Environmental Scoping Assessment Report (ESAR) for the Proposed Rezoning of Portions and Remainders of Town and Townland No. 881 from 'Undetermined' to 'Business' into an Erven of Ongwediva Extension 13,

Proponent: Stantoll Propoerties CC

Prepared by: Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC

Authors: Fredrika N. Shagama and Martha L. Hangula

December 2019 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders

Executive Summary

Stantoll Properties cc (The Proponent) intends to formalize and rezone some portions, Erven and reminders from ‘Residential’ and 'Undetermined' to Business' with a Bulk of 2.0 and Incorporation of Portions X, Y and Z of Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 as Erven into the Ongwediva Township.

The portions and remainders of land to be rezoned are; Portions F/5776, Portion G/5785, Portion K/5789, Portion X, Portion Y, Portion Z, Remainder 5775, Remainder 5786 and Remainder 5788.

The proposed rezoning sites (portions and remainders) are located in Ongwediva's Extension 13, behind the existing Oshana Mall in Ongwediva, Oshana Region. The combined surface area covered by the rezoning sites is approximately 142 962 m2 (14. 2962 ha).

Public Consultation

Communications with the I&APs: First Round

As per Regulation 21 to 24 of the EIA Regulations on Public Consultations, the following activities were undertaken for this EA in order to satisfy the requirements of the Regulations:

 A pre-identified list of I&APs was developed and updated throughout the EA study;

 A Background Information Document (BID) containing brief information on the proposed activity was compiled;

 Project Environmental Assessment notices were placed in The Namibian and New Era newspapers dated 05 September and 12 September 2019, briefly explaining the activity and inviting members of the public to register as I&APs and submit comments. The adverts also contained the information on the scheduled public meeting. The first comments period lasted for 33 days, i.e. from 06 September 2019 to 08 October 2019;

 Additionally, information sharing/EA notification letters and meeting invitations were compiled in Oshiwambo language and hand delivered with BID copies to the neighbouring homestead owners (affected parties) bordering the site.

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 A public meeting was scheduled and held on Monday, 02 December 2019 in Ongwediva, close to the site. The meeting was mainly attended by the neighbouring home owners. The meeting minutes were taken and attendance register was signed by attendees; and

 A2 size public notices were placed at the Ongwediva Town Council and Existing Oshana Mall fence (near the proposed site). These notices contained brief information on the proposed project, EA process and how members of the public can register as I&APs and submit comments and concerns.

Issues Raised by Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs)

The main issues raised by the directly affected parties are: dust, safety and noise.

Identified Potential Negative Impacts

The potential negative impacts identified and assessed for this project were as follow:

 Dust (air quality)and noise;

 Safety, health and security;

 Waste generation;

 Water resources and soil pollution;

 Vehicle traffic safety; and

 Pressure on local services (water, electricity and roads) and loss of biodiversity.

Recommendations and Conclusions

After careful research, public consultation and assessment done for the proposed portions and remainders, the environmental consultants have come up with and to the following recommendations and conclusions, respectively.


The potential negative impacts stemming from the proposed rezoning in Ongwediva have been identified, described and assessed. The impacts have been identified and assessed for the construction and operational phase of the project.

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All impacts were assessed and found to have impacts of medium significance rating. These impacts were assessed for both pre-mitigation and post-mitigation. Pre- mitigation means the significance rating of an impact before any mitigation measure is implemented to avoid or minimize it. Post-mitigation means the significance rating of the impact after implementing measures. Mitigation measures have been recommended and discussed on the respective Sections of the scoping report as well as management action plans in the EMP.

Some of the project activities will have significant impacts on the biophysical and social environments. However, if the project is conducted in a sustainable manner and by effectively implementing the applicable management action plans listed in the EMP, the project impacts will be of minimal (low) significance. However, in order to maintain “low significance status”, a bi-annual monitoring will have to be done for the project site throughout the project life cycle.

With that being done, the positive impacts of the rezoning project will be able to overweigh the negatives for socio-economic development, in terms of job creations and business opportunities.


Given the recommendations in this scoping assessment report and management action plans in the EMP, Mafuta are confident that the potential impacts associated with the proposed project activities, can be adequately mitigated by implementing the recommended mitigation measures and management action plans. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be issued with an Environmental Clearance Certificate. The ECC is to be issued on condition that the EMP is implemented and actions contained therein are monitored in order to maintain low significance and ensure medium rating impacts get to a low rating. This is also to ensure that all potential negative impacts identified in this report and other impacts that might arise during project implementation are properly identified in time and addressed.

Furthermore, the main condition to the ECC is also that the Proponent complies with the legal requirements governing this development and its associated activities.

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7.2 IMPACT ASSESSMENT: GENERAL METHODOLOGY ...... 45 7.2.1 Significance ...... 47 7.3 PROJECT IMPACT DESCRIPTION, ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 49 7.3.1 Benefits of Rezoning ...... 49 7.3.2 Employment Creation ...... 50 7.3.3 Contribution to Local and Regional Economy ...... 50 7.3.4 Air Quality (Dust) ...... 51 7.3.5 Noise ...... 52 7.3.6 Safety, Health and Security ...... 53 7.3.7 Environmental Pollution (Waste Generation) ...... 54 7.3.8 Impact on Water Resources and Site Soils...... 56 7.3.9 Biodiversity: Flora ...... 58 7.3.10 Vehicular Traffic Safety ...... 59 7.3.11 Impact on Local Services ...... 60 7.3.12 Visual Impact ...... 60 7.3.13 Archaeology ...... 61 7.3.14 Social: Influx of People into the Area ...... 62 7.3.15 Social: Loss of Private Properties (homes) ...... 63 8 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ...... 64 8.1 RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 64 8.2 CONCLUSIONS ...... 65 9 REFERENCES ...... 66


Figure 1-1: Locality of the proposed rezoning sites with surrounding land uses in Ongwediva's Extension 13, Oshana Region ...... 2 Figure 1-2: Locality of the proposed rezoning boundary in Ongwediva's Extension 13, Oshana Region ...... 3 Figure 1-3: Consolidation of portions (layout) map for Ongwediva Extension 13 ..... 4 Figure 5-1: Typical soils on site ...... 25 Figure 5-2: Some vegetation at the project site ...... 26 Figure 5-3: The Oshana Mall Phase 1 part that is bordering the proposed site to the north 27 Figure 5-4: Homesteads around the site - blue homestead to the south (left photo) yellow house on south-eastern side ...... 28 Figure 6-1: Photos taken from the Public Meeting in Ongwediva on 02 December 2019 32 Figure 6-2: Public notices placed in Ongwediva ...... 33


Table 1-1: Details of the project Proponent ...... 6 Table 2-1: Services infrastructures for the proposed development (per phase) ...... 12 Table 4-1: Applicable and relevant Namibian and other standards, policies and guidelines governing the proposed development ...... 17 Table 6-1: Summary of identified and registered I&APs ...... 31 Table 6-2: Main issues and concerns raised from one-on-one engagement and at public meeting on 02 December 2019 (with responses) ...... 34 Table 7-1: Impact assessment criterion ...... 45

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Table 7-2: Significance rating scale ...... 47 Table 7-3: Assessment of the impact on air quality ...... 51 Table 7-4: Assessment of the noise impact ...... 52 Table 7-5: Assessment of the impact of the project on safety, health and security .. 53 Table 7-6: Assessment of the impacts of the project activities on the environment (pollution) 55 Table 7-7: Assessment of the impacts of the project activities on water resources and soils 57 Table 7-8: Assessment of the impacts of the project on biodiversity ...... 58 Table 7-9: Assessment of the vehicular traffic impact ...... 59 Table 7-10: Assessment of the impacts of the project on services ...... 60 Table 7-11: Assessment of the impacts of the project structures on visual ...... 60 Table 7-12: Assessment of the impacts of the project on archaeological or cultural sites 61 Table 7-13: Assessment of the impacts of the project on social influx (people) into the project area ...... 62 Table 7-14: Assessment of the impacts of the project on neighbouring property owners 63











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1.1 Background Stantoll Properties cc (The Proponent) intends to formalize and rezone some portions, Erven and reminders from ‘Residential’ and 'Undetermined' to Business' with a Bulk of 2.0 and Incorporation of Portions X, Y and Z of Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 as Erven into the Ongwediva Township.

The portions and remainders of land to be rezoned are; Portions F/5776, Portion G/5785, Portion K/5789, Portion X, Portion Y, Portion Z, Remainder 5775, Remainder 5786 and Remainder 5788.

The proposed rezoning sites (portions and remainders) are located in Ongwediva's Extension 13, behind the existing Oshana Mall in Ongwediva, Oshana Region – see approximate site map in Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3. The combined surface area covered by the rezoning sites is approximately 142 962 m2 (14. 2962 ha).

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Figure 1-1: Locality of the proposed rezoning sites with surrounding land uses in Ongwediva's Extension 13, Oshana Region

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Figure 1-2: Locality of the proposed rezoning boundary in Ongwediva's Extension 13, Oshana Region

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Figure 1-3: Consolidation of portions (layout) map for Ongwediva Extension 13

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1.2 Appointed Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) Under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (2012) of the Environmental Management Act (7 of 2007), Section and 9.2, the proposed development is a listed activity that may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). The mentioned EMA Sections relevant to the project are as follow:

Land use and development activities

 5.1 The rezoning of land from -

(a) Residential use to industrial or commercial use

(b) use for nature conservation or zoned open space to any other land use.

In order to comply with the Environmental Management Act's (7 of 2007) and its 2012 EIA Regulations, Stantoll Properties appointed Mafuta Environmental Consultants (MEC), independent Environmental Consultants to conduct the required Environmental Assessment (EA) process on their behalf. The findings of the EA process are incorporated into an environmental scoping report and together with the draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP), will be submitted as part of an application for an ECC to the Environmental Commissioner at the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET).

The EA process was conducted by Martha Hangula and Fredrika Shagama, a qualified and experienced environmental assessment practitioner and a qualified Hydrogeologist and experienced environmental assessment practitioner, respectively. The CVs of the consultants are presented in Appendix A.

1.3 Registration of Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate The first step followed as part of this EA process was to submit an application for the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) in accordance with Section 32 of the EMA. This Section requires that applications for an ECC should be submitted to the relevant Competent Authority. A Competent Authority is defined as an authority having the jurisdiction to approve or permit a particular listed activity in accordance with the relevant national legislation. For this project, the Competent Authority is the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD). The ECC application was then submitted on 12 September 2019 to the MURD (Appendix B) and a copy of the same application submitted/uploaded on the ECC online system as required by MET.

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1.4 Details of the Project Proponent The Proponent for this project is Stantoll Properties CC and their details are presented under Table 1-2 below.

Table 1-1: Details of the project Proponent Full name of Telephone and Fax number Postal Address ECC Application for: Proponent

Stantoll Tel.: +264 65 220 718 P. O. Box 887 The Proposed Rezoning of Properties Portions and Remainders Fax.: +264 65 220 326 , CC of Ongwediva Town and Townland No. 881 from 'Undetermined' to 'Business' into an Erven of Ongwediva Extension 13, Oshana Region.

1.5 Project Need and Desirability The aim of the proposed development is to contribute towards Namibian’s development plans, namely: National Development Plan 5 (NDP5), Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and Vision 2030. The proposed activity contributes to both of these national plans and the Vision 2030.

The Proponent currently operates the existing Oshana Mall (Phase 1) in Ongwediva. The proposed rezoning of the above-mentioned land portions and remainders are intended to formalize part of the expansion of the Mall (Phase 2). The planned expansion to the existing mall is to cater for the Ongwediva business community, residents and visitors. Not only to cater for these groups of people, but the Mall expansion is also aimed at keeping up with the constant development of urban areas, and this include shopping malls.

As a property developer, the Proponent found the need to apply for the rezoning and consolidations of the portions and remainders and use them for the continued development of the Ongwediva Town's Extension 13.

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The successful rezoning and subsequent expansion of the Oshana Mall will not only result in the increase in convenient basic social services in this part of the town, but also create some employment opportunities for the local community too. These employment opportunities would be created in the construction (temporary jobs) and operational (temporary and permanent job opportunities) of the planned Phase 2. In return the formalization and utilization of the land will also contribute to the local economic development of the and Oshana Region at large.

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1.6 Land Ownership and Current Land Use The proposed land for rezoning falls under the Ongwediva Townlands, therefore under the ownership of the Ongwediva Town Council.

The proposed land planned for rezoning is behind the Oshana Mall, currently vacant. It is bordered by some traditional homesteads and the rezoning boundaries have also now covered most of the footprints for the homesteads'.

1.7 Project Scope of Work The environmental scoping study was carried out in accordance with the Environmental Management Act (EMA) (7 of 2007) and its 2012 EIA Regulations (GG No. 4878 GN No. 30).

The scope of works for this study entails the environmental assessment of the proposed rezoning in Ongwediva prior to its development in line with the requirements of the EMA and the EIA Regulations. In order to cover the scope of works for this EA, the environmental scoping covers the following:

 The need and desirability of the proposed project (as described under subchapter 1.5)

 Description of the proposed activity (chapter 2);

 Alternatives considered for the proposed project in terms of No-go option, location, accessibility and alternative project on the selected site (chapter 3);

 The legal implications of the proposed rezoning and its associated activities (chapter 4);

 Environmental Baseline, mainly on the features that are potentially impacted by the proposed development (as presented under chapter 5);

 The public consultation process followed (chapter 6) (as per Regulation 7 of the EMA Act) whereby interested and affected parties (I&APs) and relevant authorities were identified, informed of the proposed activity and provided with a reasonable opportunity to raise their concerns and opinions on the activity;

 The impact identification and description, assessment methodology and an assessment of the identified impacts and mitigation measures and recommendations to avoid or minimize the potential impacts (Chapter 7). These mitigation measures are further outlined in the Draft EMP (Appendix C); and

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 Environmental Consultants’ recommendations on the proposed development with regards to the impacts identified and assessed – chapter 8.

1.8 Objectives of the Environmental Assessment Process The main objectives of this EA are to:

 Comply with Namibia’s Environmental Management Act (2007) and its regulations (2012), international guidelines, Acts and best practices pertaining to this activity;

 Identify and assess the potential impacts associated with the proposed activity;

 Inform Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) and relevant authorities about the proposed development and to provide them with a reasonable opportunity to participate during the EA process;

 Assess the significance of issues and concerns raised;

 Compile a report addressing all identified issues and potential impacts related to various aspects of the proposed development;

 Compile a draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which includes impact mitigation measures; and

 Submit the environmental assessment report together with a draft EMP to the DEA in an application for the ECC.

The description of the proposed rezoning activity is presented in the next chapter.

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The proposed activity entails the subdivision, rezoning and consolidation of various land portions and Erf remainders. These Portions and Erven of Ongwediva Extension 13 will be rezoned from ‘residential’ and 'undetermined' to 'business' with a Bulk of 2.0 and subsequent consolidation of Portions and Erven into One Erf.

2.1 Construction Phase: Extension to the Existing Oshana Mall Upon approval for rezoning, and completion of all necessary planning and design works, expansion (construction works) of the Oshana Mall's Phase 2 will commence. Construction works will be outsourced to a contractor (to be appointed on tender).

During construction phase, earth works will be carried out in certain areas of the project site in order to erect the buildings and for the installation of the necessary services infrastructure. This will require soil excavation within the construction site. There will be heavy construction vehicles and equipment moving around the site. There is little to no vegetation within the proposed rezoning site, hence no disturbance to vegetation is expected during this phase.

The following activities will be extended and installed in terms of infrastructure and service provision:

 Construction of buildings and related infrastructures such as stormwater management channels, access roads, parking, entrances and exits, etc.

 Installation of; power supply cables, potable water pipelines, sewage systems and wastewater disposal pipelines.

2.2 Operation and Maintenance Phase During this phase, the Phase 2 of the Mall will be operated and managed by the Proponent (Stantoll Properties).

With regards to operating time, the Phase 2 (new Mall site) businesses will also operate similarly to the existing Mall (Phase 1) business. Alternatively, the new Mall business will operate according to its own operating time and schedules as approved by the Ongwediva Town Council.

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A number of people will be employed in the Phase 2 of the Mall. However, this number will entirely depend on the businesses operating in this part of the Mall. These workers are expected to be working on shifts, during the day, but this will also depend on the individual businesses' operations. Only security guards will be on site during the night. All these workers will be sourced from the local community or if necessary, additional workers would be sourced from nearby areas in Oshana Region or other regions. All workers are expected to be housed in Ongwediva, i.e. they will be commuting from their homes.

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2.3 Services Infrastructure: Construction and Operation & Maintenance The services infrastructure required for the proposed development/activity is presented in Table 2-1 below.

Table 2-1: Services infrastructures for the proposed development (per phase) Services Construction Operational & Maintenance Water Water for construction will be sourced from the main existing water The site will be connected to the existing Mall's water supply (reticulation) line for Ongwediva Town. In the case that supply line, upon consultation with and approval by the construction will be undertaken soon after the rainy season, water can Town Council. The quantity of water consumption is not yet also be sourced from open oshanas (open surface water systems) known. filled by rainwater. This will need to be done in order to augment water abstracted from the existing town water source. The quantity of water consumption is not yet known. Power (electricity) To be supplied from the existing power grid in consultation with the As proposed under the construction phase. Northern Regions Electricity Distribution Company (NORED). As a backup, generators will also be kept on standby at the site. Waste management Solid waste will be sorted according to type, stored on-site and Solid waste Please refer to the construction phase solid transported to the local landfill waste site in Ongwediva Town, as waste management often as necessary. Sewage: new ablution facilities and toilets constructed for Sewage: the construction workers will be using the existing Mall's the new Mall Phase will be utilized. toilets. However, if found to be unfeasible, the appointed construction contractor will arrange for chemical portable toilets for their workers throughout the construction phase. Road The site is accessible from the main C46 road by the existing Oshana The site is accessible from the main C46 road by the Mall's access roads. Alternatively, the proposed rezoning site can be existing Oshana Mall's access roads and by using newly accessed via access road between Shoprite and the existing Oshana constructed access roads for the Phase 2 part of the Mall. Mall. Workforce Temporary employment opportunities will be created. However, the Employment opportunities will be created. The number of exact number of people to be employed by the appointed employed people will be determined by the number of contractor cannot be provided at this stage. The number will be business accommodated in this part of the Mall. However, determined by the contractor. However, preference of unskilled/semi- preference should be given to locals. skilled works should be given to locals. And in the case that the locals posses the skills, then preference should be given to them as well. Accommodation for Construction workers (very skilled) that may be from outside Workers are expected to be commuting from and to their the workers Ongwediva are expected to be housed in a campsite within proximity homes on a daily basis. Only security guards will be on site of the site. Construction workers from Ongwediva and/or nearby during the nights (according to their shifts). villages are expected to be commuting from and to their homes on a

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Services Construction Operational & Maintenance daily basis. This is to avoid having too many workers living on site for the duration of the construction phase. Materials Construction materials will be sourced from the local building Materials required for the operations of the Mall's Phase 2 materials suppliers in Ongwediva and/or Oshakati and if necessary, will be provided as and when required. and as required, materials will need to be sourced from elsewhere in the country or outside the country and as per the required and approved building material standards Site security It is expected that there will be construction vehicles and equipment 24-hour onsite security personnel (probably on shifts) will on site during this phase. It is for this reason that 24-hour onsite security be appointed to guard the property (Mall) against personnel (probably on shifts) will need to be appointed to guard the possible vandalism and theft. equipment against possible equipment vandalism and theft as well as for locals' safety reasons. Site safety and security The construction contractor will construct a temporary fence wall or All workers, including workers that may be required to work corrugated iron sheets around the construction site to control access in medium to high risk areas to conduct maintenance and to the site. For operations' purpose, a concrete / palisade wall or a offloading goods and materials at the Mall will be wall similar to the existing Mall wall will be constructed around the new provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment Mall Phase (Phase 2). (PPE). In order to ensure health and safety for the construction duration, all workers that will be assigned in high to medium risk working areas will be provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

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Alternatives are defined as: “different means of meeting the general purpose and requirements of the activity” (Environmental Management Act No. 7 of 2007 and its 2012 EIA Regulations. This chapter will highlight the different ways in which the project can be undertaken and to identify the alternatives that will be the most practical but least damaging to the environment.

