1. What Roman author, born at Rudiae, wrote an epic history entitled Annālēs and is called the "Father of Latin Literature"? (Q.) ENNIUS B1: How many books are contained in Ennius' Annālēs? 15 / 18 B2: What later author said that Ennius possessed three hearts because he could speak Greek, Latin, and Oscan? (A.) GELLIUS

2. For the verb orior, give the perfect infinitive. ORTUS / UM ESSE B1: Translate ortum esse. TO HAVE RISEN B2: Change ortum esse to the future and translate. ORTURUM ESSE - TO BE ABOUT TO RISE

3. Who, with the aid of Athena in the guise of Mentor, set out from Ithaca to seek tidings of his father, Odysseus? TELEMACHUS B1: To what kingdom did Telemachus go first in search of his father? PYLOS B2: What son of Nestor accompanied Telemachus to Sparta? PEISISTRATUS

4. Who awoke to the cackling of geese and saved the capitol from an advancing Gallic army? M. MANLIUS (CAPITOLINUS) B1: To what goddess were these geese sacred? JUNO B2: After the Gauls sacked the city, who returned from his exile at Ardea and drove them from Rome? (M. FURIUS) CAMILLUS

5. Differentiate in meaning between lavō and levō. LAVŌ - WASH LEVŌ - LIFT / LIGHTEN B1: ...between creō and crepō. CREŌ - CREATE / MAKE CREPŌ - RATTLE B2: ...between saevus and salvus. SAEVUS - SAVAGE / FIERCE SALVUS - SAFE / SOUND

6. What Roman general, the designated successor of the emperor Tiberius, was poisoned in Syria in 19 A.D.? GERMANICUS B1: What governor of Syria was accused of poisoning Germanicus? (CN. CALPURNIUS) PISO B1: What son of Tiberius was then designated for the succession? DRUSUS (II)

7. Identify the use of the subjunctive in the following sentence: "Cīvis rogāvit cūr consul gāvīsus esset." INDIRECT QUESTION B1: Translate that sentence. THE CITIZEN ASKED WHY THE CONSUL HAD REJOICED B2: Identify the use of the subjunctive in this sentence and translate: "Quid faciam?" DELIBERATIVE - WHAT AM I TO DO / WHAT SHOULD I DO?

8. What author dedicated his voluminous Naturālis Historia to the emperor Titus in 77 A.D.? PLINY THE ELDER B1: How many books are contained in Pliny's Naturālis Historia? 37 B2: Where was Pliny stationed as a Roman fleet commander on the eve of Vesuvius' eruption? MISENUM

9. The English words "default," "failure," and "infallible" are derived from what Latin verb? FALLŌ B1: Give the principal parts and meaning of fallō? FALLŌ, FALLERE, FEFELLĪ, FALSUM - TO DECEIVE B2: What derivative of fallō means "a mistaken belief based on unsound arguments"? FALLACY

10. What hero was known by the name Hipponoüs until he received the epithet "Bellerus-Killer" after he murdered his brother? BELLEROPHON B1: What king of Tiryns purified Bellerophon of this murder? PROËTUS B2: Who were the mortal parents of Bellerophon? GLAUCUS & EURYNOME / EURYMEDE

11. What Roman general, by employing a double line of earthworks, was able to hold off a Gallic army and starve Alesia into submission? JULIUS CAESAR B1: In what year did the siege of Alesia take place? 52 B.C. B2: What chieftan of the Arverni surrendered to Caesar after Alesia? VERCINGETORIX

12. What Roman poet addresses Sirmio as the ocelle īnsulārum in poem 31 of his Carmina? CATULLUS B1: Give Catullus' full name. GAIUS VALERIUS CATULLUS B2: Which poem in Catullus' Carmina is a funerary lament for his brother? 101

13. Translate the following sentence into English: "Multī dē meīs amīcīs domum ītūrī sunt. MANY OF MY FRIENDS ARE ABOUT TO / WILL GO HOME B1: ... "Nemo nostrum putat hanc quaestiōnem esse difficilem. NONE / NO ONE OF US THINKS (THAT) THIS QUESTION IS HARD / DIFFICULT B2: ... "Augustō imperatore pax constituta est." WHEN AUGUSTUS WAS EMPEROR, PEACE WAS ESTABLISHED

