~ .., at- ed miDda Serving The State University of 10tCtJ and tlae People of Iowa City EStibi1Slled 10 Ii. Fwe cents a coPy I moer 01 AssOclated PreSS AP r::w.ea "In IIDd PbOio service Iowa CIty, la., WedDeidiy, MarCh 2'7, L!I5? r o( "RIIS- Teachinl manifest. 's .. r el a:\. Hint Possible r"amuml thefaet a sPCCiaI Tax Reduction , Beck, Teamster H'ead, the Soviet By January ·1 WASHINGTON "" - Congres­ sional moves to whittle Pre81dent Eisenhower's record peacetime budiet Inspired talks TUesday of a poslble income tax cut - perhaps Invokes 5th Ainendment as soon 88 Jan. 1. I Democrats were said to be con­ * * * sidering a political "coup" that. Won't Reveal would put tllem ahead of the Re· Shows . publicans In proposing tax cuts for 1951 - a congressional election Year', If Used Union W ... _.,. dI4 thI, r.pert He Is Not ·,aln CUf'Nncy than H_ R...-. llcans met In c.. , .....nc...... ,...... te reduc. t ..., "as Shy Type Funds or Not __ 81 pr.ctlc..... " .y ARTHUR IDSON , WASHINGTON"" - Teamster Lawmakers of both parties, al· Pre Jdent D.ve Beck Invoked the WASH1NGTON t.4'! - Da"e Beck ready trying to cut Mr, Elsenhow· Fifth Amendment Tuesday, r C . er' billion spending program. Tuesday Invoked the FOItrth ,,1.8 InK to tell Senate prober whether were counting on economy efforts Amendment, the Fifth Amcndm nt to swcll tile budget urplus and and "my chief cousel, Sen. Duff." he took more than $3)0,000 oC 'Un­ ",ake' lower tues possible. 8e(:k quickly howed a Senatc ion money (or personal u. . How soon might tax relief be In\' ligating commitl that br's H also declined nlltly to Y ",anted? The answer binges in not lh shy type. And bcclU he whether he wa lylnJ or telhn,( large part on what Congress doc. 't he lOOn had verythln. to y­ turvy. the lrutb befQre million lookin ~ with Prcaident Eisenhower's budg· In on televl ion 1 rch 17 wbcn hl' et Cor thc fiscal year beginning In no lim at all, Beck wa 1 c· turilli the commltt on the fin .Id he had borrowed between July 1. LOUIS "SATCHMO" ARMSTRONG ,I.ne., up from 10m. pre,eonc:er't ,.,...... durin, a p..... con­ Mr. 11 ....."-"' hid GOP _ m points oC co tituUonaI law, pl~ $300,000 and $400,0000 (rom the ferenc. at the lewa Memorl.1 Un/", Tuesd.y nl,M, A capacity cnlwd h.. rd S.t,h and hi' ComM - ,,",,,,,al ....,. TuesMy he InteresU", polntera 00 proper I union In Ole last 10 year lind re­ linn the .venlne with their world·f.mous Ityl. of Dlxl.land I.n, weuld _1_ Itudtet cuts th.t ---' __ atorlal d porlm nt. paid It without Inte l. weVI" not "clem ... the .ltal In­ You know about B k, cou . The cfIuNcy, .,.,ubI • ..,.,'.nt .....''' .. tII.~ ... lIow he's pre ident of the T am- eI ffIe ...m ...... Immatfl."'r .n­ Democratic plan to cut taxes by 'Good-Will Comes Jean Seberg 5t r nion. lIow h headed for c.un"rM .~.tIon, from Sen· ,Jan. ~ was reported under consid· Europe at a 11m when senator • a .. rackets '""'" he may on· who were lookln, Cor evld by it all A bill now beCo e the Senate textured voicc came to town Tue day. Seberg arrlvrd hom Tuesday WOuld. and did, 17 mlnutc arly, he ",.ons to • que.'lon Tuesday durin, Intor,...tlon by m.mban ef Beck howed it nOL at all, lire. would extend present corporation Daniel Loul Arm trong, more wid Iy known "Satchmo," rill d night - an int rn lional mOl t r Thl Ume It w Lh commltt the .peeia' $tn.,. r cket. Invutl,.tl", commltt•• , jccted firmly adem nd rrom 8<'n . income taxcs and excise Icvles un· the M'aln Lounge oC II Iowa {emorial nlon with til<' shnt'p nOles of at th g of 18. that wa tarely. ------John K nncdy CD· 1 .1, that he liI June 80, '958, when they would his pure and brutal Dixi land jazz Th youna a Beck told the 'nator h b d dorp automatically unless Congress for two hours TUesday nigbt. her p rent , Mr. and Mr . FAI· all hi flnanci.1 r cordi with him, et I P r I,n as bead oC tlle nallon's bl,,· decided otherwisc. Jnternationally acclaimed {or his word Setx>rg, who had driv n to but this wa only a tea r, (or h confronted," hI' Senate "...wllcaM hava ...... Des Moin s, refu d to Lum the r cord ovcJ' to MI ropo OUS ays ,,~,~nl~~SOnaIlY talents as a musician, Armstrong Dag Has New aid, "wilh a itull\lon I'm po l(jv" ..,..,.ally ••rHCI that tax cuts i8 also lauded in the U.S. for hi th committ e on the ground Ulat will be d posed of 100 JX'r crill shivld" wltltheld until the... .,. concert Junkets abroad - to Japan, 5" oth.r stvry, it had no rl t. und r the Con li· . e Ice ."clflc 1ft4lutf",. .. • sllabl. alislaclorlly to mc when the finnl Africa, Europe - that have result· tullon, to a k for them. days of .ccounUn; me in court." ''''',ur'Y surplus. ed In good wiU (or lhls country Suez Proposal I In the .Irport p.rty betide. Mr. Anyway, he laid, he wa Lnvok· VI SI t to owa ty among peoples ort n apathetic or Beck declared he wa exercising This thlnldn, was reflected anew CAlRO IA'! - Seer tary Gen- .nd Mrs, Seber, _ro h.r ,I.ter, Ing tllC Fourtb Amendment to t Dlmltrl Mitropolou , famed conductor of lh cw York Philh rmonic hi con Ululional right in the resolution adopted by Tues· hostUe to America. r:aln~t ral Dag Hammar kjold Is [lyIng Mary Ann, 20, an SUI student; Con UluUon, which liv urity Oreh . lra, lipped unnotlc d Into 101l'a City und y (or n unannounced sclC Incrimination, under th Firth day's conference o( House Repub· Proud oC his talents with tI back to New York Tu day with a her brotMr" Kurt, 14, and D.vld, from III lal scarch and lur, visll with hi old rrlend, nol d c.ompo 'r mucl Bar r. A"",nd.rnent only on the dvi of IIcan . horn, Satch wears his good·will modified EIIY u n plan fgr opera- 7; and "-r .ratMlmethw, Mr.. .nd the Fifth Amendment, which Barber's works will be featur ~ tonight at , pm. in a conCt'rt at hi H c1fd it doze ot "The rftO!utlen )lI~es the GOP laurels liihtly. 1awnn: lion of lhe Suez Canal. Fr.n,.. aen..... ,iv a witness the rliht not to Iowa M morlal nlon by the SUI Um I when confronted by cont n­ members to the goals of balancing Consld r thi brief pre conC r­ the budget, makin, a payment on A r linbll' inCormant said the 1\11 5 'tx>rg's light brown hair t tify &;alnst himsclI, Symphony Orchc trll. Burber I lions from the Iny t1l1ator that • enee before hi conccrt Tuesday. plan "would plea ~ everyone but it till cJo -croPlX'd from t.hC' Now most wltn who in yoke the naUonal debt and cutting taxes Q. - What ... Afrlc .... and Asl· h r for Ih ' conCf'rt, he : as soon as possible. should be occeptabl to the Unitcd nam p rt ill George Bernard the Fifth Am ndmcnt arc a silent Soviets Reiect an. think .. Amerlc."s? State ." haw's" alnt Joan." Art 'r finlsh- a oy r , Sut not Beck, who musl titropolou and Barber ha\' U.. d unIen fvtMh te ,.,.y '"ns A. - "Abou as much as we Diplomatic elrcll' and Egyptian Ing th movie In London, Jean be lh loudc t talking non·talk r In work d together s vcr 1 Um In from banks, ltulld hi. Seattlo, think of them. They don 't act like W..... , ...."., "'1,,., hi' own they hate nobody. ,. and UN so urces Id the " ameli- sp nt a week in Pari . the bu Iness. Big 2 A-Plan lhr p . l. Th Internationally known bank .cceunt, ...., pay per...,al Ex-~(.ench Q. - What do Afrlc.n. and AII­ orat d" Na 'r cannl plan hapes "No rol could be a dJCflcull Again and a,oin, he told th n· conductor he performed \i ral WII. fer such Item ••• ,antonln" up us follows: as 'Saint Joun.' I wa lcITIIIed ators that he was purauln, tho _ think .. .".I.... nt r.clal in­ 10 OW "" - vi t Ru 'ia of Barber' compo itions with th "'lrtI,"'" ex,..,sI.. necktl .. , cidettta In the U.S,? 1. Etyptian authorities will ,o1- and it Is pretty dHCicult to portray path only on the advice of "my New York Philharmonic. Commlttec coun I Robert I". lect all canal toll . a Int - because few actre chiM couscl, Sen. DuH," Tu day gave the bru hoOfC to th Premier Dies A. - "They think they slink. Mitropolou ha apJX'ared a Kennedy said some $IIS,OOO o( un· They think they mil." 2. A fix.d perc.nt.,. will be de- ar ," Jean said. Jam s Dul(, former senator from Bermuda plan 10 ,ive ad\'ane" Ul S ion money was used to pay IX'r- LYON, France I.fI - Edouard po it 'd In a separate account for Ii Sebcrg hI! II few car P nnsylvanla who now practices notlc on atomic t t e.xpLo ion au t conductor 0 r the ym- SODa I bills. He said Il wa chon. Herriott, 84, the Grand Old Man s.. Arm,trant Concert Review u by th TeehniClI1 A I - from h r fir t starring production. law here, was not in the hearing and to Invite International ob· phony and Choru in recent yeaTS. ooled through Nathan Sherrer. of the French Parliament, died tance Board to maintain and d _ The real one ar on her hand room. Tuesday. p. '. rvaliol'l of til xperimcnt . When be wa on campu In 19$5, man, Chlca,o labor con ultant fOr velop th canal. One press report and body, suCf red when the lire Sen. Pat McNamara (D·Mlch.1 He r riot was But Leonid F. Jlylch \', For!'ign Milropolou truck out at the bu Ines firms around the counlry here said tbis would be 25 per ccnt. at the tokc In "Saint JOlin" got finally apepared to be exa perated IImount of tate support glv n ar. and a friend of Beck for some 20 premler of France Q. - Do yell think ,ood-wlll trips Ministry prc. chi f, stopped short like yevrs to Afrie. and Asia 3. F,..,dom of shippine will be lout of control. at thi .• repeated Invoking or a for· three times in tile .r. of outright rej 'cUon of the pro· li lic cndea lior lit SU I. year . 19208 awtJ 3OI!It as effective a. til. ty" taken by gUBl'ant(ocd by rl'affil'malion ot til' S'" h•• other"l: S'" I. thinner mer colleague (or he sald: "The only Ollng important to lhe Sheffcrman took thc wiln ,~s He !Nas'I" Y e r· V1c ..P,.sldent Nixon to Africa ,.. 1888 on LDntlnople coovention - hal Me" tell.'ne vlt_MIM Ity '" want to say I'm not a bit 1m· po al made by Prc ident Ei n· state govcrnment is the amount of tand at the end of the day and thrown Ole last cently? guarant eing unhindered acces to! the ,roM - I. tlrM - and ••ry pre sed by the (act that your coun- hower and nrill h Prim Iinistcr corn thal com from the ground" te tined he paid Beck $24,500 1Il time beca\J8C he A. - "Man, wc're hired to play the canal. I unh.ppy Oftr q,*" .ttriltutH I Is ex-5eD . DuIC," Harold Macmlllan, h saJd at tllC time. ' l~! and 1Il00. But he id t~at was Od .. her I" the 188." But Beck, a bulky, bald man Insisted Fra nee music on our trip . T)1c ,ood·wlll I C ts 01 0 aid no t cum'" "Thing are Improvinl;' lit .. f. Beck swung hiS norman 0 I McCall'. ma,.line_ whose voice ~asUy would carry to ~~ ~ay, s h 0 u Id pay ' a part just comCi automatically. We ogreem nt wa reached on the lie aid Ru 1a {avO/' d 0 "rodi· ted Tuesday, "but the legi [a(ure tooludilll IIt,OOQ IncommlSlilon World War 1 debt ain't try'n to fix nothin'. Any Egyptian !