Strikers describe havoc9 at Hazlet nursing home, B2 GREATER RED BANK ^.TONTOWN Against the odds Falcons flying LONG BRANCH Padres oust Cubs, Long Branch upset, prepare for Tigers Today's Forecast: Lions roll to win Cloudy v Page B3 Page B3 Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 86 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER .. . SINCE 1878 MONDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1984 . 25 CENTS Mondale hoping debate will close gap with Reagan BY DONALD M. ROTHBERC Baltimore. Mondale's campaign manager, LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) - Presi- James A. Johnson, called the debate dent Reagan and Walter F Mondale "a tremendous shot in the arm" for awaited voter reaction after a fast- the challenger. "It's the happiest paced debate last night that defined night I can remember," he ssid. THE differences on domestic issues from Republican Sen. Nancy taxes to religion, but even many Kassebaum of Kansas said Mondale DEBATE Republicans thought Mondale came "was shown as a strong challenger. Analysis, out ahead. I think he dispelled an image "The only memorable moments somewhat that he has gained of a A3 were Mondale's," said John Rellly, whiner, because I do think he waa Reaction a senior political adviser to the very articulate. But I don't think in Democratic nominee. "I think we any way that he can close the very in slate, won bigger than expected." wide gap ..." Vice President George Bush told A7 reporters in Washington that Reagan's campaign chairman, "President Reagan came out way Nevada Sen. Paul Laxalt, said the ahead." Democratic challenger did well, "but I think the president did But another Republican, Rep. better " John McCain of Arlsona, said Re- MEETING HALFWAY - President Reagan and dale shake hands prior to the start of last night's agan could have done better. See Moedale, page A! Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mon- debate in Louisville. Ky. "I think the President's weakness was that he appeared hesitant with some of his tacts, as he has in the past," McCain said. "I•thought he Both sides happy held his own pretty well, but I would Yaccarino due in court have liked the President to do WASHINGTON (AP) - Walter F. didates' running mates — who will better." Mondale'a supporters among the debate each other Thursday night in The judge's attorneys have Reagan did not say how he felt he nation's professional politicians re- Philadelphia - took predictably Court Judge Thomas Yaccartno Is to argued that his Judicial career, had done in the debate. Of his joiced last night after his per- opposite views. present his case to the state Su- whkh began m 1M, should not end opponent, the president said, "He formance against President Reagan Vice President George Bush, preme Court this week, three on misconduct charges but because kept on saying he didn't know what In a nationally broadcast debate standing on the front porch of his monthi after a special three-Judge of his -mental or physical disabili- we were going to do (for the next saying the Democratic presidential official residence In Washington, panel recommended that the Mon- ty." They have also contested the four years). We're going to keep on nominee has revitalised his lagging told reporters, "It might not come mouth County Juriat be removed panel's findings. doing what we've been doing the campaign. as a surprise to you when I toll you (ram the bench (or "a pattern of The state Supreme Court Is not past four years." "It waa fantastic. Fritz (Mon- I think President Reagan came out misconduct." expected to rule for several months. At a post-debate party, Mondale dale) clobbered him," said Rep way ahead. Michael Barnes, D-Md. "We've got Yaccarlno does not want to return If the justices decide against Yac- told supporters, "You know what? "I think Mr. Mondale'a attacking, a new great communicator." to the bench because of medical carino, It would be the first removal We're going to win this election." in my view, Just simply pointed up Reagan partisans likewise de- problems but is seeking to clear his of a Juriat on unethical conduct Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, the the differences between them," clared victory, but were more name In the unusual hafi-day session charges without a criminal convic- Democratic vice presidential nomi- Bush added. scheduled for tomorrow before the tion. nee, was as partisan as her counter- restrained. state's highest court, his attorneys When Yaccarino was relieved of part, Bush, saying, "Tonight's de- "We were very pleased with what In New York, Geraldine Ferraro his seat on the bench in February, bate Is going to make a difference we saw," said James A. Baker III, aald Mondale showed the public "exactly what our vision of the The judge, suspended with pay In the high court charged that he In those polls " White House chief of staff "I think future Is. February when the allegations were masterminded a plot to destroy Both campaigns will anxiously the president ... sharpened the filed against him, also Is seeking a evidence that could have been used await opinion polls that reflect the differences between the candidates "And you saw the president medical disability pension. One of against him. judgment of the experts who mat- on the Issues." debating the past and debating his his attorneys, Michael Schottland, ter, the 100 million or so Americans The two contenders appeared record which, as you know, he had At the same time, he waa accused relaxed after the debate and ready a bit of problems defending," she has argued that the disciplinary in sic complaints filed by the court who watched the debate televised proceedings should be stayed until from the Kentucky Center for the to carry on the fight. ssld. of scheming to get a potential "They talk about fairness," Re- Ferraro also got In some digs of the governor's office decides the witness to commit perjury, harass- Arts. pension issue. THOMAS YACCARINO The Democratic challenger des- agan said of Mondale. "At least they her own st Reagan saying, "The The three judges also ruled that ing defendants and lawyers who didn't discriminate They made president, In his closing remarks, The judge's lawyers have at- appeared before him, violating Ju- perately needed a big boost from the tributed much of the alleged miscon- Yaccarino had attempted to destroy debate to cut Into the big lead everybody miserable." left out a good number of people. taped evidence of the alleged deal- dicial ethics and abusing his office Of the debate with Mondale, When he asked are you any better duct to personality changes he in order to protect his daughter. Reagan has held in recent polls. experienced after undergoing major ings. With one month and one more Reagan said, "He kept on saying he off, he left out the poor, he left out He told reporters days later that didn't know what we were going to the disabled, he left out farmers, he heart surgery in 1(79. In other findings, the panel said he was "convinced we're going to debate left until Election Day, Schottland has called the situation Yaccarino had failed to disclose Mondale was running out of time to do (for the next four years.) We're left out people who are dependent win" when the charges were aired going to keep on doing what we've upon exports. He left out entire a "classic case of judicial burnout." interests in two liquor licenses and in court. close the gap as some polls showed But the special judicial panel made Improper comments during a him trailing Reagan In up to 48 of been doing the past four years." segments of our society." discounted that defense In rec- family law case. "Come to the trial," he said. the SO states Mondale, meanwhile, said, "You She predicted, "Tonight's debate ommending on July 5 that Yaccarlno The panel said Yaccarlno had "We're going to win it all." Mondale was flying to New York know what? We're going to win this is going to make a difference In should be removed. been for many years a "diligent, Yaccarino was appointed a Dis- today to march In the annual election." those polls." The panel ruled that the judge In industrious and efficient" judge but trict Court judge In 19M after Columbus Day parade with Ms Baker conceded Mondale "did a Bush, though, said Mondale "over 1981 used his Judicial post to seek to concluded there had been a "pattern serving as an assistant Monmouth running mate. good job." But Baker added, "I feel and over again misrepresented the buy a Sea Girt house st an "un- of misconduct over a period of time County prosecutor since 19C2. He Reagan planned to appear at a the president has a significant president's position — which the reasonably low price" from a liti- demonstrating ... unfitness for Ju- was named a Monmouth County rally in Charlotte, N.C., and then advantage on the Issues. That's why president corrected - on Social gant In a case over which he was dicial office and warranting his Court judge in 1972, and a Superior participate in the unveiling of a he's as far ahead as he Is." Security. But that's typical of the presiding. Court Judge the next year. statue of Christopher Columbus in Meanwhile, the presidential can- See Both, page AS 'Columbus9 lands again BY TED LOUD boardwalk here to watch the col- To the accompaniment of wooden orful ceremony, unique to this drums, the sailors were Invited to a ' ASBURY PARK - Most of the seaside community. The event is tee-pee, set up on the sandy beach, history books sty that, around this held to honor the man credited with where the peace pipe of friendship time of year In 14W. Christopher bringing Western civilisation to this was smoked. Columbus first sighted the New hemisphere. In addition to the Columbus discovered "a land ripe World somewhere in the Caribbean. costumes and the pageantry, there for the toucho f man," in the words But if the city fathers here could was music, balloons, clear skies and of Raymond P. Shebell. the city's have their way, the history books the inevitable speeches. municipal judge, who delivered the would be changed to say that Dressed in 18th-century garb, keynote address at yesterday's cer- Columbus made Us historic landing which was admittedly more suitable emony. on the New Jersey coast, in front of for the court of King Ferdinand and Asbury Park's Convention Hall. Queen Isabells than for a long ocean And, as Shebell went on, yester- \ As be has for the past 10 yean, voyage, Columbus and two of his day's Columbus discovered in j'Columbus" (or a reasonable fac- sailors set sail from the north side Asbury Park "a city ripe for simile) came ashore in his wooden of Convention Hall. They navigated creativity... a city that has declared rowboat onto the Fifth Avenue through the warm, calm sea and war on crime, substandard housing beach to be greeted by friendly landed on the beach, where they See 'Columbas,' page AS 'Indians,1 in the nation's only re- were greeted by Indiana bearing enactment of the discovery of gifts, including beadwork, neck- Caa Mr. Ante Insurance Save You Money??" Call 747-4000 America. laces, fur belts and ceremonial Hunderda of people lined the rattles Richards P.b MOD. Bight fo

Monday- Hat Tickets ~ Index Make A Dele A4 Tickets to the Monmouth County Movies A10 Hunt Meet are available from the Advice A9 People A2 Salvation Army office, 30 Riverside Arts A10 Obituaries A7 Ave.. Red Bank. You can buy them Business....: B2 Opinion A6 daring normal business hours, ex- Classified B7 Sports B3 cept between noon * 1 p.m. Tickets Comics , AS Television... D4 are tax-deductible. The Salvation DISOVERING NEW JERSEY - From left. Joseph Bart Smith, 14, ol Interlaken, take part in the annual Lifestyle A9 Your Town B1 Army profits 100% from its ticket "Christopher Columbus" Pallotto, Asbury Park, and' Columbus landing re-enactment held yesterday on sales. "Indian braves" Dennis Wood ol Ocean Grove, and the Asbury Park oceanlront. A2 TheDwlyRegister MONOAY. OCTOBERS. Pope hits Mafia by name REGGIO CALABRIA, Italy (AP) have dogged Calabria Many Mafia PEOPLE - Pope John Paul II stepped up his Then, speaking to several lucrative empires on Illegal Inter- attacks against organized crime thousand people gathered hi Piazza national trafficking In heroin and yesterday by denouncing the Mafia della Liberia (Liberty Square) here. cocaine by name for the first time during his John Paul added: Calabria is the base of several Paper cancels tour of this crime-prone region. "And how could you forget the Mafia branches and the borne of toe Since he began his tour of phenomenon of criminal and Mafia Mafia-like 'Ndraagbeta gangs. Calabria, the economically activities and the worrying form of Later yesterday, the pope ar- Royko's column backward province at the Up of the omerta and corruption that they ranged to meet prison inmates and Italian boot, the pope had used such generate?" say an outdoor Man. expressions as "organized crime." Omerta is the age-eld Mafia code John Paul's words coincided with But during a speech in this ancient of silence that has protected Mails the Italian government's continuing at his request city along the Strait of Messina and chief tains from arrest and which the nationwide roundup of Mafia ESCONDIDO, Calif. - The Escondido Times- within sight of the shores of Sicily, pope denounced on Friday. suspects based on the recent, un- Advocate hai dropped Mike Royko'i lyndlcated the Mafia's birthplace, John Paul "Today I am here to give you a precedented confessions of Jailed column — at the writer's request — after the Chicago dropped the diplomacy of euphem- word of encouragement and hope," Sicilian crime boss Tommaso Cub* fan's criticism of Sail Diego Padres supporters isms and hammered away at the he said yesterday, a day after telling Buscetta. drew a stinging barrage of letters from readers, crime gang by name. Calabrians the church would stand officials said. John Paul also denounced the In the "front row" in the fight While the pope's anti Mafia words The Times-Advocate granted Royko's request Mafia specifically in 1962 during a against Argardzed crime. were the most direct and strongest Friday and informed his syndication company, tour of Sicily, but his daily criticism Several thousand young people in Reggio Calabria, his reception Tribune Media Services Inc., that the columnist was during this trip has been the most greeted the pontiff with chants of was the warmest in his seven stops being dropped. persistent and harshest yet. "hallelujah, hallelujah" set to a during his 44th trip inside Italy since In a column published in the Times-Advocate on In Caserta, meanwhile, police pulsing rock beat backed by guitars. becoming pope in 1971. Wednesday, Royko lambasted Padres fans for their said they found the burned bodies of "Do not ever yield to the temp- Thousands of people left their laid-back attitude. "They're not obsessed ... it's just three men yesterday, all apparent tation of criminal and Mafia viol- cars In specially designated parking another recreational diversion," he wrote, adding victims of gangland murders.The ence." the pope shouted Into the areas on a nearby highway and that Californlans are Interested only in surfing and bodies were in a sports car that had microphone on a raised platform in walked in drizzly weather as far as four miles into the center of town to body culture. COLUMBUS DAY — New York Gov. Mario been set afire In the countryside front of the Reggio Calabria Ca- But readers in this town 20 miles north of San near Caserta, which is 15 miles thedral. see the first pope to visit the area Cuomo sits with actress Sophia Loren during the Diego responded with letters full of wrath, which north of Naples. "Rather you must be the guiding in more than 800 years. were forwarded to the columnist. "As far as I'm annual Columbus Day Ball at a New York hotel Police said It would take several moral force for defeating every type At the end of his address to the concerned, he (Royko) can drop dead," one wrote. Saturday night. The ball was sponsored by the days to identify the victims, who of mentality that leads to criminal young people, the pontiff said he was Times-Advocate editor Will Corbin said he was Columbus Citizens Foundation. also were shot In the bead. They domination, oppression and vendet- pleased to be In Reggio Emilia, stunned when Royko's assistant called Friday to tell speculated, however, that one body tas," John Paul said as the crowd which is a city in northern Italy. him the columnist no longer wanted to appear in birth of the Jim Buck Ron Blueberry Muffin Cooking may be that of a misting leader of broke Into applause. Vendetta is the As the crowd laughed, the pontiff Escondldo. He can dish it out, but he can't take it,' School for Southern Gentlemen. a faction of the Nuova Cammora, a Italian word for ruthless killings threw his arms Into the air in mock Corbin said. Ron, the state commissioner of agriculture and Mafia-style crime gang based In between warring gangland mem- exasperation and said: commerce, gained national attention last month A person who answered the phone at the Chicago Naples. bers. "That was an unpardonable error when he asked Ferraro during a campaign appear- Tribune said Royko could not be contacted for On his arrival by helicopter from John Paul also called on young and don't ever forgive it!" ance in the heart of Mississippi's blueberry country, comment until Monday. an address to blue-collar workers in people to try to help their peers who John Paul returned to Rome last "Can you bake blueberry muffins?" And when the The Padres beat the Cubs yesterday to win the the Ionian coast town of Crotone, have "fallen into the net of or- night. His special Italian air force candidate asked him if he could, he replied, "Ma'am, National League Championship Series and the right John Paul made note of the high ganized crime'' or who have become DC-f landed at Ciampino airport and down here in Mississippi, the men don't cook." to face the Detroit Tigers in the 1184 World Series. unemployment, underdevelopment victims of the "dirty market" of the pope then flew by helicopter to So on Wednesday, Ross gets a chance to show he and other economic difficulties that illegal drugs the Vatican. Wayne widow u married again was just joshing when he and Mary Hough of the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service hold NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. - Pilar Wayne, the muffin-baking classes for men. Graduates will widow of actor John Wayne, wed Municipal Court receive a certificate, and the best blueberry cook Judge Stephen C. Stewart in a private ceremony at will receive an award. Hough said. her home here. Mrs. Stewart's three children by Wayne, who died Hank William* Jr.'« belt returned of cancer in 1979, took part in the ceremony Saturday. She was given away by her 22-year-old son. CHARLESTON, W.Va. - A $5,000 custom-made actor Ethan Wayne. gold belt stolen from Hank Williams Jr. In August Friends said Mrs. Stewart, Wayne's third wife, is finally back with the country singer - after taking had only resumed dating in the last few years. She a circuitous route home through the dead-letter file and Wayne were separated in 1B73 but never at the Philadelphia post office divorced. "He was happy," said Williams' secretary, Vicky President and Mrs. Reagan sent a congratulatory Burnham, who mailed the belt to the singer's message to the couple and "Tonight Show" host Alabama residence on Thursday. "He never ex- Johnny Carson sent flowers. pected to see it again. The belt was made especially State aide get* blueberry briefings for him, and his father had one just like it." The belt, made up of 18 gold shells with four-leaf POPLARVILLE, Miss - A highly publicized clovers inside, disappeared Aug. 25, when Williams exchange with vice presidential candidate Geraldine checked out of a Charleston hotel and forgot a pair Ferraro over prowess in the kitchen has led to the of pants and the belt. Queen draws Kentucky's eye from campaign confrontation LEXINGTONLEXINGTON , KKyv . I(AP API) —- WhilWhile TfcThe...... queen. «..was. greete„*..,„ ttia uaa ol an ma local tonight. nawa prtnM in mt mwipapat MMIMritf Mostly cloudy today and oc- casslonal rain possible tonight. Mamcar ol ma Amancan Immmi PuManara »amrmon. t» Auda luraau ol CrculMon. ma Na» Our daily Specials Visibility five miles or more jaraay Praaa Aaaodaaon. today and occasionally three to five Sacond CMM poattaa paid at Rad Ban* N J Monday thru Friday 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.i miles tonight. 07701 PliOMMaaaaUyWaO Average seas two feet or less •MM* today. All Specials Man Ham Oaty a Tomorrow occassional rain poss- tarm Daly Sunday Sunday include: ible. Winds southwesterly at 10 to 15 Showers Ram Flurries Snow Occluded-arv-Stationary i I 12 waaht 1 70/«aa 78/ w—k 2 45/ watt $3.99 13-51 waaks t SS/ «aa 70/ Man 22S/«a*i Soup or juice, salad, potato, vegetable, roll and butler knots. Neionai Wsafter Service NOAA. US Deo) ol Commerce 1 yyaa r t 45/ aa as 2 100/ Man MaiM l raft* to* conaoa Muoar* and mMary panen nat - v> ol abova ram Weather elsewhere sa 97 34 My Homo dahvary by Carnal - 0a*y ard Sunday aa » II 35 a oaH. Sunday only IS cam. Oa*y A can*. Sunday MONDAY • urnM Qraal Fana Albany 41 My H » My 54 ' Liver & Onions or Salisbury Steak Sandy Hook AtomM u My POSTMASTER: SanO adrjraai cnangar, » Tha 72 47 clr a nt "Wy nianiii. p 0 Boa 520 Had Bank. N J 07701 All times Eastern Standard 77 90 clr «774 •ncnoraga 4S 40 Oa m My TODAY: High: 7:37 a.m. and Aatiavaa 92 72 as sa edy ai 87 My 7:52 p.m. and low: 1:09 am and - Atlanta ao ao My SI TUESDAY AaanMCay 1 14 My p.m. as 4a edy Jacuon.lM 71 My C.B.S. 78 to HI My Meat Loaf or Fried Chicken us 83 TOMORROW. High 1:12 a.m. 01 48 My Junaau 55 48 105 35 and 8:27 p.m. and low: 2:08 a.m. 73 44 My KanaaaCin/ ?a 93 SUPERMARKET 78 aa My •aavagaa at, and 2:31 p.m. 89 80 Or 97 M OS My - Hock 7» 84 .11 My WEDNESDAY For Red Bank and Rumson 7» 45 a, SB 85 edy 36 MAIN ST. sa it 94 U 59 edy Lasagna or Veal Dinner bridge add two hours; Sea Bright, aa -7s coy ao 52 COy KEANSBURG deduct 10 minutes; Long Branch, aa 43 77 88 73 My coy deduct 15 minutes; Highlands SI 74 12 My 70 79 53 clr 74 _ 01 coy K bridge, add 40 minutes. CHarkWon.W V 48 My THURSDAY 72 »2 COy MpHSl Paul 81 20 My L8Q Of v 1 *"*' Cnancaa.NC 71 97 coy ruaimw 72 H 01 My Chopped Sirloin Steak or Liver & Onions M 39 82 87 Sun, Moon Chicago as 90 08 coy LAMB 1 LB Cincinnati 83 45 aa at 90 coy 99 58 as sa 07 m My 71 « My All times Eastern Standard Cokjmtna.SC as >a oi My OkimniC>| Cokjmoui.Oh ao 58 eft FRIDAY aa sa so coy OM 71 58 08 JERSEY NUMBER GAME TODAY: Sunrise 6:5» a.m.; ConcorO.NH aa 22 My edy DaMa-Ft Worm 88 alt Fried Fish — All you can eat sunset 6 28 p.m. SO aa 92 My 05 Dayton M K H it, 41 My Pick any 3 Numbers TOMORROW: Sunrise«:53a.m.; a» 43 clr 94 83 c* ' p-mowgri «7 you can play Breakfast Special* 7 to 11 AM. sunset 6:38 p.m. a' u ii u, Ponano.Ma 50 Dana 83 97 30 My 58 My from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 1 Last quarter Oct. 17; first quar- Pomand.O U 80 COy Regular Breakfast Menu Served All Day Ouun 94 92 0* COy Prowdanca 7 days a week ter Oct. 31: full moon tomorrow; Et Pan so 30 ao M c» RaMgn 71 51 aa 82 47 My My hew moon Oct. 24. RaoOCKy 87 44 ck • WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER 37 27 04 My AO MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1984 The Dssily Register A3 THE NATION

be the caretaker of the Disney Space walk now set for Thursday Captain accused ideali. but they seem to be letting things deteriorate," O'Rourke said. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) the possibility of their hitting two NORFOLK, Va (AP) - A Navy Members of five of Disneylands — The Challenger astronauts used troublesome antennas in the cargo captain accused of shooting at 31 unions continued their Hoour-a- their radar camera yesterday to bay. whales alao allegedly fallen to day picketing yesterday, lbs Uth scan Africa for evidence of the One of the antennas refused to report a coMiion between « between his ship dsy of their walkout. The park will earliest human habitation, after retract completely Saturday when It and a trawler and had computer be closed Monday and Tuesday coining up with an ingenious solu- was commanded to fold away and werboard, a Navy under Its regular offseason sched- tion to an antenna problem that had to be nudged Into place; another ule. threatened to curtail the scientific failed to respond to pointing com- spokesman laid yesterday. returns from their flight. mands and a motor was discon- The Navy'* inspector general In a latter mailed Saturday to the 1.S44 striken and TOO part-time The radar photography was going nected to stop it* erratic swings. began investigating Ctpt. Mdvin D. so well, that officials decided not to The astronauts, outside, will Munslnger In August and a Con- union workers, Dick Nunis, presi- dent of Disneyland and Walt Disney interrupt It with the first space walk manually position the immobilised gressional inquiry began last month, of an American woman, scheduled antenna, while their colleagues In- •aid Lt Cmdr. Ron Mone, a World, said the company had run out of patl—r*, for tomorrow. They put It off until side Issue computer commands to spokesman (or the Pacific Fleet Thursday. Nunls said the company would drive locking pus Into place, Surface Force in San Diego. Aa the spacecraft crossed the Up begin hiring replacements on Thurs- mission control told commander The allegations by officers and of Africa, from Johannesburgto th e day sad was putting Into effect Robert Crippen. crew of the USS San Jose Involve Horn of Africa and Into Saudi immediately the terms and con- Had the (towage of the other "potential misconduct by the com- Arabia, the radar scanned the Lake ditions of its 'second final offer." antenna worked as It was supposed manding officer and other*." Mone Turkaaa region where to, both antennas would have been •aid In a telephone Interview. anthropologlsU have found the old- retracted for the space walk, then Commodore P.D. Botcher, the Sergeants arrested est bones of man. The hope was that extended again after It was finished. commander of the Pacific Fleet the radar picture* will provide clue* But now, to be on the safe side, the VERO BEACH. Fla (AP) - Two Surface Force, "ha* a number of where other archeoiogical digs radar work wlU be completed before Army sergeants from Fort Bragg, allegations, but basically they might be performed. Ms. Sullivan and Lesstms go out. N.C., have been arrested sfter one center around those three thing*," The radar I* able to aee below dry, A new, but minor, problem on s Mone uid. of the men allegedly attempted to windblown soil to find ancient river night already plagued by its share of MASKED MAN —Payload specialist Marc Qarneau ol Canada wears The accusations were reported tell a cache of stolen military channels and, therefore, potential explosive devices to undercover difficulties developed yesterday Sunday by the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot sites of prehistoric human activity. when s "flash evaporator system" a mask as he does medical experiments in the mid-deck ot the Shttule «nd Ledger-Star agents, s U.S. Treasury official Cloud* do not obscure the radar's Challenger yesterday. said. that helps cool the spacecraft shut Hie San Jon allegedly collided ability to photograph the terrain. from a radar mapping McNalr told Crippen. It took the Master Sgt. Keith Anderson, 32. off three times, apparently because with a fishing trawler last April in Mission control laid the it was icing up. device to the ground, had been veteran astronaut only a few Pusan. South Korea, knocked It on waa arrested hi Van Beach on astronauts did radar photography That raised the cabin searching the skies aimlessly and minutes to fine-tune the signal by its side and Injured one fisherman, Saturday whan be allegedly tried to over aU the land masses of the world temperature to 90 degrees for s uncontrollably until Saturday, when Inching the spacecraft around. Mone said. It violated international trade a truckload of ammunition for over which lt passed yesterday, time, but Crippen said It was not Sally Ride and Ms. Sullivan pulled "The signal strength being law by not (topping to help, crew HB.OOO worth of cocaine and cash, iiu-bnHf | long sweep across North oppressive. The system was shut the plug on its motors. monitored of that transmission is member* said. said BUI Alfree, a spokesman for the America and South America. down and officials said that baking With the antenna fixed In place, among the best that we've ever Msnslnger and hi* tint lieutenant U.S. Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Kalhy Sullivan and her partner, In the sun should take care of the Crippen and pilot Jon McBrlde observed during the shutle pro- conducted target practice on a pod Firearms. David Lesstma, will venture out of Ice. began moving Challenger In a gram," NASA spokesman John of whale* In the Indian Ocean, Also arrested was Sgt. Byron K. the cabin of space shuttle Million control salvaged the mam search pattern worked out by ex- Lawrence said. although U.S. law forbid* capturing, Carlisle, a 43-year-oid intelligence Challenger at 11 a.m. EOT Thursday Earth-observation objective of the perts on the ground. The signals hit injuring or harassing the animals, officer with the 7th Special Forces to practice In-flight fueling tech- eight-day mission by reorienting the a tracking satellite 22,000 miles The astronauts had operated the the crew and officers said group, Alfree said. Carlisle was niques. shuttle to aim its high-speed antenna above them on the second try, and radar device as the shuttle passed Muminger also ordered two boxes taken into custody Saturday at Fort The postponement will preserve at a satellite — a maneuver akin to the satellite then relayed the date to over the northern United States and of magnetic computer tape* thrown Bragg. Alfree said Saturday night an option to have the astronauts lash moving a house to point its root Earth. Canada, southern South America, overboard because they were stored According to the Treasury spokes down the antennas, If necessary, for antenna toward a television tower. "We have excellent reception at Hawaii, West Africa and Australia, in a passageway "In his way," they man, Anderson was told by the the return to Earth. It also avoids that point," Mission Control's Ron and recorded the date on tape said. undercover agents that the stolen The antenna, needed to send military items would be delivered to Cleric hospitalized South America to support narcotics ATLANTA (AP) - The Rev. operations there. Martin Luther King Sr was listed in Anderson was assigned to the Mondale missed knockout punch critical condition last night In the Institute for Military Assistance and Intensive care unit of Crawford W. the 7th Special Forces Group at Fort BY WALTER R. MEARS least there wss a beginning His Gerald R. Ford's campaign was Long Memorial Hospital after he Bragg In Fayettevllle, N.C. AP Special Carre ipeadsBl ANALYSIS campaign has faltered all season damaged by a debate mlsstetement admitted himself for complications Both man faced a bond hearing long, and he lags a landslide behind on foreign policy, but that didn't today, and Alfree said they were to WASHINGTON (AP) - There he in the public opinion polls. But the arising from a chronic heart con- went again, The Great Com- create a trend. It cemented one. The be charged with violations of federal Democrats now have a candidate I960 debates - first of the era - dition. municator at his craft. But this who called Reagan the debate victor firearm laws. who has proven he can stand up may have helped turn the outcome "At present he is quite stable and time, President Reagan was acknowledged that It wasn't his best A two-month Investigation cul- against one of Reagan's great In favor of John F Kennedy over alert and cheerful and Ut good matched against a tough and night. "I think he seemed uncertain minated Saturday when Anderson strengths. Richard M. Nixon, not so much for spirits." said Dr. Bernard Bridge*. polished rival. at times, but so did Mr. Mondale." drove a It-foot truck filled with Mondale critics — and some of his what was said as for the contrast in King'* personal physician. For Walter F. Mondale. never said Sen Paul Laxalt of Nevada. explosive devices from Fort Bragg friends — long ago marked him style and appearance "Yes, he Is in intensive care, so regarded as a master orator, dis- Predictably, be said Reagan did he I* In a guarded itatus," Bridge* to Vero Beach, where he had down as a dull and listless orator. The best-remembered line of Re- allegedly arranged to seU them, played his own skill as a com- best. Just ss predictably, Demo- He proved otherwise yesterday said. "HI* condition would be con- municator. In campaign debate that crats said Mondale had won. "We've agan's debate against Carter In 1M0 sidered a* critical, it least hi terms Alfree said. night In Louisville. He will get a had nothing to do with Issues. It was ran overtime. He came on strong, got a new great communicator," second, and final opportunity In a of what be ha* been through." punching and counter-punching. said Rep. Michael Barnes. D-Md. the Reagan refrain to what he said The 14-year-old King, affec- 94 whales beached foreign policy debate with Reagan In were Carter mlsstatements "There Then, invited to offer a summary The debate fare was generally as Kansas City on Oct. 11. tionately known as "Daddy King," denunciation of Reagan's debate you go again ' EASTHAM, Mass. (AP) - predictable as a Mondale or a This Thursday night, Vice Presi- has a history of heart problem* In performance, adroitly praising the Reagan knows a good line when Workers used bulldoiers yesterday Reagan campaign speech. Mondale dent George Bush and Democratic recent years. He checked into the president for raising national mor- he's said one. to bury M pilot whales that became said Reagan wants to'cut Social nominee Geraldine A. Ferraro meet hospital yesterday morning, said a stranded on a Cape Cod beach, the ale. Security and like program*; Reagan So after Mondale talked about his hospital spokesman in their campaign debate in Phila- tax increase-deficit reduction plan, largest group of whales to die on the For sll that. In politics as in called that outrageous and said it delphia "He came In with some problem* sports, favored champions an not Isn't so. Reagan said Mondale seeks the president looked over at his caps hi recent years. In both those encounters, the that bad to do with irregularity with dethroned on points It takes s tax increases by habit; the Demo- challenger. Some of the huge sea mammals Democratic entries need the kind of his heart rhythm and rate." Bridge* knockout punch, and there were cratic nominee said the president "You know I wasn't going to say war* put to death by lethal Injection dramatic, demonstrable break- •aid, adding that more tests would none, from either corner, In the thinks be can curb federal deficit! this at all." Reagan said, "but I because of their slim chance of throughs that were lacking in be performed. Louisville debate. by magic. Each said he wants to can't help it. There you go again." survival. Louisville That's the way it is for King, father of the Rev. Martin Mondale's problem was summed keep religion out ot politics; each Mondale was waiting for that one. "Today is burial day and cleanup a ticket playing catchup politics Luther King Jr.. the slain civil In the Instructions from moderator accused the other side of trying to He said the last time Reagan made day," said Jan Sherlock, senior with the election less than one rights leader, is the retired pastor of Barbara Walters as the debate put it there. the comment was In response to manager of the International Fund month away. Unless all the od- Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. began. The candidates would be But the glorified panel programs Carter's charge that he wanted to for Animal Welfare In dsmakers are wrong, Reagan can addressed ss they preferred, she that pan for presidential campaign cut Medicare funds. "What did you Yarmoutbport. win by standing still said, "and will therefore be called debate never have been forums for •fn right after the election? You Workers hold vigil Ms. Sherlock said bulldozers were And debates are not often a forum Mr. President and Mr. Mondale." groundbreaking on the Issues They went out and tried to cut Medicare. " used to dig giant graves for the for campaign-turning events. ANAHEIM. Calif (AP) - Strik- whales away from the beach, and Four years ago, when he wss the are, Instead, occasion* for summa- Mondale said. ing Disneyland workers have been that officials of the fund took a plane challenger, Reagan spoke of the tion and repetition of well-rehearsed told the park will replace them if out over the oceanto se e if any more difficulty Implicit In arguing with campaign themes. That's valuable, they don't resume work this week, pilot whales were headed ashore. "Mr. President." Reagan managed as Is the opportunity to see rival and their unions say the park's The whales, some as long as 20 In his debate against President candidates handle themselves away management is forgetting founder feet and weighing as much ss 2,000 Jimmy Carter. Mondale managed, from their scripts Walt Disney » "Ideals and beliefs." pounds, came ashore Saturday in an too. On both counti. while there was An estimated 2,000 people partici- inlet oo the bay side of Eastham. Even some of the Republicans no breakthrough for Mondale. at pated in a 45-minute candlelight vigil Saturday night, singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" from Disney's cartoon classic "Plnoc- chlo," said union spokesman Michael O'Rourke, spokesman for the five striking unions. "It was mainly to salute Walt Disney and his ideals and to remind management 'of his Ideals and beliefs regarding harmony between management and employee*, and that his people were his most Important assets and that those now managing the Disney empire should Shoes Personalize your gifts only and clothing with beautiful styles of monogramming! 00 ALSO Hft All types of lettering and patches sewn on shirts and uniforms! figure.

Mew Woman is the area's largest and most prestigious fitnessfacility fo r women -and we have the figures to prove H! And now, New woman offers a rate so low and so affordable that you can enjoy the very best four figure deserves the best. • Over 75 dasses each week including aerobics and sUmnastics • Superb equipment including 120 Fair Have. Rd. Nautilus* Universal* and Cam Star* • Indoor pool, whirlpool and sauna at every FakHavcsi.NJ. location • Optional child care and sunbeds Shicvnburv/the Mark*) Placf/Romc 35 (261) 30-3785 • PubUc pro shopsfeaturing designe r Aha Alkfidak. Emmon. FMrfWi CM Bndgr. work-outwear. SmMdM . Nrw Oly ml WN* Fktos. NV A4 The Daily Register MONDAY, OCTOBER e. 1984 Minish faces tough race in 11 th District By ELISSA McCHARY retarded children, is challenging Services. Post Office and Civil Anoclatcd Prm Writer Democratic Rep. Robert Roe of Service committees. He is expected Democratic Rep. Joseph Minish Pompton Lakes, who was elected to to win re-election. mint convince a predominantly new Congress in a special election in The district Includes Hunterdon and Republican constituency to send 1969. County and parts of Mercer, Middle- him back to the House lor a 12th Page is the only black woman and sex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex and term in what is shaping up to be the one of two black candidates running Warren counties. most hotly contested race in the 8th for Congress in New Jersey. If lttk District through the 14th Districts ol New elected, she would be the first black Democrat James B. Smith, 34, Jersey. congresswoman from the state. mayor of Mount Holly, is miming In the Uth District, where the Roe Is one of the most senior against state Sen H. James Saxton, boundary changes as a result of a Democrats in the New Jersey R-Burllngton, in the district rep, court-imposed redistrictlng plan delegation and ta expected to win re- resented by Rep. Edwin Forsythe, a was the moat dramatic in the state, election. He is one of the highest Republican, until his death earlier the 67-year-old Minish is opposed by ranking members of the Public this year. state Assembly Majority Leader Works Committee and chairs its Smith, a financial consultant, has Dean A. Oallo, R-Morria. Water Resources Committee. criticized Republicans for failing to Elsewhere, when voters in the The district Includes parts of clean up toxic waste sites in New 13th Congressional District step into Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic Jersey. polling places on Nov. 6, they will counties. Saxton was elected to the state cast two ballots — one in an election Mk District Assembly in 1»75 and to the Senate ' to fill the unexpired term ol the late Republican Neil Romano, a stock- In 19M. He was chairman of the state Republican Platform Commit- Rep. Edwin B. Forsythe and another broker from Cliffside Park who has MATTHEW J. RINALDO REP. JAMES A. OOURTEft ROBERT A. HOE to elect a lull-term congressman. never held public office, la challeng- tee in l»61 Voters in the district that includes Political experts have said the ing Democratic Rep. Robert G. where Gallo Is better known. parts ol Burlington, Camden and Torricelli of Hackensack.> Romano egation who Is likely to win re- lllb District race could be close In the district election. The district includes parts of Ocean counties, will choose between has worked as an aide to Rep. State Assembly Minority Leader that Includes parts of Burlington. Berkeley, who said he la cam- Dean A. Gallo, R-Morris, U putting Essex, Morris. Sussex andWarren slate Sen. H. James Saxton, R- Matthew Rinaldo, the Republican Camden and Ocean counties. paigning on the "patriotism plat- up a tough fight against Democratic counties. Mtk District Burlington, and Democrat James B. from Elizabeth. form," has never held public office Rep. Joseph C. Minish of West Democratic Rep. Prank J.' Smith, mayor ol Mount Holly. lzta District Torricelli. who worked as an aide but has been active In the Passaic Orange in the newly redrawn Uth Guarini, elected In 1978, is opposed One candidate could win both Republican Rep. James Courier elections or voters could select one to former Gov. Brendan Byrne and County Republican Committee. He District. by Edward T. Magee of Jersey City; former Vice President Walter F. is director of the Federation of New Gallo was elected to the state of HacketUtown U being challenged a retired teacher. to till the two-month unexpired term by Democrat Peter N. Bearse, a until Jan. 3, 1985, when the other Mondale, defeated incumbent Re- Jersey Taxpayers. Assembly In 1976 and became min- Magee la a former unsuccessful Princeton councilman who ran un- would take office publican Harold Hollenbeck two ority leader In 1M1. He was honored candidate for city and county office In the Sth District, freshman Rep. years ago with S3 percent of the Rodino, 74, was elected to Con- in 18B2 by the National Republican successfully lor the state Senate In and is a strong supporter of Presi- Robert Torricelli, a Democrat, is vote. He Is expected to win a second gress in IMS and is chairman of the Legislators Association as one of the 1977. dent Reagan seeking a second term against term. . House Judiciary Committee. He best lawmakers in the country. Courier, who was elected to Guarini, also of Jersey City, Is a Republican Neil Romano, a Cliflside The district Includes parts ol gained national attention In the He is the lint candidate to Congress in 1971, Is a former Peace member of the House Ways and Park stockbroker. Bergen and Hudson counties. mid-1970s when the committee con- significantly challenge Minish since Corps volunteer and a Legal Ser- Means Committee and of its Over- The following is a brief summary 1Mb District sidered articles of impeachment the Democrat won his House seat in vices lawyer. The most con- sight and Select Revenue Measures of races in the 8th through the Uth Republican Howard Berkeley, a against then-President Richard Nli- 1961. But under the redrawn district servative member of the New subcommittees. He is known by Us Districts retired postal worker from Irv- map, Minish lost the Democratic Jersey delegation, he supports colleagues as a polished, influential 8th District ington, is challenging Democratic Essex County suburbs and was given President Reagan's programs and is politician and is expected to win re- Republican Marguerite Page of Rep. Peter W Rodino of Newark, The district includes part of parts of well-to-do Morris County, a member of the House Armed election, t Passaic, a 62-year-old teacher of the dean of the New Jersey del- Essex and Union counties. Musician charges bias seeking that this wrong la righted," /t Vote HOLMDEL (AP) - A black Is pending before the agency. said Patterson's attorney, Max A paid directory of coming emits for non-profit orfaiUiattons Ratas H7I for three lino for 1 day (II 00 each trombonist claims in a complaint The musician Is seeking reim- addltioaal Una),» 00 for lint Unas tor two days ill SO each additional lint). SI SO for three lints far three days filed with the New Jersey Division bursement for lost work and to be Manshel. "Any monetary com- (BOO each additional line), 87 M for thret Unas for for or fhrt days <«*»teAY - TsrumsoA Y ception ft btaqatt at 1:1* p.m. at Art. ft Crafta Salt, at Turkey St. Agnes Church. Atlantic High- She said state-appointed mediator for Tuesday it there was no settle- Classes for the district's 4,000 Squires Pab. West Long Branch. Swamp Park; Georgia Rd.. Freehold Jack Ttllem had imposed a news ment in the dispute. lands, will sponsor a crease on the students were held with substitutes Tickets SM. Ca U Joseph UMeantam. Twp Sponsored by Monmouth Coanty Mi«iiMiipv| QUEEN. Matnpkes to blackout on the negotiations. Early last week, there were Friday, but school officials would m-MM. for reservations. Park System. Artiit* ft crafters will New Orleans. B1-0S7S or SH-am The 840-member East Brunswick reports of violence on union picket not say how many attended.

