Millharbour East and West Committee Report

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Millharbour East and West Committee Report Committee: Date: Classification: Agenda Item Number: Strategic 04/06/2015 Unrestricted Report of: Title: Applications for Planning Permission Director of Development and Renewal Ref No: PA/14/03195- Full Planning Permission Case Officer: Nasser Farooq Ward: Canary Wharf 1. APPLICATION DETAILS Location: Two Sites: Site 1 Land at 3 Millharbour and Site 2 Land at 6, 7 and 8 South Quay Square, South Quay Square, London Existing Use s: A number of low-rise buildings, including a print works, an engineering company and a vacant Audi sales yard on Millharbour and the Great Eastern Enterprise Commercial Centre (totalling approximately 4,692 sqm of floorspace) and a cleared site to the north on Millharbour East. Proposal: The demolition and redevelopment with four buildings: Building G1, a podium with two towers of 10 - 38 storeys and of 12 - 44 storeys; Building G2, a four floor podium with two towers of 34 and 38 storeys inclusive of podium; Building G3, a tower rising to 44 storeys; and Building G4, a four floor podium with a tower of 31 storeys inclusive of podium. The development proposes: 1,500 new homes in a mix of units and tenures (private, social-rented and intermediate); a new primary school with nursery facilities; further education uses (total D1 floorspace 13,525 sqm with a fall back that 4,349 sqm of this floorspace could also be used in full or part as D1 or D2 leisure floorspace, if necessary); 5,820 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (B1/D1/D2/A1/A2/A3 and/or A4); two new public parks including play facilities, a new north-south pedestrian link and landscaping including works to conjoin the plots into the existing surrounding urban fabric; 387 car parking spaces (for residential occupiers, blue badge holders and for a car club); cycle parking; management offices; service road and associated highway works; and other associated infrastructure including the diversion of the Marsh Wall sewer. Drawing and General drawings: documents: 0204_SEW_MH_0001 00 and 0204_SEW_MH_0002 00 Masterplan drawings: 0204_SEW_MH_6000 01, 0204_SEW_MH_6001 01, 0204_SEW_MH_6002 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6003 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6004 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6005 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6006 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6022 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6047 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6301 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6302 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6303 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6304 00, 0204_SEW_MH_6305 00, and 0204_SEW_MH_6306 00 Millharbour East Drawings: 1501_HG_ME_1100 01, 1501_HG_ME_1101 01, 1501_HG_ME_1102 00, 1501_HG_ME_1103 00, 1501_HG_ME_1104 00, 1501_HG_ME_1105 00, 1501_HG_ME_1106 00, 1501_HG_ME_1107 00, 1501_HG_ME_1108 00, 1501_HG_ME_1109 00, 1501_HG_ME_1110 00, 1501_HG_ME_1111 00, 1501_HG_ME_1112 00, 1501_HG_ME_1113 00, 1501_HG_ME_1114 00, 1501_HG_ME_1115 00, 1501_HG_ME_1116 00, 1501_HG_ME_1117 00, 1501_HG_ME_1118 00, 1501_HG_ME_1119 00, 1501_HG_ME_1120 00, 1501_HG_ME_1121 00, 1501_HG_ME_1122 00, 1501_HG_ME_1123 00, 1501_HG_ME_1124 00, 1501_HG_ME_1125 00, 1501_HG_ME_1126 00, 1501_HG_ME_1127 00, 1501_HG_ME_1128 00, 1501_HG_ME_1129 00, 1501_HG_ME_1130 00, 1501_HG_ME_1131 00, 1501_HG_ME_1132 00, 1501_HG_ME_1133 00, 1501_HG_ME_1134 00, 1501_HG_ME_1135 00, 1501_HG_ME_1136 00, 1501_HG_ME_1137 00, 1501_HG_ME_1138 00, 1501_HG_ME_1139 00, 1501_HG_ME_1140 00, 1501_HG_ME_1141 00, 1501_HG_ME_1142 00, 1501_HG_ME_1143 00, 1501_HG_ME_1144 00, 1501_HG_ME_1145 00, 1501_HG_ME_1146 00, 1501_HG_ME_1147 00, 1501_HG_ME_1201 00, 1501_HG_ME_1202 00, 1501_HG_ME_1203 01, 1501_HG_ME_1204 01, 1501_HG_ME_1301 00, 1501_HG_ME_1302 00, 1501_HG_ME_1303 00, 1501_HG_ME_1304 00, Millharbour West Drawings: 0204_SEW_MW_1100 01, 0204_SEW_MW_1101 00 0204_SEW_MW_1102 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1103 00 0204_SEW_MW_1104 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1105 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1106 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1107 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1108 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1109 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1110 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1111 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1112 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1113 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1114 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1115 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1116 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1117 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1118 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1119 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1120 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1121 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1122 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1123 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1124 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1125 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1126 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1127 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1128 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1129 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1130 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1131 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1132 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1133 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1134 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1135 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1136 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1137 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1138 