Manchester Herald

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Manchester Herald 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday Aug 26. 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS I HELP WANTED I HELP WANTED Banking Immediate open­ Cabinet Maker 3 to 5 years BUSINESS & ing for full time teller In experience. Must have Cooney becomes T « Cunningham digs Nassiff in ‘A,’ Manchester office, excel­ hand tools. Full time em­ lent benefits, call Mr. ployment and benefits. Fields, at 647-0568. EOE: CLEANINB Call 742-5317, 8:30 to 5:00 a top town lawyer for her suppers Evergreen in ‘B’ Monday thru Friday. CHILOCME SEmnCEB 1 Receptionist wanted for extremely busy medical Day Care - 2 openings tor ... page 3 | ... page 15 ... page 18 office. Medical and com­ C ^ llty Kleen pommer- Dumgs CMctric— Moyftig. \ ■ age 2 and up. In licensed' clal and resWentlol deon- Electrical f^oblgmvr puter experience a defi­ Manchester home. Excel­ nite plus. Full or part Ing services. Free Need o torait or a «n|4t Lawn Care - Career op­ lent program, includn estimatei; reterences.6«r- fUmoif9 specianie in time hours available. portunity with growing dally activities, meals, Residentlot work. Joseph' Please coll Mrs. Brown at lawn company. Ever­ snacks and more: Fart Dumas. Fuliv Lieeneed. 646-0314. green Lawns has open­ time and before and after GAtfEHIfrY/ FrerEsHmates. 64oiaK ings for hard working school care (Bowers moNNi; <Sor4 Security officer part time lawn care specialists. School) welcome. Expe­ BEMOflEUW 5:30pm . Manchester,above aver­ Year round employment rienced profOsslonal with I age wages,retirees wel­ available. Competitive references. 649-2611 Your' netghborhoad come 247-6882. wooes and benefits. We anytime. homtv moiM ManeskfORF will train. Good driving Carpentry,masonry, lly man, wfttasfbrnl»dmr record and high school (stucco-colors),stone lob.ym ; diploma reauired. Call Mother of 3 year old work ond all types of Fogarty Brothers ^ Ba­ heullng, c|egntp(i^ f iw i Evergreen Lawns. Man­ wishes to care for child repairs. Call 643^WM or throom remodeling; in­ inp', atitfinh)os;'ripM^ aurlipfitprManchester - A City ol Village Charm Hmlh Full time shop carpenter. chester. Between 9 and 5 some age or older In my 649-I635. stallation water heoters, Restdenflat/|tMli^iL Experience In operating 649-8667. Manchester home. Call gorboge CMsposols; foucet For the hltfw^ dwdHty 08 lolner, planer, shaper 8, 649-4235. Sheetrockino-taplng- repairs. 649-4539. .Vlsa/M- the lowest , other related eaulpment. Fire Restoration com­ textured sproylng-oll osterCard accepted. John 643-4393. Coll for an appointment. pany looking for a few Child core In my Coventry phases done in home or Wednesday, Aug. 27,1986 649-4371. M/F strong, energetic people. home,storts October 1st. business. Celling and wall PhirsJwawn Cora -tbritlbF 25 Cents Will train. Starting $5.00 Call 573-8415. repair or replocement. Ing, gordentng, town per hour. Call 9 - 3, Quality work done at fair iMMCEIiMKOUS mowme ond light NOTICE 646-6855. PUBLIC HEARING prices. 643-1934 or 278-1950. coplno. Colt 742-7426, BOARD OF DIRECTORS CliANINfi TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Manchester Window Swiss Colony-sandwich Odd lobs. Trucking. cleaning company needs maker wanted from 9-3, SERVHXB PMNTiue/ Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of South Africa Home repairs. You name window washers. Please Monday through Frl- PAPERMfi It, we do It. Free esti­ Manchester, Connecticut, will hold o Public Hearing at the dav,apply In person,649- I Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 494 Main Street, Manchester, call 649-5334. House cleaning! Reslden- mates. Insured. 6434304. Connecticut, on Tuesday, September 2,1986 at 8:00 P.M. to 5147. tloLSouth Wlndsor,Man- Name your own price — Wonted- reliable babysit consider and act on the following: Driver's helper needed chester.ond surrounding Father and son. FOst, Oellverino clean tarm ter/house keeper,1-5ddlty Proposed appropriation to General Fund - Immediately for furniture Painters wanted-must towns. Dependable ser­ dependoble service. loom; 5 yards 875 plus tox. In m y home in have experience tor Inter- TRANSFER to Capitol Improvement Reserve dash kiiis 12, delivery and Installation. vice,reasonable rates- Painting, Paperhonging Also sand, stone, and Manehester4474097 otter Fund 8 - Town Aid .................................................... $334,894.00 Closs 2 delivery,expe­ rlor and exterrior house .Call 644-4339,after 5pm. t> Removal. Coll 872-8237. orovel. Call 643-9S04. 5pm.. ■ . to be financed by o State Grant. painting. Must have own rience preferred,must be Proposed appropriation to Whifon Library relloble,able to handle transportation. 646-7760. Fund 10 ...................................... $25,000.00 tools and Instruction.Coll to be financed by transfer from the Whifon otter 3pm or on weekends Munson’s Chocolates Trust Fund. injures dozens 267-8912. route 6 Bolton,Is noW, Proposed opproprlotlon to Special Grants - excepting applications HOMES HOMES APARTMENTS BOATS/MARINE Fund 61 Senior Center Com puter...............................