GULF CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Human Rights In the Gulf Region and Neighbouring Countries in the Face of Lockdowns and more Layers of Restrictions GULF CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (GCHR) | 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | March 2021 GULF CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Human Rights In the Gulf Region and Neighbouring Countries in the Face of Lockdowns and more Layers of Restrictions GULF CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (GCHR) 2020 ANNUAL REPORT March 2021 ABOUT GCHR MISSION !e Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) is an independent, non-pro"t non-governmental organisation (NGO) that provides support and protection to human rights defenders (HRDs) in order to promote human rights, including but not limited to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. WHERE WE WORK GCHR is based in Lebanon and documents the environment for HRDs in the Gulf region and neighbouring countries, speci"cally Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. GCHR was founded in 2011. Gulf Centre for Human Rights VISION Email:
[email protected] To have vibrant civic spaces in the Gulf region and neighbouring countries / GC4HR in which human rights are fully respected and HRDs, including journalists, /GulfCentre4HR bloggers and Internet activists, can work free from oppression and fear. WWW.GC4HR.ORG DONORS GCHR is funded by Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Global Fund for Women, the European Union, UNESCO and International Media Support, among other donors. We do not accept funds from any governments in the countries in which we work. !anks to donor partners for their support for this Annual Report.