In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi ISSN: (Online) 2305-0853, (Print) 1018-6441 Page 1 of 7 Original Research Critical evaluation of Theonomist eschatology Author: Although the extreme form of Theonomism has only affected a small number of Reformed 1 Morne Diedericks members in South Africa, it seems that Theonomist Postmillennialism has a greater underlying Affiliation: influence in the Reformed Churches in South Africa. General churchgoers in the Reformed 1Department of Education Churches of South Africa generally confuse the Regulatory Principle with Theonomism and and Biblical Studies, Faculty are uninformed about precisely what Theonomism is. Furthermore, signs of Theonomism as it of Education, Akademie developed in the USA are also visible in South Africa. Yet, there is great ignorance about the Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies, Pretoria, exact effect that Theonomism has on Reformed congregations in South Africa, especially South Africa regarding the eschatological views held by individual congregations. Corresponding author: Contribution: The thesis of this article is that the Theonomistic eschatology influences Morne Diedericks, congregations’ mission and causes a shift from a focus on proclaiming the gospel to the
[email protected] nations, in being a church that seeks to restructure the institutions of political societies. Dates: Keywords: Amillennialism; eschatology; postmillennialism; reconstructionism; regulatory Received: 26 Mar. 2021 principle; theonomism. Accepted: 25 June 2021 Published: 01 Sept. 2021 How to cite this article: Introduction Diedericks, M., 2021, ‘Critical evaluation of Theonomist Theonomism originally developed in the United States of America (USA). Theonomism, as it eschatology’, In die Skriflig developed in the USA through the writings of Rousas J. Rushdoony, Gary North, Greg L.