$5,568.00 Unemployed? Wont to for both full and part time FOR SALE FOR SALE to be financed In port of $4,844.00 from North employees. The full time FOR RENT I EQUIPMENT Central Area Agency on Aging and In port by o make top dollars? Ideal Geneol Fund contribution of $724.00. sales position. All Inside employee will work Mon­ By David Crary The state Bureau for Informa­ sales. Coll Luis for on day through Friday 9am- Ashford-Lovely new 3 bedrooms I'/z baths, 16 foot Mad River canoe, Proposed appropriation to General Fund - The Associated Press tion said it could not confirm the Interview Monday 4:30pm with full benefits. home. 6 rooms, full base­ Exquisite! Gorgeous U 8< duplex. Appliances, no paddles Included. Used TR AN SFER to Capitol Improvement Reserve Sowetan’s reports. Asked whether The part time employee ment, garage, 2 baths, 2.27 R built 7 room Chalet. pets, $725, plus utilities. four times. Excellent con­ Fund 8 - LIbrorv Improvements...............................$25,626.21 JOHANNESBURG, South unrest was continuing today in through Saturday,11am- Unique design to this to be financed by balance of Library fines and 4pm,282-9893. will work Monday acres pt beautiful lake References, 643-9532. dition. $800. Please coll Africa — Police shot 12 blacks to Soweto, the bureau said: “ The view. 40 minutes to Hart­ area. 3 bedrooms, 2 full 643-4942 otter 6pm or 647- fees reserved for such purposes, $14,460.21 and through Friday 4pm-8pm Fund Balance resulting from loosed 1985-860P- death and at feast 70 other people situation there is not abnormal." ford. 15 miles to UCONN. baths, 2 stone fireploces, 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for proprlotlons, $11,166.00. Daycare needed. Mature and approximately 8 3 room apartment. $350 were injured in overnight ejashes Sources at Soweto’s Baragwa- hours on Saturday or $137,900. Coll 347-4459. corpet-llke lawn. Don't let per month, security re­ Bob. person to care for Infan- Proposed appropriation to General Fund - in Soweto, the government said nath Hospital told the South t,ln our home,3 days a Sundov to total 20 hours. this go by! $144,900. Jack- quired. 643-4421. Library circulation control.......................................$22,110.00 week. References,call ev­ Call 647- 8639 for Manchester-Charming son 8, Jackson Real For sole Chrysler 14tt to be financed by Fund Balance resulting from today. A newspaper said a mob African Press Association that enings 649-9648. appointment. 1895 Victorian. Beautiful Estate, 647-8400 or 646- Main Street Manchester. fiber gloss boot.wlth 45 lapsed 1985-86 appropriations. hacked one Soweto councilor to more than 80 people, most of them ■*/4 acre lot, 4 cor garage, 8646.0 3 rooms, stove 8, refriger­ horse outboard motor Proposed oporoprlotlon to General Fund - death. in their teens and early 20s, were Child care provider. Mon­ Bolton Hot Lunch pro­ wrap-around porch, 5bed- ator Included. For more with trailer In very good Elections - for the September 9,1986 Republican There were unofficial reports treated for injuries. rooms and sleeping Just listed! Beautiful Bol­ condition $1995,greot fam­ Primary ............................................ ....................$13,549.00 day through Friday 9am- gram needs kitchen help, Information Coll 563-4438 to be financed by Fund Balance. from residents, including doctors The shootings by police took 3pm,flexlble hours. Coll 2% hours dally,$4.58 per porch. Eat-In kitchen and ton location. This 3 bed­ or 529-7858. ily boot.Coll otter 5pm formal dining room. room, I'/j both home has 649-8204. Proposed appropriation to Fire Special Taxing and clergymen, that 20 people place in one of Soweto’s poorest Paul, Glastonbury Tennis hour. Apply In person Fund 4 - Paramedics - TRANSFER to reserve...... $36,923.39 were killed and up to 100 people neighborhoods. White City.. between 9-11am at the Handcrafted fireplaces, much to otter. Call today I Club,659-3731. Townhouse-2 bedrooms, to be financed by Fund Balance resulting from injured. The violence was the Soweto, outside Johannesburg, is Bolton Elementry School hardwood floors and uni- "W e guarantee our 1V7 boths,electrlc heot- lapsed 1985-86 appropriations. worst reported since a nationwide home to about 1.5 million blacks. Manchester Jewelry kitchen. oue detailing. Add on houses!" Blanchard 8> ,central olr condltlonlng- Proposed appropriation to General Fund- store looking for relalable original touch to this Rossetto Real Estate, 646- ,large living room dining Board of Education ................................................... $3,995.00 state of emergency was declared Black reporters who were in and energetic full and Resident manager handsome home. Asking 2482.0 area and kitchen. CARS to be financed by Repair Bond payment al­ June 12. contact with Soweto by telephone part-time soles persons- wanted tor apartment $215,000. Coll Flono Laundry hook-ups, 2 cor ready received. Residents said the clashes were said violence was continuing at .Retail experience neces­ building In the Vernon Realty, 646-5200.
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