>Osition in the GaUl Strip Saying that the tor>: had been \.he back o( the room at the most cal solutloo" - oulright prohlblUon still is not providing cnouah 1ftIDII- .lID • IICw bookk.ccplna y tem for installment to the good-will that comes from OUT but that much progre s w mad cut dra lically, so that It appeared tempestuous union me e tin I s, of nucl ar t sts - rath r than ey" the teamlter., and an un pecifled United State. at trips comes from the trumpet, not in clarifying it. be wa making r marks deroga. wasn't disturbed at all. "roundabout methods." He cited the (ael that 5 I . UII sum ShcCfe~n a!,d hi son mad 'ts I 'I d tory to her home town, Jcan said: When a acnatorial question seem· the proper time. Uie White House. Our trips are for E t h t d Th po Ilion thus appeared to has no audItorium as an cxan1pt u partners In a ,firm tIlat got the music, not politics." gyp as re or(' I c VI a· "£t' h J ld 't ed a mite barbed, Beek laid hur- He defied the Nazis and France's minislratlon Lo lhe strip oyer ls· S o,!!e. .wou n say any- rIIy, "1 don't appreciatc that kind be th u5u.1 Ea t.Wl tand-oCr of failure to givc the art the lUI)- contract ror CUrDlShlng and decor- puppet Vichy government In World Q. - De Yell think lau I. a rae II prote ts. lhing agamst It or the peoplc of a state~Ant." _ with RU8sia wanting a slmpl port it deservca. aUng the luxurious team ~ers hcad- War n and was imprisoned in "Her sal• .."an for America th.n . there. The tory has upset my ""'" agreement to top testing bombs, Tucsday morning tltropolous ~uarters bulldin, here m Wash- Germany. t.reI", aid In til. form of money? The \Drormant hinled tbat ~as. parents and me, and I'm sorry . But probably the ~nkindcst Be~k ­ the West contending a paper paid a surpri e vi it to City Hlp mgton. ser may have given HammorskJOld about it. P ople th rc have n- I m or aU came dunng a dlscu 510n A. - "Jazz is the greatest thing agre ment would be Ie. in the School and at in on rehear of Under questioning, Shef(crman After his retirement from the and oral commitmcnt not to move couraged m ." oC the U. S. Constitution. This Is all presidency of the National Assem­ nowadays. It's more popular tIlan ab nce of a broader dI arma- th school's band and orchcltra, also tesUfied thal Norman Gcs· war." troops into the strip iromediately In the next three w ks at home Ia subject dear to a senator's ment agreemcnt or means to en- His vi It "almo t floored" the sert, a nephew o( Mr . Beck, wa bly in 1953 because of ill health or to take any other aclion to dis· Jean plans a busy schedule _ gel- larynx, and he can spend hours a special post was created Cor Q. - Where did yell find yell force it. chool's orche tra conductor. on the flrm'a payroll drawing a ware ltalt receiveci an your tours? turb the situation. ling reacquainted with the family mulling over that famous docu- . Mltropolous attempted to make salary Kennedy put at a total or him as the body's honorary presl· Hammarskjold is not gOing to shc hadn't secn ince la t Novem- ment. Sometimes you Ceel that scn­ dent. A. - All over the world. lIyic~v at the ame time re- his visit in Iowa City as inconspic- $38.500 over the last few years. Jsrael on this trip. He had made ber, and meeting friends he has ' ators feel ~y have a patent on it. jected In eCfed, a Japan note uous a po iblc Du . 1...... 1""'" K d 'd Q. - Any specific p.rt? · th t R " t . t "t I . rlDg ."..- "''''', enne y aI, Wearing rumpled suits and with A. - All oyer tile world. The known (rom the first that an Is- grown up witll. But 8e(:k turned out to be a lee- a kmg a u 1a s a omtC C "We knew hc wa coming," said Gessert also wu an organizer (or a big briar pipe sagging eternally crowds tIlat met us at the airports raeli visit depended on develop- She will swim at tbe Y pool a turer in that field, too, and when expl~ ions be . ~pended. IProf. Himic Voxman, head or the the tearmten and drawing upwards from his mouth, the elder states­ Joked like they came from the (oot· ments. lot, because Cecile In "Bonjour Chairman John McClellan /D,Ark.) Without a big po~cr agrc.'m~nt SUI Music Department, "but he of $30,000 from the union. man continued to Influence French ball stadiums. You'd think they Tristesse," he next role. swims, dryly observed, "I'm very glad to to end test!!, he said, the SoViet didn't want a .Iot of p~blicity." SherCerman said he didn't know politics after World War II as an The sunkcn tug Edgar Bonnel, was waifn (or the lord· mayor of last block in the canal to passage Jean also will let her hair grow get your Yiews." the sarcasm mis - Uni~n would have to ~o nlin~e per- Milropolou IS planmng to tour anything about Gessert' organiz­ early backer of Pierre l\1endes­ so by ooxt July, when filming is cd its target completely. some'n. But it was just Satchmo oC a; hlps up to 20,000 tons, is to be Cectin, its weapons, !neludmg nU- Europe this ummer a gUC5t con- in job althou h he aid he had France and one of tile early mov­ scheduled to begin on " Bonjour," ''I'm very ,lad to give them to and his boys." lowed out of the way Wednesday. clcar weapons, ID Lhe Interest of its ductor of orche tras in italy and I hi' t I . I bo era Cor a united Europe. she can t'ave a loose Italian cut. you," Beck said. ow .~urity 1G leen m a various a r conven· The impromtu and somewhat dis· Only Egyptlan permission will n ~~ . ermany. lions During mOlt or his career in na· organized press conference ended, I The last time the conductor ap- . then be needed for three·fourths or peared at SUI was in March, L956, left. J ...... McClellan fD-AIiI.) tional politics and at his dcath he the 56-year-old Satchmo and his more of normal canal lraffic to be was also m.yor of Lyon, Francc's wh n he conducted Albert. Rou _ ....tienetI -.ell ...... union boys headed Cor the Main Lounge resumed. third largest city. and the capacity crowd was ob· scI's "P olm 110" and Sir William metMe" wt. elected him pro.l- Herrlot was a leader or the viously more conccrned about the Twining To Head Joint Chiefs Walton's "Bel hazzar' ' Fea tn with ...... him te take the Freneh radical Socialist party, performance o( jazz than the state the SUI Chorus and Orchestra. Fifth Amendment "abeut ~y w!Uch despite ' Its name is not a of international affairs. British Try Anew WASHINGTON I.fI - President He conducted the Be.rlolz Re. "" fMIc ..,. .. their fA...,...,? left wing erouping. ]n his last E~nhower named Air Force Gen. quiem at SUI the year beCore. Bed". tnc:ome m returns are years be tilled the role of arbi­ To Settle Strike Nathan F. Twining to head the Jllmes Dixon, C9Nluctor' of the under invesl.. aUoQo ,b)' the Intcrnal trator In the sorely split party So Sorr.. - Me Poor, Joint Chiefs of Staff TUesday in University Symphony Orchestra; Is Rcvenue Service; The. way he han­ wboIe major Caction is now led by Need Money for Food LONDON I.fI - Union leaders and the biggest reshurne of top mUitary a protege o( Mitropolous who for· died Teamsters' fllllda is under in­ Mendes-France. employers' representath'es held leaders since the year be took of· merly conduct.ed the M'inneapoHs l vcsti1atlon of the ''PCCial Senate RACINE, Wis . I.fI - Larry Lowe separate round,Ule-clock confer- fice . Symphony Orehe tra. committee usiJncd to look into of Racine, back from a trip to the cnees Tuesday in a new atte,,?pt I Twining, a member or the Joint Improper labor and industry activo Far East, received by mail some to settle the lklaYoOld strtke Chiefs since 1953 will succeed 1lJee· important papers that had been paral~ing Britain's shipbuilding Adm . Arthur W. R~dford as chair­ SUI's Union OOicial. I And the AFL-CIO Executh'e in a wallet which was eithcr lost yards. man on Aug. 15. Radford will step or stolen In Hona Kong. The shipyard strike settlement down after serYing two two-year Attend Utah Convention =ilin ~~ictdin~O~ Tbls Jetter ac:eompanied the could lead to the end of a much terms _ the longest tenure which I offici", to Invoke the Firth Am· Cloudy papers: bigger walkout involving a million the law allows. Prol. Ear E, Harper, director _ .. _-- f II ed ------oC the Iowa Memorial Union. and 'I:.NI • ..,.,t on maUen 0 a cg cor- "Dear Mr. Lowe: ~e very sorry workers in key industrial plants. Mr. Eisenhower also nominated who came to the Pentagon in Aug- to fill tile secretaryship being va- five other SUI Union oCCiclale will ruption, called a session for Fri- and me fmd you wallet JD street. Me . The exe~uti~e .of the ConI~ra. _ subject to Senate confirmation _ ust,1955 with the understanding cated by Quarles. attend the Annual Collele Union day feel very sorry to not return your ~lon of ~hlpbullding and En~mce~- a new Air Force chief oC staff, a mcrruiDI. he would remain not more than Adm. Ar)el&h [ .. rke was at the Convention in Salt Lake Cit" Beck could be expeUed. He I • wallet, so me only take you wallet Ing UDl~ns. (CSEUI,. which IS new deputy secretary of delense Warmer ( J two year., alao was announced by same time nominated for a second Utah, this weekend. fought refused to sign "-__~. ~ you ~y, and return you mast~~mdini both str1k~. agreed and a new secretary or the Air the code and unportant thillll. Hope no get to MJDlster of Labor lain Mac- Force the White douse. RobertIOn asked two-year term as chid or naval Harper, president of the na· it. He had "no comment" on Tues· Higb telnperatures in the mld 8DifY to me, Leod's requ~t to join in a court . that it become effective April 25. operations. tiona] ol'lanization, will leave for day'. action. 40s are (orecaat for Iowa City "Me very poor man. Me need of inquiry. Donald A.. Quarles, now seCM!- To IUcceed ~inIn' 88 ~m- ' The White H~ said Gen. Max· Utah Thursday accompanlecl by He bad refUsed earUer to hand today after kiwi last nllht in the money for food. After all, what is The engineer's stoppage is tPe tary oC the Air Force. W8I named mander of. the Air Force, Elsen- I wel Taylor will continue in his George F. Stevens, aSlistanl cHr:ed- over to the commlttee, either vol­ blah .., p~ cloudine. is \ U.S. $II for you? first stage of a snowball strike to be deputy ~ry 01 defemIe, ho~er nommated Gen. Thomas D. term as Army chieC 01 staLl until or of the Unioa; William L. Adam- UDlariIy or IIIIder a .ubpoeq serv­ also expected. ' "You papers is worth more, so which the CSEU says will spread , the No. 2 poS1tioD 10 tile defense White, lIOW the vice chief of the June 19, l8II. The PentalOD saidl son, asslat,. to tbe director; Vio- eel It the witaeu IIaDd, hia a. Outlook for Tbunday I, partly me sa)' a.ain IKr get angry to me. to three million workers in 4,300 Iestablishment now held by Reuben USAF. ~he Army l!Ommander serves "dur- let P,mmel, manager of ~ II rec:or-. .. baob ~ cloudy and e()fttinlMld mild we-th· Good Bye, " Friend, p.s. Thill I:: plans by April 6 if its demands Robertson. James H. Doullas, underseete- IDI the plealUre or the President service end Mrs MJJcIred Z. I.e- ~ 1<1 __ ..... _. pe .... to

eri 0_ _. _ __ _ _ Chl'iJt1nU aill from me." _ are JIOt meIo _ • . ~__ T~ resignatiOn 01 Robertson, tary of the Air Forte, was cbolen but not lot more thnn rour ~ars." .Voi." head ~. .";'~ iDvolvm, , .. lI.. e 2-THE DAILY IOWAN-I_e City, le.-Wedn.. 4Iey. Mu. 27. 1957 • at ' I I "! Buster , Bla{iJaYH ~----The Daily Iowan ~....;.;.....:;..;.;..; Male ~~oks lnvaW'e K)tchen I, The Daily Iowan is writ­ pointed by the president of ten and edited b!J nudent, the university. The Iowan', and is governed b!J a board editorial ,wIley, therefore. is Chicago Expert reUs ·Women "~ " of fice student trustee, elect­ not an expressiOn of SUI ~ They enjoy experimenUng with contribute their share toward the ed by the student body and ministration policy OT opin­ Ladie, b«:>ware! The mighty I herbs, wines. and smoke to attain household responsibilities." fOllr fa culty trustees' ap- ion in any particular. male has invadt'd the kitchen with Ike a vengeance. interesting and unusual flal'ors," Cooking as a hobby is an out· Creative cookery has found n('w he said. growth of woods cooking where the disciples among members of the In a book store rece tly, lhe lIT fisherman and hunter prepared No stronger sex - so much so that food specialist discovered 14 cook fish and game he has caught, she Budget Cutting Emotion special cook books are b«:>ing writ· books written by men and slanted said. The outdoor fireplace and To ten for them as well as by them. toward the amateur cook who grill also have lured men to the In :1 Senate speech on \Iurch 21, Senator Harry Byrd What's more, the e amateur styles himself a gourmet. art of cooking. AT joined the crowd of public figures crying out for a reduction' in gourmets show more imagination Not only are cook books being "Once men Kot into the kitchen tPI­ '- in their cooking than many of the budget. announcing that billion can be cut from de­ written for men, but newspapers and disco\'('red the satisfaction to Thursd $1 ~ their Ceminine counterparts, ac· are carrying special columns for be derived from cooking. their th~ gull fense, atomic and othe r national security activities. cording to I\Irs. Evalyn Brinkman. b"rra a/ Ille male cook, aprons and other creative talents came to the fore," Byrd further recommends a $2 billion reduction in foreign associate