...Tb* XtorcaS'Socisty of. the tfiree-prolKt* would b* ’'about' Lutheran Church will hold its. A p p ro v e T w o 11,600,000.” AlHUftloWn «ionthly meeting Wdenesday eve­ Need ruhUe Uearia« Tk* WUUiif Worker* . of th« ning, about 8:30, following the. Before placing tha queationa on SoMk. Jf«ihodl*t W8C8 will meet Lenten Qutet'Hour. Hostesses'for School Plam a referendum, tb* Board of Direc­ In the . UdlM' parlor* tomorrow the social period will be Miss tors would have to hold a pubic Frideborg Thoren, Mta. Viola hearing at which such a releren- afternoon a l 'l o'clock.' The ho»- ANNOUNCES THE OPENINO OF RI8 OFFICE tt**e* wiU be Mr*. Florence Moore Kress. Mrs. Vivian Stone. Mr*. House Suggeate Refei^ tfuni would be voted. In addition, and Mr*. Cdlth Turkln^on. Ann Scott, Mrs. Isabel Robinson thcTbond issue which will pay for D«UiIpd Prognlm Wilt. rOR THE <FftACnCE 0{F MEDICINE A^D SUROBRT and Mrs. Aime Reed. endutn Be Held Within the program, would haVe to be ne­ ■ AT ! - MANCaSSfEa CONN, WEDNESDAY. MA«CH ^ tWENTV.roim SAGte-im TWO SECnONE, The 'InunarulBte Conception gotiated. Be Submitt^ to Edu> Month or Six Weekti At the hearing last night, repre- »«» MAIN STREET^ PRICE FIVE CENTS Mothers Circle will meet v^itb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Kno'fla MANCHESTER. CONNB G Tfeut^ Mr*.~IUyniond- M tgeaam; — llff and daughtei^''Janetror 20 Munro aentatives. of Um—archHertutaH-- States Glehwood . street, tomorrow eve­ street, have returned after a The School Building committee firms engaged on the projects— Ebbeta, Frid and Prentice for the Plana are being formulated in OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT U. S» Biadks gave iU approval Ust night to ning at 8 o'clock. Rev. Robert three-week tour of Florida. > detail for operation of Manchester TELEPHONE 7403 Rush ftelief Carroll, chaplain of all the moth- Vernon .school and Carl Malm- two mora projecu in tha school feldt and Associates for the Bow­ High School on double aeaaions ei* circle*, will be the guest At the meeting of Manchester building expansion program, pass. and they will be submitted to the speaker. ers School—were present to ex­ B ritain in Grapge tomorrow night in Orange Ing on preliminary plana fof the plain the plans for conatriiction of Board of Education soon, accord­ Into Japan Hall, the first ami second degrees ing to Arthur H. Illtng, suparin- Chief Henry Thomas of the 18-room school to be built at the the schools. • Fees will be conferred'on a class of can- tandant of schools. Hartford Fire Department antf.| corner of Vernon and Lydall The proposed Vernon school, Pollce— Chief Herman Schendel.. --I M<>.»< »' Grangers will which will house SCO students, will The board must approve the neighbor with Hebron Orange this streets and for the aeven-rooni be of two stories and will include, general mitlines of the Rian, which' Waahinxtoii. March 5—(A>) Quake Site Civilian Defense coordinator in addition to the 12-ronm Bowera Manchester, spoke on elvilian dc; evening, snd on Thursday night besides 18 classrooms, two kinder- has been worked out by Edaon M. will travel to Marlborough to par- ScKoot on Princeton street. gartens, a cafeteria, and a com. Bailey. prtnCIpal of the - high >^hington, March 5—</P) —Mrs. Olf a 'Konow, a wom­ ,*OUboat OIrb* fense at the meeting of St. Mary's achool, and lUing. Church Men's Club held last eve twipate—in- the^-prograin of the pprov-1 blnatlon audireHum ^rgymnaalum. Sacratary of Stata Achaaoii an shi|Fbrok«ri-told-aeBatorR ^ Grange' there. ed plana for the addition to the It will be located on a % -scre plot The site fit the enrollment and today she plucked more than ning. Guests nt the club also In- South School, the committee's a'C' ■aid today tha Unlieil SUtas American ortiupation forces .. ciiided Chief Jim Schaub of the with the entrance on Venxon the space available for high'sehool half a million dollars for her­ tlon last night brought to three atreeL use irtake double aesMons neces­ is solidly bahind Britain in its and the. Japanese government " SMFD and Chief John Mer* of Mr*. Mellir C. Farr, who teaches the number of projects in the pro­ FREE INSPECTION self from two deals in qM today rushed relief supplies ; j the MFD. All had an enjoyable at the Nathan Hale School, Snd It waa brought out last night, sary on’ the high school level, ^ t determination to defeat gram whose preliminary . plans however, that recently dug test there will be no douUe seaalona in tankers. to earthquake and tidal at'ening. Mrs. Cecilia M. Wandt. school have been approved by the Botrd Free Eleelrouie Wateh Communist terrorism in Ma- nurse, who have been In New York pita on the site have revealed the other schools next year, accord­ la.va.” waves victiiris in anowswept of Education and the School presence of rock, and this may ing to Iking. lasgMtto Trl Della.s from .Manchester will City, spent some time' in the new Building committee. The plans Failot Studio Acheson did not, however, Washington, March northern Japan. be among tho.