
Working Party 7.03.15 - Social dimensions of forest health – Nick Johannsen

Name Nick Johannsen

Institution Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (UK IUCN Protected Landscape)

Broad Nick is a practitioner in landscape conservation and enhancement working at a research strategic level. Nick’s academic background is as an Environmental Scientist and area (e.g. Landscape Ecologist. discipline) Key research Landscape conservation strategy themes Community engagement (max. 3 Landscape, environment and art bullet points) Tree health Chalara Fraxinea (Ash Dieback) but with interests also in Oak Processionary Moth issues and Oriental Chestnut Gall covered (max. 3 bullet points) Geographical UK/ Kent and South East research area Methodologi As a practitioner we work through community and stakeholder engagement, but cal approach also refer to research, policy and other evidence sources. When developing strategy (type of documents we use Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal, methods, Habitat Regulations Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment methods. quantitative, qualitative etc.) Current The most relevant current project is ‘The Ash Project’ a cultural celebration of Ash projects Trees in the British Landscape. Other current projects include research to establish the place of Protected Landscapes in the future of the City Region; the development of integrated landscape management in the Darent Valley which ranges from natural flood management to the celebration of a famous Victorian Artist Samuel Palmer; the mitigation of electricity pylons and other electricity lines in the landscapes of the Kent Downs; the preservation and celebration of traditional orchards in the landscape; linking access to nature with health and wellbeing; innovative ways to engage young people in the landscape and its management.

Previous The Kent Downs AONB Unit has run a series of landscape conservation and projects engagement projects which range from significant restoration of internationally important wildlife sites; heritage site restoration; management of a UK National

1 Working Party 7.03.15 - Social dimensions of forest health – Nick Johannsen

Trail; overcoming illegal activity in the countryside and delivering a UK National wood fuel pathfinder project. Key Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Strategic Management Plan; publications http://www.kentdowns.org.uk/uploads/documents/KD_AONB_final_plan_09.09.14. compressed.pdf

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