Century of Progress, Horticulture Exhibition
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606.1 Century of Progress International M3TKo Exposition 1933-1934 \ I Ilorticlutural Exhibition and Garden and Flower Show P la^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILL. HIST. SURVEY GARDEN AN2 FLOWER SHOW HORTICULTURAL BUILDING A CENTURY OF PROGRESS CHICAGO 1933 OUVENIR BOOK TWENTY -FIVE CENTS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN Gift of the Urbana Free Library iZLrwoT8 mnTonwAZ smtt^Y "A garden is a poem come to life and dramatized in all " the glamour and eloquence of T^ature's finest talent. VIEW FACING EXHIBITION- HALL FROM ITALIAN FORMAL GARDEN By Charles Fiore. HOftTICULTUftt A CENTURY OF PROGRESS INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION . • ^(^^^ C H I C A G O ILLINOIS U. S. A. 9 3 3 "J^atUTe has glorified tfie romance of the s\y and the earth and given us her flower gardens." FOREWORD ^Sk^^-^TN"^^ IFE minus its aesthetic values would be barren indeed. '1^^ Though we may often forget the fact, beauty is as essen' tial for our well-being and happiness as are food and shelter and clothing. Fortunately, beauty appears in many forms—in music, in painting, in sculpture, in Ht- erature, and in a thousand glories of Nature. Not only are we moved at twilight by the rose colors of the western sky, or by the sparkling stars that sprinkle the vault of heaven at night, but deep in our beings there is a love for growing things, for living objects that in grace ful forms and lovely colors and with sweet odors spring miraculously from the warm bosom of the soil. Even a single blossom, growing in a clay pot on a window sill, has opened to a weary soul a glimpse of heaven. In the exhibition of A Century of Progress, there is an unparalleled display of the advancements in architecture and the triumphs of science, not only in their physical forms but also in their varied apphcation to the arts of living. But these things do not compass man's interests or en- tirely cover the fields of notable progress. The Horticultural and Floricultural Exhibition measures up to the very high levels attained by science, invention, engineering and industry as exemphfied at A Century of Progress International Exposition. This great exhibition is dedicated to the Horticultural Industry in all its branches. Here have been gathered the choicest blossoms, finest trees, shrubs and accessories, weaving them together into a dehghtful picture designed to give you something to take away with you as an enduring possession, that intangible something, not of leaf nor of bud, but the infinite happi- ness which comes in an association of these things. If it shall have added this to your life, if it shall give you enjoyment and inspiration, then our efforts shall not have been in \-ain and the objective and ideals of this Exhibition shall remain monumental to its accompHshment. ^J^ "yiot so much a fan ?\{arcis.sis or a lovely Rose, But a s\]\en, perfumed something that )ust groups.' HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION AND GARDEN AND FLOWER SHOW AT A CENTURY OF PROGRESS INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION May 27th to November 1st 19 3 3 Located at SOUTH END—NORTHERLY ISLAND An Exhibition featuring the products and creations of Leaders in the Horticultural field Operated in cooperation with the HORTICULTURAL INDUSTRY By HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITIONS, INC. HENRY A. ERLINGER President JOHN A. SERVAS Executive Director GEORGE PHILLIPS Secretary and Treasurer SAMUEL A. AND LEONARD B. ETTELSON General Coimsel "Trees were among the earliest companions of man and they have ever remained his steadfast friends." PERSONNEL OF HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITIONS. INC. HENRY A. ERLINGER President JOHN A. SERVAS Executive Director Vice-President LEE J. STRAUSS CHARLES G. DAVIS Specia! Shows Director JAMES H. BURDETT PubJicity Director KENNETH W. BANGS Landscape Architect ALFRED A. HILBRON Assistant Manager FREDERICK A O'HAGAN ComptroUer SAMUEL A. AND LEONARD B. ETTELSON General Counsel OFFICIAL PROGRAM AND SOUVENIR BOOK Special Editorial material by REBECCA ANTHONY Assistant Editor HARRIET KEATING Printed by LINCOLN PRINTING COMPANY Photographs by KAUFMAN & FABRY CO. SPECIAL FLOWER SHOW COMMIHEE GEORGE ASMUS, Chairman OTTO AMLING ERIC JOHNSON FRANK K. BALTHIS AUGUST KOCH JAMES H. BURDETT JOSEPH KOHOUT LAURENT CLODY MRS. BERT SCHILLER McDONALD RUDOLPH ELLSWORTH ABE MILLER JOHN FISCHER SWAIN NELSON WM. A. HANSEN JAMES SYKORA ALEXANDER HENDERSON LEONARD VAUGHAN GEORGE WIENHOEBER ART COMMITTEE HARRY L. ENGLE EMORY P. SEIDEL I Horticultural Building at A Century of Progress 6¥3rKo 'Li}{e so many precious jewels. Summer has .studded the hillside with her most hrilliant blossoms." GENERAL ADVISORY FLOWER SHOW COMMITTEE Frank J. Baker Alfred C. Hottes Harrie S. Mueller John C. Wister Presideni President President PccsiiJcnt F. T. D. Association Men's Garden Clubs of America Kansas State Florists' Ass'n The American Iris Society Utica. New York Dcs Moines. Iowa Wichita. Kansas Germanlown, Philadelphia, Pa Edward J. Barnes Roscoe Huff W. L. Oswald Richardson Wright President ^crrerary Editor President Missouri State Florists Ass'n American Gladiolus Society Seed World American Rose Society Kansas City. Mo. Goshen. Indiana Chicago, 111. New York, N. Y, Otto H. Amiing Leonard Barron Laurenz Greene Elmer T. Peterson George Di reef or Chief in Horticulture Editor Asmus Horticultural Society Purdue University Better Homes W Gardens Andrew Benson of New York La Fayette. Indiana Dcs Moines, Iowa Frank K. Balthis F. R. Kilner RE. Berlet Roy Patience K. W. Bangs, L. A. President Edifor President Florists Review Herman Benthey Central States Dahlia Society Florida State Florists' Ass'n Chicago, Illinois Chicago. 