Title Sub-title Author Author Author Publisher Edition A History of British R L G Irving B T Batsford 1955 A History of Mountaineering in the Alps Claire Eliane Engel George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1950 A history of Himalayan exploration and Abode of Snow mountaineering Kenneth Mason Rupert Hart-Davis 1955 A history of Himalayan exploration and Abode of Snow mountaineering Kenneth Mason Rupert Hart-Davis 1955 A history of Himalayan exploration and Abode of Snow mountaineering Kenneth Mason E P Dutton & Co Inc 1955

The autobiography of Everest Adventure Eye film-man Tom Stobart Tom Stobart Odhams Press Ltd 1958 Animals Protection Amendment Act 1910 and Part II Fisheries Act 1908 booklet Government 1913 Annapurna II 1 of 3 copies R H Grant William Kimber 1961 Annapurna II 2 of 3 copies R H Grant William Kimber 1961 Annapurna II 3 of 3 copies R H Grant William Kimber 1961 Camp Six F S Smythe Adam & Charles Black 1956 An account of the NZAC Himalayan Expeditin to the East of Everest Barun Valley in 1954 George Lowe Hodder & Stoughton 1956 Everest 1933 Hugh Ruttledge Hodder & Stoughton 1938 Everest South West Face Chris Bonnington Hodder & Stoughton 1973 Everest: The Challenge Francis Younghusband Thomas Nelson and Sons 1936 Everest: The West Ridge Thomas Hornbein National Geographic 1963 Voyage and Exploration of the Fram 1893-96 and the 15th Farthest North (Volume II) months' sledge Expedition Fridtjof Nansen MacMillen's Colonial Library 1897 Fawcett on Roack Ron Fawcett John Beatty Unwin Hyman 1987 The Houston First Over Everest Expedition 1933 PFM Fellowes LV Stewart Blackler P T Etherton Cherry Tree 1933 The Houston Mount Everest First Over Everest Expedition PFM Fellowes LV Stewart Blackler P T Etherton John Lane The Bodley Head 1935 Harry Ayres: Mountain Guide Michael Mahoney Whitcoulls 1982

Hero of Everest Tenzing A biography of Ed Douglas National Geographic 2003 High Adventure Edmund Hillary Hodder & Stoughton 1955 Ranulph Twisleton- Ice Fall in Norway Wykeham-Fiennes Hodder & Stoughton 1972 Adventure and Survival in the I've Lived Another Year NZ Outdoors Jack Ede Jack Ede Publishing 2004 told to: James Ramsey Man of Everest The Autobiography of Tenzing Ullman The Reprint Society London 1956 told to: James Ramsey Man of Everest The Autobiography of Tenzing Ullman George G Harrap & Co Ltd 1955 The Southern Alps of New Mantle of the Skies Zealand Philip Temple Whitcombe & Tombs 1971? Mick Bowie: The Hermitage Years Nan Bowie AH & AW Reed 1969 Jim Strang, Geoff Wayatt, John Mountain Recreation Bruce Jenkinson Wilson 1976 My Favourite Mountaineering Stories Edited by John Hunt Lutterworth Press 1978 Nanga Parbat Karl M Herrligkoffer Elek Books 1954 translated by:Fritz Nanga Parbat Adventure HEG Tyndale Bechtold John Murray 1938 Peaks and Pioneers The story of mountaineering Francis Keenlyside Paul Elek Ltd 1975 Salween Ronald Kaulback Hodder & Stoughton 1938 Sport & Face Climbing How to rock climbing series John Long Chockstone Press 1994 Cobb/Horwood Pulications - The Alpine World of Mount Cook National Park Lands and Survey Dept 1983-4? Yoshikazu Shirakawa - The Alps images Max A Wyss - text Thames and Hudson 1973 The Ascent of Yerupaja John Sack Herbert Jenkins 1954 The Book of Modern Mountaineering Edited by Malcolm Milne Arthur Barker Ltd 1968 Edited by Cameron The Book of the Climbing Year McNeish Patrick Stephens 1988 translated by: The Conquest of Fitzroy M A Azema Katharine Chorley & Nea Morin Andre Deutsch 1957 The Epic of Mount Everest Francis Younghusband Edward Arnold & Co 1926

The Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition 1951 Hodder & Stoughton 1952 The Mountains of Canada Randy Morse Hurtig Publishers 1978 Vol. 524 April 1935 (includes 'The Tragedy of Nanga The Quarterly Review Parbat' and other news of the period) John Murray 1935

Voyage Through the Antarctic Richard Adams Ronald Lockley Allen Lane 1982 Watkins' Last Expedition F Spencer Chapman Chatto & Windus 1934 reprinted from The Alpine Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co Western Canada in 1933 Journal May 1934 booklet Ltd 1934 Where Four Worlds Meet Hindu Kush 1959 Fosco Maraini Hamish Hamilton 1964