Once the alternatives have been established, these are examined by asking the following three questions:

 What alternatives are technically and economically feasible?

 What are the environmental effects associated with the feasible alternatives?

 What is the rationale for selecting the preferred alternative?

The alternatives considered for the proposed development are discussed as follows.

3.1 The No-go Alternative The “No-Go” alternative is the option of not proceeding with the proposed activity, which typically implies a continuation of the status quo.

Should the proposed project be discontinued, the site proposed for the rezoning would continue to maintain its current status. This would also mean that the anticipated positive and negative impacts would not occur. Furthermore, the Oshana Mall will not be expanded in order to accommodate the intended businesses.

Added to that, without the proposed development and eventual expansion of the Mall, there will be no job opportunities that would be brought by the construction phase and eventual operational phase. This may not have a major significance to the regional economy, but the few jobs for the locals would make a big difference to the local economy development.

For these reasons and by considering the proposed activity, the ‘no-go’ option is not considered the preferred alternative.

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3.2 Alternative Activity and Location This type of alternative is weighed in terms of what other development could have been considered for the site. The Proponent did not consider any other alternative land use for the site. This could be due to the fact that the site is right behind the existing Oshana Mall (Phase 1) and already within the town boundaries. It will just be suitable and logical to rezone the immediate portions and remainders of the area to be part of the existing Mall, with similar land use type. Please refer to the Ongwediva Town Zoning Map in Appendix D for zoning areas around the proposed site. It is for this reason; that the proposed rezoning and eventual expansion of the Mall would be the viable project on the site.

3.3 Services Infrastructure The project site is suitable given its close proximity to the following services infrastructure:

 Site accessibility: the proposed site is easily accessible from the main C46 road by the existing Oshana Mall's access roads.

 Water supply: After rezoning, the site will be connected to the the existing Mall's water supply line, upon consultation with and approval by the Town Council.

 Power supply: The site is located within proximity of the NORED line for the project’s power supply.

3.4 Conclusions and Summary of the Considered Alternatives The following project alternatives conclusions have been made:

 No-go option: Without rezoning, the Oshana Mall will not be expanded in order to accommodate the intended businesses. There would be no job opportunities for the locals from the project phases. This may not have a major significance to the regional economy, but the few jobs for the locals would make a big difference to the local economy development.

 Project alternative on site and location: the site is right behind the existing Oshana Mall (Phase 1) and already within the town boundaries. It will just be suitable and logical to rezone the immediate portions and remainders of the area to be part of the existing Mall.

 Accessibility: the proposed site is easily accessible from the main C46 road by the existing Oshana Mall's access roads.

 Services Infrastructure: the project is within proximity of the existing water and power supply lines.

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In order to ensure that the proposed development comply with the legal requirements, a review of applicable Namibian and international legislation, policies and guidelines have been consulted. This review serves to inform the project Proponent, Interested and Affected Parties and the decision makers at the DEA of the requirements and expectations, as laid out in terms of these instruments, to be fulfilled with regards to the development.

4.1 The Environmental Management Act No. 7 of 2007 This scoping assessment was carried out according to the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (GG No. 4878 GN No. 30). The EMA has stipulated requirements to complete the required documentation in order to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for permission to undertake certain listed activities.

4.2 Other Applicable Regulations, Standards, Guidelines and Policies In addition to the main Act (EMA No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations, additional relevant legislations governing the project have been identified and conducted for this EA process. These legal requirements are presented in Table 4-1 below.

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Table 4-1: Applicable and relevant Namibian and other standards, policies and guidelines governing the proposed development Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Environmental Management Requires that projects with significant environmental impacts are The EMA and its regulations should inform and Act EMA (No 7 of 2007) subject to an environmental assessment process (Section 27). guide this EA process.

Details principles which are to guide all EAs. This document is compiled in a nature that project implementation is in line with the objectives of the EMA Act. Guiding procedures Environmental Impact Details requirements for public consultation within a given were also drawn from the act to facilitate for the Assessment (EIA) Regulations environmental assessment process (GN 30 S21). carrying out of the EIA and drafting the EMP for GN 28-30 (GG 4878) Details the requirements for what should be included in a Scoping the proposed development. Environmental Management Report (GN 30 S8) and an Assessment Report (GN 30 S15).

Act (No. 7 of 2007) Requires that projects with significant environmental impact are All formal requirements as per the act will be subject to an environmental assessment process (Section 27). duly identified and adhered to. The Project will follow this Act accordingly and consider all The Act aims at: aspects inclusive of the assessment process and  Promoting the sustainable management of the environment acquire environmental clearance. and the use of natural resources by establishing principles for decision-making on matters affecting the environment;  To provide for a process of assessment and control of projects which may have significant effects on the environment;  To provide for incidental matters.

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Requires for adequate public participation during the environmental assessment process for interested and affected parties to voice their opinions about a project (Section 2(b-c)).

The Constitution of the The articles 91(c) and 95(i) commits the state to actively promote and Through implementation of the environmental Republic of Namibia (1990) sustain environmental welfare of the nation by formulating and management plan the establishment will be in institutionalising policies to accomplish the Sustainable objectives conformant to the constitution in terms of which include: environmental management and sustainability.

 Guarding against overutilization of biological natural Ecological sustainability will be main priority for resources, the proposed development.  Limiting over-exploitation of non-renewable resources,  Ensuring ecosystem functionality,  Maintain biological diversity.

The constitution further states that the State shall actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting policies that are aimed at maintaining ecosystems, essential ecological processes and the biological diversity of Namibia.

Local Authorities Act No. 23 of To provide for the determination, for purposes of local government, The Ongwediva Town Council is the responsible 1992 of local authority councils; the establishment of such local authority Local Authority of the area, and therefore they councils; and to define the powers, duties and functions of local should be consulted in compliance with the Act authority councils; and to provide for incidental matters. and its Regulations, as relevant to the proposed project.

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

The Regional Councils Act This Act sets out the conditions under which Regional Councils must The relevant Regional Councils are considered (No. 22 of 1992) be elected and administer each delineated region. From a land use to be I&APs and must be consulted during the and project planning point of view, their duties include, as described Environmental Assessment (EA) process. The in section 28 “to undertake the planning of the development of the project site falls under the Oshana Regional region for which it has been established with a view to physical, social Council, therefore they should be consulted. and economic characteristics, urbanisation patterns, natural resources, economic development potential, infrastructure, land utilisation pattern and sensitivity of the natural environment.

The main objective of this Act is to initiate, supervise, manage and evaluate development.

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Urban and Regional Planning Consolidate the laws relating to urban and regional planning; to The Proponent should ensure compliance with Act No. 5 of 2018 provide for a legal framework for spatial planning in Namibia; to the requirements of this Act. provide for principles and standards of spatial planning; to establish the urban and regional planning board; to decentralise certain matters relating to spatial planning; to provide for the preparation, approval and review of the national spatial development framework, regional structure plans and urban structure plans; to provide for the preparation, approval, review and amendment of zoning schemes; to provide for the establishment of townships; to provide for the alteration of boundaries of approved townships, to provide for the disestablishment of approved townships; to provide for the change of name of approved townships; to provide for the subdivision and consolidation of land; to provide for the alteration, suspension and deletion of conditions relating to land; and to provide for incidental matters.

Water Act 54 of 1956 The Water Resources Management Act 11 of 2013 is presently without The protection (both quality and regulations; therefore the Water Act No 54 of 1956 is still in force: quantity/abstraction) of water resources should be a priority throughout the project life cycle.  Prohibits the pollution of water and implements the principle that a person disposing of effluent or waste has a duly of care to prevent pollution (S3 (k)).

 Provides for control and protection of groundwater (S66 (1), (d (ii)).

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Liability of clean-up costs after closure/abandonment of an activity (S3 (l)).

Water Resources The Act provides for the management, protection, development, use Management Act (No 11 of and conservation of water resources; and provides for the regulation 2013) and monitoring of water services and to provide for incidental matters. The objects of this Act are to:

Ensure that the water resources of Namibia are managed, developed, used, conserved and protected in a manner consistent with, or conducive to, the fundamental principles set out in Section 66 - protection of aquifers, Subsection 1 (d) (iii) provide for preventing the contamination of the aquifer and water pollution control (Section 68).

Forestry Act 12 of 2001 The Act provides for the management and use of forests and related There are few trees within the footprint of the products / resources. It offers protection to any living tree, bush or site. The Proponent should notify the Town shrub growing within 100 metres of a river, stream or watercourse on Council of the number and/or type of trees to land that is not a surveyed erven of a local authority area. In such be removed to allow construction and apply for instances, a licence would be required to cut and remove any such permit to remove protected species from the vegetation. nearest Forestry Office prior to removing them

These provisions are only guidelines.

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Atmospheric Pollution This ordinance provides for the prevention of air pollution. Measures should be instituted to ensure that Prevention Ordinance (No.11 dust emanating from construction activities and of 1976) operations is kept at acceptable levels.

Soil Conservation Act (No. 76 The Act makes provision for the prevention and control of soil erosion Duty of care must be applied to soil of 1969) and the protection, improvement and conservation of soil, conservation and management measures must vegetation and water supply sources and resources, through be included in the EMP. directives declared by the Minister.

Public Health Act (No. 36 of Section 119 states that “no person shall cause a nuisance or shall The Proponent and all its employees should 1919) suffer to exist on any land or premises owned or occupied by him or ensure compliance with the provisions of these of which he is in charge any nuisance or other condition liable to be legal instruments. injurious or dangerous to health.”

Health and Safety Regulations Details various requirements regarding health and safety of GN 156/1997 (GG 1617) labourers.

Road Traffic and The Act provides for the establishment of the Transportation Mitigation measures should be provided for, if Commission of Namibia; for the control of traffic on public roads, the the roads and traffic impact cannot be Transport Act, No. 22 of licensing of drivers, the registration and licensing of vehicles, the avoided. 1999 control and regulation of road transport across Namibia's borders; and for matters incidental thereto.

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Legislation/Policy/ Guideline Relevant Provisions Implications for this project

Should the Proponent wish to undertake activities involving road transportation or access onto existing roads, the relevant permits will be required from the Ministry of Works and Transport (Roads Authority).

National Heritage Act No. 27 To provide for the protection and conservation of places and objects The Proponent should ensure compliance with of 2004 of heritage significance and the registration of such places and this Acts' requirements. The necessary objects; to establish a National Heritage Council; to establish a management measures and related permitting National Heritage Register; and to provide for incidental matters requirements must be taken. This done by consulting with the National Heritage Council of The National Monuments Act The Act enables the proclamation of national monuments and Namibia. (No. 28 of 1969) protects archaeological sites.

Labour Act (No. 6 of 1992) Ministry of Labour (MOL) is aimed at ensuring harmonious labour The Proponent should ensure that the project relations through promoting social justice, occupational health and activities do not compromise the safety and safety and enhanced labour market services for the benefit of all welfare of workers. Namibians. This ministry insures effective implementation of the Labour Act no. 6 of 1992.

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The proposed rezoning and its related activities will be conducted in an area with specific environmental components. The baseline information was obtained from existing literature, mostly an Ongwediva environmental assessment report compiled in 2017. Some of the information has obtained from a site visit done by the Environmental Consultant on the 16th of August 2019 and then 28th of September 2019. The environmental baseline information is presented under the following subchapters.

5.1 Biophysical Environmental 5.1.1 Climate and Topography The climatic condition of the northern central of Namibia is described as semi-arid to sub-humid with the rainfall confined mainly in summer months (November-March). The area receives a significantly greater amount of precipitation, averaging around 400 mm (15.7 in) per year. The rainfall pattern is highly variable in amount and distribution. The wet and dry spells are thus a normal climatic feature of this environment and it has been persistent for millions of years. Temperatures are also cooler and more moderate, with approximate seasonal variations of between 10 and 30 °C (Green Gain Consultants, 2019).

The Ongwediva Town is relatively flat, as it is common geographical landscape in the northern Namibia. According to Christelis and Struckmeier (2011), the extremely flat topography of the Oshana Region is characterized by the Oshana system, which dominates the environment in the central part of the Region. It accommodates the water flowing south, originated from Angola after good rains, meandering through the Region until the Etosha Pan.

5.1.2 Soil and Geology The soil type on site is light brown to grey loamy and sandy soils with good grass cover. According to Excel Dynamic Solutions (2017), the seasonally flooded iishana and the surroundings of the Cuvelai System are characterized by clayey sodic sands. The aforementioned soil type potentially found at the site enables crop production in the surrounding of the site (rural homesteads).

The typical soils found on and around the site are light brown and grey loamy sand soils (Figure 5-1) below.

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Figure 5-1: Typical soils on site

In terms of geology, the project area is overlain by a succession of up to 600 m thick, semi-consolidated to unconsolidated sediments of the Kalahari Sequence overlay the intrusive and extrusive rocks of Karoo Age. The Kalahari Sequence ranges from late Cretaceous to Quaternary and is entirely continental, ranging from Aeolian to fluvial. The aeolian material consists of fine-grained well-sorted sands, while the material deposited in a fluvial environment ranges from gravel to clay and often represents braided stream conditions. The fluvial sedimentation dominates, with some reworking of aeolian sand.

5.1.3 Water Resources The aeolian material consists of fine-grained well-sorted sands, while the material deposited in a fluvial environment ranges from gravel to clay and often represents braided stream conditions. The fluvial sedimentation dominates, with some reworking of aeolian sand (Bittner Water Consultant, 2006).

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 25 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders Hydrogeology From a groundwater perspective, water within the project area is hosted in the Kalahari sediments. The Kalahari aquifers are subdivided into five major units and named after the region or locality where they occur or where they were first described. The Discontinuous Perched Aquifer (KDP) represents a series of shallow, only locally occurring aquifers of limited extent. This aquifer type is present mainly in the Niipele Sub- Basin where recent dune sand covers the underlying sediments of the Kalahari Sequence. The KDP is recharged by direct infiltration of rainwater and exploited by means of traditional funnel-shaped hand dug wells called omifima (perched aquifer) - (Bittner Water Consultants, 2006). Site hydrology The project area is within the Namibian part of the Cuvelai River catchment that originates from Angola. Perennial tributaries occur only in Angola while in the Namibian part of the basin, the oshanas flow only in the rainy season (Christelis and Struckmeier, 2001). These oshanas are shallow, often vegetated, poorly defined but are interconnected flood channels and pans through which surface water flows slowly or may form pools depending on the intensity of the floods (“efundja”).

5.1.4 Flora In terms of flora, the project site is found in the Camel Thorn Savanna vegetation area. This vegetation type is an open savanna on deep sandy soils with good grass cover, where the Camelthorn (Acacia erioloba) is dominating among other trees and shrubs. Some of the shrubs and trees on and around the site include Camelthorns, palms (Hyphaene coriacea). The typical vegetation around site is shown in Figure 5-2. Most of the proposed actual site footprint has no vegetation as it has already been cleared, due to urban development.

Figure 5-2: Some vegetation at the project site

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5.2 Social Environmental 5.2.1 Demographics According to the 2011 Population and Housing Census Regional Profile, the population for Oshana Regional was 176 674. During the population Census in 2011, the now, two Ongwediva Constituencies (Rural and Urban) were registered as one Constituency and the total population of the two Constituencies is 34 065 Ongwediva. Ongwediva town has a population of 20 260 inhabitants (Ongwediva Town Council, 2019).

5.2.2 Neighbouring Land Uses The project site is bordered on the northern side by the existing Oshana Mall (Phase 1 - Figure 5-3). There are some ongoing construction works done to the Phase 1 of the Mall.

Figure 5-3: The Oshana Mall Phase 1 part that is bordering the proposed site to the north

To the immediate southeast, less than 50 m is one homestead and another also 50 m from the site on the south (Figure 5-4). There are also some properties to the eastern side of the site, on the same side with the Oshakati / Ongwediva- C46 road.

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Figure 5-4: Homesteads around the site - blue homestead to the south (left photo) yellow house on south-eastern side

5.2.3 Local Economy The northern , Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto, also referred to as the “O” regions mainly depend on agriculture to sustain their livelihoods in rural areas, which makes agriculture the most practiced activity in northern Namibia.

5.2.4 Development in Perspective Ongwediva is a young and vibrant town. But by virtue of its strategic location, excellent infrastructure and unique market to support any investment initiative, Ongwediva is boosting with abundant business development potential. The business development potential has, until most recently, not been explored aggressively with emphasis primarily focused on housing development. This clearly defines Ongwediva as an undiscovered jewel of Northern Namibia (Ongwediva Town Council, 2019).

Generally there is a high demand of serviced land for residential and commercial & industrial investments. In response to this demand, the Town Council has embarked on a number of capital projects to provide for these basic urban services.

5.2.5 Business Development The current Commercial and Industrial Areas could be adequate for present and future demand. The planning thereof made provision for future demand and hence, emphasis from the Council is squarely on the improvement of the physical infrastructure. As for the Commercial Area, surfaced roads and complete electrical reticulation have been planned to meet the requirements of prospective investors.