f MONDAY. OCTOBER 8.1984 The Dairy Register AS TV expert: Mondale 'assertive,' Reagan 'uneasy' connecting with America's living rooms. NEW YORK (AP) - Walter F. Mondale teemed debate categories and found Mondale the runaway days. winner. Hilton credited Mondale with the evening's best "Mr. Mondale s eye contact with the camera was far more telf-auured. more assertive and, most surpris- better than it's been for him and also in comparison with ing'y. more affable than Ronald Reagan in their first But Hilton pointed out that presidential debates tend anecdote — when he said Reagan reminded him of a 1 Mr. Reagan," said Hilton. "There was no reason why to confirm voters' predisposilons and only sway a small Will Rodgers line about Herbert Hoover: "It's not what presidential debate, according to a television consultant Mr. Reagan was looking stage left. His eye contact was who has coached three presidents and hundreds of percentage of votes. Mondale would benefit, he said, but he doesn't know that bothers me, It's what he knows for not enough to eliminate his double-digit deficit in the down on the lectern, off to the side. His head was business executives. sure that just ain't so." bowed." "For me, Walter won the debate." Jack Hilton said polls. Hilton said Mondale also got off the best line of the The most striking contrast was late in the debate alter last night's face-off in Louisville. "To me, be Hilton said Mondale, who faced the challenge of night when he questioned Reagan's leadership ability, teemed more self-assured; be seemed to be relishing having to debate a president who was more popular than when Mondale actually could confront Reagan face to saying there is a "difference between being a face. The impetus was a question from CBS' Diane it He was confident and assertive. And toe biggest his policies, effectively assaulted the president without and being a cheerleader." surprise was that he was more affable." being antagonistic. Sawyer asking each debater to challenge the other's In the category of most evasive answer, Hilton listed most outrageous statement. Hilton, whose clients have included John Kennedy, "He attacked the policies, actions and plans of the Mondale 3 non-response to a question about religion and administration, never Mr. Reagan personally." laid "That's the debate format Mr. Mondale would have Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford and 320 of the Fortune 500 politics. Corporations, continued:. Hilton, who has not done cosulting work for either preferred and you can see why," Hilton said. "He really For most convoluted answer, the TV consultant said had Mr. Reagan back on his heels. You could see why "The president was uneasy. His speech was, in part, presidential candidate. Mr. Reagan reisted that format. When Mr. Reagan halting. His head was bowed, and he seemed to be Mondale even went so far as to give the president he had a lot of entries for both men. departs from prepared material, he's less sure of searching bit memory for statistics. credit for America's renewed spirit and said he liked Hilton regularly counsels business executives and himself." "In terms of their presentations, Mr. Mondale was Reagan personally. others on the best ways to present their views on the victor - and surprisingly so. But it was a narrow "Mr Mondale was complimentary, deferential and television. Did Hilton have any advice for Reagan for the second victory, not by the so-called knock-out." certainly respectful. " said Hilton. He noticed that Reagan was looking to his left while and last debate on Oct. 21? Hilton's evaluation was in line with the AP's panel He said there were no major gaffes — nothing that answering questions, apparently addressing his ques- "I think he has to prepare more intensively and be of seven eiperts who judged the candidates in itandard would dog either man in the media for the next few tioners, while Mondale was doing a much better job of somewhat more aggressive," Hilton said. Mondale eyes boost in bid I con 11 nurd) "If you're wealthy, you're better a plan for raising taxes." Top White House aide Richard G. off." he said. Middle income Ameri- Reagan added that as a senator, Darman also seemed to concede the cans were about even, he added, and Mondale had voted It times in favor Democrat had done well. "Even If people of modest income were of tax Increases. he won, I don't see what in the worse off. In another echo of 1980, Mondale nature of the hypothetical win will In his closing statement, the referred to the Reagan economic move even 5 percent (In the polls), Democratic challenger said that program as "what was once called and he needs much more than that." even after watching the debate, "the 'voodoo economies'" a phrase Republican Gov. George Deu- American people don't have the coined in the I960 Republican pri- kmejlan of California said Mondale slightest clue" how Reagan intends mary campaign by Bush. did a ••creditable job" but did not to reduce budget deficits now run- Reagan compared economic land the knockout blow that he ning close to $MO billion a year. statistics today with what the fig- needed. The rules barred the candidates ures were at the close of the Carter Standing eight feet apart behind from questioning each other, but adminmistration and laid, "I am identical lecterns, Mondale and Mondale skirted that prohibition and running on the record. I think Reagan answered questions from turned to the president to ask, sometimes, Mr. Mondale Is running three Journalists and spelled out "What are you going to do" to away from his." their sharply divergent views of reduce the deficit. "You can't wash Social Security brought one of the what the patt three years have It away." sharpest clashes as Mondale In- meant to Americans The debate There was no opportunity for sisted that the program for the wat scheduled to run 80 minutes but Reagan to respond directly. elderly had been a target of Reagan ran 10 minutes longer. "I don't believe that Mr. Mondale budget cutting in 1981 and would Several times, moderator hat a plan for balancing the likely become one again Barbara Walters of ABC chlded the budget," said the president. "He has audience for interrupting with ap- plause and at the start the scolded both candidates for not being able to agreeon four questioners out of a Both sides happy list of about 100 submitted by the sponsoring League of Women (continued) Heagan .supporters were not Voters. v^- attack and I don't think it's going to unanimous, though, in their Ms. Ferraro and Bush will debate change minds out there tonight. So assessment of the debate. Thursday in Philadelphia I feel very good about It, very Terry Dolan. head of the National

**tasa g*H#ts) I think we have given America relaxed about it for the president " Conservative Political Action Com- back her spirit," said the president, Robert Beckel, Mondale's cam- mittee, said he was deeply disap- TAKING THEIR BOWS - Walter and Joan stage alter last night's confrontation between the who rephrased his 1960 debate paign manager, said flatly that pointed in Reagan's performance. Mondale join Ronald and Nancy Reagan on the candidates in Louisville, Ky. question to ask, "It America better "Mondale won big." "He sounded vacillating. I think off than it was four years ago." "I think the president was well off he let Mondale get away with After reciting improving econ- his stride tonight." Beckel added murder," Dolan said. "I think 9 omic statistics. Reagan said, "I "We've just seen the beginning of Ronald Reagan should fire the believe the answer to that has to be the October campaign," he said. people who prepared him for the 'Columbus lands again yes." debate." When Reagan debated President However, Reagan'a pollster, Rob- Dolan said Reagan used "a lot of (ceailnaH) been participating in the ceremony Scouts who participated in yester- Carter in 1880 and the economy was ert Teeter, shrugged off any impact eye-glazing facts and figures. Gone the confrontation may have had. and Inefficiency." for the past It yean. day's festivities included Mike reeling under high Interest and was the vision of the future that he "I can't sit here and figure out POT former County Sheriff Paul All of the Indian costumes and HaimowiU of Middletown, Chris inflation rates, the Republican can- put forward In 1980. He was using paraphernalia were supplied by the Labarca of Aberdeen. Hishan El- didate scored effectively when he what In the debate changed any" statistics that made no sense, they Klernan, who led an Impassioned peoples' minds, Teeter said. Pledge of Allegiance, the day waa a Order of the Arrow, of the Mon- Hamawi of Matawan, Eric asked whether Americans felts they were fuzzy." fit occasion for Americans to re- mouth and Ocean chapters of the Thalmeier of Keyport, Bob Men of were better off than before Carter Baker added: "Many people said "If Reagan had simply done what member their forefathers who left Boy Scouts of America. Colts Neck, James Dick, Herb took office. coming into this that Mr. Mondale he does best, he would have made their native lands, and "by working The Scouts have been involved in Werth and Dan Morris of Middle- Mondale disagreed with Reagan's had to score a knockout. Well, no mincemeat out of Mondale," Dolan hard, with faith In themselves and the ceremony since its inception. town, and Bart Smith of Interlaken assessment of the past four years. way." added faith in their God, made this the greatest country In the world." A re-enactment of Cohimbus's tending used to be held in Florida, bat has since been cancelled, mak- ing Asbury Park's the only one, according to Anthony Petlllo, yes- terday's master of ceremonies. A police officer and longtime resident of the city, PetiUo has taken part In the celebration for most of its 30- year history. With lint* of spectators extending from Convention Hall to Third Ave . yesterday's crowd was described at DEPARTMENT STO somewhat larger than in previous years by Roaemarie Porter, ex- ecutive secretary of the Greater Atbury Park Chamber of Com- merce, organizers of the event. But neither Porter nor the city's police department could provide an esti- mate of the number of spectators The role of Columbus was* played by. Joseph Pallotto, and his sailors by Mike Fidek and Garrett Giberton. All three are from the Aabury Park area and spend their summers working as lifeguards on the beach here. The boat used for Columbus's tending was a lfeguard boat, which Fidek said has been used in many successful lifeguard races over the summer. Fidek said the three have Reagan claim, facts different WASHINGTON (AP) - At Ronald Reagan remembers It, It was sometime before Ms election in 1880 that he backed away from his pledge to balance the federal budget no later than 1983 However, at late as January of MM, Reagan was still talking about meeting his self-imposed deadline for wiping out the red talk. In the 1N0 campaign, Reagan had said be would balance the budget by 19U. and hopefully a year earlier than that. In his debate last night with Walter F. Mondale. Reagan was asked about his record on deficit reduction. "Before even the election day (In 1H0). something that none of those economists had even predicted had happened, that the economy was to worsened that I was openly saying that what we had thought on the basis of our plan could have brought a balanced budget, that was no longer possible," the president said. DAILY 9:30 to 5:30 Dynamic Savings According to news files, the first 44 APPLE ST TINTON FALLS on indication of slippage in Reagan's THUfoS. & FRI. 'til 9:00 Nationally Advertised deficit-redaction timetable came on Jan. 6, Ml, during Senate testi- SUNDAY 12 to 5:00 First Quality Fashion* mony by Donald T. Regan, who at the time had been picked at Re- agan's Treasury secretary The Daily Register Iran implicated in bombing WASHINGTON - In the backrooms of 1 also hear a lot from bewildered Established in 1*78 - Published by The Red Bank Register the Pentagon and the National Security citizens who have ventured Into tbe A Capital Cities Communications Inc. Newspaper Council, some strategists became con- federal swamp and have lost their way. vinced that Iranians were behind the They send me interminable accounts of JAMES E McKEARNEY. JR bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut their futile grappUogs with tbe bureauc- , PmtdfUt iiml Puhlinhrr but month and discussed retaliatory racy. . , military action against Iran. JACK Try as I do, I have never been able to Arthur Z Kamin Herbert H Thorpe. Jr Charts* C. TrlbUhorn One source told my associate Lucette catch up with my mall Each day's haul t./lnur Auutum Editor .%»l .Uitru»mu Iran's President HoJatollisUm Khamenei Frank J Allocca after, I will devote at least part of the ProduMI'i). Munngrr made a mysterious appearance in Leba-. shadowy Islamic Jihad group, which has non's Bekaa Valley where the revolution- claimed responsibility for the attacks on column to a personal dialogue with my , A6 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1984 ary guards are stationed. U.S. installations. Did Khamenei bring the readers. The timing suggests that he may have ayatollah's blessing for the embassy Some of my most urgent mail comes had something to do with tbe bombing. But bombing? Or did he try to dissuade tbe from children who read my report about some Intelligence analysts have raised the terrorist group from its intended attack? tbe Young Astronauts program that possibility that Khamenei tried to prevent Our Intelligence agencies don't know. President Reagan Is developing. Some the terrorist attack Before the bombing, intelligence addressed their letters to Reagan; others The evidence is persuasive that Shiite analysts suggested an entirely different wrote to me. Moslem fanatics, inspired by the ravings reason for Khamenei's surprise side trip of Ayatollah Khomeini, drove suicide to Baalbek. They were told that Assad had One 8-year-old appealed to the presi- vehicles that blew up U.S. Marine head- complained to Khamenei about the unruly dent: "I read Jack Anderson's article quarters in IMS and twice shattered the behavior of the Iranian troops In Lebanon about Young Astronaut* I am very, very, U.S. Embassy. What Is less certain is and that tbe visiting president went to very, very, very interested ... PS My whether the attacks were approved at the Baalbek to remonstrate with the revol- dad is a good Republican " highest level of the Iranian government. utionary guards. A t-year-old wrote: "I hop* you will . Some of President Reagan's political But now intelligence sources believe it consider me when you are trying to think ' advisers saw the latest embassy bombing Is unlikely that Khamenei could have of a child to go on a space flight ... P.S. as an opportunity for him to demonstrate visited Baalbek without learning that a I like jelly beans too! "Pasted to tbe letter his "macho" leadership on the eve of the major anti-American strike was In the was a snapshot of a grinning, towheaded election. They wanted him to retaliate. works. This would mean that Khamenei boy, with an arrow pointing to tbe picture Other advisers urged Reagan to forget the either OK'd the bombing or was overruled and tbe darkly scrawled word, "Me." macho issue and focus on the peace issue. by tbe terrorists after he left. Another letter offered these creden- They seem to have the president's ear. tials: "I'm » years old and have good , My sources lean to tbe view that radical grades in school and am a Girl Scoot." Here are the details, meanwhile, of elements in the Iranian government Khamenei's sudden surprise visit to Pleaded another: "I'm ( yean old and engineered the embassy bombing from have been Interested In being an astronaut Lebanon. He snowed up in Syria on Sept. start to finish. But they aren't certain i, a Moslem holiday. For a religious for a long time. I can't wait for you to enough yet to urge sending bombers over write back." fundamentalist to travel on a holy day Tehran. astonished his Syrian hosts and indicated A letter hot off the computer noted: that the trip was urgent. STRICTLY PERSONAL: Day after "My filial fifth grade report card had all Khamenei was accompanied by the day, vox popuU wells up on my desk In A's and B's except for one C. ... I am Cabinet minister in charge of the revol- letters from across America. Some are having fun writing this letter to you on the utionary guards. After meeting with returning boomerangs from columns 1 computer. That way I can correct my Syrian President Hafez Assad, the Iranian have written. Other letters comment on mistakes" dignitaries hurried to Baalbek in north- the sorry performance of this politician or To all tbe kids who wrote me: President eastern Lebanon, where the Iranian that official. Much mall comes from Reagan will make an announcement on , volunteers are based. anguished souls who want to unburden the Young Astronaut program in a few themselves of some grievance. Baalbek is also the headquarters for the days. Old question., new answer moment, I million lawsuit* are pending in WASHINGTON - In the current our state and federal courts. Maay of Journal of the American Bar Association, these cases have been pending for years, a gentleman who is both a lawyer and a waiting upon trial dates or out-of-court public relations counselor grapples with settlement! an ancient question. Why is it, he asks, Law is not like medicine. Given a pain that people don't like lawyers? The In the belly, we willingly acknowledge our author, Dennis E. Hensley, comes up with JAMES ignorance of anatomy and trust the some familiar reasons and offers some surgeon's judgment. It's your appendix, he familiar advice. One complaint is that KILPATRIC says to the patient, and out the little trial lawyers tend to be rude. He suggests critter comes on Tuesday The problem is that they try not to be rude. That's a nice over and done with. But the client hasn't beginning been born who doesn't believe that he Let me turn around for a minute or two knows as much about the law - or almost on Hensley s theme. It has to be said, first as much - as his lawyer A patient off, that his threshold premise is un- wouldn't dream of suggesting that his deniably sound. Individual lawyers may be are afraid of being arrested: we are afraid surgeon cut to the left or the right of the dearly loved, but as a breed the profession of suing and more afraid of being sued. We navel, but clients are full of advice on bow historically has been held in low esteem. are afraid of the pitfalls that go with to handle a lawsuit. If the lawsuit is lost, It Is almost impossible to find a passage divorce and child custody. We are leery of after months or years of suspense, it's all in literature In praise of the legal insurance forms and property leases. We the lawyer's fault. practitioner. Keats thought lawyers are afraid of foreclosure, afraid of Serving the customer should be classed "In the natural history eviction, afraid of the housing inspector People do not like criminal law any of monsters," and Keats was among the and the bill collector. In all these areas, better than they like civil law. The people We're delighted to see that New panies are required to follow, rules milder critics. and in a hundred more besides, It is the are fed up with a system that admits Jersey Natural Gas Company is that help senior citizens. As a layman in love with the law. I have lawyer who lies at the root of our manifestly dangerous criminals to bail. apprehension. Lawyers write the laws; working to develop programs that will spent a lifetime covering the bar and the The people do not understand the ex- For example, utilities are required bench. From these years of observation, lawyers enforce and interpret the laws; clusionary rule — Judges and cops do not address the needs of senior citizens. to make a special effort to reach I venture this oversimplified explanation: statutes and opinions pile up like moun- understand it either - but the people see The gas company has hired the senior citizens by telephone as well as People do not like lawyers because people tains of grain, and the mill never stops. that the rule csn be twisted so as to make National Council on Aging as a do not like laws. It is a curious thing. It is a bonding of a travesty of Justice. Only a tiny fraction by mail, before discontinuing their love and hate. For a country that prides of our people ever serve on Juries, but consultant for the next six months. You will understand that I am not service. speaking of the body of law that deals with Itself on freedom, we are In thrall to the jurors talk, and too often they talk of ill- Tbe council will study the company's law. Two-thirds of all the lawyers In the And they are prohibited from "malum In se." with evil In itself. Society prepared lawyers and indifferent judges. consumer relations efforts and help plainly likes laws that punish murder, world are practicing in the United States Too many laws, too many lawyers, too develop ways for its employees to shutting off service in the winter to rape, robbery and fraud. I am thinking Japan has about 10,000 lawyers for the many lawsuits! The people feel helpless in whole country; we have upward of MO.0O0 become more sensitive and respon- customers on some state and federal rather of that mile-wide web of rules, a mire of invisible ooie, and they do not Our 200 law schools turn out another 30,000 benefit programs. regulations and statutes that deal with see the typical attorney as a friend who sive' to the needs of senior citizens. "malum prohibitum." We do not obey lawyers every spring. There is no way this will pull them out. They figure it was 'James T. Dolan, president of New New Jersey Natural Gas has a these out of fear of doing wrong; we obey army of lawyers can exist without attorneys who threw them Into the muck Jersey Natural Gas, acknowledged record of good public relations with them out of fear of getting caught. This is creating new laws, new rules, new in the first place. And tbe melancholy why we file our tax forms, observe the no- regulations that must be interpreted and truth - a truth that no public relations that senior citizens are becoming the its customers. It recently won an smoking signs and drive at 55 mph. applied. Lawyers feed on litigation as campaign will overcome — Is that In this largest single group of residents award for its newsletter "Pipeline to Fear. That is the operative word. We whales feed on plankton. At any given conviction the people are generally right. among the 226,000 customers the Seniors." company serves. We're glad to see the utility take •The state Board of Public Utilities another step in the right direction has developed rules that utility com- toward good community relations. FROM OUR READERS

Modern World)." We as church are called Bank comes to a close In MM, the year tat New Jersey on the map ERA and justice to be a sacrament of Justice in the world. American cycling team put the sport of bicycle racing on the U.S. A. map for good. .Remember the free road maps you If we as church fail to support the ERA, In addition to the usual ends of such Orange how can we retain credibility on issues of You've helped imprint it indelibly In the used to be able to pick up at your cartography, they also carry To the Editor: Justice In mour world? minds of tbe residents of Red Bank and gasoline service station? For the most nearby communities. messages New Jersey wants to get The following is a copy of a letter sent Tbe ERA ought not be reduced to a part, they've gone the way of the 10- to Archbishop John L. May, Chair. The On behalf of tbe Atlantic Bicycle Club across. For one, they aim to keep the single Issue. The Emmaus Community of cent telephone call. You can still get Catholic Center: I would like to thank you for your support. roads safe by reminding motorists of Christian Hope prayerfully challenges you tliat kind of bargain with maps of New We, the Emmaus Community of Chris- Your participation through your gen- to see tbe ERA as a life issue, a Justlc New Jersey's harsh drunk driving tian Hope, urge you and your fellow erosity has helped to further the sport of Jersey. issue and plead for you to opt for the bishops to support tbe Equal Rights cycling In the public eye. For It's mostly laws. For another, they sell the positive values of ERA. Please risk taking The New Jersey road maps are Amendment. In the alternative we urge by example that we teach. And the state's "New Jersey & You ... Perfect a public stand for Justice and support tbe prepared in-house by the state your committee to recommend to the spectacular event which, with your help, Equal Rights Amendment. Together" tourism campaign. bishops that they delay In making a was staged so successfully, showed our Division of Travel and Tourism and decision to allow reasonable time for a Ruby Cribbin the Department of Transportation. The state printed 500,000 of the town exactly what bicycle racing of more thorough study of the ERA. Chairperson Olympic caliber is all about. Furthermore, The Division of Travel and Tourism maps last year, and updated them this We are a community of the laity with Tbe Emmaus Community of Christian It U this quality of criterium race which a membership of women and men, Hope distributes 450.000 of them at the SO year at a cost of about twelve-and-a- serves to encourage and motivate the married and single, who are deeply lndivudual athlete, whether be be a tourist information centers it has half cents each. They are, Victoria concerned about and committed to scattered throghout the state. The nationally ranked champion or a cyclist Schmidt, director of the Division of eliminating discrimination on tbe basts of who has set simply a personal goal to Department of Transportation is dis- sex in church and society. Tbe purpose of Tourism and Travel says, exceedingly Bicycle tour better himself physically or to have fun tributing another 75.000. tbe ERA Is to make such discrimination competing In a meet of champions. popular. Only partly, we hope, be- illegal in our society. This same dis- Houndel These are multiple-purpose maps. cause they are free. crimination was condemned by Vatican For your support, your enoosragement, II: "Every type of discrimination based The following Is a copy of a letter sent your enthusiasm, I thank yon whole- to Red Bank Mayor Michael Arnone and heartedly and trust that our association In on sex Is to be overcome and eradicated tbe Borough Council. as contrary to God's intent, (Church in the the future can be of mutual benefit. New light on events Once again the fifth annual Tour of Red Marshall P WhlUWd Through the dark nights to come, The lights should not be considered Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU (he athletic fields at Middletown High a boon to sports fans only, say the Schools, North and South, can be committee members. Band concerts 1 UH.MI.I'M memoes/UK/. brightly lighted at whim — thanks to and other events are expected to use WIIWB. owe«s./i«r/rw/? AMHNSKW/ai/mmr i a dedicated band of citizens. the lights In non-game moments. HBCONStOI j MY HUMS IS.. H| 1 GOP.HOUCOUPI 9OU. XXIKA60CPUSB&K. ; As soon as the self-appointed Light Such cooperation is typical of tmwNMitm. the Fields Committee began its Middletown's spirit, and we applaud efforts, other organizations offered to residents' ability to work together to MS.C0N6P0N help, running fund-raisers of every get things done. They worked hard, kind Among them, they raised nearly and they pulled it off. It took them a {100,000 cash and donated more than little less than a year. $35,000 worth of skilled and semi- Their efforts help our young people skilled labor. in another way, too: they set a fine ; It was a labor of love. Now the example of how much can be done I community's young people have "a with concerted effort. n safe place to go" in the evening. Let's have a big round of applause. F. *\l1IM ll MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1984 The Daily Register A7 OBITUARIES

Charles J. DeRoche Party leaders predictably partisan By The Associated Press to say" and appeared "forthright." ABERDEEN - Chute JoMph He la aarvtved by hit wife, The Republican congressman ssid DeJUefce, II. gf WoodUnd Drivt, Kathleen DeRoche; three torn, New Jersey party officials were predictably partisan In their reac- Mondale was "most effective when CliMwood Beach, died Friday at Michael DeRoche. Thaw De- he at one point Ignored the audience Perth Amboy General Hospiul tions to the presidential campaign Roche and Steven DeRoche, all of debate last night, with a Democratic and looked directly at President Bora In KUIooa. La., Mr. De- Keansburi; three daughters. Mrs Reagan." Roche resided to Sutra bland. leader praising Walter F. Mandate Kathleen ZweJdinger hare. Mn. for responding clearly and mixing "I think that kind of personal NY., before movinf here M year* Susan Hammond of Beverly, and confrontation was what his cam- afo. humor with seriousness and the Mlas Linda DeRoche of Keansburg; president's state campaign director paign wanted and got on that Mr. DeRoche waa employed by question," Courter said. the Cetytex Co.. Perth Amboy, for a brother, John DeRoche of Marreo, applauding Reagan's performance. La ; a sUter. Mrs Rita Domlnick of Kate Lltvack. executive director He also noted that the candidates A U.S. Army veteran, be wai a Marreo. La.; and six frandchildren of Democratic State Committee, are forced to "walk a thin line" to member of American Legion Post The Day Funeral Home. Keyport, said the debate In Louisville, Ky , respond with depth to questions HI. Union Beach. hi hi charge of arrangemeatt. "can't have done anything but have while not make their responses too helped" Mondale's campaign complicated He said Reagan and But Rep. Jim Courier, R-N.J , the Mondale were "quite technical" In Ida J. Shaffer chairman of the Reagan-Bush cam- their answers. paign in New Jersey, said the debate MIDDLETOWN - Ida J. Shaffer Shaffer; two daughters, Mri. has "got to be a big disappoint- Rep. James Florio, D-N.J., of Leonardo died yesterday at Pauline Van Saders of Hackeassci, ment" for the former vice presi- watched the debate in the Louisville Rivarview Medical Canter, Red and ConcetU KuU of MaUwan; a auditorium after serving as an brother. Peter Betta of Brooklyn, "They were looking for last big advisor on environmental Issues for Bon hi Naples, Italy, the resided the Democrats. NY.; a sister. Clara Aldana of New rhMM to turn the campaign in Berfenfield before moving here around," Courter said. "I saw two years ago. York City; five grandchildren and JAMES COURTER JAMBS 1. FLORIO He said: "I don't know how two treat-frindehildren nothing In that debate that would anybody arrives at the conclusion Before retiring in 1974, she was a give the Mondale camp cause for seamstress for Regal Sportswear, The John P. Condon Funeral for the office of the president Is "I don't think be scored many that the president came off weU ... hope." important," she said, noting that the points He stumbled on words and He was so hesiuting In defending Haciemact for » yean. Home, Atlantic Highlands, Is In Ms Litvack tald Mondale did well Surviving arc bar husband. Cecil charge of arrangements. Democrats must confront a na- sounded rather defensive and ner- his own economic policies. I think it by "taking a relatively high road ... tionwide Inclination to support the vous, surprisingly And clearly he Is going to raise questions." by noting that he has noting against Incumbent while campaigning won nothing on 'Here we go again," "The president either had an off Robert Bruce Mr Reagan personally but that they ftgalnft the president. she said. night tonight or he Is not good at disagree fundamentally.'' The president, Ms. Litvack said, Courter, however, contended that spontaneous exchanges," the con- FAIR HAVEN - Robert Bruce. Hii wife, the former Dorothy .ill J_I_ ft l l 90, of 90 Lewis Point Road, died Dyer, died hi May. "got off to a very shaky start." "the president said what he wanted gressman added. Saturday at Riveriew Medical Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. •Tenter, Red Bank. Mary Helen Jannell, here, and Mrs Born hi TopeU, Kans , he resided Dorothy Strieker of Spotswood; a hi Dunellen before moving here 40 sister. Mrs. Helen Holmquist of Debate over abortion is rekindled years S|o Before retiring a yean ago. be Cranford; five grandchildren and 14 was a cost accountant (or American great-grandchildren NEW YORK (AP) - The debate O'Connor has said church teach- bishops." A spokesman for O'Connor, Telephone • Telegraph In New York The Worden Funeral Home, Red over the Catholic stance on abortion, ing Is "monolithic" In comparing Among the priests, theologian! Father Peter Finn, called the ad "a abortion to the wrongful taking of a and Uy people who signed the City for nearly 49 years. Bank, is In charge of arrangements. which pitted vice pneldental little bit Imprudent." dMate Genuine Ferraro as life. declaration were University of "It U understandable that some Archbishop John J. O'Connor, wsi Notre Dame theologian Elizabeth people might have questions about John E. Arringlon But a full-page advertisement in Schussler Fiorenza, Sister Agnes particular Items of faith and doc- rekindled yesterday by pastoral the Sunday New York Times de- FAIR HAVEN - John E. Ar- Before retiring, be was a watch- letters on one side of the Issue and Mary Mansour of Lansing, Mich., trine, and I think It would be clared that "a diversity of opinions and Marquette University ethics legitimate to say they have a right lington, H. of U Jackson St.. died maker In New York for many yean. a full-page newspaper advertise- regsrding abortion exists among ment on the other. professor Daniel C. Maguire. In to question and dialogue about Friday at Rivarview Medical Surviving are his wife. Rubye W. committed Catholics." Center. Red Bank. addition. 75 priesU and theologians that," Finn said. "However. I think In a letter read yesterday at concurred but did not sign "because Born la North Carolina, he had Arrington. and a slslar. Mn. F. The sd, paid for by the pro- there U a framework where that Masses In the Archdiocese of New they fear losing their Jobs," the resided here for M yean. Tames of Mlddletown sbortlon group Catholics for a Free dialogue Ukes place within the The Childs Funeral Home, Red York, O'Connor called upon Cath- advertisement said. church Itself " He was a veteran of World Wars olics to safeguard life "from the Choice and bearing dozens of signs- land H Bank, Is hi charge of arrangements. moment of conception." lures, said It was a "mistaken belief" that Catholicism permits Yesterday was designated "Re- only one legitimate position on spect Ufe Sunday" for Romsn abortion. Catholics, and parishes In the Phila- Holiday schedule Authorities report "A Urge number of Catholic delphia area also observed the dsy Today's olllcisl celebration of TRAINS - A regular schedule theologians hold that even direct with the reading of a letter from Columbus Day. a federal and state LIBRARIES - Closing vary abortion, though tragic, can some- Cardinal John Krol urging the holiday, Is being observed with according to municipality times be s moral choice," It said. threat caused by archdiocese's l 36 million Catholics closings of federal, state, and THEATERS — Some matinees "According to data compiled by the to use the ballot box to fight county offices, snd some munici- are scheduled In addition to abortion. National Opinion Research Center, pal offices. evening shows Kroll did not mention any can-only 11 percent of Catholics STOCK MARKET - Open pesticide is minor didates by name, but be said surveyed disapprove of abortion In The revised schedule hi: STORES - Open Catholics may not teparste private all circumstances." BANKS - Closed GARBAGE COLLECTION - beliefs sbout abortion from their POST OFFICES - Closed. No Regular schedule In most mu- LINDEN (AP) - The only one person was still hospital- It added that Catholics "who mall delivery of people who caught a whiff of a ized yesterday. public-policy positions. nicipalities publicly dissent from hierarchical SCHOOLS - Closings vary noxious pesticide released Into the Municipal offices throughout "And no one who was hospiUllzed statemenU sod explore areas of according to district air after a manofscturing mishap Ms. Ferraro and New York Gov Monmouth County that are re- was seriously ill." Marcus said. moral snd legal freedom on the COUNTY COURTS - Closed will not suffer any lasting effects, a Mario Cuomo, both Democrats, maining open today are In "I actually don't think it was a abortion question should not be BUSES - A regular schedule poison expert said yesterday. very serious problem. It bad the have said they personally oppose Aberdeen, Highlands and abortion, but support laws that penalized by then- religious su- for most Holmdel All others are closed At least 109 people sought emerg- potential to be a serious problem," periors, church smployers or ency medical treatment Saturday said Marcus. He added that the high would allow others the freedom to after breathing malathion fumes temperature inside the tank may that drifted over communities in have caused much of the malathion "The statement, I am personally northern New Jersey and SUten to break down before it was released opposed, but ...' U not logical or Island. NY. into the air. acceptable, any more than would be The fumes spread after an out- He said the danger was so minor a statement of personal opposition door tank containing a 17 percent It was unlikely even someone with to child abuse, but allowing others solution of the pesticide overheated respiratory problems, such as a the option to abuse their children," DAY IN, DAY OUT at an American Cyanamid Co. plant chronic asthmatic, would have suf- Kroll said In his letter, read in 306 here, and the pressure buildup fered any delayed effecta. parishes. caused the tank cover to blow off. Charlotte Cuff, a spokeswoman Breeses carried the fumes aa far for American Cyanamid, said about Last month, referring to a Ml Jane Clayton as U miles away. It took plant 6.800 gallons of malathion escaped Utter signed by Ms. Ferraro on In her first term as County workers sbout JV* hours to cool the from the tank, but only 300 gallons behalf of a pro-abortion Catholic Clerk, Jane Clayton has trans- unit sad stop the How. were released as vapor. organization, O'Connor said she formed a badly managed office Workers expected to finish clean- "MaUthion Is widely used by may have "a problem with the is working ing up the 6,400 gallons of maUthion home gardnen and for mosquito pope" if she believes her church's into a modern, cost-effective that spilled on toe ground by this control. ... It does have a bad odor operation. She did it with pro- morning, s company spokeswoman - no doubt about It. But it Is s ssfe doctrine admila a diversity of views fessionalism and dedication. on abortion. as Id. pesticide," she said. FOR YOU... Jane Clayton is Monmouth "I was working on my car when I smelted this awful smell," said County's full-time Clerk - day Joseph Toye of Woodbrldge "My in, day out. eyes were bugging out. I ran into the house and called the police." JANE CLAYTONS MANAGEMENT Authorities hi Perth Amboy, has led to a dramatic increase in productivity in the Records Linden, Woodbrldge. Csrteret, Edison, South River, South Amboy. Section with no increase in personnel. Monmouth County Sayreville, Old Bridge, and SUten ranks third in volum? in the slate in the recording of deeds Island. N.Y., reported receiving and mortgages. Jane Clayton manages a truly busy office. thousands of calls about the fumes after the 10 a.m. accident. Hospitals hi central New Jersey and on SUten Island treated people for huadarhai, dizziness, nausea, Re-elect vomiting, abdominal cramps, and burning eyes. Among the patients were about 40 REPUBLICAN crew members of a tanker and of a civilian merchant ship in the Arthur Kill, where a film of pesticide on the Jane water was contained and cleaned op, aathorities said. While several hospitals admitted pstlents overnight (or observation, Clayton Dr. Steven Marcus, project director of the New Jesey Poison Infor- mstion and Education System, said COUNTY CLERK Group donates SHE HAS EARNED YOUR SUPPORT TINTON FALLS - The Hance Psrk CMc Association recently JANE CLAYTON HAS TAKEN THE INITIATIVE presented a I1.J0O check to the in preserving Monmouth County's historical documents. Tinton FaUs Board Of Education (or Restoration of documents dating back to the early 170ffs is the purchase of s set of five-tier now being planned, and will be stored in new archives in outdoor bleachers to be Installed at Manalapan. the field behind Tinton FaUs School, JANE CLAYTON IS A PROVEN ADMINISTRATOR 04 Tinton Ave The check waa whose office has turned over more than four million presented by association Secretary dollars to the County Treasury in 1983 with an 1800,000 Ami Terry at the board's Sept. U surplus. Bigger surpluses are already accumulating in meeting. Once the bleachers • are per- 1984 manently Installed, the hoard will JANE CLAYTONS BUSINESS-LIKE PROFESSIONALISM boons' the association at a formal has led to the modernization of the County Clerk's office. dedication. An improved computer system enables her staff to serve 202 DEATH NOTICE* you better

AMMNOTON -M.I.«UJM.«.W l an Oa • DMM ' Hi I 1 Mn «•. RE-ELECT Harry Tom BRUCE -aw «• to. i m urn* »** . rm mmn. m cm«. i«M II «I-I«N m Larrison REPUBLICAN FREEHOLDERS Pitd for by Monnwiuih Republican Campaign J WaKJiniftnn Treat 7 Pkwy PI Holmdrl N*| SmTaaawT-ea*. AS TheDMJyKegkter MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1984 HAGAR CROSSWORD



Mommy, did you know that ChriitopW CoLbo.invwttdAuwka?"

