMlin TTOT."’...... :A^L—B-~E--R-rT— S Wantetlio Rent ' ' '6S --buHt -seven- TO om - alngte'."'-'OlI,‘' Two girls, walking home togetlv-. go- who ere most Uke^ -tO' ■ b*' and heater. A swell little car. Coiifit^lUm ah bpenrhg'fbr ah AO- 42 Eli iiway'pbata er. were discussing current heart asked to atay. LEAKN to drlve-a car, aafely, GRB8 8 IVK and EXPI^ENCEO 43 All.vn street. Hartford steam. Clean throughout, Beactir 1 TRUCK OWNERS. W E 1947 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4- Open Thura. Evenings TH 9 P- M. URGENTLY Needed, 4 or 5 room 50 Leases again intereata. quleV;!y and efficiently. Tou WE SPBCIALIZB In roofing and ROOriHO and BIDING aaleaman. fully landscaped, extra large lot. 81 Pacfcingdiac may get an Immediate appoint* D r.~A nice family car. aiding. Hlgheat Quality ma­ rent by young Couole- with 3U Said One; ‘‘Now I ask you, lia- If* e**y to always heap a Car e^ntipl. Drawing. accoqnt five-car garages, ideal location. . for water jiipea ment by-calling Mancheater Auto NEED U.SED CARS AND 1941 Hudson 4 -D r—Good trans­ terials. Workmanship guaran­ SALE—USED washers and vac­ year old daughter. Phone 2-2196, bel, how could I like him f i f o'* ao sweet dla^siUon, aaya n writer. portation *10,5, agalndit commisaion. Excellent an­ uum cleaners. Recondltioifed. Priced right for immediate sale. deceitful, pretending to believe me Driving Academy. Phone 2-4087. teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn nual average earnings. Apply. Mr. ' VERTICAL Especially when you have the TRUCKS. DRIVE.INOR guaranteed, low coat. We repair THREE ADULTS desire 4. 5 or 6 E. F. Von Ecker, 509 Keeney when he knows I’m lying to him!" sugar. 1040 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan, street. *»hone 4860. Priest atceet. I T h e ------e f - BF.AUTY fTiUNSKliOR reppeaen- 1040 Dodge 4-Dr. .Sedan—Radio •n makes o f electric clocks, Irons, room unfurnL<-hed rent. Pratt and CALL. LET US SHOW YOU toasters, lamps, wringer wash- BrriDe" fative for ^lancheafer. Mra. Mac­ and heater. Whltnev employee. References. MANCHESTER — Near Main CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER era. vacum cleanera, ett. A. B. C. Donald. Phone 2-3251. 10.30 Chevrolet Onera Coupe. Roofinir 18-A THE JAMES WILSON CO. Call 2-3651. street, good eleven roopi dwelling BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES . HOW WE EVALUATE 19-3S Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan. 130 Wfaahington Street Anpllance, 21 Maple. Phone 2-> No Confidciiee BY EDGAR MARTIN ROOFING. Specialising in rejmliv 1575. YOUNG Couple with year old girt with many posalbllitiea hot wat*r SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 1036 Chevrolet Sedso -R adio and Hartford. Conn. oil heat, fireplace, two-car ga­ Pernonnis • YOUR CARS. - heater Good condition. Ing roofs of all kinds. AI40 new desire' 3 or 4 room unfurnished HOMRN.V JOB OOta't UNOtR-. rage. lot 60’ X 120.’ For further OOWY.VCOXD TAKE AU_ 1035 Ford 2-D- Fxcellent motor roofs. Gutter work. Chimneya BODY AND fender man Wanted. AUTOMATIC Hot water tank with rent. Call 2-8281. «TANOtMR.«UMCvMeU> « TVS. « 0 CMVLO HUXOW t t h e PROSPEtrr Hlll school for iftoat are one owner, low mileage cleaned, repalreo. .2 8 -;^ara’ ex­ Plenty of overtime. Good work­ ten year guarantee; thermostat information can Alifib Clampet, cars. Pievioua owner# name on re- Save At ^ A BPTOAX. W A V«OVC\MIR VAVratCOObAD ANO young children. Pre-Kindergarten, perience. Free eatimatea Call ing conditions. Phone 7043. Turn­ Phone 2-4783. Realtor. Phone 2-4543 or 2-0880. MAM Mb' AlNiT tMBOOV Kindergarten. Monday through queat, WANTED to rent, house In quiet VXMlLDNrx C O R l A BARIXIW MOTOR SALES Howley. Mancheater 5861. pike Auto Body Worka, 166 Mid­ WWb VXMAR7 6N M OT Friday. Transportation furnish­ 1949 Ford Custom 'Tudor — Bin:, Wanning. Conn dle 'Turnpike West. CHAMBERS FURNITURE location. Write Box U, Herald. Pour ropms, plastered walls. In­ sulation, storm windows and WCCOU(aH« ed. Mra l-ela Tybur, director. radio, heater, iinderconting, slip Open Unti' 0 p, m . and Siindaya COUGHLIN ROOFS atay on la YOUNG Couple desire 3-4 room Phone 2-5767. covers $1,215. Phone .5404 any kind of atorm! For guaran­ CARPENTER Wanted. Only At The Green screens, oil heat. Near school, bus teed roofing call Coughlin, Man­ perienced man need apply. unfiimiahed, reasonable apart­ Une and stores. 30 day occupancy. XtKIMI BALLARD'S Driving School. Man­ 1947 Pontiae 4-Dr. Sedan—Stream­ 1040 FORD Se5044;'' ...... Phone. 2:?3,76..,,...... tec on- -Route- 85, -Large trout 1937'PohlihV-‘4-Dr;'-Bfae^^^ ■We b u y and sell good uarf funih Green. Wm.' KafieKlr'Ctontfhdtdr ’ .OURHNR.LETB /W ERECARRVIN^ OOWITBBKN ATERnnC brrok. More then 20 acres open . g ^ L ^ J 6JI.MAD(Cr ' POCAHONT* .healer..—.Rxcellimt-eondBlon,— 1917.. Btlldc,haker._Ch«.n»nk»n---4-Dr: EKFluiE.’T r P lu m ^ g and lieil^ -turor—eomblnatten— ranges.— g a i $179, ------' ...... — Sedon— Rmtto.-heatrtT-overdrive CARE - FOR 'child - while - mother ^ ® ??n ?” ^^*l?I*.