profes or of home eco· kitchen apparel arc being manu- said Mrs. Brink.man. old nomic at Ulinois Institute of The '" aid and n $5 billion reduction in dome tic expenditures. Technology tJ1T). Chicago. factured Cor men. and in some Creative cooking affords a men to ] n view of the world ~tllation as w e ll as home problems, She should know. In addition Lo cases. special equipment is being means of selC~xpression that felY designed with "him" in mind. men can achieve in their regular the Pr uch as highway congestion, these recommendations can be teaching COUTses in food , home liantly management, and household equip· "Men always have played a jobs. p.m. He ctitically view d. ment 10 home economics majors. major role ~s c.hefs in ho~el s and ',It permits them an escape from moment It is important to remember that better than 75 per ccllt Mrs. Brinkman teaches experi· :,esta~rants,. Said Mrs. Brinkman, their routine workday world into mental food s and Cood study cours· but In recent years, the ranks ~~ flights of Cancy through the crea. on the of the budget is inflexibfe and cannot be cut without changes th n h(> es to men enrolled in llT's food amateur ~ook.s has mus~roorned : . tion oC exotic dishes," Mrs. Brink. qUJrt{'rs in the law. Much of the remaining part of the budget goes to I , technology curriculum. W~y thiS tremendous tn~erest In man observed. "Men are much more .daring to cookmg by th e non·professlonal ? Prior t support activities tha t few people would seriously argue should Men were forced into it. more "They have the ready excuse. in rr· ~t at their approach to cooking," .ob­ which most women will concllr," be reduced , such as h ealth programs. Compared to what can served Mrs. Brinkman. or less. when so many wives be­ Comman gan to work outside the home, commented Mrs. Brinkman, "that not be tOllched, the amount that might be even tampered with folk with "In many familei . both the hus· cooking really is a woman's Held." nited S is \'ery sm a ll. band and wife are employed." she "However." she added. "while ", tiOM. most women appreciate being reo T hus the largely emotional appeals for budget reductions • Washington said. "and men of a necessity must lie PI lieved from the daily chore of cook· commnn( ('cm to be inspir('d more by political than by economic reasons. / Texans Are Still Proud ing. they would appreciate it even are dOlnl Senntor Byrd referred to Secretary of the Treasury Ceorge WSUI Schedule more if their amateur go urmets notions New Highway Boss would prepare {he foods for cook­ Humphrey's statem ent that the huge budget migbt lead to a Wednesday, March 27 world in By GEORGE DIXON 8:eCJ lIIomln\r Ch."el ing themselves as well as clean I tol AtJar "ha ir-curling" depression - an emotional appeal that frightens 1(ln( . 'e.tltre 8yndlcale 8:15 News up the mess afterwards." WASHINGTON, D. C.-Supreme 8:30 Rise of Am.rloon R •• U m IIUnol1 lnlt1tut ~ ot Tuh"olol' W('·.c;/{'rn the public without making it clear that this is his opinion nnd 9:15 The Book I.. ", Court Justice Tom Clark and Sen. 9:45 Mornln\r Feature William A. Blakely, the interim 10:00 New. that others disa g ree comple tely with his state ment. 10 :15 Kllchen Concert appointee from Texas, arc fellow 11 :1V.) Llvln& To,ether sion, w The proposal to cut the budget, if soundly based, is an townsmen. They are both from 11 :15 Pat1ern. of Thoulht Letter by Whlt~ accep table one. H owever. d espite ~enator Byrd's bl1nd a sur­ \ I ... a place called Dallas. Moreover 11 :30 Let There B. LIcht ~ 11 :45 ReU\rlou New. JJm('s / " they both practiced law in that 12:00 Rhythm Ramble. On Cj a nces that it would b e simp I)' "squeezing out waste." there j 12:30 News Mencken Comment Mr. Ei community and came up in the 12:45 FI!'tit ImpressIon. Washin'{t thc "cry real possibility tho t it might curtail vital program . local councils DC the D mocratic 1:00 Muslcol ChAt. Fundamentolists Th Pr 2:00 Our MUl lenl World THE EDITOR: We must clearly rC'a lize that reductions should be con­ . - party. 2:15 LeI' Turn a Pa«e TO cruisl' to Furthermore. Senator Blakely is 1:30 Introdut'tton to Mu Ie In 1926, H. L. Mencken main· sciousl), a pplied. An all.encompassipg reduction that hits every 3:?O Waltz. Tim .. improvinll reputed to be worth $125 million, 3:30 New. tained. "Heave an egg out or a bothl'red b uclg t item regardless of need would b e folly. which should al least help his 3:45 Cu •• t Star Pullman window, a nd you will stubborn townsfolk to suspect his existence. 4:00 T •• Ume This is tl'U because: . I 5:00 Children. Hour a Fundamentalist almost every. developed Although the people oC Big D will 5:30 New. where in the United States today." 1. Russia has a hugc military force, now almost as modem 5 : .~ SpOr"lIm~ inflammal "It's /lot for myself. l'm merely accommodating a depressed friend." unquestionably hate me for sug· 0:00 Dinner Hour It is di smaying iii rOClcft that, to tub«:> in hI gesting such II thing, Dallas is not 8:55 New. judge Crom recent letters to the nnd mobil e as ours, even though she lacks the world-wid 7:00 Curtain Coln\r Up The pI c th biggest city Daily Iowan, so ma1'l¥ likely tar· system of bases we now enjoy. 7:15 Patterns of Thought to cruiS<' the world. In fact, 1:30 Ceor,elown Unlverolty Forum gets in Iowa, in Ip~7 , woUl d b~ 8:00 Music Hour strenm . 1 2. Russ/a "as been progressing in leaps and bounds in aU when you come 8 :00 CI1.m~r F •• lure college graduates. soak up ~ right down to it, 9:30 Or,an Room Frederick A de Lune, G technological fields. 9:45 New. aond 5pOrl. some hip it ranks only 22nd 10 :00 SIGN' OFF 422 Bow~ry S...... t skeet sh 3. Russia is still an unknown quantity, and must b e c1ealt I in the U nit e d - --.------...:...... :...--- plenty oC with intelligcntly, realistically. and from a position of a t least States with the Cannot Remain Sta~ic; Must Keep Abreast 1950 Census giving sea Cishin mutunl streng th. , Mr. Eis Of Swift Onward March of Research it a population General Notices W e must therefore be Sll1'e reductions do not hann our 434,462. Why there arrive ot U.nenl Notice. inUit be receIve" at TIle Dally Iowan office. Ro' d. ';01, C~ afternoon. securi ty effort. By J. DONALD ADAMS pace in a world whete the frontiers world, and one of the halC·dozen is a guy in Chevy: munlcaUon. Center, by ••.m. for publlcaUon the followln, ·m6w.bI•• TIl.,. I must be tyced -or le,lbly written and olIned; they wm not be accepted ..,. From Ibe New Y.rk Tim .. Book ROlltw of knowledge are being pushed back largest of any description. Chase with only .... In tJ1C past. sensible programs for reducing the budget $100 million. and DIXON telephone. The DalJ.y Iowan r_rves tne rlahl to edit .n ~ra1 Not!.,.., The late George Lyman Kit· at an unprecedented rate. (rn the United SLates first place I . have been propose(.1 and rejected. he's the talk of the neighborhood! MUSIC RECITAL - The SUI and unsold , ,books Ihl'ough Ma rch tredge, most famous of American The libraries, like every other is held by the Library oC Con­ Most of u assumed that Scnator Department of Music of the School 29. Unsold books can be picked up To mention a few militar items: Shakespearean scholars, was a unit in a university" life, a,.. gress and second is now quesUon· Blakely was 11 household word of Fine Arts wilJ sponsor a recital at the Student CoonciL Office in the. man given to forthright statement. feeling the pinch produced by the able as between the New York 1. Unif/catioll of the Anned Force would save millions. among DaJJasites. loo. But the at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the North southeast corner of the lowa It is told of him that. walking soerl", costs of maintaining ell Public Library and Harvard. Both, perhaps billions and eliminate some of the continual int£'r- other day litis happened : Mu ic Hall. Richard Fulton. tenor, Memorial Union from 2:30 p.m. to through the Harvard Yard one day, c.nter, of hight .ducation. In size at least. are on about the There was another cocktail party Alan Aulabaugh, piano and Perry 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. SCI icc bickering over funds. • he pointed to the Widener Lfbrary Every rtltriction upon their same level as the British Museum in the staggering round of lunches. Jones, baritone, wil l present tllC Books and money not claimed by 4 being and ~ai d : "Every other Harvard growth les ..ns ~ flow of life. and the Bibllothc more purcha.. price of a!'y ~ ac- Justice?" sity Cooperative Baby Sitting puter Lecture _ Mr. John W. To a Maker , of Music they cannot remain statiC; they readily perceived. I _.vI,..cI, it costs 55, In our Infl .. "No," returncd Juslice Clark, "I League will be handled by Mrs. Caperon - "Applications of Com· J must keep constantly abreast of or those 82 millions, 15 are ear. honary world, to placo end keep don't know him." Robert E. Cal dwell from March 26 puters to Problems in Mathemat the swift onward march of re- m\rked Cor Harvard's library, any new aC4llvlsltlon on the " But." argued the other. "you to April 6. lC a sitler or informa· ics and the Physical Sciences" The effect of beautiful music is a most subjective thing - search around the ,glo b«:>. j It is interesting to inquire why .... Iv ... must! They've got a price tag on lion about joining the group is de- _ Shambaugh Auditorium. one that does not escape many of \IS. Like a solitary walk on To Cunction properly, they must such a s um should be deemed As in any university library him of $125 million, and that should sired, call Mrs. Caldwell at 7165. 8 p.m. _ College of Law and make a man known , even in Dal· t < ~ H' _... . a spring night or a talk with YOllr best friend, the effect of be ceaselessly expanding:' Yet ·col· necessary to insure the proper which aims to keep abreast of ' ZOOLO J. y S-EMINAR _ Zoololty Depar ment o. Istory. pres",,,, leges and universities the country functioning oC what. on the strengtll advanCing knowledge, every coun­ I as. Wh at's t he matter - don t u ~ graduate lecture _ Rathe-rine music goes d eep and lingers. I over arc find ing It increasingly I OC its present collections, is the try which contributes to the you like him?" Seminar will meet at 4:20 p.m. Drihker Bowen _ Senate Cham. It is for this reason that we are grateful, though too often ~CCicult to maintain the necessary greatest university library in the growth of learning is drawn upon Justice Clark transferred the bag Friday in Room 201, Zoology Build· ber, Old Capitol. 'in n silent way, to those who make music. Cor new acquisitions. o( groceries to his leCt arm and ing. Dr. C. C. Wunder, Depart· . Almost half the books acquired held up his right hand as if admin· ment of Physiology. will speak on Friday, March 29 Samuel Barber, noted American composer, is now a guest by Harvard in the course of a year istering the oath. "Gravitational Aspects of Growth." 8 p.m . ..,.. Art Guild Film Serlet at SUr. And on campus this week his music is heard. IThe An'gel and the Sailorl arc in languages other than E ng· " I give you my word." he de- -- - "Flamenco" and "The Story of His compositions have included nearly all Fonns for orches­ ish; more than half are published e1ared. "that until I read about the CLASSICS COFFEE HOUR - Silver" - Shambaugh Auditorium. Reviewer Says New Calvin Kentfield Collection outside the United States. It is a appointment in the paper I had The Classics Coffee Hour will be Saturday, March 30 tra and chamber groups, songs and ballet music. When the Justifies Enthusiasm of First Nov.1 signiCicant item that last year, for never heard of Blakely in my life!" held from 3:30 to 5 p.m . Wednesday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. _ City Edit. \finneapolis Symphony was at SUI in January. it played Bar­ example, Harvard spent $20,000 on • • • in Room 110, Schaeffer Hall. Slides ors Conference _ House Chamber, ber's ballet music Medeo's Meditation and Ponce 01 Vengeance. EDIToa'S NOTE: Cal_In Xentfleld . hcnding father; Tr sy's mother, Slavic books alone. Federal highway administrator wil l be shown at 3:30 p.m. Every· Old Capitol. •• &lye .r Keokuk, and a .19.. fl ".d­ a dreamer with the world in her Librarians, long the poorest paid Bertram D. Tallamy is in the sec· one is welcome. Brass.Woodwind Small Ensemble has been extensively played in the Uni­ ale .r 8UI. ba. ...entll' ,ubU.h.d a His Adagio for Strings ••"e.1La an. Dine .bert I lo,lu under blood" ; a sibylline - grandmother, of intellectual workers, are of ond monUl oC his job. He seems U llIe tlllo " Tile An,.' a nd lb. Sailor" to be a conscientious fellow, a STUNT.TUMBLING CLUB Workshop .