~ .., at- ed miDda Serving The State University of 10tCtJ and tlae People of Iowa City EStibi1Slled 10 Ii. Fwe cents a coPy I moer 01 AssOclated PreSS AP r::w.ea "In IIDd PbOio service Iowa CIty, la., WedDeidiy, MarCh 2'7, L!I5? r o( "RIIS- Teachinl manifest. 's .. r el a:\. Hint Possible r"amuml thefaet a sPCCiaI Tax Reduction , Beck, Teamster H'ead, the Soviet By January ·1 WASHINGTON "" - Congres­ sional moves to whittle Pre81dent Eisenhower's record peacetime budiet Inspired talks TUesday of a poslble income tax cut - perhaps Invokes 5th Ainendment as soon 88 Jan. 1. I Democrats were said to be con­ * * * sidering a political "coup" that. Won't Reveal would put tllem ahead of the Re· Shows . publicans In proposing tax cuts for 1951 - a congressional election Year', If Used Union W ... _.,. dI4 thI, r.pert He Is Not ·,aln CUf'Nncy than H_ R...-. llcans met In c.. , .....nc. ..... .,........ te reduc. t ..., "as Shy Type Funds or Not __ 81 pr.ctlc..... " .y ARTHUR IDSON , WASHINGTON"" - Teamster Lawmakers of both parties, al· Pre Jdent D.ve Beck Invoked the WASH1NGTON t.4'! - Da"e Beck ready trying to cut Mr, Elsenhow· Fifth Amendment Tuesday, r C . er' billion spending program. Tuesday Invoked the FOItrth ,,1.8 InK to tell Senate prober whether were counting on economy efforts Amendment, the Fifth Amcndm nt to swcll tile budget urplus and and "my chief cousel, Sen. Duff." he took more than $3)0,000 oC 'Un­ ",ake' lower tues possible. 8e(:k quickly howed a Senatc ion money (or personal u. How soon might tax relief be In\' ligating commitl that br's H also declined nlltly to Y ",anted? The answer binges in not lh shy type. And bcclU he whether he wa lylnJ or telhn,( large part on what Congress doc. 't he lOOn had verythln. to y­ turvy. the lrutb befQre million lookin ~ with Prcaident Eisenhower's budg· In on televl ion 1 rch 17 wbcn hl' et Cor thc fiscal year beginning In no lim at all, Beck wa 1 c· turilli the commltt on the fin .Id he had borrowed between July 1. LOUIS "SATCHMO" ARMSTRONG ,I.ne., up from 10m. pre,eonc:er't ,.,....... durin, a p..... con­ Mr. 11 ....."-"' hid GOP _ m points oC co tituUonaI law, pl~ $300,000 and $400,0000 (rom the ferenc. at the lewa Memorl.1 Un/", Tuesd.y nl,M, A capacity cnlwd h.. rd S.t,h and hi' ComM - ,,",,,,,al ....,. TuesMy he InteresU", polntera 00 proper I union In Ole last 10 year lind re­ linn the .venlne with their world·f.mous Ityl. of Dlxl.land I.n, weuld _1_ Itudtet cuts th.t ---' __ atorlal d porlm nt. paid It without Inte l. weVI" not "clem ... the .ltal In­ You know about B k, cou . The cfIuNcy, .,.,ubI • ..,.,'.nt .....''' .. tII.~ ... lIow he's pre ident of the T am- eI ffIe ...m ...... Immatfl."'r .n­ Democratic plan to cut taxes by 'Good-Will Comes Jean Seberg 5t r nion. lIow h headed for c.un"rM .~.tIon, from Sen· ,Jan. ~ was reported under consid· Europe at a 11m when senator • a .. rackets '""'" he may on· who were lookln, Cor evl<k-nce of c-'-" cha,... .. c:.ntempt of eration by House Speaker Sam C... _ Rayburn CD·Texas) and other De· labor rock t~rtn!l, wanted to pop mocr.Uc IMrs. Naturally: . Satchmo Co~es ~omei • f w que lion to him. H also may face punl hm nt by Shoulll suCh a proposal material· W II, Tue day w tI bill d.y. the AFL-CIO ext'Culive council. He ize, lndlvlduals might get a 10 per Th,n, TIred And from th be inoin, tb Is a council m mber nnd nn AFL­ cent tax cut. Business also would By JOHN BLEAKL V WI complete. OIU" I.wa" St." "rller CIO vice prc ldent. benefit six ",0'lll1s later. The man with th' golden trumpet. gleeming whitt' teeth and gravel­ MARSHALLTOWN "" - Jean Would he ",ully show up ? lie TEAMSTIR PRESIDENT DAVE BECK ,trlk.. • pr.y.rful PON •• If he wa. bothen.