14. Who, the eldest son of Heracles and Deianeira, led his father's descendants in an abortive attempt to reclaim Mycenae? HYLLUS B1: What collective name is given to these descendants of Heracles? HERACLIDS B2: What king of Tegea killed Hyllus in single combat? ECHEMUS

15. Domine Dirige Nōs is the Latin motto of what European city? LONDON B1: Esto Perpetua is the Latin motto of what European city? VENICE B2: Fluctuat nec mergitur is the Latin motto of what European city? PARIS


1. Make the phrase celsus pariēs genitive singular. CELSĪ PARIĒTIS B1: Change celsī pariētis to the plural. CELSŌRUM PARIĒTUM B2: Change celsōrum pariētum to the dative singular. CELSŌ PARIĒTĪ

2. A lost tragedy entitled Medea, the Remedia Amoris, the Fastī, and the Metamorphosēs were all works of what Augustan age poet? OVID B1: Ovid was born in the same year as what other famous author died? CICERO B2: Ovid died in the same year as what famous Roman historian? LIVY

3. Who flung an infallible spear and accidentily killed his wife Procris? CEPHALUS B1: Procris had received this spear and the hound Laelaps from what king? MINOS B2: Procris spied on her husband due to mistrust. With what goddess was Cephalus unfaithful? EOS

4. What future emperor was granted the tribūnīcia potestās in 6 B.C.? TIBERIUS B1: In the same year Tiberius insisted on leaving Rome for what island? RHODES B2: With Tiberius away from Rome, what two grandsons did Augustus begin to groom for the succession? C. & L. CAESAR

5. Translate the following sentence into English: "Cicero erat perītus loquendī." CICERO WAS SKILLED IN SPEAKING B1: ... "Hominēs febrī Athēnīs moriuntur." THE PEOPLE ARE DYING OF FEVER IN ATHENS B2: ... "Omnēs ex urbe discessērunt ut morbum ēvītārent." EVERYONE LEFT THE CITY TO AVOID SICKNESS

6. From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do we derive "fealty"? FĪDĒS - FAITH / TRUST B1: ...do we derive "curfew"? FOCUS - HEARTH B2: ...do we derive "deliberate"? LĪBRA - SCALE(S)

7. What Silver Age author mocked the death of Claudius in his Apocolocyntosis? SENECA THE YOUNGER B1: What work of Seneca is a seven book Stoic examination of natural phenomena? NATURĀLĒS QUAESTIŌNĒS B2: What work of Seneca is a collection of 124 letters on moral philosophy? EPISTULAE MORĀLĒS

8. What Titaness lay with Zeus for nine nights in Pieria and gave birth to the Muses? MNEMOSYNE B1: What bard challenged the Muses to a signing contest at Dorium? THAMYRIS B2: Whose daughters were turned into magpies after they challenged the Muses to a signing contest and lost? PIERUS'

9. Identify the use of the dative case illustrated here: "Diligenter nobīs lābōrāndum est." AGENT B1: ... "latrō omnēs dīvitiās quaestōrī abstulit." SEPARATION B2: ... "vae victīs." REFERENCE

10. The attack on what city by Hiero of Syracuse led to the events which caused the First Punic War? MESSANA B1: In what year did Hiero advance on Messana? 264 B.C. B2: What Campanian mercenaries had held Messana since 288 B.C.? MAMERTINES

11. Quid Anglicē significat "crīnis"? HAIR B1: ... "culmen"? TOP / PEAK B2: ... "custos"? GUARD

12. What king of Teuthrania showed the Greeks how to sail to Troy after they cured his wound? TELEPHUS B1: Which of the Greeks had wounded Telephus? ACHILLES B2: How did Achilles cure Telephus' wound? RUBBED RUST FROM HIS SPEAR ONTO TELEPHUS' WOUND

