The London Gazette, December 18, 1868. 6769
THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 18, 1868. 6769 be held before George Williams Sanders, Esq., a Commis cated bankrupt on the llth day of April, 1868. A Divi- sioner of the said Court, on the 26th day of January next dend Meeting will be held on the 30th dty of December at the said Court, at the Slvrehall, Nottingham, at eleven instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. in the forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. Mr. John John George Shaw, of the city and county of Bristol, Harris, of Low-pavement, Nottingham, is the Official As Soap and Candle Manufacturer and Lard Kefiner, carrying signee. and Messrs. Hodgson and Son, of Birmingham, ar< on business in the said city and county, in copartnership the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy. with George Phillips nnd Albert Billings, under tbe firm of Shaw, Phillips, and Billings, as Soap and Candle Manufac- James Samuel Hayward, of No. 27, King-street, Liver- turers and Lard Refiners, adjudicated bankrupt on the 9th pool, in the county of Lancaster, Iron Merchant, and late day of July, 1868. A Dividend Meeting will be held on a Prisoner for Debt in the Liverpool Borough Gaol, a the 7th day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the /ore- Walton, in the county aforesaid, having been adjudged noon precisely. bankrupt by a Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy foi Henry Green, of Working-street, Cardiff, in tbe county the Liverpool District, attending at the Gaol aforesaid of Glamorgan, Builder, adjudicated bankrupt on the 7:h on the 15tb day of September, 1865, and the adjudication day of August, 1868.
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