>d by it all A bill now beCo e the Senate textured voicc came to town Tue day. Seberg arrlvrd hom Tuesday WOuld. and did, 17 mlnutc arly, he ",.ons to • que.'lon Tuesday durin, Intor,...tlon by m.mban ef Beck howed it nOL at all, lire. would extend present corporation Daniel Loul Arm trong, more wid Iy known "Satchmo," rill d night - an int rn lional mOl t r Thl Ume It w Lh commltt the .peeia' $tn.,. r cket. Invutl,.tl", commltt•• , jccted firmly adem nd rrom 8<'n . income taxcs and excise Icvles un· the M'aln Lounge oC II Iowa {emorial nlon with til<' shnt'p nOles of at th g of 18. that wa tarely. --- ------ - --------- - John K nncdy CD· 1 .1, that he liI June 80, '958, when they would his pure and brutal Dixi land jazz Th youna a Beck told the 'nator h b d dorp automatically unless Congress for two hours TUesday nigbt. her p rent , Mr. and Mr . FAI· all hi flnanci.1 r cordi with him, et I P r I,n as bead oC tlle nallon's bl,,· decided otherwisc. Jnternationally acclaimed {or his word Setx>rg, who had driv n to but this wa only a tea r, (or h confronted," hI' Senate "...wllcaM hava ...... Des Moin s, refu d to Lum the r cord ovcJ' to MI ropo OUS ays ,,~,~nl~~SOnaIlY talents as a musician, Armstrong Dag Has New aid, "wilh a itull\lon I'm po l(jv" ..,..,.ally ••rHCI that tax cuts i8 also lauded in the U.S. for hi th committ e on the ground Ulat will be d posed of 100 JX'r crill shivld" wltltheld until the... .,. concert Junkets abroad - to Japan, 5" oth.r stvry, it had no rl t. und r the Con li· . e Ice ."clflc 1ft4lutf",. .. • sllabl. alislaclorlly to mc when the finnl Africa, Europe - that have result· tullon, to a k for them. days of .ccounUn; me in court." ''''',ur'Y surplus. ed In good wiU (or lhls country Suez Proposal I In the .Irport p.rty betide. Mr. Anyway, he laid, he wa Lnvok· VI SI t to owa ty among peoples ort n apathetic or Beck declared he wa exercising This thlnldn, was reflected anew CAlRO IA'! - Seer tary Gen- .nd Mrs, Seber, _ro h.r ,I.ter, Ing tllC Fourtb Amendment to t Dlmltrl Mitropolou , famed conductor of lh cw York Philh rmonic hi con Ululional right in the resolution adopted by Tues· hostUe to America. r:aln~t ral Dag Hammar kjold Is [lyIng Mary Ann, 20, an SUI student; Con UluUon, which liv urity Oreh . lra, lipped unnotlc d Into 101l'a City und y (or n unannounced sclC Incrimination, under th Firth day's conference o( House Repub· Proud oC his talents with tI back to New York Tu day with a her brotMr" Kurt, 14, and D.vld, from III lal scarch and lur, visll with hi old rrlend, nol d c.ompo 'r mucl Bar r. A"",nd.rnent only on the dvi of IIcan . horn, Satch wears his good·will modified EIIY u n plan fgr opera- 7; and "-r .ratMlmethw, Mr.. .nd the Fifth Amendment, which Barber's works will be featur ~ tonight at , pm. in a conCt'rt at hi H c1fd it doze ot "The rftO!utlen )lI~es the GOP laurels liihtly. 1awnn: lion of lhe Suez Canal. Fr.n,.. aen..... ,iv a witness the rliht not to Iowa M morlal nlon by the SUI Um I when confronted by cont n­ members to the goals of balancing Consld r thi brief pre conC r­ the budget, makin, a payment on A r linbll' inCormant said the 1\11 5 'tx>rg's light brown hair t tify &;alnst himsclI, Symphony Orchc trll. Burber I lions from the Iny t1l1ator that • enee before hi conccrt Tuesday. plan "would plea ~ everyone but it till cJo -croPlX'd from t.hC' Now most wltn who in yoke the naUonal debt and cutting taxes Q. - What ... Afrlc .... and Asl· h r for Ih ' conCf'rt, he : as soon as possible. should be occeptabl to the Unitcd nam p rt ill George Bernard the Fifth Am ndmcnt arc a silent Soviets Reiect an. think .. Amerlc."s? State ." haw's" alnt Joan." Art 'r finlsh- a oy r , Sut not Beck, who musl titropolou and Barber ha\' U.. d unIen fvtMh te ,.,.y '"ns A. - "Abou as much as we Diplomatic elrcll' and Egyptian Ing th movie In London, Jean be lh loudc t talking non·talk r In work d together s vcr 1 Um In from banks, ltulld hi. Seattlo, think of them. They don 't act like W..... , ...."., "'1,,., hi' own they hate nobody. ,. and UN so urces Id the " ameli- sp nt a week in Pari . the bu Iness. Big 2 A-Plan lhr p . l. Th Internationally known bank .cceunt, ...., pay per...,al Ex-~(.ench Q. - What do Afrlc.n. and AII­ orat d" Na 'r cannl plan hapes "No rol could be a dJCflcull Again and a,oin, he told th n· conductor he performed \i ral WII. fer such Item ••• ,antonln" up us follows: as 'Saint Joun.' I wa lcITIIIed ators that he was purauln, tho _ think .. .".I.... nt r.clal in­ 10 OW "" - vi t Ru 'ia of Barber' compo itions with th "'lrtI,"'" ex,..,sI.
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