13. What Roman author rebutted the charge of contaminātiō in the prologue of his Andria? TERENCE B1: What cognōmen of Terence refers to his foreign birth? AFER B2: In what African city was Terence born? CARTHAGE

14. In the amphitheater, what did the Romans call hunts of wild beasts? VĒNĀTIŌNĒS B1: What name was given to the gladiators who participated in vēnātiōnēs? BESTIĀRIĪ B2: What was indicated about a gladiator if the letter "P" were added to his name after a vēnātiō? HE DIED (PERIIT)

15. What do all of the following verbs have in common grammatically: careō, fungor, abundō, utor? THEY TAKE THE ABLATIVE B1: ...grandinat, rorat, tonat? IMPERSONALS B2: ...interest, meminī, oblīviscor? THEY TAKE THE GENITIVE


1. What emperor of Rome was killed at Adrianople in 378 A.D.? VALENS B1: What brother of Valens ruled in the west until 375 A.D.? VALENTINIAN I B2: What two sons of Valentinian I held a joint rule in the west after their father's death in 375 A.D.? GRATIAN & VALENTINIAN II

2. Using the verb iubeō and an idiom, say in Latin: "Caesar ordered the soldiers to march." CAESAR IUSSIT / IUBĒBAT MILITĒS ITER FACERE B1: Express that same sentence by using the verb imperō. CAESAR IMPERĀVIT / IMPERĀBAT MILITIBUS UT ITER FACERENT B2: Besides imperō, give another Latin verb that is used with an indirect command AND takes the dative case. PRAECIPIŌ / MANDŌ

3. What god was cared for by the Sintians after he fell from Olympus for an entire day? HEPHAESTUS B1: On what island did the Sintians live? LEMNOS B2: According to Homer, which of the Graces was married to Hephaestus? AGLAEA

4. What historian, born at Amiternum, wrote monographs on the Jugurthine War and the Catilinarian Conspiracy? SALLUST B1: Give Sallust's full name. C. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS B2: What work of Sallust, although no longer extant, was considered by ancient sources to have been his best? HISTORIAE / HISTORIES

5. Which of the following words, if any, is NOT derived from the same Latin words as the others: "exaggerate," "ambiguous," "examine," "exigent"? EXAGGERATE B1: From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do we derive "exaggerate"? AGGER - MOUND / MASS / HEAP / RAMPART B2: Give the principal parts of the verb from which the other words in the toss-up are derived. AGŌ, AGERE, ĒGĪ, ACTUM

6. According to Book II of Homer's Iliad, who led 100 ships to Troy, the largest contingent of the Greek captains? AGAMEMNON B1: Which of the Greek captains led 80 ships along with his herald Sthenelus? B2: Name one of the two Greek captains who led 12 ships to Troy? ODYSSEUS / AJAX THE GREATER

7. In which Plautine comedy does the slave Tranio lead people to believe that the house of Theopropides is haunted? MOSTELLARIA B1: Which Plautine comedy contains excerpts of the Carthaginian language? POENULUS B2: In the prologue of which Plautine comedy does Arcturus tell of the shipwreck of the pimp, Labrax? RUDENS

8. Translate this sentence into English: "Rēgīna Dīdō verētur nē Aenēās discēdat. QUEEN DIDO FEARS THAT AENEAS IS LEAVING / WILL LEAVE B1: ..."Nōn dubium est quīn Aenēās ad Ītaliam navigāturus sit THERE IS NO DOUNT THAT AENEAS IS GOING TO / WILL SAIL TO ITALY B2: ..."Aenēā profectō, Dīdō sē ferrō ignīque interfēcit. WHEN / AFTER / BECAUSE AENEAS HAD DEPARTED, DIDO KILLED HERSELF WITH A SWORD AND FIRE

9. During which war did the Romans suffer disastrous defeats at Lautulae and Caudine Forks? SECOND SAMNITE WAR B1: What Samnite defeated T. Veturrius and Sp. Calvinus at Caudine Forks? (GAVIUS) PONTIUS B2: What Roman general avenged his defeat at Lautulae with a victory at Sentinum? (Q. FABIUS) RULLIANUS

