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This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: JFK AsSassination System Date: 5/1/2015 Identification Fonn Agency lnfonnation Released under the John . Kennedy AGENCY : FBI ~ssassination Records RECORD NUMBER : 124-90087-10146 ollection Act of 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note) . RECORD SERIES: HQ rase#:NW 45985 Date: 1-20-2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 87-126535-73 i Document lnfonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM : CG TO: HQ TITLE : DATE : 05/12/1975 PAGES: 400 SUBJECTS : IRWIN SIDNEY WEINER IRWIN S. WEINER DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : 4; 10(a)2 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE COMMENTS : RPT v9.1 NW 45985 Docld:32329763 Page 1 ')~--. · ·CG 87-40262 INFORMANTS Extreme caution should be us_ed in the use of 'information furnished by the following sources. In most cases the information furnished by each of the following sources can·be easily traced back to the respective informant. -· CG 9561-PC advised on 7/30/74, that a good friend of his recently was at a conference where the Teamster Union Pension Fund defense attorneys were gathered. The place was at TOM O'SHANTER's and the conference was called mainly to determine what should be done about Judge BAUER. The attorneys claimed BAUER has given them nothing but a hard time. Obviously, they have not been able to reach him in any way. It was decided at this conference that if they can postpone this case long enough BAUER will be promoted to the United States Court of Appeals and they would get another judge. It was stated the prospects look good for such a promotion. Informant stated their strategy for getting continuances is to use "JENNER". They can always claim JENNER is tied up on important matters in Washington. It is also well known JENNER will not be involved in this case when it does come up for trial. - H- . COVER PAGE NW 45985 Docld:32329763 Page 2 .·. CG 87-40262 CG 9561-PC advised on 8/2/74, that \ he--was vacationiriff hear Rheinlander, Wisconsin:- wfth. -JfMJ.iY·----------- DI ANTONIO. While driving in this area, they were ''spotted" by two other persons in another vehicle, namely; IRV WEINER and ALLAN DORFMAN. The occupants of the other approached the informant and asked " What he. was doing in the North Country". Whereupon the informant told WEINER he was on a vacation trip. Inf'ortnant stated he was then invited to accompany DORF•1AN and WEINER to a luxurious _.lodge near Eagle River 11 called "Jack 0 Lantern • This lodge coversseveral hundred acres of land including a lake. Apparently J it is owned by the Teamster Union of Chicago and is used by Teamster Officials as a summer retreat. This lodge also has a landing strip and inforlllA.nt stated he was told it is only a 38 minute flight on a Teamster Jet from Meigs Field in Chicago to this resort. · · Informant stated he then accompanied \<JEINER and DORFMAN to the Jack 0 Lantern Lodge. There he met RAY SMI:TH who represents one of the defendants in the Teamster Union Pension Fund Case. Also, he met several attorneys from "JENNER's'' office. These individuals invited him to attend discussions and he was told the purpose of' the meeting in the north country was to . study the strategy to be used in the upcoming Pension Fund Case. The informant stated all during the session at the Jack 0 Lantern,-· V.JEINER appeared very nruch concerned, but the only concern that DORFMAN . showed was for his mother, _ROSE, who went off on a drunk after her son got into . his · recent trouble~ Iriformant stated she h~~ done this before and used to do it when her husband was alive • ..., I - COVER PAGE ----------------------~~ ---· NW 45985 Docld:32329763 Page 3 rr . r. C'G 81:..40262 Informant stated from hearing the conversati.on fn this lodge, .it was apparenttheyrecognize their b!.ggest trouble is United States District Court {USDC) Judge BAUER. Apparently . they have made no headway in "reaching" hl:-:1 and he has turnecl down numerous . petitions HS proposed by the defendants • · · They also discussed the .posaiblity of using JENNER .and his problems as a motion for .asking for numerous continuances to prevent the case from up beforn BAUER. ·· They also stated that BAUER is novr linedup HS successor to the recently resigned Judge .OTTO KERNER. ' . ' . Informant stated that they have now lined up a witnesses _to discredit the· testimony ot ·HAROLD ~URIE • . His name