THEWESTFIELD LEADER 03 O Z - O the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County
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WESTFIELD MEMORIAL UBRAfflT V'liSTPIf-I.O, N.J. o t- ° % OS 2< -it: THEWESTFIELD LEADER 03 O z - o The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County lACT) W1^ USP3 680(1211 Publlahed SIGHTY-] .-No. 46 lecnnd Clftflfl Posture Paid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THUKSDAY, JUNK 21, 1979 Every Thursday 22 Pages—20 Cent* nt W*ntnelrl, N. J. Five Votes Carry Grant, Lincoln Closings; Sixth Grades May Move to Junior Highs Citizen and some board members Robert Esson and tary school children, vote-casters Essoii and Valkenburgh said that 1980 schools and the effect of motions directing the super- member pleas at least to Joan Unger voted against especially on the north side Mrs. Unger, the amend- was the better choice alternate school use on intendent to form a commit- delay a decision to close any the 1980 closings, charging of town. ment received further pro- because of the $200,000 an- neighborhoods have been tee to study the establish- of Westficld's elementary that community input and This concern was ad- test from citi7.ens present nual cost savings from clos- fully explored. ment of a four-year high schools went unheeded support, vital to successful dressed by Mrs. Corbet's who felt that they had not ing two schools and the Several citizens chal- school in 1983 or 1984 and Thursday night when five implementation of any second motion, passed in an been given adequate oppor- 14-month period left to im- lenged the board's decision implementing Dr. Greene's yes votes carried a motion plan, were strongly in favor 8-1 vote, directing the tunity to respond to this new plement a safe redistricting in light of the lack of speci- timeline which follows, to remove Grant and Lin- of delay. superintendent to devise a plan, not mentioned in Dr. plan. "One of our charges fied alternate uses and pos- establishing a committee, coln from service next sum- Esson further stated that plan which would ensure Greene's May 15 recom- as a board is not to sible elementary over- including stall members, mer. the "compelling financial maximum use of the junior mendation. squander dollars," he con- crowding as a result of the the public and parents to Voting in favor of the clos- need" for the closings had high school facilities, and to The question of alternate tinued. closings. Some of those plan safe redistricting: ings were Board President not been proven and the report to the board by use was also addressed by "We cannot afford to wait present felt that the public — October, 1979 through Thomas Sullivan, Carmen benefits from eliminating September, 1980, with the , board which unani- any longer," said Vitale, trust had been violated and March, 1980 . Board, Vitale, G. Holland van two schools had not been implementation in Septem- mously passed a motion who stated that the finan- that perhaps they should staff, public, parent input in Valkenburgh, Eleanor shown. ber, 1981. directing itself to receive cial data, enrollment pat- have taken stronger meas- planning safe redistricting Kalbacher, who preferred An amendment to delay Mrs. Kalbacher amended recommendations on alter- terns and the need to main- ures to show their opposi- — April and May, 1980 . a McKinley to Lincoln clos- the decision on the closings the motion to include that nate uses of Grant, Lincoln tain program supported his tion. ing, and Vice-Chairman was defeated, 6-3. the initial phase of Dr. and Elm St. schools in yes vote. Review of plans prepared Joan Corbet. Before Mrs. Marilyn Gulotta, another Greene's study be the December of this year. Dr. William Liggitt, who Though all of the citizens by cooperative efforts Corbet made the initial mo- no vote on the 1980 closings, • feasibility of having sixth Declining enrollment and voted no on the closings, of- who spoke at the meeting — June, 1980 . School tion to close the two schools, said that she would support grades in the junior high cost savings were cited by fered a compromise plan. registered their disagree- He urged delaying the deci- Board decision to imple- some of the 100 citizens in a motion to close schools in school if overcrowding oc- some of the affirmative ment with the decision, ment redtslricting attendance made last- 1981, a year she termed, curs in the elementary vote-casters as the primary sion until September of this some offered their services minute statements urging "critical for Westfield," but schools. The amendment reasons behind their deci- year, after the issues of on committees formed to — July and August, 1980 . board members to delay that 1980 closings "might be passed 7-2. sion to close Grant and Lin- possible elementary over- implement the plans. Implementation — with- their decision. a little