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5.2.6 Housing and Development The Town Council has successfully developed new residential extensions, Extension 2, 11 and 14 while plans are underway for the development of Extension 18 and 19. The latter two extensions will consist of a total of 600 residential erven. The Town Council is currently working on service infrastructure for Extension Efidi Proper and Oshiko which, once completed shall provide for 900 erven (Ongwediva Town Council, 2019).

Due to the protracted process of land acquisition, township establishment and future prospect that the Northern Regions hold, the Town Council is determined and committed to the process of formalization of all settlement areas within the borders of Ongwediva in the shortest possible time.

5.2.7 Services Infrastructure The Oshana Region has a system of water pipelines, grid electricity and roads to provide the Region with basic infrastructure. A railway line links in with Ondangwa and Oshikango in Oshana and respectively. Moreover, the Region has a telecommunication network inclusive of cellular network and grid electricity that are accessible at the areas that are considered as growth points in the Region.

The project site is located in the Town of Ongwediva with access to the required services infrastructure.

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Public Consultation forms an important component of the Environmental Assessment process. It is defined in the EIA Regulations (2012), as a “process in which potential interested and affected parties are given an opportunity to comment on, or raise issues relevant to, specific matters” (S1). Section 21 of the Regulations details steps to be taken during a given public consultation process and these have been used in guiding our process.

An extensive programme of consultations was carried out as an integral part of the EA study, primarily to ensure that the views of all groups of stakeholders/community and other locals were heard and could be given due consideration in the impact identification and evaluation process, thus reducing the likelihood that one or more potentially significant impacts might inadvertently be overlooked

Formal public involvement was facilitated in the form of, public consultations, newspaper announcements, and advertisements to inform the public that such project is under consideration. The public consultation process has been guided by the requirements of environmental management agency (EMA) and these are as follow:

 Its overriding goals have been to ensure transparency in decision making and to provide for stakeholder involvement in monitoring responsibilities, designing the proposed activity, and determining appropriate remedial measures for affected people and communities. More specifically, the objectives are to: Ensure stakeholder concerns are incorporated in project operations;

 Increase public awareness and understanding of the proposed development activities; and

 Enhance positive development initiatives through the direct involvement of affected people.

6.1 Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) The environmental consultants for this project identified relevant and applicable national, regional and local authorities, neighbouring property owners and other interested members of the public. The I&APs were contacted directly and some were registered as I&APs upon their request (those that were registered after the EA notification in the newspapers).

The summary of identified and registered &APs is listed in Table 6-1 below. The complete list of I&APs is provided in Appendix E.

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Table 6-1: Summary of identified and registered I&APs Level Stakeholder Description

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Ministry of Urban and Rural Development

Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation

National Ministry of Works and Transport

Ministry of Land Reforms

Roads Authority

The Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (NORED)

owned owned


State / entities services providers Oshana Regional Council

Ongwediva Town Council

Regional Local and

Adjacent property owners neighbouring the site

General public

and affected affected and

parties (I&APs) parties

Other interested interested Other

6.2 Communications with the I&APs: First Round As per Regulation 21 to 24 of the EIA Regulations on Public Consultations, the following activities were undertaken for this EA in order to satisfy the requirements of the Regulations:

 A pre-identified list of I&APs was developed and updated throughout the EA study;

 A Background Information Document (BID) containing brief information on the proposed activity was compiled (Appendix F);

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 Project Environmental Assessment notices were placed in The Namibian and New Era newspapers (Appendix G) dated 05 September and 12 September 2019, briefly explaining the activity and inviting members of the public to register as I&APs and submit comments. The adverts also contained the information on the scheduled public meeting. The first comments period lasted for 33 days, i.e. from 06 September 2019 to 08 October 2019;

 Additionally, information sharing/EA notification letters and meeting invitations were compiled in Oshiwambo language and hand delivered with BID copies to the neighbouring homestead owners bordering the site. Please refer to Appendix H for the letters signed delivery registry;

 A public meeting was scheduled and held on Monday, 02 December 2019 in Ongwediva, close to the site - Figure 6-1. The meeting was mainly attended by the neighbouring home owners. The meeting minutes were taken and attendance register was signed by attendees. These two documents are attached as Appendix I of this report; and

Figure 6-1: Photos taken from the Public Meeting in Ongwediva on 02 December 2019

 A2 size public notices were placed at the Ongwediva Town Council and Existing Oshana Mall fence (near the proposed site) - Figure 6-2. These notices contained brief information on the proposed project, EA process and how members of the public can register as I&APs and submit comments and concerns.

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Figure 6-2: Public notices placed in Ongwediva

6.2.1 Issues Raised: First Round of Public Consultation Before the public meeting was held, the Environmental Consultant had a one-on-one engagement with some of the neighbouring property owners in August 2019 while conducting site visit and assessment. A public meeting was then scheduled and held on 02 December 2019. The main issues rose from the one-on-one engagement and public meeting (and their responses) are presented in Table 6-2 below.

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Table 6-2: Main issues and concerns raised from one-on-one engagement and at public meeting on 02 December 2019 (with responses) Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Issues and concerns raised during a one-on-one engagement with some of the neighbouring property owners to the site in August 2019

Mr Vendelinus Uusiku We appreciate the developed indeed; this area is a sandy The first inception meeting I had with the developer, I was informed area not really productive for Mahangu production as you this project has employed 360 during construction, I though the

can see yourself. surrounding community benefited as well.

We are urging this development to benefit the surrounding However I will take up the again with developer to see how you can communities in terms of employment opportunity. be assisted, I will provide you with a feedback.

Again, it is anticipated that a total number of 1500 permanent employee are expected to get jobs during the commission phase.

 147 Women  220 Men If Ongwediva Town Council did before no consultation with, I will raise this point to them to ask if they have done so or not, however, with this meeting for today I officially invited them to come attend the meeting.

Mr Shuumbwa Paulus We are glad some of us are already benefiting from this The issue of noise, thieves and pollution, every development brings development like myself I am an employee of the project. challenges like that an example of Oshakati, Ongwediva and other towns, these developments are associated with such challenges. I am one of the neighbours in this new proclaimed township. I However, we have taken note of your concerns and we will have have been living here my whole life; I know what had been them addressed in the scoping report. here before the expansion of this development. However, we can clearly see the impact of noise and dust pollution However we are expecting socio impact in terms of thieves, during this construction. This is likely to be over soon over as noise, and pollution and of course we are in the process of

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

relocating and some have already relocated as you can see construction is temporary. We will again address this development most of the houses have relocated already. to at least consider dust suppression measures and work only normally working hours.

Mr Kleopas Taapopi I personally have been advocating for sustainable Noted, we will convey the message to the Proponent with regards development, I am pleased with the jobs created and to be to these concerns. created.

We are expecting an influx of people moving around due to this development, we need security. I hope Mr Benz (the Proponent) will make provision for this.

This area had been a grazing area for our animals and it has turned into development, so our cultural value is affected somehow.

The dust remain a concern at this stage of the ongoing construction activities as part of the existing Mall and the vibration has causes some cracking to our infrastructure. An example is one of the houses next to the gravel road where trucks are passing to deliver building materials.

This construction has also posed dangers to the children around, if parents are not watching their movement.

We cannot wait for the construction to finish.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

I urge those that are in the process of moving (relocating) to do so as soon as they can, because they will face challenges as the area is expected to be busy.

Are we moving our animals elsewhere for grazing? Where are the people from Ongwediva Town Council in this meeting?

Mr Uusiku Simeon We are very much happy with the development. This assessment seeks to identify significant impact and make sure they are all addressed and their mitigation measures included in the We wanted to have people from Ongwediva Town Council management plan for this proposed project. to listen to us in some of these very important meetings. We informed of the assessment and invited the Ongwediva Town Most of us we are in the process of relocating, we know very Council to the meeting and we were also hoping they would come well this area will be very busy, we are just waiting of some few to the meeting. However, we will share the draft scoping report with things we want to rectify with the Town Council. them so that they can clarify on some of the issues raised in this The noise is very much disturbing now but not during the night. meeting for their attention. Employment creation is good. Mr Benz (the Proponent We will make sure to approach the Town Council for further clarities representative) is someone who is very considerate; he gave about this development. most of our children job from this area.

A consultation was made during the township establishment of this area.

This development is just an addition to what is already there, we use that mall to shop our dairy needs at our earliest conveniences.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Issues raised in the Public Meeting on the 2nd of December 2019

Ms. Elina Pohamba We appreciate the development indeed but it should benefit Well noted. the local people. We want employment opportunity, we have spoken to the developer once for assist us in this regards.

Secondly, Ongwediva Municipality hardly do consultation with the surrounding residents, since the area was proclaimed to Ongwediva Extension 13.

Public Consultation like this was supposed to be undertaken when the development started not at this stage when construction has started and we are expected to be present always at this very important meeting.

Ms. Martha Paulus I am one the neighbours in this new proclaimed township, I Thank you very much for your inputs and points. We are taking notes had been living here for my whole life, and I know what had of these and incorporate them in the environmental assessment been here before the expansion of this development. report and appropriate management measures/actions will be included in the environmental management plan. We have a problem with this development in terms of our social safeguards, we are asking Ongwediva Town Council to assist us to debush the whole Ongwediva Extension 13 and 17. We will also convey the suggestions on safety (debushing of the site) The influx of people (customers) coming for shopping to the Town Council for consideration. becomes a very disturbing situation such as; We will also convey the message regarding consultation on  Safety and Security compensation.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

 Waste pollution as you can see plastics all over the The issue of noise, safety and security and waste pollution, every place development brings challenges like that an example of Oshakati,  Some customers are using the surrounding bushes Ongwediva and other towns. when nature calls. Again from our observation on the ground is clear to me as well that  Noise pollution throughout the day this place is place is no longer safe to live especially to the two Secondly, Ongwediva Town Council is taking long to houses we are seeing in close proximity with the development. compensate the residents only two houses have been We will recommend this as an urgent matter to the Ongwediva Town compensated so far. Council and the developer to act fast to relocate the surrounding We want a consultation with Ongwediva Town Council; we residents. are pressed now by social issues in the area. However, we can clearly see the impact of noise and dust pollution during this construction, We are sure that this will soon over it is a temporary issue. We will again recommend this to the Developer to at least do dust suppression and work only normally working days and hours.

Ms. Amalia Shilongo We are expecting an influx of people moving around due to Well noted. We have taken noted of your concerns and we will Uusiku this development and we need security. I hope that the include it in the report and management plan. Developer will make provision for this. About the pile of waste we can clearly see that is not good at all. The second issues I would like to raise is the pile of waste We will recommend the removal of that waste as soon as possible. dumped in my field pose a serious hazard to our health with For the sake of your safety, you need to relocate as we can see my children, plastics are from the pile are always flying all over various aspects of development affect you. my house.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

How can I be assisted with that? We are not sure if you have informed Ongwediva Town Council about this before? When will this pile of waste be removed?

Thirdly, as you can see, I am now suffering because of water run-off coming from the pavement of the Mall comes directly into my house, I do not understand this, whether it is done on purpose by channelling the runoff into my house or not.

I am asking Ongwediva Town Council to come and observe the situation; this place is no longer safe for our living.

We want Ongwediiva Town Council to relocate us as soon as possible.

This area had been a grazing area for our animals and it has turned into development, so our cultural value is affected somehow.

The safety of my children’s movement is no longer there

Some customers are using my field yard as an entry into the mall before the fence was put up, which is not safe anymore.

Ongwediva Town Council does not do consultation with us before we complain; they were supposed to come to the meeting of today.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

The dust remains a concern at this stage of construction, and the vibration has causes some cracking to our buildings as you can see, the road where truck are passing in delivering building materials.

This construction also has pose dangers to my children around, if we as parents are not watching their movement.

I am urging those that are in the process of moving to do so, because they will face challenges, the area is expected to be busy.

Where are the people from Ongwediva Town Council, they were supposed to attend this meeting?

Thanks for inviting us to this very important meeting. This assessment seek to identify significant impact such as social, environmental related issues and ensure point raised will all be Mr. Shuumbwa Paulus We are not against with the development. However, we included in the Management Plan for this project. wanted to have people from Ongwediva Town Council to listen to us in some of this very important meeting. This assessment seeks to identify significant impact and make sure they are all addressed and their mitigation measures included in the Ongwediva Town Council hardly do consultation with us, management plan for this proposed project. normally such consultation were supposed to be conducted at before this development start. We informed of the assessment and invited the Ongwediva Town Council to the meeting and we were also hoping they would be In my position as village headman, recently the Developer here. However, we will share the meeting minuets and draft scoping (Proponent) extended by erecting a fence until my Mahangu field and no consultation was done from Ongwediva Town

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Council to explain or a formal communication that a certain report with them so that they can clarify on some of the issues raised portion of the land (my Mahangu field) belongs to the in this meeting for their attention. Developer. We will make sure to approach the Town Council for further clarities This has becomes a challenge for me to approach the about this development. Developer to ask. Therefore, I would like Ongwediva Town We would like to say that social safeguards of the people in every Council to come and do a consultation. development should be taken serious and addressed in well When will Ongwediva Town Council going to compensate procedural manner to avoid future conflicts. We will recommend the affected property owners? It has been a while now. environmental monitoring for this area to Ongwediva Town Council and Ministry of Environment and Tourism. We would like the Ongwediva Town Council to assist us in debushing Extension 17 where most of the resident will relocate.

The safety and security becomes are challenge to us now, we have cases of thieves coming to hide in our houses which is dangerous to us and our kids in the surrounding area.

The pile of waste in Ms. Amalia Uusiku becomes a serious problem. We now have waste all over the surrounding coming from that pile; therefore we are asking the Developer to remove them.

In terms of employment, from my understanding, the Developer is someone who is very considerate, the problem is the shop / business owners renting the Mall, and they came

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

with their people leaving our surrounding people out when it comes to employment.

This development is just an addition to what is already there, but proper consultation should be done whenever they are extending the site (Mall).

The Mall becomes our earliest convenient this is one of our advantages.

Sarafina Amutenya Ongwediva Extension 13 and 17 is becoming a dumpsite site. All points raise are noted and will be addressed in the environmental It is littered all over. assessment report.

We are asking for the Debushing of Extension 17 since our The major problem we have noticed here is social and safety safety is at risk now because of intruders into our houses impacts. coming from the Mall.

When nature calls some customers, comes to the bush in our Mahangu yards/fields to relieve themselves.

Ongwediva Town Council should always attend meetings like this.

We would like the Ongwediva Town to bring at least a powerline within Extension 17.

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Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Angelina Uusiku and We our compensated but the period given to us to relocate Well noted. We will address your concerns in the environmental Palagia Uusiku is short and what we are offered is even less compared to assessment report and management measures in the management what other towns compensate people. plan.

Extension 17 where we are given land to build is not serviced.

We are not considered for job opportunities also, employment is given to people from far.

We suffered a lot during the construction period; there was too much dust from the truck passing in front of our houses.

We would like the Ongwediva Town Council to debush Extension 17 for our safety.

Ongwediva Town Council should always attend pubic consultation meeting.

Safety movement of our children is no longer there

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6.3 Feedback on the Public Review of the Draft EA Report To be updated after public review and comments (if any).


This chapter presents the potential positive and negative impacts associated with this kind of project. The chapter further presents the impact assessment methodology, impact description, assessment (of negative impacts) and mitigation measures recommended to avoid and/or reduce these impacts, if avoiding is not possible.

7.1 Impact Identification The main aim of an environmental assessment is to identify and assess the impacts of the proposed development/activity. This is done to ensure that the negative impacts are adequately addressed so that an impact’s significance is brought under control, while maximizing the positive impacts. The potential positive and negative impacts that have been identified from the proposed rezoning are as follows:

Potential positive impacts:

 General rezoning benefits to the community;

 Socio-economic development; and

 Business opportunities.

 Local economic development

Based on the knowledge of projects of this kind, intensive research and public consultation, potential negative impacts have been identified and these are listed as follow:

Potential negative impacts

The first impact (potential loss of properties) below will be directly associated with rezoning and the rest will be stemming from post-rezoning activities:

 Loss of private properties (homes) by neighbouring property owners to the project (rezoned) site;

 Dust (air quality) and Noise;

 Safety, Health and security;

 Waste generation and Water resources and soil pollution;

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 Vehicle traffic safety;

 Pressure on available local service; and

 Loss of biodiversity, impact on Archaeology and Visual.

The description of the above-mentioned impacts is presented under subchapter 7.3.

7.2 Impact Assessment: General Methodology The impact assessment method used for this project was adopted from some published and unpublished environmental reports obtained through the consultants’ research on environmental impact assessment methodology.

The identified impacts were assessed in terms of probability (likelihood of occurring), scale/extent (spatial scale), magnitude (severity) and duration (temporal scale) as presented in Table 7-1. To enable a scientific approach to the determination of the environmental significance, a numerical value is linked to each rating scale. This methodology ensures uniformity and that potential impacts can be addressed in a standard manner so that a wide range of impacts are comparable.

It is assumed that an assessment of the significance of a potential impact is a good indicator of the risk associated with such an impact. The following process will be applied to each potential impact:

 Provision of a brief explanation of the impact;

 Assessment of the pre-mitigation significance of the impact; and

 Description of recommended mitigation measures.

The recommended mitigation measures prescribed for each of the potential impacts contribute towards the attainment of environmentally sustainable operational conditions of the project for various features of the biophysical and social environment. The following criterion (Table 7-1) was applied in this impact assessment:

Table 7-1: Impact assessment criterion Nature Description Rating Extent (Spatial scale) An indication of the physical Low (1): Impact is localized and spatial scale of the within the site boundary: Site impact. only. Low/Medium (2): Impact is beyond the site boundary: Local.

