FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 14, 2018 CONTACT: Nic Jordan,
[email protected] RELEASE: Cisneros Hosts Discussion on Social Security, is Endorsed by Social Security Advocacy Groups Fullerton, Calif. – Today, on the 83rd birthday of Social Security, Gil Cisneros, Fmr. Lieutenant Commander who is running for Congress in California’s 39th Congressional District, hosted a discussion with seniors in the community to express his commitment to protecting both Social Security and Medicare. Cisneros was joined by Jon Bauman, President of Social Security Works. In addition, today Cisneros was endorsed by two organizations dedicated to protecting Social Security: Social Security Works and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare (NCPSSM). “I am proud to endorse Gil because he will never stop working to protect Social Security,” said Jon Bauman, President of Social Security Works. “As Social Security comes under attack by this administration, Gil has doubled down on his commitment to protecting the essential program. I’m honored to join him today as he continues to speak out to ensure a dignified retirement for our nation’s senior citizens.” “California's 39th District deserves a representative that is going to defend Social Security and Medicare and protect a safe and secure retirement for hard-working seniors,” said Max Richtman, President & CEO of NCPSSM. “Gil Cisneros will refuse to allow Washington special interests to fund tax cuts for corporations and billionaires at the expense of Social Security and Medicare, and we are proud to give Gil our full endorsement. Gil understands just how important these programs are and we trust Gil to serve our nation's senior citizens.” “We make a promise to our nation’s senior citizens that they can live a dignified retirement, and they deserve to see that promise fulfilled,” said Cisneros.