- North Rehearsal Ha . ted States and Europe and was recorded by the late Arturo IlIIeG.a .. -Hm. n.MI). Much of Ibe who had "known too much," and, necessity being granted higher sal· Sunday, March 31 TosC'anini. h... 'eals ..lib .Iorl.. of 11ft! In most important of all. The Sailor, aries, Cor if men and women of good engineer , and a so und high· The club will meet from 4:15·5:30 9 to 12 a.m. _ City Editors COD' •••11 Iowa ....er t.W.,. Da,l nr 19.• :1 a semi-legendary ncestor who ability are to be drawn to the pro· wayman - in Ule legal sense of p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Id his was the first ...... se KenUleld W8' • ,Dell lee­ the word. But the new road boss through March at the Women's ference - , House Chamber. 0 In 1937 SYlnphony in One Movement tarer I. t"~ Ie ....rlter .' "",.rluh.p. had perished at sea and whose Cession in sufficient numbers, they American work to be entered in the Salzburg Festival. m. IlI'st n .... el, " The At~bemf 5t.·.'· exploits became a fever in the must be given financ.ial induce- had better be careCul if he doesn't Gymnasium. All women students Capitol. V.,are,'· w.. p.bUl hed. In 10;..\ by Monday, April 1 Hlre•• rt Braee ••• Comp."y. A re­ mi nds of his descendants. ment. want to collide with local pri~ . are welcome to take part in the Brought to SUI by the ~Iusic Department, Barber heard yl... .r 101. lal.. t ...rk '011 ...... 2 p.m. - University Facul~ h Every college and uRiversity in Tallamy said the other day that tumbling, trampoline and appart· SUI composers in a closed session Tuesday and commented Mr. Kentfield as created a story the country, to fulfill its function, there arc some communities that us activities sponsored by the Wo° Newcomers Club Tea - University By WILLIAM PEDEN that, b«:>sides being a provocative must give as mach attention to its Club Rooms, Iowa Memorial UD' 1100n their works. Mondav night the SUI music faculty pre· motorists want to come into, and mcn's Recreation Association. Fr.. Tbe S.1 ..day Bevl.... myth, is electric with SWipense. library's requirements as it does others that they want to by·pass. ion 8 p.m. - University Concert music. Calvin Kentfield';; second book Among the b«:>st of the shorter to its physical equipment. Course, Richard TucKer, Tenor - JeI1ted a concert of Barber's chamber He declared that Washington is PLAY.NITE _ The facilities of of fiction "The ngel and the pieces are several _r~ries of life Giant stadiums ,nd IUlluriou, Main Lounge. lowa Memori~ '1onight, the University Orchestra will present an all-Bar­ one place that autoists will not the Fieldhouse will be available Cor Sailor," amply ju!iWfes the en· in or around Brigh~ ' s Crossing. cIormltorlo" for all their publl­ want to by-pass. This was un· Union. It her concert to honor the composer. Thus in our way we can thusissm wblcli greeted his Cirst a small Iowa town within sight city value, contribute IIHfo t. the questionably very shrewd of him, mixed recreational activities each Tue,day, April 2 thank him for a very personal thing - for makirlg music. novel, 'The "'chemist's Voyage," of the Mississippi River. in.titvtlon's ,..411 ,..ason for be- l>ecause, so long as he rcause bers of the faculty. staff, and stu- '.yednesct.y, AprIl 3 is the most ex· "River Stay 'Way Crom My fadlltlo. for ,..Harch aro I..... Washington was the only place he dent body and their spouses are in- 8 p.m. - fowa Society, Archeo- IRIDI.. DIal 41.1------If you do IIOt _~Ive citing writer this Door." with its vivid contrast be· quate, and obviously you' cannot specifically mentioned. vited to attend and take part in logical Institute presents Profes- AUDIT .UDAU your DIUy Iowan by 7::10 a.m. '!'be reviewer has en· tween humor and the looming have a good or g,..,t conter of But we are traditionally indul. the activities in which they arc in· sor Sestieri, Velia·Elea, site of the OF Del\)' ro"an drcuJaotlon d~rIm.nt, caCVUTlOKl In the Communlfttlona C.nter sa countered since spector of death in the river, loarning without, good or g,..at gent with newcomers. We like to terested. Admi~sion will be by fac- Eleatie School - Shambaugh Au- . open from • un. to 5 p.1IL Mondl,. the appearance of should find its place in any store· faculty. give them time to feel secure be. ulty, staff, or student J.D. card. ditorium. # ., tbroup 1'rIda7. PubUmed dall, ..COPt llundl~ an., Flannery O·Con· house oC Mississippi tales. It is President Pusey's convic. fore unsecuring them. Therefore, 8 p.m. - C;:oneert - UniversitJ Monday I!nd 1..-1 hOUd.". by stu­ •dent PubU .. Uon.. Ine.. Communlca­ GAILI' lOWAM IU•• SVlIO'" no. nor. An "A Place for Lovers in the tion, which I heard him expreSs we refrained. for the nonce, from WEIGHT TRAINING _ The of Illinois Baroque Players - Mac tiona _ter, ro,.,1 CltJ'. I.,... .. &no IalOOL OF 10V.. A ..... FACULT'I' The tiUe novella Summertime." my own favorite. in Boston a few days ago, that asking him which communities he Weight Training Room will be bride Auditorium. "'red .. eeconcI d_ matter at the PublSsher ...... La&er O. .nl po.1 ofn~ at lo.. a City. UMft the Irdltorla...... Artbur M . 1IancI • ....", depicts an unusu· ,is first·rate in every way: around Harvard. as the country's oldest thought motorists would want to opened for student use on Mon- ThurscNy. AprIl 4 act of Conpoeu or Marrh 1; 1111. Adnrtbin...... • . . B. lobn Itottmon at herione who a routine dredging operation and and most richly endowed unlver- by-pass. days, Wednesdays and Fridays be. 4 p.m! - Panel Discussion ClrculaUoG ••• •.•.• WUbur Petenoft would be more at thp varied reactions oC the in- sity. with a tradition of scholarly But we will ask him that, just tween the hours of 3:30 p.m. and Faculty. Students. Administration DIal 41.1 "om noon to mWIlI",t 10 home in the me· ..... habitants of a bleak river town pioneering behind her, bears a as soon as he starts to gain eon- 5 p.m. The North Gymnasiutn will "What Academic Freedom report ne". Itema. w~·. )flip MDlBU 01 the AaOCIATED PRZ8S I ..rna, or announeemeab III The '!'be AJiIodaIatl PftM 10 enlltJed ex­ dieval world of KENTFIELD to the dredger's crew, Mr. Kent- special and national responsibility fidence . If he mentions any spe· be opened lor student recreational Means t~ the Student" - Seute DIU,. loW.n. Editorial oInee. are I. duslvel~ to ~ _ for republication folk ballads than in the upper field has produced a story which at this time. cific place. we will have the inhab- purposes each Friday afternoon Chamber. tha CommunlcltIonI eonter. of aU the toeel new. printed In this new...... u • aU All n .... Mississippi valley town Into which is at once illuminating and en· It is his bellef that in a period itants of same howling for his from 1:30 p.m. to .. p.m. 8 p.m. - Sigma Xi Open HOUII lu_rlpUon rata - by earrler la 4ilPeteta. fate and Mr. KenUield cast her. tertaining. when this nation is responding to blood. - Dr. George W_ Beadle, ChaIr, ro... CIt" • _II WMkIr .. tI. .,. )'Nr In ad"."c:e1. fhl month.. -. ------...,..- Tret'S)', only daughter of a pro- The remaining stories arc group- the challenge of world leadership, . I can. just pic~ure the ~loodeurd- STUDENT COUNCIL BOOK EX. man, Division of Biology, Califor· ...., three monIN. ~... ., mall DAd.T IOWAN .DITOaJAL 'T4PJ' sale Iowa farmer, horrifies her ed under the heading "Mortality" and when il.5 responsibility for the gy Ia 10_ .. per ,..1'; ItlI monUY. fI: 'mg <;nes Cor hiS scalp If he says CHANGE The Student Council ria :stitute of Tec,hnolo . -: "S~ IIII'M montba• .s; all other mall sub­ !a~"":i·.JiOi: : ·.::·w:;:a:~= I.ther by her childheod disPlay of and include a long·winded se· diffusion of knowledge is greater that Burgtown is one place that Book Exc';lfge will return money EJC ~r RtJcjpl~s or L!.ID~ ~~ acrIlItloal. .It per ~r: IbI JIIOIIIIlt, c.t;.-';i.G,I; ...... Don "'td\eU creative gifts, and disgusts him qucnce involving a young Ameri· than ever before, the program to every sightseer will want to miss; . " ICJ1lS - ~hemlstry Auditorium. ~t cu, Idltor ., 10M mHIII,. .uo: ttne month-...... , HIlWa e.ltor ...... Jlo, .alller by shocking revelations of a sec- can's eCCorts to get from Sicily which Harvard is 'now committed or that Cityville is the place to by- (Notrces of univerSIty-wiele infrest Mil be publlshstl In DAIL' IOWAN ADVIaTlIIKO IT"" &port. UII"!...:..:L'':':'" "-117 DtanU ret U!~. wl;ljch he ~ wW.J\ot",ole.fBt¢. to ~ndon (or a jo}ly good Chrlst- must Inevitably, by chain reaction pass. I can see berserk civic lath- the General Notices column. Notices of com,,", elrib Advfttilln' Mil. .• . . . . Mel Adlllll Altt. Adverualnl lI,r... l:nde lArldn Chief PlJeIO...... ~·.;y·ii.~~ihi Around this "aark ange1" Mr. mas Eve, a static conversaUon and the force of ~xemple, foster era marching on Washlngto~ like meetings will bepubli~lecl 'jna(r S.Ul"fem-t, col(lTnn edCr.;:J Claulll'" }III'. • ... • , 11m Hultbal'll 80cIetJ Editor ...... luU. Footer Kentfield revolves some memor- piece about death, and two stories the cause or higher educatJon the Old Bonus Army, c1amonng to .- •. . . . , Clm&JeUon )lallIPI' •• . . Paul IIMnl Idltorlal AAINII& . . ..•... .. Dietrich able characters: the uncompre· of liCe .board merchant vessels. throughout the United States. tear him limb from limb. day in anC?ther section of Tlte Dally Iowan.) MIt. Clml...... ~ Hartmann , THL DAILY lOWAN- lay}a City. 1•. ...: VJednHday. Mar. 2.1. lts7-P.,. 3

• ,r .. O I .. ,I WIVES Is Your Husband an Dixon 1";0 COliJducf Symphony Nationalism April 7 Date Set ; Engineer or DraftsmC'!~? ,. , In Compositions by Barber Named Topic For Cancer Drive Would you like to live en in San Jose, California? lrd the Four compositions of noted Am­ erican composer Samuel Barber Of Conference . ' , (n.. r S- Fr."cilco) A klckoCl ffii.'('hng for John n calton programs 011 can«'r. ~ will be presented by the Univer­ an OUl. Thr dlHt-rent analy of na. County will bt> held at the J ff r· Robert said that Jocal cluiirmen sity Symphony Orchestra tonight See our Ad in Clossified lere the lit B p.m. in the Main Lounge of tiona Ii m, th t compl uniCit'r nd n Hotel at II !l.m .•. April 4, an~ ",:iU be .Ben Smi~ and RusseU I repared Iowa Memoriol Union. di. rupl r of many a country, will', tile !ocfil cam gn will starl April Wicks, city ~U'~~:. Mrs. R. fht, she be> offered 10 high chon} and col. 7. Nahonal Cancer Sunday. Troyer. rur~; Ir . .... a1bam Nus· ce and Barber, the winner of two PuJitz· Ie!!e tl'achers ludenl and others lost local aethity in the drh'e ser, Coralville and Frank Itzln, Food Machinery and compo ilions of SUI stUdents in a to the April 12 at 'I, will occur the fDllowin week. Universily chairman. , closed session at the Music De· I I partment Tuesday. Tbe .econd day. April 13. of tM I The Iowa DI\ision of tllf Am· Local persons who ar member I Chemical Corporation Tonight's program. conducted by 351h annu I Confer nct>. of Teach· erican Can r Soci ty '" 111 u the of Iowa dh'iaion romrnill are I~~!!!!!. ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I cr' of Hi.lory and Social Studie logan "Fight CanCt'r With a Daryl Stamp 'f" James Dixon, of the SUI Music De· I Of . K. W. eros. .