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1139 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1140 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1141 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1142 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1143 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1144 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1145 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1146 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1147 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1201 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1202 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1203 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1204 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1205 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1206 01, 0204_SEW_MW_1207 01, 0204_SEW_MW_1301 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1302 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1303 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1304 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1305 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1306 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1307 00, 0204_SEW_MW_1308 00 Landscape Drawings: 0204_SEW_MH_7000 00, 0204_SEW_MH_7001 00, 0204_SEW_MH_7002 00, 0204_SEW_ME_7100 00, 0204_SEW_MW_7100 00, 0204_SEW_ME_7200 00, 0204_SEW_ME_7201 00, 0204_SEW_ME_7202 00, 0204_SEW_ME_7203 00, 0204_SEW_MW_7200 00 and 0204_SEW_MW_7201 00. Documents • Environmental Statement Addendum April 2015 • Environmental Statement Addendum 2 19 th April 2015 • Environmental Statement Non-Technical Analysis April 2015 prepared by Signet Planning • BRE Daylight/ Sunlight Report dated October 2014 prepared by GVA • Planning Statement dated November 2014 prepared by Signet Planning • Energy Strategy dated 30.10.2014 rev 5 prepared by Hoare Lea • Health Impact Assessment dated October 2014 prepared by Public Health by Design • Obtrusive Light Assessment prepared by Hoare Lea Lighting • Retail and Economic Assessment dated November 2014 prepared by Signet Planning • Statement of Community Involvement Octob er 2014 prepared by Signet Planning • Sustainability Statement dated 30.10.2014 rev5 prepared by Hoare Lea • Telecommunications and Electronic Interference • Utilities Summary Report dated 5.11.14 prepared by Hoare Lea • Millharbour Village Design and Access St atement 2014 • Flood Risk Assessment • Transport Assessment dated November 2014 prepared by URS • Environmental Statement • BS5837 Arboricultural Report, Arboricultural Implications Assessment and Method Statement dated 4 th September 2014 prepared by Arbor Cultural • Pedestrian Level Wind Microclimate Assessment dated October 8 th 2014 prepared by RWDI • Ground Investigation Phase 1 dated February 2013 prepared by BWB • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal January 2014 prepared by URS • Phase 1 and 2 Preliminary geotechnical and geo- environmental assessment dated September 2014 prepared GB Card & Partners Applicant: Millharbour LLP Ownership: Millharbour LLP plus LBTH (Highway between the two sites) Historic None Building: Conservation None Area: 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1. The Local Planning Authority has considered the particular circumstances of this application against the Council’s Development Plan policies contained in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets adopted Core Strategy (2010) and Managing Development Document (2013) as well as the London Plan (2015) consolidated with alterations since 2011 including the National Planning Policy Framework and has found that: 2.2. The proposed redevelopment of this vacant brownfield sites for a residential-led development is considered to optimise the use of the land and as such, to be in accordance with the aspirations of the site’s Millennium Quarter Site allocation within the Managing Development Document (2013). 2.3. The scale and form of the proposed tall buildings would successfully mediate between Canary Wharf and existing/consented buildings to the south of Marsh Wall. They would be of high quality design, provide a positive contribution to the skyline and not adversely impact on heritage assets or strategic or local views. 2.4. The density of the scheme would not result in significantly adverse impacts typically associated with overdevelopment and there would be no unduly detrimental impacts upon the amenities of the neighbouring occupants in terms of loss of light, overshadowing, loss of privacy or increased sense of enclosure. The high quality of accommodation provided, along with internal and external amenity spaces would provide an acceptable living environment for the future occupiers of the site. 2.5. The development would provide a suitable mix of housing types and tenure including an acceptable provision of affordable housing. Taking into account the viability constraints of the site the development is maximising the affordable housing potential of the scheme. 2.6. The development, which has been designed to retain the existing educational uses and the provision of a 2Form primary school with a nursery is strongly supported and would help provide additional infrastructure on site to cater for educational needs arising from this and surrounding developments. 2.7. Transport matters, including parking, access and servicing are on balance considered acceptable. Whilst the parking is higher than the level sought by LBTH Transportation and Highways it is below the adopted policy requirements. 2.8. Flood risk and drainage strategies are appropriate, acceptable design standards (BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes) are proposed. High quality landscaping and, subject to detailed design, biodiversity features are also proposed which should help ensure the development is environmentally sustainable. 3. RECOMMENDATION 3.1. That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to: 3.2. Any direction by The London Mayor. 3.3. The prior completion of
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