10. Which Jesuit university has the motto Sapientia et Doctrina? FORDHAM B1: Which New York university has the motto In tuō lumine vidēbimus lumen? COLUMBIA B2: Which northern college has the motto Scientia Sol Mentis? DELAWARE

11. Who defeated the Caledonian tribes of Scotland at Mons Graupius in 84 A.D.? (CN. IULIUS) AGRICOLA B1: What Caledonian chieftan was defeated at Mons Graupius? CALGACUS B2: What emperor recalled Agricola but did not reward him with a further command? DOMITIAN

12. What is the meaning of the Latin noun exuviae? SPOILS B1: ...daps? BANQUET B2: Give a plural only synonym of daps. EPULAE

13. What king of Aegina assisted Apollo and Poseidon in building the walls of Troy? AEACUS B1: Which god was the father of Aeacus? ZEUS B2: Aeacus renamed the island Aegina after his mother. Was the this island's original name? OENONE

14. With the publication of the Originēs, who became the first to write a prose history in Latin? CATO THE ELDER B1: How many books are contained in Cato's Originēs? SEVEN B2: Whom does Cato refuse to call by name in his Originēs, refering to him instead as "dictātor Carthāginiensis"? HANNIBAL

15. Give both future participles of ferō. FERENDUS & LATURUS B1: ...of eō. EUNDUS & ITURUS B2: ...of ulcīscor. ULCĪSCENDUS & ULTURUS


1. What later Roman emperor, in an attempt curb inflation, issued the Edictum dē pretiīs in 302 A.D.? DIOCLETIAN B1: What gold coin did Constantine introduce in 309 A.D. to combat inflation? SOLIDUS B2: In order to further aid the finances of the Empire, Constantine proposed a collātiō lustrālis and a collātiō glēbālis. What were they? TAXES

2. Give the comparative and superlative forms of diū. DIŪTIUS & DIŪTISSIMĒ B1: ...of arduus MAGIS ARDUUS & MAXIMĒ ARDUUS B2: ...of senex. SENIOR / MĀIOR NĀTŪ & MAXIMUS NĀTŪ

3. Who authored the fabula palliata Gladiōlus along with a translation of Homer's Odyssey? LIVIUS ANDRONICUS B1: From what southern Italian city was Andronicus brought to Rome as a slave? TARENTUM B2: In what year did Andronicus produce a Partheneon to celebrate the goddess Juno? 207 B.C.

4. What queen, appearing in the armor of her father Thoas, welcomed the Argonauts to Lemnos? HYPSIPYLE B1: What herald did Jason send to greet Hypsipyle? AETHALIDES B2: What old nurse of Hypsipyle suggested that the Lemnian women invite the Argonauts into their homes as well as their city? POLYXO

5. Listen carefully to the following passage, which I shall read twice, and answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows:

In apodyterium trēs comitēs intrāvērunt ut vestimenta mutārent. Tunc unus ē comitibus in tepidārium graditur. Duōrum quī sunt reliquī, alter in frigidāriō sē submergere vult et alter dīcit sē in caldāriō natāre velle. Tribus horīs comitēs ad Forum revenient ut orātorēs audiant.

Question: Why did the three friends enter the apodyterium? TO CHANGE CLOTHES B1: What does the second of the three friends want to do at the baths? DUNK / SUBMERGE HIMSELF IN THE FRIGIDARIUM B2: What two things will the friends do after they leave the baths? GO TO THE FORUM AND HEAR ORATORS

6. What author was accused by his in-laws of having won his wife by the use of magic? APULEIUS B1: Who was Apuleius' rich wife? AEMILIA PUDENTILLA B2: Which of Apuleius' works is his defence speech from the trial? APOLOGIA / APOLOGY

7. Translate only the verb in the dependent clause in this sentence into Latin: "The teacher knew that he had given the tests to the students." DEDISSE / DONĀVISSE B1: ... "The teacher is so great that he always gives us rewards." DET / DONET B2: ... "Nothing can stop this teacher from writting great questions." SCRĪBAT