~ partment. includes works composed . will f ature a pan I tlli ussion n Checkup and Check" for 1M sec· and Dr. Robert C. Hickey, aD W ,- Ad -G"'R ;. It over a twenty year period of ' \lh t .... goe into ",orld hi tory ood con uliv y ar in Its annual the nh'ersity ~pitals and Le he I ant' s et e' su S rour and ho it i organized. Cancer Cru ad w)Jlch begin April G MOfllc.>r. Director of the SUI Barber's life. I I . "Renection on • ·alionah. m"ll. School of Journalism. Overture to " School lor Scand· will be> t)l(' conference topic of GI nn Roberts and C H. IL rryl , ______..+b ...... al." was written in 1931 when Prof. Boyd C. hafer. f l'mcr h ad Parson , are John n County r0- Barber wa 21, and is not intended of th nher It)· of Ariton hi . chairmt'n for t)l(' educational and as a direct portrayal 01 Sheridan's lorr d p rtlnt'nt 'Who i now, erv· fUnd-ralsini campaign. Th ' i comcdy, "School for Scandal." ing a 5-year term a ('xecutiv sec· Robe>rt' t'COnd )' ar county Barber said - the work seeks more relary of th American Hi orical chairmnn. to present in general terms the A sociation lind editor of Th WtU 4-y ar-r's o;Second Symphony." haf r earo d hi l ,A, d reI' paign in Iowa as th t~te's young· also slated Cor tonight, was com· in 1930 and hi Ph D d grl'(' in e I cru alier. missioned by ~he Army Air Forces 1932 at UI. With hi wif rol Pally's pare~t. 1r. and .lr . during World War II. The compos· ILar n hafer. n I 1. gr d· Robe>rt IcPh II. how COll§('nlc.>d er was nown, in various types of uat in 1931. from Iowa Cily. hl' to tell Patty' slory to the people planes, from one airfield to another co-aulhortd an t90m a ocial prob- of Iowa and 10 allow P tty to rv to absorb the feeling and atmos· lem book, "Life, Liberty and th Ih I 57 cru. ad )IrMa!. P tty ph re of his subject, noted his bio· Pur 'uit of Br ad." 10 1 bot h e)lt' to cancer when he The greatest ,rapber, Nathan Broder. Vo' a b by "Knoxville: Summer of 1915" chu. ett In tilute of Technology Th goal foryl(' .Iowa division of little girdle writlen in 1947, was commi sioned will . peak on "Cultural Nation 1. th cnmpalgn I ~.370 10 .be> used by famed soprano Eleanor Steber. iem ond a alion J ultur" H Cor r arch, publac l'ducahon and ever designed! ; The composition sels a mood of Ia . i, t(d in the' preparation of th er\'lc programs throughout ~ nostalgia, and is the selling oC a ,olum , "Th Letter. oC Theodore 1stat . Th Johnson ouaty goal 15 prose text by James Agee. Roo ev It " and I now wriling a $11,500. I, .' • . Ixly per c nt of e\'ery cancer Closing the program is " Souven· biography of lIe~ry 1\I0rgenl1lau, dollar coli cted will be k pt In tll' Oally 1II ... n Ph.~. b, ft.~ lra...-n little X ~* irs" comoois ioneel by the Batlet I St PETER POD SAMUEL BARBER. right. shows copy of original Icoro to Prof, i;34~3. . ret r) of Ih Iren ury, :tate for I~al cancer control pro. Society in 1952. The ,suite consists Phillip BOilinson, aslociate professor in tho SUI Music Department, Th public ('\' 'ning Il'cture of th arams. 2.5 PH c nt will be used lor gives you, complete of a waltz. a schottische, pas de left, and Dimitri Mitroupolous, conductor of New Yo", Philharmonic confc'renc-e. "The \lr dlt'\'al Origin tat ~anc r r' arch and 12 per deux , two step, hesitation·tango. Symphony. Barber's worle will be featured in concort tonight by 01 the ' ationnl tatl'" will be given crnt WIll be u (d for national duo fi9u1'e control with and gallop. SUI Symphony. Milropolous came to SUI to hel p honor Barber. by Profr, or Gain Po I oC th(' Barber is a member of the No· , never-before Unin'rsity oC \\ I con in. 11 i the About The tional Institute of Arts and Letters, M·· edt F d Duthor oC nunwrou article on Ro· 'freedom, oj action! I and. is vice·~resident, of the Inter· Issing a e oun man law and m dicval political 93 national MUSIC Council of UNESCO. theory. only '5 Barber is now completing the T d· B Servicemen score of an opera, "Vanessa," rappe In oxcar commissioned by' Ihe Metropolitan . • • I Elvis, Marin' pre. Qu ntin J. Black. Opera Company ' of New York. Marine Iowa City, land 1; t\d'ml '\l'P. 1" iI\'n 1\\1'1\\ ~ ~'1" \ while trapped in the Car. Re' a toy pi. tol on patched up lh ir nylon power net, prettied with dainty trim. I Prof. ~ic hard H. Popkin of t~ e I'"',,' h'" .., h' ,iI.n", .t tho III sU'.J ' j 1 diC/('rcnc('s Tu ' day. Small, medium, Inrac. White S I Philosophy Department Will U.S. Military Academy, he wa~ rc, J.. Pres! 'y and Pvt. IIl'r ('l 'ixon. leave for Holland in September to i ported weak physically, bul men· LemtJ 18, ('mNgt·d from Il pfl\'at(' COD- J Panty II'lrdle has down tretc:h satin In.!.elt .~. , conduct re e~r.s;h at ~nlverslty tally alert. . . fr r nee in city judge's office Ule I 0 back panel and det.achabl gAl·ten. I of under,a FulbrIght Schol· A doctor in Jersey Cily who ex· NEWMAN CLUB _ The di cus.1 and onouncl'd that " l'verything Lan'rlle W. I K dera or lown U~recht mall, medium, larie. White only•• ~ D,j arshlp. anll'ned hl'm said he wa drl'ed oul has bet'n 'Iraiahtl'lwd oul." City gradlllJlt'd from recruit train· sion group will meet at 7:30 p.m. " II ' d t d P.opkin will study origi nal manu· for Jack of w~ter. The only wat"r 1\ wns a p mlsun l'rs an • Ing March 16. th Naval Train· u ~ Thursday to dbcu,. th topic. ' .. P I 'd " ''' . both SCripts and works. he had during his ImprIsonment " The Internal Prlnciplcs of Good 109, re ' ey sal . "e re ing Ct'nt r, an pi go, Calif. o[ about 24 French wa that contained in the potatoes Livang." !!Orry it hapPl'nrd ," y philosophers w~o themselves, Thr conlefl'nc wa. arrang('d .. ned to Holland In " . f by ily Jud "'c Bcverly Bou he CITY CLERK DIES i I the late seven· I . wanted. to get away, rom SUI DAMES Thr Homemak· , who , aid it wo. <'I up ot the reo ..I Ju~t ROCK ISl..A D~J.ll. 1.4'1- Emil A'j teenU. century. I' It, , rallroad .pohce quoted 111m a -ing section of UI Danw ' lub will , que, t 01 ", om hody" at thl' Mem· Johnson. 59. city c1l'rk oC Rock I • Fir t in Fa, Ilion oC L 8 whu when the French sa~tng hiS night from We Ime I at p.m . W 'dnc:sdaY at the phi 'oval Air Station th I land , in ce 1~9. was trlcken I Government drove Po tnt. . . . IIcll'n Bias home, 930 E . Bloom· \ Marine hod bel'n stationed. with a fatal ht'ijrl attack Tuesday. I 116 E. Washington 100,000 Prolest, Acadcmy auliJorala said Glb· Ington . A cOhlm'tic dl'monstration Presky . nid he drl'W a prop ------~~~~~~~~~ =-=~::..=.....;;....;;.. ------ant sou t 0 £ bons ran away March 17 b caul' will bc giv n by Carol Schnell . pi ~ tol In I Friday night aflvr f France h wa afraid he had flunked a Arts and CraJt~ wlil ml'ct nt 7. 30 Nixon tried to pick a fight with Popkin s ai d periodl~ physical aptitude tcs~. p m . Thursday in thl' Recreation the Inger. many writers pub· POPKIN Evcn If he had,. they added, It Area Confcrence room. ixOIl. who filed no [orm,,1 Hshed their manuscripts in HoI· ~ou ldn t ncce sanly menn expu]· complaint. slIId he thought the sorship there. Many private papers slon. YOUNG REPUBLICANS - 'A gun was real. 11(' denl'd he tried •• and orlgina'lrlahllscripts are In Gibbon said he made hi way f ur Y R bl' to start a right. he naliolllil ilbraty and the Re· to Campbell Hall, N. Y., a mall delegation 0 oung epu I ixon sold h only wanted to t can will all nd the annual conven· search Institute in Holland. he community about 30 mjJes norlh· lion of the Midwest Federation of strike up a conversation wiU. said. wset of here. Thl're h slipped in· Presley bul walked away when Popkin will stLldy in Holland side the potato boxcar the nlgbt of College Youn Rl'publican Club the Inger drew the prop gun for one year on a leave of abo l\1arch 18. Before th train depart. April 5-7 at 1adi on, Wi . Any and aid, '']'11 blow your brain "i, member interesl('d in going as a sence from sur. He was In Eu· cd, the car was sealed and Gibbons delegale should conlact BIll B r. out. you punk." rope last summer for rescarch was trapped inside. Howevcr, he BOUl Elvi. and Nixon wore at BibUotheque Nalionnle. the na· had room in the ventilated car to nau, L3, Lake City. broad smile wh 'n they walked lional library in Paris. The grant move around. out of tb judg 's chambers, lor this study was given to Popkln I Eventually the AWOL charge SUI's SYMPHONY BAND - Will Pre ley told Nixon, who c WHAT A MENUI A dank frank ~ an oIl roU, a pallid salad, and by the AI rtican Philosophical against Gibbons will be hard by make it annual 'pring conccrl home is in Sl. Louis, that he was a dry pie, Let's face il, frjend-your lunch-lime fare needs Society. academy authorities. tour April 1 to 5 and perform in dOing a how there next W ne· WHAT/SA eight Iowa dtie . Concerts arc day nighl. He invited Nixon to brightening. Recipe: light up a Lucky! It won't make a filet scheduled for De ioinc , Clear attend a hi gue t. out of that frank, but it's a Noon l300n nevertheless. A Ll1cky, Nurse Examiners PEPPY MEAT LOAF LIICKYAT Lake. Mason City, Estherville, 'TLI ure be there," the la· you see, is all cigarette-all great smoking, all the way through, . Pep up that meat loaf by sca 01)' Lake Park. Lake View, Jefrer on rine aid "I'll bring my wife To Meet at SUI , Lng It with Tabasco sauce. and Ottumwa. with me." lUNCH TIME? 1t'8 made of fine tobacco-mil'd, good-tasting tobacco that's D~Cu"Education I~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (dE,...~N--) TOASTED to taBte even better, BuL why wai till noon to try one? Right now, you'll say Luckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! esThe in e[owaducation will of bepractical the subject nurs· of the third annual conference of HandS======I' n. the Iowa Board of Nurse Exam· ners which will meet with faculty WHAT 15 A OUEHHOU~' Io[ the four practical nurse schools in Iowa Thursday and Friday at SUI Center for Continuation Study. The schools are located at Mercy JEWELRY Hospital, Marshalltown; SI. Luke's Methodist Hospital. Cedar Rapids; , - established 1854 Clarinda Junior Co)\ege, and the I SUI college of nursing. Persons interested in establishing addition·

al practical nurse schools in Iowa JAU'llo. I t In . ''''0''. have been invited to attend the Y• • ' ...., ... second day of the conference. .. ·' ...... d Neva M. Stevenson, consultant lor practical nursing on the staff I WHAT'S A sajv HINOU SOLOtD' of the NaUonal League (or Nurs· WHAT. A STOIIN lOA" WHAT IS A GlffDV INGUSIIMAN' ing, New York City. will serve as Prelude with resource person Cor the conference. answering questions and discus· sing problems in educating prac· tical nurses. ,Love Elizabeth Kerr, chairman of the SUI Department of Practical Nurse Education in the Su[ Col· lege of Nursing. is chairman of The engagement and wedding ring Hotydt arrangements for the conrerence. •••nf , ..... AII...... "'. ... . tu .. t ...... ' JlI.J duo prclude your life together and ' • • f CAun.. ... ,,~ , • ., ,," .HUIt WATCH THAT DIETl "". For weight·watchers: add a can a happiness more meaningful as the 01 minced sea clams. including the liquid, to tomato juice and heat . WHAT IS A QUMSY SMOn ycars p~ss. gently. Lots of freshly·ground . , pepper tastes good in this. @..s oteri.!~~~~~~!.~!~:,--.- StickliDJl We'U pay 125 [or evetY Stickler .... print.- amd (or bundnoda more that never ~L uaed. Stic:klera are .....pIe riddlea with two-"",rci rbymi." &MWefS. Both ... orda __ have the __ number of I)'Uables. (Don't do cirawiop.) Send C1GARETTES Dry. Cleaning your Stic:1den witb your name, "'m-. coUep a.ncl clue to Happy-Joe­ ~t\\tDJr~ LuckY. Boll 67A, Mount Veraon, N. Y. RIIUIIr Servle. 24 houn

