Santa Fe December 5-7 Convention Center 2018 201 W. Marcy St. Santa Fe, NM Are we free without a free press? Conference to explore journalism’s Speakers essential role in a democracy — at home and around the world Dana Priest SANTA FE, NM — Join the Santa Fe Council on International Investigative Reporter Relations to discuss the increasingly stressed connections between The Washington Post journalism and democracy – globally, nationally, and locally. The event will feature world-class speakers, investigative journalists, photojournalists, and political cartoonists, along with 50 journalists from around the world coming to Santa Fe as Edward Ann Telnaes R. Murrow Fellows. There will be a Student Newsroom, a virtual Editorial Cartoonist reality simulation for viewers to become an interrogated journalist, The Washington Post and networking with journalists from New Mexico – and around the world. A prominent headliner will be named in September. Azam Ahmed Additional Speakers Bureau Chief Central Jason Rezaian Valerie Plame America and Mexico Washington Post reporter The New York Times Former career covert CIA imprisoned for 544 days in Iran operations officer Arbana Xharra Ron Haviv Kosovan investigative journalist, Decorated photojournalist, co- persecuted for work on Islam founder of VII Photo Agency Olga Yurkova Kevin Kallaugher Alfredo Corchado Founder of Political cartoonist for The Mexico City Bureau Chief, Economist & The Baltimore Sun Dallas Morning News Nikahang Kowsar Angela Cocherga Exiled Iranian cartoonist Border Reporter, ABQ Journal Be part of the conversation! For More Information:
[email protected] * 505.982.4931 Tickets: Early-bird Tickets $375 until Oct.15 .