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Nature Description Rating Medium (3): Impacts felt within adjacent biophysical and social environments: Regional. Medium/High (4): Impact widespread far beyond site boundary: Regional High (5): Impact extend National or over international boundaries. Duration The timeframe, over which Low (1): Immediate the impact is expected to mitigating measures, occur, measured in relation immediate progress to the lifetime of the project. Low/Medium (2): Impact is quickly reversible, short term impacts (0-5 years) Medium (3): Reversible over time; medium term (5-15 years). Medium/High (4): Impact is long-term. High (5): Long term; beyond closure; permanent; irreplaceable or irretrievable commitment of resources Intensity, Magnitude / The degree or magnitude to Medium/low (4): Low Severity (Qualitative criteria) which the impact alters the deterioration, slight functioning of an element of noticeable alteration in the environment. The habitat and biodiversity. magnitude of alteration can Little loss in species numbers. either be positive or negative Low (2): Minor deterioration, nuisance or irritation, minor change in species / habitat / diversity or resource, no or very little quality deterioration. Probability of occurrence Probability describes the Low (1): Improbable; low likelihood of the impacts likelihood; seldom. No known actually occurring. This

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Nature Description Rating determination is based on risk or vulnerability to natural previous experience with or induced hazards. similar projects and/or based Medium/low (2): Likely to on professional judgment occur from time to time. Low risk or vulnerability to natural or induced hazards. Medium (3): Possible, distinct possibility, frequent. Low to medium risk or vulnerability to natural or induced hazards. Medium/High (4): Probable if mitigating measures are not implemented. Medium risk of vulnerability to natural or induced hazards. High (5): Definite (regardless of preventative measures), highly likely, continuous. High risk or vulnerability to natural or induced hazards.

7.2.1 Significance Impact significance is determined through a synthesis of the above impact characteristics. The significance of the impact “without mitigation” is the main determinant of the nature and degree of mitigation required. As stated in the introduction to this chapter, for this assessment, the significance of the impact without prescribed mitigation actions was measured.

Once the above factors (from Table 7-1) have been ranked for each potential impact, the impact significance of each is assessed using the following formula:

SP = (magnitude + duration + scale) x probability

The maximum value per potential impact is 100 significance points (SP). Potential impacts were rated as high, moderate or low significance, based on the following significance rating scale (Table 7-2).

Table 7-2: Significance rating scale

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High (positive) >60 H

Medium (positive) 30 to 60 M

Low (positive) <30 L

Neutral 0 N

Low (negative) >-30 L

Medium -30 to -60 M (negative)

High (negative) >-60 H

For an impact with a significance rating of high, mitigation measures are recommended to reduce the impact to a low or medium significance rating, provided that the impact with a medium significance rating can be sufficiently controlled with the recommended mitigation measures. To maintain a low or medium significance rating, monitoring is recommended for a period of time to enable the confirmation of the significance of the impact as low or medium and under control.

The risk/impact assessment is driven by three factors and these are:

 Source: The cause or source of the contamination.

 Pathway: The route taken by the source to reach a given receptor

 Receptor: A person, animal, plant, eco-system, property or a controlled water source. If contamination is to cause harm or impact, it must reach a receptor.

A pollutant linkage occurs when a source, pathway and receptor exist together. The objective with the mitigation measures is to firstly avoid the risk and if the risk cannot be avoided, mitigation measures to minimize the impact are recommended. Once the mitigation measures have been applied, the identified risk will be of low significance (Booth, 2011).

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The impact assessment for this EA study is focused on the two project phases, i.e. construction, operational and maintenance. The assessment of the project phases is done for both pre-mitigation (before implementing any mitigation) and post-mitigation (after mitigations are implemented). The identified potential negative impacts stemming from the proposed rezoning are described, assessed and mitigation measures provided to them, under subchapter 7.3. Further mitigation measures in a form of management action plans are provided in the Draft Environmental Management Plan.

7.3 Project Impact Description, Assessment and Mitigation Measures Assessment of Positive Impacts

 Socio-economic development; and

 Business opportunities.

 Local economic development

The potential positive impacts associated with the development as listed in the preceding subsection are described and assessed as follows

7.3.1 Benefits of Rezoning Some of the general benefits of the rezoning are that it enhances the beauty of a community by requiring street landscaping and parking lot improvements. It also regulates the size and location of business signs to keep commercial areas attractive and protect the safety of motorists and pedestrians1.

 Impact type: positive

 Extent: Local

 Duration: Long-term

 Probability: Probable

 Significance (no mitigation): Low, Significance (post-mitigation): medium

 Mitigation measures: The rezoned area should be designed in such a way that it enhances the project site and its surroundings to a better state than it was before rezoning.

1 https://www.westcolumbiasc.gov/documents/Zoning%20Information%20Flyer.pdf

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- The Mall streets and parking lots design should be done and constructed in an environmentally friendly way to and safe for the Mall users / goers and the neighbouring property owners.

7.3.2 Employment Creation The project activities after the successful rezoning of the site portions and remainders will lead to the development of the land / expansion of the business area (Mall). This will lead to the creation of job opportunities providing temporary semi- and unskilled employment (during construction). More permanent jobs will also be created during the operational phase of the project (expansion of the Mall). The income generated will benefit the individuals’ households. Furthermore, the proposed activity will result in the improvement in skills and therefore improved employability for the staff employed. The assessment of this impact is presented below.

 Impact type: positive

 Extent: Local to regional

 Duration: short-term for construction and long-term for operational phase

 Probability: Probable

 Significance (no mitigation): Low, Significance (post-mitigation): medium

 Mitigation measures: Namibian citizens and permanent residents from the locally affected area should be employed for the unskilled labour preferentially to out-of-area people (outsiders) where possible.

- Equal opportunity should be provided for both men and women.

7.3.3 Contribution to Local and Regional Economy The project activities will potentially create more business opportunities by creating extra business space in the Mall for the locals and potential out-of-area business investors and others. Furthermore, the Mall expansion will also contribute to local and regional economic development whereby business owners sell goods for profit and pay value-added tax (VAT). The impact is expected to have the following ratings:

 Impact type: positive

 Extent: Local to regional

 Duration: Long-term

 Probability: Probable

 Significance: medium

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 Mitigation measures: Not applicable

Assessment of Negative Impacts

The main potential negative impacts associated with the three project phases as identified are; dust (air quality), noise, health and safety, waste generation, water resources and soil pollution, vehicular traffic safety, pressure on local services, loss of private properties and loss of biodiversity.

These impacts are described and assessed below.

7.3.4 Air Quality (Dust) Given the nature of the soil and bare soil in Ongwediva, dust is expected to emanate from construction activities, heavy trucks travelling on the unpaved site roads. This impact will minimize during the operational phase as the access roads to the site will be paved in preparation for the operations, therefore the impact is short-term.

Another impact on the surrounding air quality is the potential emissions from heavy vehicles and machinery.

Pre-mitigation measures, the impact is of medium significance, but upon implementation, the impact will be of low significance. This impact is assessed in Table 7-3 below.

Table 7-3: Assessment of the impact on air quality Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 L/M - 2 M - 6 M/H - 4 M – 44 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M - 2 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigation measures and recommendations to minimize the impact on air quality  It is advised that in extremely windy days, a reasonable amount of water should be used to suppress the dust that may be emanating from certain construction areas on the site, access roads and on the gravel in proximity to the site.

 Project vehicles should not be left idling when not in use so that they do not emit harmful gases.

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7.3.5 Noise Noise generated by the project construction works and related vehicles and equipment may be a nuisance to the neighbouring property owners. This is issue has already been raised by neighbouring property owners in the meeting that the noise generated from a part of the Mall that is being constructed has become too much. This is a concern during the day only, but not in the night as there is no work is done in the night. This is a short-term concern, as this will only last during the construction for both the currently constructed part of the Mall and the proposed rezoned site for Phase 2 of the Mall.

The vibration caused by the heavy trucks that deliver building materials and machinery on site is linked to some cracks that are developing on some of the neighbouring properties/buildings.

The impact can be rated as medium significant if no mitigation measures are implemented, but upon implementation, the impact will be of low significance. This impact is assessed in Table 7-4 below.

Table 7-4: Assessment of the noise impact Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M - 6 M - 3 M – 36 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M- 2 L/M - 4 L/M -2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize noise  Noise from vehicles and equipment on site should be reduced to acceptable levels.

 The site construction and operational activities’ times should be set such that, no activity is carried out during the night or very early in the mornings.

 Construction and operational hours should be restricted to between 08h00 and 17h00 to avoid noise generated by equipment and the movement of vehicles.

 Based on the planned activities on site during construction, the Proponent through their Public Relation Officer or Environmental Control Officer should inform the neighbouring property of the days when abnormal (excessive) noise is expected on site so that they are prepared for such events.

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7.3.6 Safety, Health and Security After the approval of rezoning, there will be construction works and this will involve the handling of construction machinery and equipment. The mishandling of these will leave not only the project workers exposed to health and safety risks, but the neighbouring community members too. This will be likely, if the site is not fenced off during construction and also during operational phase, local children may try to access the site and play with dangerous materials and equipment.

Health concerns are potentially associated with both the construction and operational phase of project, especially when the workers are exposed to dust and excessive noise (during construction) and unhealthy site areas (in both phases). Further health and safety risks are associated with the mishandling of operational equipment and machines.

In terms of security, the project phases are expected to attract people from all walks of life. The security of the neighbouring property owners may be potentially compromised. The Mall construction and operational activities may not only attract shoppers, business people, but also criminals. These criminals may also break into the neighbouring properties, leading to the loss of personal belongings and damage to properties. These impacts can be rated as medium significant if no mitigation measures are implemented, but upon implementation, the impact will be of low significance. This impact is assessed in Table 7-5 below.

Table 7-5: Assessment of the impact of the project on safety, health and security Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 L/M - 2 M - 6 M/H - 4 M – 44 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M - 2 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize health and safety risks Safety

 During construction phase, a temporary enclosed fence should be constructed around the site. This is done to control access to the site, in such a way that the public, especially children do not access the site and play with equipment and machinery on days when work is not undertaken.

 The site should be equipped with security control gate, once in operation. This is to limit restrict access to authorised personnel only.

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 No employee should be allowed to drink alcohol prior to and during working hours as this may lead to mishandling of equipment which may lead to injuries and other health and safety risks.

 Employees should not be allowed on site if under the influence of alcohol.


 As part of their induction, the workers should be provided with an awareness training of the risks of mishandling equipment and materials on site.

 When working on site, employees should be properly equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as coveralls, gloves, safety boots, earplugs, safety glasses, etc.


 The Proponent should make provision for security services for the site to make sure that the residents/neighbouring property owners within the vicinity are safe.

 In collaboration with the Ongwediva Town Council, the Proponent should as requested by the neighbouring property owners consider debushing the site in order to ensure/increase security in the project area. In other words, thick vegetation on site may be used as hiding spots by Mall presence related criminals.

7.3.7 Environmental Pollution (Waste Generation) The proposed development will be associated with a generation of different kind of wastes. Improper disposal of wastes generated during the project phases may lead to environmental degradation/pollution.

There is already an issue of people / Existing Mall customers relieving themselves (defecating) in the yards or within the boundaries of the neighbouring houses/homesteads. This is a serious nuisance and health concern to the property owners. The impact is however considered temporary to some of the homesteads owners as they will be relocated elsewhere in order to pave way for the proposed development. Some property owners, especially those with town homes will be staying next to the site and mitigation measures will need to be implemented to reduce this impact. At the moment, without any mitigation measures, the impact significance is rated medium. However, upon effective implementation of the recommended measures, the significance will be reduced to low.

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Without any safety measures, the rating of this impact is medium. This impact can be mitigated by implementing measures given and the rating of the impact will be of low significance. The impact is assed in Table 7-6.

Table 7-6: Assessment of the impacts of the project activities on the environment (pollution) Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M/H - 4 M - 6 M - 3 M – 39 mitigation Post L - 1 L - 1 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 12 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize environmental pollution (general)  Construction and operational workers should be sensitized to dispose of waste in a responsible manner and not to litter.

 After each daily works, the Proponent should ensure that there is no waste left scattered on site, but rather be disposed of in allocated site waste bins.

 No waste may be buried or burned on site or anywhere else throughout the project lifecycle.

 All domestic and general construction waste produced on a daily basis should be contained until such that time it will be transported to designated waste sites on a bi-weekly basis during construction and on a weekly basis during operations.

 The sites should be equipped with separate waste bins for hazardous and general waste/domestic.

 Hazardous waste, including emptied chemical containers (liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite) and other chemicals used during the project phases should be safely stored on site where they cannot be accessed and used by uniformed locals for personal use such as storing food or drinks. These containers can then be transported to the nearby approved hazardous waste sites for safe disposal. No waste should be improperly disposed of on site or in the surroundings, i.e. unapproved waste sites.

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 As an emphasis on the preceding point, empty hazardous substance containers should not be disposed of anywhere on the project site or its surrounding, but instead they should be kept at a designated storing place on site until such time that they can be safely taken to the nearest approved hazardous waste sites.

 No project related waste should be disposed of or piled up in the project surroundings, especially the neighbouring properties or their surroundings. Instead, the waste should be contained on site and transported to the nearest approved municipal landfill site(s).

 A penalty system for irresponsible disposal of waste on site and anywhere in the area should be implemented. Mitigations and recommendation to minimize environmental pollution (sewage/human waste)  For both construction and operation, the site / Mall should be equipped with sufficient number of toilets for both its businesses and the general public (customers) at the Mall. This is to eliminate the chances of customers using the surrounding open areas or neighbouring properties as "toilets" to help themselves when nature calls, i.e. defecating on private properties/areas not designated for this purpose.

 Prohibition signs and consequential punishment of defecating on neighbouring properties other than the designated Mall toilet facilities should be placed at the walls/fence of immediate neighbouring properties.

7.3.8 Impact on Water Resources and Site Soils Water resources are impacted by project developments in two ways. This is either through pollution (water quality) or over-abstraction (water quantity) or at times both.

The impact of developments on water resources quantity is when the required volume of water abstracted for the operations is more than what the water resource (surface or aquifer) can supply. In other words, when the water volume abstracted from a source is more than what can be replenished by natural processes (recharge). This practise could lead to depleting of a water resource which will not affect people relying on the same water resource, but the surrounding ecosystems, animals and plants.

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In terms of pollution (quality), improper handling of project wastes such as wastewater/ effluent may be washed into nearby surface water bodies and/or infiltrate into the ground and pollute water resources (ground and surface water).

Impact on soil (physical: The excavation of soils to enable construction works will result in the destruction of land (soils) which if not rehabilitated after construction works may lead to soil erosion.

The impacts can be rated as medium significant if no mitigation measures are implemented, but upon implementation, the impact will be of low significance. This impact is assessed in Table 7-7 below.

Table 7-7: Assessment of the impacts of the project activities on water resources and soils Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre L/M - 2 L/M - 2 M - 6 M/H - 4 M – 40 mitigation Post L - 1 L - 1 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 12 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize impact on water resources and soils Soil disturbance

 Site areas that have been excavated but not used for construction activities should be rehabilitated to their pre-excavation state in order to avoid erosion.

Measures on Soil and water Resources Pollution

 Spill control preventative measures should be put in place to manage soil pollution.

 Potential pollutants such as hydrocarbons and waste water should be contained on site and disposed of in accordance to municipal wastewater discharge standards so that they do not contaminate surrounding soils, and eventually to surface water bodies (through run-off) and groundwater systems (infiltration).

 An emergency plan should be available for both major and minor oil spills on site in both project phases.

 Where hydrocarbons and other chemicals are used during the project’s phases on site, impermeable liners should be laid on such sites to capture possible spills, and prevent these substances from reaching the site soils.

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 Drip trays should be made available for project vehicles, especially heavy trucks to contain possible fuel leaks and spills while parked on site.

 In an event that any of the substances mentioned above, spill on the soil, the contaminated soil should be cleaned up immediately and dispose of in a designated hazardous waste bin and transported to the nearest approved landfill site. The contaminated and removed soil should be replaced with clean soil.

7.3.9 Biodiversity: Flora The site is poorly vegetated and the only major vegetation on site is some trees and shrubs on the site and within its surroundings. Unnecessary clearing of the existing vegetation may lead to loss of biodiversity on site.

Appropriate mitigation measures will need to be implemented in order to minimize the loss of biodiversity at the sites during the project phases. Without any mitigation measures, the impact is rated medium and with the implementation of recommended measures, the rating will significantly be reduced to low. The assessment of this impact is presented in Table 7-8.

Table 7-8: Assessment of the impacts of the project on biodiversity Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M - 6 M - 3 M – 36 mitigation Post L - 1 L - 1 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 12 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize impact on biodiversity  Vegetation found on the sites, but not on the site footprint should not be removed or disturbed in any way, but should be left to preserve biodiversity and provide shading on the site.

 Environmental awareness on the importance of biodiversity preservation should be provided to the project workers.

 In case that a tree will need to be removed to enable construction works, a permit for this should be obtained from the Forestry Office in Oshakati.

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7.3.10 Vehicular Traffic Safety Project vehicles may potentially put pressure on the existing roads when construction materials and operational phase goods are delivered to and from site. The impact will be both on the road infrastructure as well as on the community in terms of traffic safety. The slow moving heavy trucks may also cause road accidents in the project area. The impact can be rated as medium significant if no mitigation measures are implemented. However, upon implementation of measures, the impact will be of low significance. This impact is assessed in Table 7-9 below.

Table 7-9: Assessment of the vehicular traffic impact Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 L/M - 2 M - 6 M/H - 4 M – 44 mitigation Post L - 1 L - 1 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 12 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to traffic safety  Drivers of the project vehicles should be in possession of valid and appropriate driving licenses.

 Vehicle drivers should only make use of designated site access roads provided.

 Vehicles drivers should not be allowed to operate vehicles while under the influence of alcohol.

 Sufficient parking bays for all project vehicles should be constructed on site.

 The Proponent should make provision for safe offloading and loading zones on site.

 No heavy trucks or project related vehicles should be parked outside the project site boundary.

 Truck movements, frequency, times and routes should be carefully planned and scheduled – see next the point.

 In order to control traffic movement on site, deliveries and collection of goods and waste to and from the site should be carefully scheduled. This should optimally be during weekdays and between the hours of 08h00 and 17h00.

 Site access and on-site parking and manoeuvring should be designed in such ways that they do not interfere with traffic on site and/or compromise traffic safety.

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7.3.11 Impact on Local Services The flocking of people from outside of town may increase the population dynamics of Ongwediva due to the opportunities created by the Mall expansion and the Mall activities will potentially exert pressure on the town’s service provision like water, electricity, sewage networks and roads to maintain the growing population.

This is impact is rated medium, if no mitigation measure is implemented. For the significance to be rated low, the mitigation measures given under the impact assessment table below (Table 7-10) should be implemented.

Table 7-10: Assessment of the impacts of the project on services Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 L/M - 2 M - 6 M/H - 4 M – 44 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M - 2 L/M - 4 L/M - 2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize the impact on local services  The Ongwediva Town Council should be consulted by the Proponent in order to determine its ability to cater for the intended expansion of services, such as electricity and sewage networks. The Town Council can then advice the Proponent on the way forward in this regard.