III at ,. - out ot 3 III ....,..t From $7s.o0 to $lstC1." Up WI do till". tool f-~ ,...... \~! a' •••• Luckies Taste I leHer ' - !'"" ('4,. Gt'" ~ '. lilT'S Vars~ty Clean~rs TOASTED" TO TASTe BETTER ••• CLEANER,I _ FRESHER, SMQOTHER I Acres. From the Co""", at one hundred nine east wa,shingtoll • -- 1' u.J. , .... p'lck-up and dellvlry ..... T. Co. Dial tl53 17 E. W.. hl",toft Pate ." VEDEPO'5 ARE Page 4-Tl~E DAtl Y tOWAN-I~a City, ta . -Wltdn~sday, Ma,.. 27, 1951 Order ReplaY .IPirates OFF ThinR rne~'ll \ lAM"t . Of Forf~ited . I - - h F -I hi ' - N[ IAvtJIITII THE AAU Game P,n 1S .1 t n :~!!Tp.~~!~ By JACK HAND beter bench." ers. VEDEPO'S IARIER SERVICI Ike CUFF DE VER IA'I- atibnal AAU oC­ FORT MYERS, Fla. III - The The Pirate infield is set with Lack of a dependable lefthander Just 1'12 block. east of the ficials ordered a replay Tuesday who shocked Dale Long at first, Mazeroski on his thin starf hurt Bragan last Post Offic. No By Larry Dennis night of a first round basketball the National League by taking the <'243 1, the 20-year-old Hollywood year. 423 E. Washln..... tournament game invol\ing the Se­ lead last June only to Call back to gyad, at setOnd; Dick Groat ('273) attle Auto and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a seventh-place Iinlsh lhink Ihey at sbort and Thomas 1.282) at third. teams. To are good enough to make fifth Lee Walls 1.274) in left, Virdon SeatUe beat the Iowans 81-53 in place Ihis season. <.319) in center and Roberto Cle­ AT S the opening game of the tourney "We should Cinlsh fifth and, i[ -P Saturday night's idories by St. mente (311) in right ar& Bragan's Mary's of 'low a City lmd Dowling Monday. Then officials ruled the we're good enough to beat St. regular outfielders. Thursda winners had used three ineligible Louis, we could be fourth," said the gui of Des Moine~ in the boys' tourna­ The longshot ouWelder who may menl finals mark lhe first time in players and must forfeit the vic­ Manager Bobby Bragan. "I think berra (I tory. we'll beat Philadelphia, New York surprise everybody if he can polish the history oC the IRSAA tourna­ his fielding is Dick Stuart (.298 at old com Arter a meeting Tuesday after· and Chicago." The ", ment that both A and B crowns Lincoln ), the 24-year-old who hit 6G have been won by Catholic schools. noon, Rus ell Lyons, national bas­ Bragan, who moved the Pirates n1en tal out of last place in his rookie year, home runs and drove in 158 runs ketball chairman of tbe AAU. an­ last year. the Pr Of course, this was only the sec­ nounced the game would be reo has four definite reasons why he liantly ond lournament since the played with Seattle barred from considers hi 1957 club improved Bragan had fair calching last p .m. lit' parochial schools joined the asso· using two of tile players, Lcroy over last year's team. year but not enough hitting in that moment ciation in 1940. Bacher and Jerry Rodgers. "First of aU. we have Bill Ma~­ department. Doony Kravitz (.265 The fir st was last at Hollywood) is back for another on the Lyons ruled the third player, Lar­ erosld from the very start with a then het year When the year's experience under his belt. try and may wind up No. 1 if he Ram b I e r sand ry Beck, is eligible Cor tllis and qU:lrtcrll. futurc games in the tourney if Se­ "Second. we have BiH Virdon can do the job behind tho bat. Marshalltown cop­ 1.2L21 and Dick Rand Prior ~ attle wins. from the very start. He rut like a Jl\? t at ped the crowns. (!.hampion for us after we got him <'278 at Richester) may wind 'up Comman There have been Bacher made 18 poinls for Se­ from St. Louis in mid-May. with the other jobs. alUe Monda)., Beck 14 and Rodgers folk with two other divided "Third, Frank Thomas is settled Bob Friend 07-17) is tlle work­ nited S tournaments. in 6. down at third base after his switch horse of the pitching staff with l ions. 1925 and 1926, Augie Marlel, fiery guard who from the outfield. Ronnie Kline (]4-18) and Vern since lhe first IH- just completed his career at Iowa, "Fourth, we're going to have a Law (8-16) the other certain start- lie PI AN OLYMPIC ROMANCE COMES TO A CLIMAX with the marriage and Bill Seaberg, one of the stars amman 5AA meet in J923 . Tu ..day of D.. n Thackwray, U.S. long·dlltance runner, and Toni of the 1956'57 champions now in the ADVEB.TlSEME T ADVEB.TISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT are doin Prior to that, DENNIS Tancredi of Pre.ton, AUItralia. Thackwray, from Canton, Man., there were separate meets held at Army, led the Cedar Rapids club nntlon ~ met hll b,.ida during the Olympic Gam.. at Melbournl lalt winter. with J6 and 14 points, re pcctively. world in Ames and Iowa City in 1920, '21 The couple were married at Montreal, Quebec, to facilitate he,. entry tnl Allan a nd '22. Into the U.S. He,. they sl.n the register following the ceremony. Practicing \V ' tern • • • r()"P. u so, 'TWAS A great day for the dl Ik -- - -. Morris, Two Iowa IIi r Irish. The funny part of it is, sian, w neither of the two parochial ehools ~an Har y Wa - . Divers Leave For by Whl! are nicknamed the Irish. Dowling's James C monicker is Maroons. fro Ei In fact, there never has been an Wa. hinQ'l "Irish" team which won a slate Wynn's Pulled Tendon NCAA Swim Meet The Pr Ii tie. SL Mary's of Clinton, the Three Iowa swimmers lea\'o to­ cruise to only other Catholic club to win CUle day Cor Chapel Hill, North Caro­ jmprovins undisputed title in 1953), is nick­ Worries Crippled Tribe lina Cor the NCAA swimming meet bothered named the Gaels. this weekend. The Hawks will t'm· stubborn • • • bark from Cedar Rapids by plane. d e velDped inflammaj Iowa coach Dave Armbruster is tube in hI taking Gary Mbtris, Hawkeye The pI e standout in the SO, 100, 220, and til(> to crui. e individual medley, along with Estel Mills and Jake Quick, Iowa diver . tream 6' SKOL CAP soak up I Armbruster origina\ly planned to skol coat some ship take Earl Ellis along, but tho skC' l h( Hawkeye distance swimmt'r con­ tracted a throat iJ;I cclion over the plenty of sea n. hinl weekend and will be unable to Here's sportscar smartness in the continental make the trip. Ir. Els manner, The original European Skol coat, tailored i~ arrIve at : Iowa will face ~e best In the I ( oCternoon . nation in the til e day affaIr fine cotton poplin. Zelan weatherized. Wear the commence which pits approxi ately 45 schools authentic Skol collar open or closed. Imported British P in competition for the covcted leather toggles. Natural, slate, taupe. Ma cmillan NCAA tille. Swimmers such as slIch Dick Tanabe of Indiana and Fred dIe Hanley or Michiga'tl, in addition to of a tough group from 1he Ivy I LMgue, will be ~hling for lhe crown. Robin MM'e of Stantord PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT ... 0,. at least these SUI students ST. ClAm·JOHnSOn is also favored to pick up a few are. tryinlL to bona up on thai,. smoking ski ll for the forthcoming points. pipe smoking cont.st to b. h.ld March 28 at 7:30 at Racinn. Th. 'JutnlJ'z.ln9£. Armbrusler said Morris is look· obiect of the contest is ta see who can keep 3.3 gml. of tobacco . ~t;n'£. aolh~~ - ing just about the same as before burning for the longest period of time. So prove yourself a man the Michigan meet. Gary nosed out and enter the conte~t now. Stop at Racines for further information D .... IIlahl. you ct.n't afford not to) : .i Dick Hanley. Michigan's Olympian, and entry blanks. by one foot in the Ann Arbor dual. The Jowa coach ~lso said Quick and Mills are looking very good. Ohio State won the NCAA title last year whll the Hawkeycs fin· ished in fourth place. New York Mayor Says Buying ?-Renting ?-Selling ? City Can Keep Dodgers .1 NEW YORK IN! - Mayor Robert F . Wagner of New York City said • Tuesday he is confident that the city would bo able to keep the Brooklyn Dodgers in Brooklyn de­ 'j ' spite th ir apparent preparations to move to Los Angeles. "J am confident we will be able to keep Ulem. We want to make sure that they don't leave," h said. ''THE MIGHTY MIDGET" A DAILY IOWAN WANT AD

BILL VEECK, former owner of 'f Ir WHITNEY MARTIN Oddly enough , both men are rug­ which necessitate1 an operation, the Cleveland Indians, is now head ged speciD'lens, well-muscled, an incapacitating injury to the of a public relations firm ,that has :J INEW YORK 1.4'1 - There is a splendidly coordinated, graceCul hamstring tendon, a second kn ee the baseball team as one of its ac· -Slrange parallel in the careers of and agile. DiMag, tall and lithe, operation, a pull d thigh muscle. counts. oe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle moved with antelope grace, mak­ a later aggrava~n of the same If Veeck couldn't put the Indians who, with the exception of three ing the most difficult plays seem­ injury, sprained knee ligaments, ' over while he owned them. bow war years, between them have ingly without effort. and now his two latest afnictions. II does he expect to do it now? been custodians of centerfield for Mantle is the burly type, with In hi s 13 playing years with the • I • •• the N'ew York Yankees for more tremendous shoulder and neck Yankees, DiMaggio played in IROOKL YN DODGER President than 20 years. muscles and capable of a burst of every game in only one season - Waiter O'Malley is disappointed in Both came up to the club with speed greater than that of any 1942 - although be missed only one I the latest proposal to build a new histories of unsound legs. Di­ other ball player in our exper­ game in 1948. Mantle has yet to ball park for the Bums and keep Maggio had a bad knee which ience. play a complete sehedule, and them In Brooklyn. caused scouts o[ other clubs to Just checking back .on the last his early start in ' the injury de-! ~be Stark. New York City doun- p~ him up I. a poor risk. Man· four or five years of DiMaggio's partment this spring indicates he cll,' president, wanls to baUd an tie suffers from osteomylitis, a playing career we find him' under- probably won't m~e it thjs year. arena in U. area of the ~rcdUyn chronic bone ailment. oini operations [or el,bow chips If ManUe can !pst l\s long 8S Parade Groun$ instead 'of : near Both can be classed in the sup­ and a heel spur, and suffering DiMag despite his'1ragility he will the Long Island Railroad Terminal er-star categ2ry, with DiMaggio [rom virus infections, a groin in­ be fortunate indeed. It does seem where the Dodgers want it. already in the Hall of Fame, a~ jury and a pulled leg muscle. that to play centerfield Cor the O'Malley doesn't take a shille to Mantle headed in . that direction. MantIe, since joining tile club in Yankees the first requlslte Is a the new site. MauUe's most recent misfor- 1951, suffered a knee injury pair oC creaky p\nL "aye hope, Mr. Stark. It's just tunes - a sprained thumb and an -~--- I the time of year. That warm Call- ankle injury - threaten to keep fornia sunshine looks awfully g~ him out of action until the season during ~ cbilly March days. opens at least. BREMERS~ ~~ . PHONE Engineers' Draftsmen ~ . SPp~~ls~~ I, ChecJIul. moos mte II b to autbonz.e mn· O\.h('t5 of the btlls added indud )J~ n.'TlJI~ Mr net .... W rl'ti1. W VISIT OUR "1.:1wyer and History" will be nicipalili to proceed to ard ~ tlMKe to sJTl(>nd the t.:lt consti. L1~1I. I tul al Me... ) Jl~II.L the l~tU1'(' !opic or biographer Ielearanct' of slums. tution so a to broit any. liquor fLAVORING FOR SOUP OPEN HOUSE DllherlDt' Drmker Bowen. Thurs· Also ,but nt to the que.tion including I slUing the Bay I aI. tbrm and parsl y 2611 BRADFORD DR. day al II pm. in Old Capitol. ISenate was a comp:mion m . I of liquor by t~ drink to rn.:rke delicious herb combina- IN THE Her lecture at '1 is sponsored ure of one 0' er which tire Ko the voters. tion for na,'Oring soups. by th lAw and Graduate Coll~. argued al I ngth t'arli r in ~ -;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.;;.;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::";;;;;:;;;;~..;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Town Crest Addition and t HI tory Dep rtmen\. She day which would permit 11 ('OUn. t Open 7 "I:. pok Tu. d y at COl' Coliege, on ties 10 IlU\ke emergney t.:l lev­ 'rem ,.m. ,.Ift. rUES" W.O., & THURS. "The Art of Bio aphy" and will ie of )I, mill . The bill pa sed IOWA'S FINEST take part in a pan I there Wecinel!' 84-4. 0 0 • ~ ~ da.y o~ "The Creath' Ar in Am· Another bill passed in the aft r· • 20% More Protein I ~.. erlca. noon ion w one to redefine Calcium £.l1li Phoapherw --c: H r works - tbr of ~m ~k the term "contract carri r." The d M I of t. !onth C.lub leellons.