Recessed September Meeting
RECESSED SEPTEMBER MARCH 16, 2006 THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 NINE THIRTY A.M. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WILL Executive Walsh called the meeting to order. Member McMillan led in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Member McMillan introduced Reverend Catherine White from the Saint Edwards Episcopal Church in Joliet, who delivered the invocation. Roll call showed the following Board members present: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Deutsche, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Rozak, Bilotta, Konicki, Svara, Stewart, Adamic, Babich, Wilhelmi, Moustis. Total: twenty-four Absent: Gould, Travis, Sheridan. Total: three THE EXECUTIVE DECLARED A QUORUM PRESENT. Member Deutsche made a motion, seconded by Member Adamic, the Certificate of Publication be placed on file. Voting Affirmative were: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Deutsche, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Rozak, Bilotta, Konicki, Svara, Stewart, Adamic, Babich, Wilhelmi, Moustis. Total: twenty-four No negative votes. THE CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION IS PLACED ON FILE. Member Brandolino made a motion, seconded by Member Rozak, to approve the February 16, 2006 Recessed County Board Minutes. Voting Affirmative were: Brandolino, Woods, Anderson, Deutsche, Singer, Weigel, Dralle, Riley, Wisniewski, Maher, McMillan, Wintermute, Blackburn, Gerl, Goodson, Rozak, Bilotta, Konicki, Svara, Stewart, Adamic, Babich, Wilhelmi, Moustis. Total: twenty-four No
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