Friday, M\Y 16, 1975 (617) 727-2766, 2780
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- FIOM TiiE OFFICE CF GOVERIDR DUKAKIS RELEASE 1/5/MI./24 FOR Il1MEDIATE RELF.ASE CCNI'ACI' MARY .FIFIEID FRIDAY, M\Y 16, 1975 (617) 727-2766, 2780 EOS'IW -- M:3Ibers of the Board-of Trustees of the new University of Lowell ,;,;ere administered the oaths of office on Friday by Governor Michael Dukakis . The 17 nanbers, 15 of whom were appointed by Dukakis, will be responsible for overseeing the rrerger of the State College at Lowell and the ~11 Technological Institute of Massaclru.setts. The 15 gubernatorial appoint:rrents were made upon the recoommdation of a citizens screening conmi.ttee established by the Executive Office of Educational Affairs. The 10-narber coomittee sought the broadest possible pool of'applicants and personally interviewed 59 candidates for the Board. The ~ger, mich will be corrpleted by July 1, will canbine the two state institutions into one m.iversity governed solely by the &:>ard ·of Trustees, as are the University of ?-1.assaclrusetts and Southeastern Massacrusetts University. The present administration, faculty, and staff of both schools will be consolidated -under the tIErger, but nost' employmmt status will remain the sane. Acade:nic and extracurricular programs will also be nerged, although existirg campuses will be maintained, with Lowell Technical Institute - becoming the North Campus and J..or...J'ell State College the South Campus. The new University of Lowell will have nearly 7000 students. ~11 Tech currently has 3541 tmdergraduate and 578 graduate students with a faculty of 250. Lowell State has 2389 tmdergraduate and 512 graduate students with a faculty of 140.) Under the Dec. 10, 1973 legislation establishing the University of Lowell, the new Board of Trustees is given broad powers to work out the of the merger. One of its principal functions initially will be the selection of a new university president. By legislation, the current president of Lowell Tech, Everett V. Olsen, will becorre executive vice president of the University of Lowell; the cw.irent president of Lowell State, Daniel H. O'Leary, will becone chancellor, a post to be abolished when he rea~s age 70. In swearing-in cererronies in the Cabinet Room at the State House Friday afternoon, Governor Dukakis said the new University of Lc:Mell ''brings together the best of two colleges with a long tradition of public servi:ce and academic excellence. \ '"!he University of Lowell will be an invaluable resource to om- higher education system and to the students and adult extension users of the system," Dukakis said. ''Equally inportant, the University will be an invaluable resource - to the City of I.owell and the entiire MP..rrimack Valley. (over) "Wt ore ·wit:r.~s3:i:J8 a verJ ~· citing social snd econanic rebirth in Lowell ':ha~ .:.:oul<l i.:~ a rn:x.::l for sifnilar efforts across the state,'.' the C..ovemor contjn1::,0 d. ''Tf'e ';r University Cc. and must talci: an active part in this renaissc>nce. It cen be a center for tl-.a discussion of stimulating new - ideas al:oet urban ~2vitalization, and for the planning and technical expe~tice revitalization ult:i.m:l.tely depends on. "Th.c '.i'::uste/2.S of t:P~ n<>w Uaive..:-sity are a very diverse group -,1U-.h --~... c~- 1:'a!'gi-:-i,~ i.,terestt. and badcgrotmds, but they are united in tli.eir cawri.t:r):=-.n::: t o ::cad:mic e1::c2llence and camrunity involvenent. "S..::cretal'.'V of F...ducational Affairs Paul ParJ,..s and I look forward .. o v·.J ....". dl..g 1-nt.:'"' thf'!ll in ~he ~ years as we face the difficult ~'1'1112ngcs cf hl.~~.e-r cilicat:l..on, 11 Dukakis said. The r,{7.~:1:nc--: prais~d Park:;, the ci' -:..zens screcl'ling ccmrnittee, 21~ the Ezecutive Offi.... e of Educ;:itional Affairs for their role in h~Jp.;_r.g; to E~lcct the lhnr<l . The <:'nvernor also cantnended the t;,..:';ty cf Lcrell 1'.&-:.rger Flc.."" Board for ''helping to make th~ :..Cn'1£ition frcm tv,;o colleges to one miversity a reality .. " TI-.e j c; a list of the members of the Board of Trustees : --r-.eorg:: H. Chandler, Lowell, Business Mc.'111ager IBEW Local #588. --!'inf; M. Cl-:211. , Ied.ngton, Chainnan of the Dept. of ,Aerospace and Mechanical Z-:,•.pnf'eri11g, Bo3ton University. · --G.:'.Jrge Doulf'!Iles, Tewksbury, President of New England I.NG Co. --1lan~c Fitzpatrick, Cambrid~e, Assoc. Professor of Econanics at :&iston Univ~rsity - --Ar ~eli..lce P. ~rgalos, Lowell, Principal and Teacher at Dracut Center El~tarv School. --T.PO Kahn, Chelmsford, President of Purity Supreme --Richa.,...d K. Donahue, ~11, Attorney and president of N .E·:· Bar Association --Cornelia W. Le.Maitre, lindover, Public Relations, volunteer for Channel 2. --Pauline Riordan, Lo-,-ell, Consultant with Groton Associates .. • --C',eorge S. -M::mbrino, Chicopee, Executive vice president of Medical West --~ose I. Ramirez, Leominster, P~rsormel Representative with Digital Equiprrent Corp. ·--Joseph Serio, Public Affairs Manager, Western Electric Co. --C:1m-les S. Warner, North Andover, Manager, Minority Vendor Progrc!ll &~~. --~t!1 Warren, And:wer, EKecutive Director of .Roxbury Childrens' Services --Eliz1..heth C. Williams, I.Dwell, Urban Planner with the mTRE Corp. --Ti.1e Hcnorab1e Anra:nd Lemay, Mayor of the City of Lowell (ex officio) --Fran~ 'T"'?.ty, studC>t1t eJ.ected by the student body of the University of Lowell. ,....,_ • ~ ,.J m,'h.o,...,..