7.3.12 Visual Impact The fact that the land planned for the rezoning (and subsequent activities) is poorly vegetated and the locals were used to seeing only an open area, the new buildings and associated infrastructure may act as a visual nuisance to the surrounding community. The visual nuisance will be in terms of infrastructure scale, colour, and reflectivity of buildings. This however could be considered of low significance, due to the fact that there is already an existing infrastructure for Oshana Mall Phase 1 and the locals have gotten used to the sight. Pre-implementation of mitigation measures, the impact is rated as of medium significance. However, upon mitigation (post-mitigation), the significance will change from medium to low rating. This impact is assessed in Table 7-11 below.

Table 7-11: Assessment of the impacts of the project structures on visual Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M - 6 M - 3 M – 36 mitigation Post L - 1 L - 1 L - 2 L/M - 2 L - 8 mitigation

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 60 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders Mitigations and recommendation to minimize visual impact  The building and associated infrastructure should be designed in such a way that it does not look very different from the existing Mall, which the local people have gotten used to.

 The building designs should not be very different from the surrounding environment, in terms of the building colours to completely change the appearance of the project area.

7.3.13 Archaeology During construction, historical resources may be impacted through inadvertent destruction or damage. This may include the excavation of subsurface graves or other archaeological objects. There was no information provided about neither known heritage nor site of cultural values within the site nor in the vicinity of the project site area. However, this does not mean rule out the possibility of finding some of these objects during the construction phase. Therefore, pre-mitigation measures, this impact can be rated medium to low. Upon implementation of the necessary measures, the impact significance will be low. The assessment of the impact is shown in Table 7-12 below.

Table 7-12: Assessment of the impacts of the project on archaeological or cultural sites Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M - 6 M - 3 M – 36 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M- 2 L/M - 4 L/M -2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigations and recommendation to minimize the impact on archaeological sites

 The Proponent should consider having a qualified and experienced archaeologist on standby during the construction phase. This measure will be to assist on the possible of uncovering of sub-surface graves or other cultural/heritage objects during site preparation (earthworks) and advice the Proponent accordingly.

 Identified of any archaeological significant objects on the site should not be disturbed, but are to be reported to the project Environmental officer or National Heritage Council offices for further instructions and actions.

 Workers should be educated to not destroy or throw away but report (to the environmental officer) of any unknown object found/discovered on site during earthworks during the construction or even during operations.

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7.3.14 Social: Influx of People into the Area Influx of out-of-area people into the project area during the construction and operational phase of the project may lead to social annoyance to the local community, especially given the current unemployment rate of youth in Namibia. People from other regions may be forced to go look for work opportunities in Ongwediva and this would lead into social crashes between the locals and outsiders (out-of-area job seekers).

The influx of people into the project area may lead to sexual relations between construction contractors and the locals, especially young girls. This would lead to the spreading of sexual transmitted diseases (i.e. HIV/AIDS) by engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse. This may also cause social crashes between the girls' parents and the contractors or the Proponent.

Pre-implementation of mitigation measures, the impact is rated as of medium significance. However, upon mitigation (post-mitigation) – see mitigation measures below, the significance will change from medium to low rating. The impact assessment is presented under Table 7-13 below.

Table 7-13: Assessment of the impacts of the project on social influx (people) into the project area Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M/H - 8 M/H - 4 M – 56 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M - 2 M - 6 L/M - 2 L - 20 mitigation Mitigations and recommendations to minimize the impact of the influx of people into the area  The Proponent and its project contractors should prioritize the employment of local people, and only if necessary, out-of-area people can be given some of the work. This is to avoid the influx of outsiders in the area.

 The locals to be employed during the project phases should be provided with the necessary training of skills required for the project to avoid bringing in many out-of-area employees.

 The workers should be engaged in health talks and training about the dangers of engaging in unprotected sexual relations which results in contracting HIV/AIDS and other sexual related infections.

 Construction workers or any project related worker should be prohibited from getting involved in sexual relations and/or engage in sexual activities with young girls, especially school going kids.

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 62 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders

 Any project worker who will be found or seen engaging in sexual relations with young girls shall be reported to the site manager and necessary actions taken against that worker.

 Out-of-area workers that may be employed (due to their unique work skills) on site should be sensitized on the importance of respecting the local community, so that they can co-live in harmony.

7.3.15 Social: Loss of Private Properties (homes) The rezoning of the proposed site will result in the loss of properties belonging to the neighbours. This may impact some property owners in ways such as losing their land that may have lived on all their lives, i.e. cultural ways of living and possible sentimental value to the land. The proposed footprints of the project site cover existing homesteads next to the existing Oshana Mall. Should the rezoning be approved, the affected homesteads will need to be moved and homestead owners relocated.

Pre-implementation of mitigation measures, the impact is rated as of medium significance. However, upon mitigation (post-mitigation) – see mitigation measures below, the significance will change from medium to low rating. The impact assessment is presented under Table 7-14 below.

Table 7-14: Assessment of the impacts of the project on neighbouring property owners Mitigation Extent Duration Intensity Probability Significance Status Pre M - 3 M - 3 M/H - 8 M/H - 4 M – 56 mitigation Post L/M - 2 L/M- 2 L/M - 4 L/M -2 L - 16 mitigation Mitigations and recommendations to minimize the impact on neighbouring properties  The compensation policy for the Town Council should be implemented to ensure a smooth and relocation of the affected property owners.

 If applicable, the National Resettlement Compensation policy should be implemented for the affected owners or occupiers of land.

 The Proponent should ensure that the social values (cultural) of the affected people should be respected and handled with dignity when resettled.

 When relocating the affected property owners, they should be treated fairly, equitably, and in a socially and culturally sensitive manner; that they receive compensation and resettlement assistance to sustain their standards of living, production levels and overall means of livelihood are not affected.

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 63 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


After careful research, public consultation and assessment done for the proposed portions and remainders, the environmental consultants have come up with and to the following recommendations and conclusions, respectively.

8.1 Recommendations The potential negative impacts stemming from the proposed rezoning in Ongwediva have been identified, described and assessed. The impacts have been identified and assessed for the construction and operational phase of the project. All impacts were assessed and found to have impacts of medium significance rating. These impacts were assessed for both pre-mitigation and post-mitigation. Pre-mitigation means the significance rating of an impact before any mitigation measure is implemented to avoid or minimize it. Post-mitigation means the significance rating of the impact after implementing measures. Mitigation measures have been recommended and discussed on the respective Sections of the scoping report as well as management action plans in the EMP.

Some of the project activities will have significant impacts on the biophysical and social environments. However, if the project is conducted in a sustainable manner and by effectively implementing the applicable management action plans listed in the EMP, the project impacts will be of minimal (low) significance. However, in order to maintain “low significance status”, a bi-annual monitoring will have to be done for the project site throughout the project life cycle.

With that being done, the positive impacts of the rezoning project will be able to overweigh the negatives for socio-economic development, in terms of job creations and business opportunities.

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 64 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders

8.2 Conclusions Given the recommendations in this scoping assessment report and management action plans in the EMP, Mafuta are confident that the potential impacts associated with the proposed project activities, can be adequately mitigated by implementing the recommended mitigation measures and management action plans. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be issued with an Environmental Clearance Certificate. The ECC is to be issued on condition that the EMP is implemented and actions contained therein are monitored in order to maintain low significance and ensure medium rating impacts get to a low rating. This is also to ensure that all potential negative impacts identified in this report and other impacts that might arise during project implementation are properly identified in time and addressed.

Furthermore, the main condition to the ECC is also that the Proponent complies with the legal requirements governing this development and its associated activities.

Ongwediva Rezoning Page 65 Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Bittner Water Consultants. (2006). Desktop Study Report: Cuvelai-Etosha Groundwater Investigation. : Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. Booth, P. (2011). Environmental Conceptual Site Model Exercise: Source – Pathway – Receptor. WSP Global: Semantic Scholar. Excel Dynamic Solutions. (2017). Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Proposed Establishment of an Incinerator in Ongwediva Town, Oshana Region. Windhoek: Unpublished. Green Gain Consultants. (2019). Environmental Impact Assessment for the Permanent Closure of Six Portions on Erf 6298 as "Public Open Spaces" and Creation of a Street in Ongwediva Extension 2 - Amendment. Windhoek: Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Hanchar, D. W. (1991). Effects of Septic-Tank Effluent on Groundwater Quality in Northern Williamson County and Southern Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee: US Geological Survey. Christelis, G and Struckmeier, W (eds). (2011). Explanation to the Hydrogeological Map: Groundwater in Namibia. Windhoek: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. Namibia Statistics Agency. (2011). 2011 Population and Housing Census: Oshana Regional Profile. Windhoek: Namibia Statistics Agency. Ongwediva Town Council. (2019). Ongwediva Town Council. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from Ongwediva Town Council: Local Economic Development: http://www.ongwediva.com.na/local-economic-development/

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Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders


Stantoll Properties CC Rezoning: Portions and Remainders



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]



Venue: Omuti-gwiigongi- Oshana Mall phase 2, extension 13, Ongwediva

Date: 02 December 2019

Time: 11:00. AM

Attendance: Please refer to the attached attendance register


Ms. Hangula welcomed and thanked all those that attended. The meeting was attended by site neigbouring property owners who are still living in Ongwediva Extension 13.

Ms. Hangula circulated and briefly presented the meeting agenda to the attendees (those that could read and understood English). For those that could not read nor understand English, she explained to them in the local language, being Oshiwambo. The meeting was conducted in Oshiwambo since majority could conversate easily in Oshiwambo than English. Ms. Hangula hailed from the northern part of Namibia where her home language is also Oshiwambo and this was an advantage for the meeting. She further explained the purpose of the meeting, Environmental Assessment process and presented the description of proposed project.

The key aspects discussed during the introductory remarks were;



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

 Meeting agenda

 Meeting rules

 Consultants role and responsibilities

 Summarised project activities

 Explained project progress

 Explained project impacts

The meeting was aimed to be an interactive session between the Environmental Consultant and the community members. The participants were given a chance to comment on the agenda and ask for clarification

2. Project overview The consultant placed an informative poster on the Tree’s stunk where the meeting took place for the public to read and familiarize themselves with the information presented to them with regards to the project. The presentation addressed the key addressed the following:

 Overview of the project program

 Background of the project and the key implementers

 Potential impacts and risk

3. Open Discussion After presenting the environmental assessment process and project description, the consultant gave the floor to the meeting attendees (property owners) to discuss what has been presented. The discussion included inputs, in a form of comments, concerns or suggestions.



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

The issues and comments raised by the meeting attendees were recorded in Table 1 below. Where it was possible responses to issues raised were provided by the consultant in the meeting. Where it was not possible to provide answers in the meeting, the attendees were assured that their concerns would be investigated further with the project Proponent or as relevant with the Ongwediva Town Council so that it can be considered for incorporation into the environmental report and management plan.

Table 1: Issues and comments rose during the project public meeting on 02 December 2019

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Issues raised in the Public Meeting on the 2nd of December 2019

Ms. Elina Pohamba We appreciate the development indeed but it should Well noted. benefit the local people. We want employment opportunity, we have spoken to the developer once for assist us in this regards.

Secondly, Ongwediva Municipality hardly do consultation with the surrounding residents, since the area was proclaimed to Ongwediva Extension 13.

Public Consultation like this was supposed to be undertaken when the development started not at this stage when construction has started and we are expected to be present always at this very important meeting.



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Ms. Martha Paulus I am one the neighbours in this new proclaimed township, I Thank you very much for your inputs and points. We are taking had been living here for my whole life, and I know what had notes of these and incorporate them in the environmental been here before the expansion of this development. assessment report and appropriate management measures/actions will be included in the environmental We have a problem with this development in terms of our management plan. social safeguards, we are asking Ongwediva Town Council to assist us to debush the whole Ongwediva Extension 13 We will also convey the suggestions on safety (debushing of the and 17. site) to the Town Council for consideration.

The influx of people (customers) coming for shopping We will also convey the message regarding consultation on becomes a very disturbing situation such as; compensation.

 Safety and Security The issue of noise, safety and security and waste pollution, every  Waste pollution as you can see plastics all over the development brings challenges like that an example of Oshakati, place Ongwediva and other towns.  Some customers are using the surrounding bushes Again from our observation on the ground is clear to me as well when nature calls. that this place is place is no longer safe to live especially to the two  Noise pollution throughout the day houses we are seeing in close proximity with the development. Secondly, Ongwediva Town Council is taking long to We will recommend this as an urgent matter to the Ongwediva compensate the residents only two houses have been Town Council and the developer to act fast to relocate the compensated so far. surrounding residents. We want a consultation with Ongwediva Town Council; we However, we can clearly see the impact of noise and dust are pressed now by social issues in the area. pollution during this construction, We are sure that this will soon



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

over it is a temporary issue. We will again recommend this to the Developer to at least do dust suppression and work only normally working days and hours.

Ms. Amalia Shilongo We are expecting an influx of people moving around due to Well noted. We have taken noted of your concerns and we will Uusiku this development and we need security. I hope that the include it in the report and management plan. Developer will make provision for this. About the pile of waste we can clearly see that is not good at all. The second issues I would like to raise is the pile of waste We will recommend the removal of that waste as soon as possible. dumped in my field pose a serious hazard to our health with For the sake of your safety, you need to relocate as we can see my children, plastics are from the pile are always flying all various aspects of development affect you. over my house. We are not sure if you have informed Ongwediva Town Council How can I be assisted with that? about this before? When will this pile of waste be removed?

Thirdly, as you can see, I am now suffering because of water run-off coming from the pavement of the Mall comes directly into my house, I do not understand this, whether it is done on purpose by channelling the runoff into my house or not.

I am asking Ongwediva Town Council to come and observe the situation; this place is no longer safe for our living.



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

We want Ongwediiva Town Council to relocate us as soon as possible.

This area had been a grazing area for our animals and it has turned into development, so our cultural value is affected somehow.

The safety of my children’s movement is no longer there

Some customers are using my field yard as an entry into the mall before the fence was put up, which is not safe anymore.

Ongwediva Town Council does not do consultation with us before we complain; they were supposed to come to the meeting of today.

The dust remains a concern at this stage of construction, and the vibration has causes some cracking to our buildings as you can see, the road where truck are passing in delivering building materials.

This construction also has pose dangers to my children around, if we as parents are not watching their movement.



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

I am urging those that are in the process of moving to do so, because they will face challenges, the area is expected to be busy.

Where are the people from Ongwediva Town Council, they were supposed to attend this meeting?

Thanks for inviting us to this very important meeting. This assessment seek to identify significant impact such as social, environmental related issues and ensure point raised will all be Mr. Shuumbwa Paulus We are not against with the development. However, we included in the Management Plan for this project. wanted to have people from Ongwediva Town Council to listen to us in some of this very important meeting. This assessment seeks to identify significant impact and make sure they are all addressed and their mitigation measures included in Ongwediva Town Council hardly do consultation with us, the management plan for this proposed project. normally such consultation were supposed to be conducted at before this development start. We informed of the assessment and invited the Ongwediva Town Council to the meeting and we were also hoping they would be In my position as village headman, recently the Developer here. However, we will share the meeting minuets and draft (Proponent) extended by erecting a fence until my scoping report with them so that they can clarify on some of the Mahangu field and no consultation was done from issues raised in this meeting for their attention. Ongwediva Town Council to explain or a formal communication that a certain portion of the land (my We will make sure to approach the Town Council for further clarities Mahangu field) belongs to the Developer. about this development.

We would like to say that social safeguards of the people in every development should be taken serious and addressed in well



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

This has becomes a challenge for me to approach the procedural manner to avoid future conflicts. We will recommend Developer to ask. Therefore, I would like Ongwediva Town environmental monitoring for this area to Ongwediva Town Council Council to come and do a consultation. and Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

When will Ongwediva Town Council going to compensate the affected property owners? It has been a while now.

We would like the Ongwediva Town Council to assist us in debushing Extension 17 where most of the resident will relocate.

The safety and security becomes are challenge to us now, we have cases of thieves coming to hide in our houses which is dangerous to us and our kids in the surrounding area.

The pile of waste in Ms. Amalia Uusiku becomes a serious problem. We now have waste all over the surrounding coming from that pile; therefore we are asking the Developer to remove them.

In terms of employment, from my understanding, the Developer is someone who is very considerate, the problem is the shop / business owners renting the Mall, and they



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

came with their people leaving our surrounding people out when it comes to employment.

This development is just an addition to what is already there, but proper consultation should be done whenever they are extending the site (Mall).

The Mall becomes our earliest convenient this is one of our advantages.

Sarafina Amutenya Ongwediva Extension 13 and 17 is becoming a dumpsite All points raise are noted and will be addressed in the site. It is littered all over. environmental assessment report.

We are asking for the Debushing of Extension 17 since our The major problem we have noticed here is social and safety safety is at risk now because of intruders into our houses impacts. coming from the Mall.

When nature calls some customers, comes to the bush in our Mahangu yards/fields to relieve themselves.

Ongwediva Town Council should always attend meetings like this.

We would like the Ongwediva Town to bring at least a powerline within Extension 17.



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

Speaker / Commenter Question/Comments/Suggestions Responses by Ms. Martha Hangula (Environmental Consultant)

Angelina Uusiku and We our compensated but the period given to us to relocate Well noted. We will address your concerns in the environmental Palagia Uusiku is short and what we are offered is even less compared to assessment report and management measures in the what other towns compensate people. management plan.

Extension 17 where we are given land to build is not serviced.

We are not considered for job opportunities also, employment is given to people from far.

We suffered a lot during the construction period; there was too much dust from the truck passing in front of our houses.

We would like the Ongwediva Town Council to debush Extension 17 for our safety.

Ongwediva Town Council should always attend pubic consultation meeting.

Safety movement of our children is no longer there

4. Conclusion In order to ensure sustainable development of every project and integrity of Ongwediva Town Council, with due respect is always important to consult the surrounding community in order to gather their views. An environmental management plan has to be compiled



Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC P.O Box 1339 Oshakati Namibia

Email: [email protected]

based on both the consultant's opinions, but most importantly based on the inputs and suggestions of the affected community. The rest of the project impacts can then be mitigated through environmental management practices.

5. Meeting Closure Ms Hangula thanked the meeting participants who attended the meeting, for showing interest in the project development and for being conversant throughout.

The Interested and affected parties were informed that they have been afforded another ten (10) days to send further comments relating to the project development via letter, email and other mean of communication.