111. Crescent City, Florida Laurent Clody Koch Carl Cropp, Sr. August F. Prof. J. C. Blair R. Pierson Chief Horticulturist University of Illinois National Councillor Charles N. Evans Garfield Park Conservatory Urbana, Illinois U. S. Chamber of Commerce Chicago. Illinois Tarry town. New York R. B. Faxon Frederick Fisher Miles W. Bryant Thomas Leavitt Herbert L. Potter Secretary Secretary A. H, Hill Illinois State Nurserymen's Ass'n National Ass'n of Commercial President Princeton, Illinois Dahlia Growers. Inc. Texas Stale Florists Ass'n Jens Jensen, L. A. Assinippi. Mass. El Paso, Texas Hal Kennicott W. F. Christman Paul R. Klingsporn Secretary Wm. G. Loveridge H. J. Rahmlow American Peony Society Secrefury Secretary Joseph Kohout Norlhbrook. Illinois The IllinoisState Florists' Ass'n Wisconsin State Horticultural Peoria, Illinois Society Homer Langc Madison, Wis, Charles G. Davis W. B. Lathrop Secretary Thomas C. Luke Maud F. Robertson Fran; Lipp, L. A. California Flower Festival Portland. Oregon San Leandro. Calif. Managing Editor Ruth S. May, L. A. Home and Garden Review Edward A. Manda Chicago. III. J. Horace McFarland A. T. De La Mare President A. Miller Edifor New York Florists' Club Henry C. Rosacker Jersey Florists Exchange East Orange. New R. E. Moore, Jr., L. A. New York President Minnesota State Florists Oakley V. Morgan Charles E. Mandeville Minneapolis, Minn. Alvin Nelson Prof. H. B. Dorner Presidenr Chief Floriculture St. Louis Florists' Club John T. Scheepers Hubert Nelson University of Illinois St. Louis, Mo- Urbana, Illinois New York City Louis A. Paeth James McHutchinson Peter Pearson Charles Sizemore Rudolph Ellsworth President Charles G. Sauers Presidenf Society of American Florists t3 Secretary Ornamental Horticulturists American Ass'n of Nurserymen Allied Florists Ass'n of Illinois Rudolph Scheffler Chicago, Illinois New York City Louisiana, Mo. S. G. Shraiberg Dorothy Ehel Hansell Joseph S. Merritt O. E. Steinkamp Leonard H. Vaughan President Secretary 5ecrefary Paul Weiss National Ass'n of Gardeners The Florists' Clubof Baltimore The American Carnation Society New York City Dundalk. Baltimore, Md. Indianapolis. Indiana Roy J. West, L. A. A. Dudley Crafts Watson William A. Hansen Dr. George J. Moore H. Vogt President Director President John M. Weiland Chicago Florists' Club Missouri Botanical Garden Michigan State Florists Ass'n Henry C. Whitmarsh Chicago, Illinois St. Louis, Mo. Flint, Michigan "Old fashioned gardens whispering tell Of things remembered, things loved well." HONORARY COMMIHEE Honorable HAROLD L. ICKES, Secretary of the Interior of ifie United States Honorable WILLIAM H^ DIETERICH, United States Senator Honorable HENRY HORNER, Governor of Illinois Honorable EDWARD J. KELLY, Mayor of Chicago Herman Black George A. McKinlock Sheldon Clark John J. Mitchell Edward I. Cudahy Robert Isham Randolph Albert Blake Dick George W. Rossetter L. A. Downs Arthur G. Rumpf Samuel A. Ettelson Joseph T. Ryerson Edward N. Hurley Fred W. Sargent D. F. Kelly Charles H. Schweppe Louis B. Kuppenheimer Dr. Walter Dill Scott Albert D. Lasker Albert A. Sprague Hon. Frank O. Lowden Silas H. Strawn George Lytton G. F. Swift Leon Mandel Thomas E. Wilson Warren Wright PATRONESSES Mrs. J. Ogden Armour Mrs. John L. McInerney Mrs. Philip D. Armour Mrs. Robert Townsend McKeever Mrs. Sewell L. Avery Mrs. George A. McKinlock Mrs. Jacob Baur Mrs. Charles H. Morse Mrs. Walter S. Brewster Mrs. Harold Irving Pratt Mrs. John Alden Carpenter Mrs. Julius Rosenwald Mrs. Philip R. Clarke Mrs. Maurice L. Rothschild Mrs. Tracy C. Drake Mrs Charles H. Schweppe Mrs. Max Epstein Mrs. Frank D. Stout Mrs. Samuel A. Ettelson Mrs. Melvin L. Straus Mrs. William F. Farrell Mrs. T. Philip Swift Mrs. Henry Ford Mrs. John R. Thompson Mrs. Bowman C. Li.ngle Mrs. Frederic W. Upham Mrs. Joseph B. Long Mrs. Albert H. Wetten Mrs. Andrew M.\cLeish Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley Mrs. Hugh J. McBirney Mrs. Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Mrs. Robert R. McCormick — V IMMORTAL—TREE Think you no soul dwells in a tree No soul such as of you or me, No hfe that pulses 'neath The bark and rough 'Neath all that hard exterior And woody stutf That is immortal Tree, That hfts its arms to God To worship in the great cathedral Of the sky and sod. Think you the winds That beat upon its breast Strange music Of a wordless tongue; Nay, these are hymns That have reverberantly sung Through ages Ever since the world begun.