8. What king of Rome was killed when his palace burned down in a fire? TULLUS HOSTILIUS B1: Tullus' palace was struck by lightning after misperforming a ceremony to which incarnation of Jupiter? (JUPITER) ELICIUS B2: What Roman commander who fought against the Sabines was the grandfather of Tullus Hostilius? HOSTIUS HOSTILIUS

9. What English verb, derivatived from the Latin verb labor, means "to return to a worse state after a period of improvement"? RELAPSE B1: What English adjective, derived from the Latin verb moveō, means "refusing to obey the orders of a person in authority"? MUTINOUS B2: What English adjective, derived from the Latin verb nascor, means "naturally inborn"? INNATE

10. Who was transformed into a lizard after he mocked the goddess Demeter? ASCALABUS B1: Demeter became enraged at Ascalabus after the boy mocked her for drinking a cup of kykeon. Who later offered Demeter kykeon and made her laugh? IAMBE B2: What name had Demeter assumed when this episode occurred? DOSO

11. Translate the motto of the University of Florida: Cīvium in moribus rēī pūblicae salūs. IN THE CHARACTER OF ITS CITIZENS LIES THE WELFARE OF THE STATE B1: Translate the motto of the University of Georgia: Et docēre et rērum exquīrere causās. BOTH TO TEACH AND INQUIRE INTO / ABOUT THE CAUSES OF THINGS B2: Translate the motto of the University of Tennessee: Veritātem cognoscētis et veritās tē līberābit. YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE

12. What speech of Cicero, delivered in 81 B.C., was the orator's first extant speech in the law-courts? PRŌ QUINCTIŌ B1: What advocate was Cicero's opponent in this case? (Q.) HORTENSIUS (HORTALUS) B2: In what speech of 80 B.C. did Cicero attack Chrysogonus, a powerful freedman of Sulla? PRŌ ROSCIŌ AMERĪNŌ

13. At what battle in 222 B.C. did Marcus Claudius Marcellus win the spolia opima? CLASTIDIUM B1: What Roman author wrote a fabula praetexta about Clastidium? (CN.) NAEVIUS B2: What insubrian chieftan did Marcellus kill at Clastidium? VIRODOMARUS

14. Which of the following words is NOT a pure I-stem: "turris," "febris," "iuvenis," "restis"? IUVENIS B1: Give the genitive plural of iuvenis. IUVENUM B2: Excluding substantives, give another 3rd declension noun which ends in -um in the genitive plural. CANIS / VATĒS / SEDĒS

15. According to Book IX of Ovid's Metamorphoses who was transformed into a lotus tree? DRYOPE B1: The nymph Lotis was transformed into a tree while fleeing from what god? PRIAPUS B2: Who, her sister, tells the story of Dryope's transformation in the Metamorphoses? IOLE

16. Quid Anglicē significat "nefās"? WICKEDNESS / WRONG / IMMORALITY / SOMETHING EQUIVALENTLY BAD B1: Quid Anglicē significat "pabulum"? FODDER / ANIMAL FOOD B2: Quid Anglicē significat "quoad"? UNTIL / AS LONG AS

17. What well-known author's only two extant works are Commentariī, one on his campaigns in Gaul and the other on the Civil War? (JULIUS) CAESAR'S B1: How many books comprise Caesar's Commentariī Dē Bellō Gallicō? EIGHT B2: What lost work of Caesar is a treatise on Latin grammar? DĒ ANALOGIĀ

18. In Book X of Vergil's Aeneid, what gallant son of Evander bravely challenges Turnus to a duel? PALLAS B1: What object does Turnus take from Pallas after killing him? SWORD BELT / BALDRIC B2: What father / son pair does Aeneas kill at the end of Book X? MEZENTIUS & LAUSUS

19. In which province of the Roman Empire would all of the following cities be found: Verulamium, Deva, Camulodunum, Aquae Sulis, and Londinium? BRITANNIA / BRITAIN B1: In which province of the Roman Empire would the city of Olisipo be found? LUSITANIA B2: In which province of the Roman Empire would the city of Cordoba be found? BAETICA