Actual Water Pipeline 12m wide NamWater Pipeline Ext 13 Boundary Line

Ptn 1 1404m² Ptn 2 484m² Ptn 2 323m²

Ptn B Re/6315 232m² Ptn C 44,466m² 33m²

Ptn F 6m² 16m Street

Ptn E Ptn D 159m² 24m² Re/5776 Ptn A 1035m² 151m²

Ptn I Re/5786 6m² Re/5785 32m² 798m²

Ptn H Portion L (Street) 131m² Ptn J Ptn G Ptn K 515m² 3m² 6765m² 148m² 19m Street

Ptn 4 Ptn 5 193m² 193m² Re/5789 Re/5788 704m² Ptn X 335m² 392m² Extension 13

Portion Y 81,585m²

Remainder of Ongwediva Town

and Townlands No. 881

12,036m² Ptn Z (20m Street) (20m Z Ptn

Ptn Z (20m Street) 12,036m²

CONSOLIDATION PORTIONS OF PORTION 21 (SERVICE ROAD), ERVEN 6315, 5739, 5740, 5775, 5786, 5788, 5789, ONGWEDIVA TOWN AND TOWNLAND NO. 881 INTO ERF X Scale 1:5000 (14,2962m²)

Cell: +264 855 512 173 Date: April 2019 Email:[email protected] N P.O. Box 20541 Windhoek, Namibia Plan No.6315_Oshana2019 The Farm Ongwediva Ongwediva - Zoning Map Townlands Extension No. 1156

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3 5 944 947 5392 945 946 949 948 5

4 4 5603 5631 5 135

5 250 9 5403 2 7038 5 5 5 5 5391 5 138 7037 22 163 m t 10 m 195 10 3 3 Stree 198 t 251 S ee 5402 7445 6029 tr tr e 5600 5605 5606 3163 23 e S 248 5604 t 7444 140 137 162 1 5607 5591 0 197 7440 7441 7442 7443 m 249 7433 7438 7439 m 7436 7437 eet 10 246 7434 7435 20 Str 200 3187 143 142 199 160 247 5401 5608 7446 0 21 66 139 5406 3 67 244 96 7432 0 202 253 3 6 m 5 18 158 0 245 6 1 5602 3189 4 141 et 201 e 204 242 5400 3162 0 1 161 tr 254 5907 6 3 19 80 69 144 S 6235/Rem Sky Phase 1203 5407 60 68 156 243 7447 7 5 206 240 5601 7417 7431 7455 5911 04 4 159 255 5908 5912 6 0 2 16 241 5620/Rem 6 3 205 5408 5614 0 79 208 7471 157 256 7 7458 7459 5906 8 4 6 17 71 70 39 5 5613 7470 7456 7457 4 4 239 5399 5 5532 5612 0 0 3 147 238 5 6 5409 5 5620 3 S 210 207 6 t 257 Extension 16 S 5611 7454 7448 14 145 r 7430 0 146 e e 5 3 6 t Extension 4 1 7472 9 Stre Ongwediva t 3 0 236 e 5610 4 3 3 209 t r 0 4 4 15 72 m 212 258 5 1 0 3 73 18 7487 e 5910 6 237 4 m 7460 6 0 7131 5 4 6 78 e 5905 234 5 3190 S 7469 0 5 148 211 5 3 7453 7449 2 3 214 259 5609 6 7429 t 5 12 8 5 7473 t 5909 0 4 0 74 235 m 9 0 5 pen 6 75 5 3 O 0 1 3 5435 r 6 232 t 5390 1 m 5 e 6 6 213 0 e 3 1 e 7461 13 1 tr 7486 3 t S 260 5 7 e 8 e 1 0 3 tre 233 6 63 7468 5 1 6 0 S 1 4 10 230 5434 6 6 7474 t 0 0 6 149 5621 m 6 5542 3 3186 Market 7428 S 7452 6 77 215 261 5 1 7450 8 76 231 543 1 5904 3 228 t 7485 7462 2 0 0 11 5433 7 r 2 5 4 155 5410 5544 0 0 6 150 262 40 5621/Rem e 7475 7467 6 6 229 5 5 m 7451 151 5 3192 e 3 Street 10 m 226 5411 4 8 8 263 5 7427 t 5 9 227 7484 7463 0 3 9 9 3 0 0 4 1 6 6 152 224 31 5 Ongwediva Trade 6 7476 6 4 6 5 5432 3 9 3 6 4 264 4 3 7466 7 9 225 5 5 5 9 9 6 4 7 5 6 2 m 0 0 0 2 222 4 3 3 6 0 7426 7483 7464 6 6 153 265 5 8 8 1 7 223 3 53 51 55 9 Eluwa Special School 7477 0 4 5 55 50 3191 0 2 220 9 554 6 1 0 5416 5412 4 554 5 5622 9 1 266 d 537 9 Fair Centre 7465 60 6 6 154 221 7100 0 oa 5 52 3164 7482 5 218 5413 a R 55 7478 5 1 3 3 1 5 5 0 0 267 ujom 6 3 6234 7425 60 9 1 1 219 am N 545 555 60 6 6 5 . S 268 4 Dr 7481 6 4 217 4 5 4 7418 7479 05 4 10 06 216 7066 7067 7068 1 545 555 5623 7424 6 09 6 61 5415 5414 6 5 Street 12 4 7 0 m 269 5446 545 Survey on 7480 05 3 61 5 5457 6 9 5 0 7101 5 4 53 5546 3165/Rem existing fence 7 6 274 4 54 5 555 6322 4 8 8 4 5 5 8 5624 7489 5 0 7102 2 4 5458 5 5 8 0 2 1 2 5559 t 6 09 6 5 5 7 5 8 e 271 560 3166 6 7 270 7104 5 re 1 5 t 9 10 9 7103 0 6 S 5 1 6 0 54 545 5459 5 e 60 09 1 PTN 31 E 5 2 g 6 /881/Rem 43 0 en 6 275 l 5 7419 0 0 5422 60 y 9 h 6 1 54 5 E 60 0 61 12 a 5 09 1 5418 m 6 6 272 7069 5 5 1 1 5 5 6 563 6 7079 1 4 9 0 1 3 7078 andjengedi Primary School 4 44 1 b 9 1 1 273 K 5 6 8 9 4 5 0 5 56 2 4 6 2 6 1 a 556 0 6 6 1 6 1 4 2 4 l 5 2 5 5472 a 5 6 4 4 5 4 54 7095 5 5 8 0 8 1 7096 6321 6 8 1 5 7070 7094 7080 t) 5 S 6 5 0 6 F 5423 547 6 276 7105 e 5 t 6 e r L r 5 5471 3 4 5 6 7111 t e 5626 0 7 16 O S 5430 5445 5 4 5470 8 6 4 6 1 ( e 3167 0 6 7097 4 4 2 5469 6 7071 7081 6 5417 6 t 4 S O 7093 5 4 8 6 5 3 8 0 t 1 8 7099 8 7 6 r 1 1 D 5424 5473 e 6 61 t e 6 t 7 L e 8 1 7072 7092 7082 7098 60 1 20 e I 6 1 N 5569 r 65 6 5568 5570 t 5625 0 5 9 8355 Street 5567 6 8 1 E 7115 16 m S 0 1 22 7118 5571 6 6 7109 7106 1 61 7083 7135 y 6 7073 7091 5429 06 0 5428 5427 e 6 4 1 7134 5426 l 3168/Rem 8 2 4 7119 7133 7132 l 60 m 61 12 a 7 6 6323 06 3 V 6 3 2 5 1 7110 5425 6 8 6 7074 7090 7084 7045 7 0 6 2 6 e 8349 6 1 7112 5464/Rem 6 8 5463 6 6 6 4 h 7 4 0 7113 6 5629 2 5 4 6 8 2 5 5 7 T 4 5 7 0 1 7085 7114 5 5572 6 6 7 5 7 5 3 6 m Ri 9 7117 5 g 5 1 5 7 h 6 7075 5 t of Wa 0 08 7089 5 y 5 5 6321/Rem 6 6 5 70 5627 60 7 7076 7087 7120 5628 12 7122 6 7121 0 28 08 61 1 6 9 7088 7124 7116 07 9 2 7077 6 07 61 2 6 0 07 78 13 7189 7190 Lease area A 6 60 6 7186 7191 7196 73 7 7192 over PTN 16/551 60 07 7126 7123 7197 5630 S 6 t tr 74 6 7185 e e 0 07 tre e 6 6 S t 5 7413 e 07 6 7 g 6 n 7129 5634 3 5635 3 he 1 6 6 6 3 7184 E 2 1 5 7125 7193 5 5638 5639 9 2 6 7502 9 0 4 5640 7503 4 2 7127 PTN 16/881 m 61 13 m 7504 6 7128 i 7422 3 t 8 5 14 33 7130 7188 7187 1 4 6 1 a 1 6 7164 7195 7198 6 2 k 7194 4 1 6 a IOL (Institute 6 PTO 5806 m 4 5644 5739 4 0 m 1 3 7163 m h e 6 1 5643 5740 5798 0 e 5642 t 5806/Rem 5807 6

s R 5799 5641 0 f Open 8 e o / R 5801 5802 7508 5808 1 5

7162 2 / 7 4 5679/Rem 5 3 e 7 7507 O 7165 7214 5645 4 1 1 5 1 r 6 6 6

9 6 t 5809 0 7136 6311 9 0 7 6 8 o S Learning) 5803 4 7199 7 4 7509 1 3 5 5 0

7216 6315 5 0 6 1 T 5 2 PTO 6233 3 6

7217 2 7513 6 m 7506 5741 8 5823 5821 9 7 7155 t 3 8 5822 5804 7219 7420 e 1 3 5652 5 1

d e 8 6 5 7512 5653 5686 R 4 6 7156 / 1 a 5646 e 7511 6351 6 8 7154 5 5633 r 7041 6337 3 t 1 o 7042 0 5862 6 7215 7200 8 5666 7505 S 6 m 6338 9 7166 et 1 5 4 R 7218 5654 Stre 5820 Golden Maggy 61 50 1 5742 Private School 61 7220 5647 5665 1 61 B 5655 5745 5744 Ongwediva College of Education 15 61 7153 7224 5844 5845 7510/Rem 6 1 5827 6339 2 30 7157 Extension 13 5826 16 6 5664 5867 0 6 7201 5648 5656 5746 5743 /Rem Stre 16 7226 et 16 m 6 3 7158 7222 5861 5846 5810 6237 52 16 0 1 1 2 6

5663 3 7167 4 6 8342 5657 WC 5 5843 5828 5819 7227 9 9 6 9 7 7137 5687 5688 5689 9 8 7225 9 9 9 9 0

6 6 9 1 5

223 6 9

6 9 5863 4 7152/Rem 6 9 1 7221 6 7226/Rem 0 6 6 0 6 5 5

7 6 5649 5 1 6 5 6340 6 5 5 7 6342 6

7 5662 5 nternational Primary School 3 5 I

5 5 5 7138 5658 5 1 5 5860 5847 6 58 65

4 5 5842 5829 6343 1 1 6 6 6 7139 7412 7 7 8 5864 5661 7 9


0 6 7 m

7 7 4 5650 7

7 1 7 5 8

8 7 5818 7 1 7168 6 7 5811 5 5 5 5 4 6 7 6 6 3 1 5 m 7202 2 7 6344 5 5859 1 7 1 7228 1 5 1 1 9 8 0 5848 7229 1 7 1 7140 7232 7231 5 6 6 7230 1 7 5 5659 1 4 5 6

2 5 7 3 7 1 8343 1 7159 7 0 0 5 6341 1 5830 6410 7 0 5841 6 6 0 7 eacher's Resource Centre 5 0 T 6 7 0 0 7235 5660 0 5 5 7 6350 1 1 7 7 5 7 7 7233 7234 5 7 5 5 7

7 7 5 7 5 7 1 5

5 5 5 7 6 6 5 5

5 5 6349 5 5

5 5 4 6345

8 3 8 2 7 5651 8 1 6 1 8 6 6 7 8 7 8 7 5858 5849 8 t 1 4 7 7

5 7 5840 7 1 7141 5 5 5831 09 6 7 6 7 St e 6346 re 5 5812 e 4 7160 t 5 1 5 18 5817 6411 6 5 8 m t e 6 6 7254 7211 6 7 1 7236 7208 7209 r 6 7207 e 1 7169 7248 t 6348 3 5 6 7 17 251 7 e 6 6 7206 1 2 S 63 7203 r 41 3 8 7 4 5857 9 249 5 6347 5 7151 9 t 6 0 5850 6 7 7210 7 5 7241 7 7 8 6 1 7 6 6 7 5865 6 09 7 5 1 2 5839 5832 1 7253 7 1 0 7 2 7 3 7142 6 6 7 S 0 4 5 2 8 3 6 7 2 4 8 6 6 1 7 6 6 1 2 2 0 7161 m 7237 6 9 3 1 7 6 7 6 6 2 5 6 2 6 6 5 5 2 2 4 0 2 e 5 2 7250 9 2 2 5771 4 S 3 5770 6 5 5 0 7 7 3 2 R 5 2 3 40 9 5 5 7 5 7 5 3 5773 1 7 / 5 7 6 7 1 7 5772 7 7 1 2 1 8 7 6 6 6 6 t 7 4 8 7242 5 5 7 7 4 1 r 8 7247 6 5 7 5 5 6 1 5 8 5 5 6 e 5 4 7 / 7252 5 5 5789 5856 5816 5813 7 5 5788 5791 5851 5866 1 3 1 5 3 32 5790 0 0 6412 7 1 6 e 5838 5833 4 18 t N 4 41 6 4 T 7181 6 6 t 18 7143 7240 6 e 6 P 7212 7150 7246 e 7239 7238 7204 7213 5792 8 04 r 83 7 7205 0 t 6 6 61 19 7245 7244 5855 4 4 4 5 6 5852 4 6 S 4 4 18 7243 7265 7266 7267 7268 6 6 8 6 7182 7269 7270 5837 5834 5 86 1 7255 7 0 m 61 8 0 7183 5793 4 0 96 19 6 61 6 m 7149 5815 5814 640 ,0 188 7144 7411 5854 6 6 6 7170 5853 64 1 187 1 5794 5836 5835 6 1 45 6 9 9 4 6449 6 6 9 1 1 Remainder Street Remainder Street 40 6 6 6 8 9 6 6 1 1 5 6 4 9 5795 418 20 9 193 9 7180 6 0 6 4 7171 47 7414 6 6 0 4 6450 192 20 7272 21 6191 6 6 7148 7271 6417 6440 9 1 7256 7286 6709 6475 20 20 7145 7146 7179 7415 6 6 6 7172 42 10 08 7283 2 6441 6451 62 62 02 Extension 2 6211 62 7273 6439 13 07 7282 6 6 62 2 3 42 4 6 0 7147 7178 6 4 6474 6212 6 2 3 4 6452 2 6 7173 2 6 7257 6 4 6302 1 0 7274 6215 4 2 1 4 3 4 Remainder Street 8 6216 6 20 7284 7287 ,0 6438 4 6 4 6205 0m ekulilo Omagano 7410 7281 N 7177 5 S 6 6218 7174 7258 7 7276 tr 4 6 6 6 6 e 6 2 e 2 Memorial School 6 2 2 2 4 2 7 7277 t 9 6217 6224 2 2 2 2 6 2 6453 2

1 1 2 3 7262 6 4 8 6 6473 0 6 9 4 2 4 4 6 Rema 7288 2 7 3 7285 2 4 6471 4 6 6 7259 7280 42 3 0 6 5 4 1 inde 1 7176 7175 6 3 6 6454 7261 4 , r 6 2 0 6472 7399 7263 S 3 t 7278 37 4 6 0 reet 7279 4 6 3 Remainder Street Remainder 6 3 4 m 4 4 8 SHAPWA PRIMARY 7260 6

3 6469 7400 6 5 S 5 t 4 6 4 7 3 6 6 r 4 e 0 7328 Remainder Street Remainder Street 6 4 8 4 Remainder Street 6 6 e 8 3 8 6455 SCHOOL 6 4 4 t 8359 7401 2 4 6 4 8 8 6467 4 8 1 6 7329 6 6 6466 360 8361 7402 7338 7 0 8 7331 6 4 9 6 4 6468 8362 7264 7330 7311 7 8 7310 7289 7290 4 6 4 7 8 8 7 6456 4 6 6 7 7337 7 8 8 1 6 4 7403 9 6 0 6465 4 9 8363 6 6 5 7336 9 0 8357 4 6 5 0 64 9 1 0 57 7339 6 4 1 6225 7334 7333 7332 2 0 7404 4 9 7335 6 64 9 9 58 4 6 8 6 8358/Rem 7340 7291 9 7312 6 4 5 7 6 6 9 0 7405 Remainder Street 4 6 5 7341 4 6 2 7359 9 6 5 0 6 0 9 5 5 3 6 6227 6 0 4 7398 7390 4 4 6 6459 0 4 7342 9 6 5 5 7358 0 3 6 5

Extension 17 Street Remainder 6 5 0 6 1

346 347 7 348 7357 345 7327 7313 7309 6 343 7292 0 6 4 FISH FARM 344 6 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 5 7406 7391 7 7 5 0 6 1 6711 7380 1 9 7356 Street Remainder 6 5 8 2 7293 0 1 46 Entrance to 7326 7314 7308 6 5 6 7 7392 5 1 6 7389 1 6 5 Ongwediva College 7355 1 6 5 7307 7294 1 6

351 t 350 5

7381 349 7325 352 3 353 7315 8 354 6 6 e 7393 4 6 5 4 6624 7 6 e of Education

7 1 7

7388 7 , r 7 7 5 5 1 t 0 6 3 6 S 1 9 7407 0 5 5 2 2 6 m 7382 7306 7295 m 1 2 0 0 7324 7316 6 5 4 0 7394 7387 1 1 6 , 6623 5 2 64 6 S 6 1 7360 Remainder Street 2 2 7383 t 5 r 6 3 7397 7323 7305 7296 2 6 7408 7386 7317 e 5 6 4 6 5 e 2 5 5 3 7379 t 6 5 6 6622 7384 2 3 6 7395 5 5 6 6 5 7322 7304 7297 2 3 5 367

365 7318 6 366 362 363 364 7 4 7396 7378 3

7 5 7 7 7409 7361 7 7 7 6 3 3 6621 6625 5 6626 7303 7298 2 6 7385 7321 7319 3 5 6 7 3 7416 6 5 Remainder Street 7377 6 8 6 5 6 5 3 7302 6 7299 6 5 3 5 4 9 6627 373 5