-X0X_pa»ture, May lh"g. Plugged drains machina range# and neater#. Jones Fumb OOPf----ai-^dOMeiHlNO DOWN SALKS. Inc. 1047 Ptudeheker Champion Rtar- works. References. Phone 8862. be sMn by appointment. Call cleaned. Phone 6497. ture'Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. Leonard Giglio, 7083. ' Suburban for Sale 75 TO A BOAT! TRUCK SPEOIAI.S lieht Coune Henter, overdrive. SAYS: “ This is a Rlamour 1950,Ford Pickup - - Red; heater. NOHEAOf 1948 Pontine 2-Dr. Redan—Hydra- PLUMBING and heating. Furn­ Doica—Birds—Pets 41 WES’nNGHOUSE Refrigerator SPRING FEVER, thoughts of ANDOVER LAKE—Partially com­ lovely.” I/)W mileage $1,09.5. pleted five rooms plus, waterfront matle, rndio, henter. aces, oil burners and bollera. 5 ft. Clean, guaranteed O. K., $59. farm, Keeney street. 20 acre home. Bargain if taken as is. 1050 FORD C RKST LINKR 1945 Dodge 1<4 Ton Platform — 1040 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sed an -R a­ Earl VanCamp. Tel. 5244. COLLIE Puppies.-sable and white, Barstow's, 460 Main. Phone 3234. farm, recently remodeled' eight N $20 and $25. Tel. Coventry 7* Complete it yourself and save. CUSTOM Body, 12’. Checked by our service dio, henter. room home, two fireplaces, new dept Buy It with a drive $59.5. 7666. Suburban Realty Co., Realtors, Loaded with bemitifiil ac- 1047 Ford 4-Dr. Sednn Radio and THREE-PIECE living room set. oil steam^ heating ajistem, sever­ 541 Main street Phone 8215. ce.s.sorre.s. Priced to. .sell this hrat^'r. Millinery— Dre.ssniakfnF 19 NEW SHIPMENT of many new 6 all 2-0007 after 7 p. m. al outside* buildings and barns, guest house. Best berriss on the Aveek at - SOLIMENE, Inc. 1047 .Willis .Stntion Wagon DRESSM A_K I N G. Alterations, tropical fish. Kelly'a Aquarium, COVENTRY—Main highway, new 29 Sunset street. Open until 9. 6.1 Ge n e r a l Electric refrigera­ market raised on this farm last 4-room single, bath, oil heat. Lot Do g ^ fo r^>reper^. 8 w ua haftire -Uncondlbonally— guarant-e-edT Painting— Paperinir 21 machine, like new, Ctaoldrum plea­ -Phone Gffice~544t you aell. Positively a.# good as new. Doug­ WINDOW IfFlADES made to order spring, innerspring mattress, 10,50 Packard 4-Dr. and Installed. Venetian blinds sure purger. Call 2-2012. Evenings 2-5938 or 2-4278 r x las Motors. 333 Main. maple mirror, $30. .Phone 4831. Phone 6273 and curtain rods. 24 hour service. PAPERHANGING and painting. TELEVISION 20’’ Admiral con­ Home Listing Wanted b r a e -b u r n r e a l t y 1940 Dodge 4-Dr. Sednn. Estimates gladly given, Fagan ‘ Walter B. Cookson. Phone 2-1614 sole, was $509.95 now ^$259,00 FOR QUICK RESULTS in selUng 1937 BUICK seven passenger. New Window .Shade Co.. Route 44 at POUR R(X)MS OF new furniture. BOI.TON NOTCH homes, a few of TL 1940 i^ontlac 4-Dr Sednn-Hydra- even plus .federal tax imd war­ your property call Suburban brakes, dependable. Call 2-3104. mntle. Bolton Notch. Phone 2-4473. INTERIOR AND Exterior paint Phone 2-4031. these choice four room ranch rantee. 20" Crosley, $519.95, now homes still available All plaster­ Realty Co.. Realtors, 641 Main PRISCILLA’S POP BfiCk Where She Started ing. paperhaiiglng, celllngt re- $269.00 even plus federal tax and street. Call 8215. BY AL VERMEER 1950 OLDSMOBILE 4 door deTuxe 1040 Ford V-8 2-Dr .Sedan. YOUR KNAPP shoes, available flnlshed. Fully Insured. Expert SERVEL GAS Refrigerator, -6 foot, ed walla, tile bath, oil heat, large aedan. Black. R ocket."88’, Fully In all sizes. Contact Wm. F. Sul- warrantee. 8’ Norge freezer was lots. Immediate occupancy $9,- |T PRISCILLA , ISTANDINO- work. Wall paper books. Edward 6 years, excellent condition, only AN AGENCY with a list of ready equipped. Fully guaranteed. See 1047 Pontine 4-Dr. Sednn. llvan, .-alesman, 60 Mountain $389.95, now $239.00. Only a few 350 with $1,0.06. down for veteran. NUTCHELL.M POOLISMJ OUT TH ER E R Price. Phone 2-1003. ' $80. Inquire 208 Woodland street. buyers waiting for four, five, six 'COME IN OU“ VtXI RUN Bob Oliver today. 461 Main. street, Roekvllle. 5-5984. left. 8’ Phllco' freezer $389.95, T. J. Crockett Phone 5416. OrlRL! IN T H A T 1946 Pontlae 4-Dr. Sednn. ------e*------:-----— now $235. Only one left. Brun­ and seven room singles and two- SHOWER newer 1947 CHEVROIJ-rr club coupe, FLOOR PROBLEMS solved with ner’s, Inc., 358f East Center. Phone MAGIC CHEF gas stove, equipped NEW! TWO or three bedroom fanilly houses. Call Harold G 9 PB/Mt, radio, heater, excellent condition All ears equippt'd with heaters PAINTING, Paperhanging. No Job 6101. . Bornhelra. 6946. »«R B ,t and radios. linoleum, asphalt tile counter. too small. Call 2-0726. > for bottle gas. Phone 2-9503; homes. Hallln Brothers. Phone 2- BHALLNCT throughout. Clarke Motor Sales. Expert workmanship, free esti­ 9221. . , PBOERT 301 Broad street. Many Otliera To Choose From mates. Open evening.#. Jones Fur­ UNIVERSAL Combination oil and niture. Oak street. Phone 2-1041. Repairinr 23 NEW POWER lawAmower. In- electric range, very good condi- BOLTON—Reduced for quick tale, CASH BUYERS -J94^POKTlAC? se,lanetter^4t.vdra- Gfieir -Hverongs Uiiti 11 p-P: At -quire-14--Munro^'‘a^f«et.