20. Translate this sentence into Latin using a supine: "We came to watch these games." VĒNIMUS / VENIĒBĀMUS SPECTĀTUM HŌS / EŌS LUDŌS B1: Translate that same sentence using a gerundive and the accusative case. VĒNIMUS AD SPECTANDŌS LUDŌS B2: Translate that same sentence using the genitive case. VĒNIMUS SPECTANDŌRUM LUDŌRUM GRATIĀ / CAUSĀ


1. What Roman author was accused of Patavīnitas because he placed elements in his history which were favorable to his home town of Patavium? LIVY B1: What fellow historian, critic, and general leveled this charge against Livy? (ASINIUS) POLLIO B2: What Roman author of the Silver Age characterized Livy's writing as exhibiting lactea ubertās? QUINTILIAN

2. For the verb sum, give the 2nd person, singular, future imperative. ESTŌ B1: Change estō to the plural. ESTŌTE B2: Change estōte to the 3rd person. SUNTŌ

3. What dragon-woman guarded the sinews of Zeus after Typhon had stolen them? DELPHYNE B1: Who stole the sinews from Delphyne and returned them to Zeus? HERMES & AEGIPAN B2: What Olympian god earned one of his epithets in some accounts by killing Delphyne? APOLLO

4. Place the following battles of the First Punic War into chronological order: Lilybaeum, Cape Ecnomus, Mylae, Bagradas Valley. MYLAE, CAPE ECNOMUS, BAGRADAS VALLEY, LILYBAEUM B1: In what year did the failed siege of Lilybaeum take place? 249 B.C. B2: The Romans suffered two other disastrous defeats in 249 B.C. Name both. DREPANA / DREPANUM & CAPE PISARO

5. Identify the speaker of the following lines of Vergil's Aeneid which I will read as prose: "Infandum, rēgīna, iubēs renovāre dolorem, Trōiānus ut opēs et lamentabile regnum eruerint Danaī..." AENEAS B1: ... "Ō terque quāterque beātī, quīs ante ōra patrum Troiae sub moenibus altīs contigit oppetere!" AENEAS B2: ... "Tū nunc Karthaginis altae fundamenta locās pulchramque uxorius urbem extruis?" MERCURY

6. Identify the type of conditional illustrated here: Sī omnēs gladiātorēs moriantur, turba infelīx sit. FUTURE MORE VIVID B1: Translate that sentence. IF ALL THE GLADIATORS SHOULD DIE, THE CROWD WOULD BE UNHAPPY B2: Change the entire sentence so that it is a past contrary to fact conditional. SĪ OMNĒS GLADIĀTORĒS MORTUĪ ESSENT, TURNA INFELĪX FUISSET

7. What emperor of Rome was defeated and killed at Interamna by Aemilius Aemilianus in 253 A.D.? TREBONIANUS GALLUS B1: How did Aemilius Aemilianus die after a short reign of three months? HIS SOLDIERS KILLED (HANGED) HIM B2: Who, the last member of the old republican nobility to serve as empreror, succeeded Aemilius Aemilianus? VALERIAN

8. What poem of Horace was commissioned by Augustus to celebrate the Ludī Saeculārēs in 17 B.C.? CARMEN SAECULARE B1: To what two dieties is the Carmen Saeculare dedicated? APOLLO & DIANA B2: In what meter is the Carmen Saeculare written? SAPPHIC

9. From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do we derive "clavicle"? CLAVIS - KEY B1: ...do we derive "search"? CIRCUS - CIRCUS B2: ...do we derive "forge"? FABER - SMITH / CRAFTSMAN / ENGINEER

10. What maiden mockingly spurned the advances of her suitor Iphis, leading him to hang himself on her doorstep? ANAXERETE B1: Where did Iphis and Anaxerete live? CYPRUS B2: How was Anaxerete punished according to Ovid? TURNED TO STONE