THE WIZARD OF ID HOROSCOPE wmooi LOOK By Stella Wilder To see what Is la store for yon will keep on an even keel emotion- MONDAY, OCT. S tomorrow, find your birthday and ally today. Don't cry over spilled Bon today, yon UcUe any and read the corresponding paragraph. .milk. •vary job In such a determined, Let/our birthday sUr be your daily AMIARrES (March 21Aprl21-Aprll 191 - palnitalrlng manner that one ii Ufa la more difficult today than completely furprtsed on thoM few TUeSOAV, OCT. 9 expected, but only because you sud- occasions whan yon fail. The irony UBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - A denly want more out of It Good for is that when you do fail it is because day when originality counts! Use yon! of extremes of precisely those work your Imagination. Work toward old TAURUS (Apr* 20-May 20) - habits that usually brine: yougoals in a new way. Concentrate on aspects of present success: attention to detail and SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Mov. 21) - project that are not materialistic in absorption In what yon an doing to nature Think of intangible gains Yon may find this a day that yields GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - the exclusion of all else. Obviously, to no schedule. Yon would be wise you are moat effective when Morning depression leaves its mark to swim with the various currents on afternoon activity. Try to keep moderation reigns. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec. feeling and reaaon apart Yon have a trusting nature that 21) - Const lance keeps yon from CANCER (Juno 21-Jury 22) - on the one hand enables you to be making a serious error. Keep prom- RomantiRomti c notionti s llead yon ttoto completely honest with others and, ises before day's end. behave In ways that greatly please on the other, invites confidences CAPRICORN (Owe. 22-Jan. 19) - loved ones Don't be timid about from others. You never disappoint Profit-making projects keep you showing feelings. another When It comes to promises, extremely busy; even so, see that LEO ((JulJ y 23-Auo. 22) - Favor- for you make it a point never to personal affairs don't suffer able and unfavorablunfavorab e hourours follofollow promise what yon cannot fulfill. In neglect hard on thh e bbasiis f eachh other fact. In this regard, yon may even AQUARIUS (Jan. 20+afe. 18) - Owl ovfiriy cu*c f ul. Moodineas early in the day may V1R00 (Aug. 23-Se#t. 22) - Mao born on this data arc: Che upset the apple cart where late-day BusinesBi s or profession goes wall vy CIlwts projects are concerned. today, bat only because yon hasp Fielding, world traveler and PISCeS (Feb. 19-March 20) - You will serve yourself wall if you OH.BCV/THATS vou'vi acrr me wans THAT* THi SAME PIZZA WE oaoeaso PIZZA AND COMPLAINT I JUST PPCWv A SUV NAAAEO BRIDGE ADVICE

B^ALFBCD SHUN WOLD black aces and then led a heart If you watch the Bridge Olym- Thinking that West would lead a West dealer pics, scheduled to be held in Seattle club if he had the king of hearts, Both aides vulnerable this week and next, note that the South put up dummy's ace of hearts moat successful players give their and was down one. Noam opponents every chance to go The British declarer, Jeremy •» wrong. Flint, let West win the second trick 9AJ10B In today's hand, played In the with the king of diamonds. Since OAQ107653 U.S. vs. Great Britain match of the Wast could have no attractive lead, 1980 Olympics, both declarers won he might well do something fooliah. the heart opening lead with the Sure enough, West led the ace and •AST • AQ94 • 10782 queen of hearts and led a diamond another club, and South took 11 9K8662 tricks. OK OJ98 The American declarer pounced DAILT QUESTION • A 93 410854 on the king of diamonds with the You hold. 4>AQ»4VK86S2O ace, cashed the queen and gave up K • A 8 3. You open with on* heart, SOUTH a diamond to the Jack. Back came and partner responds one spade. • KJS3 the ten of spades, covered by the The opponents pass. What do you VQ4 jack and queen. Wast cashed both 0.42 sty? • KQJ72 A racket (ratio to Brlea* writ, ANSWOb Bid four spades. This tea »j Alfna SketawtM 1* «v.lU- is a alight overbid, but a Jump to Wast Net* fa* Ua. Oet ;w eeaqr by seasfavj tfja, three spades (merely invitational) 14> 20 Pass 2NT iBtlaalai a Uiapi, salf-ae- is a slight underbid. Partner needs Paaa 39 Pass 3 NT HI AND LOIS 4r*Ms*4 No. 10 nvtwyi to SMiat* very little to bring in 10 tricks. Bid All Pass wets •• shMge, la can *f this aggressively, rather than cautious- \MW? TWE/VfcJST PAP, I'M TALKlN© ABOUT ) aawafaaer, P.O. •• ly, when you have a sound trump Opening lead --VB PEPFBCT- PESK5N6P THlHO peone/ A cHtc&t*cHc&t r As«alea,CAfwM». suit THERE IS, IS A COOKIE.' rue e&e/J ANDY CAPP

THE PHANTOM , js HOI 0 youn c«Mr« Am MSSTINB TO A^l ,ilP'lt'<'1Mn 22 of- THmnsme^m f f r\ flrj ? j j y i 4 * THE LAST CHOCOLATE CHIP NEVER UWULP COOKIE 15 60NE yCTSgjiMpfSt ^T^ IrWMELEFTUNTHOin- \ MONDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1964 lifestyle The Daily ifcgfcfer A9 Parents lifted by children's letters BY JACK H. SMITH couple of Russell Baker columns your dad agree!) or a develop- Dear Children of Readers of this from the Sunday Tunes or a ment in sports. Make a habit of Column: press picture she shot. thinking of things you would like You younger people are always Enclosures are a good Idea. It to tell your folks as you are going trying to make me feel guilty TIME OF pleases your parents when you about your dally business. with your bumper stickers. Have want to share something you 1 guest the core of this you hugged your ktdtoday? Well , liked — orto report , in general, message, however, is that writ- now I have one for you. Have you YOUR on the environment in which you Ing your parents is thought- written your parents this week? live. One enclosure that always fulness that does not haveto b e Or month? LIFE makes a hit la a drawing that a drudgery. If you think of it at Phoning doesn't take care of It. grandchild hat made. Or a page labor, you deprive yourself of the Even if you are no longer asking from a coloring book, a school pleasure of communicating with for money. If you only knew how essay, or an original poem. those who once meant home. happy It makes your folks to find Now, you male children - If To them, the porch light is still a letter from you In the mailbox! about. you have been fortunate enough on. You are still special. The With your own handwriting - or Sometimes our daughter In to acquire a wife who it willing family jokes are still in There is strikeovers in typing. A letter Connecticut is too busy with her to serve as a corresponding still sympathy and understanding that can be read and reread photography, newspaper report- secretary, don't consider that for whatever problems you may You don't have to write much. ing and family managementto d o lets you off the hook. Your have. A few lines will do. You don't more than scratch a few parents want to tee your hand- Don't let all this go unused have to work at it. You will not sentences on a remnant of sta- writing, too. So, slip a note In For, almost Inevitably, there will be graded. You don't haveto te U tionery A note on each grand- now and then. You must have come a time you will wish your everything. Just enough to give child, a current enthusiasm, something that will interest your parents were still there to write them a current picture of bow usually a wisecrack about some- parents — about your lob, per- to — and to share yourself with. you are, what you need, what you thing In the news. That's it. She haps, or what you think of the With understanding, are proud of, what you are happy may pad the envelope with a political campaign (if you and Jack New anti-cancer drug scrutinized BY LESTER L. OOLEMAN, M.D. stantly supporting patients and in- perience delays In development, sisting, of course, that continued failure to thrive and behavioral A group of scientists met in treatment It essential for an event- problems. Toronto recently and reported that ual cure. a new drug is now available for the Dr. Marc H. Hollander, a most BODY CONTACT prestigious psychiatrist and treatment of tome cases of ad- A report recently Issued by the vanced breast cancer. The drug, YOUR protestor of psychiatry at the Van- Vanderbllt University Medical derbllt Medical Center, believes mitoxantrone, has proven to be Center It of great Interest Dr. effective In the treatment of such that people of all ages who are Ronald F.C. Kourany, reporting in deprived of body contact show some cancers That which distinguishes it HEALTH the journal Medical Aspects of from other drugs now In use It that gross maladjustment, and some- Human Sexuality, polnta out that times severe neurotic behavior. it is less toxic. body contact, or touching, Is a At the present time the drug hat Hollander and Kourany have stud- universal human need and canled the need and wishto b e held, and been approved for general use In transmit caring, security, support, Canada. In the United State* it is have found that although the sexual affection and warmth. It can also be aspects of touching are Important, •till being tested on groups of associated with anger, hostility and patients before it la released for use One of the moat important aspects the non-sexual elements are even frustration more important. by physicians everywhere. of the drug relates to the fact that Kourany says, "Everyone re- One of the Important aspects of tome patients discontinue their quires some body contact and depri- SPEAKING OF YOUR HEALTH the drug is that hair lots, which it chemical treatment because they vation can cause both physiological ... Diets that completely eliminate so emotionally distressingto cance r find these toxic side effects so and psychological problems " breakfast should be avoided. In- patients, it definitely lessened. The distressing Touching Is probably the earliest variably, the hunger at lunch lime nausea that so often accompanies The patients' own discontinuance and most basic form of communica- more than compensates for the chemotherapy It also markedly of the drug it known at non- tion. It has been shown that infante calories that would have been diminished compliance. Physicians are con-deprived of touch stimulation ex- beneficially consumed at breakfast. MRS. JOHN MCQUEEN McQueen extends life Laws let alcoholic avoid responsibility Dear ABB landers When II SMBM frets an eMee party after be to think about. Thanks for a stimu- comes to alcoholics. I knew wfcal I had had tea naek to drink. He lating point of view. Any dissenters of magazines, puzzles am talking aboal I am married to became angry and remalntd angry out there? one. ferever alter. Since then he has Dear Ann Landers: It's a link FAIR HAVEN - Whats a the said. While I am all for loagber made several attempt! to have her early te be worrying about Ibis, but person to do with already-read "I save cans, bottles ... any- driaklag aad driving law., mack af fired. Palling thai, be tries to sally I believe la planning ahead. My magazinei and unmarked thing that can be recycled. We what I bear about Ike law is pcnallie ANN basband bought a snowmobile two crossword puzzles from a news- were married in the Depression, All Al- years age and loves II. He wants me paper? and we remember," she ex- t'** and drive Is sere to bring LANDERS to ge alaag wttb aim next January The answer, accordingto Mrs . some final paaple te grief. when be plans te drive lac snow- John McQueen of Maple Avenue, My aaaghter leal partial ate el toward recovery, he mast accept mobile frees Anekerage to Iron is to put them together and send So three years ago, Mrs. ber right hand wbca sae took Ike car lesataalMllty tar ate drinking and be Mountain, Mlcb. Our friends think them to a receptive audience: McQueen started tucking about a keys away baas bar date baeaata be best aecauattkie for all bis actions be is eat of bis mind. Is sacb a trip patients in a veterans' hospital, month's worth of Register was tea drank to drive. Be became feasible? - Igloo Ida for example. crossword puzzles into each used ft*a»4jkaaai *"** * fc.--.-a . — .a mmm --I., Dear Ig: My travel experts tell Mrs. McQueen taw in the piles National Geographic Magazine. • •• VVwlB), Wtt BSTCI BalMI ••• iflllj Maay alcoholics arc ea Ike look- severed Ikree ftafen. She may have or kills Ike waitress er barkeep. me that Richard and Raymond of National Geographic Maga- These sett are delivered to oat tor semsene te Name - their te have one finger amputated. —,|MMM ^»a ali ••• SL^— ASU - L^.., New, Ike stale of New Jersey Is Moore and Loren Mathews drove zines that she and her husband various veterans hospitals and Needless to say. he was terribly WITCT, DwUffrl, DTOIatCrl, DOIHI, trying te lay Ike blame an Ike host their snowmobile from Fairbanks, had read, and in crossword nursing homes by Red Oaks sorry lac next day. Bat saving kirtkdajrs, aca-Mrthaays, the taa la a private home. This maneuver Alaska, to Fenton, Mich., in 1M0. It puzzles from The Daily Register Woman's Cub, Wall, McQueen jrowa tip !• ft BaMaM wita ft ITIMM came ap er Ike tan weal dewa. They gives Ike drank yet aaetker goat, look 3» days. It's a rough trip, no that the couple didn't do, an said. Her daughter, Joan Dean of latker, ska knew eaaagk te aaver ge will c—Hat te drink te exeess ae another opportsally te question about it, but It's doable. opportunity to recycle that which Neptune, Is a member and past mailer what, and H It aever their responsibilities clscwbcrc. How yeaag Istee youn g for a child would otherwise be watted. president of that club. I have a Mead wheat career faelt. Please tell lawmakers te learn about sex? Thai's jusl oac "I just don't waste anything," —Sharon Drugan •altered a severe setback wbea sac Law. maklag laelr actions lac where te Iklak asrieasly Ihlag you'll find in Ann Landers' offered te drive a aiaanants bead rataiailMUty el reslaaraals and sappsillag suck legislation. We have new booklet. "Hew. Waal, aad Wbca barkccaspUy late the bands el Ike learned from expcrleaca Ikal to TeU Year Child About Sex." Por year copy scad H eeals aleag wllb. prohibition Is not Ike answer. Indi- 1 laws are' la effect Irala their vidual responsibility Is. - The a long, •tamped, sen-addressee psittaail hew Meal lac drinks oil Alcoholic's Wife elope te Ana Laadetl. P.O. Bax WEDDINGS betere Ike drank Makes Ike place Dear Wife: You've given us a lot lim, Chicago, IL Mill. Silva-Moss Make pralines for holidays RUMSON - Elizabeth Ann Moss, Anne McKsnna, who was matron of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. honor for her sister, Linda J. Earle DEAR HELOUE: I ensue It's Ike best reason I've heard Moat Jr., 39 Rumson Road, was and Jane A. Lembscfc Weald yea prlai your recipe tor yet to fall smoklag ... married yesterday in Holy Cross Ensign Mark T. Walton was best pscaa pralines, astag baiurmllk, la My little 4-year-old grand- Roman Catholic Church, to Navy man. Ushers were Ensign Scott O. year eelama? — William Zlm- daughter laid me, "Mlml, I'm aevei Ensign Michael Francis Silva, son Miller and Marine Corps znd Lt mermaa Jr. HINTS going to smoke becaase II will make of Victor M. Silva of Hermoaa John M. Scanlon. This candy recipe seems to be a me sick. That's lac reason they an Beach, Calif, and the late Mrs. Ann Mrs. Silva was graduated from favorite among all my readers call slck-a-reltas!' " - Marylea* M. Silva. Red Bank Catholic High School and because we get many, many re- FROM Rollers The celebrant was the Rev. John Trinity College. Washington. D. C. quests for It. If. you have never triad She sounds smart to me! - J. Higgins, who officiated at 'the Ensign Silva is an alumnus of making some of these mouth-water- Heloise marriage of the bride's parents in Mira Costa High School, Hermoaa ing goodies, you're In for a special HELOIS BOOT HELP Holy Cross Church 10 years ago. Beach, and the United States Naval treat. Dear HeMse: Putting rubbei Following the ceremony, there was Academy, Annapolis. Md He is a These will be a great hit with boots aver shoes sometimes caases a reception in Old Orchard Inn, Navy aviator. family or guests during the upcom- a fight with atoddler. Thos e rubber Eaton town The Silvas will reside in Oceana. ing holiday season so clip the recipe soled shoes Jatt da ast want to slip ELIZABETH SILVA Attending the bride were Tamire Va. and put it in a place where you can't Beat the mixture by hand until It kate those beets! . *, fail to find it, to you can put your becomes glossy and very thick. 8a, I bay plastic feed storage bagi hands on It whan you are ready to Quickly spoon It onto the greased la Ike gallon site aad pal eae over make tome of these savory sweets aluminum foil or waxed paper, each skat. Tbe basts slip right ea! Staten-Ponder Everyone will be glad you did! making little patties If you have Plat: Sasaki snow get Into Ike boot.. First of all, using a small amount time before the candy hardens, turn Ike •bees May dry. - Joyce Gllly ASBURY PARK - Daidre Rena emony, which was followed by a Drive. Neptune, and the late A. J. reception in Olbbs Hall, Fort Mon- Ponder of bitter or margarine, grease a the pecan halves right side up. This Ponder and James Anthony Staten Is not necessary — Jut makes the HINTS PROM HIM mouth. The bridegroom It the ton of large square of aluminum foil or Dear HeMse: Alter years of were married Saturday in St. waxed paper so you won't have to candles more attractive. Let the Augustine Episcopal Church. Bishop The bride is the daughter of Helen James Henry Staten ef Sumy Vale, trying te Mere kerbs and spices Gray Ponder, 11 E. Shadow lawn Calif, and the late Virginia Clifford scramble around doing this when pralines cool completely before Philip Elder officiated at the cer- removing them from the foil. alphabetically. I've decided Ikal lor Staten. you are ready to place the candy on me It's easier to merely keep tkcm If the mixture becomes too hard Attending the bride were Amanda it. la Ikree general groups: light la before you have had time to spoon L. Craakmore, Mkhaela Ponder, At the candy mixture bubbles color MCI ft! dry itiMtard; frtca, all of It out of the pan, return It to Kathy Kencben, Carol Smith. De- quite a bit during the cooking •aca at aanley flaket, aad dark nlse Homing, Tracy Staten and process, use a large heavy pot to the heat for a few secondsto soften . prevent boil-overs. Pour one cup Store these pralines between C^PwOC00/ OaCap O-9 0pO^ta\ Or OlOaYasvQB949O Tama Felder. I daa'l nave te go tkrougk Ike Carl A. Quaglia buttermilk, two cups sugar and one sheets of plastic wrap or foil In a Ranler D. Ponder and Klmisht alphabet te Had wkal I waal. - Will Holloway were flowers girls and the teaspoon baking soda (not baking tightly covered container. Place in R.P. powder) Into the pot the refrigerator If you plan to keep ring bearer was Beany Bluefard. DISH DRAINER PRESCRIPTIONS DIFFER Beat man was Merlin Riley and Stir the mixture until the sugar it them for more than a week or two. completely dissolved before placing Enjoy! - Heloise Dear HeMse: Slace I live alone FROM OTHER MEDICINES the ushers were Jerry Staten. and asaalry have only a very lew the pot on the burner. Turn the Send a great hint to: Halolae. P.O. Quineton Suteo, Clifford Staten, dishes to wask, I ase a large metal burner settingto mediu m and let the Box 31000. San Antonio, TX 78310 They are prescribed by a physician and filled only by a professional Kenneth Pugh. Paul Gang! and calendar aa a drainer, setting It oa mixture cook to a soft-ball stage, BUTTON-UP m^oUl birt milt ituMl hm km h» Ik* JlMnav Tfc. nkw. Darryl Moore. a plate te keep Ike water off Ike ian specified the partkalai las pharmacist • UsbU Mrs Staten It an alamna of stirring constantly Watch it closely Dear HeMse: A heavy east aa my and If it begins to stick, reduce the eaaatertep. Neptune High School and received a Il lakes ep lets space tkaa a be secured wuhotit a degree in narsing from Wheeling heat me to battaa tbe caffs ef my leaf- to dispense these with a a J sul a*_ w afc - - - a sj _ regular dralaer dees aad I caa set (WTVa.) CoUageTSne It a registered The mixture will turn a brownish O 1 UKCeMOv at color during cooking but this Is H a» almost anywhere there It nurse at Middlesex General Hospi- space. - W.B. tal In New Brunswick. normal. To check for the soft-ball sallaakili, back tkreagk Ike leap, Mr. Stater, is also a Neptune High stage, drop about a half-teaspoon of tbea over Ike battaa. leaving Jasl a School graduate and an alumnus of the mixture into a cup of cold water. small gap. II stayed pat aad was CLUB MEETING Keen College of New Jersey, Union, If you can form a toft ball easily easy te resnava. RED BANK - The Woman's Club where be majored hi biology. He la with your fingers, the candy Is ready This probably woaM also work for of Red Bank will have Its monthy assistant manager of Best Products, for the next step so remove it from peats er skirts thai are Jest a little American Home meeting at 10 a.m., LawrenceviUe. the burner. tea light at lac waist tor seme tomorrow In the Woman's Club, 1(4 The couple went to St. Thomas in Next, add two cups of pecan reason er other! - Edttk Ortlle Broad St. Interested non-members Prnrriptlw Ckemiui the U. S. Virgin Islands for their halves, one teaspoon of vanilla LETTER OF LAUGHTER are Invited to attend the meeting, honeymoon. They will make their flavoring, and one tablespoon but- Dear HeMse: I Jasl bad to scad which will focus on arts and social hone in Plaineboro ter. te yea be- service. A10 The Daily Register The Arts MONDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1964


BY LYNDA HIRSCH room. Juliet convinces Kim that second prism's whereabouts from Edward covering for LUa. Edward believing Rale announces doubly spirited out of town by Max. Maggie Daphne. Marlena goes into believes Stella murdered Beatrice. tragic news that Samantha is also slips Max sedative in his beverage. ALL MY CHILDREN: Arriving in Raymond is a spy and that Michael Christopher is alive. Kim and Juliet premature labor after Roman in- Learning that Glnny has films of pregnant. Cassie learns that theater Roger admits to JUI that Maggie Pine Valley, Cynthia and her ton forms her Andre is alive. Andre party where Beatrice murdered. ghost is really a wounded Rob and Frank weren't lovers but that Andrew plan to take Palmer for f 1 are locked in prop room. Bob arrives in Amsterdam. Craig tells spotted in Europe. Felicia tells Scorpio decides to go through them Correlli. When Rob passes out Frank did have designs on Maggie million. Dottle and Tad't honey- Danielle government may be asking frame by frame to learn identity of Cassie takes him to hospital. Fear- Roger upset that JUI wants to move moon it a disaster When Tad and Betsy he spent time in jail for her. Craig kidnaps Danielle. Betsy spots about him. Maggie and Melissa head murderer. Glnny makes formal ing police are after him, Rob sneaks out of house. Bess warns Jill that Dottie are iivolved In minor car off to New York. Pete tells Mickey retraction about General Hospital out of hospital. Alex reveals that his Roger may start drinking again. accident ihe refuses to go to tree with her and Steve's initials. Maggie gets Cal removed from he intends to find Melissa no matter being incapable and Inefficient when father claimed Laurel died in child- SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: hospital for examination Tad what. Confronting Melissa, Pete it cornea to disaster procedures. birth. Dorian turns her attentions Victoria, searching for Alex, finds seethes when he ipoti Hillary and prison cell block for fear other prisoners will kill him. Looking for admits that he has strip job at Felicia calls Frisco from train away from Dan to Alex. his tottered shirt at sea. Cord trying Bob sharing a tender kiss. Donna "Beefcakes." Madame X orders station. He walks off set and comes LOVING: Rita Mae tells Billy to make Liza look bad In front of and Tom admit their love for one Cal's wife Billie Lou, Frank realizes that Jill is Cal and Billie Lou's child. Alex to give Pete modeling assign- to her aid. she's filing for divorce when he official! Adair blames herself for another. Mark jubilant over Donna ment Finding Stephano's compound GUIDING LIGHT: With Reva won't say whether he spent the night Alex's reported death. Liza and and Tom's burgeoning relationship CAPITOL: Kelly, feeling press- ured by Thomas and Tyler to tell the empty, Andre assumes Stephano returning to H.B., Josh tolls Ms with Peony or not. Stacy rips cameo Kentucky clash over prototype. T.R. because he thinks he has a clear dead and he heads forfialem, for the family now that he has regained use Jack gave her from her neck and openly hostile toward Lloyd Ken- road to Brooke. Offered syndicated truth and unable to bear Hal's serious medical condition, disap- prism and revenge on Tony. Hope of his legs be plans to work on oil runs Into street where she's hit by tucky tells Liza he's federal agent medical spot, Cliff will be working forced to fire Shane. rig in Gulf of Mexico. Mindy not a car. A seriously Injured Stacy is and suggests they work together to closer than ever with Liza. Greg pears 24 hours before her court date. Thomas told he must operate on boy EDGE OF NIGHT: On witness happy that her old rival Roiie has rushed to hospital where her con- trap Cord and stop him from taking offers Sheila $50 to get out of town. come to town. Thinking that Roxie dition becomes all the more precari- over corporation. She returns it, however, when she whose father was against Thomas stand Alicia sticks to her story. doing surgery because of Thomas' Mike gets Henry to testify that be and Mindy are friends Rick Invites ous because of her very rare blood SANTA BARBARA: Joe realizes gets job at college but promises Roxie to dinner at the Bauers' type. While on witness stand Harry Dominique Is-a woman. Pete fires Greg to stay out of his way. Adam's handicap. Clarissa and Myrna have saw Raven leaving Logan's room. In Capitol Hill Mothers' Debate and the middle of testimony Mike col- Against Tony's wishes Amabelle does not say anything about Jim and Veronica. Pete makes it look as lawyer Philip locates Joanna and decides to move back into cottage. Shana having been lovers. though Joe carrying drugs on motor- offers money for her diary. both come out very well. Then Vera lapses. Mike is all right but Nancy Sweet, gossip columnist, jumps up Jim decides to move in also to help Sentenced to 25 years in prison cycle. At Sophia's grave a drunken ANOTHER WORLD: When upset when he decides to go ahead and asks Clarissa questions about her with her psychic rushes. Jim Harry spots Shana in hallway and Lionel mistakes Eden for Sophia. Kathleen removes her Cecille dis- with his summation. Guntner finds her romance with Mark. Paula, at realizes that Emma's riddle has to says not even prison will keep him Eden and Cruz are very hostile guise Cass offers her presidency of Rick. Preacher returned safe and the back of the room, stands up and do with Spaulding Manor. Beth tells from getting even with her. Edle toward one another but obviously Winthrop Publishing if she'll help sound and Dell apologizes for all the says she's all in favor of Clarissa Lujack he doesn't own her and she realizes Jonathan is master of have romantic Interest. Finding him find Cecille. When M.J pulls problems he caused. Sky held in and Mark getting married. Mean- plans to continue her study group disguises. Stephanie discovers her Joe's broken surfboard, Mason and gun on an escaping Catlin, Larry contempt of court when he jumps up while, Tyler tells Julie that the cast with Philip. files have been rifled but thinks it Kelly assume Joe is dead. stops her. Larry suspected of aiding and claims Alicia double-crossed of the shoeprint outside Kelly's may have been a hotel employee). Catlin's escape. Ross enters Raven. Jeremy upset because Liz is ONE UFE TO LIVE: Samantha YOUNG AND RESTLESS: Sean apartment matches shoes specially RYAN'S HOPE: Returning home Rachel's house and tries to terrorize playing hard to get. Miles confused concedes and agrees to give Brad comes to Lauren with fan letters made for Myrna. Myrna subpoened from Nice unexpectedly Max finds her. Rachel stabs him with scissors when Beth refuses to show any Jewels Asa gave her for loan from all over the country that he is to be defense witness. Paula hires Maggie near death. He summons in order to escape his clutches. Sally intimacy in their relationship. collateral so he can get out of deal really writing Sean asks Lauren for high-powered attorney Austin Sin- physician who's able to revive accuses Donna of killing David GENERAL HOSPITAL: Scorpio hooking up Vernon Inn to Crown job as personal secretary and clair for her defense. Sloane tells Maggie. Meanwhile, Jacqueline, In Thatcher. doesn't believe Edward slipped Hotel chain. Boudln hired to steal Lauren says she'll consider. Paul Trey that Paula wants to move In Beatrice Lila's heart medication. Samantha's Jewels. Jinx catches order to save face, searches Mag- suspicious. Dina tells Brad If be has AS THE WORLD TURNS: Posing with them while searching for new He decides to reenact the scene of Boudln and secretly takes photo of gie's room, finds her diary and gives any feelings (or her be should Just as airplane steward Steve escapes apartment. the crime when he realizes Beatrice him in the act. Meanwhile, it to Max. The diary leaves no doubt leave town and never bother bar Amsterdam police. Juliet goes to DAYS OF OUR LIVES: With given medication three minutes Samantha walks in. Later Rate finds that Maggie still loves Dave and is again. Kay confronts Jill about her Steve telling him Betsy's alive. Two tracking device in perfect order Bo before her death. With reenactment Samantha face down in hot tub. out to destroy Max. Max decides he lack of caring for her son Philip. of Raymond's henchmen capture prepares to look for prism in New Scorpio realizes Edward wasn't Rushed to hospital Samantha's must kill Maggie. Dave and Laslo Dina yells at Jack for hurting Steve and lock him up in windowless Orleans while Eugene tries to find close to Beatrice. Scorpio believes found to be "brain" dead. A dis- decide to find Maggie, who's being Lindsay

MONDAY PRIME TIME TELEVISION TODAY 7:00 7:30 8:00 1 8:30 fcOO 9:30 10:00 10:30 • cat**) ftrwaa boXMMU) •MA* rnir.)»1 lmiwiii inn HSCNOM taw/Fa* TVSMawi 0*1. ambrollad In in Aoan- A profllo ol Malna as on* o< IMA MOM WWW "Th* g tha owner of a • ey plan lo h.ip « iorm«r th* nation's l*ad*r* In wood Great Galsby" (IS74, cham of taoo reatauranta. ITA-I-H MPjatj mm |PM.Uas sswSSk M American radical who's oducta. Romano*) Robart Radtord. eoo AtC MM tnmajai« COMPANY bm caplurad by tarrorllla BI P.M. MAOAZINI Mia Farrow. OJB«STOFCARSOHHo.. t • KTaaM CaiT.Owrf tan Sam « u*a" O MAHTTOHART O TVS M.00MM AND Clan Palter; International O COUNTRY MUSIC AMU PRACTICAL JOKfS Th. Lite Saving Companion In Mknw MNaaa MUM * BUDDHA BLUES! • AWARDS FROM KRAFT: Biaaat. Contl Condon (R) •MK'Tlalwni" - which nuguard. arum thair a . AOV Oak Rids* Boya and Charlaa 8l*b*rl ara pracii •Ihlsllc tbilKtfll. KENNY HOOenS HOSTS WdW/uinr WtasiviNffes Has. IWmn'.IM. HAW! TO HART • cal K*t vlclrma; galfaa from SI nova *•*» C**aaw war Ho.IolmAM»rwaiAn«l»«.»«.L»> • «•> OMCotat* You B.i Your Lite." "Rip- »»• COUNTRY MUSIC B BURNS * ALLEN SHOW • 18 nd." and Jan* Fond.', For Lite" (ISM, Biography) * Harry Von Zed Broke? AMU. FvnaotAmrM MM* TMOrMOaMr" Kirk Dougiai. Anthony ASSOCIATION AWARDS © HWfyOAVtAOAM workout up.. r\#OOy HOQvrS ROMs) HM OuMn S9 M'A'I'H TM ••i HHk. sont, «M Hun » CARTOONS RITUALS tattl annual award* car. TMCMWa***»"OMd S CALL TO OLORY On a O NBW/'KATB • ALLir mony lrv*> from th* Grand am jBjCt, • law Man** |miin •ma Mr* AIA Swa Cm mt SCCA Saw M End" (1837. Drama) Sylvia training mlaakxi. Sarnie and * KATE WANTS A BABY? CM* Opry Houa* I* Naah Sldnav. JMI McCra. a Japan*** Air Fore* om •ill*. Tarn NorMiw** lor raw MM "•*• UM»"noCMoa<" ItMa "TkaProMar •HOW MOVII * * It SAINT JAME8/CURTIN car ovarcom* cultural and ^^^«MM ADV. ^^^___ "Enwrtakw ol tha Yaar" Mb ISM ft** IM, taakw CowrSlar) tn "COM Back To Th. 8 And parson.I In are Alabama. La* Green- m Dim.. Jimmy Dun, Jimmy ord.r to survlv* wh*n • 00S) KATI 4 ALLS (S..«on THC "OMUarCtari HM-tanruay OoaW DMI" (1902. Drama) Sin wood. Barbara MandraU. thay'r* toroad lo ball out Pr.mi.r.) K.I. I* Rowwa MSaap ana tha Oak mmcawi Maiat-TiaaaiaiiSwr MOM ••ta»FwFt* Dannn. CIW. Sl.rr.rn ov.rwh.lm.d with IX* RMgaBoys. now da.lra to h.v. another child LUCY MOW >S)NT I MOM www "Loaah; ft JO ONI DAY AT A TM> "Th* ma) Gary Coopar. Patricia tMtf GUL' • MOM w*H "Tha Tha Brava" (ISU, Oaad (IB76. SAJwaTYMLLSR (tar*. Horror) *r h.a lo go out ol town and dly Towar" Waalarn) Krrk DDouglas. Cain* K.tharln. laavaa h.r In oharg* of tha 1rM • LATB _ i) Kurt DAVB LaTIVSaMM Sch*» Joint F Roaa. bab» Stara Suaan Saint |STAR»«tYAMDHUTCM l:S0 • MOVtJ w* To Find A mad: Jonathan MWar. cow- Sf X* FRAlaXLW M-A'S-H Jamaa and Jan* Cwtln. UCACOVCR STORY • WONDIRWOP.K8 A Man" (1972. Drama) Pama- riiawfVflsl Palialai PrMatwiarfr'wf^aa TAIMMSNT CAROL •MINBTT AM) •MOW MOVtJ ww "Taet* comady about Mllo Crimp, la SIM Martin, Lloyd Brktg- SBSTAMKY AMD HUTOM Faalurad: Tins lay. a elumay t2y..r old O Ferrari Fawoett a* you For" (1963. Drama) CMNiWS USAMOVSJ ***H Quna 7:00 boy who anroilt m a crash it lwv# o#v#f s##n n#f. Jonivoiohl Votghl., Richarf d Cranna NBCNIWt USA MOVII **** SMOMww-Revewja At Bataii" (Ite4. Drama) coura* on how lo bacom. a • BaWsMM ejMS THE BURNING BED «**> "Sowtdar-a ' (i»72(. . Drama) ol f*» Nkta" (1SBS, AdMtt- 144 Row MOVtl a Richard Ait*n6orough, Jack p*r!*cl paraon Stir. H.r •aooo courts ClcarC y Tyaon, PPaul WMMaM lur*) Sho Ko*uo>. Arttwr go" (IS77, Orama) Jamaa Hawklna, mion* OlngoM. Wallac* > SSSMQ ST Aft* ISH0W MOM wwtt "I TMC MOM ww "Tha Fun- • MOWS "Th* I Maaon, Basalt George. Shawn, Lanny Von Dohlan TMC MOM *«H "The Law You (K T* Amo)" MOM CBS NEWS ny Farm" OSM. Comady) and llan MHchall-Smlth g Bad (Frantlara. Orai Choaan" (19St, Drama) tm MOMUAN a WPI Th* m (ttSI. Drama) BOMB Braga. ibvlPaTSl Farrah Fawoett. Paul Mailmlllan Schall. Rod McMWana proba lout play al KOHTWATCH IWBHOUR • UOVM ••* "How To PaiaoCaaarParato. a racatrack when Saty'a • SALLY JBSSY RAPHA- Say. A Marrlag* And Rum Stetoar. iMOffl MOM www "Th* Uncl* Cyru*. a raoatwra* t:10 DSUWAM VALLEY news COMPANY Your Lll*" (Itea. Comedy) 11:00 • nralws FoamaHieed" (1S4S. Dra- OwtrSf, IB Owing VKtKrMlM- • RAT PATROL lAKAOtOISeO DMI Martin. Sun. St. ul*d Sophia Loran. fashion • •TAXI 7:OS OOwaWPYLI da.lgnar Oacar d* I* Renta, 7:10 WHmOFPORTUNS l .Ingar Shwrlll Mlrnaa SB TIM Phil siivors snow MMLVnUD MPL FOOTBALL Ban w'HOUYWOOO' AU M TM FAfcSLY USAMOVB1 ***W "Guns elaco 4«*ra at N*w At B.I.ii (I9e4, Drama) E AOV. •MTMTAINMINT York Ql.nt. Richard Ananborough. Jack »tOHT P.aturad: Tin. • HSMTASI: CMUZA- Hawklrta. MOVIE TIMETABLE Turner TWN AM) TMB JtWS Tha TMC MOVtJ **H "Funny period from th* firat to th* WHXP M CS«C**HAT1 Lady" (l»76. Bar ninth canlury chrowekta th* Information for th* movllallrnatabla la P.T. a CINCIU iv - TAN bra Stratsand. Jamaa Caan. amareanca ol Judalam In VOtO ROCK Waiawaa of lha Nar*JPOI i M tit SHOW MOWS **H "Tha Waalarn Europa baglnnlng _AMMIIMEU LOMQ eAAMCH T*aoMr.|ai) 14S. 1:4S. 9 49. t:00. 10 00 I Ootoan Saal" (I«S3. Dra CINatM II — with tha oastructlon of th* 1l:30SJSS*O»taSa*0»IAI.I1« All of M. |PO) 1 JO 3JO. ISO. 7 tO. a 30 aOOSl 1CAAS.CP.OW AND ma) Slav* Rallaback, Sacond Tamo* through the P»n*lop«Mlltord. na. of l.iam and Chrutiam- 22 yaar. aartar, kMdt thwn •in. a trip to Munich, ah* S© PORTRAIT OF* tv D Into a murder awaatkjallon ruin |K) 7:19. *:3* Tha WM UM IK) 1 4S. 1 4a 9 90. SOO. 10 00 LVRtS TM ATtal I Wonwn MKM fPO-ISI 7 30. trio ftUTrMM PLA2A CINekM HI - AD Mat* Ann nma IXXXI oonunuou. from IrraoonotaMa Oininiml (POI 1:00. 110. ;1^ ._ 0*1 AduN PUma (XXX| oonWuoua from ' l"l 1 3O. 3 J*. 9 40. 7 90, a 99 mansmuah trio PM PkAiA ciwekK v — All ol Majpoi i oo. 7 is. a 19 PkAiA ek PAWCMSBU - - — _ of th* HarHdd IPO) 20200 1:90. 940. Tw* HM Maw Sontglll nm IXXXI ceMnuou. UA kHOOtarTOWM HI - Havana, lv» that Man Do (Ft) 111. 7 lo a x 7 40. *X> UA aHOOLarrowH rv - RUTaam PIAIA oaaiau w XOMIPOH 19. 7 19. ai9 9»>0.SMMIItl 1 SO._1 99_a00, SO*. 10:10