«e attending a meet­ 39-.st(iry United Nations building. cause some change In tha location Mlaa Lorraiao Dupuis . Planes, traiin* and' boat* car­ for the South School are now be­ and design of the building. But it promise that the V. S. Would give —Mrs. Qlga Konhw, who ing of Hartford atllance. Delta They attended some of the meet­ ing placed In flnal form by Arnold ■fy l■^ge-«c•Ie economic *id to quipped that she has been ried blanket*, medicine and food Cites Delay Delta Delta. Thursday at 8 p.m. at ings and were lnyite<l to lunch in waa made clear that the units of Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Dupuis of Ijiwrence, the local architect whb the plant will be maintained as Malaya to strengthen the British nicknamed "Qilboat Olga,” to stricken area* of aparsely set­ Takes "Full the home of Mrs. K. Thomas Sir- the delegates' dining room. is engaged on the project. 906 Tolland turnpike announce eamnalgn against the Commu- tled eastern Hokkaido island and ----- man,-37—Vah-&iF4m-.%venue,..West- they are even if alterations have to -tha_engasement at thalr-dau^btaiy- m n o i K i n L JSftti/ied today she got fees ----------- “AakrTtefTfeuifimi'------- b'i'THa'ae'aiT'a result oTTOe'roc -nUt*. the more populous sections of In U. S. Aid Hartford. A white elephant auc­ The Huatlera Group of the South Lorralne, to Jo s » h Tesauro, son AIRMAIL - NOTES —Time^nyowhands? British forces in the Far East­ of “more than 1100,000” for northeastern Honshu Island, In an effort to speed up the The Bowers School addition tion will feature the meeting. •Methodist Church w1li meet to­ of Mrs. Vlriglnia ‘Tesauro of South LEAOINO BRANDS ‘niousanda of homeless auffered Blame for which will run north and south on ern land have been fighting na- helping th engineer a deal in morrow mniming at 9:.'50 at the progress of these projects. Norwalk. Rieht liMC^sr'wraile? If It'* wrone y«ur walcH needs Charles S. House, chairman of the the Henry street side, will include Uve terrorisU for a long time. war surplus oil tankers that from bitter cold and driving tnow- rhurch. At this meeting plana will Mias Dupuis is employed at the AriiiNr Drag Slin i atoims which follow^ 'T^esday'a To England Board of Education, who was six classrooms and a kindergarten Want Rubber, Tla be made for the dramatlMtion of Aetna Fire Insiiranca Company fixing UHfthe place to get it fixed right is GAUDETS. The guerrilla warfare haa been paid off 1450,000 on a |I,006 earthquake. present at the meeting last night, as well as swiitary and storage in Hartford, and Mr. Tesauro ia investment. Procedure “The Robe," to be preaented by spearheaded by Chindw guerril- The official U. 8, Army estimate PRESCRIPTIONS suggestffd that the Board of Dl- faculties-, ■ * amplt^red in. South Norwalk. ”— watchmaker makes all repairs using reliable A well-groomed blonde’ iHio London. Mai-ch 5—^ — Mrs. Irene Ihde a t a tater date, rectors place the(:;three projects, .. I** who claim they want to take stood at 31 Japanese dhad and 170 Carefully Compounded Plan* for the wedding hav* not the big rubber and tin indus­ scarcely look* like the ahipplng f’nme Miniater Ghmchill to be voted on independently. In a yat been made. and GUARANTEES THE RESULTS FOR 1 YEAR. ^ured. Japaneae police announced Washin;^on, M ^ h 5-rGP) . .Tbc.Alpina Society jvilJ .meet ‘to­ referendum within a month or'iilx tries inMalaya. .......... operator she I*. Mrs. Konow said they have reoovered 30 bodies.>Na today ■t-diflappoiiit'- morrow night at 7:30 at the Ital- the deal waa financed by wealthy -^'^Secretary of State Ache-. Arthur Drns Stdrn weeks. This would mean that Mission Society TRUSS FITTINO Acheson said In a new* confer­ Americans were killed or injuned. ment in slow Americuin aid ian-American l.nub. All members ence that Britain's struggle ChtaWT— ------— ~ son said today he . reversed the referendum would be held be­ By AKRON Graduated Makes New Hill and said Britain will need are urged to be present fore linal plans and apecincatlons ]\Ieets Tliui*sf1ay' against Communlat-led gberrillaa In the wind up, the Chinene In­ the finding by a State De­ Ala* Abdominal Supporta. Kyodo New* Agency reported about four years instead of for'the Vernon street and Bowers ts "an integral part df the free directly got control of three the quake left a fishing village partment board that career schools were completed, hut It tie Hoalery, aad att of ^rld I common effort to halt tanker* the IT.
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