Campus Convenes for Constitution
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PRSRT. STD. Permit # 5 Alva, OK 73717 Change Service Requested Volume No. 80, Issue 4 Northwestern Oklahoma State University, 709 Oklahoma Blvd, Alva, OK 73717 September 20, 2018 Visit us online at Follow us on Campus convenes for Constitution tives and the court system. By CAPRI GAHR When asked about Marshall’s Student Reporter flaws, Hobson recounted how Marshall and Thomas Jefferson NWOSU annually hosts an were at different sides of the fed- event called Constitution Day. eralist discussion. Marshall was This is event is hosted by the de- a federalist and Jefferson was an partment of social sciences and the antifederalist. He said he wished NWOSU Institute for Citizenship Marshall had realized the “genius” Studies assists in the promotion of that Jefferson was and how a com- such events. promise on staunch issues would Constitution Day is a federal have benefitted the development observance that honors the adop- of the constitution. tion of the United States consti- Madison Wilson, a history tution. NWOSU observes this major, said she enjoyed the con- day by having a speaker that will stitution day speaker. “Tonight discuss the facts and their expert it was just interesting because we opinions on different aspects of got to hear more about his personal the constitution, the history sur- life and who he was as a person rounding different interpretations and how he cared for his wife and influential people. and just little things about his life This year, the speaker was Dr. that you wouldn’t normally hear Charles F. Hobson. Hobson is a about in your mainstream classes, retired historian and scholar. The “ she said. Library of America published When asked about his favorite some of his works in 2010. These fact about John Marshall, Hobson works included Marshall’s writ- described how Marshall took ings throughout his life. Photo by Caitlyn Pray pride and unyielding stress for In 1996, Hobson wrote “The Dr. Aaron Mason, right, discusses Chief Justice John Marshall, with guest speaker Dr. Charles F. detail when playing his favorite Great Chief Justice: John Mar- Hobson at the Constitution Day event in the Education Building on Tuesday night. game: pitching quoits. Alike horse- shall and the Rule of Law,” which shoes, players toss a ring at a peg. His Legacy on the Law, the Courts, His influence helped Hobson mainly discussed Mar- discusses John Marshall and his “Sometimes the fourth justice of and the Constitution.” establish the federal government shall’s life, importance as a poli- critical role in defining the consti- the united states would get down John Marshall is most notably as having more control than the tician and his role supporting the tutional limits in legislative action. on his hands and knees to measure known for helping to institute the governments at state level. He was Federalist Party. He also worked as an editor on the distance,” he said. “Reportedly supreme courts power as having a part of the Federalist Party and He also took time to talk about This year, Constitution Day there were no dissents from his the final say when interpreting the pushed to have a high importance affairs with Cherokee Indians. He will be discussing “The Great decisions of who was closest.” constitution. He was the fourth on the federal government instead described their rights as American Chief Justice: John Marshall and chief justice of the United States. of state level courts. citizens and affairs between na- Campus becomes more comfortable with this problem for many gender or sexual preference. By MONTANA years. Moreover, the LGBTQ+ The group met on Thursday MCCULLOUGH community began to help those to advocate for the installation of Student Reporter individuals deal with their every- a gay and straight group for stu- day struggles. dents. Students from all walks of Northwestern students with LGBTQ+ is a group that life came to the meeting to show different sexual preferences consist of a diversity of sexual their support for this new group. can now feel comfortable on and gender identifying people. In this group, there are people campus. The group consist of people who who are both gay and straight. The Gay Straight Alliance identify as gay, bisexual and The group is set up like this so started as a group on campus transgender. that both sides can have their to help Northwestern students There are several groups voices heard. who are struggling with their within the LGBTQ+ community. People in the group are there sexuality. The group was put to- Activists starting using the ac- to help one another and try to The GSA had a interest meeting on Sept. 13 gether to help those students feel ronym in 1988 when to be more understand why they feel the comfortable around others. collective to all groups. community in recent years. Some international students, people way they do. They keep an open Recently, more students have LGBTQ+ has been fighting people are still uncomfortable of different religious views and mind about what each other has been expressing their different for the rights of its members with people who have a different individuals with disabilities. to say and give advice on how to sexual preferences.With these since the 1990s. There has been sexual preference than them, but Northwestern tries to make deal with their struggles students expressing themselves, controversy within the group it- more people are understanding of each student feel as comfortable The Gay Straight Alliance some of them have been expe- self, but the members are stilling other’s decisions. as the student should while the group meets on Thursday nights riencing difficulties with other fighting for the same rights. Northwestern is a university students are on campus. They do in the Education Building. The students. People have become more with a diverse group of people. not want any student to feel un- meetings are open to everyone in People have been dealing comfortable with the LGBTQ+ Groups on campus consist of comfortable based on their race, the Northwestern community. Inside Ranger royalty • Campus upcoming events • Your candidates for Ranger • Williams tennis controversy • Football makes history with Royalty. Voting begins Septmber win over Henderson 24th Page 3 Page 6 Page 9 Page 10 PAGE 2 NORTHWESTERN NEWS September 20, 2018 News Intramural sports relieves some of students stress Intramurals also function as a By LOGAN JONES way for former high school athletes, Asst. Sports Editor who no longer play organized ball, to remain a part of their competitive Every week, from six to ten nature. Students are able to enjoy o’clock, the lights come on over playing sports but with a more the intramural field just outside carefree and less stressful environ- Coronado Hall. In addition, every ment like that of organized ball, week Northwestern’s finest, rang- Lauderdale said. ing from athletes to academics and Students that are currently par- even the average college student, ticipating in the intramural flag take part in the comradery that is football league enjoy every min- intramural football. ute of the time spent playing and Photo by Capri Gahr At the moment, North- competing. Senior Math Education The roofing company was brought in by the college to improve the roofs of three buildings. western Oklahoma State offers major, J.C. Wells said, “I love play- five intramural sports including ing intramural sports! It gives me, flag football, dodgeball, volleyball, along with other students, a chance men’s and women’s basketball and to continue and compete athleti- co-ed softball. All of which are cally.” He comically added, “The open to every willing student on refs ain’t perfect, but no one is.” Campus updates campus. It is not just the average college Chris Lauderdale, the Intramural student who enjoys intramurals Sports Director here at North- either. Current student athletes like western says that the matches and to show off their physical abilities leagues are more than just a game. in sports that they do not always get “We want to encourage our stu- to play “Intramurals serve as some- to continue dents to get out more.” Lauderdale thing that is a good step away from Said. “Intramurals allow students school. It is something that you can to socialize and interact outside of go out and compete in,” a senior By CAPRI GAHR a classroom setting. It acts as a way Northwestern baseball player Justin Student Reporter for students to release and escape Bundy said. “As an athlete, it al- the pressures that can come with lows you to compete in a sport that Construction on campus began college life.” isn’t yours, and as a non-athlete it this summer and will continue These intramural games are not gives you the opportunity to go play throughout the year. Three just games to fill unused time. Each and compete in that sport.” buildings have new roofs and sport is in a set league complete In addition, if a sport that you the tennis courts will be redone with standings and even a cham- are interested in is not on the list while smaller projects have been pionship. of offered intramurals that does completed with more on the way. Intramural sports allow North- not mean it is not able to be added The three buildings that had western students to get more in- to the list. The school is more than their roofs redone were Vincent, volved in school activities, or willing to add sports that people the Education Center and as Lauderdale puts it, “the more like to play. “Feel free to offer more Coronado. involved the students are, the closer sports,” Lauderdale said.