Shifnal Town Council

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Shifnal Town Council SHIFNAL TOWN COUNCIL A G E N D A 10th January 2020. TO ALL MEMBERS OF SHIFNAL TOWN COUNCIL YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the Full Council Meeting of the Town Council to be held on Thursday 16th January 2020 at 7.00pm at the Old Fire Station, Shrewsbury Road Shifnal. Yours faithfully, Denise Reynolds, Town Clerk, SHIFNAL TOWN COUNCIL. NOTE TO THE PUBLIC: Members of the public and press are most welcome to attend meetings of Shifnal Town Council. To ensure that meetings do not become prolonged, Standing Orders provide that members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence only in respect of any item of business included in the agendas during this public session which covers all meetings held on this date. However, public participation must be confined to this section of the meeting only. The period of time which is designated for public participation in accordance with Standing Orders shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agendas and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. A question asked by a member of the public during a public participation session at a meeting shall not require a response or debate although the Chairman may direct that a response to a question posed by a member of the public be referred to a Councillor for an oral response or to the Town Clerk for an oral response. NB: 1. Standing Orders are available on the Council’s website, or on request from the Town Clerk or Council Office and are subject to periodic review, taking advice from the National Association of Local Councils; 2. Temporary exclusion of the public and press may be necessary at any meeting to discuss matters of a special and/or confidential nature; 3. Seating availability is limited. Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building Broadway Tel: 01952 461420 Shifnal E-mail: Shropshire TF11 8AZ 173/19 Fire Safety Announcement 174/19 Public session 175/19 Commencment of Business 176/19 Apologies received from Councillors 177/19 Declaration of Members’ Interest Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. 178/19 Shropshire Councillors’ Question Time – Councillors Turley and Bird Report to be given by Councillor Turley and Councillor Bird in response to questions received and activities undertaken since the December 2019 meeting of Shifnal Town Council. Any points raising during the meeting will be to NOTE and an immediate response may not be forthcoming. 179/19 To CONFIRM the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of the Town Council held on; (i) Thursday 21st November 2019 (Attached). (ii) Thursday 12th December 2019 (Attached). 180/19 Accounts (i) To APPROVE Monthly Payment Schedule for month of January 2020; (Attached) (ii) To CONSIDER the 2nd draft of the budget for precept purposes for the financial year 2020/21 including notes on the Old Police Station detailed budget; (Attached) (iii) To APPROVE the annual budget for precept purposes for the financial year 2020/21 v) To NOTE the annual review of Town Estate charges in respect of:- a) Priorslee Road Cemetery - Interments; (Attached) b) Allotment plots at Broadway, Aston Street and Priorslee Road. (Attached) Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building Broadway Tel: 01952 461420 Shifnal E-mail: Shropshire TF11 8AZ 181/19 To CONSIDER Town Planning Applications 20/00030/FUL 30, Cornwallis Drive, Shifnal. TF11 8UB Erection of side and rear extensions to dwelling. Mr and Mrs Powis (then insert 20/00030/FUL) 19/05577/FUL Westcotte, Haughton Lane, Shifnal. TF11 8HG Erection of two-storey side extension and porch to front and erection of outbuilding. Mrs Mandie Hunt (then insert 19/05577/FUL) 19/05569/VAR Veolia ES (UK) Limited, Open Windrow Composting Site, Land Off Knowlebank, Telford. Variation of Condition Nos. 3 and 44 attached to planning permission reference 15/05598/VAR dated 26/04/2016 to extend the operational life of the compositing facility. Veolia ES (UK) Ltd. (then insert 19/05569/VAR) 19/05444/OUT Proposed Dwelling to the West of, Park Lane, Shifnal. Outline application (all matters reserved). Mr R. Hunt (then insert 19/05444/OUT) 19/05388/FUL Unit 1, Old Smithfield, Aston Street, Shifnal. TF11 8DT Change of use from carpet wholesale to Boxing Club/Gym (D2) Mr Joe Lockley. (then insert 19/05388/FUL) 182/19 To DISCUSS any Town Planning