11. VISUAL TOSS UP. Pass out visual question to all players.

The following toss up question is a visual. We are currently providing each player with a copy of the visual. Please do not turn over the visual until instructed to do so. Also, please be mindful that this is a toss up question, so do not consult or communicate with your teammates. Please turn over the visual; you will have 10 seconds to examine it (wait 10 seconds). Here is your question:

Question: Identify the use of the subjunctive illustrated by letter "C". SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSE OF RESULT B1: Which use of the subjunctive is illustrated by letter "B"? RELATIVE CLAUSE OF CHARACTERISTIC B2: Which use of the subjunctive is illustrated by letter "D"? SUBORDINATE CLAUSE IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE / STATEMENT

12. To what city did Honorius move the capital of the Roman Empire in 401 A.D.? RAVENNA B1: Honorius moved the capital to avoid the invasion of what barbarian leader? ALARIC B2: At what two battles of 402 and 403 did Honorius' general Stilicho defeat Alaric? VERONA & POLLENTIA

13. , , Sthenelus, Diomedes, , and Alcmeon were all members of which mythological group? B1: Who was the only one of the Epigoni to die during the attack on Thebes? AEGIALEUS B2: What son of led the defense of the city against the Epigoni?

14. What minor Roman author began his historical narrative with the march of Alexander the Great through Phrygia on his way to cut the Gordian knot? (Q.) CURTIUS RUFUS B1: How many books are contained in Curtius Rufus' Historiae Alexandrī Magnī? TEN B2: Which of these ten books are no longer extant? ONE & TWO

15. Translate the following sentence into English: Vergilius locutus est verba mirabilia audītū. VERGIL SPOKE WORDS WONDERFUL TO HEAR B1: Vergilius dīxit Horatium esse animae dimidium suae. VERGIL SAID THAT HORACE WAS HALF OF HIS SOUL B2: Vergilius voluit ut magnum opus igne dēlērētur. VERGIL WANTED / WISHED THAT (HIS) GREAT(EST) WORK BE DESTROYED IN A FIRE

16. Listen carefully to the following passage which I shall read twice, and answer IN LATIN the question that follows:

Multīs abhinc annīs, iuvenis nomine Aulus, canem, cuius nomen erat Rēx, maximē amāvit. Cotidie, Aulus Rēxque lusērunt in agrīs proximīs domō suō. Paucīs annīs, autem, Rēx senescuit et nequīvit ludere cum carissimō amīcō. Postquam Rēx mortuus erat, Aulus lūxit et pollicitus est sē numquam obliturum esse canis.

Question: Quomodō Aulus canem Regem amāvit? MAXIMĒ B1: Quotiēns Aulus et Rēx in agrīs lusērunt? COTIDIĒ B2: Respondē Anglicē: Postquam Rēx mortuus erat, Quid Aulus ēgit? HE GRIEVED AND PROMISSED THAT HE WOULD NEVER FORGET HIS DOG

17. What epithet of the goddess Athena refers to her birth near a river in Arcadia? TRITOGENEIA B1: What epithet of Athena means "The Worker"? ERGANE B2: What epithet of Athena means "Champion"? PROMACHUS

18. Where in the Roman world did Eunus and Cleon raise a revolt in 135 B.C.? SICILY B1: What two men led a second slave uprising on Sicily at the end of the 2nd century B.C.? ATHENION & SALVIUS B2: What lieutenant of Marius defeated Athenion and Salvius? (M'.) AQUILIUS

19. Differentiate in meaning between haereō and hauriō. HAEREŌ - CLING / STICK HAURIŌ - DRAIN / DRINK B1: ...mulgeō and mulceō. MULGEŌ - MILK MULCEŌ - SOOTHE B2: ...sternuō and stertō. STERNUŌ - SNEEZE STERTŌ - SNORE

20. What Silver Age author wrote an epic which is considered by many to be an anti-Aeneid? LUCAN B1: Who called his Satires "child's play" when he compared them to the verses of his friend Lucan? PERSIUS B2: Persius and Lucan studied under what stoic philosopher? CORNUTUS