premature" because Termed a "stop-gap coln in 1980. crowding, housing sixth drawing two elementary Newly-elected board of overcrowding elemen- measure" by dissenting Board member van graders in the junior high The board also passed schools from active service Recalls 5-4 Board Decisions 50 Residents Seek Town In End-of-Year Report Vote on School Closings Calling for a special or purchase bag lunches of the recommendations to meeting Tuesday before Dr. Calling his final board will be asked to make successful completion of a election to let Westfield's from the district. Notes improve the district sub- Greene submits the superintendent's report for important decisions in the planned program aimed at voters decide the school must be filed at the mitted by the county super- district'6 response to them the academic year 1978-79 1979-80 school term: translating goals into closing issue, Andrew elementary schools for intendent's office in its T & to the state July 1. "both an end .and a Organization of instruction, policies, policies into plans, Gundlach of 632 Shadow- those children who plan to E assessment report. A discussion of Program beginning," Westfield staffing, redistricting, plans into programs, and lawn Dr. presented a remain for lunch. Superintendent Greene Oriented Budgeting (POB) School Superintendent budgeting, curriculum, programs into - ac- petition of some 50 AdapUve physical said that several of the was also tabled until Laurence F. Greene inservice, , school-com- complishments by students signatures to the board education at the secondary county's recommendations • Tuesday. The state even- Tuesday night pledged to munity relations, and com- and staff members." Townspeople at "T" Party — Howard Tomlinson. who Tuesday night charging that level, programs for the were already being ad- tually wants all 600 districts give~ recent school board munity uses of school Calling the past year will retire as nssUtant superintendent in charge of its decision was "unjustified gifted, improved access to dressed. The board will to implement a transfer decisions "my utmost care buildings. "unusual in one sense," the business and plant maintenance and Secretary to the and irresponsible." media and library materials discuss the recom- from line item budgeting to and attention" and to Noting that another superintendent pointed out Board of Education on Sept. I. was honored last Wed- Gundlach further argued and increased drug mendations in further detail program in a move Dr. welcome the assistance and academic year begins on that two important board nesday at a "T" Party reception held by the Westfield on behalf of the petition's education are among some at its special committee Greene perceives as a "beneficial thinking" of July 1, Dr. Greene said he is decisions were determined Board of Education in the high school courtyard with the supporters that the vehicle for more state members of the community awaiting priority objectives by a 5 to 4 vote. The first, in cooperation of school staff members and members of the rationale, results and control. in the "challenging and to be accomplished during September, was to settle the Parent-Teacher Council. Pictured, left to right, arc Owen procedures of the decision Lookout for Skylab In-service dates for the demanding" tasks ahead. 1979-80. contract, and the second, on Waltman; Or. S.N. Ewan, Jr., former superintendent of should be exhaustively 1979-80 school year were Dr. Greene listed eight He views the recently June 14, was to close Grant schools; Mrs. Tomlinson; Mr. Tomlinson; and Mrs. reviewed. The space instrument "Skylab" may reenter the approved as follows: Sept. areas on which the school completed school year "as a (Continued on paga 4) Waltman. The board may speed up earth's atmosphere between June 27 and July 21 ac- 18, Oct. 24, Nov. 29, March 3 its timeline for studying im- cording to Weslfield Civil Defense Director Deputy Fire and March 19. plementation of the plans Chief Paul A. Battiloro, possibly creating problems, Board member Joan Playgrounds passed last week, upon injury and-or property damage. Unger cas( the only no vote Zoning Board Hears 15 Appeals recommendation of According to Battiloro, the probability of damage or on the board's student Open on member Dr. William injury appears very small, but the size of Skylab's mass sports comprehensive in- The Board of Adjustment Hillside Ave. The appeal, and Mrs. Fred Abrams of 14 Because this appeal Liggitt, who wants to see and ground tract over which it passes requires planning. surance plan, funded in part completed a heavy agenda finally tabled by the board, Breeze Knoll Dr., voiced marked the first on tennis some preliminary data on Civil Defense and Disaster Control officers have been by the board. She questioned Monday Monday night by granting was necessary because the their disagreement