-.ln. arfUmt'nts to whetner enact. • Vitamins an inera I Fer HIthHt o.n.r Vel. elude blogr pill or great JUI'I t menl of biJJ \liould not limi. • Tast •• Better, Too! like Oli,· r W nd II !'!olm • ·.'Yank. n Ie truck rvl to smaJl towns. Birchwood from Olympus. and Sir Ed- Bill t . t .. - I' f ~ w rd Coke. "TIl Lion nd the 0 I!,crea 'ft: sa a:1 0 .~ B Old I Throne." nd mu ician like PetE-r luture .Ie~ lalors. set hi hwar ~f!I UI ers, nco Tcbaiko~ kyo "S loved Fri nd." speed bnu. ure two,caf 11- "11m D-.IIIE WE BUILD dU. FUTUU and Anton Rubt>n tein, "Fr cen pIal per) rand u)crease rn" INTO EVIItY HOME Arti.t~· l~he~5~tre~n~~h~a~n~d~p~8~.~Or~~~I~~h~_~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::~:::::t::~~~~~~~~~======~ "Employln nothing but clual Coct, 'r. Bow n outdaule any hi torical romanet' in the pr. nl a· tion of wild ambition • intrigu and crime." write Chief Ju. lice Ar· thur T. Vanderbilt of the upremp Court of c'J, J r y. who r \'1 wt'd her lif of Coke arly tbi month ... SHIED ADS in th 'ew York Time . The d ughter of H nry turlis Classified Drink.er, }·lim pre ident of Lehigh Apartment for Rent ~ ___'--_ ..;.;.;.;=.;~~~ ___ i TrClUer for Rent niver. ity. fr.- . Bowen began h r Advertising Rates . 'ttilv car r o. an autllor by writing a ,\1llNI. lrEO I rl nt, \\1. l1ao. ~I I l"OR RVfT: 1151 U ft. 1"0 bedroom REE MIDWESTERN MISSES snking the-tit "Min N.tion.1 P,.... Photo",.lIph.r' pose pre • 84~ . o II I,.,U.. II FOTell VIew T,.,ller Par.. . history of Ihe Penn. yl\'ania insti· On Day ..... _ Be n Word 4.%7J'l Phone IllS or E'relP" by the Iowa F('d· could b a "lethal do. e" of l!. r· h ight nlng njoyment and appr • --~--~------~~~-.~ . -I-n~~ elation of one's Own life and Ihosl' DEADLINE eration QC WOVIen's lubs and the else for anoth r. u~r:o furnu • I k n . plumbln, rhe· ... SUI Exten"ioll DiviSion, the meet· of other.. Deadline for all c13 . Hied ad­ lUft"" • -... hille ma\hl tlell. alw:! nrr • ..ratnn . t.a,..w Con1pan),. 2lT fUt:n , PhonC' 8301 . ing closed with II tea Tu sday If you iet overtired, you probably vtrllsini I 2 P. I. (or in .. rtion .·27 pnernoon. need exercise to incr a your en· W hlnlfllln . In (allowing m 'rning' I l. uc. The -_.... 4.'1 ProfeSSOr Gladys Scott and durance, Mi. s Scott lIgg I d, ad· BATH ONC E A WEEK FOR "II':: _no blu • • tled ,"cht .1 ... 1argaret Qhlson of the S faculty vising a m diesl clll'ckup before Dolly J\)'N\ln f til S U\ ri hl 311. \'" ,", .....,1 11,1,\ ,b 16 . l'1\0 or ar getting too much. th quent ablUtions. - BOONe NEWS. ,scott is chairman oC tho D part. speaker said. Excrci e in the right REPUBLICAN. Engineers Ord.r from : DAILY IOWAN ment of Physicill Education for amount. hould nol leave you tired, Spring Festival Wave I, I Room 201 Communication, ~vomen and Miss Ohlson is dlrcct. nor should it ":lakl' your mu ell'S Drafts men COMPLETE - $7.SO Ce nter. br of Nutrition at University 1I0s. SOre. Any exerels' program hould By the Girls pita\. I slilr.t she ,======g:a d~ally . ~Ilutioned. J Designers ,,- Co.Starring Chari.. Bickford Towner's Beautycraft f Exercise should be e8 ier. for I l!lghlJf~tmlt todoy s nutrition Relph Bellamy with "vom2n of th mid·twentieth problems, l\/ls Ohlson s8Id that ONE NilE ONlY l WANTED live in PHON E HAWKEYES IN P£RSONI Rod Steiger, Elh:abeth ,,:If ce~lllry. since tMy have been freed recent research ha. shown that Montgomery IMMEDIATELY San Jose, California 1927 - 1f$1 $1 50 POST rom the corsets, slays and long WI:' are 1('s sus (ptfble to cardio· Na\lena", &.mIU' M '-Itur Except 1m Pilid kirts of their grandmothcrs. but vascular diseases if we use up the voeat \.r. Violin Headquarters C{.titW@.,OIIj". To manage an eateblished home cLually they get no more physical calories we takc in in food eal!h Moving a nd Travel 1tS2- 1956 activity sinee they do less physical day." And even LO to l5 pounds of TIE O\lIOMOS grocery and housewares busl­ VIOT TN - \'PPU - JlF.NT $250T. $600 Expenses Pa id Il P aT itEr \IIUN(I Mork. have more lime for bridgc exlra weight In men at the age of C'U"'I'tn t. 't." ll~t.~,.\n. JAGUA R M... Salerv plus commission liMy o.,\\n T IILl R PIMI POSTPAID 'and television, and ride more tl1all 140 and in womrn at 50 increase I'lu. ~lU,,'6 'ar o .. "dnl a nd bonus. Fiv. da ... rout. wttk. Alii 1.0 TIO'l lit Y A. MEN ... Enjoy Western suburban DAILY IOWAN they walk, Miss Scott sLaLed. Regu- Truck and m.rchandise fur­ living and America's finest J. IV . Ulh T. :;~~=-;-;I-T;ru";- row BUIIN.SS OF~ICE ar dail! cxercise is as fun~:. I JOE' '1110\50 nished by compeny with alt TODAY cllmale in the SonIa Claro ~.J. lr.U.... C ••lI' d hi. Glenn Mill" S\ IIni' operating expense peld. Per­ ..... (" ...... an 4m. Only I. I phi \I Volley, an hour', drive (I •. ) LAFF·A·DAY maMnt full time position wi th from San Francisco. I ROTC Offical To Take It.. t.tl.o-\I ·~ .a1l1 • t~t opporlunlty for edvancemtnt. T~.... r ...11 11\ ..'1.... . r p.n'la, Inl,,""lIoo.l firm ... flh I Infqrmal T.ur at SUI V. cetions with pay, hospital in· home ."I~.. In 3&n Jo r r.Anr- urance, li nd r.tlrem. 1It pl.n for ran.. en,hl Irh,.. ,,,.,ra",, ta. j Lt. Col. Thomas D. Kilday will ""tt tit .d •• neemtn' epp.r .. yewr future. lunlU .. rOt M •• banltal forlnt.N. ·arrive at SUI today to conduct a Ihart mfa. Dt Itn., .nlll I.n­ 2-d ay inrormal inspection oC the C UIIA · UllOM MaItM( . JlllATIIAJ tIAlf Contect Mr. Williams at Jef· ..-fnre-rln, (,h,d[l~~. t . Chhrn. onl7. ROTC Deparlment. IOUCH tONHOU .; JAr ~oy(UI • fOlfIJlll8 IOIMlIOVl farson Hotel this . venln9 from 7 to 9:30. Opf'oln,_ at all ' e""h; or eJ:pr,· Thc inspection will Wlhll lenc!f:. Int'Udlnr nrlnee" with It speaking with members of th Chao 'h't 1fa,,' ~.p~rl .. nu. Ceod latllnr olarl<. ptrtodl. plY rt­ mi litary department and officials 1- view.. top "".rlllnr condilion •. 'oC the University to Cind out prob· LAST TIMES TODAY ENGLERT Boa,d OOllf" and LaW.1I1 In Ih. lems and needs of the department. THE BIGGEST 'FOR SALE' tlel',lepmen 01 a ~de varlel, Kilday is from tbe Office oC .r ",.., pr.'u~l.J . P'ed.len ma· SIGN OF ALL IS THE thin ... umbllt't ,abr'ca" ••tr.r­ Army M fairs and ROTC in Wash· lur,. t whttltd 1114: truled "r~ . ~.~\, ... ".,. hIde. b,..ra.uUn. power ,r.ln • •In gton . He is on a fie ld inspection elrdro .. mf'chanl.m , ",1.1 111: h ...... lour for the office to schools that '\AtK [..=~ Little Classified lin, Ind lundlnl .qlll'.... n ...It . : OCCer ROTC. A R.pI rdl1S. I" P,od ... " .. . R.I ....~ by 20Ih Ceo:...,r OJ AD MOLINE INTERVIEWS Sun.-Mon. 9 ACADEMY AWARD 'NOMINATIONS! THAT YOU RU'N Mar. 31-Apr. 1 YOUR FOR SALE SIGN IN Phon GcorJlc Reynolds. hi [ D ign Engmeer, at 4-4371 be· THE STUDENT MARKET IS tw n 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Cor DNE~ STARTS - TOMORROW personal int rviews on th THE LITTLE DAILY lOW A.N date only. ToU call ae· 55 cepted. COLOt ~, DElUXE • THURSDAY· ".. .. clNlWt.ror MMIfII CLA SIFIED FOOD MACHINERY IIOORAIIKERR ' Yilt. BRYIIIO You wi II cherish it & CHEMICAL CORP. STARTS DIAL 4191 P.O. Box 367 TODAY .["J~" tlj ! as one of your treasured San JON, CCllifornia entertainment , ENDS Tennessee WilfiClm's "BABY DOLL" TONITE • WALK A CROOKED MILE L_' _fA '.'1 ;\~ T'i~YA:iv The moat amazing conspiracy th£ll world has ever known ... and love .a It never MAGNIFICENT as Sister Angela happened to • man and a marine called AtIi.on ... maroonl!d on a war· torn and woman P.. cific 1.I'lndl before I I

P.,e '-THE DAIL V IOWAN-I_. City, I a.-Wednesday , Mar. 21, 1957 --Profe Explains SUI Audience Cheers - Senate: Passes ./ fleath,-Elaniag.e.. Mollnt 'SatchmQ" Blows"I Bill Exempting Apian Theory In Wake rol Blizzard I - No III Wind Br The AJ ••Ial.' Pr... )'lew Mexico and Colorado west· J The staggering toll of damage ern Kansas and Nebraska dill Iy JACQUI ALPER * * and death left across the snow- l , Farm Fuel Of Astronomy The holiest* place* in* Iowa City Tuesday *night was probably the desolate Great Plains by a hiL. themselves out o~ snowdrifts which 1 Iowa lemorial Union where Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong and his and·run ipring bJjlzard over the reached 30 feet LA places. \ DES WrNES I.fI - After a day By DENNIS BROWN I of all out debate, the Iowa Senate Dall, Je.an taU Wrltfr crew of six mo\'ed in and told everybody to "get ready to jump." weekend mounted Tuesday as the Highway and rail traffic:, Tuesday pa d a bllJ which will A crowd of more than 1,800 jammed the Main Lounge to hear the storm blew itself out in the Ohio j brought to a dead.stop by the sucJ. Slides of a rare book by Peter Valley. ' exempt Iowa farmer (rom payin" Apian, sixteenth cenlury mathe· man who e mu ic has won the approval of thousands all over the world. Nine slates counled 35 dead, in. lien storm, start~d to ~ove agaiA. an e Umatcd $1 ,300,000 per year in maticlan and astronomer. were eluding eight from exposure, six Near normal rail service was es· sal s tax on gasoline, f rtiliz r. and "Satchmo" and the boys seemed to enjoy themselves just as much featured Tuesday e\'ening in an a the toe-tapping, wildly applauding fans did. from carbon monoxide poisoning, pected by Wednesday. chemical u~ in crop production. illustrated lecture by Curt Zim­ The vote on the measure was ansky. associate professor of Eng­ Armstrong who has been called the "Ambassador of Ja7-z," shared two fro!1' fire" four .from exerllon Farmers took in wandering 36-10, with six Republicans and lish at SUI. the tage with Barrell Deems on the drums, Squire Gersh on bass, and 15 m traffiC aCCidents. motorists who had abandoned their . Billy Kyle at the piano, Edmond Hall on clarinet and Trummy Young The breakdown by states: Tex- stalled cars. I I, four Democrats voting against the , The lecture, sponsored by th on trombone. measure. as 7, lllinois 7, Oklahoma 5, Kan· Rescuers estimated at least ' SUI Humanities Society, was de- One of the highpoints of the concert, presented by Central Party sas 6, Nebraska 3, IndIana 3, Mis· 7,500 tra~ers were stranded I The debate was highlighted by livered at the Lecture Committee, was the of Velma Middleton. Velma, who claims of the measure' sponsors Sh~mba~gh appearanc~ souri 2, New Mexico I, Iowa I. • Highway ~d resC~ crews work· Room oC the University Librttry. looks as if she weighs close to aDO pounds, cavorted around the stage that it was designed to eliminate Meanwhile, the Panhandles of ed afound the clock to free iJo. "an inequity" from the tax law, Only .bovt 40 eopios of Aoian's i in a bright blue sequined dress Singing and dancing through such tunes Texas and Oklahoma, eastern lated communities and homes. work, which cont.ins compllcat. as " Mama's Back in Town," and "Baby It's Cold Outside." and counter-claims by opponents ed hanckolorod devices ,for com· Drummer Deems was featUred in '''Stomping at the Savoy," alld that it would compllcate the job putl", ttl. position of the Jlljln,h, Young and his trombone took the spotlight with "The Bucket's Got a of preparing a buagct. men to, .,.. known to oxist tod.y, lim· Hole In It." The audience cheered wUdly as each man presented his The final vote was delayed .nsky wid, solo. tht Pr by a has Ie re ulting when Sen. In t.kl", hil picture., the SU I A change of pace from the red hot to the swect and cool pleased CANDIDA~~ ) iantly Tom Dailey ID-Burlington ) noted p .m. Ife profellOr ..Id that ho ulod. the cr~wd a Billy Kyle rendered "Tenderly" with mock seriousness. ,I that the bill. as received from th A VACATION IS IN VIEW for Marshalltown film star Jean Sebe,., .. "nurly perfect" copy owned by "Satch" waved the big while handkerchief, one of his trademarks, mom nt House, lacked an amendment on the she is met by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.be,., .t the DOl the V.lo Unlvorslty Medle.1 Col. and introduced the "High Socicty Calypso," which he said was "from J which purportedly had been pass­ Molnel Airport Tuesday. Miss Sebo,." a former SUI Itudont, h•• 10,.. the movie we made with Bing and all them cats." L11f'n hN ed by the Ifouse_ Ala, there