Published by Authority Vol. LXXXIV, No. 3 13th JANUARY,2006 Price $45 000,00: GeneralNotice 4 of 2006. Furtherinformation can be obtained during normal business hours STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD from the Commission’s Directorat telephone (04) 775040/5, fac- simile (04) 770175 or by e-mail from
[email protected]. Tenders Invited O. M. TSHABANGU, Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the 13-1-2006. Chairman, Competition and Tariff Commission. advertised tender number, description, closing date and mustbe posted in time to be sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causewayor delivered by hand to the General Notice 6 of 2006. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board,Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, 76, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. on the closing date. PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION ACT [CHAPTER9:16] E. M. USHEWOKUNZE, 13-1-2006. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. Declaration of Specified Persons and Appointmentof Investigator Tender number CON.66/2005. Harare. Construction of road works at Morgan THE Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, in ZINTEC College. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Educa- terms of section 6(1) of the Prevention of Corruption Act tion. Compulsory site visit will be held at Morgan ZINTEC {Chapter 9:16], hereby declares the personslisted in the Schedule College, corner Alamein Road and J. M. Nkomo Road, to be specified persons, and furtherin termsof section 7 of the said Act appoints and assigns Mr. Reggie Francis Saruchera of Messrs Braeside, Harare, on 26th January, 2006, at 10.00 a.m.