TRENDS OPPORTUNITIES PRIORITIES TOP REPORT January 2008 a member of Champions of Ontario’s Local Labour Market Solutions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks are extended to Todd Gordon for his assistance with research. Appreciation is expressed to Eileen Comars, Consultations Facilitator; the Bruce Grey Huron Perth Georgian Triangle Training Board Staff and its Directors for their assistance and dedication to community planning. Gemma Mendez-Smith, Executive Director BRUCE GREY HURON PERTH GEORGIAN TRIANGLE TRAINING BOARD DIRECTORS Business: Catherine Durrant, Cavell Fraser, David Hemingway, Jayne Parker, Rosemary Rognvaldson (Co-Chair) Labour: Dave Jasper, Jill McIllwraith, Al Mossman, Charlie Nixon (Co-Chair) Aboriginal: Pamela Keeshig Equity: Dwayne Long Educator/Trainer: Jo-Anne Cameron, Jay Notay Youth: Megan Braithwaite MTCU Advisor: Lauri Cunningham Bruce Grey Huron Perth Georgian Triangle Training Board 111 Jackson Street, Suite 1, Box 1078 Walkerton, Ontario, N0G 2V0 Toll-free: 1-888-774-1468 T (519) 881-2725 F (519) 881-3661
[email protected] The Bruce Grey Huron Perth Georgian Triangle Training Board is funded by the Government of Ontario. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario TRENDS OPPORTUNITIES Contents PRIORITIES TOP REPORT Executive Summary ...........................................................................................................2 Introduction .....................................................................................................................2