Applications Received in the Shifnal Town Council Office after 10th January 2020 183/19 To CONSIDER Town Planning Decisions:- 19/04717/LBC 14, Aston Court Mews, Shifnal. TF11 8TP Regularisation of works carried out to include replacement of windows on the SE and NW elevations; internal alterations. GRANT PERMISSION 19/04962/FUL 5, Vicarage Drive, Shifnal. TF11 9AF Erection of ground floor bay window to front elevation with canopy over. GRANT PERMISSION 19/05012/FUL St. Andrew’s C.E. Primary School, Park Lane, Shifnal. TF11 9HD Erection of an extension to the reception lobby. GRANT PERMISSION 19/04940/FUL 30, High Street, Shifnal. TF11 8BJ Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for erection of first floor extension to rear elevation and single storey extension to front elevation (Retrospective) Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building Broadway Tel: 01952 461420 Shifnal E-mail: Shropshire TF11 8AZ GRANT PERMISSION 19/05092/COU 1, The Square, Market Place, Shifnal. TF11 9AX Change of Use of Ground Floor from Financial Services (A2) to beauty salon (sui generis). GRANT PERMISSION 184/19 To CONSIDER Planning Contraventions None reported as at 10th January 2020 185/19 Town Clerk Report (i) To CONSIDER proposals to enage in the Police and Crime Commisioners Budget Setting Consultation – Cllr Tim Day; (ii) To CONSIDER proposals regarding the Siting of a Remembrance Bench in Shifnal; (iii) To CONSIDER Nominations for the Buckingham Palace Garden Party, 27th May 2020; (iv) To REVIEW the Late Opening Hours of the Library and Implications for Staffing in view of Lone Working Policies. (v) To CONSIDER an update on the Local Economic Growth Strategy for Shifnal. (vi) To CONSIDER proposals regarding a War Memorial and arrangements for the VE Day celebrations 8th May 2020 – Cllr Mick Treviss and Cllr Andrew Trickett (vii) To CONSIDER altering the scheduled date for the Annual Town Meeting in view of the bank holiday on 8th May 2020. (viii) To CONSIDER proposed changes to the Speed Limit in Tong and associated consultation. (Attached) (ix) To CONSIDER Shropshire Council communications regarding the publishing of Place Plans (Attached) (x) To NOTE correspondence sent to Shropshire Council by Cllr Robert Harrop on behalf of Shifnal Town Council, regarding the state of highways in Shifnal. (Attached) 186/19 Advisory Committees:- i) Car Parks To receive a report from the chair of the committee Matthew Fennell Fox ii) Christmas Lights To receive a report from the chair of the committee Cllr Caroline Killen iii) Plans – To receive an update on the proposed Tong/J3 M54 site. iv) Swimming Pool To receive a report from the meeting held on 9th January 2020 (Attached) v) Shifnal Shuttle To receive a report from the meeting held on 8th January 2020 (Attached) Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building Broadway Tel: 01952 461420 Shifnal E-mail: Shropshire TF11 8AZ 187/19 Health and Safety Concerns To NOTE concerns raised by members in relation to health and safety 188/19 Town Council Estate (i) To CONSIDER proposals regarding St. Andrew’s Churchyard Improvements; (ii) To receive an update on the purchase of the Old Police Station Building and to AGREE the proposed transfer costs. 189/19 To NOTE Correspondence received in the Town Council Offices up to 16th January 2020 190/19 Future Agenda Items To propose items for inclusion on future Agendas. 191/19 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 To resolve that “pursuant to the Local Government Act 1972 s100A and Schedule 12A, the following items will be likely to disclose exempt information and in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded for the remainder of the meeting”. 192/19 a. Planning Enforcement Cases To consider 3 x Planning Enforcement Cases 192/19 b. Staff Matters To receive an update from the Town Clerk on staffing matters. Circulation:- Councillors: Cllr R. Harrop, Cllr E. Bird, Cllr R. Cox, Cllr T. Day, Cllr J. Horne, Cllr C. Killen, Cllr S. Offland, Cllr L. Reynolds, Cllr M. Shelton, Cllr T. Tarran,Cllr G. Tonkinson, Cllr M. Treviss, Cllr A. Trickett, Cllr K. Turley, Cllr P. Williamson. For Information: D. Reynolds, Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer. D. Gough, Community Projects Officer. Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building Broadway Tel: 01952 461420 Shifnal E-mail: Shropshire TF11 8AZ .
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