------"tloS-—Also— inatiogaTiT'" buffet. six reom-raneh and garage. Large — matlc, radio, heater, signal Ihthts. I>^N0LEUM Reu.nants 50c square MATTRESS. Your old mattresses Phone 2-9230. lot, amesite drivfe. Artesian wtll, W A I T I N G " ^ ..... sterilized and remade, like new. SAVE DURING Ward’s power tool Thla is another fine valpe, .See-Boh B A L n iW N T IA C . Inc. yard. Asphalt tl)e„ wall covering. Venetian blinds included. Priced CItver today at Cent'er MoTors. Done by reliable, well-trained Call Jones Furniture and Floor sale! $17.95 ■Vt" electric drill, below today's market at $9,400. . For all kind.* of prop­ 155 Center street - Covering, 36 Oak. TeW 3-1041. $15.88; $29.05 sander-polishef, Machinery aod Tools 52 erty in Manchester. For 461 Main. ■ . Phone ’.>.4.545 • men. All Jobs guaranteed Hall Barbara Woods, Agent. 3702. 2) Linoleum Co., .58 <\,ttage street. $26.88; $52.50 >i" electric drill kit, FARMALLS, A L U S • Chalmers, immediate service call 1951 PLYjMOlTH 1940 CHEVROLKT Ttulor. G'riod Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166 or Bonds— Stoeki $47.88; $104.!S0 6" Jointer. $97.88; Oliver, John-Deere, Case, Fergu­ MANCHESTER-zZoned for busi­ condition, radio. ' healer. 1941 8109. T Mortgaifes SI $4,8:05 9’’ band saw, $44.88; $72.95 son tractors. Cateiylllar 15. and ness, 4-famlly and 6 room tingle. JARVIS REALTY CO.VrORD 2-DR. SEDAN Chevrolet club coupe. 1941 Chev­ 8 'i ” portable electric saw, $68.88; 22. Large stock usrt equipment. Income $2,649.50 per year. How^ rolet tudor. Truly good. Douglas REFRIGERATION Service, com­ FIRST AND Second mortgages $39.95 6 >4” portable electric saw, art R. Hastings. 2-U07. Manchester 4112 9-S ea»»- raw By rah %mnm. Am Clean. Private owner. Under Bulldozer. Dublin l e c t o r . Co., Motors, 333 Main. mercial and domertle; See' our bought for our owe account. Fast, $37.88; $27.95 bench grinder, North Windham Road, Willlman- CAPTAIN How It Figares ceiling price. display o! guaranteed uaed refrlg- confidential service. • Manchester $24.88; $16.95 12" Jig saw, $14.88; tic. MANCHESTER^' —New Seven l i s t YOUR PROPERTY \B Y LESLIE TURNER ■y 1040 PLYMOtmi 2-door sedan. Investment Corp., 887 Main $71.95 8’’ bench anw. $66.88; room single, 4 bedrooms, living ators. George H Williams Aaao- JAKE! OH. HEAVENS. HO! NOT THCN.X WHAT D ' ^ MEAN _ _ . PAIO^THB 'Wtlb whEt wouM you do if h# breuiiht you triploto?" ’ Call 2-1205 For Appointment RVidlo. heater. Good condition. elate#, 260 Tolland 'TurnpJkei street. Phone 5416. $42.95 8" bench saw. $37.88. All room; dining room, kitchen. ■ 2 single, two family homes, bual- wcM you WASTOOEllCITEP! M R .A U ^ •WTHra"? WP . _____ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENIg BY M. C. BLOSS|m Tel. 8364. : ------' ^...... ' - ...... Items " can 'be "purchased "6h „ Musical - Inatmmentg- -53 baths, breexeway- and - garage. Auecp , WAS SCRKCHMITANO W P m a 1950 O lE V ltO U c O c lIlji:' tuitorl Mariehestei Phone 2-3585. nights n r o ^propqrty arid building lots lt> HE ShV A TOONERVILLE FOLKS „ ' i BY FONTAINE FOX 7601. ■- - ...... • -W art’s monthly; |>aym«it plan. ’N *W u s e d ; Rehtals; 'Reedi, Down payment $8,000. Howard M VOU TAKE AROUNO SO. fiWi g’lllTnflfirilHi- ISN'T iRBtEASeOStAOHI ...... - ...... ' ^ /^VWATA flH iS M F V " 1950 Chevriilet Powerglide tudor. 1949 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Radio and Rnsinem OpportonltiM 32 Jht».«R«icy for riulck reauits. . Cali Mr. Keith, 5161 for informa­ strings, rautea, stands, acces- R. Hastings 2-1107. THE AARICAM squATrMS 20M E e?y he got our o a 1950 Chei^olrt deluxe fordor. heater. PACKAGE .Store—doing day by notiREVoirp VSTUNATELY, THK STATION AIo k HT JS A OOOP FRIEND 'YJ^^LE t e Repairs by Stuart R. tion. Montgomery Ward, 828 Main iorlea. Repairing. Certified In- GEORGE L. GRAZIAPIO OP -THE SKIPPeR 1947 Chevrolet Fleetllne fordor. day increased business. Low MANCHESTER —42 acres, |C0HE EATER All fully equipped, and gooFwB«Tfr .35 In stock, but quantities are limit­ GIRL’S LIGHT blue ajiring. coat, and heater. guns, etc., repaired. '.Shears, ed. A choice of nationally famoua cellar, large lot. Immediate occu­ alee 12, also green winter coat, pancy. . Easy terms, $9,500. WE WANT TO BUY A 1938 cTHRYSLKR COTVmible! knlvea. mowers, etc put into con­ EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper. Ap­ Saran plastic or heavyweight lac­ size 12. Call 2/0965: SchwarU Real Estate 8274 or Good running condition. No rea- AS IS SPECIALS dition for- comlng needs Braith- ply. Colfc Oonstruetlon and Ap­ quer-coated fibers In bright har­ TWO FAMILY HOUSE pliance. 249 Broad street. Hartford 5r5138. ■enable offer refused. Call 6033. 19.38 Buick 4-Dr $145. waite .52 Pearl'street. * monising plaids. Alt expertly cut Wanted— ^To Bay 58 and tallotrt with elastic Ineerta ANDOVER.... Five room house IN MANCHlIlSTER * 1949 CADILLAC model ’'62" two- 1037 F'lymimlh 4-Dr. $135. ASIIES a n d RubHafe removed. AGGRESSIVE Salesperson for to Insure a tight, smooth fij. No WANTED—Used furniture. Liv­ near lake. PartlaMy furnlalied. door. Radio, heater, hydramatic. 1937 Chevrolet 4-Df.—$125, Call Norman F Pierce of the Ready to -Wear department. Good charge for installation. Your ing room, bedrodm, kitchen or Artesian well, 20 x 18 knotty pine Low mileage, white wall tires. 1037 Cadillac 4-D r—$75. Sanitary Refuse Company in salary- Apply In person at Mar choice for only $14.77. 