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AIL OF ME "AMUST-SEEr- Lmmmi MAm, EnurumrfKru Tongjfu m mviWUnrSsttlVTfBJIsti PLACES IN THE HEA n. SSSjl triEEVlsvuiv niuL ^hlAT M M DO IBJUCON4 :iLABU DtmillNCfM ' m TW,0»TM*M«aHTIU> IB WALLER'S FOLLOWERS - Annie Joe Edwards, The show recreates the Cotton Club and uptown SAVAGE STBBETI left, and Boncellia Lewis star in the musical Harlem music, mixing blues, ballads and jazz. It »•> celebration ol Fats Waller, "Ain't Misbehavin,"' is part ol the Monmouth County Arts Council's . CBtUSIBUSlEBS being staged at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Count Basie Spectrum Series ol'erings. Tickets may be SHI BWHUV • MSJ UnMTI • Theater ol the Monmouth Arts Center, Red Bank. obtained at the Arts Center box office. The Daily Register BUSINESS 2 SPORTS 3 MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1984 Your Town SOCIAL SECURITY 7 GREATER RED BANK LONG BRANCH EATONTOWN Pickets claim 'havoc' inside nursing home after 3 days of strike BY TED LOUD aides, dietary workers and house- itatlon Insurance costs, compared to keepers voted to strike last week to the all-inclusive hospital benefit! HAZLET — Striking union em- protest a proposed 12 percent wsge they received under their previous ployees at the Brookdale Nursing decrease offered by American contract, according to DeLaurentis. Home, who have been off the'Job Health Services (AHS). which ad- DeLaurentis said the adminis- since Friday morning, said yester- ministers the home. DeLaurentis day that conditions in the facility tration was offering emergency said only eight union members employees 16.11 per hour, while the are "terrible." and that "havoc" decided to stay on the Job when the has prevailed since emergency non- offer to regular employees would strike was called. bring the lowest-paid workers down union help was brought in to staff The home's supervisory person- the lM-bed facility last week. to 15 M sn hour. He said the lowest- nel, who are not In the union, are paid nurses currently make 16.40 an Based on information provided to still working. hour. them by relatives of nursing home One striking employee, a licensed patients, the striking employees told practical nurse, said emergency ' "The Intent is to try to break the stories of patients not being put to housekeepers were currently work- union," DeLaurentis said. "But we bed at the proper hours, incontinent Ing as nurses' aides, a Job which will keep this up as long as it takes patients not being changed during requires more training and back- to win." the night, Improper food prep- ground. She added that the non- The admlnstratlon has said the aration and incorrect procedures in union help was generally inexperi- "desperate financial status" of the administering medication. enced, and staffing procedures had home makes the cutbacks necess- One woman, while leaving the ary. LET'S TALK BUSINESS — Manuel Gale, left. Business," sponsored by the library system and become "chaotic." nursing home after a visit with her The woman, who like her fellow But DeLaurentis questioned how Keyport, seminar organizer; Hyman J. Klein, Little SCORE, the Service Corps ol Retired Executives, elderly mother, Mid that the situ- "desperate" the home's finances with help from ACE, the Active Corps ol Executives. union members would only speak Silver, speaker team director; and Victor C. Lelker, ation had Improved yesterday, com- anonymously, said the home's pa- actually were, claiming that AHS Atlantic Highlands, speaker, meet at Monmouth The Saturday session will meet at the branch from pared to the two previous days. tients had come to regard the staff was only "showing a loss on paper." County Library's Eastern Branch to discuss a one- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 13. Morey Berger at the library Speaking on condition that her members as "family. The current Joanne Behm, vice president- day seminar, "How to Manage Your Own is handling registration. name not be used, the woman said "strike-breakers," she said, are operations for AHS, referred all that on Saturday the bathrooms "Just off the street," and often questions to AHS executive vice were "filthy," garbage had ap- unqualified. president Dr. Benjamin Ashcom. 9 parently not been collected and Union members had been working However, Ashcom did not return workers "were standing around In under the terms of a contract which sny calls last night. 'Italian festival marks clusters," seemingly unaware of expired July S. Negotiations be- The striking employees have been what their responsibilities were. She tween the two sides finally broke picketing in front of the Route 35 added that the general quality of the down last week, and no meetings are facility round-the-clock, according care before the strike was "very currently scheduled with mediator to DeLaurentis. He said that during good." * Jack McDermott, of the federal the day, approximately 70 em- Columbus Day again Alex DeLaurentis, local union Mediation and Conciliation Service. ployees are on the picket lines, but vice president, said the situation In addition to cutting wages 1} the figure is reduced during evening LONG BRANCH - More than 100 crowned, as was runner-up, was an Italian." Also, noting that inside the home has deteriorated to percent, the administration and overnight hours. people showed up for an "official" Christine Vermilia, also 16. of Wall. Columbus was the first man to bring the point where state Medicaid proposes to eliminate some paid Columbus Day festival In protest Alfone said County Clerk Jane Christianity to these shores, Alfone officials paid two visits to the home holidays, to reduce the number of against the city's parade last week, Gardella Clayton and state Sen. •aid the city celebration "Insulted yesterday. Although he could paid sick days, to eliminate com- according to organizer Alfonse G. Frank Pallone Jr., D-Monmouth. my religion and my heritage." provide no details of the reasons for pensatory pay for sick days not YESTERDAYS Alfone officiated at the coronation. The Alfone said be plans to devote his the state officials' visits, he said, taken, to reduce differential pay Alfone has said that the local Rev. Aldo Gulian. of Holy Trinity time and energy to building the "you don't come down twice on a ments to workers on the evening and 10 year* ago Italian community was virtually Roman Catholic Church, here, national organization of the St. Sunday afternoon to look at the night shifts, and to reduce the building." ignored when the city staged its blessed the crowns. Gerard Guilds of America. He said vacation allowance of licensed per- Members of a House Judiciary Columbus Day parade. So he de- Officials at the state Medicaid sonnel to match that of unlicensed subcommittee postpone President "It seems that the people in City there are currently thriving or- cided to set matters straight with a ganizations in eight states, with department could not be reached for personnel. Ford's historic appearance until the more appropriate celebration, and Hall don't want us to participate," comment. Watergate cover-up trial Jury is Alfone said. "They're afraid to be others In the planning stages. Employees would also be required he claims that his group "ac- More than ISO nurses, nurses' to pay SO percent of their hoapitel- sequestered, after the special pros- complished more In five days than upstaged." The guild is named for the patron ecutor expresses concern over pre- they did with a whole year of When asked what his organisation saint of expectant mothers, unborn trail publicity generated by the preparation." was planning for next year. Alfone children and the poor. St. Gerard president's appearance. "Ours was an Italian festival, said he would work with city was canonised in 1104 by Pope Pius Union Beach policemen are tried while theirs was a fiasco," Alfone officials "If they do things right." X, and Alfone said his grandmother on charges of neglecting their duties said. But if not, Alfone, who used to waa one of the leading forces In by allowing a local tavern owner to Today's event, held at the national coordinate the huge Newark Col- pushing for the beatification process beat up youths at Police Head- headquarters of the St. Gerard umbus Day parade, said "we'll have that ultimately led to his sainthood. quarters. The youths were brought Guild, 116 Chelsea Ave.. featured to go Independent." The guild is involved in various In for questioning about a suspected live Neapolitan and other Italian "I'll shew them a parade," he charitable activities, and raised break-In at the tavern music, Italian pastries, and an said. •90.000 to help victims of the Italian flag was flown outside the Alfone said he was particularly earthquake that struck southern 20 yearn ago guild's headquarters - "anything incensed that the city did not Italy in 1960. according to Alfone He More than 6,000 people crowd Italian." Alfone said. emphasize the Italian element of the added that he personally went to Convention Hall, Asbury Park, Miss Columbus l«64-tt, 16-year- holiday dedicated to the discoverer Italy to make sure the relief money while Republican Presidential Can- didate Sen. Barry Goldwater cam- old Gina Cialella of Belmar. was of the New World, "who, after all, "didn't taU into the wrong hands " paigns for peace through a strong defense. Protestors outside the hall 9 criticize Goldwater's stands on nu- clear policy and civil rights, while Tenants union planned Inside, protestors chant "We want L.B.J ' Three seniors Invite US Senator Harrison A. Williams Jr. to address for Aberdeen apartments students at Monmouth Regional High School, New Shrewsbury Board of Education members com- ABERDEEN - A resident of the located off Matawan Avenue. So far, conception which he described as plain of the school's use for party Ken Associates garden apartment over 90 of his fellow tenants have common among renters. politics complex, formerly known as Ken responded to the recommendation, Sabodish said he has contacted Gardens, is attempting to establish and Sabodish said he expects 70 officials of the New Jersey Tenants' More than 5,000 people line Broad- a tenants' organization. He says that percent of Ken Associates residents Organisation and has received way, Long Branch, to watch a if he Is successful, It will be the first to eventually Join with him. favorable responses.. He added that Columbus Day parade of 40 civic, such organization in the township. A township-wide tenants' or- problems with the new management fraternal, and military unite. Sev- eral hundred stroll the Asbury Park Mike Sabodish, of apartment 11-A, ganisation would push four major that took over his apartment com- boardwalk to see a beachfront re- says his ultimate' goal is to create a goals, according to Sabodish: uni- plex three months ago had prompted enactment of Christopher Col- township-wide tenants' organization form rent control regulations; him to move to organize umbus' landing in the New World. which would be able to "stick up for stronger security, to prevent what "They're good at telling you what renters' rights throughout the be described as wide-spread thefts you should do, but not so great st town." He is planning a series of and burglaries; Informed tenants, doing what they should do," he said, 50 Years Ago advertisements in local newspapers who know their rights as renters; referring to incomplete compliance and on the community access chan- and tenant involvement. and enforcement of lease regu- One of Mlddletown's largest barns nel of the local cable TV system. Sabodish emphasized the need to lations on the part of the landlords. bums to the ground after a fire breaks out In Its hayloft. Fire Sabodish said he has sent flyers point out to tenants that a landlord Marsha Hoesley, property man- companies from Mtddletown, Lin- announcing his proposal to every cannot evict a tenant for organizing ager of Ken Associates, could not be croft. River Plata, and Nsvesink home in the 430-unit complex, with his fellow tenants, a mis- reached for comment. pump water from nearby Porky Brook to fight a bam fire at Brascn Farms. Fearing the farm's wagon house may Ignite, neighboring farm- DWI crackdown nets four ers help remove all equipment from COLTS NECK - Township police, According to Patrolman Adam were palled over for DWI checks, Area farmers say government working with the county Driving Hubeny, random motor vehicle according to Hubeny. interference is responsible for While Intoxicated Task Force. Sun- stops were held on Route 34 In front Arrested In the roadblocks were losses In crop sales suffered this day night arrested four people for of the main entrance to Naval Ttan A. Luthman Of Dunellen. 28; year Under farm policies Initiated drunk driving and Issued 10 other Weapons Staton, Earle. Eduardo Lujan of Jackson Heights, by President Roosevelt, farmers summonses for other motor vehicle Between 11 p.m. Saturday and S N.Y., 31; Victor Wltek of Red Bank, from the South and West are paid by violations. a.m. Sunday, northbound vehicles 16; Joseph A. Connelly of Sayrevllle. BUILDINQ BOOSTER — Red Bank Rotary Club Vice President the government not to plant wheat 27 All four were given Breathalyzer Rocky Marswiiio, right, Little Silver, presents a $1,500 check to and cotton, so they plant potatoes tests st site, Hubeny said. Brother Andrew O'Gara, principal of Christian Brothers Academy, (the principal crop of Monmouth Motorists were approached and Lincrott. The Rotary Club donation will be used for the school's County), causing a glut driving Informed of the roadblock test, and building fund. potato prices down. asked to perform "psycho-physical Howard working, teats," such as >»i—™g ex- c arc bee, flnger-to-nose, and ether teats of coordination awaits diagnosis The arrested parties were re- COMMUNITY CALENDAR leased on their own recognizance, WASHINGTON - Rep. James "It's bean a very grueling J Howard, D-N.J., is "doing very period, UM put few wwks» after being processed la the task TODAY TOMORROW well" at Betbesda Naval Hospital Fatemi said, noting that, since force's boa. If another passenger In the same vehicle was able to pass RUMSON - The PTA of Forrestdsle school will RED BANK - The first of Rlverview Medical In Maryland, according to his the current Congressional session Center's six-part chronic respiratory disease educa- press secretary, Nancy Fatemi. Is coining to s close, the House the tests, the passenger was per- present s program on Sexual Assault and Child Abuse at 6 p.m. in the Media Center. Monmouth County tional series will begin at 7 p.m. Understanding the Howard, chairman of the has recently been In session until mitted to drive the party home. late at Bight. Prosecuter John Kaye and Helen Rlegelman, consumer disease process, exercises to Improve breathing, good House Public Works and Trans- Assisting were two BrleDe police- health educator at Rlverview Medical Center. wiU nutrition, relaxation techniques, medications and portation Committee, was ad- Howard has been conferring men, two female coanty Sheriff's speak. respiratory treatments will be covered in the series. mitted to the hospital Thursday with sides and with fellow Con- officers, and Chief James Newman after complaining of dizziness. gressmen over the telephone, MATAWAN - Al Anon for adult children of alcoholics HAZLET — Jeff Thaxton, a drug and alcohol abuse of Allenburst, the DWI Task Force meets at 6 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church on Ryers Fatemi said doctors have ruled Fatemi said, adding that she was coordinator. Participating officers educator, will present positive outlines for prevention planning to bring more work to of drug abuse at I p.m. at the Holy Family School, Route out a heart attack as the cause of from Colts Neck were Chief Gerald KEYPORT - The Keyport Reform Church, Osborn Howard's dizziness. She sdded the congressman's private hospi- Cummins, Sgt. Thomas Hartman 36, PTA open meeting that the doctors would not be able tal room today. Street, will sponsor a thrift sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ST., Patrolmen Dana Joline and ABERDEEN - A free flu immunization clinic for to determine the cause until all Kevin Sauter, Special Officer Capt. and 7 to 9 p.m. No date has been set for Aberdeen and Hazlet senior citizens will be held from test results are in some time this Howard's release from the hospi- Howard Camden, and Hubeny. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Over 55 Club will tal, Fatemi said. meet at 1 p.m. in the Firemen's Field House, West 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Monmouth County Nutrition Approximately 200 cars were Washington Avenue and Avenue C. New members are Site, Veterans of Foreign Wars post home on Cliff wood stopped. Hubeny said. now being enrolled. Avenue. B2 The Daily Register Business MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1964 Arrival of fall means it's time to winterize your home The leaves are turning, kids are on the can of lighter fluid about - Examine your roof from ground to store window unit* far winter. If In icy weather. Similarly, see to It back in school, the World Series it storage. i, as well. Note any sap or you have window units that can't be that ratlings are secure. upon us, and the tint Christmas - Still outdoors, Inspect your bowing in the roofline that could withdrawn, at least wrap them up Once yea finish all your outside catalogs are In the mail. Pall has awnings and screens for rips or indicate structural problems. A pair from outside to protect the ma- chores - and this list by no means arrived. other needed repairs. Clean out the of binoculars would be handy for this chines from Ice and snow. DonMe- exhausts the possibilities - make This meant specific chores SYLVIA gutters and downspouts. If birds or kind of examination. cbeck the seal so that frigid air notes of what you did so yon can around your house must be done for insects like to build their nests In - If you are on good terms with refer to them next year. the (all clean-up: PORTER your gutters, or If leaves clog them your neighbors, look at your roof i your windows are on In fact, a similar list for i - Make a I'st of what you want to up, try bending wire mesh around from a window in an upper story of The windows thero- cleaning will make these conv accomplish before winter sets in. them. Be sure the downspouts an their home. This Is especially help- monpUce chores easier to face six Use this list to guide - or prompt - open and that gutters haven't eroded ful for those of you who don't like to m months' from now. - you to take care of everything in climb up and down ladders. While erly. If they don't, you can use a before you attach any screening. ("Sylvia Porter's New Money time. - Check the root. If your roof Is you're at your neighbors', you can soft, puttyllke tape to stop rattles - Most tasks will take you also observe the condition of your and keep out winter's gusts. In Book for the Ms," l.» pages of at least IS yean old, probe for signs down-to-earth advice on personal outdoors, so focus your attention on cushions thoroughly to prevent of severe wear - you may need a paint or siding. Aluminum siding spring, you simply strip off the Upe. what you have to do there. Clean up doesn't need repainting for many Is now avail- mildew and inspect them for cracks new roof soon. Among the signs to helThip cus tsimpl your eheating Mils. Replace garden furniture and store it prop- or rips. II you take care of these years, of coarse, and vinyl siding her column Send *.W look for are cracked and dried-out never does. any cracked or loose panes in your plus f 1 for'mailing and handling to erly, according to the manufac- repairs now, you can whisk the shingles. Be alert for shingles that - Check the masonry for chinks in windows. "Sylvia Porter's New Money Book turer's Instructions. Drain furniture outside on the first nice have lost the gravelly surface that the mortar. Have these repaired - Sidewalks and outside steps for the Ms," in care of this aluminum tubes and make sure day in spring, ready for a new protects them from drying out In the water does not remain trapped In immediately. should be examined to guarantee newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, summer. sun and wind. Replace any curled-up any pieces. Wipe off grass, leaves - Clean the grill and barbecue set, - The end of air conditioning that bricks, masonry and flaptonw Fairway. Kan. 88105. Make checks and other debris that cling to the or cracked shingles, since these can season means more than lower all lie flush with the surface so that payable to Universal Press Syndi- including all utensils, before you rip or even blow away In high winds. bottoms of tables and chairs. Dry store them. Follow the instructions electric bills. It means that it's time yon, or a guest, won't slip on them cate.) Money funds remain popular with American investors BY ANDREW LECKEY ernment securities, commercial Mart Assets Fund, lately one of the bandy checks can lead, to money expenses such as children's educa- paper and bank certificates. nation's highest-yielding funds. management problems for unwary tions or necessary house payments, Motley market mutual funds have Right now, they're nursing a "Our overall forecast Is for short- investors simply because they are ao other Investments that are more become as comfortable a place to comfortable average yield of better term rates to perhaps decline slight- easy to use. Most other major difficult to get into are also a good put money for Americans as stuffing than 10 12 percent, with some funds ly before the election and to go investments, such as stocks, Idea. Accumulation of wealth often cash under the mattress was back in ANDREW topping 11 percent. Few fund man- somewhat higher early next year," certificates of deposit, bonds and Is baaed upon growth and compound- the old days. "I'll just toss my agers are predicting any radical predicts Frank Rachwalski, even bank money market accounts, ing of money that is left alone for a money Into a money market fund LECKEY interest rate jump any time soon, portfolio manager for the Chicago- have strings attached that keep us long time period. until I know what to do with it," Is but many are keeping their invest- based Kemper Money Market Fund. from moving too quickly to deplete how most folks put It. • Retain a checking account with ment maturities short to take quick- our principal. For many of us, that's your bank through which you keep While the lunds haven't regained est advantage of any rises. According to the Wiesenberger a good form of financial discipline. just enough money to cover bills. the $227 billion asset size they "We basically expect money mar- Investment Companies Service, Many investors use their money This makes it easier to keep track enjoyed during the interest rate ket fund interest rates to remain among recent leaden with 30-day market fund checks to pay their of where your money is going. Some explosion of several years ago, they relatively stable through the bal- yields offering better than 11 per- largest monthly bills (limited by the investment money should always be currently have better than 1180 They still move along with ance of the year," says John cent were Money Mart Assets; check mlnlmums allowed), make separate from your regular bill- billion in assets and continue as a interest trends, their investments Brookmeyer of Prudential, which Trinity Liquid Assets, New York; numerous purchases or write checks paying account. major investment force. placed in instruments such as gov- advises the New York-based Money Massachusetts Cash Management for cash to themselves. These • Follow similar precautions Trust (Prime), Boston, Mass., and functions in the past were usually when dealing with that offspring of accomplished with smaller-balance USAA Money Market Fund, San the money market fund, the insured bank checking accounts. From time Antonio, Tex. bank money market account. The 7 more unions OK GM pact to time, they toss nearly aU of their Just a hair behind them were money market account usually re- locals over a two-week period available investment money Into the DETROIT (API - Seven United Local 278 in Arlington, Texas, said Cash Reserve Management, New quires a minimum balance of 12.500 ending Oct. 14. A number of locals money market fund. Their balances Auto Workers locals reported ap- figures he had received from IT York; Fidelity Money Market Trust and has some checking restrictions, voted over the weekend, but only balloon even larger if they close out proving a nationwide contract with locals Indicated the contract was (Domestic), Boston; Financial Dal- though it fulfills the same Invest- scattered results were available by other investments, in some cases, General Motors Corp. yesterday and being rejected by 58 percent na- ly Income Shares, Denver, Colo.; ment function of the money market yesterday. even the proceeds from sale of a two rejected it, raising to 11 the tionwide out of more than 25.000 Kemper Money Market Fund; fund. Their yields usually aren't as "The lion's share of the locals will home. t* ' number that have accepted the pact votes. SAFECO Money Market Mutual good as those of the funds, since be voting between now and Friday," out of 20 locals reporting. "We're not going to have any Fund, Seattle, Wash.; Temporary banks' best rates are still reserved Jessica Kalz. UAW spokewoman, Because it shouldn't be con- But several large locals were comment on that, nor will we Investment Fund, New York, and for certificates of deposit. said yesterday. sidered "just a money market among those voting against the pact, release any totals until all the votes Transamerica Cash Reserves, Los The Bank Rate Monitor, based in UAW President Owen Bieber has fund," there are important con- and one local leader said the are In," said Ms. Katz on Sunday Angeles. Calif. There is frequent Miami. Fla , report, that the aver- warned his 350,000 members at GM siderations: contract was being rejected na- night. changing among the top spots, based age rate on bank money market tionwide by about 58 percent of the that be won't try to renegotiate the -Keep close track of the monthly Gary Watson, president of the upon the types of investments and statement from your fund. Be more accounts now is just under 10 members voting. The national union agreement If they vote It down. lengths of maturities Vmphasized by percent after compounding, while refused to disclose an overall na- "If the contract were turned 13,000-member UAW Local 602 in careful to keep track of where Lansing, which represents em- each fund. \ checks go and how much money is six-month certificates of deposit tionwide tally until all votes are In. down, it would mean simply one yield better than 11 percent. Con- Voting on the GM-UAW contract, thing - we'll be In a nationwide ployees at an Oldsmoblle plant, being eroded than you would with a cited a new union assessment for his A major feature, df the funds regular bank checking account. tinental Savings of Ssn Francisco reached Sept. 21 after a series of strike at General Motors," Bieber recently led the pack with the local strikes idled 92.000 UAW said. workers' rejection of the pact remains their check\wtittng privi- -Keep some of your Investment leges and lack of wjtnjlrawat or highest money market account rate members, is taking place at 149 John ChUders. president of UAW 3.902-3,338 last week. money in leu liquid choices. While balance penalties. However, those you must keep liquid to pay pressing in the country of nearly 13 percent. VANTAGE SUCCESS

warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.

J»»j.V'.e.?s^n«sw»t*plra»Msnt. FTC Rtpon Kit* Great Ta Success! MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 10B4 Sports The Daily Register B3 Padres win first NL pennant