372 3 375 374 371 2 0 370 5 0 369 368

7 4

7 7320 9 1 7 7 7

7 2 7376 7 7 1 7301 8 7300 6 6646 6645 5 6 6 6 4 S 3 6 5 5 E 2 6 0 5 4 t 5 R 8 CEMETERY Remainder Street e 5 4 3 re 6 3 V Extensiont 5 146644 4 S 5 6628 I m 6 2 C 00 5 5 6 E 6228 6, 6 1 1 5 5 6 5 R 6 4 0 6 5 5 5 O Future School 6 5 5 4 9 6 A 5 4 5 5 6629 D 6 8 5 6 6712 5 4 6 5 5 6 4 7 6 6 6643 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 4 6 8 5 URAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 5 7 R 5 6 6 5 6 9 7 4 2 6 5 5 6 3 3

7 8 ATER 6 0 5 6 5 6 6 2 7 5 6 6 1 5 6

7 FFAIRES 5 6 1 5

7 W 2 5 6 5 6 6 0 7 6226 6 6 6 5 2 3 5 6 A 6 9 5 7 3 6 6 9 2 5 7 7 6 8 5 4 0 6 6 8 1 6 5 7 6630 6 2 3 7 5 2 6 6 5 6 6 8 9 4 4 6 6 5 0 6 6 0 4 8 6 6 6631 5 5 6 5 1 2 1 5 5 6632 6 6 5 8 4 6 9 9 4 6 ELCIN2 CHURCH PROPERTY 8 2 6 5 0 1 2 6 6 5 3 6 8 9 3 5 8 5 4 4 9 6 8 4 8 6633 2 5 5 8 6 6 6 6 2 2 9 9 9 5 2 6634 3 5 6245 9 6 m 3 66 6635 2 62 6 6 5 1 8 2 6296 9 1 9 58 6 0 6637 6723 9 2 6246 6 4 6 6636 t 9 m 0 ee 62 6 9 6587 2 66 9 tr 6722 8 29 5 1 0 S 8 0 6 8 6 8 6 6247 6 6 6291 59 0 6 1 6638 62 6 6 7 6 7 6 1 8 28 9 6 1 4 7 5 t 6 0 6 2 6648 6721 6724 6 6 e 6 6 6 6647 m 6 e 1 6642 1 2 6229 59 r 0 6 0 9 8 t 5 6 3 4 0 5 6 4 6 3 2 6 5 S 6 1 6 2 6248 0 4 6 6 6286 9 6 6 6 8 5 6 4 6 6 6 3 6 0 6 1 0 6 6 6 5 6 2 6 3 1 6 6654 6649 6725 8 9 0 6 6 t 2 4 6 2 6 6 e 6 1 2 e 2 6661 3 r 6 0 6 6 t 0 7 6 4 6 6 6 5 1 6 6 S 6 1 6 6 6281 2 5 6 6 0 6 8 9 6 6665/Rem 3 6 0 6 6 6 0 1 6 1 6 6 6666 7 6280 5 6 9 5 2 8 1 6653 6650 4 2 6 0 9 5 6 0 6 7 7 5 6 6 8 2 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 9 6 6 6 3 6 2 6 6 7 6 8364 8365 6667 2 5 6 6 6 6 6754 6756 6726 6 8 5 25 2 6 7 6652 6755 7 5 6 6 3 6651 2 5 5 6 S 6 2 6 2 6 6 tree 6 5 6 t 5 6

6 1

7 6 2 6 m 4 6 2 7

6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 7 6268

6 8 8 0 7 25 7 7 1 6 3

2 68 2 5 6 9 3 4 6 9 6 8 0 6 6697 669 6752 6 7 m 6 5 3 7 78 6 8 6753 6751 2 2 2 6 7 685 6727 6 0 6 7 6 6 6693 669 1 6 6 6 6 6699 5 2 7 668 7 6 6261 6 6 2 0 6 8350/Rem 6 7 6687 695 6700 6750 6728 6 4 2 6260 835 7 t 6 6 1 6729 2 e 6 6259 6688 6694 6701 3 6 e 2 6758 7 tr 1 6 6262 m 8352 2 S 7 0 67 6757 6 2 2 6263 1 02 6 6910 7 6 5 6689 720 6759 2 6 6749 6730 6 2 et 8353 6703 6 6264 tre 6719 6909 6304 S Ongwediva 6771 6733 6690 6704 671 6760 6732 8 6731 6911 670 6908 Junior 6 6691 5 6717 6770 6748 6738 6939 789 6761 6692 6706 6716 6734 6907 6912 6232 Secondary 678 6769 6737 SCHOOL 8 670 m 6 1 7 6715 676 12 78 9 67 2 6747 6739 6735 7 7 2 68 6736 et 6913 (Crechè) School 6 9 6708 671 tre 6896 7 3 4 S 6 678 6 6 8 6 9 676 6 8 6895 6938 7 4 7 9 7 5 6 9 6713 8 9 4 89 2 1 9 3 0 5 0 7 5 6763 6746 689 6 7 678 9 6 9 6766 6745 2 6914 ELCIN 7 1 7 6740 8986 6 0 6 6 90 6 8 6937 6230 4 8 6 6905 6 99 678 8 0 9 6 6 7 6 9 6904 9 0 765 9 0 6 0 8 9 6 88 0 3 6 6 90 6936 6915 678 6 9 6 6 7 8 821 6764 88 90 1 6 9 6744 68 6 2 7 90 2 78 S 7 5 6 6 9 6741 3 t 68 3 9 6929 r 7 20 6 81 e 6807 6 6743 4 67 e 3 0 t 6 9 3 6916 81 6 9 9 780 6 3 6 6 680 6822 1 3 3 9 9 6 6917 808 681 6 779 6 8 2 6 6805 1 93 8 2 9 6 677 680 6817 6928 m 6804 6742 6941 6306 6823 6231 6777 6810 6940 6 6918 6803 6816 94 6927 1 7024 69 2 6776 681 4 6802 4 6775 6824 6825 6943 6926 6815 7 8 7022 8 6 6774 6 8 6874 8 5 69 6 8 25 6919 6945 6773 8 4 68 2 m 6 8 75 6814 1 8 3 6 8 69 6772 8 24 6827 6 et 6882 6 e 920 6813 6826 tr S 6876 69 6828 6881 21 6946 6838 6877 6923 6812 7023 6829 6 922 880 878 879 6 6 7021 6 6837 6830 6948 6836 6835 6834 6949 6833 6305 Extension 15 6947 6950 7026 6831 687 1 3 6832 m 6951 3 0 12 1 et 2 tre 3 S 0 4 4 4 4 6986 4 5 7 8 8 4 6 7005 8 6 8 4 7 6 6 8 6 6 4 6988 6961 8 6 7 9 6 8 2 4 9 6 8 9 6 8 9 6 6952 6 3 6987 4 6 6962 0 9 6848 6 5 6992 4 3 1 6991 2 0 0 6 3 8 5 5 7 5 7 1 5 5 5 5 6989 7 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8

6 6 6849 6 6953 0 6 6957 6 6 6 6 7001 6990 7 8 6870 0 7030 0 Street 12 m 6995 7 6985 7000 6997 6960 6954 6869 6999 7 857 859 858

860 0 862 861 868 863 867 866 864 865 0 6 6 6 6 9 6 6 6 6 6956 6 6 6 6955 6 6 7011 6 9 6963 97 80 6998 6996 6959 6 6 9 9 9 6 7 6 8 6 7010 9 8 98 1 m 9 7012 69 7 6 12 6 6 6958 7 98 2 9 7 7 6 6 6 6 9 3 9 8 6 8 t 6 69 9 4 ee 97 75 tr 6 S 9 0 7020 71 7013 6 6964 97 6 7019 9 2 6966 6 7 9 3 7014 7 4 6965 7 7018 2 0 7 7029 7004 7017 7015 7028 7003 7016 70 02





PTN 37/881 328 Junior Secondary School 337 336

339 338

330 Remainder of Ongwediva Town and Townlands No 881 612 331 614

332 329

335 333 615 334 2 11 3 4 5 1 6 10 9 7 15 14 8 13 16 325 346 347 348 360 15 345 349 25 m 12 17 m 344 293 37 27 343 291 292 26 18 342 290 294 38 340 19 355 354 353 233 2 25 356 232 234 295 5 m 357 352 303 24 20 358 351 361 302 39 50 359 350 321 301 296 40 23 41 341 616 235 49 51 236 42 22 363 320 297 362 300 48 52 21 304 322 47 299 298 46 53 66 45 369 370 237 319 54 368 364 305 44 55 67 366 367 371 56 28 238 em 65 68 231 57 A/R 29 318 306 311 tion 43 Por 64 69 309 310 30 372 239 63 385 307 365 317 308 312 62 70 381 380 379 314 313 61 71 89 31 60 72 316 315 373 59 73 88 74 378 386 75 87 240 16 m 86 387 277 76 32 374 260 261 58 85 473 276 m 90 382 377 241 242 278 20 84 262 83 91 33 375 243 275 289 82 474 259 279 81 92 376 34 447 263 80 93 383 274 288 79 258 244 94 2 384 475 280 5 264 95 35 78 m 1 96 245 6 287 446 448 273 425 476 265 m 281 97 109 36 257 98 108 424 617 286 107 246 272 77 106 426 449 2 Efidi282 m 266 20 477 0 256 105 389 445 m 104 110 247 271 285 111 388 450 462 1 267 103 427 6 283 112 390 461 255 m 102 113 408 444 478 248 270 284 101 451 254 114 324 391 428 460 463 268 100 115 443 407 472 249 269 116 452 479 1 392 429 253 117 6 464 Proper 459 215 m 406 442 99 480 250 214 393 430 453 471 230 394 458 465 252 213 441 212 216 405 481 126 395 470 211 431 454 466 217 127 Efidi440 457 251 210 218 118 396 432 455 469 209 125 467 219 128 409 439 456 220 468 208 119 504 397 433 621 221 410 222 149 1 129 423 438 503 207 124 6 34 223 148 122 120 m 4 206 150 398 411 437 123 130 Extension 1 502 505 422 435 224 167 121 399 205 173 412 436 225 151 131 485 172 20 m 421 506 204 171 166 400 226 20 m 132 413 484 486 170 420 507 203 401 483 227 169 323 174 165 153 137 414 487

2 482 152 154 147 133 419 498 497 508 0 499 228 618 202 168 m 402 155 415 488 164 146 138 134 500 496 509 175 418 501 495 201 229 178 177 176 163 403 162 144 135 416 180 156 145 417 494 200 139 161 404 493 510 181 20 m 136 489 562 563 492 182 157 561 179 188 160 141 560 183 143 142 140 559 620 490 186 187 564 491 199 189 552 184 158 551 511 198 185 159 550 574 573 565 0 m 549 575 2 548 576 197 190 547 577 566 572 40 196 553 m 191 554 516 555 571 195 556 567 546 557 194 539 558 m 538 512 536 537 622 570 193 20 535 514 513 519 590 192 518 623 540 515 589 568 543 583 569 517 520 545 541 582 534 521 544 581 591 542 592 533 522 619 584 532 523 585 B 586 531 524 580 588 587 1 530 525 611 529 526 579 R 528 608 610 o 527 a 609 d 578 599 T 594 607 o 598 PTN 1 O 606 593 n 605 40 595 d m a 597 604 n 603 g 596 w 624 602 a 601 PTN 2

600 PTN 3



LEGEND ONGWEDIVA TOWN COUNCIL ZONING REFERENCE Informal Residential Industrial Public Open space Local Authority/Scheme Boundary Single Residential Institutional Cemetery Extension Boundary 200 0 200 400 600 m

General Residential Parastatal RESERVATION Future Development Scale 1 : 8 000 @A0 Rural Residential Undetermined New Streets, Proposed Street Widening Main Road DRAWN: CHECKED DRAWING NO: DATE:

Residential Estate Agricultural Street Closures Namwater Line with 15m Servitude SNU IS ONG039 - 2 JUNE 2014 Office Nature Reserve Government

Local Business Private Open Space Existing Streets Business Special Educational Service Station Hospitality Parking P.O. BOX 11869 TEL.: 061-251189 Private Bag 5549 TEL.: 065-233700 WINDHOEK TEL.: 061-252490 NAMIBIA FAX : 061-252157 ONGWEDIVA FAX : 065-230521 Light Industrial Local Authority E-MAIL: [email protected] NAMIBIA

Curriculum Vitae Ms. Fredrika N Shagama


Full Names: Fredrika Ndeutala Shagama

Date of Birth: 19 October 1990

Profession: Hydrogeologist & Registered EAP

Cellphone No: +264 81 407 5536

Email address: [email protected]

Posta Address: P. O. Box 27318, Windhoek, Namibia

Nationality: Namibian


Fredrika is a Geological Engineer / Hydrogeologist with over 4 years of experience in Groundwater and Environmental Consulting. She is very passionate about natural resources that contribute to our daily lives and economic development, while looking after the Environment. She is a very diligent, efficient, focused, hardworking professional, either in a team or as an individual. Her core skills are in Hydrogeology, Geophysical Siting of boreholes, Drilling supervision, Geotechnical investigation phase 1, Dust monitoring, Proposal and Project Technical Report Compilation. Although Fredrika is a geological engineer by qualification and experience, she has expanded her horizons into learning and undertaking tasks outside her field, because she believes in "never stop learning new skills". Subsequently, she gained experience in conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and compilation of Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), facilitating EIA Public meetings (engagement) as well as adding input to EIA Reports as a specialist. She also has very good Project and Staff Management skills.


Educational Institution Qualification obtained Study period VSB - Technical University of PhD. Civil Engineering 2019 (in progress) Ostrava, Czech Republic (Geotechnics)

VSB - Technical University of MSc. Geological Engineering 2013 - 2015 Ostrava, Czech Republic (Cum Laude) – primary focus in Hydrogeology Thesis title: Groundwater Pollution Transport from Tsumeb Copper Smelter in Namibia

Professional course attended: Groundwater Flow Modelling with GMS (MODFLOE, MODPATH)

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Educational Institution Qualification obtained Study period by AQUAVEO at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, June 2015

VSB - Technical University of BSc. Geological Engineering 2010 - 2013 Ostrava, Czech Republic Mini thesis title: Water Quality Prediction in the Skorpion Mine Pit Lake in Namibia

Charles University in Prague, Certificate Level B2, Czech 2009 Marianske Lazne Study Centre Language for academic purposes (UJOP), Czech Republic

University of Namibia BSc. Environmental Biology & 2008 – mid 2009 Geology – studies ended upon obtaining a scholarship to study in the Czech Republic

University of Namibia Certificate, English Access 2007 Course

Shikongo Iipinge Senior Grade 12 Certificate, IGCSE 2006 Secondary School, Namibia


 International Association of Hydrogeologists - Full (online) Member, Membership No.139790 https://iah.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/IAHSpring2019Newsletter_web.pdf on page 19  Namibian Hydrogeological Association - Member, http://namhydro.com/wp/members/  Environmental Assessment Professionals of Namibia (EAPAN) - Ordinary member practitioner, http://eapan.org/registered-members, Membership No. 183.


Since starting her professional career 4 years ago, Fredrika has been involved in numerous groundwater (hydrogeological), geotechnical, Environmental Impact Assessment projects. Groundwater projects have been focusing on groundwater investigation for new water supply sources, groundwater impact assessment and monitoring. The specific groundwater, geotechnical and environmental project responsibilities range from proposal writing, technical report compilation, environmental assessment public meeting facilitation, site visits (fieldwork) & supervision, environmental compliance monitoring on sites and project management. The projects have been based in different regions in Namibia, with the

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exception of one groundwater project (monitoring) and hydrocarbon contamination assessment that were based in Limpopo Province and Gauteng (Johannesburg), early 2016, respectively.

Fredrika has been employed as per order of employment record below: Period Name of Employer, Position and Responsibilities 1 Apr 2019 - Independent Water and Environmental (Freelance) Consultant, Windhoek current Responsibilities: Conducting Groundwater studies, Environmental Impact Assessments, Advising clients on Environmental and Water management, Project Management, Compiling project proposal and technical reports for Groundwater studies (including reports for water permit applications) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).

1 Jan 2019 - 31 Excel Dynamic Solutions cc, Windhoek Mar 2019 Position: Senior Consultant - Hydrogeology and Environmental Impact Assessments

Responsibilities: Conducting Groundwater (Hydrogeological) studies, Environmental Impact Assessments, Groundwater Monitoring, Project Management & Staff management, Proposal and Technical compilation of Groundwater studies and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) reports as well as Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).

3 Aug 2015 – GCS Water Environmental Engineering Namibia (Pty) Ltd (GCS Namibia), 31 Dec 2018 Windhoek

Position: Hydrogeologist and Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP)

Responsibilities: Conducting Groundwater (Hydrogeological), Geological & Geochemical studies, Geotechnical investigations, Groundwater Monitoring, Air Quality Monitoring, Project Management, Proposal and Technical Report writing and Environmental Impact Assessments & Environmental Management Plans. Further responsibility included training of junior geologists and environmental assessment practitioners and ensuring health and safety implementation in the office.

1 Jul 2014 – 30 Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (DPMT), Tsumeb Sept 2014 Position: Intern Geologist / Hydrogeologist in the Environmental Department (under the Supervision of GCS Water & Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd)

Responsibilities: Measuring Groundwater Levels, Water Sampling and Preservation.