was given es i-1AURIE GRAY who had prior bus.iness d ealings w1 th HAROLD LURIE and now claims LUJUE took him for$100,000.00. · From the discussion heard at this resort, :informant · stated the de'tendants all realize that the.v have a ''problem" and that their problem is further aggravated because of the position of Judge BAUER, and getting this cas·~ taken away from BAUER is going to be their main obje·~tive. Informant stated they discussed the prosecuting attorney, MATT LYDON and were not too concerned with LYDON. The general trend of conversation was that they were not too concerned with the United States Atto~ey's (USA) Office as a whole. Informant stated the only interpretation he could make or comments along this line was that they were confident they had the best Republican attorney in the country {JENNER) and felt certain ~rsJffiER's credentials would have some effect on .the USA, THOMPSON . and his assistants. · - J -. COVER PAGE ·. NW 45985 Docld:32329763 Page 4 . .·"""') l ~· CG 87-40262 (The following information is being set forth for the benefit of the Agents to whom the cases are as.signed. It is obvious from the contents that this info'rmation cannot be used in the details of any report.) The informant on August 2, 1974, advised he had just recently got in touch with GUS ALEX. ALEX made reference immediately,_to the surprise of informant, that he wa~' aware informant · had just returned from no.rthem where he had attended n meeting with all the defendants and attorneys involved in the Teamster Union Pension Fw1d Case. Informant said he did riot ask. ALEX ho:w he ca1ne upon this information but was aware ot the way the"Chicago Outfit" works and their close association with the Teamster Union Ofticails and the defendants. ALEX freely discussed the ''WEASEL" (IRWIN WE..'INER) and the now dece.ased PHTL . ALDERISIO. He also discussed the job. of ART NASSAR who recently became involved in the teamster case. Cone erning the "WEASEL" . ALEX stated he never had any use for this individual and several years ago when PHIL attempted to introduce bim to the "WEASEL" he walked away from both ·or them. Informant stated ~hat from the sound of GUS ALEX's conversation, he got the impression that he held nothing but contempt for both IR'If!IN WEINER and PHIL ALDERISIO, who they referred to consistently as the "Mad dog". At one point in the conversation, ALEX stated that "they'' did not blame HAROLD LURIE · for doing what has apparently been done already and that is testify against his old pals. ALEX stated that ALDERISIO and "lEINER treated LURIE like a 11 dog" and like anyone else, LURIE now has a chance to get evE·n with the ''WEASEL" • . Also durtilg the conversation concernine the "WEASEL", ALEx· made a significant remark. He stated, "I wouldn't be surprised what aide the 'WEASEL' i~ on." InforiTlllnt stated when "Outfit people" stHrt to think along these lines, and they have other important · people involved in the same case, there is . n good <~hance 11 that \OONER may become a "real loser. · - K - COVER PAGE .... --- _ .. ______ ----- - - --- ------ -- ---- --- - - - ---·- - -- --- NW 45985 Docld:32329763 Page 5 ... () CG 87-40262 WEINER appeared extremely worried about the up coming case and is·very much concerned o.bout his chances of going to jail. Informant recalled the conversation with WEINER some months ago where HEINER madA the statement to the effect . that under no conditions was he going to be jailed or serve any · time in pt•ison, L COVER PAGE NW 45985 Docld:32J29763 Page 6 Q 0 CG 87-40262 0 0 .........-. ......... ~.. ·-. -·- -t~~t:~~~~~-x;~~:;:~d ~eih~P e~:~f t ~n sg~;te~JHR~974 1 the Bensenville businessman who was planning to testify against SPILOTRO in the DORFHAN case, However, TE was not certain SPILOTRO had actually pulled the trigger and TE had not seen SPILOTRO in town in the past few days. TE · . .~ saw SPILOTRO approximately three weeks ago when SPILOTRO wa·s in town visiting MIKE SPILOTRO his brother and HATT RAIMDr~DE. On October 4 1974 TE advised that DOH SIEFERT dined with TONY SPILOTRO about six months ago in a French Restaurant on the northside of Chicago. On October 4, 1974, TE advised that he had heard TOllY SPILOTRO is now the person who decides the how and when of any major outfit hit • . After the decision to hit an individual is made TONY . SPILOTRO . has made statements over the past few months that he will eventually be number one D1 the outfit and that he will use any means possible to obtain that goal.