BAN DIEGO (AP) - The San "It's a city and an organisation that The victory was the second In a Diego Padres wan their tint Na- row for Lefferts, who was acquired tional League pennant yesterday, The Padres wore the initials from Chicago in a preseason trade. capping an historic playoff come- R.A.K. on their sleeves and dedi- Sutcliffe, 16-1 and winner of 14 in back and extending for at least one cated their ISM season to Kroc, a row at the end of the season, had more season the frustrations of the who died last January. He would not lost a game since June 29 after Chicago Cubs have been 82 two days ago, and coming to Chicago from Cleveland Inspired by the memory of late there hung behind bomeplate, a on June 13. He looked invincible owner Ray A. Kroc and sparked by homemade banner that read "This until the sixth inning, when the the play of Tony Gwynn. Steve Dream b For You, R.A.K." Padres pulled within one run, 3-2, Garvey and a bullpen full of hard- As Rich Gossage completed an with a pair of runs. Then, with noted relievers, the Padres de- overpowering peinninsure by the Gwynn and Garvey doing moat of feated Cubs ace Rick Sutcllffe 6-3 San Diego ballpen, which allowed the damage, the Padres scored four In Game Five of the NL Cham- only two hits after the second more In the seventh off Sutcliffe pionship Series. inning, a recoro crown oi ae.jav "You can't fault him (Sutclif- tan Diego won the best-of-fi stood and cheered in unison. A fe)," Cubs Manager Jim Frey said series after losing the first two torrent of sound embraced the In defending his decision to stay games In Chicago, a playoff deficit Padres as they celebrated their with Sutcllffe past the sixth. "He's from which no National League first pennant. one of the main reasons we got this team had ever recovered. And. to "I'm a firm believer in emo- far. The guy pitched better than do it, they had to recover from a 3-0 tion," Garvey said. "It plays a big anybody over the last three deficit In this game with a four-run part In this game. The fans were months." rally in the seventh inning when worth three runs to us today. They Gwynn had a tie-breaking double, felt they had to get us up, and they Eric Show, the Game One loser Garvey delivered an insurance run did. It just built to a crescendo." for San Diego, was the victim of Chicago's early power surge, and It with a single and Cubs' first For the Cubs, meanwhile, there looked like the Cubs were on their baseman Leon Durham contributed was grief as the Cubs fans, some- way to their first World Series In 38 a crucial error. times called "Bleacher Bums." years. But the frustration will last The Padres, now in their 16th were forced to wait yet another at least one more year, and largely season, will face American League year for a possible pennant. The due to the relief pitching of Andy champion Detroit In the World Cubs, whose frustrations have be- Hawkins, Dave Dravecky, Lefferts Series, beginning here tomorrow come almost folklore, have not and Gossage, who had failed the night. been In the Work) Series since 1945. day before. "It's s beautiful feeling to be "Right now. they're a little able to contribute and get this club disappointed," said Craig Lefferts, into the World Series," said Gar- the fourth of five San Diego Hawkins took over for Show in vey, the hero of Game Four with pitchers and the winner In Game the second, Dravecky pitched a five RBIs and voted unanimously Five. "But when that wears off, flawless fourth and fifth, Lefterta the Most Valuable Player of the they'll be very happy. They've polished off the next six in a row, playoffs. nothing to be ashamed of. They won and Gossage put the finishing touch PENNANT CELEBRATION — San Diego Padres the Chicago Cubs yesterday. The Padres went on "It's very special because It's the the NL East, and they've got a on a game that was played before Luis Salazar, center, and Bobby Brown celebrate to win the National League Championship, 6-3, in first for the Padres. Garvey said. great team." a stadium record i owdof!58.38* after scoring four runs in the seventh inning against the fifth and decisive game. Jets late rally Payton sets downs Chiefs rushing record CHICAGO (AP) - Walter Pay- too. High over the stadium in a KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Pat ton, methodically rolling through private box, Payton's mother, wife, Ryan threw a 15-yard touchdown the New Orleans defense for 1M son, and a group that Included his pass to Mickey Shuler and Tony NFL roundup, B4 yards, became the National Foot- former fullback, Roland Harper Paige scored on a one-yard run ball League's all-time leading and his high school and college after a fumble yesterday to rally rusher yesterday, slashing past Jim coaches toasted the event with the from a M of field goals by Nick Lowery. who Brown's 10-year-old mark and fin- champagne. deficit to a 17-16 victory over the became the NFL's all-time field ishing the day 88 yards ahead of the "We wanted to get him the Kansas City Chiefs goal percentage leader. man who many believe set the record," McMahon said. "I'm very The Kansas City defense, a week standard for running backs. glad it's over with and I think after sacking Cleveland quar- Then Ryan engineered a 10-play. But when it was over, and Payton Walter is too The first thing Walter terback Paul McDonald eleven (1-yard march to set up a 37-yard had received the obligatory tele- said was 'It's over with, let's go for times, did not get to Ryan once. Pat Leahy field goal slicing the phone call from President Reagan, the win.' That's the way Walter Is, Chiefs' lead to M with 2:21 left In Mew York's Freeman McNeil car- the Chicago Bears superback had he's always working for the win." the second quarter. ried IS times for 107 yards, but did only one feeling — relief. The game was largely a bread- not play the in fourth period and-butter affair for Payton - A moment later, Ron Faurot "For the past three weeks I've three-, four-, and five-yard gains because of bruised ribs. - pounced on Theotis Brown's fumble tried to conceal it, but there's been The Jets lifted their National into a stacked-up defense. But he at the Kansas City 20 and the Jets a lot of pressure," said Payton, who broke a lS-yarder In the first half Football League record to 4-2 and needed Just four plays to set up broke Brown's mark of 12,312 on plunged Kansas City to 2-4 then a 25-yard burst up the middle Paige's plunge. Leahy's extra point the second play — and his second with time running down that helped Todd Blackledge hit 7-of -7 passes made it 10-S with 31 seconds left in carry — of the second half, taking seal the game for the Bears In an 80-yard drive in the fourth the half a pltchout from quarterback Jim He finished the game with an period and tossed a one-yard touch- McMahon and slashing around left down pass to Willie Scott with 4:32 Ryan's passing and McNeil's even 12,400 yards for his career of end for six yards. "What was I nine years and six games, doing left for the Chiefs' last score. The running moved the Jets 7« yards in thinking? Don't fumble ' nine plays with their first pos- much of his heavy work in a steady Chiefs got the ball back at their own The game was stopped and session of the third period and rain that began falling exactly 10 20 with 57 seconds left, but weren't SWEETNESS — Chicago Bears' Walter Payton eyes New Orleans Payton's teammates rushed on to Shuler J touchdown put the visitors minutes after he broke Brown's able to make a first down. Saints' Whitney Paul during second quarter action. Payton went on the field and congratulated him as on top 17-*. __..._ _, , „„. „„.,,,„ OTWMU HUOIISI otiMi rayIUII weni un me iieia ana congraiuiaiea mm as r»cnrrecord —— aatt S57 wrondsecondas intInlo the The Chiefs went ahead on a trio to become the NFL's leading ball carrier with 12,317 career yards. to become the NFL's leading ball carrier with 12,317 career yards, the Saints stood by and applauded,. secon™^ d half at 1:4l:40pTrTcD0 p.m. CD'T Monmouth Reg. upsets Branchers, survives game-ending field goal try BYY JIM HINTELMANN missed by one second of winning Branch coach Jack Levy was angry third quarter on a prolonged 773: - • _ .. _ ... . the game when a 37-yard field goal after the game. yard drive Iin 18 plays. That used uup TINTON FALLS -— "WWe hophODee bV..y. MikUik_e Attardin..J!l wa....s. Unullifie.IIHUJd "Tt."The. «relf «le H8:3A0 notf thth«e fourthfourth m»rl.quarterr we've turned the corner," said because time ran out Just before two seconds left on the clock so we Monmouth's ability to come up , Monmouth Regional football coach the snap sent in our field goal team," Levy with the big play on third and fourth Joe Berth after the Falcons scored Monmouth had stoppel a Long said. "We waited for them to wind downs sustained this drive. One of one of their bluest football tri- Branch drive at the Falcon 20 with down the score clock to two seconds the big plays came on a third and umph in years yesterday with a 1 25 remaining and tried to run out but they started the time on the 25 at the Monmouth 40. 14-13 Shore Conference "B" North the clock, but a fourth down run by field and we couldn't hear it Clark passed to Malcolm Free- upset of Long Branch. Clark was stopped at the 20 with because everyone was yelling and man who was apparently stopped at "This year, the seniors turned two seconds remaining. The clock screaming." midfield, but he fought his way the program around," Barth added. was stopped here because of Monmouth assistant coach Mike down to the Brancher 36 which left "Our co-captains Dan Mclnnls and change of possession and Long Luccarelli disagreed. Monmouth two yards short of a Greg Clark were outstanding." Branch rushed Its. field goal team "The ruling la that the clock first down. Before being able to celebrate on the field, but time ran out just starts on the officials signal, not at Michael DiGullml picked up the RIDING TMi WAVE — Long Branch quarterback Maurice Caldwell the victory, however, the Falcons before the snap as Attardi's kick the snap of the ball," he said first down on a run, but the is tackled by an unidentified Monmouth Regional tackier during action had to survive one of the wildest cleared the crossbar. Monmouth's winning touchdown Brancbers appeared to have stop- in yesterday's game. f bushes of the year as Long Branch As might be expected, Long started just before the end of the comlnurd oa page BS 1985 FORDS AREHERE_NW Test Drive a Ford Car Truck Today! B4 The Dady Register MONDAY, OCTOBER 8.1964 Bengals down winless Oilers CINCINNATI (AP) - Jim then darted through a big hole in secondary for 360 yards and three flea-nicker play and then hit Star- ring with a 24-yard pass to set up Breech kicked a pair of Held goals the middle of the line for a 3-yard touchdowns to lead the San Diego 1 and rookie quarterback Boomer TD run and a 10-3 lead. Chargers to a 34-18 victory over the Tony Collins game-winning touch- Esiason made his first National Houston quarterback Warren Packers. down run in tot fourth quarter, as Football League start a success Moon had another rough outing in Neil Umax burned a bliuing New England overcame a 164 yesterday with a 3-yard touchdown a game slowed by a constant rain Dallas defense with three touch- deficit to beat Cleveland run that gave the Cincinnati that resulted in frequent dropped down passes and the Cardinals Joe Theismann riddled a young Bengals a 13-3 victory over the passes. Moon, signed out of the ended seven years of frustration In Indianapolis pass defense with 17 winless Houston Oilers Canadian Football League, com- Texas Stadium by beating the completions in 20 attempts for 267 Esiason, a second-round draft pleted Just 15 of 33 passes for 181 Cowboys Dallas fell Into a tie with yards and four touchdowns, carry- pick from Maryland, led the yards with no . the Washington Redskins for first ing Washington to an easy victory Bengals to their tint victory after The loss left Houston and Buffalo place in the National Conference over the Colts five losses by sprinting untouched the only winless teams in the NFL. Eastern Division with a 4-2 record. into the end zone on a quarterback In other action yesterday, it was St. Louis won for only the second Washington's John Riggint used time in 13 appearances in Texas tint draw in the third quarter for a 10-3 the New York Jets 17, Kansas City sparingly »'«"• •** "•"• lead. 18; New England 17, Cleveland M; Stadium. It was Dallas' worst loss totaled 94 yards and one touch- Breech clinched the victory with Washington 35, Indianapolis 7, Den- to St. Louis since a 384 whipping in down, leaving him 24 yards abort of a 22-yard field goal with two ver 28, Detroit 7; Tampa Bay 35. U77. becoming the fifth player In NFL minutes to play, handing (Ml Hous- Minnesota 31 and Philadelphia 27. Dan Marino threw a pair of history to rush for 10,000 career ton its 21st consecutive road defeat, Buffalo 17 second-quarter touchdown passes yards. an NFL record. In late afternoon action, Jim in a successful return to his Esiason, getting his first starting Breech kicked two field goals and hometown aa Miami routed the A bruising Denver defense led by call because of injuries to veterans rookie quarterback Boomer punchiest Steelers. Steve Wilson and Rulon Jones Ken Anderson and Turk Schonert, Esiason made his first NFL start a Marino, the former University of smothered Detroit's mistake-prone completed 13 of 24 passes for IU success with a three-yard touch- Pittsburgh star, completed 16 of 24 offense and lifted the Broncos over yards with two interceptions. The down run that gave Cincinnati a passes for 226 yards while Miami the Lions The Broncos recovered left-hander accounted for all of the 13-3 victory, their first of the rolled to a 21-0 halftime lead with three of four Detroit fumbles - yards in a 53-yard drive that set up season, over the winless Houston a pair of second-quarter touch- including one which Jones returned Breech's 33-yard field goal just Oilers. downs within a span of Just over a 5 yards for a touchdown. Denver before the half for a 3-0 lead. Marc Wilson, filling In for an minute. That boosted Us touch- also Intercepted seven Lions' After Houston tied It on Florian injured Jim Plunkett, tossed a 58- down pass total to 17 for the season. passes — four off Gary Danielton, Kempf's 24-yard kick early In the yard touchdown pass to Marcus Pat Ryan threw a 15-yard touch- who hadn't coughed one up all year third quarter, Eilason's passing put Allen with 5:32 remaining to break down pass to Mickey Shuler and — and registered six sacks to CHIEFS' — Kansas City Chiefs' right cornerbac* Cincinnati in position for the win- a 14-14 tie and the Lot Angeles Tony Paige scored on a 1-yard run completely outmuscle Detroit. Kevin Ross Intercepts a pass intended lor New York Jets' wide ning touchdown. Raiders went on top the Seattle after a fumble to rally the Jets Steve DeBerg passed for 212 receiver Wesley Walker in the endzone lor a louchback during second Esiason hit wide receiver Cris Seahawks 28-14. from a fro deficit. The Kansas City yards and two touchdowns and quarter action yesterday. Collinsworth with a 21-yarder to Atlanta kicker Mick Luckhurst defense, a week after sacking James Wilder added two TDs on the launch a 70-yard scoring march, booted his third field goal of the Cleveland quarterback Paul ground to lend the Tampa Bay over McDonald tl times, did not get to Ron Jawonki threw for two game after Buffalo quarterback and passed 26 yards to rookie game, a 37-yarder, as time expired, Minnesota DeBerg completed 16 of Joe Dufek, filling in for the injured running back Stanford Jennings to Ryan once. touchdowns and ran for another giving the Falcons a 30-28 last- 29 passes and fired scoring strikes while Paul McPadden hit two field , went down with a put the ball on the Houston 6. minute victory over the Los An- Tony Eaaon of the Patriots fired of 7 yards to Kevin House and • knee injury late in the second One play later, Esiason took the a 42-yard touchdown to Stephen goals to lead Philadelphia over geles Rams. yards to Gerald Carter. Buffalo. The Eagles dominated the quarter snap from center, started back, Dan FouU riddled the Green Bay Starring on a perfectly executed Walsh: Giants getting together EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. second week of the season. Walsh three games, Including a 38-24 effective," said Walsh. "He wore a (AP) - Coach B1U Walsh of the San said he would wait a few weeks playoff decision Jan. 3, 1982. very heavy vest in the Atlanta Francisco 49ers sees the New York before making any evaluation of Walsh said he thinks this year's game and I think that affected him Giants as a team "In the process of the Giants team Is even better than the 1981 He should be able to wear a lighter getting together." "By the halfway point of the Super Bowl champion 49ers. one this week." season, they should have It Taylor admitted that the Giants But, can the Giants, coming off "We're stronger than the 1981 together," said Walsh. "Then we will have trouble pressuring Mon- a deflating 33-12 lots to the Los team, but that team made fewer Angeles Rams, complete the pro- should know If they are a playoff tana. team or a contender " mistakes," said Walsh. "Their cess before their National Football turnover ratio was much better. It "I don't think Montana Is the League game tonight against the Giants' All-Pro linebacker Law- remains to be seen if we can play type of player who can be In- undefeated 49ers In Giants rence Taylor said that playing the error-free ball." timidated," he said "You can try Stadium? 49an, 5-0, Is bound to bring out the and mix up your coverages, but you "They are not predictable yet," best In New York. Quarterback Joe Montana, wear- can't intimidate him." Walsh maintained "Some weeks "We were Just lackadaisical," ing a flack vest to protect injured On defense, the 49ers have not they are superb and other weeks Taylor said of the Rams' game. "I ribs, returned to action last week in relinquished a touchdown In nine they are not." don't think there's any danger of the 49ers' 144 victory over Atlanta consecutive quarters. Last Sunday they were not The that against s team S-0. Anyone He hit 13 of 25 passes for ISO yards "That does not mean we can't Giants, 3-2, pined only eight yards with any pride has to be embar- and two touchdowns, Including one score against them," said Giants' rushing, gave up three safeties in rassed. We are going to go out there to tight end Russ Francis, who had quarterback Jtiil Slmms, who has one period, dropped six pssses and and perform." five reception*. thrown 11 touchdown passes this CONCUSSION COLLISION — ' Paul Lanklord hits committed at least a doten penal- Montana again will wear a flack season. "We Just have to buckle it Pittsburgh Steeler's quarterback David Woodley alter he releases a ties against the Rams. The Giants hold a »-5 edge In the vest against the Giants, but It will up and get some things done that pass during first quarter action yesterday. Woodley suffered a However, the same Giants ripped overall series against the Sen, but be a few pounds lighter. we haven't done in the last couple concussion on the play. the Dallas Cowboys 26-7 In the San Francisco has won the last "I think Joe will be of weeks." Umpires end strike in time for NL finale SAN DIEGO (AP) - The major 11:49. I ran two red lights." Runge to the umpires' dressing . As the regular major league Of the four working yesterday, missioner's office. "The com- league umpires ended their strike Substitute umpires had worked room, where Runge said, "We're i crew left the locker room for the Kibler was the only umpire of the missioner has agreed." yesterday in time for a crew of both the National and American back to work." field, they were asked If they were original six-man crew scheduled "For the past several days, regulars to work the final game of League championship series since Minutes later, Ueberroth and glad to be back at work. for the series. binding arbitration was a possi- the National League Championship the strike began after the close of several other men arrived and met "Yes, sir," said Harvey. "We "With the two parties in the bility we had under consideration. ' Series and the two sides agreed to the regular season last Sunday. for about four minutes Inside the didn't want to leave In the first umpire dispute still far apart as ot Brown said in Detroit. "It looked let Baseball Commissioner Peter Until yesterday, Ueberroth had dressing room. Upon leaving, place." this (Sunday) morning, they asked like It would be difficult to get this Ueberroth arbitrate their contract maintained the contract dispute Ueberroth said he would arbitrate As the umpires were Introduced Commissioner Peter Ueberroth II resolved any other way prior to the dispute. was a matter between the umpires the talks between the Umpires' to the capacity crowd, no mention he would serve as the arbitrator in World Series." "This Is an important game and and the two league presidents. Association and major league was made that they were regular binding arbitration which would Asked whether that was a pri- the (World) Series Is close enough Phillips last week said he thought baseball, beginning today. major league umpires, but the fans resolve the dispute and return ority, Brown replied: "Any tune that we felt we had to put them In," Ueberroth should get Involved. "It's the commissioners duty to responded with a roar aa each man major league umpires to the you have a situation where every- said Richie Phillips, head of the The walkout centered over the arbitrate this. I'm not going to say was announced. A couple of the diamond," said Bob Win, director one In the cut who is supposed to umpire's union. Issues of pay and assignments for anything else," said Ueberroth. umps tipped their hat to the crowd. of Information for the com- be Isn't there you want everyone." Of the decision to submit the the postseason garnet, plut Job dispute to binding arbitration by security, areas that were covered Ueberroth. Phillips said, "He's a for only two years In a four-year man I trust." agreement between the umpires "I don't think this commissioner and baseball signed in April 1982. Lemon still looking for first hit Is an owners' commissioner," Phil- Phillips said test Monday that lips said of the man who succeeded baseball offered a 639,000 pay DETROIT (AP) - Chet Lemon know you didn't get any hits?" "When you're not going well, you catcher. was one of the last to Bowie Kuhn on Oct. 1. "I think my Increase to be divided by 61 umpire. waited 10 years to reach baseball's Yeah, I'll know It." try to look at each at-bat as an arrive at the batting cage and was trust will be rewarded." "TV money has gone from 880 poet-season competition Now, hell Independent event. When you're immediately ribbed. Phillips said both sides will million in 1983 to 1200 million In have to wait a little longer to get The Tigers got a total of » hits going well, it tends to build tor deliver their proposals to Ueber- 1984," Phillips said. "We are his tint hit. In beating the Royals, and several you." "I had to wash the dishes and roth on Monday and said he supposed to get a share of that." of the Detroit bitten enjoyed a vaccum the carpet," explained The union had been asking for six Lemon, one of Detroit's most good series. One of them, shortstop Lemon ran up-and-down the Parrlsh, whose wife delivered the expected a decision before the day aisles at empty Tiger Stadium for was up. percent of the live gate revenue consistent players all season, went Alan Trammen. tripled his first couple's third child Thursday. Par- from the first three games of the O-for-13 as the Tigers swept the time up in the playoff opener, then awhile as Detroit players milled rlsh said he would have been at the He said he had met with the around during the relaxed practice. commissioner for two hours yester- league championships and the first Kansas City Royals In three games hit a home run and a single later in stadium earlier, but had lust In the American League Cham- day morning shortly after receiving four World Series games. In ad- the game. A gloomy day and light rain that brought his new daughter borne pionship Series. from the hospital. a call from Ueberroth in which dition, the union was seeking two Afterward, Trammel] said the shortened the workout did not baseball's new chief executive had percent of the national television "They didn't need me In the triple In hit tint at-bat removed dampen the team's spirits. "Hey, you better get your pri- told him, "the fans deserved the revenue from those games. playoffs," he said with a laugh as some of the anxiety about when the orities straight," Castillo said The players kidded about who best umpires." Bobby Brown, American League the Tlgen went through a loose tint hit would come. Tom Monagbaa. the Tlgen' 47- would get the "MVC" prise - for First word that the'-regular president who handled the nego- workout In the mist at Tiger year-old owner. Joined the team on "That't the way to do It," Lemon the most valuable clutch hit - umpires would work yesterday's tiations along with Feeney, said Stadium yesterday. the field, wearing a suit but game came from National League last Monday the umpires had been said. "Get your tint, and then your while sounds of hard-hit balls carrying a bat and spitting Just like Detroit already Is in toe World second and then tome more. echoed through the cavernous president Chub Fetney. offered an increase to 612,000 per hu r "The strike's over," Feeney said man for the LCS and to 117,000 per Series, which starts tomorrow "I Just want to gat my first," stadium. night in San Diego. The owner likes to mingle with as he left the umpires' dressing man for the World Series. said the veteran Detroit center The Tigers talked among them- room at Jack Murphy Stadium. Bill Deegan, a former American Lemon hit .287 during the regular fielder. "It would be a load off toy his players and offer encourage- season, ranting his lifetime average selves about the NL playoffs and ment, bat leaves decisions and "When Mr. (Richie) Phillips of- League umpire, worked behind mind." which team they would play, fered to submit it to binding home plate for the entire Detroit- to .262. He also hit 20 home runs and suggestions about strategy to those drove In 76 runs. Lemon did not hit the ball well without »ipi losing much of a who run the team. arbitration, I agreed. Wouldn't Kansas City series and was com- preference based on talent. plemented by collegiate umpires in against the Royals, going O-for-5 in you?" Yet he was shut down by Kansas each of the first two games. - "I nope It's San Diego, At tout, be usually does. Veteran umpires John Kibler, both cities. The AL used six-man City pitching In his playoff debut, I used to live there." third After Lemon foaled off a couple Doug Harvey, Paul Runge and John crews for that series. although he did score the only run "When you want it real bad, you Marty Castillo said. "But we'd of pitches. Monaghan moved cloee McSnerry worked Sunday's Chi- The National League used a four- of the pennant-clinching game 3 can sometimes try to make It have to leave tonight and I've only to the battlnc cage. man crew of local collegiate um- after reaching base on a forceout. happen right away, rather than cago Cubs-San Diego Padres game. got one pair of pants at home. The "C'mon, Chet, keep your eye oa All live in the San Diego area. pires in each city. All of the "I need to get three or four hits letting it happen," he said. others are at the dry cleaners — umpires had experience in the the ban," the owner said with a "I came down Friars Road 70 in the Series," Lemon said. "I need "You try not be too aggressive, and won't be ready until Wednet- broad smile. miles an hour to get here," said seven-week umpires' strike in 1979. to get some hits so no one comes and try not to be too UmldTboth can A golf cart driver delivered up after it's over and says, 'Do you "I'm trying," Lemon said with a McSherry. "They called me at happen." Lance Parrleh. the but Detroit grin. "I oi Cubs' 39-year pennant hopes frustrated by rally SAN DIEGO (AP) - Rick years finally disappear yesterday. trified and played more confidently mistakes and they Jumped on them. ' "If either of those belli ware Sutcliffe still looked stunned. The Padres, battling back once and more aggressively. "We've come a long way, but It's ' "It seemed like everything hap- again, scored four runt off Sutcliffe ^,Jntb2P caught, we could have bun out of "They were flat and dead when still tough to swallow. It'll take us Frey pointed to plnch-hltter Tun pened so quickly," the Chicago to come from behind and win the the Inning." we beat them (134 and 4-1) In a long time to get over It. FUnnerys hard grounder that Cubs' pitcher said in the locker game 64, the series 3-2 and their Durham's error allowed the Chicago, but the fans here got them "It looked like we had control of Cubs' tint baseman Leon Durham Padres to tie the game M, than room. "All of a sudden we were tint pennant In 16 yean In the pumped up." the series, but things teamed to league. was unable to field, and another Gwyrm's hit drove In two more runs down three runs." start going their way," Sutcliffe before Steve Garvey's RBI-emcle "We had them by the throat and Sutcliffe, 16-1 since coming to the slullng grounder by San Diego's Cubs from Cleveland on June 13 and added. "We both had great yean Tony Gwynn that skipped past ended the scoring. The Cubs, who breexed Into San we let them get away," said Cubs and we played even until the last Diego earlier in the week with a General Manager Dallas Green, the winner of his last 14 regular season Chicago second baseman Ryne games, had dominated the Padres game. And they simply beat us." Saodberg u the key plays in the Chicago left fielder Gary Mat seemingly secure two games-to- architect behind Chicago's rite to Chicago Manager Jim Frey laid thews, a veteran of previous playoff the top of the NL East this season in Game One, allowing two hits In Padres' four-run sixth hnlng none lead In the best-of-flve Na- be decided not to tend in a reliever games when he was with Philadel- tional League Championships "I think the emotion swung their seven Innings. "The Infield here It hard and tor Sutcliffe early in the sixth fast, and the ball hit at Durham phia, said. "It Just wasn't Id the Series, saw their hopes of their first way when we left Chicago," Green "I'm not looking tor excuses," be He was pitching a four- cards for us. But nobody got hurt National League pennant in 39 said. "I think they became elec- stayed down low. and Gwyim's bit said after the loss. "I made some the infield and took of f. and nobody died. We'll come back." MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1984 The Daily Register B5 County boasts a trio of sure-handed receivers new attitude In "blr red coun- BY KEN DEMPSEY admitted. This year he is Easton. Pa . Hlavach has a new And while be may be more try", Nles deserves a share of playing both ways for us — split passing specialist in first-year noted for offensive skills, the Aibury Park! Remond praise for his work on the and and defensive back — and quarterback Steve Schwierlng. fact that Hlavach was in on a Palmer relies on blaziag speed playing field. the fact that he is playing on "You really can't pinpoint one total of 18 tackles In a season- HoweU's Sieve Hlavaco buiks Last year Nles, who also defense has helped him in terms special quality which makes opening loss to Long Branch, oo true athletic ability And handles the punting and SPORTS of toughness." Steve such a good receiver," serves further notice of his Ocean Township's John Nle* placekicking duties for the In addition to adding a touch Howell coach Ty Lewis said. ability counU on a pair of polygrip-like Spartans, grabbed J7 passes for CHATTER of toughness to his game. Hayes "He's Just a fine athlete. Steve Just how good is Hlavach? well over MO yards And with feels that Palmer has matured has great size (6-1, 188), speed "Well, it's a matter of how Regardless of the tactic or the return of sweet-throwing both on and off the field. and a good pair of hands." much time one has so I can list rroeedure. each one of thaw junior quarterback Matt Errico. "There's no question that he While Hlavach may have been the names of the schools who are ienion can be reit ainred of the pair have continued their has matured," Hayes said. "Re- blessed with the ability, Lewis seeking his services," Lewis one thing: catching a football winning connection. mond knows what we expect of notes that it is his development noted. And listed among those And through three garnet this him but we are not a one-threat from last year which is a key to schools Is the likes of Nebraska, Ocean, who captured the "B" season, these gifted receivers Division North title last year bat he worked hard to type team. We have a lot of fine his success. Maryland, Notre Dame and have picked up right when they before bowing in the Central develop the rest of his game. In athletes but in order for us to Boston College. left off last season, a campaign "He's concentarting on run- Jersey Group HI playoffs to the oar game against Long Branch, win each one knows that he has "Steve is a natural-born in which each one justified ning better patterns this year," evenUul champion Wall Town- he showed that be is not afraid to his job." leader," Hayes said. "He himself as one of the county's Hayes stated. "Steve Is our big ship, has once again Jumped off of catching the ball in traffic doesn't get too many breaks And Palmer's 10 receptions play man. He has a knack for the to a quick start. "And with that trait working during the course of game for Palmer hat been a central for 178 yards and a pair of ball and he enjoys the challenge in his favor, be will be more us. But I don't think that he Through three games, Nles figure in the unbeaten Blue touchdowns, attests to that. of making the big play." effective," Hayes noted Catch- would want it any other way." has caught a doien passes for Bishops success to date and Last season, Hlavach teamed Making the big plays is just ing the ball in a sea of bodies is Ocean Towsnhip has risen to Its yards. Nles and Palmer will coach Leroy Hayes readily ad- with quarterback Mike Barnes part of a day's work tor something new for Palmer, who top of the success ladder under have a chance to squad off sort mits it. to form one of the county's top Hlavach. When he's not busying is also an acclaimed sprinter. George Contl very rapidly. And to speak when the two clubs "Everyone is aware of what scoring combinations. And hauling in receptions, he has meet for what may very decide "Remand has all the makings while Contl deserves a great Remond can do cm the football although Barnes has taken his given Howell some solid play out the "B" North crown on Oct. 27 of a fine receiver," Hayes deal of credit for installing a field," Hayes said. "Sure be hat talents to Lafayette College in of his safety position on defense. No. 2 Lions prepare for Matawan with 35-7 win BY PETER THOMSON another score, a 3-yard sweep Foulks and John Fardella in the around right end. drive, crashed over from the 4. MIDDLETOWN - Second- Reed was used sparingly, gaining Marlboro controlled the ball for ranked Middletown North High 68 yards on t carries as Kubu used most of the second half, going School tuned up for its "A" his second and third units for the against North's reserves. The Mus- Division North showdown next entire second half. tangs averted the shutout on a 98- week with Malawan, by rolling In the final minute of the first yard, 17-play drive that used all but over winless Marlboro High School, quarter, the Lions upped the lead to three minutes of the final quarter 35-7, yesterday. 21-0 on a 73-yard punt return by A 21-yard run by Greg Babrisky and The turning point may well have Bryan Kernan. Kernan fielded Von a 13-yard pass from Barilka to Eric been when Marlboro disembarked Reigen i punt at the 27, cut through Nolle, highlighted the drive. That from the team bus prior to the an opening at midfleld and outran same combination produced the game. The only merciful occurence the Mustang defenders the rest of Mustangs score from the 8. Nolle came when the Scoreboard clock the way. Marlboro's pregame caught the pass between two de- stopped functioning at 8:W of the strategy of keeping the ball away fenders at the goal line and fell into second quarter. By that time, the n Reed backfired In this ca the end zone. Mike Loverde hit the Lions led 21-0 and would pile up two A Kevin Freibott interception of extra-point, finalizing the score at more! scores for a 35-0 halftime a Von Reigen pass led to North's 36-7. lead. next score. It was here that the Following the contest, Kubu Winning coach Vic Kubu com- merciful Scoreboard (topped work- turned his attention to next weeks mented on the first half onslaught, ing at (OS and Middletown North opponent, Matawan Regional. "To •it happened real quick, like an leading 21-0 From Marlboro's 38. tell you the truth, I was a little avalanche. You could say. It was Reed broke through a hole off concerned about us looking ahead over early." tackle for a 27-yard gain A tackle to Matawan this week. I'm just Marlboro fumbled on iU first by safety Mark Barilka saved the glad nobody got hurt today, so possession when quarterback Bob touchdown. McCallum came back things worked out pretty well for Von Reigen was stripped of the ball with a 19-yard sideline pass to Bill us." by defensive end Mike Lemieui and Kollmar, bringing the ball lo the 16 Kubu did not have to show much nose guard Mike Parulis recovered. Two plays later. Reed scored from to the Matawan scouts in attend- On the ensuing play, quarterback 13 yards out. Reed showed his ance. "We just stuck to our basic Chad McCallum left no doubt as to outstanding cutting ability on the stuff, power (ootball I expect a the outcome of the game, by finding play, taking a handoff inside, great game~iHxt week. Matawan is Dan Note on a 40-yard touchdown cutting to bis left outside, and big and fast and it will lake our best strike. Ron Binn's conversion at- easily outrunning the defenders effort to beat them next Saturday." tempt was blocked. Binn's extra-point gave the Lions a Kubu concluded by saying, "they Following North's kickoff, the 28-0 lead. probably outweigh us by at least Mustangs buried themselves In a North's final score of the half, thirty pounds per man. About the LION ON THI ATTACK — Marlboro tailback Middletown North cornerback Dave Holland closes and the game, came after a short deeper hole by fumbling again on a only place where we have a weight Scott Weitz, left, puts out the straight arm as in lor the tackle during yesterday's game Parulis hit with Tom Siffenger Von Reigen punt. Kernan J return advantage is with me. I might have recovering at the 16. Pour success- brought die ball to the 36 and nine about 10 pounds on Joe Martucci." runners in Reed and Terry Under- accustomed to overpowering the rate the edge. North rolled last ive runs by North's mercurial plays later, the Lions scored. Pat Next Saturday's showdown will wood It should also be a display of opposition. If there is a revenge season 41-17, on its way to its third halfback, Kurtis Reed, produced Gallagher, alternating with Kenny match two of the county's top power football, with both opponents motive involved, Matawan may straight "A" Division North title Hard-working Facendo powers Raritan victory BY DAVE SALTER goal. yard completion to Sean Ennis, It looked as though the Raritan within a yard of paydirt where another interception, this one by Facendo also was credited for a settling the ball on the 20-yard line. defense had held but a fourth-down Facendo broke through from a yard William Ahlfeld. The Rocket of- HAZLET - Dave Facendo led a sack and a several tackles on Facendo again carried the work- roughing the kicker penalty gave out oo a fourth down play. Facendo fense covered 86 yards In a five powerful, time consuming running defense. load with three rushes and a pass St. Johns new life at the 38 After also added the PAT and Raritan minute, eleven-play culminated on attack and the Raritan defense reception bringing the ball to the two running plays. Hept found never looked back. a five-yard run by Walsh. Facendo limited St. John to minus 11 yards Things didn't look as convincing four. Kovar then completed a short Shaun Golden for a 37-yard advance Raritan again took possesion added the clincher for the 32-7 final rushing, as the Rockets rolled over at the outset at the game as Raritan scoring strike to Donnelly, however to the 24 yard-line. After a con- with a minute left in the period. the Lancers 32-7 yesterday in a "B" dominated play but could only the score was nullified because of troversial incomplete pass play, Following a punt, the Rockets Raritan coach Joe Oxley was North matchup. manage a 10-7 halftime lead. an illegal man downfield penalty. Hept found Ed Sullivan in the moved 56 yards in three plays, the glad to win the game but had some Facendo s running mate, Dan Raritan took possesion. after a St. comer of the end zone for a 24-yard big play a 33 yard touchdown pass misgivings about his team's per- Walsh, rushed for 101 yards on 16 John punt, at the 34-yard line. That miscue cost the Rockets 15 scoring hookup. Stove D'Ambrosia to end Pete O'Connor. An offside formance. "We're very happy to carries but Facendo i versatile Facendo carried five times for 20 yards where they had to settle for added the point after and the penalty afforded Raritan a second win the game, but we had a lot of performance overshadowed every- yards and his first touchdown in the Facendo s field goal of 35 yards. Lancers had closed the gap at the chance at the conversion and mistakes. The offensive and de- one. Facendo personally accounted seven-play drive, also adding the The Lancers made things half Facendo obliged, this time running fensive lines did a super job Hut for 20 of his clubs 32 points The extra point, for a 7-0 lead interesting with a nine-play drive The Rockets must have gotten a the ball In. when we tried to mix it' up stocky fullback gained 68 yards on Safety Chris Donnelly inter- near the end of the first half. Kovar good talk in to at the intermission Hept tried valiantly to rally his (offensively), we had too many It carries, good for two touchdowns rupted St. John's second possesion boomed a 50-yard punt to St. John's because they came out strorming In troops but was constantly har- mental mistakes." and a two-point conversion, caught with an interception near midfield 28-yard line where Lancer signal- the second half. They wasted no rassed by a fired-up Rocket de- Oxlev also had some praise for three passes for 32 yards, kicked Quarterback Greg Kovar moved his caller Ed Hept engineered his only time taking control of the contest fense, led by linebacker Lou De- some individuals. "Lou (De- three extra points and tallied a field unit within scoring range with a 34- scoring drive of the day. after the kickoff. St. John ran an Laurenzio DeLaurenzio had two of Laurenzio) had an outstanding foot- incomplete pass play and then the teams' six sacks and linemates ball game. Of his bruising fullback, defensive end Jim Riebe busted Mark Creuz and Dennis Barkman Oxley modestly added. "Dave's one through to cause Hept to fumble, combined for three as Hept was our captains, he's a leader and a Falcons upset Green Wave Riebe recovering the pigskin on the manhandled for 50 yards in losses. good football player and we expect 24-yard line. Raritan moved to Raritan's final score came after a lot out of him." continued fm page "» came the wild final minutes. The Branchers went ahead with ped the drive after only six yards Monmouth struck quickly for its only six seconds left in the half on three plays. first touchdown after recovering a when Caldwell, on a fourth and On fourth down, though, Clark short opening kickoff at the long, threw a 42-yard touchdown passed to Brett Halvorsen who Brancber 35. On the next play. Manasquan's wishbone rolls pass to Cliff Harewood. Atlardi made a clutch, diving catch at the Clark passed to Mack for 27 yards converted for a 134 Brancher lead It. Two plays picked up three yards to the eight and then Jerome Hill That didn't discouraged Mon- FARMINGDALE - After two In the third quarter when Morgan Morgan carried 10 times for 117 and then Clark passed over the scored oa an off-tackle run. A pass mouth. straight losses, Manasquan High raced 18 yards for the touchdown to yards to lead Manasquan. Schwier- middle to Clayton Mack for a first for two points was incomplete. School football coach Gary Chap- cap a 78 yard drive in 7 plays. ing completed 10 of 2t passes for down at the five. Long Branch scored in the second "At halftime, we let our co- man decided that a change was In Morgan had a 30-yard run in this 131 yards. Four of them went to On the next play, Monmouth's quarter after DiGuUmi recovered a captains along with the team," order for yesterday's Shore Con- march. Bohrer again converted. wide receiver Steve Hlavach for M offensive line opened up a big bole Monmouth fumble at the Falcon 34. Barth said. "They came out fired ference "B" Division South game Manasquan got an insurance yards. in the Brancher line and Harris Six plays later, quarterback up and took it to them (Long with Howell. touchdown in the fourth quarter Manasquan has a non-conference raced in untoucbded for the score. Maurice Cladwell went over from Branch) in the second half." "We went back to the wishbone," when Morgan went in from two game at Toms River South Friday Still trailing 13-12, coach Barth the one on a sneak. He had set up Monmouth (2-1) plays host to St. Chapman said after the Big Blue yards out to finish off a 60-yard night. Howell (1-2) travels to went for the win and Clark passed the score with a 20-yard run on a John Vianney Saturday. Long scored a 20-7 triumph over the drive. Marlboro Saturday. to Mack over the middle and the keeper. A bad snap from center Branch is at borne against Neptune Rebels the same day. junior end made a fine grab. Then foiled Atlantis extra point kick Chapman employed the wishbone Incredible pennent-wlnninq teams at Manasquan after he took over as In big league baseball hls- head coach five years ago, but tory-me ISM Cub*. ..The only mathematical chance they had to decided to go to a Pro "I" this »in the pennant mat year was to niainn That experiment lasted two win 21 STRAIGHT OAMIS In Sep- games. tember—and they did!...Their sen- sational September streak carried "I wasn't comfortable calling the mem to first piece and Hi* World offensive schemes so I switched back to the wishbone," Chapman •aid. "(Tyl Hawkins ran it last Nero's football oddi- year, so it was just a matter of ty...Suprlelnaly, The National getting acclimated to the new play Football League one* had Two calls and getting the timing down." teams with the SAMI 0* AH the qquart* > In the hie- me nickname...11 you look at the NFL Howell got on the board first by y of me , w standings lor the 1*26 season, , wMoh one do you think you'll eee thet two team* In Ml* moving 62 yards in 12 f>lays in the nOKM Dt• f * M|ai fi first' quarter with Damion Papa the most passes In ens league that year war* the Cleveland SuHdog* and the Can- smashing over from the 1. Steve Mason?...The alMm* record ra held by Dan Pouts of San Schwiering kicked the extra point. Diego...H* set II when he com- Manasquan tied it up following pleted ISO pesees In Itai-and no - ener BTL ojuevwrwww* nav •*•• I b*t you didn't know that Oeorge the kiekoff by driving 86 yards in Wen Lincoln Mercury ha* the All New ttS4 Continental Mark VII... nine plays. Sateh Morgan scored • • • the first of his three touchdowns on The Uhlmat* Driving Eiperlence ... Now On Display. an eight-yard run to cap the drive. Mere's the story ol one of wie most The big play in the drive was a 12- yard run by Darren HolU Mike TOUCHDOWN CATCH — Long Branch split and cornerback Rod Kelly looks helplessly as he Bohrer kicked the extra point to tie QEORGI WALL LINCOLN-MIRCURY Cliff Harewood catches a 42-yard touchdown at the crosses the goal line, the game. SHREWSBURY AVE., SHREWSBURY 747-5400 end of the second quarter as Monmouth Regional Manasquan took the lead for good B6 The Daily Register MONDAY. OCTOBER 8.1984 Damiani paces Manalapan win NFL SUMMARIES MIDDLETOWN - Quarterback they were capable of," Manalapan Middletown pass at the Eagle IB up the score. Joe Damlanl paned, kicked and coach Jim Roe said. "Our loss to and returning It to the I. Three Middletown South threatened ran Manalapan High School to a Neptune was disappointing and the plays later. Kelly Gall went In for only once and that was on the Ar-arlaari Caalaraaaa Fa»rl» Farlaa surprisingly easy 28-0 Shore Con- kids needed that confidence." the touchdown. opening kickofi whan the Eagles Saal NE—CoWna 2 run (Frankkn tack). SO moved down to the 15 before being • UN. M ference "A" Divlilon North foot- Manalapan (1-1) scored In the Manalapan's defense set up the Hiam 6 0 0 1000 61 IMOIVIDUAL STATISTICS ball triumph over Mlddletown opening quarter on an B-yard drive next touchdown by blocking a punt halted. Maw England 4 2 0 121 111 KUSHINO-Maw EngaK. Talupu 2041, tmm H>"»i»r-r"' plays host to Toms N v Jata 4 2 0687 146 ISO South yesterday. with Damiani throwing his t-yard in the second quarter. Glenn 3 20. Coana IS. trim 14 Cla.aland Oraan 16-33. River North Saturday. The (ant indianapofce 2 4 0333 117 Damiani completed 11 of 17touchdown pass to Uberati. The Shapiro scooped up the ball at the Buffalo 0 6 0000 101 PASSINQ-Navi England. Eaaor 14214176 passes for 135 yards, scored one play in the drive was a 36-yard pass 10 and ran It In. had been originally been scheduled Caalf al CaMMnd. McDonald 23 37 1 320 (or Friday night bat was switched Prnaburgrt 3 3 0BOO 126 RECCrVINO-Naa England Wan—I 6-66 Samng touchdown on a 9-yard run, passed from Damiani to Uberati. Overall, The Braves closed out the scor- Cincinnati 1 6 0 377. Takipu 214. Olaaun 212. Fryar 110 nine yards to Ed Liberal! (or Uberati caughtitve passes for 102 ing in the third quarter when In order to enable the Braves to Clavelend 1 6 0167 Clavaland. Harrvi 7 120. IH.Iuma 646. Faacnar have an extra day of practice. Moualon 0 6 0000 3 45. Waa» 3-42. Bynar 2-14. ararnan 1-26. tnota another touchdown and kicked four yards. Damiani scored on a (-yard run at Waal 1-16 extra points. Damlanl set up the next Man- the end of a «7-yard drive A 34-yard Middletown South plays host to Oanvar t I 0613 106 MISSED FIELD OOAIS-Clavaland. Banr 36 Freehold Township Friday night. LA Fumara 613 IM "Our kids played the type of ball alapan touchdown by intercepting a pass from Damiani to Uberati set San D«go 5 1 0667 161 4 2 0 6 T 6 6- Been* I T* 7- 4 2 0 S00 110 3 10 Flral a.,|.a Nallaaal Canlaraaea CM-FO TnonaiU. SIT Saal CN-FQ TMmaa 46. 14 32 Danaa 4 2 0 667 113 tot) Waahtnglon 2 0 687 1S6 103 NO-WHaon 15 paaa from To*) (AndaHan luck). Henderson runs by Lacey, 14-6 N v Oiania 3 2 0 600 111 12: IS SI Loura J 1 0 600 177 IM CIH—Paytan 1 run (Thomaa nidi), 14:67 l» hold coach Earle Ownes said. "We Pnilarjatoha a 4 o3J3 86 FiirlH P.rl.a LANOKA HARBOR - Freehold 20 carries. Henderson went over from the 4. C a nlr al Cnl-McKmnon 16 paaa (ram McUanon (THomaa were misled by Lacey's game last 687 113 66 High School junior running back Freehold broke a scoreless tie In He also added the two-point con- Chicago 4 2 0 k«*>. 5 15 week because they had some people Tampa Bav 3 10 900 123 143 Joe Henderson accounted for all of the second quarter when Henderson version. Minnaaota 2 4 0 333 129 184 INDIVIDUAL 8TATIBTIC8 went in from a yard out at the end Lacey (1-2) scored In the final out. This week they had them back Oatro.1 1 S 0167 110 RUSHINO-Naw onaana. Hasan 16-6*. Hay* his team's points in a 144 Shore OraanBay 1 S 0167 68 7-si. warn 6-18. Todd 27 CNcago. Payon Conference "C" Division South of an 80-yard drive. Henderson also quarter when quarterback Mike "I thought that some of the calls Waal 32-1S4. Suhav 11-44. McManon 4-2S. MoWmon set up the touchdown with a 37-yard Murphy threw a 7-yard touchdown San Franciaco football triumph over Lacey Town- went against us," Ownes said "But 6 0 0 1000 111 1 21. Oanty 1-2 pan to Pete Luciano. Overall, Atlanta 13 0 600 157 PASSINQ-Naw onaana. Todd. 7-264-116 CM- ship, i run. A kick for the extra point our players kept their composure." L A Rama 3 10 900 132 cago. UcManon 10-14-0-126 Henderson scored the touch- Luciano completed 21 of 32 yards New-Orlaane 3 10 900 133 mCEIVINO-Naw Onaana. Voung 2-63. VMam for 172 yards. Freehold (2-1) makes a long trip Bunder 2 27. Brannar 1-16. TU 1-17. Oaajn 1-2 C downs on runs of 1 and 4 yards and Freehold scored its other touch- Vork Jala 17. Kanaaa City 16 Suhay 3 45. Oaull 2-33. PayWl Ml. I in the third quarter when "Lacey is a tough club," Free- to Pinelands Saturday. New England IT, Ctavatand 16 116. McKmnon 116. Sat* IS finished the game with 150 yards in Chcago 20. Naw Onaana 7 MI8SED FIELD OOALS-Nona Waahrngton 36. Indianapor- 7 SI Louaj 11. Daaaa 10 Miami 31. PaMuigh 7 6 16 7 I—IT Oanvar 26. Damn 7 • « 6 7-16 Tampa Bay 3S. Minnaaota 11 Fir .1 F-.rl.a PtwiaoaipMa 27. Buffalo 17 KC-FO lowary 31. 4 54 Atlanta 30. loa AngaM Kama 26 Johnson Reg. routs Mater Dei KC-FO Loaary 42. 13:46 6aaand p.rlaal LOB AngeM Fteidare 18. Beetle 14 KC-FO unary 21. 603 The Crusaders added two touch- San Dlago 34. Oraan Bay 26 NYJ-FO laany 37. 12 37 CLARK - Give Mater Dei coach year Yet were not (ar away from Doherty later scored on a 3-yard TaMaM'a Oaata * NVJ-T Paiga i run llaany men 14:26 Jerry Schulte credit for not getting downs in the last quarter. The first San Francaco al Naw vork Diana. 8 pm Trilrd Parlad Schulte has some cause for wss a 10-yard run by DeLollo and NVJ-Sfular 15 paaa Iram Hyan {Laany men). 3 56 discouraged. His team is now Mater Del got Its only points of Faurtr. Parlad wildest in three games after yes- optimism He travels to AUentown the day on a 25-yard field goal by 'the other an 8-yard run by Jeff IT 17 6-81 DC-See* I paaa km Dllllilimi lloMry Weal. Saturday to play another winless Barr. Barr kicked two extra points. T S 6 T-S6 10:16 terday's 32-3 loss to Johnson Re- Pete Bauer In the second quartrer, Plrel Perled gional of Clark. but Johnson Regional came back "We had three turnovers and BIL-Marah 20 paaa from Lome* lODonognua INDIVIDUAL 6TATI6TIC8 Mater Del feU behind early couldn't take advantage of op- kick). 820 KUBHINO-Na* YOU. McNaH 16-107. Hoottr "We start just one senior," be before the half to score again CW-Ooraalt 31 run ISapMn utl. 10 2« 14-68. T Palga 4-7. Fryan 2-2. BarMr 1-0 Kanaaa said. "It's like having a junior yesterday and never caught up. The This touchdown ended a 96-yard portunities when we got them," Seeend Parlad CDy. Brant 13-80. Hacllladga 3-41. JaeMon 3-24. Crusaders scored in the first quar- Schulte said. "I'm disappointed, Dal-FO SapMn 36. 1234 Haard 6-21. Lacy 6-16. 8 Paiga 1-6. varsity playing against seniors this drive after the field goal. A 17-yard 311-MncheH 3 run lODonognua kick). 1< 06 PAMINO-Naw York. Ryan 11-23-1 156 I ter after a poor center prevented a pass completion from quarterback but not discouraged. Our quar- Dai-FO SapHn 36. 14:68 Cay. 6»r>liaoa 16-26-0 ISO Seraph punt attempt and also after terback (Andy Hull) got injured RECEIUINO-Na* York, wanuir 6-66. Shular 4-46. Santo PctrocetU to Ted Jasinski SIL-FO OOoneghue 21. 6:13 McNan 2-20. Hactor III. BaiMr 1-6 Kanaaa Oy. a pass interception. moved the ball to the 10. Petrocelll yesterday and we've had others Stl-Qraan 70 paaa from Lomaa (ODonoghua Broam 4-26. Scofl 4-26. Haard 3-16. S Paiga 2 46 SPORTS Mike Dowllng got the first touch- then ran for 7 yards before Frank hurt. When it rains, it pours. But krckl. 7 40 Caraon 1-22. L«a 1-11. we're learning every week. Bll-Oraan 45 paaa from lomer. - Charles 11Mm. MISSED FIELD 00AL8—Nona TB-WWar 10 run (Arm Mk). 110 Mtn-Andanwi 6 run fSWnafud kick). 13 SO Barkley and Moses Malone scored Saglaa 7 II I 7-17 Ma 7 16 7-17 17 points apiece last night to lead Flral Parlad INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS the Philadelphia 7ters to a 106-101 Bui-Ball 12 run IDanelo kick). 6:14 HUSHING—Mmnaaota. Brown 8-80. Andaraon National Basketball Association PtH—WoodruH 15 paaa from Jeworaki {UcFaddan 16-76. Waddy 2-13. Kramar 2-(mmua 21. Manntng kickl. 1333 1-0 Tampa Say. WUdar 26-88. Morton 3-16. exhibition victory over the AUtnta Armalrong t-t. DaBarg 2-lmmua 4). Illlia' Parlad Hawks. Bul-FO DaneU 27. B 60 PAS8INO- Minnaaola. Kramar 27-47-2 388. Man- Fhl-Kab 4 paaa Irom Jaworaki iMcFaddan kick). ning 120-7 Tampa Bay. DaBarg 18-2^0-212 The 76ers never trailed in the '' natii RECElVINQ-Mlnnaaola. Brown 6-71. Jonoa 1 14:11 contest played before a crowd of PM-FQ McFaddan 36. 14 56 6110. Lawvj 4-72. Jordan 454. WMa 3-71. Naoon Third Parlad 2 14, Mularkay I i Tampa Say. Houaa 7-126. wadar better than 8.000 in the Sun Dome Phi— FO McFaddan 22. 11:27 6 40. QHa 1 22. JBaa 1-16. Canar 16 on the campus of the University of Fanrlh Parlad MISSED FIELD QOALS-Nona Bui—Ball 3 run (Darvito kick). 242 South Florida. Get a free brake inspection Phi—Jaworaki 1 run (McFaddan luck). 10 59

INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Philadelphia. Morilgomary 13-67. Ok- at Shell Auto Care ver7 » MvVwamaS 17, Jaworaki 2-1 Buffalo. Ban 20-77. Dulak 4-18. KoMr 112. Moon 2-11 '. PASBINQ-Philadalphai. Jaworaki 24 36 0 234 Knicks edge Nets Buffalo. KoMr 10 26-1 134. Dutak 4-12-0-411 Bring your car to one of the participating RECEIVINQ-Pfilladalphla. Monlgomary 6-4S. Auto Care dealers listed below (or a free, Spagnoa 5-86. Jackaon S-65. Woodrufi 438. Oliver EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. preseason game, trailed by as 2-4. MWHkame 1-6. Kab 1-4. Bultak), Frankkn 4 71. many aa 17 points in the third no-obligation inspection of your brake sys- Ball 4-49, Oannard 3-36. BrookMe I (AP) — Bernard King scored s game-high 24 points as the New period and were still behind lOt-100 tem, and a free written estimate of how much MISSED FIELD OOALS-Bulfalo. DarMo 62. 30 York Knicks held off a late rally to with 1:12 to play when they rallied your repair should cost. Free to within a basket. S 6 T 7-17 edge the New Jersey Nets 111-107 If you decide to have your brakes 0 6 7 6-18 last night in a National Basketball A layup by rookie Mike Wilson repaired at Shell Auto Care, the parts and Flrat Parlad Brake Inspection NE-FO Franklin 46. 10:68 Association exhibition game. King and two free throws and a three- labor will be backed by your dealer's written Saaartd Porlad scored nine points in the second point goal by Darwin Cook cut the limited warranty. Oa-FO Banr 24, 2 23 period ss the Knicks, 2-0 in Knicks' lead to 109-107 with 10 Just bring this coupon to one of the Shell Cta-FQ Banr 48. 6:31 Your Auto Care dealer wants you to be Auto Csre dealers listed in this sthcr- Oa-FO Bahr 27. 14:22 preseason play, opened a 61-50 seconds to play. completely satisfied with his service, so get iMfflent before Third Parlad halftlme lead. Ahead 41-38. New But Long Branch's Clinton Cla-Harria 16 paaa from McDonald (Banr kick). to know him soon. Just cut out the coupon, 446 York reeled off nine of the next 12 Wheeler hit a pair of free throws November 18, 1964 NE—Starring 42 paaa from Eaaon (Frankan Mk). points, Including five by King. bring in your car, and get your brakes with five seconds remaining to Oder may vary at participating dealers. The Nets, playing their first wrap up the victory. inspected by a professional who cares. Ptoac call for an appointment. aaaawwaaawwaawai MEADOWLANDS TONIGHT >ti Auto Care Itl: 87.000. Ca»(., I r> BMP.., 6 Fi«. 4 Snow Maid (L) (Roccol 8-2 14AE Oat on Down (No Hfdar) 12 I I Patnciaa Dignity |McCauttv| 3 3-15XX Hurncana Janal |L) lOttrglo) II 15AEXX No Oood Haaaon |L) (Pagan**) ... 20-i 2 KouhMaamou |No RKtar) 15 I 5 Pud Away (L) (Farrar) 13-1 1BAEXX Toolia Boy Two (Corpaa) 3 Paradiaa Piundar (Rulano) 5-1 7 Wafflon woman (Paganotua) S-l 12-117AE Iranic ivigkomt 19-1 Auto Care dealers feature: 4 That Lucky Foaling (McCauNry) 11-1 6 Racbaa (V*ko»> S-l 16AEA Joay Vic (Uyuyama) 6-1 5 Amoar Emarald (Sanfaaafa) ., 4-1 6 OoW Lady (Skkwjr) 4 1 7f»: 618,688, ASM., 1 ya * v*. IM A 1/16 IAXXX Biggiaa S-~.irraatlat (I(Birkkn) 10-1 H* S16.O66. Cfcag.. S ya. • Fw 1KXX King ot ma SUM (Taaw 10-1 Written estimates • Certified mechanics • Old parts returned • Written limited warranty 7 Tha Muaic « Hot (Thomourg) 6-1 1 Qoldon valua (Malandai) 2A Mr. Ooraalai (Cananadal 31 6 Laugfiing Landing (Matanoal) 16-1 3-12 My Booty (Tnomaal S-l 3X ID. Savanna (Ward) 6-1 9 Tnraa Norm watt (Saniagata) 20-1 3 8ovaralgn Sacral (I) (Woodhouaa) 4X No FlaMna iConnar) 10-1 1OX» Mull* Yap (PrNltara) 15-1 a 14 onanw Flyar (No RMafl 6-1 6 Hart 10 Nauaat (LI (No Roar) IM See one of these participating Auto Care dealers in your area. nxx Lady Munaugh (Blackatunl 20-1 5 Pan. Blad, (Parrat) 10-1 6S Up Anchor IMcCauajyl IM 12 Joya Oina IQomn M) 6 Navigation (Parral) 4-1 7 ConmajiapJ Oanoar (Parrat) 6-1 Manahawkin 8. Toms Rivor 20-113AE Mora Otory lOomai) 10-1 7X 10 FW Hogua (Ward) 5 2 S Noakm (No RUai) 2-1 Eatontown I4AEXX Wuard Span IWHkaraon) 12-1 «•: CMK.. 8 Oaaan Jamaa ILI (Ootuakul 4-1 15AE AnammaO Rtitjary IParratl 6-1 1 Ftoba Rular (3omai M) 16-1 10 Sir Oawam (Malandai) 10-1 Mr. Qsry Blum 1SAEAXXX Sn» and NoUa IBWkn) 10-1 2 Sacond Ending (Parral) 9-1 tiAEA rUang Froat (raaaanWI) 1-1 Etto-ntowfi SfwN, inc. m. 186/Matit. P»sa» lad: SS.68S, CMaj., lya 6 up. a Fw. 3 Oraan Ruffian (No Ridat) 16-1 li'AEFJ Socal Moman (McCauajyl 5 1 Bt. 36 t So. MraMt Rt 72 4 MM CfMll M. 1 Looking Gap (L) (Thomaa) S-l 4 Powar ot WonM IFarrarl 6-1 66>:666,66a aaaad.lfcaO .lira Aap, in»1fl6 Phono: 349-9670 2 Stands Tall ISanfagatt) 10-1 5 Abuck a Day (Parral) 4-1 1 LIST • O (No Hllll) Phona: 542-2710 PMOIM! 3w7*vODw 3 Marya Moka (Oianl) 6 1 « uncia Daddy (McCaulay) 12-1 4-12 Hill Sparrow ILukaa) 7 Oft ma Vina IMcCoutay) 10-1 6-13 Multlaa Muffin |L> (Thomaa) 6-2 Matawan » Wa.atar (No H«ar| S-l 4 A So Oo I (No Hldarl SELECTIONS 9 Ravumg Paw (Boaanknol 2O-I S-15 FaWy Oaf (Matandal) 16-1 Mosars. Day Toms River 1 - Patricias Dignity, The Music is 10 Manapan (Farrar) 16-1 6A Hum (Hoeeo) Engliahtown WH-Ptan Svc. CawiBr, me. 1 ixxx Ouava (Eapada) 121 6-17 Faniana Rainbow (I) (Farrar) M. 14ft So . ASantfe Avtv Hot, Paradise Plunder 12XX Sir Hogua (Sfackakm) 10-1 12-16 Springama Sharon IVIgMao 3-1 Mr. Ralph Whits. Oak Rado» SlMl 8»e./A*L me. 2 - Snow Maid, Marys Moka, Gold 13AE Eaclualvo Pilol (McCaulayl 6 Brawand |No Mdar) 6-1 Superior AirtD Svc.Crt.rne Phona: 5*3-3555 M. 17ft Lak»Min l Lady 5-1I4AEXX My Thundar Road IKoaar) 20-1 10 DouNo TMa (Varga) 20-1 MStFn I5AE Baal Targal (Arvarado) tl-1 S*: 616488, ASM., I p la. !• I H I* --* -*-••-» — Phono: 346-7052 3 - Le Roi Rogue, Paris Blade, H»: 611.666. Ckag.. 1 ya * ap. 1H 6 » IX Marina (Ward) 4-1 Phono: 462-4M6 Mtoaiaiown Golden Value IXX OraaNO IQanldo) 6-1 2 TyiaWj (Wagnar) 12-1 2 Amadandy (Thomaal 12-1 3 MuacaHa (Tarry) 16-1 Mr. HustMl Nurtatois) 4 - Second Ending. Uncle Daddy, 3 Tarpaulin (Tarry) 4-1 4 Slnka M 8at lOaaaan) 6-1 4 Major Evan iwagnar) 15-1 S Magna Mark (McCaulayl 8-1 OakHMSlMi Mr. * Mrs PhD La> Compto Power Of Words 5 Bava Boy (Parral) l-i 8 Mueho Frio IVoiaaguai) Mr. Ralph White 5 — Bevs Boy, Amadandy, Major 6 Dana Daay (McCaulay) 4-1 6-17 Janaa Oaamma IMcCamay) 3-1 Mownvou* llalaw Shai. me. m. ss a oak m M. 7 Pumaa Prlda IThomaa) 6-1 6 FWk Bunalo ID (Thomaa) tl-1 Rt 11 Tiytor ENN* M. FH S7 • W*«yngBo« Skwl Event 6X Caaa Back IWard) 10-1 6 Com 6pm (Parral) w Phono: 842-1195 S - Christophers Turn, Gettin Hai, 8 FkgM of Tma (No RvJar) 12-1 10-1 186k 67,888, OaaJ,. 1 fa 6 ap. • Pw. Phono: 462-0983 Phono: 270-6665 Sure Scott 10 Staoauar (McCaulayl 12-1 I Oarjdya Joy (No Moaf) 12-1 Ocoan Townohlp HP.: 616,666. 166a.. I ha*1 SBTViOB StSOOO Ultimate Step 11 Coaoaal Bkmdar (Inomaal IM 20-M3AEX Lauran K IConnar) 20-1 Mapto t Monrnouth 12 KM my Par IMatandul 10-1 14AEX Road Hurmar Roaa IWard) IS l BEST BET: Janes Dilemma (Dth) I3AE Coronal Dl INo Kdor) 20-1 I5AE Shaka Ha Bbaa (L) (Thomaal 10-1 Phono: 741-9632 B7 MONDAY. OCTOBER B. 1984 SI Help Wanted Si Help Wnted ICMANI0 - Otoa* A. num. FREELANCE nwm» yaaraeaa.. aalary to be NUBBIN RETAIL ARTIST 1UCHAR POWER TRA1NSSS Classified he Dewy t Sunday oMary a ran I MBOO moneWM'OO Oo»y 6 X AM To •raMng. Can H1-7BMH0.10 m- a pm. Men wed