1949-1950 CALL . VIC F L lm Nice Going, Libby Excellent condition. Dark blue. entire households. Let us make living rooip. $9,000. Barbara BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY Manchester. Tel. .2-0252. low’s, 869. Main street. Chevrolet, Oldamqbiie, Pontiac Clarke Motor Salea, 301 Broad Radioa and Heaters In Most you an offer. 'The Woodshed. Woods. Agent. 3702. UBVK RBA4BMBIRTMB four . ^ o r ' artahp, 1 9 4 9 -1 ^ Phone 2-3154. ROCKVILLE 5-9237 (Collect) THE pHE ...... JUST saw/ HBR ____ VB OUST •treat and AH Are Ready To Go ANTIQUES Reflnlahed. Repairing STENOGRAPHER and clerk typ­ VWOMMN WHO 2Se NAAAB ASAIN, COWIN* OLTT OP r I COOU3NT ist wanted for general office ChryaUtr, Dodge, Ford. Mercuiy, CAPE COD, 6 finished rooms plus OLITOP THB XCOULONT HANG OHIO done oft any furniture. Tlemann, WANTED—Goods to aell at Weth WHACr/W»HT POLITBLV 1950 Plymouth Tudor— 0[)en Evenings Until 9 work. Good working conditions. Plymouth four door sedans. Mont­ recreation room. Oil heat, cabinet ANYTIME, IF YOU HAVE THB NlBLrrCPTHB HIM AMY 189 South Main street. Phone erafield auction. Phone 5-5214, or kitchen. Call owner 2-9247. BB CALLED A ’MBWBLRV 11,295. 5648. Apply Mancheurter Modes, Inc., gomery Ward, 824-828 Main WORTHMRB -street. Phone 5161. write H. L. Welth, Auctioneer, 83 ONE FOR SALE 1949 Plymouth Tudor— BYCHOLSKI MOTOR SALKS Pine street. SIX ROOMS complete. Oil heat, POWER BURNERS land Range Humphrey street, Hartford. 91,095. 255 Broad Street recreation room. Screens, Venetian Phone 2-4453 Burners expertly cleaned and INSURANCE COMPANY field _ Heaters, Diamond*—Watchf blinds, gas domestic hot water. Written O serviced. Let us service and ror office moving to Mgnehaster WANTED—Your property to sell, 1951 WILLYS 4 cylinder >j-ton J ^ e h y 48 WANTED— USED player piano Occupancy on completion of tale. pair your washing machine or re­ shortly, have- position open for with rolls. Call 2-9292. pliable buyers waiting with cast 8 PECIA panel truck, clean. Inquire Vetter- LEON $ll,50o. Charles Lesperance. frigerator Metro Sendee, 2-0883. atcnographer-t:^at. Experience ONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re­ 3620. for four, five, six,weven room sin­ Famous Name' lein’a Station, Hartford Turnpike desirable. Full Employee benefits. P«Vars.) adjusU ------aratchea axperUy. gle and two-famUy in Manches­ Rockville. RADIO AND television aalea Rdooia Witkoot Board. 58 6.00 X II Salary open. Phone Hartford 2- Reasonable prieca: Opeq dally. SIX ROOM single, oil burner, auto­ ter, Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. aer\lclng and Installations C. 8278. . Famoua 1949 FORD Custom radio, heater. Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce ROOM IN Private home. Heat matic iKft water hqatef, acreens, ■Flnaricrip arranged. Howard R. Hane.v, 30 Bolton street. Phone etreet Phone 2-4387. Hasting Phone 2rll07. Check Our Perfect throughout aarke Motor 2-0110. hot water. Gentlemen preferred. atorm vHndowa, convenient to Oh WOMEIN WHO know Avon Prod­ Sxlea, 301 Broad street. ucts realise how saleable they are Phone 5457. transpoc|ation and sebooLr. Only WANTED—^Flve to twenty aqre CARPENTRY Repairs, altera- Fad ami Feed 49-A $10.800^h $tS00 (F.H.A.) or c a l s o s s r I 1936 FORD four door, recently We have (3) open terrltbrles and LIOHT Housekeeping room > for farm, good house, east o f river, to tlona block cellingf, rpoflng. etc. preference will be given to Avon will quMffy for, veteran with $1.- $15,000. Also country home hear r -3 -J A 439 Cent overhauled, |100. Phone 5893 SEASONED Hardwood for furn- working, married couple or. two 500. William GriodchUd, Sr., Real, iwv"' "V No lob too small. Phone Rock- cuitomers. Write Mra i Frank SM, stove and flraplmce. Oiklio for family of four, about Fbone 2 sR tr 6 p. m. vlUa, 5-5759. gentlemen. Inquire 124 High tor. Office 13 Forest street. Tal. Frawley, North Branford, Cbnn. Btuthera. TeL 5301 avealoga.. . atraat after 4 p. m. $8,500. No agents. Write Box U 7925 or 8891. \ , Hafald. '■ m U ^ lC0ieya5:idt’riS*WJ*fWAii-trvfl

• ' - . * . * ' . Awtng* Dailr Ntt 1 C S n fWiiltY-POUR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1958 iHancl;rBtor Ettrnfttg l$ifralft . rnrtknW criilM ht 10,523 IT a M lw Arnmt lafr* " tqnlgW , FHdnyt Manehe$ter^A City of Village Charm n , ■ M ini Mil iTMdy. <1.

------VOLwLXXl. NO. 1S3 MANCIlkSTEIl. CONNn THUBSDXr. MAROi J. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE PIVB CE n I s v FEATURING Urges Shore Road ~ I «< *«»• pa«e C / X?F o____ rl 13 o V Y e a r s f w WITH CASH SALES Dan I^eghalfAr Irrtaad, ALL DAY ' MAtck §--’son said after­ But he said the adoption of au'Ch Highway) would “not offer a per­ Gen. Charlea de Gaulle. gan. acting for McGrath, contend­ 1948. ward: / manent solution fo the Post Road 2. An order combining, all other ed the committee was exceeding Its a policy would be a "nuuidata for REG. $3.79—72x108 ...... S 3 . I 9 FULL FASHIONED NYLON HOSIERY REDUCED Bolt Phrty In Dewey’s campaign, said Taft, "The Prestoent said that If he national suicide.” problem.