I Am Not a Gay: I Support Gayism" Bypratyush NATHUPRETI
iAUIC'I~~fH. • NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LTD. 'Tru{y a :Nepa{i !Ban~ Editorial SPOTLIGHTFORTNIGHTLY Vol.: OS No.-18 Mar. 30-2012 (Chaitra 17,2068) [f recent StatementS of prime minister <tnd polltie<tl leadc r1> <trc any indication, they .'>cern to be h~:ading towan.ls an agrcunent to extend the tenure of Constituent Assembly throup;h the new amendment in the con~lituuon. A.., lc~c; than 4i days remam bel ore the tenure of ( \to end, poltucal parties, whteh arc yctlo scule the mo.~jnr issues related to peace prou..,.., and eonc,utution '' nung. katkrc, nl poiJUG.d p..lrtiC'> sc~:m to be heading LO extend the tenure .IS ,,n ca'Sy \vaynut \lcanwhdc,theSuprcmct ourl rdusnlto rc\11.:\\ ll'> c..1ri1Lr dct t'>tOn lor the cxten!>.ion of the ( \term \ stnglc: lxnc h nl SC J U'>t icc "amal Narayan [)as Cover Story: INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE: An Uphill Task t'><;ucd Ll1l nrdcr Ln tht.'> dlc~:l ln'>Lead ol going lx:htnd an un<.~:nam pn lt tJeal cnur'>e, \\l have dcctded to take up the tnlcnution.ll mount.un conluen~:c <t'> a our nwcr SLOI) l)~:.,ptlc sc\ er,d eommnn.dtlles Jmong the mnuntai11 t•ount ncs around the world in LLnns nl ceo '>)''>Lcm and resource~. the\ ,m. \'t:llo com~.: doo,cr I rom \nde'> FACE TO FACE: Ntcole Menage 24 to lltndku'>h rcgwns and Africa, 2 mnu ntain countncs arc more vul nerable NEWSNOTES BUSINESS BRIEF 3 tndtm.llcchangc than mhcrwunLrtC.<; COMMENTARY : Yubaraj Ghimire 4 \l J llmL when rt'>tng lcmper..llure FACE TO FACE: Prachanda/ Kamal Thapa 6 eonLJnue'i lt1 all!.:ct Lhe overall ceo BOOKWORM: Blpln Adhikarl 7 '>)'Stem of the hill...,, inc:rcasing h•mJship ENCOUNTER: Krishna Gyawall 10 13 to the.: ltlc of Lhc pcnpk.
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