Hein> it/einiwiB LO*T — Meie dog. 10 an otd mem praunt etoft during peak tanMm. Co*j». » «•« .«• Made. Can Mr. Cohen at • CABMMPaVaTOCK CHP.K - 1f Iflftft Sat. SOS. MlwwMi •UMIMvl Panama houra imiWa Utaral 30-10:1* em. ATTENTION! Hn> Mri •JA Equal Oppty tmpleyar > mention THE REOISTER aikK ruLL TIMS— BorM •lUarili. ..Can CATtnara ASSISTANT - op ' 60 Hta'waek. Fkarera vattd drlvar'a neanaa naaoaa* LO«T -a" *!*• "tM MM 0« mut* a-» p.m. 6 day/wk. Salary JRSES AID** M/r — On oak. • a. Call Mana. to"en*/1" , ruu THVia - tupannaead par- ofi lo ••©ffc fcn affiaH root horno. CMllO CAM — rar 7 and S yaar Cltanlrn oooklng S taking oara OM SaturrJayo. 0 im-SU p m t todto 7* STBATO NURSES LOST— Bapj daaoan boa Kay.» yhoma or youra m BaMord.Cat, tod anvatopa Ra.aid olHrad. OAL/OAIV FRIDAY P/T - RN'S & LPN'S M/F VSt. CERTIFIED CIRCULATION COUNStLOR MuM be raBabto t at' LOST - WNto _ Pan-tuna NURSE'S AIDES Anewere to the name of Caaoy. HOMEMAKERS toi HOUSEKEEPERS * LIVE-INS Loot in vieawy ot Mtddt ~ oernera. large ._ GARDEN STATE ttt Kaanabura II tound. 741 M/F Stock traders seek eaebHhed routo Matting al Cut- I or pan-rime, needed tot fwood Beach ending al Cheeee- MANOR ouake Perk 7 deye e weak • t _ them Monmoum Aree High NURSING HOME pay. no lee Can tor interview et ssrSrnA Now accepting appli- werjto Care. 144 Brood Bt. Red CONTPXH. only apply Aabury Park TAKE Nonce tkaa appkeoenn i. ao4-ii22-677» or cations tor nursing aldas aanE. rUO-itM. or WO Union ve . Rt 71. Bridle 6t*V*4M. aa been made to the Borough 44oVS7SS.AHan Mra BoAm message in figures pueue Nonce ouncll ol the Borough ol m/f) positions, tor all URSE* AIDE - Fu••apartn t * •arawa. to wntor to Sou.- LtRK TlfPIST - .. shifts. Apply In parson; on day el pnonaa Band raauma to Clark no telephone calls « 7:90 P.M. in the MRS. SLYVIA yaw Poawon. (Metro Impuka PSYCHIC READINGS Laboratory. PO Bo. a S70. RadOMLL PERSON - Bar*. NJ 07701 sauei op- part ama. MuM be a , WE* RN'LPN'e M/r - Full 4 on trading volume 775-8572 pertunlly Impfcyar Apply ki pereon lor interview S 4 pert tune poeiuona eveUeoto on Ift, NJMa's OOOfJQ tnjaO YOUR OWN PSWeOMAt. NATAL N ramaue Reetoorent. 17* evening ehlh CeH for eppoini- achaduled tor m» regular Caun- HONOBCOPI - Oaap maiahki CLERICAL - Aooounto payable. Broad St Rad Bank. ment Hilltop Nureing Home BY CHET CURRIER the stock in the investment world. • * Octobli IS. ISM. Part ame houra *-1. Pvatotltod 671-0177 PATRICIA L. VARCA — ma »ay your ute la gohg. aa. MUM M good with M- OROUND* MAINTENANCE AP ftsat-stt Writer Bat bow to interpret changes In SOajOUOM CLERK loealod al SO-St Baaenaai. «iaa Smim S41-S14S. i Cell Myre. olS-1044 LAHOSCAPB MELP1R _ — RN/LPTCe M/F - Part Kaarubur^NMJanay. 64I-071S after 0 p m. 3-ti No echeduled weak- the pace of overall market activity? 12 Travel- OLIAWNa PSMON NISOSO — la. Can Rad Bonk Modi Center NEW YORK (AP) - Along with ockhouee Cdraafa»anara M/t to do an torma ol Meaning. SUPERVISOR - Technical analysts have many the- TreWportoHon maaan. ••penanced MOO E.I S3 slock prices themselves, the volume ories, some of them conflicting Ut Unto*. Baaed ORIVER — Wta drive your car k> Duety required of trading activity ia often used by Oakhurat, Mew Jereey Florida. 10/10 very One student of the subject, Robert nca emiin to Bhedow NUMES-RN SLPN'S. m(l NOTIOB refa Cell MJ-7M* CLERK - Very heavy investors to measure the health of aoMMMMO L Otjeosona. » any. ehoutd *a Mkm viuaga. 1 Loch Arbor wey. Stovall at Dean Witter Reynolds figure work. Oood ., Rad Bank, NJ 07701 the stock market NOTICa. M Hataby OMn HIM • ' aillk-Mt I tM 66S I a 4— Inc., argues that many people get id PrnnocMo «w ba re-uMSN0Me,r— GROUNDS PIR0ON - y 60 pm-7 50 em. Full time. Heavy activity such as the record- d n M dam M me RaaionbtHietol Ceil aM. Reply lo_ PO Bo. SM. 60 em- 3- pm. part lime. RN the' nglmpi i volume Borough ot 07701 breaking turnover that took place in •.«« or union Batch. tor VAN POOL VACANCY - heM required Full time daya with only. Now aelery guide. CMC. Den- figures in declining markets MULTICHANNEL LOQOUNO COLLSOS STUDf NTS a PART overtime Apply Keenaburg High eflta. Oerlalric eap prererred early August of this year It con- •COROCR SYSTEM" lor the to 4 JO u THUS CLSMS — Pan ama daya, Apply In pareon balween *-4 pm The tendency Is to interpret a fWOA ttaaOaS t*oHo# O*JO4»ri/t>#jf^1 KATMLtlN'"F KULSN 261-41S2 • r 0 p.m. aaoianQej, rtasiiDBa on-rn. Holmdel Convaleaeenl sidered s sure sign of strong feelings OMOW WITH UPANOtNO BUSI- drop on high volume at a negative and opened and raad In Pubm M 416 oountor t lenler It* Hwy 34 Holmdel. NJ. among market participants l» Municipal Building. IU Oakhural N J ST7SS IS Instruction 6oma oosaKn^aaav viia portent for the market became of its ooia Avenue, union Beach. APPLICANTI oak for John 741-7762. wm Ireln Oood Manmg By the same reasoning, low New Jeraov. on Monday. OMO- PROP-UP CAUPtR y; 6 den MuM hove cor NURSE'S AIDES M/r — Immedl- apparent Intensity Declines on low •laapo «. propono ow)ove> ino.CONSTRUCTION LABORSM — nqulra Sklp'a Jerutortol BarvtoB e part-time poalllon avail on all volume It regarded at a symptom of volume, by contrast, are often er ». 10*4. M 1000 AM. S4M Cell 741190S Heavy work WHI IrMn lor lull ahuta Pieaaa apply ClithMde ma 767 uncertainty or just plain apathy. IPWtoMx [»»»•"« K» 4t Monmouiti County PERSON — regarded at relatively benign since 11 BualnasB COOKS F/T — .grill! Via imiaoiad wort haw* ham - nooeeeerye . unlng ooff -r ._a_a The lock behind such thinking . Apply Hudoye inn.'cois M 81 AIDES - Accepllnd there seems lo be BO urgency to tell. Mad w M OHM af me Borough Sarvlcs heMa requireuired Full Um* * ddaye ij '1 seems simple and straightforward Wk.SSOroojaAnnua.UMan Shopping Cantor. Rt M. with overtiertimem . Applpp y el "J",*„ pp oetlone. only tor * 60 In StovaiTs view, that reading oacfi, Near Jaiaay, and may b* EXCAVATtNO — J. Koph a im-1 pm. 2 60 pm-6 pm. 1:60 enough. But the significance of •one Bautomant tor tare. PM COOKS HSLPSR - FuB-«me Koanaburg High School misses the point "Over a consider- HiiUJBlH toy pfoaWtfca l»d aw. lopaaTsatona. SS6-TM4. ~ it pm. Full time, permenanl volume trends can be the subject of Oara during raQutar bwainaai OUAROB ertonoad NJ earthed AWee able period of time, rising stock aur*. h County Perk Sye- J. KOPH a SONS EXCAVATINO laod eelary. Company liMiatlle preferred It vou are Mterected In considerable debate. markets have been characterlxed by t»rapciaii muM ba matfa an AOMINISTRATIVE OF - tauMjmam lar Mm. m dm SECURITY devoting youraeH oomatotoly to Stockbrokers, of course, have a ._ mt.. «I..-I — —- - - i- rtCla. Thompeon Park New- end gravel and done. BS4-TSB4 proper cere Of Oerlalric pe- high levels of trading activity, while man Springe Rd.. Unerotl. Naw COUNTSRPSRSON te Apply In pereon to the natural preference for heavy vol- Jaraay 0773*. unM to00 am ra BOH OFFICERS Holmdel Cdnvaleaaent Center declining marketa have been accom- prevailing Una on MONDAY M1-M62 IS* Hwy 64. Holmdel. NJ. Mon. ume because each extra transaction panied by low turnover," he said In XJTOBER I*. 1SS4 and men Full/Part-Time FRl 10-ta noon or 1:10->am. they handle means additional com- AddrtM* of m« ibHoh/ opened and raad aloud COUNTIR PtRSON - Panama a recent commentary Nam* of»» work on ta QUWM, r in* foiowlnu daya and evce Apply Oennye BROOKS NURSES M/r - RMS S LPNB mission revenue. Plan * Sub*. Llttto Slber Full * part time AH MUM. Pull I to tr>« Borough Cttxk. 1 SURF RAM (PURCHASE PROTECTION " ae. Competitive eeleriee Their customers, however, often "We should not be surprised when D# sWOOfflp-OnaspD by 41 F| - (BIO e0076-*4| CUSTODIAN — NkjMa. Immedl Ivy Houae. 6714)16* lletament ot Conum of Bunny 1 I Mo VEHICLE* (14-PASS- - erelerrad ADULT HOUSE-PET BABYSIT SYSTEMS look at volume figures from a volume contract* at prices recede. ram a Surety company NOER VANS) — IBID Now ta your ehanoa to lotn our OPTICAL euinonaed la da amlniii in ma •007S-S4). TERS — Meal tor eentore-re- PTICIAN-TSCHNICIAN-AP- different perspective If a Mock they That It normal. •reee Need oer *4a-o**7. 1 ama alaff Wa ara now intor- itol* of New Jaraay. and aaaep- J NEW VENDING) MACHINES CUSTOMER vtOMrinfj for oportJncja. KaQar ancj RSNTICE - Eyagtoea eelee. own falls in value. It may make little "We should be encouraged, not iMa 10 ma Borough; and a aid BID 00077 *4| AIDM-MOMIMAKIRSMOMI uey Mtddleuwn offloe Call •luaranlee to me Borough tor not 4 PRINTINO SERVICES (BID HIALTM AIDSS- Put or part RELATIONS Mrad. Advanoamanl tram wtmm •itr difference to them whether the drop depressed, when volume expands at • man Tan Par Cam (10%) of •007044). 24 hour duly, no aap PART-TIMS la • pen el our program. Car end Bid Documenta. Including In- WNERB/OPERATORS WANT- came In heavy, or light, activity prices decline, because that meant mat ma SVININOS D — To pull dry bulk lank High wagea. ear S IMa- avenue. Local work. Pieaoe call Many investors do make a prac- the buyers are almost as eager aa 20.000 00, a Man CaHuMon Al- aary. Call Family • well-knownoBjBfni locall oornpany. ••- rtdavtt. a Dtootaaura al Own-Proposal *orma may ba ob- e part ol our nabonal Tela- 6O0-S4S-S000 Okt. Ml Aek tor tice of studying volume figures the sellers," be adds. In such oposa oa 1S1 Badi Ava. •EXCELLENT PAY RATE H Clerk lMdbaModMadbyquaMod" * M2-0100 or markaeng Deal. No euerlenee •HOSPITALUATION closely in evaluating Individual circumstances, he maintains, pent- TIM A«ard ol ma ContraM lor DMINltTRATIVI orncaa oi n ry, IUM availability to •VACATION AINTSR - Temporary poMHon ma work MH not oa mada unM work Evenlnge S Selurdey •LIFE INSURANCE stocks. A stock that trades a great up selling pressure can be worked ma naoaaaary lunda nava aaan torn. Thompaon I _ Panaye- AIP. CONDIT IONINO MBCHANK; momlnge Fo- r an inlervlew call •MAJOR MEDICAL AVAIL deal presumably enjoys a liquid off quickly, rather than putting the irewldod by ma Borougn m a prince Rd.. Llncroft. Naw Jar- -lain amperlence WW M MM on _ work eey 0T73S Miami me hour* ol •I M4SJ03 market, and can readily be bought market through a long, slow decline •wfui mannar. BSUVSRT PSRBON WANTED — Wadnaaday. Ocl Tna Borougti ol umen aaaeh «t A.M. and 4 » P.M.. Monte* Part Oma nkJMe MuM have awn Iwaen BAM-aPM. or sold at a price dote to the last "This alto meant investors should raaantaa ma rlgm to raqulra a ZLmaer&aer&Ji ART TIME INSERTERS eomplata Finanoiai and •• , II 30 lM-7>77 Am — Apply in paraon Lmgu 477 8HERATON INN le«lble hour* 2 - 3 deya Con- trade. tike little comfort during the bear Awity Part, tyotom «aW moN u ttoHo. " Route M Mail tact Marvin Connora. The Dolly A stock that It not to actively market eyelet when a media com- bid pack* to auoh WtMara Tho AMWAY DELIVERY PERSON* — Part NO CALLS ACCEPTED thaw hM MlivfKtorltv oom- Monmoutfi County Part tyafrry i BUSINSSS OPPORTUNITY >. Muat nave PART TIME NEWSPAPER traded presents a different picture mentator intones, analysts plowd tvorti of Iho natur* ro- 'fjajpooay CMUVy * make money ma OM leehktn BROOKS HOME DELIVERY eglected — or reassured by the low level of volume quir«d bejior* (urniahing iai In ma mail. t Wa eern • Ha M whole Mon -Set 4 SO-* M am OR 10 It may be de edlyne. propoMi tortiM or •pootftoattons itr/aMIW ma oropar and amah/ Mary, ror e ne nonaonoo inter PROTECTION m -noon OR Sun only 5-S am. it may be a potential undiscovered during yeaterday'a decline," r boforo •warding Iho Contract daHwary ot mod paaMI view. Can 671-4*47 Eetobllehed routoe No ooHect Tho rMM I* alao rmtntt ID •Ma muM ba tubmmad on ma WIMAL HOSPITAL - I fu SYSTEMS ng MuM hove car 747-314) treasure. Stovall says •tact any or all Mda or to Waiva TANT/RECEPTIONIST — tup tfna attan*ifaAt lo oiaan, faaa i HAIRDRESSERS - Oieat op- PART TIME POSITION - The any •ntorfnaMiaa Hrtiora auatt m> Okact duplicate In the mannar doge t aato * atoan portunity for talented hair erytle Whenever activity In a stock picks terrwaiwvterwaiwv W W no not tjoWmafHa tjoWmafHal l> - >Wi Wioo ' raowM ky the Regiator hee en opening tor e "The time to feel reassured," he BaBBflanM not * following lor Fair Haven hard-working Individual to work up from its usual level, traders are oaM mfraaI of tfto •oroviah. Tho Bid eut- . __t tuXMut Reply to DENTAL ASaiaTANT - I Cell »rXl234 declares. "Is when volume picks up rioM it atao rmrvifi to Inoraoaa SB enctoaad Marlboro. fuM lime, no evee In our Clruleuon Marketing De Boa F-411. Tha Dally Ragiekar . oenmcetMn quick to take note. The increased •e bearing the name end Shranabuty. NJ0TT01. lAIRORESatR - Bhempo fftmanl. I while prices are declining, for that of the bidder, the UM ot required. o latmg the Marketing Servtcee trading may well be a sign that the bid. and me worde "Sealed ad tM-2020 Manager In eecurtng naw will tell you that the sellers have ma SpaoMoaaana. DENTAL ASSISTANT - Con- something is up - whether it be ewdara ara raoumd •> oomp- Bid.- Bide are to M arjrjrenn to llRVlt MANAOIR — Needed to eubecrlbere For further infor- found aormeone to sell to. The agony i wnh ma laaulramaiibj at P.L the Monmoum> C Counto y Board ol a lere ti tii mation contact Janice Vetoheek fof pcoofaaatva offloa- ing Fulrull dad .y Co at 642.4000. Eat 217 EquM Op- 175. C 11T. and PL 1S77 C lacrealloi Commieelonaro. office tor an application lr en. d reeumee e to Bo> U4, portunity Employer iS>ajFf*%aV* OO* ^Oa Fun oompany paid Leonardo. NJ 07737 Sank Regional High School. _ New Jaraay 07710. Ridge Rd . Lime Silver. NJ or simply growing for raqulrad lo oompty m portunlty It Intoreatod eend r*. TRICT COMPUTER 0771* 64I-S0OO. Oeedllne dale Krjvwona ol ma Now aume or aaeonpkon ol aa SPECIALIST - DuoM. to work 14. 1604. EOS INDEX . blddara ara raauvad lo perlence to Boa S-4K The Oaay ISOoftneLeweof taU.efteceye aomjay asaeirta and oarry out all *"-6BBBI. SmoaaSuiy, NJ OTTO* dent progrema MuM hold NJ MANDYPERSON/LABORER January 1. 1*44 aaulramona) ol ma Amrmadva Teeonina oerWloeto Apply to Red Bank ere*. naucwiKU BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR Acoonl ol PL 1076 C 12" Walter dolmen. Keenaburg puO Contect Rtoherd. 630-7300 llfOIMl ANO SOR0U0H COUNCIL Of Tha Monmouib County lie achoola aoi-767-Slia, 10 S. HANDYMAN — Some itgh THE SOROUOH Or UNION tmuttnicu Consumer survey DISH WASHER S KITCHEN HELP g loii mi found BEACH raaorvoo the rignt to waive any 'ormelillee In. or to refect any ATTENTION! F/T - Apply iInn pereon. cell for 9 Sptcul NOHCM Carmen StoppMao. Mayor appointment. NNeveeml k Country pereon. Parti Chevrolet, Rt BE Mary Seen. Borough Clerk ell bide, end to awerd con. I? Trim Tnniponition Ptoooo fnontton THl ni recta In whole or In part. H de- IS Inwucnon emed in me beet mleroat ot the ropfytnfl to a Hi DRAFTSPERSONESO. . JR - Entry HEL 246 West Lena Branch loard to do eo. arnptoytnoniod. l droMndMg g ppcaiuoiu n f ciil WMtore/wenreeeee/bua No bidder may withdrew AUTO MCCHANtC — Muat bo engineerineering FFIRI M Ou knenon help. t>perl*noad only Businwa Service reflects concern NOTICE TO SI DOERS Fun and pan time houra even bid wtlMn thirty (it) daya to* txp in brakaa. from ontf, A ttifia cluda drafting, generel office. 2? Am > Cum ™ tna dale ot DM opening HupanaHon—mon . mmeaaangat. etc ebto Pleeaa can Al al 672-12* The Monmoum County loard after 1 p.m flatten PrevleMn MflUTleMT •atosy piu* «»c oowmioaion pro* MuM have vaUd NJ drtvero Company Reataurani by ma Barousn ol Waal Long •rom. PuH lioenee Fu« ama wWi banonto. 4 Si Help Warned Mala or Iranoh. Monmoulh County ahall raaarva the right to I SaN «T 1-241* fov irrtarvtsj-, day work weak Cell 6B6-0M7. Pawl Mrnaie Nnp- daanrahlp 6 day work week remained fairly confident about the time wtm benanta Call 5**-O2*7. So Siiuanoni Warned <-*-«(. "Brg^H tVOOEJ — — moulh. «uM have dr tver-a Hcenea Com economy in September, but ap- Jereey on Thursday. October 16 Roea W. Meghan. Chairman Nswiy baosjfit*) Apply In parao Maie/lemaia - Shwem Chryetor peared slightly more apprehensive Fabian Linden, executive director 16*4. al 11:00 AM. pravawng Jemaa J Trunoar. Okeetor AUTOMOTIVE MBCHANIC — „ OPERATOR — Per pm, aim S7 Child Care/ Nurwv of the Conference Board's consumer ma. Bob o Cam. Purcheamg Agent bp pretorrad. wUHng to tram on aand S gravel operation Willing •tymoumi.. Maada 141 W Fron ICfttOrl about the future, the Conference Conlraet Oocumente em Oct 0 SAM our producta run lima. 40/hr • to tram an individual with a re- research center, noted a "fairly Plane tor ma Bfopooed work lated background CM 2*7-3403 Board said yesterday. LABORERS Butinetl Opporlunily prepared by Wwlem Potnek oaaone. unllmnad opportunraea lor further Information EOE steady but still moderate decline in » C and L.a.. haw Man Mad a 2tO OMiBf rHlbttc Mottcea CeH Mon.-Prt.. g e.m.-4 p m Morigagti Apply In paraon Sunb DRIVERS/WJU - Oood driving SOI-S4B.2B0O. The business-financed research confidence," which seems to para- the OHIO* ol aekj Engineer 2S6 raMonal. 171 Mwy M. Money To Loan Monmoum Road. Oakhurel. Naw raosrd a muat Caeh paid deity organization said its September llel "the quieting pace of economic FT/PT. Venew Cab Co. 101 Oek- LABORER — taoatrHng s land Money Wanted JereevO77U. and et me office of "" hove driver survey on consumer confidence ma Borough Clark. Borough AUTO BODY PERSON — taa. lend Rad Sank. 7474010 growth." •Ml tooto. Al »loo I oommanaureto found that 28.4 percent of those left. *o Peptar Avenue, weal NOfJOa w> JOOy Q f AuumoMa _ after • pm 71 Mercnandia* lor Sale .ong Srencn. New Jorey 077S4 a»-T0U or .Drtvera needed Immediately tor. r? Garaga/va/d Sale end eoM daeumento rnaybaln Board ol Truatoaa ol Brook dele polled thought business conditions But Linden added that there LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION 73 Mactiinary For Sale AUTO OLAM COMPANY. BMI SCHOOL SUSSEB-SS 4fJ-«/hr. WORKERS - Hard working Ind a Rental Service were "good," up from 0.6 percent seems to be "a high degree of during buamaoo houra. DeperlmantDepe. . 70S ^ Newman IQOMtoni thru out New Jeraey AM PM WW train and relm- aillPiri win lia TiirnH*iirl rnr 7S farm [quipmanl in August. acceptance of the current economl MKlf^SjBl ) rBaOBSSBj LJa"wtBtOej LJ"ttOe\ *••#••> JoJ\* *• JJ* Looking tor a -tow good ee- buree MV rae. pretorrad. *42-*0*6 eoay at ma Corrtraat OooumarH on ocToaan as. ISM - *•> Auction Seiat performance and optimistic expec and PMna by ma eoreugn dark .. ambfioua. ca- k a P.M. provMSns ana, al VANS * STATIONS WAQONS- li Part and LivaaKx But the survey alto found declin- which erne end puee. e«M bide 64 70/nr for Special Ed children WANTED — For Fell planting '» *H Wanted sonal income to Increase over the at 7*6 Apply in paraan llerciaa Auto consumers' plant to buy new can. Center uncroh, NJ 747.30*0 UOUQP STORE CLERK - Pen- 85 Pt.ce Duller next six months, compared wtih 28 2 the Conference Board said, adding •aXr)*inmnii aaarlna IN _ IS. 1SS4. "j§E *""' Imo aomo ovaa^ft w\7poiiov*wa. WU. ESTATE KKTUI percent in August. It added that 16.3 , aa,,M - — ^ - am-aa-i —j kk- BBIitiiaaM BM eeourteee m me form of eaernuploaOH Prtiae*Mneme E«p only. Over 21 2S4.1SSS 101 Apanmenti that this probably was due to the norna ano aoorejajaf o* m ••QOBP lundjrjiaajpeoi•wy Of €Ms^n yca rrtorntrifn actorj 1• percent thought there would be • nd ma nama oltna work on ma no. Can Pet. *7t-*i44 or Kate, 10? HoulM lor Bent maMayor meraon. or UMBHed OMak M en747-M47 LPN. M/F strike by auto workers at General and Borough Can eoual to 10H at sa DRIVER - Pri •raMyroHvo 10] Hawaii lo Snair- fewer Jobs available In six months • ol *HU SASYSITTBR — My home wa opanlnge. all ahifta Motors Corp. Long Branan. andmuM ba ac * ma bid. not to a ' tor iitatnaaa tary • Deneme Can Mra 104 Winter Renult compared with 15.2 percent who SBMS0 •*» be re«ulree Soutji Seal MnlmdM. 2 children. •emu NYC ft raturn. 105 Summer Aenult check, oaehkpre ohaok. or Bid 7:S0 am -6 a.m. Car naaaaMry. M4-M00 tor aapt may not ba wWidiawn wkf . 261-112*. Srookdato Nureing Comer. Hea- 108 Furmineo Roomi Plans to buy homes remained thought that way in August. Bond and Canaan ol a o.y. after me actual day ol me• — en* 4 S4S-S176. from a aurely eompen DRV WALL TAPIRS — S fin. 107 steady, but the percentage of con- DMoc BARTENDER/BARMAID — fjip aumwlaaw to do buatnaaa (njh MAINTENANCE - Parson want- Hornet' The report said 6.8 percent of the fltata of Maw Jartay, ano aaaaf Tha my . oooklnk g WaWSS* re- Can sumers who said they planned to buy right to ratoat any er a> ed tor local M-rte* apartment consumers surveyed said they tabta to tha .ftoro-ufh of Waat quired Apply HHudoV* mn. Cone Dannie 4*6-4*7*6 6 o leave e buTMIng MuM be neat 4 clean M 10a Commercial Kentan major appliances declined from Lonf avancn. m an anwunt not to ecoopt eny bid which Neck snoopinng Comer R1 34 i H 109 Buildinga/Oeragai ad moat fatraraMa Btitri ofeOsa apfinQ •aortoa. repair end pamwig in t planned to buy cars in September *-~l man tan (IOHJ poroant el BARTENDER M/r — Fun Hole no Wanieo to Kant August, the report said. 1 btd. a«oapt tttol tno EARN EXTRA ss — ror the Hd- epertmenta,. E«partonc* down from 6.5 percent in August Cat bewiun 2-4* 7-*Maya •( plumbing I The survey's results canted the bM auarafdaa r hr. Have fun S aim whd* learn- neoaeaery. steady work, a a m - 130 OoenHoum About 3.3 percent said they planned 620.Soooo rw ZJT2££7T!mZ 4:20 p.m. Mon . Frl- Band re- Conference Board's Container Con- releotcnyDM *. m Ito opfaor BOOKKEEPER — P_ mg. ret mto. W7-0SBS. 131 Mount For Bale to buy a home in September Tha award ol ma Camraot tor < tor ConeRucOon Co, In Men eume to P.O. Boa 2*0. Neveetnk. fidence Index to fail to 90.4 in NJ. 07762. No 13? Conrjominiumt/Iown TinwiIIHOWTM Of toohm , aBtoto SaUry open eu poaieon. PI EHKUNEER-CIVIL. t Houan virtually unchanged from August carry out t the oenvaooen t a* kv mad reeume to Ehrenkranti > September from 91.9 In August. The prfoviwlao by USa Sofou^n of " — Minimum 133 Income Property Plans to buy major appliances fel landed or tor any r " me CCoo . CPAacPAa. StoMo tnaaiwiEinnwia or.. . m prepereoon of aub- MECHANIC WANTED - 6 yaera index, which uses the survey's Long wrench m e lawful manner ownafe Miamant. IIils hajw 134 Farm Property Tha Borough ol Waet Long WOM orange, m 070S1. aap. m loreron * domea findings for 19W-H70 at a base of to 24.6 percent in September from hnESBftfioOoa laaiBtwI. i«Wowoi rapam. Apply m aaraon J S A 135 Commercial Property ranch, or ne tngmaar. or ha 136 InOutvill ftopfrty 16.6 percent hi August. 0"t©iaea. raaana via >iQni ao n 90 1 Service Center. Ak Mkjhk 100, hat remained steady for three SSSSeMI. " 137 Loii and Acreage MEDICAL OPnCt - Red Bonk 138 Moone Hornet WAJTERS/WAITI Neede fuH time financial eec- retory Eapartanoe preferred 139 Cemetery ion tr*e^ **^*e) aaaaiacicafiiY OOT liquor S nod. Cat 747-6300 140 Real Swale Warned plaiad ajork al Ha natura ra- QV)n#O Dy VVaw P^OfaOT DOtVI TATION NSCSBSART HOW. M paraon Oround Round i MEDICAL SECRETARY - Full att*»TNMl Hyatt negotiators fM P F aieOO EVER YOU MUST LIVE IN teuront. Ut. Hwy M. 15? Boift ind AccntottM KEAN8BURO. PORT MON- reeume to Bo» 410 financing OINJ ISftra.— EXPERIENCED TIRE PERSON - CLARK (AP) - Contract nego- Local 736 expires Oct. tl. Heat Long Branch atoo re- MuM hove OKPertenoo In trrjop.. MODELS ?^0 Auto intuiinca "1 the right to Inwaaae or paeeenfler and en elie area Muai A a*l toll opportunity to earn ?«0 Auto Ami/LCtM tiations at employee owned Hyatt "We're still struggling away nave veM NJ drtvare eoana>. •Mra moaitto aMwr part-wna or 270 Clark Industries Inc. continued last trying to get a contract and progress tun tone m me aemng noM d mallkng. You may quaMy Ea- ft y night under a thjeat by General is very, very slow," said James "aLSara'a!..-, rACTORV - pertence not n ry Can tor ?00 f'ucm and Tmtttt Motors Corp., the company's largest Zarello. the Local 736 shop steward ry aMh all laajuWaVnanaj tn P' mg. acme heavy mervtow. 2*4-1000 Premiere 300 Auint For Sat 1»76. c 127. and PL 1O77, c. 1J Appfy In paaoon MiaaHna Agency. I " * 4 p m customer, to take its business Tna auooaaaM BWdar aha> ba at Florence Ma._14» Or. TotowaTNJ KAIYOUIM He said GM wanted a i raojuirod to oomahi « Oaoa va, A U mnntTMY elsewhere If labor troubles do not contract to contain a no-strike prowMMna at mo Naw fnesl to JCPSL) MONMOUTH County ano oo PraJMUng Waga Ad PL #%*J ^_ aVfUB *JIIBWHWI kawawku e»\JILJ TAmAtt FARM WORKER - Pen ol fun T clause and assurances of continuit; c 160 BjBBV ^^ r^e"wT ffew4wej* el*awe*Ea7Er BJ^TIIf/T"JTIJ mAtt ne. voaatobto*. I araaraafflaBiti c OACJ aftaloailc TrVt Daily rt4X>tt«t Will DM M of production, or it would not renew A carpuiaaon m we* ver GM. which buys up to JO percent Prapopaflor Ma . r *4*>4taT veraed mmeerteee fnponiibte for rnott iruv» on* iu three-year contract with Hyat of the roller bearings produced by auah an wtm a ma. FARM HELP WANTED - Pert or lo» group aelee. oommleelon and incotroct >nt«n>on ot tny Mt- Clark. aw " Ml Mite ( igmtll work) Ce> 7 'rt»Mfn«r>t ind only wntn 1 Hyatt Clark, set 8 a.m. today at a •eara to auomn auoh a BU. and pm -10 pmOIOOSlO. MONMOUTH COUNTY IN. rntttfulKy i«»cll rt vlfu* of to eaoeuto a Cunapal M FLORAL DSatONEP) deadline for reaching a settlement, The plant was a GM subsidiary room ma lid la aooapvx _ SURANCE AOENT - Hoe open ffwi *Kl II it COMD'H in tiror MuMba 1 pareuriM anae department. CJH C'itt.fiM union and management spokesmen Oraar O mo Mayor and Council Can 741-s until a 1961 buyout by white- am m ma Borough ol WaM Lang M a*W to rate end waw en Aii KH we rctirtcitd to tvttf saw | blue-collar workers for 663 million FLORAL OCSKtNER EX. a*. Can JerBji at proptf dtmficatux mti MI FRANK K*»tNCEO - Part ante Thura. •n ir-i 'egudr Daily Atgit** Hyatt Clark's three-year contract Workers look pay cutt of between 25 tn * Haadaya. Buay Fionet a NEED EXTRA CASM1 - PT worn Myiaottypa FfcgW il rttarvto MARY a. OALLAOrM Block, white S Ian aotor TMorl CARPENTER* - B—inMaao . . program Flea with 1J0O production workers rep- percent jnd 30 percent to ensure rejto eraa. near Pky. Rimon. amy. rua ame. MuM hove trene- B t*i o» 'tiaci any copy or rbto Bam up to S10 par hour id bjT United Auto Workers continued operations. Cen 741-1SS1. MlrMMn 7*7-00*0 Ml 74T-*s5 or S0B-7S4* MONDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1964 The D»«fy Register B8 SI HUP Wanted II HipWirtsd 1 MelpWanttd 1 M(li>W«ntad 1 Hrtp Wanted Matawatas) PARAMEDICS gyta RN FOR BOARCMNO HOME — SECRETARIES 55 8Huatlons 0-1* hours per mm anownt OPPOHTU (HOP HELP WANTED CaH7*r-aM —rruMTr 411-dfi Wanted Male HTATI 0*1.13 OvtRBOB - SBMBS _ TretfMng eroarem aonol carp produoet hoo 1 m- . Bonue For owe. aoe AkmOUS — Knobo ptooo. (4 • aojnillng M January M IW • MM IMW train- JtVUf M» SALES STORE C OR dd Mint iiuiiotmiii. S1700 S aRor » DESCRIBE NOT BELLI kieea m an aacmng a In CM, ... Product MIM ItMll. In tirfconmont 14* VH.OJMN HMMTS Ml NJ. REAL ESTATE nowopopora Irom atoreo In Motv (70 VouirO 1OU(HI OOOUt » LOW_ coma can be •>. mouei County ReUebte cor a EXPORT DEPARTMENT muot Hourly wage PM cor *- Cao woyne Ki-lOoa. Can lor appointment aoo* M now Our oMap 10 OHO of Iraordlnary. FFoi r details, 2.WINO-BACK-FIRESIDE IM1) M0-H1S mo loo 4 In mo Mhnt m (Mil M2-M58 «nce. ( a m -5 p.m. We ere buoy We need you Eac ETARY/CORRESWONDENT - CONTACT: CHAIRS - IroMng. mia.aOOM a BALIS — too our ad under root woo) lyplnf end Mono. Ekport Doug Fi lemon 171. oo. COS 747 " " help eBFiepi. Century 21 pjtt. RIVERVIEW onMibTi Wo ourreni S41-40W x. us tor kee. PURCHASINO DtPARTMtNT MEDICAL CENTER k " MUmonSl. CCNTUXY 21 COZE N». Raa BABvamaR - ctoaoVe. Rod Bonk. NJ 07701 copvod owdran ( aduha. Can Equal Oppfy Employor M/F MANAGER (11 River Rd 1K/70BR/14 — PART-TIME CUSTODIAN — AILOrVIXPfMENCED (EAM- ooodcondwo abwty • mult Rouflne rnekvejn- RICEFTIONKT — m TRAINEE TRES( — Fun or pen omo For a71-4471onor anoonce A repaioper* 'ooft mecherMcel KMauol lor mo •Won. pey. progroiot Trtr gjo—It*.! Mhig and Mano MINI eonndonuai inlervlevr eel pan ama wwi own Irene. COBS equipment (boHora. Avc, plumto- Houoo. Part-ttme/on oca. nook opentnge euM now (or onto H.Mvy phon* conuci AbWty w 042-0071 oak tor Or ace Buslnaas Ing. electrical oto.| Qoworot minded Indkrlduala In o toot! AILOR/FITTER — Haloliona a Opportunity Meaning a auporvujon. flnlm roojiUfM. Aapty 40 RtverUde branch or • urge M leodkig man i apiclaky More, a) aAsvarrnn NIEOED - Per aaoklng a queened laoor/IWOr. Aiow RELIABLE — Young man Mr Wo otter o M hour work nook, •p ramaoary! BMP m ( MO tile le an improoMvo opportunity coiiiuotMwo ooiory, end aipySanl Ur* Shamir or can 741-0100 Shop the Uead Furmture Center people who wont K ol Pad Bank PART-TIME Mae CON or apply In paroon. IB7Bltnn(HYA»o.aoi-144» nt w From at-( owiewje EVENINOS CONAIR NATELSONS KB* k no urn marketing company Wl RELIABLE PlrWON - To eoro need to be oo- hove aeverel new POOIBsno OPIn Dr If. 1 Mon.-Fcl • CORPORATION •rn.12.4o.,. Hnmy Leonardo homo. (ACH1R - conmod, tor Mr In our Ti.imrtWna Dap) tiEaeouMo Avenue — Oroot lugliwof kv u rep» m«al«i. For unrti. _ Co«»72U1l begin work two 4 baya. • I PDMOM — Toooptonoo and hove good-run. 201 MO OOMMorMUn OWJOd Taylor Ing ca' High School (red or BABYBITTER NEEDED - (.7:10 wort r osMor In market. For ep- rUnplova (ACHU AID VACANCY - Fair m Muat be vary rlklotl Thorn polntmorn col aaO-7271 toe MFVH • m- • . • __- _ j oL^-o) tae^BdfeSewBMdBBi PART TIME 0.OTIHW7 Warn Hovon Public Schoola. Luncn- -ttOOI owSJel OV Flffl 1 Wfoe^iawi. edl 200 people. LOOM 10-MRESTAURANT WORK fllS OQtltlOft SECURITY OFFICERS Smo auporywon 01 ohodren. |1W Njevmot Sal*, eaoy. herb pro* amoMelnelu UN time openings In Marlboro. dami Mow acollcallon by Money to Lean •n. 100% Jjuorinma. tjtood Now hiring grill & toun (toning moDrno 0 (eyrevma. No. Sro _ Ing /4r-nS4. Loool ralllUnH tain workarg, 20.00S-SM 000 Only piaHnad EOE- M/F rry omoara. mual havo valid drtv (ACHER. PRIMARY - To PART TIME SHOE BALEB- waltere/walti dish- lpoaoaaf own o*mi, ho*rioj Waphona and dean poUoa ro- Ofrlraci pO#»POn Dejaenrrwvfj BTOCK CLERK - (aporNnoad washars. Flexible hours, doean't M M Irani 01 TV. TMO ^ r wHNlui- M t*o_ 1loo m Appla **y ,in par* 1/S4 send reoume to: (opt el m M CALL FOR APPOINTMEHT ord Can SCO-Me-OSSS on. Skfe (oolory. uaS Buyer. chooM. MCoumyRd. (17 looL oareon wot Wvotve 1-4 tua deva no exp. necessary Must Com Hook. NJ. 07711. No Hto- luot hove own Irene. ( meant PART-TIME OFFUT FLAT) ba over 16 years ol age. prtono Inqukao plain. Equol op- MAKER - For Weal noeepapar. MR. GETZ COLONIAL Apply In peraon Friendly (ECRETARIAL HUP — Perl portunity Employar BABY UTTER NUOfD MMM for resroo. 1 doye par ojook •mo. Muai be4 ovailoeto tor eve- INANCIAL ACCEPTANCB. INC PART am-2 pm. 1 or 11 1doye/waea. tor TOLL-FRBE •arty AM. 7V. nri. Sot MOM 4 Restaurant. 747 Broad (201)264-2400 ntng worfc ol keet 1 oveningo par TECHNICAL WRITER — Indue- 10 S hra. Write Boa L-40S. The * Veer on, mf m- y uoto Sovar a00-323-aoB6, Exl RSS 81., Shfawabury EOE. «mm. Shonhend. Mroncea OSS Deny Rialllir. Shrewobury. NJ Mon., Tues.. Wad. ganersl oHtoS oMM. tolery opon. 07701. Equal Opportunity Em- ., M/F — Fun or ponuma 10AM -8PM Apply (orouoh Clark • Oflloo. U-HELP--It TIME und/ooo ow oovi eoo< reaoi ptona_ HI 10 a 11-7 30 Apply In V Eflual Oppty Employar U/F mo (over. 400 Proapoct Ave., (and raoumo to: TeOlt. Waolwood HOE Hobrow Frl., ( am.-8 p.m Oa)#ao#^ C*aCWO l#ftp(^># PART TIM! no. 2(1 lam Avo.. Long vnToore A»°i 6-Hour Shifts eVanch. (ECRSTARV - Oood typing, re- . (70. Red Bank. NJ COBJII up on book iioymoiilo. I kaopmg S math Shonhond EOC or paeoaob 1 chadron In my RN M/F - For Podlainoloni ol SALES lanaaapav" na ^Liewbe WARE 201 0000. Mon mrough Frl only •MUHMOI ( Si GUARANTEED RESULTS oMe Crown. sVw'wVwfotnin' Aw, work. II you nave some spare time you want to put to HOUM HELP - Co> Tom (TOM k ~ *itg. HOTLINE I Tlnton Folia Equal Oppty Em. WE ARE NOT BROKEPJB good use. we have the shirts to lit almost any ROOFurs Hitpiw - smjim TELEPHONE OP(RATOR( - EXPERIENCED MUIISM — To opportunity to Morn o Irodo neoooeory. Apply In poraon to SAVE COMMIBBIOIIB schedule Wa anticipate openings on all the follow 1 'onager. 10 a m o p.m. Oponmoe (-4 p.m.. (-11 a 11-7 OflmeyooOVAollll (111 • ANK7EAT0NTOWN — (ovorol mull how trana ond NJ driver SERVICE TECHNICIAN em. oMRo. Longtorm. WW tram ing shifts: pen-lime poawona opon tor or WoltOO. (41-444S. Ml- 7X0. - lai-toat. LOW RATES (annod individual with roMabM LINEN8 'N THINGS itmmi required to aorvMo oom- I Mtg loHnonomo, 71 hour op- van. truck or large oar to die-ROUTE DRIVER OPERATOR — WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME - • 6 AM-12 Noon • 12 Moon 6 PM Ulbuta Tho Prooa to eorrlori. H . ( doy n> Noo» Market Place or intent or pre-aohootor. Cel- dowsn. No oooool- a "•mix. houra • workkig from popor homo _. 1103 Hwy 35 jaahvtaya A twood Beoeri oree COB v w ffw i oW fniBtviuiii it to you CTAutoaupooeiplladd. BanoHlapold Shrevyabury. NJ o.p loqulradd . can 74f-l Si HslP Wantsd lolMroa tmna uwad Ocl foel 22ol TOW TRUCK DRTVIRS - Want- Applications are baing accepted at any nme and t-MO-U2-OT7(. RUMSON - EntorpiMng young SCHOOL CUaTODMN — 10 SEND RESUME WITH SALARY ed E«penenoad wfw Maevy duty intervierws will ba scheduled Monday through Fri otara oontod. you win bo running a m -a p.m. AppNcont muot poo- REOUIREO Hal bad ond atonderd towing PICTURE PAAMINO — Full Hmo aeo or be atlglbtator Mack eoal Looking to ssrn eoms including Sal WW Iroln. bul muot yyour ownn buarnoobuarnooa wMwMe aornlni g ac eoal Appll y In poraon end can day 9 AM-4 PM priiaoiaio. . tripps end oaohoaooh. tltaaa ItoanaItoanaaa- SievtiSivtim AVIS MACHINERY CO INC e»irs cash In your hove art background ond roosnt 74T0IM OVINO -> Mother experience In quality rolaH otoro. Thho oonlnly requkemantkemato oro tna •olary $10,044 pro retod Full 131(0 3111 Si •para lima? You canl Can S41-71M you oro ol toaol ti yaoro old and hoolm ( nek leovo benama KanHworth. NJ 07033 TRAINUS By sailing Tha Dslry 671-3000 oro reedy to work. Starnns dan Nov 1. 1N4. Appry 201-24S-1OM ' ripening Compony i PIECE WORKERS — Undid lor Raglslar. For mora In- To «ojn UP "» (42-4000. lit betoro Ocl 11. 1M4 HUMeMa SERVICE (TATION ATTENO- long term plumbing work. 3m 2l» *J#i *l — i - • tor cleaning oerpelo. •eke. Sooro OVIN0 MOTHER - Ol 4 MM formatlon call and ask rough! 071-04 73 or 071-5(»e . r*«vfja)tni ANTB - Vorloua hra. ond ahllaj n homaa Siarl — Win train g lor: .... HlgNanda. NJ 07732 IIM/wk Aulomol poy m- PIZIA * SHOUT ORMR COOK IMANAOSR TRj •72-1476 f O/Amrmothio Aoeon Apply EaUnOMn Circle (nun oraeooa ond fnngo > m Eeoxtown Col COM DATA ema For MB MIT oat lor Terry. WANTEO — Pon-Hmooo . Nlglilg a IMIIVESM/F on eelonlown Cricle .opl carl S42 7444 Mi havha o D Appl in poraon OND. Apply in poraon: •on. FuFunn aaAMSTRua OR TAILOR - IEWER CLEANERS - U MATURE WOMAN — BOby 1 Janice Vstehsck Rout* 35 A Laurel Avenue tutgl'a. 477 Mtddto Pld.. Itollol. 'orning. Co Port lime, onoraoon work WAITER/WAITMSSIS — MuMmy MeeM ham* tor IB 4 rr. OM OH 7 p.m lorlonood with oMdrk) ooloquip- bo eapenonoad. FuS Ikno ( port •7I.MM oloaniri Can (42 e(U 0wi(ri4ktwMrawRwaFvJST0 i oVtefe~1*P1l (odojeeeVvBSJi* BBBBBBBWS^SJHBBTI AV AJ—•BT. f ait. 217 Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 PLUMUPK/PIUMUIW' HU.P mont FUN ond pert Hmo. week- (mo- Apply In peraon tor inter ER -Rapoir work only Full Urna SECRETARY — For Fak Hovon ando and nignta 204 3aoS or or live -M ok Wr«| III BMI or port 542-6880 ondYaM* 3000 or (41-10(4. 17S Brood St. Red Bonk 1 hri /day Mult hove rol- (EWINO MACHINE OPER- 542-8884 PIUMMP) — bparMnood I _ -W. Co* 741-0077 WAITRESS/WAITER F/T— DOya • (42-1417 ATORS - E