*' construction controls into a single powers. "no work was done; nobody or­ Says Red Took^ Sizes 7 to 12, 10 to 14. Plaids and some, plain colors. The De GauIUata bolted a party document It Increasee the tonnage Just StartiBg were sure that Taft would not get '-.The Preieident said the money The diversion of tiiUflc from decision to refrain from voting. ganized anything.” He said Dewey the Republican nomination and with reinforced foot (or extra wear. Special. Pair ... route one to the inland highway of steel automaticstly allowed for Moreover, Duggan told the bellei-ed four years ago that theie h e > asking for wo(ild be spent, to 9 8 < Pinay, 60, must still And a cab­ commercial, achool. and other would get elected If he got It. send 'arm s to Am erica’s Allies In REG. $3.98— 81x108 ...... s 3 . 3 9 would rerult in but temporary re­ inet and obtain a vote of conA- Chelf committee—just starting Its was no need to Jait* a stand on he (Ttoman) would know what to Photos q£ U. S. What a Value! lief of c»*:gastion on that road,” smaller non-residential projects, Inquiiy Into McGrath'a conduct of controversial issues, but that such EuropeMo build up AIUed^natkMW dence in the National .Assembly as well as roads and highways. do hiniseif about running. He In­ in the Middle end Far East, to the Arm said. " I t would ba a pal­ before' he can begin governing. office—that the executive branch strate^ would )>e unthinkable now dicated be would support any GIRLS’ SWEATERS and BLOUSES liative rather than a solution.” Shortages Chit of government was "independent because “ the people are -worked Major’s Diary help EuroMsn countriek manufae- REG. 95c—42x38'/2 CASES ...... 7 5 c He has outlined a program of. ocrat to best Taft." Lowest Price In Years! . Within nine-years. If said, traf- Aa originally proooied, the (o f) and equal” tq^O pn greu and up.” ...... _ ®''^.arm a. and to ratae IHiUing tha . aquaese. on- tax. evod- orders were "Intended'to curb eon- Favorite GOP Cindkbrta..... - living etdnAirda of Red- _ A luxury pareale.aheet at low, low pricca.______$1,25 SHEER .NYLON HOSIERY^ "de bn IKe' ISbitbh ’PoSt rbid wdUld' T a ft also pledged hiniseif to-,an **l*.i?. Funds...to..jin#nicft .8.tni£UQn..-B.ut.ihcv...wece..Eeyised. The President previously has Washington, March 6—(ff)—Tlie throatened nationx In Africa and ba'ia *Ud .u It Ur nowr ■ — “ In- -any-event-, ■ -we ■could- ■ -not --aU^t cmpai$m tn bring ou t^ ^ ■ StIGHT IRREGULARS OF • In iteutral -bctge^cotnr.-— 91 ' gBugr full fashioned r g Fiwnce*>_ j»h iriB utloit-tb JCuropeaiU frequentty-during- tivn-months of 81W :w o "i^ ga th w -n m A « ^ " 'aiid ~'today-> i n TnSviduiil A*0ls______A ______^______: : : £ ; 1 2 7 9 ^ in contrast, tha Arm reported, defen.— Tes­ eyasion and cutting adpiiniatra- ouixelvea except in association REG. 99c EXTRA FINE QUALITY Ing belt. Special. Each ...... v . ' ' 1. " The quantity is increased propor­ presence by saying he was happy In the''book, part of whose con­ tion costa befora asking higher St. Louis, March 6—(ff)— with other nations. timony that vessels of a New York tionately for two-familv. three- to see such a big turnout o f Re- tents were'qiade available here to­ LATEX FOAM BED PILLOWS • \ 1,' Plus Tax taxes. "^ond, the funds provided by shipping Arm hauled cargoes to fam ily and four-fam ily buildings. Charles M. Lee, counsel for the pubticans, “ some o f whom are for day. Grow wag quoted as having Balked oa Tax Hike the United States under the Mutual Red China after the eUrt of the A decrease of 29 jiounds of cop­ Reconstruction Fbiance Corp. other candidates.” .mid; IMPORTED PURE UNEN NYLON GOWNS Korean war brought from Senator Faure was tumbled out of office here, testlAed todav that Jamas 6 Americans SMurity program are essential to WITH SANFORIZED ZIPPERED COVERS I - per to a total o f 139 pounds per He called .the contest for the '*Our attack should be directed Mundt (R.. 8. D.) today a sharp last Friday because the assembly P. Finnegan play^ "a very minor the tuccese of the common efforts dwelling unit, for housing nomination a "family scrap.” and at enemy weakneas.\Athough. the A special buy fit a well known, brand. AH new _ f y denunciation of such “blood aoaked refused his demand for Iff per part" in a discussion with him and we ere making with other free na­ equipped with copper water piping predicted that ■ whoever got the military aeryices are pH m rily con­ DISH TOWELS and TOWELING NEW COSTUME JEWELRY AND merchandise. Beautiful colors and styles. Value < ^ W cent higher taxes to pay for ex­ others of a $565,000 RFC loan to On Nobel List tions fo r peace. proAts.” systems.'However, copper usage la nomination would have the party’s cerned with military wtopons and $7.88 to $10.98...Special ...... In stinging language, Mur.dt Amei lean-Lithofold Ckirp. $ 5 . 9 9 panded rearmament. increased where ipoal building united support.