Public Ceremonies #2

YACHT CLUB OPENING By P/C Joseph A. Tringali, J.D.


A “members only” download from The Academy of Yachting Public Ceremonies


The annual opening, sometimes called the “commissioning” of a yacht club, marks the beginning of the boating season. It is often combined with a ’s Breakfast (or Brunch) to which local and state officials are invited for the purpose of showing off the club’s facilities or promoting a cause such as safe boating. The two most important parts of the opening are the invocation and the presentation of the colors.

The following ceremony is adapted from that of Stamford Yacht Club (Connecticut) which is considered by many to be one of the best such ceremonies in the United States. It is performed in a location established by custom and determined by the Commodore after considering the weather and the number of spectators who are expected. Regardless of where the ceremony is held, the Commodore is at the center of the formation, with the Vice Commodore to his or her right, and the Rear Commodore to the right of the Vice Commodore. The Fleet is to the Commodore’s left. If the club’s secretary and treasurer are considered flag officers and take part in the ceremony, they should be one step behind the Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore, with the Treasurer to the Secretary’s right. The Past Commodores are aligned separately with the most senior Past Commodores at the far right of the line. The remaining Past Commodores are positioned to the senior’s left in order of succession. A Color Detail stands by with colors at the ready.

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Junior Treasurer Secretary Color Detail

Commodore Past Commodores Past



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Sample Script for a Club Opening

COMMODORE: We are gathered here to open our club for the year ______, which marks the beginning of our ______season. As we do, let us call to mind all those who have gone before us, whose hard work and dedication to our club have brought us to this day. It is my privilege to introduce our chaplain, ______, who will lead us in prayer. Company, UN, COVER.

At the command of execution, “COVER,” the Commodore, if he is a male, and the male members of the company remove their hats and hold them over their hearts. The female members do not remove their hats.

CHAPLAIN: (Offers a non-denominational prayer of his or her choosing. The following prayer may be used. It has been adapted from the Mariner’s Prayer, first published in 1662 in the Book of Common Prayer. It has been in used in the British Navy virtually unchanged since it was first published.)

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Eternal God, who alone spreads out the heavens and rules the raging of the sea; who has held the waters of the earth within their appointed bounds since the beginning of time, receive us, Your servants and the vessels in which we sail, into Your almighty and gracious protection.

Preserve us from the dangers of the sea, from the violence of storms and the violence of our fellow beings, that we may safeguard ourselves and our shipmates to better serve You, our God; and that we may return in safety to enjoy the blessings of the land with the fruits of our labors, and with a thankful remembrance of Your mercy to praise and glorify Your Holy Name, Amen.

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At the command of execution, “COVER,” the men replace their caps.

The Commodore then turns to the FLEET CAPTAIN—who does not salute at this point.

COMMODORE: Captain, you may dress the ship.

The Fleet Captain acknowledges this order with a hand salute which the Commodore returns. The Fleet Captain then addresses the COLOR GUARD.

FLEET CAPTAIN: Dress the ship.

The of the Color Guard salutes the Fleet Captain who returns the salute. The Bugler plays “To the Colors” while the National Colors are then made fast to the halyard. After the colors are made fast and are ready to be hoisted, the Commodore issues the following command.


The members of the company who are in uniform perform the hand salute and hold the salute in place while the colors are raised and the band (whether live or pre-recorded)

6  Yacht Club Opening plays the National Anthem. When the music ends and the colors have reached the peak of the gaff (or the peak of the mast if there is no gaff ), the gunner fires one round of the cannon or a drill team fi res one volley of rifles. After the cannon or the volley, the Commodore speaks.


The Company drops the hand salute and returns to attention.

FLEET CAPTAIN: Hoist the Club’s colors.

The COLOR GUARD then raises the club’s burgee to the masthead and the Commodore’s flag to the starboard yardarm. If it is in keeping with the local custom, the flags of other officers should also be raised at the same time, placed in descending order inboard of the Commodore’s flag. All officers’ flags should be hoisted to their peaks simultaneously on other separate halyards. Under no circumstances should the officers’ flags be hoisted one below the other on the same halyard. After the flags are in place at their peaks and the halyards are made fast, the gunner may fire one round or the drill team may fire another volley. The commander of the Color Guard then

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turns to the Fleet Captain and salutes.

COLOR GUARD COMMANDER: Sir, the ship is dressed.

The Fleet Captain returns the salute, turns smartly to the Commodore.

FLEET CAPTAIN: Sir, the ship is dressed.

The Commodore returns the salute, then says to the company and guests:

COMMODORE: I declare the Club open for the year ______, the ______season.

The Commodore then makes whatever remarks he or she deems appropriate.

Following the speech, the Commodore turns to the Fleet Captain.

COMMODORE: Captain, dismiss the company.

Th e Fleet Captain, as before, acknowledges the order with a hand salute that the Commodore returns. The Fleet Captain then turns to the assembled company.


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We hope you have found this ceremony script helpful.

Please contact us at [email protected] with comments or suggestions.

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