was quarters, jUlt comploted the filming of the! movie "Saint Joan," Zimansky told his audience that Other hit on the informally presented program included Satch's , -BUT- no record in the House journal Apian, who e real name was Peter theme, "Sleepy Time Down South," "Back Home in Indiana." "Muskrat Prior I showing that the amendment had m~ 1 at Bienewitz, called his book "The Ramble," and "The Gypsy," accompanied by the famous drawl - been adopted. Astronomy of the Caesars" (or the ycesss ummm. CAN TELL Comman The Senate stood in recess for Jean ~QYs Magazine folk with benefit of the eomml sioners of "Blueberry Hill," the perennial favorite, "When the Saints Go I sClleral minutes while members the work, Emperor Charles V and Marching In," and "C'est Si Bon" were also crowd pleasers. United S called the error to the attention tion . his brother Ferdinand. The program closed with Armstrong's own unique version of "The : THE BEST PLACE TO of the House, which eorrected its Amplified Contents Star Spangled Banner." H!' PI journal. The amendment chan~ed The work was begun in 1527 comman( the word "gasoline" in the btl~ Jean Seberg, the Iowa girl who more for their understanding," and designed, as Apian wrote in . GET YOUR MEBOC ar dOI"1 of the bill to "motor vehicle fuel." is winning fame as the him star Miss Seberg said In a telephone the preface. so that "mere ama­ n atio n ~ After lhe House action, a motion of "Saint Joan," said a reeent call from New York Monday. teurs" could compute the po ition Defense Talk at Big Two world in by Sen. Dalley to send the bill magazine arlicle which quoted her She arrived in Marshalllown of the heavenly bodies without re­ SUPPLIES" tal AflUll back to the House for correction as saying life in Marshalltown was ~uesday for a visit with her family. (erence to complicated mathemat· W('~ I(' rn was defeated. humdrum docs not reflect her true Speaking to the Marshalltown ics. Not Disclosed: Hagerty rnTlfl. ,. Dailey termed the Senate action feelings. Times-Republican long distance, Ilmansk delcribed the work al WASHINGTON I.fI - Jap1e» C. Jlig rl' "highly irregular" and severely I'Marshalllown is a wond rCul Miss Se~erg added that the remark ".n In,onlous and elaborate toy Hagerty, White House press seere- world problems siened by Mr. Ei· SiOIl , W( criticized the leadership for hand­ place to grow up ... I have re· was made during the excitement for tho amUMmont of boys:' It lary, said Tuesday President Ei. seR,ilower and Macmillan here last by Whltj ling the matter in that way. spect for the under tanding of the of I,st November when she was cont.lnl hoavlly illustrated de· senhower and Britain's Prime w~k . . J ames C Sen. John Walker !R·Williams) people of Marshalltown and will chosen to play th lead in Otto vic.. , ulu.lly dials mounted on Minister Harold Macmillan had The accords were signed by Mr. • POSTER BOARD-various colors tD Mr. F.i declared that at the present time appreciate my home town all the Preminger's production of the mo. top of diall, which would t.1I tho "discu sions on defense" which Eisenhower and Macmillan at Brit­ Washinllt no one pays any sales tax on gas· "ie. George Berllard Shaw's "Saint curiOUI tho position of tho plan. were not made public. ish insistence, to avoid possible select from. Thl' Pr oline except "Carmers who use :t Joan." 1\li Scberg said her com. Ah. But Hagerty said anew that Mr. new misunderstandings. They cov· cruise to as fuel for production of crops." ment had ~cen amplified out of The book was especially helpful Eisenhower and Macmillan reached er such things as orders to pool • TEMPRA COLORS-ell colors with imDfovina SUI Student Health He said this was "an Inequity proporlion to its importance. to astrologers, Zimansky aid, who " no secret agreements" at their intelligence and planning, hard water proof media. both red which should be corrected" and Vaccine Shortage Jean' iter, Mary Ann, A3, needed to know the exact position meeting in Bermuda. decisions in some defense and po. stubborn that passing the blll would "give MarshallLown, an SUI speech path. of the heavenly bodies. Doctors, Hagerty was asked for coIl1- lilical matt~rs and agreed courses dl'vcioped some relief to the problems of Stops Polio Shots ology major, said Monday she too, could tell more easily the most ment at a news conference on a of action if difficult situations • GLITTER and GLITTER GLUE inflammaj agriculture, which i a sick indus­ thought po sibly that Jean had been propitilous time for admini terlng publi hed report that CanadIan 0(. arise in the Middle East and else- tub!.> in hi try In Iowa." Chester 1. Miller, head of SUI misunder tood in her remarks medicine to their pati nls. Cicials got a review at Bermuda of _Wiiiheiiiriiie· ___iiiiiiiiiiiiii .. _iiiiiiiiiiiiii" • • PHOTO ENLARGING SERVICE The pi He was challenged by Sen. Student Health Service said Tucs- about her hometown. Apian worked with ptolemaic "secret agreements" the Presi•• iii to cruise George O'Ma'ley ID-De Moines) , day that the ervice ran short of Mary Ann has gone home ot be system of the universe, which, the dent and the prime minister were $$ SAVE $$ ONE STOP SERVICE AT ... slrt'am .1 who argued that the biU did not vaccine Monday causing lhe can- wlh her famlly during Jean's visit. professor said, was an attempt to said to have made. Macmillan soak up I go (ar enough in corecting the in­ cellatlon of shots to be given stu·' Th national magazine quoted 18- explain the irregular movements stayed on in Bermuda, after Mr. $1.00 HAIRCUTS so~ hip equities in the pre/ient law. He dents. year-old Jean as saying she felt of the plants in terms of regular Eisenhower left to conCer with Can­ skC' el sh said that 1I0t only farmers but A pharmaceutical company will loneliness and isolation in Marshall· molion. The earth, under this early Jllenty o( ada's Prime Minister LouIs st. WALTS manufacturers pay sales tax on send a new supply of vaci/1e with· town. The article aid she com· system, was considered to lie mo· Laurent. sea {j, hinij gasoline used for nonhighway pur­ in the first 10 days of April, WiI- mented, " I never felt as if I be- Uonless at the center of the unl­ Canada Tuesday promised to sell ~!r . gl ~l p'oses. liam Tester, pharmacy instructor ' longed in Marshalltown. I'd look verse, BARBER SHOP arrive at r Brltain $115 million worth oC Sen. Jack Miller (R·Sioux City), said . I at all the people In this town who Ptolemy's system became so uranium in the next five years On ttl. Corner N.xt to afternoon. who Tuesday morning had at­ Vaccine is received through the ju t get up in the morning and go complicated, that required ex· commE'II(,(, it for what Macmillan called "a Th. "Whool" In Cor.lvill. tempted to amend the bill to Cor· hospital Pharmacy Department, home to bcd, and I'd think, i( tensive geometric compulions to Photo and Art Supp y Brilibh P very bold program of nuclear ex- 3 B.rbers .t your IIrvlce , rect what he said were in qui lies Tester explained. lie said that that's all there is to life 1 don't predict the position of the plan ts. pansion." , Hours. a,m,·tlll-7 p.m, oxcept Macmillan in the income tax, declared he there is enough vaccine at lhe ho - want it." Apian's computing devices, Zim· 9 S. Dubuque . PHONE 5754 such probl The British gave the Canadian I W.dnesday till noon would vote for the bill but added: pital for the immediate area al· Turning \0 acting was her way of ansky said, were one of the earlier a review of 29 secret directives, dIe East .­ S.turd.y till 5:30 p.m. "Friendly, Personal Service Always" " I hope that those oC you who though student's shots ha\'e been I escaping the humdrum life in her attempts to make such work easi- agreements and protocols on key , of North vote for this bill also will vote cancelled. hom town , the magazine said. er and with them it would have in We Irr for eliminating the inequity of the Childr n and pregnant wom n Jean said Tue day the article been po sible to reduce the calcu· 'lax on tax' now in treet in our arc able to receive shots in prcf· I was "a~ uncomplimentary to me lilting Lime for all Ole planets to income tax law." eronee to other , To ter said. as to Marshalltown." about two hours. r------, . ~. , Find Newspaperman , A Campus-to-Career Case History . Gui~ty of Contempt WASiJINGTON IA'I - Seymour Peck, 39, a New York newspaper­ •• '. man, was convicted T\le day of contempt oC Congress. " A U.S. Dlst. Court jury deliber· ated only 30 minutes beCorc return- is visiting our PAPER EDITION DEPARTMENT ing its verdict Olat Peck deliber- I ately and intentionally reCused to I . , answer live questions be(ore the : / o Senate Internal Security subcom. I millee Jan. 5, 1956. : and finding the best available In Peek had acknowledged then that I he had been a Communist in the : past, but had refused to name reI· I low mf!mbers. : Peck said he severed Commu- : nlst lies several year before he I FICTI,ON: became a copy editor of the New : York Times Sunday Magazine. I

Peck's attorneys, TeJrord Taylor : I . and Joseph A. Fanelli, said they I will appeal the conviction. : Of Human Bondage Brave New 'Wo'rld The maximum penalty for con· I tempt of Congress Is a year In jail I and a $1,000 Fine. Judge Luther W. Youngdahl fixed Wuthering Heights War and Peace no date Cor sentenCing. Peck was

allowed to remain free under bond. ....:u, ,- ~ . TW; ' . 1\t ..- Catch Her in the Rye Moby Dick Professor Ross Alter !eCUr;n6 field data, Mac McLtron la)'! oul plans lor new Ilnd Iltldi,wllGllelephone !t:fuiceJ, Announces New Dear Park Text Publication Figuring on the future Andersonvi lie Prof. Russell M. Ross of the SUI Political Science Department From Here to Eternity Animal Farm anounced Tuesday the publication Thur ton B. [cLeran, called Mac formation into working plans for our of his new text book, "The Gov· by hi friend , i an engineer with construction and installation people. ernment and Administration of outltern Bell Telephone and Tele­ It's a big job, and gives me a lot of Iowa" Great Gatsby The book is one of a series of graph Company at Decatur, Georgia. responsibility. It's challenging work Gift from the Sea 48 similar texts on state govern­ too, for an engineer." ment edited by W. Brooks Graves, Much of hi work i concerned t • Reference Editor of tbe Library of with the future-planning for tele· Figuring on his own future con· Congress. phone service to meet predicted de· cerns Mac also. He graduated from Ross bas included in his 364-page book chapters on each of the ma'nds a year or five years ahead. Georgia Tech in 1952, with a B.S. in A~d many,.many more .'. branches in Iowa government. He "My biggesL job to date," Mac Electrical Engineering. He went with started the book in 1949. The book is intended for use by says, "ha been engineering addi· the telephone company because of college students, Ross said. It is tional communication facilities for the advancement opportunities it o£~ the £irst book of Its type published We ' 'also :carry-many pape;-bound t~xt books I an airbase and adjoining aircraft fered, Today, Mac is married and Cor college students in more lhan 40 years, he added. factory in our di tricl. This means has one child. He looks forward to u.aking field tudie of the cus­ an interesting career in a growing tomer s requirements and planning business where individuals can ad­ 'Over 3000 books--Popularly . Pr~ced ' ~ TIRES ' how new telephone facilities can be t vance as far 'as their abilities will , J meet them, Then I translate this in· take them. \ . CHECK OUR USED • ..• TIRE BARGAINSI nnnn There are many rewarding career opportunitici The "It buy I" fOWII • • • in all Bell Telephone. Companiet. and at Ben TeJe. \ Factory New Treoda phone Laboratories, Weslern Electric and Sandia ® Corporation. Your placement offiftlr can ,we you '.LL TIIL.~HON. HAWKEYEi 'BOOK S.TOREI . t ' more inIorhlation about Bell SYltem Co~ ... eveT.M ;irts'One t . ' : ~ ~ . ,39 S~rt1' ~TON-ACROSS FR'?M 22 S. rNbuqul I