______methods, we must understand that 'Third, the funds thus invested told New York Attorney Housi — Lee-sald that at one -conference by the United States wiU yl«M fa y- _ ___ SIMULATED PEARLS____ — Pinay told the aaaembly he also codes re.qi5rre that.mrtil illlu ^er Reportsra asked Taft a loF of thlrwuTTi total -war i nff tr fqught H. Wasson that "you violated no on Oct. 11, 1848, he aaked-offlcialx tiemkin_of-Yflle-Amoii|^ —“39^ or yard “ ^ Re,plare those jild worn out pillowa with these wonderful latex Wpuld introduce a bill restricting ground connections. questions about the New Hamp­ with all weighs: ^ • ff* r relu m a In term s o f our OWX q law" but that he questioned the the .right to strike. Many parlia- of the St. Louis printing Arm if foam bed pillows that will give you ybara of aers’lc* and comfort. Colorful qjtone set earrings, pins, bracelets and neck'* Aluminum may be substituted shire primary, and he told them Group Nominated for "W e must learqe that in this Wfer security, then if the same emoint lacesJn wanted shades for early spring wear. Spe- "faint hearted ethics" underlying m enUry bbseryers aaid the sUte- Finnegan was the man to give a for copper In wiring, one pound of he waa "v e ry optimistic about It. it la fair to hit below the belt.” iw re ueed for our own DefenM Yoiir eholce - By the yaid or made up towela -Extra fine linen clal. Each ..••(aess.eseeeeeaasseeeseeeasessa CLOSE OUT LOT OF the shipping Arm's actlona. ^ legal opinion for the- company In although the thing is all stacked Peace Award in 19S2 Another quoted passage fsld: Establishment. with colored hortera. In red, blue and green. An exceptional value! Wasson, law partner of govern­ (Oonttaned on Page Ftour) connsCtion with the loan. Plua Tax .(Coatinoed oa Page Four) up against us.” "W a r L A s soon as possible! ^'ypurth, the cost o f the mutual ment corruption investigator New- _ Lee said he was told Finnegan He pleaded that he djdn’t have N o w !" eecurtty program, togeanir with bold Morris, was back for the sec- 'was not. adding that Finnegan's Oslo, Norway, March * —(J5— RAYON CREPE SLIPS '.‘the faintest Idea” how' many of the murti larger costa of our mill- ' ond day before the Senate investi­ iposition was not dedned. The Nobel committee announced An Army spokesman said that apparently a Soviet agent gained tary services and other defeaM GOOSE FEATHER gations ' subcommittee which is The former Cohector of Internal today that 37 individuals, includ­ Lace trim top and bottom. All pink. Size.x .12 (Oonttaned oa Page Four) access to Grow's quarters in Ber­ STERILIZED PURE WHITE COHON RILLED Aigging into proAtable deals in Revenue U on tMal In federal ing six Amaricana have been LADIES’ BILLFOLD to 40. Regular $3.88 to $9,86. CInse-buJt price .. lin during the general’s absence, (OoaflaMg oa Fago fbar) S w ar surplus U. S. ships. Red8 Insist Russians.; court here on ch ar^ of bribery nominated for the 1898 Nobel I BED PILLOWS $ 3 . 0 0 peace prixa. photogra^ed tha diary and then V. K Only Lawyers and other raiscondu^. H e re­ tncluding F^nch purse and billfold in new solid turned the pictures over to the au­ Wasson testlAed yesterday he signed under Are last wring. - The Americans; Franlc Buch- MATTRESS PADS pastel colors. Also black, brown, red, tan shades. thor o f the book. And Morris ware lawyers— but not .Collected glAJMl man, noted fo r hia work W ith the Each 8 9 < Seie Secret UN Arms Oxford group and moral rearma­ The Army said the book was chief counsel—for China Trading Documents were introddaed yes­ Special $ 4 . 3 9 each Plus Tax News Tidbits ment; Ewing Cockrell, Warrena- published in the Oimmunist sone and Industrial Development Oorp., terday showing that F in n e^ col REG. $5.49 FULL SIZE ...,.. burg. Mo., jurist now living in of Germany last m onth'and waa BiilletiiiD $ 4 . 6 9 a Chinese Nationalist Arm which, lected $10,500 in legal fe e ^ r o m ' Culled from AP Wires WaahiBirton. D. C. entitled:^ “ On the f a t h to War. f r o m t h # , AH rnistv^ goose ^eathera -so soft amt buoyant. Coswred with; h i aardi denvered BIT te n h # R ear Am erican Lithofold whlla-tha- __ ^ . Raphael L e m - ______or ammunition.' kin, Yale University, an authority Notea by an Engnan Officer. 'The heavy g oZ. floral ticks In blue and i-ose. almost up to the start o f the Ko­ bogged down even further today pany was seeking and diaburid' REG. $4.49 TWIN SIZE ...... The Jleds said the UN was the big R F C . loan. on International law and the man author's name wee given aq Rich- $ 3 . 6 9 rean Aghtliig, and other goods im- aa Oommunlat n ^ U a to r a instat­ merely trying to block a thorough R oger C. Slaughter, Missouri REFILLABLE BALL POINT PENS ed that neutral teams including ‘The October meeting which Lee ngressman purgMl by Fcesldrat who coined the wrotd genocide for REDS GET BUPOBT tll tha war was six months old. inspection. (Centlaoed on Page Two) Sflmr high qiiaUty part U f hav'e cwnipd for yfarg. Stayw whiti* described was a dlscuaeion o f con­ inuui in 1946, announces h6 will race murder; James 8b0twelL. his­ Moeeow, March 6—(P)—- Tha A. committee aide said Wasaop's Russians Be permitted to inspect Allied sU ff officers turned over after repeated launrterinfra. T.V, LA M P S ...... A .V .. Ea.