~ • ..Jttal..~.c...... re~s £_f ~h ~tona1 appointee. attached .. - l.OWEI.L TRUSI'EES BACKGROUND OF UNIVERSITY .--OF - George H. Chandler, 84 Fourth Ave. , Lowell. "&lsiness :Manager I. B. E.W. Local 588 (1963-) ; Manber, Education Connrl.ttee, Merri.mack Valley Building Trades; graduated fran Lowell High School; Msnber, I.B.E.W. Executive Board (1971-) ; Manber-delegate, Greater Lowell Central Council; Me.mber, New England Utility Council; Trustee, Electrical Workers pension and health and ~lfare fund; Director, Joint Apprentice training progra:n; Advisory manber, Lowell Regional Voke Hi~ School; Me:nber, Newman CltJb, L. T. I. ; Men-her, Council on Industrial Relations, Washington; Member, Parent-Teachers Assn.; Three children: one attends I.Dt~ll Tech. Institute, two attend Joseph A. McAvi.rmue ·scmol. :M.in_g M. Chen, 6 Redcoat Lane , Lexington. Professor and Chainnan, Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering, Boston University; B.S., M.E., Nat'l 'th-ban University; M.S., M.E., Univ. of Illinois; M.S.A.E., Univ. ·of Washington; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois; P .E., ~alth of Massaclrusetts; Director, American Institute of Aeronaut~cs and Astronautics, New England Section; Chairman, Stuient Affairs ·Corrmi.ttee, AIM., N.E. Section; Past President, Greater Boston Chinese Cultural .Assn.; Past Steward, Harvard-Epworth Methodist Church; Technical advisor, Republic of China's National Science Council; Advisory Ma:nber, Marquis Biographical Library Society; Senior Research Project Leader, Republic Aviation (1953-60); Professor, Boston University (1960-); Visiting Professor, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan (1966-67), served as both acting Dean of Acaderni.c Affairs and Acting Director of tre Engineering Research Center; Two childrm: one attends M. I. T. and one attends Lexington High School. George Doulamas, 677 Trull Rd. ·, Tet-.ksoory. President, New Englarrl Im Co.; Executive V.P . and Director, tm..-ell Gas Co.; - B.B.A. Engineering and Industrial Managarent, Northeastern University .(earned over 10 years at night while "WOrking); Registered Professional Engineer; Anerican Institute of Plant Engineers "Plant Engineer of the Year 1973"; Past President, Northeastern University Alunni Club of Lowell; Past President, Y.M.C.A.; Corporator, · Lowell 5¢ Savings Bank; Established a student e:nployment program with Lowell Tech now anploying 15 people; c.onmmity activities: ~11 Boy's Club Alum:i., Boy Scouts, Chamber of Camerce, Girl's Club, Holy Trinity Church, New England Gas Assn. ; Foor children now attending: Northeastern University, Tewksbury Figh School, Tev.ksbury Jr. High. ' Blanche Fitzpatrick, 134 Chestnut St., canbridge. Associate Professor, Econanics, College of Liberal Arts, Boston University; A.B. Tufts University, 1945; A.M. Stanford University, 1950; Ph.D. Harvard University; Has· also taught at: Lesley College, Harvard Extension, University of California at Fullertcn; Labor economist with published studies in the fields of education and manpower; Director, B.U. Bnployees Credit Unicn (1968-71); Member, B.U. Man~r Institute (1974-); ~er, r..ovemor's Corrmission on the Status of Wonen (1971-74); Cha.irwanan, Task Force on Education, studied opportunities for -woaE.n in the :Mass. education system frcm ele:nentary thorugh higher education, Governor's Ccmnission on the Status of W:xnen (1972) ; No children. - -IlX)re- -2- Angelike P. Georgales, 54 Columbus Ave. , LcMell. Principal, Dracut Center Elenentary School; A.B. Biology, Bostoo Univers:i,ty; M.Ed. Boston State College; Otrer graduate credits at: . Boston t:u.i.versity ;· Northeastern - University, Mass. College of PharruJCy; University of Hartford; Chairman, Model Cities Education Task Force; Chairman, ACRE 1-bdel Neighborhood Org.; Secretary, Hunan Services Corp.; Commmity activities: Brandeis Ethnic Education Project:, Lowell Curriculum Developnent Ccmnittee, Title I Advisory Coomittee, ~11 Federation of Civic Organizations, State Dept. of Ed. N.E. Regional Advisory Cannittee, Lowell 766 Advisory Conmittee; One child attending ~11 State College. Leo Kahn, 35 Grc ~ jview Rd . , Chelmsford. President, Purity Supreme; A.B. Harvard College (1938); M.A. Colt.nhia University (1939); Director, ~11 YMCA; Director, M:>rgan M:m:,rial; Director, Junior. Achieverrent; Trustee, Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute; Member, Appalachian fumtain Cl~; Three children attending Harrington School, Chelmsford. Richard K. Donahue, 52 Belmont Ave. , Lov.-ell. Partner, Donahue & Donahue; B.A., Dartroouth College; J.D. Boston University School of Law; President, New F..ngland Bar Assn., Director, .American Judicature Society; Ma:nber, House of Delegates, .American Bar Assn., Vice Chairman, Board of Bar Overseers; Forner President Mass.