
Discussion Questions

Message Text: Acts 19:1-20 Message Title: “Growing in Power” BIG IDEA: In this message Bryan talked about how supernatural power is received through surrender. Bryan’s 4 observations: 1. Supernatural power comes from the source 2. Supernatural power is received through surrender 3. Supernatural power can’t be simulated 4. Supernatural power changes lives Questions: 1. When have you ever felt as though you wanted to grow spiritually, but didn’t have the power to do it? What precipitated the lack of power?

2. Read Acts 19:1-20. What aspects of this chapter raise question or cause curiosity for you? What part of the passage do you personally connect with the most and why?

3. The group of disciples Paul first met in only received the of . They failed to see that John the Baptist was only a pointer to . • What are the things that are a part of the Christian faith that are intended to point us to Jesus? • In what ways do we end up seeing those things as an end and of themselves rather than a pointer? • How does that impact and affect our faith?

4. Paul spoke at the synagogue in Ephesus for three months. Acts 19 tells us that the individuals there grew obstinate. Bryan also mentioned how in Matthew 13, Jesus bumped into resistance from people from his hometown. Read Matthew 13: 53-58. Even though we might be faithful followers of Jesus, we can still be resistant to the gospel and call of the Spirit. • What are reasons and/or situations for why we might resist the Spirit? • When you’re in a place of resistance what tends to be the catalyst to surrender?

5. The Seven Sons of are thought by scholars to be imposters. They are pretending to have spiritual power that they don’t possess. • What reason did Bryan give for why they might be pretending? • What situations do we pretend to have more spiritual strength than we do? • Why are we tempted/motivated to pretend?

6. Read 2 Cor. 12:9-10. In what ways are these two verses counter-cultural? How might your spiritual walk look different if you really embodied these verses and boasted/celebrated in your weakness?

7. Shame is a powerful competitive force to God’s power. Bryan concluded his message saying confession is the way to break the power of shame in your life. • Spend a few minutes talking about why that is the case. • What would it look like for confession to become a normal part of our church and NC gatherings?

8. Response: Consider the following questions during your response time. • Where would you like more of God’s power in your life? Discussion Questions • What is preventing you from accessing His power in that area of your life? • In what ways can you incorporate confession into your spiritual practices?