$3,98 ditions o f the loan which had nomination for U A . .Senate. torian and former president of the Supreme ffotiet, the Eueetoa testimony "has .made’ it certain” secret equipment during an armi­ to the Reds an English language In assorted colors. Perfect writing. Special. Each ... Green or maroon. stice. . been approved in W ishlngton on First in series of public hear­ Camnegie Endowment for Intern " Treasni^ Balance parilament, n6e asked hjr'i'lha REG. 59c 36 " FAST COLOR 2 9 c that M orris himaelf Avill be called tfsnalatlon o f agreied upon sec­ Sept. 30, 1949. national Peace, and (HarMce fo r questioning. Morris has said Stqff officers working on truce ings m tax problems o f business goverameat tonight to apnewi a tions o f a truce supervision plan. Charles G. Alexander,, manager Btrelt,. advocate of American Washington, March 8—<>Pi— he wants to testify in reply to supervision wrangled fruitlessly and in ^ a try in seven U. S. cities a budget of llgJ8ES88P8f for more than aA hour, but the The Oommun'ato aaid they would of the RFC’s regional office here, will be Hfld .March IS at Bridse- Union with G reat Britain; Gius- The position of the Treasury ■ rubles fer defeuea. 'nito |a uhout q u a lity innuendos” about his connection dellverT Chinese and Korean ver- HEAVY AaR.C^and PUNJAB priacQier exchange subcommittee aaid he had twice disapproved the port. \ - epM A. Borgese, Chicago, author March 4: . $2g,458P88,808 at the — rfMlI LARGE METAL WA?TE BASKET . . . $1.89 with proAtable eurplua tanker aiona Friday. Darrow satd'lO-or 11 application and it also waa tum ^ and-university professor who left N et budget receipts,'' $197.7tb,i deals. called it a day afUr only 12 min­ . Wealthy Margaret Ryan's chauf­ rate s f 39 emto fa r .the raMe. Red. white, black, yellow utes. Negotiators agreed there pxngraphs or sub-paragraphs atill down twice by the RFC in Wash­ feur-ranch f ^ m a n says she killed Italy in 1931 rather UiuCthke an 139.88: budget expenditures. $.530,- PERCALE PRINTS •ep. Mundt said the group in- ara undtr^toussion. ington. Alexander aaid Finnegan 485.987.14: cash balance, $4.583.- ^T T R E S S COVERS was no point In rehashing old ar- Leonard D.. {tM , 22, a young tres- b a t t l e NJPUI HANOI gumenta. ri ‘ ...... T w ' ‘f t wee^B AW eH had- approached htnr-threr timer THUierr t o n w ir w e s a o r ; oiih^ -(Ceatlaee*'* l«5;009.1ff.— ------(CeaUaoed ea Page Tea) .’ T .- — W itori Taile^Cilim, The..deadlock , haa become so . 'Hicre Jias been nd.hint o f com ­ Stratocrulsar-hosmtal -plane- carry­ ■—(45—Hard Sghtte la nuitor BRASS FLOOR LAMP „ . i :. .. Ea.$9.!« promise on the biggest stumbling iO M tlae or hffs Fsur) ing 58 patients, crglUts up on,take­ REGr$4.29 WlTH''RUrtER' BUnONS * 3 . 6 9 /’• serious observers here said they PhaeJYea, 34 mllea asrtS- believe' only action at the top blocka -r: Red Inaiatence (1 ) Rus­ off from Haneda aintort pear To­ 4 9 c yard Complete with green or chartreuse. Step-a-llte switch. west e f Haaal. hetweea R88S level could end the stalemate. sia be a neutral supervtser and kyo, but only two persons are In- FELT HATS Jury Frees Five ‘Cancer Cure’Doctor Told French ualen traaps naff torn ./ JPP?*n,^.patle«),s,and colorings.far..drewiea.. api:onf.!aklrte. diiap-. UN negotiators declined to apeo •»* *Jll?>*Td to .reiwir Mhne Alt how the AatMiyry might alyflelffa diirfiig- * A id .T r ^ iii H eatls hatt^ eaa uTtmeya af thr ZIPPERS’^ ^ .‘r. . s 3 > 9 ■-.jyj.g9haiMidgBiagd,^xit.NBw •(quality printa. 8^PC; i^S#ACK^ET^TT: ;n ~ v $3:9^^ be broken. Some sources said Haven,- former Yale stiidtot and the Situation presumably la being "Tie prisoner exchange- negotia^ Into Quake Alrea A rm y vetetun, plunges t o bis ToResighitfedtm^ high eommaad saM today. Full and twin bed alrea. H *tvy Weight unhleaehed imialln with Corinthian i^en . 4 cu ^ and 4 snack plates. 'V aeama all bound. ' - . Jackson, Miss.. M a ri* S - d V - studieii. carefuUy in Waaffington. tibna Thursday broke off. abruptly death from fifth floor of $1.59 «o *2.59 and ' possibly in Moscow and because neither side had anirthing Willard, in N ew York, police MAY BLOCK STRIKE A white jury took only 49 mlnwtea Tokyo. March 8—()P)-rAn eight P e lp ln iP new to offer. port . . . Jacob A. Malik lx ___ Bdeton, March 8— (>I5—Dr. Rob­ t: ea aO aM REG. $1.98? r • STAINLESS STEEL COPPER BOTTOM aisaippt law officers accused o f Wednesday, apparently for con­ the Issue ^of voluntary repatria- Superior Court jury In Brook­ ferences with Gen. M atthew B. city of Kuahiro on the southeast the Maasachusettx Medical Society contended that failure to use his gas Indaetfy strike tkmateaed , 1 QT. COVERED SAUCE PAN beating a .'handcuffed Negro ticn. TTie talks also are stalemated coast o f Hokkaido mday. field awards-Alex Tyburazec, .56, WASHABLE RAYON FAILLE Ridgway. a farmer, $27,500 for Injuries he after that orgriilzation said ita in­ treatments to combat a liver ail­ fer addalgkt Saaday. '.T SOCKS prisoner. on the question o f exchanging In- The train WM loaiXed with Army 1 Vs QT. COVERED SAUCE PAN There was no hint that a shift fopmation on prisoners each side received when a hay-wagon team quiry' failed, to support claims ment — infecUoua hepatitia — im­ luONlNG BOARD PAD Sizes 4 to B. Plain-eolors, fancy tops and stripes. ' Former Sheriff Robert B. Lee, C rations and blankeU. It carried made on behalf of Dr. Lincoln’s WILL TAKE i4B n n t \ 2 QT. COVERED SAUCE PAN - 4 '" 88. and four deputies were ac- in the Allied pqcition was In the accuses tha other of failing to Hat he was driving raa