Sam Donahue's Band Will Play for Finals
City, State Rule Grotty Cafeteria Owes Back Fees Action taken by the City Coun cil of Williamsburg at a meeting last Thursday compelled Crotty VOL. XXXVIII No. & COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA Brothers to pay a total of $2,375.67 MAY 24, 1949 in back license fees. The operators or tne college cafeteria have refused to pay a business license fee to the City of Sam Donahue's Band Will Play For Finals Williamsburg on the grounds that they were serving a state institu Sam Donahue and his youthful aggregation will invade the tion. The City Council ruled, how William and Mary campus June 10 and 11 for final dances, it has ever, that Crotty Brothers is not been disclosed. a state employee but a private cor poration and was upheld in its de Tickets, which cost seven dollars per couple for the dances and cision by legal opinions. The fee a concert on Saturday afternoon at 4, are on sale this week. They are for 1948 amounts to $645.09 and being handled, as has been done previously, by dorm representatives, that for 1949 to $1,730.58. sorority and fraternity presidents. Sandwiches and punch will be Following the action of the City served free at the dance. Council, state authorities also lev To band leader Sam Donahue ied business license fees on the Choir Album To Go goes the honor of playing the long cafeteria. Although the state fig est engagement at the Paramount ures are not available, the total On Sale This Week Theatre in New York of any new for both state and city licenses for orchestra at the theatre last year.
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