p tun or | WOMAN-To cere tor our 7 mo homo aoloaa . bbpononop o a muai bonetH peokage. Mlary com. around help Oormet lake OKI nlanl weekday! EJMiretore "On *• agokw 0000)oomm) —. Call Dun me. Shonhend. typing. RL _ monourato wtth okp Appii- oqulrod. Stole aolory roqulre- reauked. lIMmdol 1 can Construction oauona being accepted Ooo- S7-2O42 daya; 747-17(S • PORTEP. - Pan nmo day Him. menii Send raaume PO BokIronleoConoepto Inc. (M Indue- aovrmet-voue. 21 TSS yoor round work Apply In por- •AM MO. Rod Bank. NJ 07701 mal Way Wraot. lolontown. PART TIME SITTER - m my aon. no phono call! plain How- home From 10 em to lam. For ard Johnoona Motor Lodpo. (HIPPINO ( RECEIVING PER- SON - i« opportunity tor WAITERS/WAITRESSES yoor old (M. Hod Bonk eras. KMART TaOHwy 35 MMdloUwri All SECRETARY learning ( advancement Groat 47-OKO Professional *—lophora pooplo oriemed C PAPKINO VAIEIS WANTED - Oenoe. IS PU(LISHER — Mafor Monmoum banettu Call Lou Brady PART-TIME mature poraon to cere tor my PORTERS t pMahl o HOST/HOSTESSES mo old oon m my Red Bonk Closers l# to Irr, mod open Inge al one ol Mon- a MuontoMoeeJBMotty- Wore looking lor America i vary rotory/o (MALL WMULkOALB-RETAIL - moutti Counh/a top roolauionto. beat oommleeioned uHt peopla handle heavy typing and dicta (porting good atoro naodo »•- E«p requlrod. Apply In peraon iron routine Right poteen «H Full Time & and were POMno lop doNor to get •ponolMa OOoe M pporaoa n to bo in- deny Okoapt Sunday. 10 e.m- hove aupenor eferotarlel aklNe pm Old Orchard Inn. Rt. 7 Per Diem eBjo," NO Mghts, NJ weekend ond to OWO to tunnon In o fan OH oopoota builnaai NO irevel it you're a out aba o a aerr-aloner.. provloul Eaton town SM-SSM I ore reedy to begin firi tin lalory opon. aicanonl ben.._ >«ail aap heWul Call mg. 1-1 do week or OCL IS. con If you're looking lor modern auburban orfleo Fortune STOCK CLERK WAREHOUSE •HCWVO^MJ pleasant work (00 lubaldlary Wrlto BOk M-W1 Abardoln The OoMy Rogllvjr. ahrowobury beenenoed moturo minded In S Hrs. Available atmosphere where 338-5800 NJ 07701 dMduU rtaadod lor alaotronic FULL-TIME Csual Oppty ImpWyor M/F cepeoltor monufeoiurmg taowty your hard work, PART TIME Day aNIlS30am-9p m Llbora GROCERY ORDER CLEAMNO PERSON - SALES/CA8HIERS package .lelor SELECTORS mood U per hour. MuM ba 7 am — 11am personal concern Mature rollBOlo mohrtduokj or SECRETARV/RECEPTIONiaT — monouratlioe wtth eap •at. rasabai a a**enaobto aouoht tor aeleo and tooMor Perl-time to include typing. Mtng cailoni be STEADY (MPLOYMENT and ambition not poililoni In|oy many benotlta ond dtvoroMod aeonMeru ironic Conoopto Inc . US Indue- NIOHT SHIFT, SUN . THURS 9:30 am — 1:30 pm Including Mopping olecour duvea. Fie«ltne hours/proM* 1. Wei Way WOOL Ealonlown. OOOD WAOES ( BENEFITS only pay off In top pm rongo Col 042(021 tor PMeoo opety In peraon: • TOOK ( SHIPPING CLERK - 1:30 pm — 5:30 pm $$$'s and benefits _ FOB or port wno. Rod Bank Fkx- Apery in peraon. B a.m.-11 noon SECRETARY - warl-tramed. iwe hra. mual be dopondoMa but also In ANNIE SEZ J 5:30 pm — 9:30 pm 4M Broad St.. " " Room for advincemont AePCOMPLE* - Chad core lnoM|l«. 1 advancement (hrowobury. NJ hoe. Reply (oi O-4J0 Tho g eompeny. Pay c TRANSCO SERVICE. CORP treneponeeon fjox rwJe a 11 rite With ability CoN U BrunoeMk Ave.. (dbjon. N. C0BM7-0114. possibilities—we've EaualOppty(mployorM/F OTTOr ' AnEoual Oppty Employer Experience not necessary. Many got a |ob for youl I - 1 doyo per employee benefits. Apply in person: Minimum 3 years urlon Mual Mull experience required •me a i Apply daily 10-12.2-4 for these Immediate NJ^TTSt. permanent LIVE.IN - NooMd tor oMorty 108 Monmouth Road •svoy Masaranav rasjusfao vacancies. S44.110S West Long Branch Apply Poroonnol Oopl 444 Bathroom 54 Situations 540 tntartalnmant Landscaping * MO PalntlnflA Wanted female KMART CORPORATION RIVERVIEW Remodeling * PERSONAL POEMS - CuMC 2 FOR THE PPBCI OF 1 - Houl Ceramic Tile Lawn Ssrvlca r a)PwTfi9nf I"e^ An Musi Opportunity Inojlmii MEDICAL CENTER gm Cos Terry OP (OIL - Rich loamy farm ALL-AROUND PAINTING IS Unwn (I. Rod Bank. NJ NOW CERAMIC TIL! ( REPAIRS •oil. OMJO planting OOM wtth or nt. Okt. ipackllno. polchlng in? iszsa nr?n Equal Opportunity Employar without egad manure oollMoiad. ahootrock a •——•——""• LkweMMlIt oner 11 M/F 565 Fireplaces* KM Farma. 204 Hi 3 1 Wa>ya Pomong. 211-IBS 11 Woodstowea PRESS MAN/F - I.I. dick 300 PARTIAL TO COMPLETE — Experienced only. Full time FIREPLACES-WOOD (TOVES ( I PAINTING — N<- ABOVE THB RSBT OOM opportunity Salary open ooromw oia, now ( repeke. CtHrtirt^tyi, bttck haajrtn# A vraus 63B LHJHI Hauling larwr/(«tarlor Work Free Ea IN CHILD CARS BficMk worta. Mocvi, oanofa(a MOUSES — Oaragas. yard s Your ohW ohouM be BBrSeM, Ropal'i J. (lack. 2S1-OO17 nera otoonod out ( hauled 447 Carpentry ray Mini domoUWne. NURSINQ/MEDICAL NO JOB too emeu or Ugl Ad-585 Horns 47-I12S PRIVATE DUTY AIDE - in Long droona. kachano. ben, daoko. ( f PAINTING — Blanch Nuralng Cor) tormwa counieri. Interior. Ok- A CLEAN-UP ( DEMOLITION torur/eatanor work. Free 00*- Impfovemenla PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSmONS AVAILABLE BH-7M0. ujrwr Free OHItneloo, 7K-(M1 ADDITIONS - Complete re- •ured CM 2>1.M41 RRIVATE SCHOOL - Haa an RETIRED CARPENTER - Small opening lor rooponalbto. a»- ( medium aloe lobe ( docki leaned A trooa removed. Free penenced Aide (•) to work with Free aoumotoo. CM 741-S7S7 or AFFORDABLE — Horn* repair! eittmitoe. Inourod. WW boot CUSTOM PAINTINO RAYS • EVENINGS • NIGHTS • FULL TIME • PART young children Hri. .or e ( (remodollna- Ltoonao (Inaurod, legitimate prtoao Cell "JKJS7 Bonlom^m Moore Palnta OuaMy a>m .10 a.m. ( 2 p.m.-(( p.m. Cal tree oat. DUNCAN CONSTRUC- WorWR 747-HBT 5424777 SEN S INDUSTRIAL — RolHin- 450 Ct^et Cleaning TION CO M3-S4S4 wl ( Bu i loured. Cos 747 KM RN'S • GN's • LPN't • QPN's • AIDES rtlFORTIRa A.i (XPERT Carpal Cleaning - CARPENTRY - LOO0I rokmn- K/K c avpaHl4k4)a #oa _ MONMT -'Leor*Jor»jo caoon- rnunlclpol oovari Roofing, IM- boiler 4 turnaotumoooe roromovolt - Free •DOin - PakUng B Staining. BR IS} °*" ••"«»(!KlDll. l«< Tha Daily RegjatorRot . Some OH- • alee Moms rtoMmon, 747-0200 Ing. rooolra, altar ma Call any- oanmatoa. K3-OH0 <-i1 > mvam • KMCM. TEONOMS a MBNOI SEOKTMO. MC. parlance * L.pen cratlaman. Interior or e.- ** * per article Ploooo don't call TAVIOR CARPET CLEANING - I 7(7-0071. CLEAN YARDS lorwr. Speckling.. osuSiIng, HOM(W*K(R — Or ooye aork Explore the opportunities. Contact the partlclpsting recruiters In this Band roiumea ond work aem- ot olitypeaol COMPLETE (UILDINO a RENO- wetar-proohng. For "eI _e_ aoamaia •• 4- Ciw —anoporw^^^ i^vi ^^- DIRECTORY, and please mention Tha Register. pt«. to Jane Foderora. City Eol carpeting wool, rayon, nylon. I VATION- Now a old addmone- con (owe M iTt-440a4OJ . orenoao. Cos Joyce IS0-4K1 tor. Boa O400 Tho Dally Regie- other rynihattca E Monde. Call Utohono-ela dacka oto. Total lor. snrowibury. NJ 07701 121-4370 Job KruM Conn Co. 741-10(0. Wore Equal Opponunlty Em. CLEANINO YAROB — Cooara. I-APERHANOINU HOMC HIALTM CAM — (I toM/F 455 Carpal InBldlallon JOHNROESINO antea ( goiogoo. Free aatlmitea VeWsje7^4BQ Ifl^nf fs^M 0^0^(9 ^^^1^0* » nrecior 01 NunHna IMonor/oattrlor home raceiri Carl M»-O421 or 9(0-4241 The FomMne Touch /ou eMl T L.C. Uve-ki or oui or CUFFStOI HEALTH CART CENTER REAL ESTATE SALES - JIM'B CARPET INSTALLATION Corttltosto ot Ooouponoy worfc Free lot 741*060 omo. Tranas rStTOM rewarding cnt—tl Frooaasmatoa 650 Masonry FraohoM. NJ 077* an. NJ 07710 1 Co.. Ttoaltora. No r=* loo imali {•Oil TI04041 12011 140-0422 saw 4M-2OOS Ssrvlce 895 Plumbing ft 201 MS-0400 466 Chlmnay Swaps BRICK WORK — Stope. poltoe. Hasting ALL CHIMNEYS — Thoroughhj UAL ESTATE ng. evJng. guttora. loadan. win •ewaya • imoll |Obo. Cleanao From The Hoot Down M(0i. OETTINa COLDV - Oea oil or NEEDED With Bruehao. Than Cleaned Out electric heal. Full aorvlce ( m- Below Free Eatlmalea. I72-1W1 ft Mlka: 7(7-0(70. CORNER (TON! MASONRY, all •teHallon. Free eaHmaloa. Coa WTcOUue IMMEDIATELY!! or MI-ltK. Fuoy Inaurod. kind! ol moeonry. etopo. aide- 727 Nor* (aora Mw LKeneed or unHcenaod aakjo aa- TOTAL RINOVATtON CON- •ne< S 4(S-4341 HOUSS CUAMNQ - MB lor t M oocialea lo torn our leaml a. peeoa. block work, drrve- ft I HJ07701 HokMaL NJ 07711 STRUCTION INC. - Addruonl I. A brick troni. Cos Peto tor MAUMC TOUCH Pkimomg and > houra 17 each hour CALL NOW! window* dookaL. doalgni H>.|0B»- ,M em teem You moy be auaimod tor a (MO a AUTHENTIC CHIMNEY SWUF Free ooSmatoa. 730-2(01 071% All lypM ol repair work month car allowonua. Another MASONRY — Chimney, pew. "anon 717-iggi or aonetil la up to row com 616 Jewelry eteee. ildiwalk. brick ( atone HOUBBCLKISIIO - BBO. to- AJaoNonon. m million! We'ra nol good bo- work Cell 201-4077 Nuretng lupamkw a Hit OINurung cauie we're Bettor Homoo . 473 Computer Repair 715 Rooting ACTIVE NURKNO CAKE OJordena. we'ra Better Homoo a 655 Maeaago 4o( Mo» (runoakik Ane Qordono beoaueo we're THE Instruction LE JAROIN OES JEWELS E.per » Stdlng oonh Amboy. N J 0SM1 BESTI AH inqulraa ore conttden- IBM/PC — Inatrucflon. Form tot-wwevy ropolfl ( diamond! re- PROLONQ LIFC OF SHINOLIS IJOM O2O-OI0O Long Blond. NJ 07740 OW. Reply k>: lore MaWng Mm. Word-pro- inouMadwtWoyouwat ' Karen at Kt-Kta. (»1) 220-4303 Ml 1S7S. 4J1-0002 — With roof look 00 aeon In M.V. WELL BEINO MASSAQE — THneo Homo Beckon 9/27/(4 LOUISE LIOATO booa programming. Dono/tauom Can MAP CHCMC0 (41-2714 awn 071-1000 at roaaninbla ram -at 625 Landscaping Keep your energy working tor kupaaaBoaT- ROB BARRETT 747-4030 lor .pel in Red B you Call S42-7US ROOFINO-(IOtNO-R(r>AIRS •o IIP ISO! A Lawn Car* QUTTERS- SLATE-TILE WU BABY BIT — Your ehad In FRttKoLO AREA HOSPITAL 475 Concrste 660 Mlscallaneoua 13 yoara ot oonrleo. RSEY SHORE UWDICA1 •sSSSs EfWkaon'a. HO-0SS2 Wool Ham Soeol _ la Ave MONMOUTH CONCRETE INC ALB LAWN S LANDSCAPE SERVICE S REPAIR — Lawn FreeMM. HlOrm Berg Realtors Concrete err (ERVTCE — Oerdam rototmed ROOFING - RnHinnoi. com. iMiorm Mowere LOW RATES. FREE lion 1KB ITS KIO. EM. KB Better Homes & i uniquely doelqnad pool deeki. Complota town and landscape il Id I WILL BABYSIT — m my home. Rota ivalleMa pick up ( doHvary Can IS1-142S ee aetol or 4|J-U77 Hoaot area. ret» aiiooaeil. J yra Qardens Monmouth ( Ocean 14 yoara. mg. M3-((SS oepeiiahul. COS — REAL ESTATE SALES — WoAlao brick. btook.akMo•.okwapoveros " . 665 Moving * 738 Talaphon MOTHER OF I — WM tit, i nave 2 poemone available tor Free aaamakM. Can Itl-WM. FOREST HILL LANDSCAPING - W INTERMEDIATE CARE Director ol Pamnl Core Hoenaod aalaapoopla. Increeee tail IhaKMn Storage Sarvlca FACHJTY ALWAYS CAM NURamO SERVICE your poteneel-oail Darrah Ae- 520 Draasmaklng MtogSo( otoek n upo ( planting It Laurel Avenue -^ (hraaabuiy. 741-1MB TEACHERS MOVWO INC — Big TELEPHONE BIUS TOO HrOHT Kaanasunj. Kj 0T7J4 ALTERATIONS ( ORESa MAK • (*>1BT' or email LWonaad end Inaurod CALL COMMUNEX - S71-BM0 Long (rencr., MJ 07740 NJ 077U INO-Foatservlcoan Free eatkiujloa. Storoge- Folr or men M. bojo to: PO Bo. 1SS. list) rsr-sioo U0D2I0-O44O •REAL ESTATE SALES pnoie Maty Jono 747-OBM QROUND CONTROL — Lend- MURSrs MOB - wninnoe. PuH oarvlco oompony including o Hoven. (90-1133 Arlenuc Wgmenda. NJ 0771S. •apononoo. Rain muoa. Caa mortgage oompony ond I reel TAIL0MNO — LodkM ojahlarn. Fas 650 Painting* REDUCE YOUR PHONE BH.L(I 774-0*0 oner s oolato omcee looking tor 1 sraVoovfnadg, hangai i S oleoin-ui p PROBLEM-SOfoMT-WATS-MCI neaniad oaloo ooaoowoja. M/F. r^tohoU rrTSas. Paperhanglng CPU COMMUNEX—S71-SM0 to complement LAWN BARON LANDSCAPINO A-t QUALITY PAINTING — Eae Fey our k»o from aavlnga ALL HEALTH CAR* HOLMOEl COMVr Man Oooaenloommlonoi 530 Electrical >RAHHEART SLUNO CENTER B bonuaoo. See Services °"i3S 740 TraaSafvlcaa unvtcu, me. AvaUbto immediately to moot Bream MOe, NJ. OKtl oopkoonta. plua draw — BEST ELECTRIC - LK no PRUNINO 4 CLEAN UP WOO0Y-S TREE SERVICE - MIIIIHID MJ. 0T74I S17S, tool. Tree S ahruB kktHiikiu a re- net) (rt-aoio , O01I to moovalod poroonnol MORGAN P. COLIO JR moval Fuoy meursd. Free eoo- notion mi. XMO e g »eperlnaParn»ngS- dnwn. active perl ttmera o motoa. Cas uo-iltl Snaldorod. For o conlwaneal In. TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW OKvlaw. caU Jock Rupy, MKMto- LOOK - For Ko HoMsye. Lot me maka you over eMr) (or- For information on placing an ad in this FH REALTORS 2O1-7S7-7WO DIRECTORY please call (201) 542-1700 B» The DMIy Register MONOAY. OCTOBER 8.1984 71 Mererchandisc e 71 Merchandise Merchandise Oaraoa/YardJ 77 Pats and 101 Apt, lor Bent for Sale) Sales Livestock II Merchandise to lalt •AST POINT CONOO — AvM- II Merchandise 71 MarctaaaHM VOtWSHinC TIRRUJR PUP —aaw Dp,, i - Mr Sal* for Sate tar Sat* I — 091-1•lBW/MBKRA0 eV/SK M LTORS i ntin1 gooea. Make, ids AKC riglinrtd CM aaiHlyl MTS/morrat K 0*00 OMk — Tap** T* para noa Mk. t ou. n. SSKMTJM iinuailnu Tiiinlliiii Ttr' 4. * artar 7 p m At dey attktnat. ar/oryar. pe. K. mm w. Maw otkv. m-4 pm. M Ililnhal Terreoa. on MubhiiiM and 24 hr Mtumy. m-im or 2>i^ai». gold. 3yraoM. Ire*»*v* MUM 1*4-70*7 BOWUrea BALL - 14 *• Very • 10/1 Mr K*yee/»1-O*47 emp Aire. Pir Hewn. H1-O44I Aauno SIB. CM COUCHta (2) - IN aaaK. B.1I 32 Proapoct AM.. Al Mtgh- atOAMTtC OARAOE BALI — SO Blcyclaa •ATONTOWN N J. (MMKtal MOO or Mel SMI 10 MtnM " Long Brmoh Mini •!••• Modern. 4 rooma. 44O0 hi pd ARCADE I Armory. OMM Ana, Lona troome. aOO-araaoyomaral Branoh ibloaknargtatllaunMI UK! — 27 - mena 10 apeed NOME RINTALI. Bkr 344-1234 1111. 741*424 JUKI BOM — Wl_ . It. Iroetlree. SIX. - WaaMna Hip linn. n*ln or Srune Fn I ictiina. (100 Dryer. IM. Can at, Oct II 4 13. 4 *.rr>. to FUEEMOLO — Poet end Coach ,T*3J*-enrtmaMa.*a. M let •00. CM 00-4707 or M7-7O37 l-b*droom gerrjen apta tr TMTrue* awMte att HInI ate M water 4 pool eup- And mm I "ATOPJ - m IJII a M around 4 -or*, a-rary puod Open luti. CM 412-2224 BMt - teera. 441 man tat pa. DaubM anftca •Mr (71-iaM. SALI — Want a*ttl2iaia0aa.aauM loai is eatc- NIOHLANDB OUPLIK KITCMaNaTT — _ a. laWa and and MM ~ are oontenl*. S KMt/MM aimmi, 4324 SSJ? aao a at*. . M IM MS Cran* oao- IIM 4 SM Mk*. Llaa Ma. •**».'CM HOME RINTALB. Bkr MS-1SS4 P AMtLY ROOM HT — tola, re- nebl (21 fiM a (40 CKaal at _IO Rto Ma. nflM > STSsar t OUHH al . KiANaauRa CALORIC OAS STOVE - 1 eSe"rocker I1O KfTCMIN C»B»UTS — ueee. bfehaflbfal ^afaft *Mf*dUBl fdvabaral 4S1 a£«saMla.«majNPaMi M m (roomt.kMt.UiS •on) tin. TMM •or. 110. kv ewe onto. p*ao» ajre s 84 I roomt. rwat paid (340 -CMMUM; 410 CM PAN — Paddle Ei aoad **>• tea*. Mat* S I Ptoaa TartM*. Fri i/ii. teat oner CM tea-10* I Bet 1/22, 10-4 Wanted S'ooma appaanooa 4400 JUST RINTALI. Bkr 3*4-1444 CHIN CAawrra - aw top ALL LIONEL TRAINS CWMM tL CAIINOUW - Mom wnh oeurnar lop 4 afck KEANSSUKO — I .. vJSnJs MIDDLETOWN 4 tarn- Or Fry*. Top ceet _J t (i 60 Men: oand, MM CM 741-4101 SmtOtHATOPl — I OU It. Pro* no oc Met. good area MtS/m* * uH. OWuatoMdkernetlS. blue rural deubra manna I Ma aprma. Hy.oMMrana 4 teen, dorning. MM. CM 7S7-4SM after 4 - Cterry, aye otothea elM ia BatabS teya. dot rumnure. tunuiure. ALL ELECTRIC TRAINS PC 10 CANNON COWl — CM .. mad 1 year liiuitnnln item*, miec lat KIVPORT • IIIOI 747-1444. flJUX WOOD UMNO ajoOM — Lktrajl. Flyer, etc HloteMI /IS. raw data l/ll 4-3 No latllAT any pnoa 244-4074 3 rooma. oarpakM Mil Taota/3 laavM. • cxaka. 4»- "iM/oard CelllM MPPKWIWTOPi/r'RIIIIII - •My bM*. 442-712 BucMten I botroom*, oorpeterj 4440 LEAP BLOWS*) ALL AMIRtCAN PLVIK TRAINS JUST RENTALS. Bkr. MS-ISM Stranon. l*t ia ou. k, ma NT ._ — LlanM mm* Any oond I KIVPORT — Ml. 1 4 Room apt brand ant UnlMa main, impo. 00* niton oarpatuvmg. *»- Organ bench 44M Re- more CM IM MM. tea*. CM 747 oord prayer and record* ITS. At MtOOLITOWN — 14 Clondge 1400 uWIMtTn- Ml ho. M|HM EC M-M, lilnsrri. At ookjr* up «> ALL BARIIE OOLL ITEMS — eludM. NNaaasaa PM*.. t1 mo. eecurlty mi 727 n m n on* liM HUM HWPLACI LIAP VACUUM anwao- good oond CM 222-4410 «. Pn IN. 4(24.2* t-S km! MOUMtP. - to «M wttUVvSttf trVaV MOOtft, nv*lflt! Wenlad to buy tor my HIM girl. Can 2*4I-MJI tiinna a at day aat > OM or new Barbie Dot*. houM. UM; IT •inn iniiawn lalma- a (tor lap «tiala P»r tor »>» car. Me. Or waling M .LONOJ BRANCH o-t Cat SlIOSIO^ e¥M lory Main. douMa TITOWN — Aaaorted Mr Cabbage Patch doll 1 Mdroom. kM*. M. pd MM cabinet klMten MM »«« youra CM 2*1 MM I rroma MAin or Sftn* 2bedroome.yard.S4M. -4*10 N. p m. atiyame PXXtP COATrNO IPOCIAl. Oot. 11-22. I -I. 1ST T»rry»M-20»S JUST RINTALB. Bkr. MS-ISM _ aqutp, etc It uy 110 S*M gal M aft. fr DPI No Early Btrda Man. 11' a 19. 4140 Prim total >t* oata Wi 40000 . ANTIQUES — At kind*, bought LONOBRANCN U 1 < . new craota. (liotao OlOANTrC OARAOI lALII - tor lop caan Mary Jane Ho ma Compere I rM U20 pan em OOM. Fui pan, MIMIMM in AAJC 'oJ»»K OUTlIT. 170e Rt Conage. 4400 m p*Ml l^lHH! MOO Whi|* tfm iwMfc- 747-SSM. 2-2440 boMre a am or artar t van AnHouM. IMIaMMrrar M, UVINO BOOM - Cetamal. aw* Pajnvjan. 442-S1M Member Ap. HOME RfNTALS. Bkr 3M-1234 «. BBSS.'CM ana. « p.n>al CHAIRS -omoa type wrtharme end two wtna onatra. akja fl HM«r d. padded bMt 4 MM. FIREWOOD toman (ISO ttt-UM attar S MATAWAN — 1 bedrooMml 0*1 •IT _ 7 praoe a aoma iMriMMna. Fi* oard auaranlaad or you haap BEFORE YOU HAVI YOUR den apt.Avauaota Oct 14 CM tor both chen CM ma lead Bern get ripped en *«• uvlNO ROOM SIT — RMtnliaj BALI — CM Second Hand LI. S44-002S one* 4 oeuan. I end tabtaa. —. Ouaaty titaauil a— 22*4-0777 Attar I. 2W-M1S MIOOLITOWN CONOO - fMrrBTB, 2 mghl — DtMHO air — Colanlal labta 14 I. KaHy Plwuian. »72-aO kitchen at) aUBl avrrval OMIr*. noaa pauut o w nea. Shaoy OMI Brend new t CM alter 4 24M-7MS. HMHrgMet t pnoaa t t w n ptaaa an unn. 4200 AIM rue > uqoa ee« Per bbargama. Mop badrooma. 2 Mtha. POM. tennre. . ». S34 Can TM-0S72. omai aola. ton* aaal. • ana* ^MfMn|| MaaVWrteM* MaMl WHh LIVIMO MOM aO 8.1. at 24 Broad SI, Keypori dub houM. eecumy. 1 oooupenl PwlV ItJafJI ""#• aVM *• faWfl mual be 52 or over NO pott. ^T — i CHECK THIS OUT... llOjOll Won! AI#Ot BftvO) VPaW UWChlne okrb etla*. (ISO In- Hiuatoa .tuaTLM - MO attn OuyJonneon •*» tut mad mi eovamn iHB(32.* CM 3lar a. l-man mower deck. M teraa- Avail. Oct. 1 M74 + utlla Davt Oat more rMdtrt to cheek out tan*, IT 1 Buy4Buyl 442-4444 trier S 741 0*11 CM442.7*M*fai, »>•• your ad with a CHICK at tha top aa«y.«1-1l 741-T1ST Original OOM: (11.000 BIOHOOM SET - Draeear aWl tnd/er bottom of your copy CM PLUTI LIVtNnr—O ROOM - Couch. " bS.OeO S411344 Anttqu* rurnrrura. rawatry. a***r MOOEPINAPT. — NMrtranepor- rSSCTitd MMM. Pr. Provin- JkaDMj — lpa™an ObW *—a»Tf W9O9 OOfaaf tempo, dree**. lmm«llala caar, 442.4334 tenon Beat time to CM before aiaa rtmm 0*17(7-0277 77 Pataand ssyE?. OLD RUM8ON ITEMS Ooaaoondeond.. na 543-4012 UJOOoraVO. MualMa POU ami - i or. IM1-417M 4 MACItlNI - MONMOUTH BIACH OlQfWOfti orutcnaa(i2(O: 1 pr LIWM ROOM SIT - Couoh a Hoar. Table 4 metar/ljn. ow. UKC neoiiTiMo - am* wanted 1444(1*44 niaury 1 praoa bMroam eaL MunMMunMuum CanadiaCnadan CUM. 1300. Dark prno oorteo •rTrunnkig oand. (200 IM Tick Coin Hound puppMt TaM Live at the Shorel •aSapoai aw*. Mao nnM (is( . 1 quad d. MMaMMMlitnMM d labta. 2 end MMM Mid -IH aenra. 7t7 eau . 4 mawa. I12S at < CMfweniriga 442-41 it MKau* i bedroom eondo. 2nd maeMiw. (100 CALL M2-1H*. MbM.SSM.Ortl|igisr — SIM each. CM Id •VftS WOOOITOVI-Hua4 PIANO WANTED Newly ro- In good oond Cat 2*1- tram 11-12 noon only Any condition 443-4411 OtHNENWAM - toyelDauflor OfiaoM Ahar 430 call S30- S223 ot doeett Aaklng S4S0 at MM offer. |7i3eii7 32 LIVINO ROOM - Otnrng room. M 442-4014 WMher/dryar. AHeMoklo UMOt 244J14* eel. tor Tommy MI.OMI RIMIMHRri TH• * *•E• rPINK avail*. wjniu0P.IIiN ai 14**2 :HROMI I OLASa irAtHRt - | »—' •-"•»»•>Tita-aaMana; i Advanced And POM BALI — PenMte ana aaM 2 *NO.Biyi.._oiAaa moorinla g availabllable SMO/mo * BIOROOM BIT — 2 pe CM-. aM* a V •• high • IB' sees Mead a»m Itathing arro* end M- OINNIRWARI THAT WAI BO ava oruel. 2yr• raa told. au oond Muat dMrna en. 20 « 47. 1 MM end 4 Baglnnara POPULAR OURINO THE (VS I - [201[201)44) 442-0402 0 or BrO. lac eond CM j OrNtNQ ROOM laTT - S PCeMk-e. 1100:2 aaal reoMnf aora, tara. 1700. Can 717-7110 **- •an. 42*0 Ci 1 471-4M1 CManyama DOG TRAINING I. CM tltajltn 4-4 p m Cnerrywooa Titlt **» 2 rattac- i Menn teMet I— OCEAN TOWNIHIP 9*3-4372 4' LONO MORM - Btytere Oog Club, 74H044 JIT ALSO, NUD PtVwtlOW p^P*"4pa. ajPaFdTi BCTla^a™, *iT~ 4roomt.klde.SS70 •OW PLOW — 7Vj «. Myart. AKC RIOISTIRIO ITCHED STIMWAHI OLAaB JUST RENTAL! Bkr IH-i atoS I tract a Mntablt. Neade KITHCINWAM AND " Lad> a 1 tpild. 430 2 Soya X Oaohaund 4200tlrm Orealwim HID BANK - 3 roomt (1 MajL. SIS S 110. Qlrl a 20" SIS. [21 IS" auto ahull w/WM. 44 irnrnor repair I*tOd aound (ISO OOO"CM intnilC JUKI 4OUEUEH4 Aiao. CM 707-2104 anytme. LINOA 27O-M10 t>ej(JfOOtf*i), 111 ftOOf. PfrVflta) ejrfl* each {1| B7S a IS, ID 7M a IS. ll^,**JL ,K iranca. eat. raaaa, rail S42S * SIKSS - XT ooya or gtru. 24 (IIBOdaSlM,«*.i1)C70l 134 \*£ »-Jg^ AKCOCKIC 7R atBPAMIi inoteL . PUPwormeB —d TURN VOUR DIAMONDS INTO MM. I MM. CM aRer t or aaM- LtdStt Mko wHh 2 bMkMI OPA — MOO Colonial print (or guaranMM. Bound DOLLANS — Convert OM Jew- anda 747.M4O No Para !l*M.14i5*CM4SS<041** ^UDWtO DRUMS - Like Urn elry to Cain DON PONS JEW 747-4434. Mk torCharU e 00. PM dreattr. Itutan lop I mOIANK-l-bltrlen i OO*T*p4#^# ••!, OQUOeVl lOtT" tOffl iM. 1110. a' MdMg door •LIR8 all buy trom private RID I BOMBAY CHEST COLO*) TELIVWON aw buMkar auck tap. pao eeletee ANTIQUE {"J* •400 MCA 21*. (7» acMy na*. aiMM ar beabeatt eeMMr HIUND-Long CLOCK! RIPAIRI•AIREOD AND JIW__ - S7M9 par montn 741-4444 CM M>-7M2 Oat 741-2707 741-7047. laava nam* t numbenmber atunpuBpM*. AKC rtumrtrl ILRV MSrONEO 7M Khar Rd MD BANK OOO KINNIL - 14 a7 US' Mgh •OPA - aaue norai arm l>- •nOfa• - i vf***"*PHi•Tap- ^ —, _ twk —n- *-Dfoo• — — o-* PHie4*a^dji COLICO ViaMM - VMM aulMrnn M in ***. MO. V.W. MAONAVOX — Qua! Htyer P«k Hav*n. N J M2-SM7. SI Hel» Wanted noevy duty oh n oormrion 1 yr. Md, 4271 WANTIO — OM oriental ruga, reel earner, no. 440X4 **aer •aMreo. PM/AM redle. ooauAui m CM 747-2424 or me. MO/pMr; piaaK atndboa. araod MbMM. Ml. S7-34U FP.EE KITTEN! — rMMty I any w* or oondmen turUa tsilgn. 110 CM 741-7(44 'Ttw iman abenmnmi room yal PM tnem out than watch t I tOO-472 IM4 BOPA a CHAIR KOW Wart all a«Me than you join tha Register roa I i i - -fc -1 ailieila*. eUA -^ WANTID — Woootn duck or 2 bedroom*. utUMa dkah* WtTnlbn B"#4f*V IMKJ •• can glva m*rri • good home Thoy ntfwtptper delivery BOLICO - aama. - -' Ma Mem*. 4*4 4SM or •MM daaoy*. no JUST RINTALI. Bkr ™ CMS4J-tt42 and Mtookra taam. Wa are now ac- Turbo MMM . au**r 717-4J4S large or uo ama» "Caii 747-03*7 •OPAIIO - Put ma cgptlno. tppncilion. »*on_co - and 4-10am iMAION - Jangaaera. Tappan srussrarajrOpm 4 4-4 pm propme o*a rtnaa. 21 cu. ft 4 mo oM.BiianMiM r»EE TOOOODHOMI - Owarl TWINBROOK lor motor rout* drivers 2*4%* DMiaca - (w ni|ii»ae« Mr jraasar. eaTalt. *U-7442 Coot me eaa lit* Meek I ahrrt rabbll Brsan I FOUR — TrrM. 21S-7SR1S. whna CM 7414M1 w auime p<0 Need TLC VILLAGE • in tha northern Mon- W "COLOM - ConaolM RCA-bed. M0. Car Mat 110. Oar aM radiate on etlitkl, SIM MATIRNITV .. 7lRt " mouth County arse. ia. (IS. OWe M in. bkryola. (IS 1*-WPMraHiMr. Olllna to elecka •OPA HO - Put UM, brown GARDEN APTS. For Just 15-20 hours U aoad cabman. (22a «t>«a portable TV. (29 BcotcMa. SIS 1-*37S pletd be oond. 1124. nan pun KIT tENS I 4 2 badrooma Irem 44*0 Mod- hay laaa Can IMonmm Tv- •M. I OntCMoo 101 Apwtmania •rn tpaolout apertmenta Meal, par weak you can aarn cord oabkwLSiO. 71 r p.m ra- LIVING ROOM bOPA a 0HAM - HO CM CM4M-43I1 I. 21 S MDROOM - OARDIN hoi I COM weler Cook •43-000 le. B0 MM* M. Motor eyoU PPUHMTUM — LMng Ml Oar- Madrarrantan. (graen I MM momrMd. On-prtmlMl up to 1400 t- par •OPA — Down cueMon Dark FHII KITTINS - To e good APARTMENTS CINTRALLY STVS CONTINTa Of PAMH.V ROOM I. (IS. Snow Ira* or rnw *yjCl*Ofp*V aviiii ajrMi asovajai. •Mi I matontna lampa. Goo LOCATED CALL 2M-1M0. courta. pool, recreation area month. rttfaMe trans- • 2 coucnaa. end MJr*. lamp*, Plymouth rlrna/D-74Sl4. SM CM 7473042 afcr 4 pm brown corduroy CV rang, be to PMM* can 222-1411 N**r latontoan chopping laoal- portation a must. mocn mora. tac. varoa Can ' MO. 747 7331 •idaye aner 4 p m 4 all day — For ram.t paraon 2*1 MM MENS JACKETS — Mnl actioola Oelln Tap n uuprljni. TI MO COMBOLI — Wimiasit only Apply m poraor .Ren. t 4 M. Oalhurel mn — M. II Iba . WMe). (tsoo CM ktamar locket, ate 44. 440 imp eecurlty required 2M Tookt CONTIMPOOAHY _ 2 m . old. «2M. AHe rug, aMn kjarr length evade leehet. medium. M I irMt. Caramel main. t> Ave. Long Branch Mr. Sara MUCH * lov* aaai ftroam a Ian. - A warm immg. SIM m ahapa 1100 73*-M4S Looking tor UNION BEACH - 1 bedroom tMuWuicondrtlin I MM SIM CalIHl 717.J3IJ 2 LARQI ROOM! - PrMM en- 10 noa. aw. 11100. Cat FURNITURE — PM 4440 o IVi 542-4000 747-atar MbM/l MnchM. Plr - . 442-2MI ranoa At UM. Inel 4450 Avau room eel with dry alnk 4 Meti/i •O 1M1 - . Uttmd. 143-4437 mediately Can METAL PANEL! Patsx r a Tcsklbi farmaora.M B Fttll TO OOOOHOMI-Large. WANAMAISA an. tn ehakr*. Ittian Mai and tabtee 4 met* dog *mot. OM Ihote »VS SI HalpWanlad II HalpWanlad note Cotonlel pointed. 3' MM • 10* long Per or ben otter. OM 471.14M dkr 9 ROOM QAROEN APT - Prl 2 bedroom, aaa. S42S i trim 4 matching •none "hade etc 747-222* or IT. Needt room to run I veM entrmbe No pen. CM artaf JUST RENTALS. Skr 3M-1S44 471-1 ovaa I71-SM2. TOVE - IN. 24- apt alia WIST END oad eond. ITS or Met otter FRII TO OOOO HOME - 3 ROOM APARTMINT — AduW OA* 4TOVE - 1 bedroom, uWe pd Uoo CM 741-7047. laava name 4 etiaeev. mat only, avambla N*v I. 437S CM 4 room*, appuencea, 4429 fuT odI MK HIMI ot after s p m. 443-307S JUST RINTALS. Btl. 34* IBS •MM. MOO Pot paM. Hauaabrohen 4 cbtdlem WHEN I.M7I VWTlMtHO POOL — II » 32 F47-242O A-1 AUHDt IN TO WO BANK WSSTSND •71-2420 artar t i elated nut. Mar a pump tya- Kteniburg Cortege. 4340. kkM 2 Mdroomt. teel perd. 4424 MIBC - Car MM. im. earner 4 aoktrOMr Mu. FREE TO OOOO H0M1 - MK Keport CoMge. nrepleoe. SSM JUST RBNTALS. Bkr MS-ISM OOLP BALLa POR BALI - a*pfT*aytaje> 4W«t »•*•*<*•** e>*TOr ll.meat mala. II mo* OM. Ckl»eptif4340.peya Ml YOU'RE A 1/ai.M. All you warn Call vcl beat 0H*r. 2S147S3 artar I. Houae cal. larrrltc with tua Al- Many omeral Call u>t 102 Houaaetor 747-4334 VSffi, Capanan ar>'lm *• — *r round, eotd MOMI JSwTAL* bkr'^44.1244 Rant dJUVSV TRACTOR — WWI At- (SO CM2S1-I0M meple. lertBartyy AmertoaAmenoen wHwithn 4 4 SKR**" •otimtnte. >r grate outtar. MOVUMMUII HLU — Orrf captain* charra 4 2 MaVMat.SH, S12S4 OOLDIN RITRIVIRB — II mot * NOROOM HOUSE - (400 REGISTER roto-tter. enow bwttar. taal baa* priont piano. I7S CM eMr B Md AKC riaimreo S2M Eva ALL LANDLORDS 1 'a mo. aacurlly. n * aVp#O# fOO #. p gar AM) aaaara. CrtRtman 4 h.p m 747-S273. ranga472-1IM. Wa acreen 4 edvertlee tor you.2*1 9427 after 4 p m nt a beggar 4*4 beat cm. enrame I gkMa Mr E*4 cnn tenent* trailing, no ooal lo you A-1 AHROIIN TO RID BANK lyeamere arntailury ror. CoWMal oaltM 4 and IUM* HOUND GLASS TAILI — HANDSOME TB - 1* hand. Bay JUIT HINT All. Btr Ml-IMS CARRIER recllnar. lovral a rug *M CM 14 chrom* dlrectori ohelra Oltdlng. 13 yr*. young Shown Long Branch 4400. tun. pd OrVkNOPATHIHa CLOCK - M2-4M0 ISM CM 747 70M or 442-3*13 •oooeeatulry M rated MK ALL LOCAL ARIAS - 1. 2. Keypon. 4921 tlrtotece, moral 41000 OukM 4 l«ord*M*. Mutt _ j (torn* larger I Borne NigNendt. 4 room.. Moo MOVINQ4ALI - Enoyclopadll KAILIM - 4X1 uM, ir I (3*00 Call 747-3444 kMi. patt OK 4 com* Irae utu- Need help? CM ual Ilk* now. 4374 And. if Si7S 4 up CM tor inror YOU GET OMANOPATHffia CLOO »Mtbtok NJ'I only oompuMriled Agency matt M ia SIM. SS4-IMT. 1140. MOMI RENTAL* Bkr 3M-I234 —American tmalrt etya. parteu aaa 4 lMquaelq braeltr . Larg* paMurM Hl-4424 or if- Vou gat wound to aarolng that axlri monay •Ortimo oond .11200 CM Ml atnnn iiTitatt t ititndtttsrttndttt T'tmrit ATLANTIC HrOHLANOS - you want. Balng a RagWar earner maim M*> bratt aMda*. 44S Oatoo ALL LANDLORDS AROUND! Ml rwevy da- LOVINQ PAMILV - Bought tor * WI SCRIINI YOU 0H0OHI home, private wooded lot Large •Han cabtnat am r prliaa and incanHvaa too. Rtght now. wa'ra tap. 24 i3*~ mo OM hell-barman NEVER A COST TO YOUI family room with brick nrepleo*, near. laejai ••)•< tha Register carrier start today and gat MOO. Can 4M-M17 artar 4 UM. aoud ou lamp tabta. 121 •rap and Met*. 120 ~ CANteTBR. WWI POaerrnMt 4 ASBURV PARK - S rooma rOVejty eWninQ. oy aroundl HAVI — An untnttd Mm or 2I1-2M1 or 172-137* arm children over s yra o* age IIII.9O0 MI-SSM. - MI00UTOWN AMIng 440 Kldt. ualitM* paid 4400 2 aiOROOMB. LIVINO ROOM - ' an* to Ml* An ad mt CM artar S3O pm/7St-*227| JUST RINTALS. Bkr SSsT SM Dr.- laei Rd. area HOLMOtL RUM»ON AND "l»>"W»0a| MOVINQSALI - No charge tor doo-oaalra only a Kitchen 4 aun porah Fenced-ln Eatt Keansburg t_i FAIR HAVIHAVIN h0*W HtWVJ, QtVfjItfjn ItMtVi ff**Vgarel VINDtNO EOUrPMENT good homo.! ASBURV PARK yerd_NO PMa tell S43 0*34 3 rooma. uWNM pew. I2M f*Ort tafOfWHO**!**^ kattar. CM ft**** I— — S.^.17, Nealuaed MINIMUM POODLE - Plot 01 SILMAR Son* Can Pal al 2*4-1201 JUST KINTALS. Bkr MS-ISM LITTLE MLVM HIATUta — 2 aryarn-CMlnj, ol furniture, pool 4 me mar. BUM ma ~ 4 rooma. yard. 4340 OM 44.000 ITU atrtptlUhr. Illo S more rntoe, too much tomm - IIITICLI BUNOB — mat AKC CM 444-O44I ATLANTIC HIGHLAND* JUST RENTALS. Bkr M* 19S9 Bon Con 747-3244 eac oond. 11 MM. I fut length 4 rooma. MM paid S37I DIAL •a**. CM m S(M ''•af^ MOVINO CAN'T TAKE ALONG) JUST RENTALS. Bkr 344-1SSS HONDA CN400f - 1M1. 7.400 MOVINO — PanaaonM __. WW MB milltttlj or M tor Fraa to good homM 1 Sleek 4 Mdrooma. nidi. MOO IM I>c oond MOO CM Ktetar 20.000 BTIia. aMl IM. CM IfTeMB oltot 7 pm •pay female. 4 neutered m«M* ATLANTIC HIOHL AND* - 1 4 2 JUST RINTALS. Bar ll» I59» 7413*44 drier a pm. ICTHCH.A4 1*222 — WMI meAlt how** eat* TMo 1 or M. CM room garden apta Avon ' DIAL originaiil l art o) MM a OM r*p*r*p*rr « 241-I27S altar 8 30 1 (401* MM raepootrvely 4 badrooma. klda. (400 includM teat, hot waier Cloaa W) •on.M2-4OM. Aatlng MOO CM 472-1434721434 1 JUST RINTALS, Bkr MS-1MI IBM TYPEWRITERS Lovrrto 9m f*y*#PO'1aj1"aO* * m •t' RaNTAL 422-124 per mo I MOVINO _ Mull aM KBohen VtDSO CAMIP1A NCA - 007 tO ItrfJOppiI Balm*l btook I pMa CM 2SI-00M IAST KIANSBURO ' R*nt option 10 buy 747-1M1 *• arm MncMa * crmre. (aan cemere a rtorMr. flaw* Mntaa tea " I rooma yard. 4400 TlpT ""navian .of lop Maa rtaomr• fjfWnuoe ouarantaed CM 447-Mll 4 rooma. yard. (4(0 aac MSO/mo • aao Betore 4 JUST RENTALS. Bkr 3*4-141 em or after • pm 774 4S22 C" WALNUT DIMNa ROOM-BIT - YORKY AKC — Tiny female. targe credent* MM Wormed. MtoM Mam 4 AVON FAIR HAVEN OLD NEV»»PAP«M — Prom ~ all lad on premlPM. For appt I bedroom*, mat OK, 14*0 Wllh garage eppnanOM SSOSI M relrlg Ir Mttr S JUST RINTALI. Bkr MS-ISM 4OMI RINTALB. Bkr 344 1244 IM. '4 oord *, minnit SHORTor CASH? I. IBM. IBS CM 2*1-0332 CM 7474*44 or 222-O7OS MeadaoMCK (7S 442-2444 oxy-ACmriiNE WILD- lNO'CUTTINa OUTFIT - Conv aret* wrch lane*. 2 mo*. *M (275 AIM. 2 barrel oMk*. HAVE A U (71. • pe cludee oaak 4 Mngte aed. Aaalng ». On*: 224-4712 or eva-WATER HIATIR — IllllrlO, 10 alTMHM aM. capacity, uead only on* yr. PIANO- BALDWIN upright, «*» 1121. 74t.|»S1 tench. MOO. Cllluillai WAXIR — Kenmore. homo g Scrub I pottft cendrton. 1300 I72-OM1 PIANO8 N*». under I1O0O. UMd, under beg Men » Boetonien Foov *• tVOWfl MMfeoW aVnOflatr. WM& SO a nor*. PRIIHOtO MuatC CINTIM