away . . . Body perilled many persons receiving offing. radio-and medical teams to aid therapy.. blood tranafuslona. He said whole , Bee tea, Jtarek- » - ( P >— k ' 3 q t 7C o v p : redsaucepan , ^ it t e d on bH counts at the end on offtcial rosters. of Joanne Barbara Scott, who in REG. PRICE 39e PAIR— SALE PRICE victims of Tuesday’s earthquake Dr. Unroin — through hia 'olpod tranafuslona from persona spekeMaaa fer Briakk, lne„ to- V 7 9 c yard i t a two-day trial yesterday. Needling Device Before sugresting today's re- her brief 16 years had experien ce and COVER SET ' 8” COVERED SKILLET Ool. Don O. Darrow told news­ and tidal waves. brother, Charles E. Lincoln of w y Infetueed Maaeaekaaetts The trial was highlighted, by Adm. Libby. submitted a motherhood and become a dope who had been afflicted with that men the Communist demand for Bitter cold and driving anow- PnbHe Srihty Beautiful rich colora In washable faille 43" wide. eonflicting versions o f the whl|b -lause to guarantee the UN com­ addict, goes home to Milwaukee Swarthinbre. Pa.--lmmedlately re­ disease contained a "fatal com-, inspection of secret equipment atorma followed the quake. plied that his therapy— baaed on bination of organiama” which he DaaicI I. M anky aiB|Reres u( pair for , $ i . b o ping given by Lee and the Negro mand would return all foreign for burial. might be "just another needling It will be tomorrow night be­ bacteriophages (germ-destroying described as "a dose of red’liquld tke ceaeera waa yi ALL PAINT AT ONE H.AIF PRICE* — 2^year-old—Murry ' (Sunshine). rlvillana it holds at the time df Disabled Arorriraa Veterans fused to suhaeK to . . $1.44' ' ■ device.” But he added: the armistice, if they so desire. fore the relief train c;pmpletes the 30th Annual State Convention agents) would continue to be cancer.” Gray, an 8th Army truck driver itmndabout- trip from Sapporo to De detector testa " I f they could get Russian The offer was-made orally last will be held in Hartford June 27, available through the Lincoln Dr. W. Richard Ohler, presltlent flown here from Korea to testify. Kuahiro. Quake shattered bridges make thcamrlvee a Heavy quality drill cover with waffle weave pad. Kita any atand- ' KA|YANIZE CLOSE OUT teams dowii to look at our equip­ week.' . 28 and 28 , . . A ll 14 crewmen ea- Foundation. He has described the of the Masaachuaetta Medical So­ RE®. 69e WASHARLE L ^ said he w h ip i^ Gray with a and n il lines knocked out $he di­ eaek teata." f ard aiae board. ment,, that would be highly desir­ The UN holda^.'two foreign .eape without injury as a glant.v 10- treatments aa effective against ciety, said the society’s action does ' y alt colors'avallabl'S. . *alap i stick"«-a leather atrip able' from their point of view,” rect 150 mile route.' cIVlUans—a 2S-wSi<^id Rukrtah engine B-36 bursts in flames after many diseases— including tubercu- not affect Dr..Lincoln’a status as a CORDUROY LONCIES about a foot long with a handle— Tha Allied proposal provides The soldiers will Uve on cold C JUDD KEYNOTER i ' l l woman and hi landing at Fort Worth. Tex. latis and cancer,; physician licenaed to practice AMERITEX WAFFLE PIQUE Sizes S to ta. Colors: Maroon, blue, gnen, brown and red. when Gray tried to escape. Lee de- that neutral teams should make rationa until th6y return. There Hartfard, Muck daughter. Long/dispute between Muglaa But the Maasachuaetta Medical miriicine In Maesachueetta. •1. Aied that any of the deputies book inspections to "properly Insure” iabio heat on the train. Walter H. Jadd (B-3lkM ), It i The Reds have Aircraft Co., and,CIO Uniteff Auto Society said Its studies since last Dr. Lincoln’s brother, who lives REG. PRICE $ 1.98 and $2.49— SALE PRICE part In the whipping. that neither aide ia introducing Aboard #ere six Army waasels eaaeaaned today. wM kayaato the foreign dsi W o r k m has ended, far the prea- summer of hundreds of cases re­ In Swarthmore—where the Lin­ - Gray testified he was forced to new equipment during a truce. to ferry relief supplies to hard tke Repahhtaa State eanvsk- when a truce ia i eat, aa both aides agree to one- ceiving Dr. Uhcoln’s therapy coln Foundation haa a research ^ 5 7 c yard remove hla clothes, was hand- However, the proposal species hit commuBitiea over snow or tlon Beat aieelk. IB b eeleetlaB to Meanwhile, year contract. . . . President El- failed to produce proof.of the division, said that "regardless., of AUffed to a pine tree, and was that the teams srouid not water, ll i e whsaels were put pidio l^irino aaya Reds' move­ g iv e t e principal speadiat tka M m JWHALC c o . jets destioyed a value of the treatments. the statement made by the Maesa- , "Ten amart colora, in the ever popular w affle pique. $ 1 . 7 9 TiM JM (l1AL5ea lowed to check "sertot deaigoa •board tpectflealiy for the trip to ment gaining momentum in South- M l MANCMtna fniw tCABflaaqd oa Page Elevea) a t e a BcUef chuaetU Medical Sodety, the two charaeUrsties of an^ combat ':(OaaUa«a«'^^|i^ aast Asia ao fast PhlUppines an Dr. Lincota said in a latter to (Ceattsned oa Pago 1 ■) *lMM!UieaUy tartag M a U M k " ■euaeed by O ^ - “ the Medical Society invesUga- F i m a ) a u a CMiuaea P . ■ f r f' 1 * ■ f'-- - '■