g link. 2 year* OM. SITS: end oho*. Pranon TUSTrrtanrWO CO 2 metohlng lernpe, MOB I'OOrT*. IIS-, AtburyPark Opening PIANO — nuasin i SpMat. OM. oand, S47S. S Srtmeh SHQII O/S motor, tor atrd/rtmtt. MM fn S tin WHEELCHAIR — Like new. re- moveeble heed raet. leg euahtone S aupporte, Fordtna walker. Tonal euppon SIX M. alt eel ta PIANOS - Organ* OJu—ri, 741-1X71 fur B p.m. Drum. New I UUD. Name aeta. Latwty Organ WHITI PORMICA WALL UNIT — Free Oarage Sale Kite 443-1110 "^ When you place your ad In The Register Crauifled POOL T«ata - r. up-ngn Section, you can pick up your FJ£f oarage uk kit 14 cu IL rreeaar. hauit rviNOOW* — Kurd heel mi during regular business hours You II get 1 lign. 2 io evxr aimaat arrows, a helprul "HOW TO" sheet and an Invwtory PRIVATI HOuaa 8ALI - 747-724*. sheet that let* you keep track of what you Mil and rurn.. brto-*-br*c Coma In WINOOW9 how much money you make. (MdWonal kits are eond. 1 M 7f*- Maa a UW available for SO* each). high. S7S. 2 M SO* IBM • 40*V PROPiaaiONAL - CrtMlup MO ae Weather Insurant* 72 Qar«g»/Yard And The Register is giving yrw weather insurance too 2 SWIVEL CAPTAOfS CIIAtK H your tale I* rained out. wail1 run your ad again the POMPKItM -MJIUra valour. Asking 4120 Mr PM. CM Wlowing week FREE (But you most call and request •rary lat I Bun. M 741S4 a re-run). caaaH Perm. Hay.llitumi 24, C«" M So. II you've been thinking about having a garage Net* (aaSbMn Lakd a eenaMr A ascoNO sacoNO HAND ROM SAL! — Mia raMNM sale, do it now and let The Regrsttr help make your HAH.nO AOTI44 •ale | success 7.7«4. 17*0

Come in or call 13 Or tain Av, H OMna 4 mtcxen Rd. t/22-It S-7. F«m . 2 OOUOIIM End 4 corMa lamp*, nut naoke. a*M fwturM I is-IBV14-20'*j apapprop . SOS pot, I Haiti- 542-1700 The Register 2JM/OM*. an totorboyer bove 4 etrie ea> Your Ho i Newspaper Since 1876 ac.13aun.gOd. not troat HAZLST - Tuee. OM * 43O-4 rMMM hanhdd openini g TeT n MMQ Htm*. 4 RMiltM Wai Look C M-M»>. Mr Men* No e*rty Mrde. MONOAY. OCTOBER 8,1964 The Dally Rc»{ts*er B10 1)1 HotiMflorSa!* 140 RaalEstats m Track*ft M CwnrMrclal Wanted MW AutMhxuw in notMMtorrMrt Traitors J00 AutotlarMHj FAIK HAVEN - CUM < BeBrppm OllY BtAOH — J Bedroom. toaANK»—u —Iraamasau a H TOM 1071 CHSVY PANSUO ssa 10/15 etaivv MAuau - ism CM 747M71 TOWN — LaaUraj M Mr a aidruai. 1 Bast. 747.1114 after 1

SM OHBVT S-10 - AaM.

14' OHUMAN ALUMINUM — 11 CMSVT M4PAIA - 1174. L4>a HOME! POM MNT - Apply M MM. M* PoeM M,

door. air. pa/pa. fSSSSSSTSS OCONO OSLUXl CHALIT - 4 7 pm 741-M71. CHEVY VEQA 1076 110 WantaxJ to Plant rue INS SUN amo «a> Mauin. *a> Mat sar>» ONLY 39,000 Ml. LTOALStW $

New. 7 room. MOO. ready noa* HOME HIHTAU. Bkr Mw-lW *&**** apajapHS ,aas - Ca. «aavD. IMSauaar. laaMrsa M* 'M or MM tor year (isi p •MHiaMl. mail iinmrm. Kad Bank araa CH alMr 7 0 m. Ml aM Ma. MM MMf M-zna ar Ma-Tira. - ISM. naa-wp. s oyt. MOUTH WATON — 1174, 130 Opan Hou— a SSM ar • HI nmi ar LITTL1 SK.VBR MIDOLITOWN — CMrrNnt 1 Ml iminnl. a I[oar Sanaa Bedrooma wMl liiainant Vj IkomllMWiiatttl OPEN HOUSE FCmo ncK-ut* — 1M4, acre Sue 4 aohoow 1 HOW! FBWTAL1. Mr Ml- YOU'RE INVITED $7an/mo . ililii fount ra- CATAMARAN TaAHfN TTL1 SK.V1R — SaeuaM arl- ran: 4* MnanaMM M, DIM MaSKI- ISSf.anataujrMr WM home. STS/aaak. Caa ataa You maka prioa S4MT41 MIOOKTOWN -4 tldroam, t» 71 INTIRNATIOHAL LOADSTAR bath, tamay room. SHOO. 1700- 117tTilnJMBaTiJ » amm OHflYSLSPl N«W TORKJW 1171 1RAMALT0RB 4 aadra.m. 1H Ml Cat- and out st4aoV»M> io out 717-4411 MONMOUTH BIACH drlva. at now oanvaa. parM roomd. WrapMa ROOMS — oomaaa 4 marine 300 AutoatofMla CMRV1L1R COROOaA 117a - JUBT RINTALS. Bkr MSO/monti P. BROKERS 3 or B/O. OM 747 171-1M1 altar 4. HONDA I MONMOUTH BEACH — 4 am/m.. na« aw rr emus cwAPT CAVAUW — Mual aaa. moving Colonial let-in kHonan. MrMv SAAB 1174-IW. MSUS.VM loom. 1 oar geroge, gH ams naasa airarMul. M aaMr. CHRYSL1R COROOSA — 1171 85*747- man a HTM Naaa aa» Mat Can BaB. 741-177a rSaa boat, but muat aaa: S10SS. lioal* oaj 131 Houaaator 1B7S VW DASHOI — 4 OAKHUPJJT Fitter aaa boot 40 h p aM.laa.Cand. Mual apd Loadad law na. Nairy Maa BOO fnOtOt', wVttl* aTflHOa*. AM 1*1 10 rooms. Hide. MOO 08 Commarclal sF-aaaSaMrlpra. UM MM. M400 Caa 4M-4M1 JU»T RINTAIS. BW M» aaad innmnn. SUM or Baal Rantala 5*7 M4-M" AMC MATADOR 1S71- 2 dr. 1 4 tudroomt tiHft MOO 154 Racraatlonal JUST RlhrTALB, HrWliU JRANDJ4EW HONOAOV1C<17S-4 tfm\£m O«y a MM. IMOVrS ai' TrMvn. TPjutan - Mua um. Carl 741-I44a;da»a A 9TAR IS BORN.. hama, pmaM «oadad lot tataa RED (ANK — > bedroom aHaaaTaood oond. Mual aaa. cZJ?£2S2l C dlrpkm. Too AIR M AViH - 100 a» fl. In Caa III mi awa. - p/a. art. •r/Crryw/dMIMaMr, SUM. • tUBOOdaya-AM wrP^n. a. aa»«ja. M •771 > IIM Wal •r. reeoMpaMMaaacaraan 747.2704 a STAR al iha lop and/or todto* fr«0BjBt**>afjn O * faSI *|tV opnci apAca POP. MOT ATLANTKJ WOHLANDS iWaaaa i 17.SM. Ctl RUMSON — ajraneh. Can • AM PM "IN THEM THAR HILLS^ PORO CONDOR MOTOR exrlnoroom. COUOAR - 1171 Ml va room. • kNary yard. Near AM/FM I] 1 1 Bane, trot + uMe. nuMSON - CMmKna a good aand. MOO (49-1411 ornct-raai SPACm otftoI - oauna noa aatq N RM aim earn, a paw CHanaTwiiri HIIM. a-a. aat-M kaonan. dan 1 Ml Baaa- •OAHUN B-110 1S77 - AuaiT4 mani door 1 yr. aw a dr.. am/lm i ••••»!• newbraaaa, KAP. KADOY - For kMng Auio- M longmal owrwr M.000 ml. MM •q «.: aai ram aa or aan. maac Iranarrttaakjn Para. BJMBI • - -.'£«. CaT7S7-4M1. lahad ar UTUvmajriad CM aaA O"JOHT - a kadroame ant uuiiplBuii MOO Can 41-O4M. aa* Mr Irian 7174411 DATSUN MAXIMA 1M1 - JUiTlSBJfAl.T1illflM.iaM POP-UP TS ajoOKWOOO - AUTO aMMa 4 M» mualad all vary. aMapa a. Maira, Una. CIRCLE CHEVROLET bedroom book norm. wry law MM apa. BMOT •» k>a«o«. naaav. aanaay. "' « uWi aoo. required. aan. Mat amr. caii Lot OATBUW1S74 110 WAOON — 4 4 dr. 1710 or beat otter Can WUTCND a Pul Bra. PUMWa arork OVOTA COMMA 1170 - 11. " wraflwl • BawwV- r lea^Iw'aa a room. yard. MM. CALL CO LENNON STARCRAPT POP-UP CAMPtPJ DATSUN B110 —1S71. Oaad an aaa. Aarflra) JUST HiwTAii. our. aoa-iaM 1 74I-11M lOa^F#V Qa • ^OOljV f^BJjfa/Br OoodModMrananar . WUTINO viaTIMNT. i Miiaiini Ermaa BMW 1174 - aakjo. maraa} BaaloiKr atadtooma. MataMd.l4M USM t ma Mnanl paya Ma aMaM - SAtS «V OVWHH - M imillll 741-«4Mararapm VKMaa or Illimlrlli 1* TAO-ALONO - Saaj pamor. U7M Cat aq. ft in SM Mart of ma naaoa -w »iiiM«iii 103 Rentals to Sink Rernaeraaiii Toe. BMW ISM MOt — Ma. am/mi CONOO ON OCEAN - To StM. 111 MSI, avaa: 111 MI4 private Deeoh. au MM. 1 Mr TOYOTA MINI MOTOR HOME DATSUN 100 SM - ISM. Mai i t p»o. ha SrKM Iry MMlnp. 9 towt'oown,I H s 1171 - MMI PPM. JO mpg Maty aia.HMl Ranoh an 1'* 4. only 11.100 ml.. 4 naw OYOTA -ilTS-LaraenAaTi 747-M12 prrMM heel 4 A/C. OM dran. WMk M HaaFataMMTcaSSaSJSr am-a pm. OVOTA BUM MOTOR TRAVII. OUCIN CAMPER — - MaM oand. M MtOOLETOwN — 4. only S1.1M ml.. 4 auraa avanaWa In Dm- _• 4. only S1.1M ml.. 4 fw. non-amoklno,, liea«ae»ual mdaM.erua»apram -CnaapC x k> ehere MUM. taM/mo.. m i J roema M SOM a*.«.; aa •rand tww lovthr » •••tfarn BUICK RIOAL 1S7S — V-a uep-aiBaaW caB4*joiio. . aao-aaoi. '•aTBjfl (PP. naW"*^a*PapB" ••*•••• », aaaajf aa.000 ml., plaan In A put, rum M1-ai4S. WOMAN WITH a BOYS-aaos arnortad t nan orvarta parkMg TaSpor laMynaaaa MriHIa. APtlns USM. 717-7111 »/C. am/rm aaraa iniki sa- arajrSp.1S . or miklnWW rpr 4 pManurn. 17.000 ml. 1 yaai

Can pay H71 maalnwm COLTS NSOK and IMf nine. Irani 111 000 M'I'MM aaar • p m aenamna M1-O4H. THE IMPOSSIBLE AaMTM SMIOO. CM HI »*»>. DREAM BUrCK 1171 L1BASR1 — 4 door. A BausHwy wooded 1 DATSUN 1M0 - llaahtali, lor Mm. 10 oloaeM Mr her 4 row Wl BUY US1O CARS - Top Voov low Ma linn «i MliUMIuan.Yaur PMM ar dun. BlOraam, 1 Ban ranoh. Th Wd l 7 um OMv 141 W. ProM St.. Rad BUCK SKYLARK LANDAU — MAKE IT YOURSELF Mt-m WMMn. panarad dan. dkv -«TI7. 1S7S. P/S P/a, AC. raar ap»Bi apt, AM/PM Radio MM DATSUN 1STS - AM/PM 2B0 Auto Inauranc* T41-41M alar s am. BUCK - Century Wagon 1171 MUM aM. moXng S17M. L OWNER 431-14M Vary good coral. AuM. Irana awwaraT»1-4».1. DATSUN B-J101177 - 1 dr.. 4 M1RCURY COMET 1171-4 30" Playmate! MLowAalMOown 71. 44.000 aaaan Aua. PS. Na. brak YoudomtavoMiaannoariouaa rutwn. M Mr pood tohooM anand araal k> Ooed oand. Cal MH417 oaaorii .Y You max aaa A HM YEAR NOUNO RANCM-1TYL1 600 COUNTRY HOMI — In N.V. DATSUN lanx 1BB1- a apaad. Badrooma. a oama, •» SMM. I Badrooma. Living roam. PHOENIX BROKERAQE wry *» lei rka dan. mialaoi IrlsM Pamaua Mr Ma aaM aua 4 cycle daoor. Naay SaapniaM. •Mar. CmMa oonfcol Raar a»> child •hoaOlhn meurenoa. now open on route M Msaer. valour mi AM/PM him Bjjrtsq..« loal 1141.M6. Can no. I MIlHllllBail (No. ot MoOonakM) OATUBM 710 1170 — 4 oyl. •but U' Md aan I claw 132 Condos* ckwn coatun; op. lurrM VAN HORN Townhouaaa arsa-a-as VOLVO WAOON IB70 — Pair tunic, ttpon PMtni 600; CA0H.1AC ELDORADO 1171 - liltut ptlHir. pace), dmctisn 111 A BADM OP DBJTINOTION DATSUN MOZ - 1177, »4.000 eenaMpn. SSOB er Baal orMr. CM (ao. oond. 44.000 mt. Pnoad « mi a aiaad. 4 new area. AM/PM fir clmn ad coatwiw incl GLORIA MLBON 270 Auto Sarvlcaa 14.14.272 » It », Reanora 747-40M; amr S. 141-1171. Hwy. M. SltiaaiBury. S41-SDM 1171 DOOOt VAN - For parM. CADILLAC Coupe Pa Vale 1B7» HAZL1T - Lovary 4 Mdrpem IMS IDI r«l\ pilllin Add MM 1 Palmer ma acMkiaquMaulyal — torperta 7S7.MW MONTI CARLO iMt - Put OLVO PARTB BALI - No. 301 «jch pjlte.n for DODOS CARAVAN IBM— lae. loaded, Map. Mr. mo hjulini Saw at •aVIMal earaat.~l'MI Baaiai ALUMINUM DtSH MAOS - On adCmay TStVO. CiNTURY 11 COZENS. Raa MONTI CARLO 1171 - ) 2 dr.. auto. • 13 Rlvar Rd . Pair Havan AWtaON MUANT - 111)) 14- LAURA WHEELER S ar S pm. Daya 741-7SM immi 110 aa. OsMun SM I X5OO1 FlAMOMArVMR 1«71 _ wnar M an akoapaonal Eva M0-S1M a araa. 1MX14 4/BM. VOLVO 1170 — 14M. Dipt. 61 W0 MO 3B4-MM CAMBH0 1S7a - p/a, p/B, am/lm MOLMOU. SILL - Fo. parM. 1174 Pard p, p, p E DW ARO W. OOLUNS p meg .MaMMM A. Aekjng lHOoTrm. VS. c-* 5. 7S PI The Daily Riflstir omyi Cal tM-Mio or nMwrlck, iipni MMua . 4 door.C Can CM altar 4 71S-1SS0 MB toramne Brae. S4M0 AOENCV 141-4144 B44-M10 or M1-O141 AaiLfTY-OiaiNOABItlTY LAKE WORTH FLORIDA SNOW TIR11 — a Suparguard. •Mill. OWCMMiSta.. Hn JMOMISPORSALS I-7S-14 Alao 1 Fuedhandler »•». HI 1011J Pint I aTi.OOOIor Iia. PtWia rurnMMiaa a»aryWng iMunMd S taliniu. 178 parCAMADO 1171 CHEVROLET — MORI 10* 84< NfW 1911 to TV, al our uaao 1 aaaaon onry can S cyl. SOS. auto.. PS/PS, am/lm NEEDtlCMnUIUOC-naiWO BM!MO, Mai d«i|ns ItMiitl cnltv J l.r» pil ] FAMILY SHELL Caa lor Mo aaaiBM Don't Sattla For lnm [Minim muk ClIHoiK 00 LOTMX1M MrOOLrrOWN - SHADY OAKS CaHTaT-OMlunMlpm. CAMARO _ 1174 Aeking aTOS W-H-O-L-E-S-A-L-E •UCIHTHOU UMarta VILLA IM uMt PuMlIld k> M. Prtoa ataw Ma MbMr-MlK PMMn. 1 SBatOim. 2 Baa your oar. mjok or van IM •1ia.M0. IVM HD-0171. MBB.11 me./iajM M. Mia fa pWaji w4 katdhm KINQ8LEY AUTO 8ALES UVOtti t CMkei Oa P.p. Shadow Laka Vlllaga 2W Motofcyclaa CHRYSLIR-PLVMOUTH, HKMMQVP. HONDA IM0 1TR1ET BIKE RETIREM1NT CHIVY MONZA 1STS — Oreat rla»rj.««| NATIONWIDE AUTO BROKER 1S7S VW auO ROADOTER - li24Mr) Oriakujb 4 oyl.. 5-epeao. Many naw CROWELL AGENCY BeS olterCeii 7a7Jj>M »eny new pane. 741-4030 OLOB 1171 -Ciaw. ouiTfR 1S71 - Rad. S HONDA CM400 1 1M1 — 7.400 ml 3MS 14a00*°CaV Fashion Express! LITTLE SILVER - S room, cue- CHIVETTI - 1B71 vwOASxtRisn-tar torn pun pnek a Udlau AM/PM aareo PIAT 1S7S — 12S 4 «r. 134 Farm Proporty 17.000 maea. apod area, naw a- Printed Pattern HONDA nuat MOO ae Vca 7174M7 PERMY-S • 1 VOLUME CHIVY MONTI OAHLO1171 - PIAT 1B7S - IM I dr. laden. HONDA DEALER alm. Woke aaad, ram IN HI 1. Freely MM or BaatoSiV CM Jnoi ._ IIIIII1 HONDA — BM. motorcyda laMnMai. MI-IIOS. PIAT 8TRAOA 1M0 — 4 oyl.. t LITTLE SILVER 10.000 CHIVY MONTI CARLO — 1S74. 13S Commarclal 400. 7 TUTOR RUM at 1700 or Bail oner. Propwty KAWASAKI 1—t UAOWOT LTD vaaaa. naada — boaaant Moaaon CHIVY MAUaU 1S70 - MT, arara But Baa Mna erara a Ira- 1000 m nn or. V-t. A/C. auto. Irana.. PS/PS. MaTatpfp«k IVDBI Inrtno * OwlifM Boa Mtft/MBIUMI 4 rootm apart- roomV aunraom. 4 tadroonw. I maw. Many MMuraa. 74 Bathe. ruN aaamani III car 1S7B KAWASAKI SM — 1.000 mi apod oand. pkie aktna. PiAT MODCL IM — 1170 4 111 laal RKror raid. CM CtajTvMMJmT CAPBJd 1170- Doer. 7S.000 mi HUM aw/aa/AC. waa- J aao-oiii or isoai an ma. SUZUKI - 1SS0. SHVLPD. aaad Can ovae. 747-J5M. FOR R1NT — ISMoand. ».ooo. oarage kept. Mac MM. Ml Paver Rd.. PMr panXMOT-SAASOPWALL CHIVY MALIBU WAOON — maaaaa. blue, wry pool S1400 or BaM orlar H 137 Lot* and TRrUMPM 1171 IM — Mull Lore ot naw parMp . taoo ar beat ^^^r^^^^^^^^— wVaTafr feTTSajT wllraipVI "TiwwTwlMi v 4W — Thta oonam- imtaNng mohoa. M ol oh orrer. WM Baaa Mr pk* up. Caa - Me. 4 daar. ti JHB m BaM aBar. Oaf aRar pOrSry OOtOs^aTJI fafJP fj a Acraaga 4n«ajMML Make oner •no room wMl «-w>» ttraptaM tv>d aMIrvg glM tfoonMdloQ to TTIMTIOW rHyaiTORy S - 111 CHIVY MALrBU CLASSIC — • fMofc ovf JoOatrnfl tov^ prop- O*1 •ajjaaaT/ hlQi^rTaaaTir, PajaTl »**• 1177 Am/kn aarao. ewKel PLYMOUTH VOLARai 1t77 - yw SLfPat aTraTaV fjajawf> fJpailS al; ony M. i mi ~bjr BuoBBM, 1 new area, vary ote PUCH NEWPORT »-1BU. Ek- aitSOor Baal Oder 171-BH7 wVJBMD 1S7S •• Rune eroaL 117S CHIVY - 4 dr. A-1 eon- now Braal nraaara. Ml lav UBjfaV ISM. ------J-- «-.|_, 9mm vrtm- MOAitMnrUlfl MIOOLETOWN CHIVY IMPALA — 1B7B 4 Door WCC RANCH M1.SM RID P1UOSOT IBM — Low PORO MAVSMCK 1171 - 1 Bat on 7S a M0 Mt «w> 7 M.000 mL AM/PM radio. Front deer, s oyl.. aua.. alryary da- neada work. MooM . CM PLYMOUTH ouaraaj 1174

Lovely araa. 1 Badtooma. a VIBPA MOPID - Adult drMan, PLYMOUTH CUSTOM PUMV 13« Mobil* Homes CHIVY V1OA - 1174. 1 y 117S — 77.000 Ml. R Dr. Good running oonaPJon. •7SO or ban oner, den 211-11 Tel * Young UiMd Oanar haa Oiunajl araa tot CHIVY NOVA 1MB — p/a. p/b. PLYMOUTH CONOORO - INI, radio Oood kaiiHiaiMain. MM t dr aa. wajan. read Can BATONTOWN — 10 » 50. Laraa CHIVY S10 SPORT — AuM. 4or baa oner CM Buns area. BuMBM Mr 1 ar a s B 1 a oyl. PI/MB. HJJM na. Puah and 1 CHIVY MONZA 1171 — 4 PORO PUTURA — 1S7B, S oyL.PLYMOUTH SCAMP 1B74. papMBHAILIT. 11BJX0TOWIWIrl. CPM —MJ-7SM M a 11. KaanaaiMMMiBaali Pl/PB. aye. AM/PM. BMtaa Caa erar aw pm IT»-»U radM. 41.000 IM. Aeuns SSTOO. MWOLITOWN - 1 bedroom MOBM.1 HOMI — Muat M PORO IM1 Fl JO XLT — Auto. 1 CHIVY MONTI CARLO 1B7S — PORO VAN 1B7B — Ml V-S p/a. p/b. am/tm mi la. p/a. p/b. running aaM. SS llaaa ana awn. AaaAaamQMm O ar Aekmo 14000. tan JeP. MS-arTS avo. Caa 400-1044. or Mf-MM.