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Projects Undertaken as a Freelancer / Independent Water & Environmental Consultant Environmental Scoping Assessment for the Proposed Rezoning Compilation of Environmental of Portions and Remainders of Ongwediva Town and Townland Assessment Report & No. 881 from 'Undetermined' to 'Business' into an Erven of Management Plan and Co- 2019 Ongwediva Extension 13, Oshana Region facilitation of Public Consultation Client: Mafuta Environmental Consultants for Stantoll Properties

Desktop Geohydrological Assessment as part of the Baseline Geohydrological Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for the Assessment, Data Analysis and Proposed Pilot Desalination Plants in Bethanie Town and Compilation of the two Reports 2019 Grünau Settlement in the //Karas Region

Client: KPM Environmental Consulting for NamWater

Baseline Hydrogeological and A Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) / Environmental Assessment, Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for Reports & Framework the Namibia Water Sector Support Program (NWSSP) 2019 Compilation, Key Stakeholders Client: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) with the Engagement and Internal Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF) Documents Review

Project Management, Site visit Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed Construction & Assessment, Facilitation of and Operation of a Wastewater Treatment Facility for Linus Public Participation (including Shashipapo Secondary School in the Region 2019 public meeting) and Compilation Client: MZ-Fifteen Environmental, Health & Safety of Environmental Assessment Consultants CC for Dunamis Consulting Engineers & Report & Environmental Project Managers (Pty) Ltd Management Plan

Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Construction and Site visit (Windhoek Site only) & Operation of 2 Monopole Network Towers in Windhoek's assessment, Co-author and Auasblick Suburb, & Rehoboth's Block F, Reviewer of the Environmental 2019 Assessment reports & Management Plans Client: Excel Dynamic Solutions (Pty) Ltd for PowerCom (Pty) Ltd

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the New Site visit & assessment, Public Narraville Cemetery in Narraville Extension 8 in Walvis Bay, meeting facilitation and 2019 Compilation of the Environmental Assessment Client: Excel Dynamic Solutions (Pty) Ltd for the

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Municipality of Walvis Bay report & Management Plan

Environmental Assessment for the proposed Development of a Site visit & assessment, Lodge in the Doro Nawas Conservancy near Khorixas, Kunene Compilation of the Region (Namibia) Environmental Assessment 2019 report & Management Plan, and Client: Resilient Environmental Solutions CC for Ultimate Facilitation of Public Safaris (Pty) Ltd Engagement Environmental Assessment (EA) for Exclusive Prospecting Geological input, Compilation of License (EPL) 7264 near Talismanis in the Environmental Assessment (Namibia) report & Management Plan, Site 2019 visit & assessment, and Client: Resilient Environmental Solutions CC for Trans Facilitation of Public Kalahari Copper Namibia Pty (Ltd) (Kopore Metals) Engagement Water Resources Impact Assessment for the proposed Compilation of Water horticulture irrigation near Oranjemund, //Karas Region Resources Risk Assessment 2019 Report Client: I.N.K Enviro Consultants CC for Galore Trading

Compilation of; the Environmental Scoping Assessment for Communal Leasehold Environmental Report and 2019 Land Rights for Agricultural Activities at Eloolo 1 Village in Management Plan and (Ongoing) Okongo Constituency and District, Ohangwena Region Facilitation of Public Client: Shongola Agri Products CC Engagement Environmental Assessment for the Groundwater Abstraction and Site assessment, Co-author for Use Permit for the proposed Lucerne Irrigation on Farm Klein the Environmental Assessment

2019 Nabas 137 Portion 2 (Marlo) near Stampriet, Hardap Region Report and Management Plan

Client: Green Team Consultants O.B.O Jonkheer Boerdery Pty Ltd Desktop Hydrogeological Assessment and Groundwater Site visit and assessment, Abstraction and Use Permit for the proposed Lucerne Irrigation Compilation of Desktop Scheme on Farm Klein Nabas 137 (Marlo Portion) near Groundwater Report and

2019 Stampriet, Hardap region (specialist study to the Environmental Technical Report for Scoping Assessment) Groundwater Permit application

Client: Green Team Consultants O.B.O Jonkheer Boerdery Pty Ltd Environmental Scoping Assessment for the Proposed Site visit, Compilation of the Construction of a 5 Megawatt (MW) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Environmental Report and

2019 Plant on Sollum Farm No 251 Alleem Kamp near Aranos, Management Plan, Co- Hardap Region Facilitation of Public Engagement (as per IFC Client: Climate Dynamics O. B. O Sollum Solar Power CC

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Standards) and Lead Environmental Assessment Practitioner and Advisor Projects Undertaken under Excel Dynamic Solutions CC -amended to (Pty) Ltd Site visit, Compilation of Environmental Assessment for the proposed renewal of Mining environmental Assessment 2019 License (ML) 91 near Usakos, Erongo Region Report and Environmental Client: Manger Mining (Pty) Ltd Management Plan (EMP) Compilation of the Environmental Assessment for the three Mining Claims No. Environmental Assessment 2018 70653, 70654 & 70655 near Uis, Erongo Region Report and draft Management

Client: Mr. Johannes Gariseb Plan (EMP) and Lead Environmental Advisor Co-author for the Environmental Environmental Assessment for the proposed piggery Assessment Report and establishment in Oshikondiilongo Village, Oshana Region (In Management Plan, Compilation 2018 collaboration with Mafuta Environmental Consultants CC) of the groundwater Impact

Client: Namibia Correctional Service (Ministry of Safety & Assessment Report, Specialist Security) input into the Environmental Management Plan Projects Undertaken under GCS Water Environmental Engineering Namibia (Pty) Ltd (GCS Namibia) Environmental Assessment for the proposed exploration drilling Co-author of the environmental activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 6226 near assessment report and 2018 Kalkfeld, Facilitation of Public participation Client: Damaran Exploration Namibia Borehole siting (geophysical Hydrogeological Study for the Expansion of Tsumeb Smelter survey), Drilling & borehole 2018 Monitoring network (new boreholes) construction supervision& data Client: Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (DPMT) analysis

Co-Training of NamWater Project Staff (Modelling) and Updating of the Numerical Groundwater Flow Model for the Data Collection & Collation, 2018 Lower Kuiseb River Aquifers assisted with the updating of the Client: Namibia Water Corporation Limited (NamWater) numerical model, and Report Compilation

Namibia Tantalite Investment (NTI) Mine groundwater supply Pump testing of mine boreholes,

2018 study groundwater monitoring training and Report compilation Client: Namibia Environmental Consultants O.B.O Namibia

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Tantalite Investment (NTI) Training of mine personnel on Groundwater Monitoring as part of Environmental Audit and EMP implementation and

2018 Groundwater abstraction & use permit license renewal groundwater level measurement & sampling and Environmental Client: Okatji Marble Mine cc monitoring report

Groundwater sampling, Site Groundwater Quality Assessment for Sambyu Village Water visit, Groundwater impact

2017 Supply Scheme, Kavango East Region assessment, Compilation of groundwater quality report and Client: Iliso Consulting Namibia O.B.O NamWater Project management

Facilitation of (Northern Regions) Public Meetings, Compilation of 14 Draft & 14 National Environmental Assessment for the MTC Namibia 100% Generic Environmental Population Coverage: Proposed new 554 network towers / sites 2017 Management Plans (EMPs), in all the Regions of Namibia Site visits, Landscape (soil, Client: Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC Namibia) topography, hydrology and geohydrology) specialist, Environmental Reports

Data Analysis, Oranjemund Water Sustainability Study Phase 1 & 2 2017 Hydrogeochemical Component Client: Freedthinkers & Report Compilation

Environmental Assessments of two 66 kV powerlines for the Compilation of Environmental Solar PV sites near Keetmanshoop, //Karas Region and Assessment Reports & 2017 Mariental, Hardap Region Environmental Management Plans and Public Consultation Client: GreeNam Electricity (Pty) Ltd Desktop Air Quality Assessment for the proposed establishment Site visit, air quality survey and

2017 of an incinerator in Ongwediva, Oshana Region compilation of the desktop air quality report Client: Excel Dynamic Solutions cc Compilation of Environmental Assessment report & Environmental Assessment for the proposed construction of Environmental Management 2017 MTC Antennae in Rehoboth, Hardap Region Plan, Public consultation Client: AGA Technical Services O.B.O MTC Namibia facilitation and Project management

2017 Environmental Assessment for Opuwo Wastewater Treatment Site Investigation,

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Facility Hydrogeological & Hydrogeochemical components Client: Aqua Services & Engineering O.B.O NamWater and Meeting facilitation

Public Meetings Facilitation Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Construction of a Site Investigation, Geological & 2017 Copper Processing Facility near Omao Village in Hydrogeological components Client: South East Atlantic Mining Company (SEAMCO) and Report Compilation

Training of Site Personnel on Dust monitoring for Otjozondu Mine for 6 months (Aug 2017 to bucket installation at site, 2017 Jan 2018) Monitoring and Monthly Air Client: Otjozondu Mining (Pty) Ltd Quality Report Compilation

Data Collection and Analysis Otjozondu Manganese Mine Water Use License Application:

2016 Technical Report (Hydrogeological) Project Management

Client: Shaw River Manganese Ltd (Otjozondu Mining) Technical Report Compilation

Field Investigation

Geohydrological Investigation of the Groundwater Resources at Project Management Outjo and the Possible Impact of the Development of 60 New 2016 Data collection and Analysis Residential Plots Technical Report Compilation Client: Municipality of Outjo Client Liaison

Data collection & analysis, Groundwater Report Desktop Groundwater Impact Assessment and Environmental Compilation, Site Visit, Public Assessment for the Proposed Fuel Station in Extension 7, 2016 Participation, Project Rundu Management, Data Collection Client: Norton Luis Consultants cc and Environmental Assessment & EMP Report Compilation

Groundwater Reserve Availability and Determination for the Groundwater section Proposed Rehabilitation of TR7/1 between Karibib and Usakos compilation and Groundwater 2016 data analysis Client: Urban Green Town and Environmental Planning Consultants Environmental Scoping Assessment for the Existing Guano Site visit and assessment, Harvesting Operations and Associated Activities on Mining compilation of environmental 2016 Licenses 56 A & B near Cape Cross in Erongo Region assessment report and management plan, Facilitation Client: Atlantic Guano Syndicate (Pty) Ltd

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2016 Hydrogeological Investigation (Phase 1) for Dassiesfontein Farm Desktop study, Literature near Mariental review, Data analysis and Report compilation Client: Africa Safari Lodge 2016 Okatji Marble Mine Water Use Application and Technical Report Project Management, Report Compilation and Water Use Client: Okatji Marble cc Application 2016 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling for the De Brochen Groundwater Level Project in Limpopo () measurement, Surface water sampling Client: Anglo American Platinum 2016 Environmental Hydrocarbon Contamination Assessment Phase Site Inspection, Measurement of 1 for Interchain Logistics and Nulaid Fuel Stations in water levels in tank observation Johannesburg (South Africa) wells, Soil Augering and sampling Client: SASOL Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling for Dundee Precious Hydrocensus, Borehole profiling

2015 Metals in Tsumeb from 2015 to 2017 and Data analysis

Client: Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (DPMT) Environmental assessments for the proposed Solar PV Plant Finalization of Environmental Sites near NamPower’s Kokerboom Substation (//Karas Region) assessment reports, Facilitation

2015 and Mariental NamPower substation, Hardap Region, of public consultation as per IFC respectively Standards

Client: GreeNam Electricity (Pty) Ltd 2015 Skorpion Zinc Mine Closure Plan Compilation of Mine Closure Report, Geochemical and Client: Skorpion Zinc (Pty) Ltd Groundwater input, Integrating specialists’ inputs in EIA report

Geotechnical Projects Undertaken (under GCS Namibia) Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed Solar PV Plant Site Test pit excavation supervision

2017 near NamPower’s Kokerboom Substation (//Karas Region) and Logging, Data collection and Report writing Client: Autoconcept Engineers Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed Solar PV Plant Site Test pit excavation supervision

2017 near Mariental’s NamPower Substation (Hardap Region) and Logging, Data collection and Report writing Client: Autoconcept Engineers Geotechnical Investigation of the proposed new Tsumeb Mine Borehole & Test pit Logging

2016 waste and Tailings Facility Geological Mapping, Co- supervision of geotechnical Client: Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (DPMT) Namibia

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YEAR PROJECT NAME & CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES borehole drilling and test pit excavation


Language Speaking Read Writing English Excellent Excellent Excellent Oshiwambo Excellent/Native Excellent/Native Excellent/Native Czech Excellent Excellent Excellent


Mrs. Eloise Carstens (Previous GCS Namibia Country Manager)

Environmental Management and Authorization Unit

Tel: +64 27 258 9337

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Kobus Troskie (GCS Johannesburg: Previous Technical Supervisor)

Water Resources, Oil and Gas Sub-Unit

Tel: +27 (11) 803 5726

Email: [email protected]

Prof. Ing. Nadia Rapantova, PhD (Professor and MSc & BSc Theses Supervisor and PhD supervisor as of September / October 2019)

Department of Geotechnics & Underground Engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering)

Institute of Geological Engineering (Faculty of Mining and Geology)

VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Tel: +420 597 321 942

Email: [email protected]

Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and experience.

Date: 11 November 2019

…………………… Signature

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Martha L. Hangula

Email:[email protected] Contact: +264 814824850, Address: Ekuku, Oshakati, Postal Address: P.O. Box 1447, Oshakati

Date: 11/12/2019

Personal Details

Full Names: Martha Lipitwa Hangula

ID Number: 85062410878

Profession: Environmental and Social Safeguards specialist (Independent Consultant)

Cellphone No: +264814824850/ +264812200816

Email Address: [email protected]

Postal Address: P.O Box 1339 Oshakati

Residential Address: Erf 447 Ekuku, Oshakati

Nationality: Namibian

Professional Profile

A committed and driven BSc in Geography and Environmental Studies Graduate with a sound understanding of leadership and communication skills, excellent personal, interpersonal skills, with 5 years’ experience in Natural Resources Development, Sustainable development, Environmental Management and Occupational Safety and Health.

A Dedicated and experienced environmentalist: passionate about working in climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, community project implementation/community mobilizer with demonstrated success in project/program coordination for consulting companies, government institution, Business and institution of higher learning.

Seeking new opportunity to expand my professional development, strengthen my capacity for leadership, management, and gain valuable experience and knowledge in community work across the globe.

Area of Expertise and Interest:

Climate Science/Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation, Nature based solutions to Climate Change and sustainable development, Hydro-Ecology, Floodplain, ecological Restoration, community development, Strategic Planning/Project/Program Coordination and Management.

Current job Activities/Description:

Data collection and compile reports Climate change adaptation/mitigation programs Implementation of environmental management systems Facilitate community development projects Conduct Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) Conduct Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Development environmental social management plan (ESMP) Conduct Impacts Assessment (EIA) Conduct public consultation/training and harness awareness Community members consultation and stakeholders engagements Monitor and evaluation progress of environmental improvement programs and protections Monitor and measure performance indicators Project Management/facilitation Design and implementation of ISO compliant system such as OSHSAS 18001,9000,14001 as well as rules and regulations. Implementation of health, safety and environmental operational procedures; Conducting SHEQ training and awareness risk and quality management system Apply change management principles to roll out SHEQ related projects. Enforce compliance to ensure companies/projects are in fully compliance policies and regulations.

Education and Qualifications

2011-2015 BSc Geography and Environmental Studies (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)

Main courses were Applied Watershed Management, Sustainable Natural Resources Management, Water Resources Management, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Pollution Control Waste Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Geographic Information Systems and Computer Application in Water Resources Management, Feasibility Studies and Project Planning, Climate Change and Adaptation, Occupational safety and health.

2006-2007 Ruacana High School. Tsandi Circuit, Grade 12 certificate obtained Subjects: Geography, English, History, Oshikwanyama, Home economics, Agriculture

Associated Experience:

August 2019- African Development Bank (Lead Independent Consultant) completed

A project aimed at expansion and rehabilitation of water infrastructures and improve sanitation in order to address the current drought severe drought facing the country, Implemented by Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF), City of Windhoek (CoW) and NamWater, with support from Africa development bank (AFDB). https://www.afdb.org/en/documents/namibia-namibia-water-sector-support-program- nwssp-p-na-e00-005-summary-esmf


Conduct Strategic Assessment and Social Environmental (SESA) studies for Namibia Water Sector Support Program (NWSSP) Develop an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for Namibia Water Sector Support Program (NWSSP) Conduct a National Public consultation across the all 14 regions in the country Climate Change mitigation educator on resilience and adaption Project management

March 2016– to date Mafuta Environmental Consultant cc (Environmentalist) currently full time

Duties: Conducting EIAs and preparation of the EMPs GIS and Water Expert, Hydrology and Hydrogeology analysis, compile Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Reports, Conduct Public participation programs and Environmental education, Safety Health and Environment as well as project management.


Project Name Client Status Proposed Construction and Operation of Bukalo Clemens Khaiseb ongoing Meat Processing Facility, - Directorate of Agricultural Namibia (2019)-ongoing Research and Development, Proposed Construction and Operation of Etunda Ministry of Agriculture Feedlot, Omusati Region-Namibia (2019)-ongoing Water and Forestry (MAWF)

Proposed Construction and Operation of Katima Farm Feedlot, Zambezi Region-Namibia (2019)- ongoing

Proposed Construction and Operation of Musese Feedlot, Region-Namibia (2019)ongoing Stantoll Investments Sand Mining Project- Mr B, Haunga Certicate Onanime Village [email protected] obtained

Environmental Scoping Assessment for the Ongoing Proposed Rezoning of Portions and Remainders of Ongwediva Town and Townland no. 881 from 'undetermined' to 'business' into an erven of Ongwediva Extension 13, Oshana Region Environmental Assessment for the proposed Commis. Immanuel Ngolo Certificate piggery in Oshikondiilongo Village, Okatyali (Namibia Correctional obtained Constituency, Oshana Region (2018) completed Services, Ministry of Safety and Security) Namfocus Investments Service Station Project- Mr Tuli. Kanime Certifite Omusati [email protected] obtained Onyika Oil and Energy cc Tyre Recycling Pyrolysis Mr. A Shinima Plant-Groot [email protected] GeoNamib Minerals Stone Quarry Project- Mr. F Mwapopi Certificate Omakang [email protected] obtained FKB Legacy Estate Overnight Accommodation Louks Shanjengane Certicate farcicalities and leisure park-Uukwaluudh [email protected] obtained

Acacia Park Township Establishment Project- Mr. Helms Certificate Rehobot [email protected] obtained

Tueufi Trading Service Station Malakia Nangolo Cerifiace obtained Wanamukwaya Investments Sand Mining Project- Mr Gabriel Shaduka Certificate Oikango Village obtained [email protected]

Environmental Impact Assessment for the Kalahari New Hope obtained proposed Radio Tower at Tsumkwe constituency Environmental impact assessment for sand Hu-Hu City obtained mining at Environmental assessement for the proposed Ministry of Safety and Obtained Piggery Establishment In Oshikondiilong Village, Secuiry Okatyali Constituency

2018-2019 Climate dynamics O.B. O Sollum solar power cc (Independent Consultant)

Project: Environmental Assessment for the proposed construction of a 5 Megawatt (MW) solar photo PV Plant on Sollum farm No.251 Allem Kamp near Aranos, Hardap Region Independent environmental consultant with responsibilities environmental impact assessment, advising clients on environmental and water management, project management, compiling project proposal technical reports for groundwater studies and environmental management plan (EMPs)

July 2017- current Impact SHERQ (Business Developer Officer) Free-Lance

Duties: provide professional demonstrations or presentations of company products and services while onsite.

Scheduling appointments and meeting customers in order to identify and qualify potential prospects. Identifying and qualifying prospective customers through research, networking and cold calling Maintaining professionalism, diplomacy, sensitivity Effectively attending workshops, conferences and expo shows when required Prepare reports for sale and marketing and maintaining accurate expenses accounts Provide quotes to customers as needed Identify and develop market related training

2014-15 City of Windhoek (Student Intern)


Conduct health inspection within Windhoek Municipality, Write Proposal for pollution control from informal diesel mechanical work within Windhoek. Review Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plans. Waste control and management food inspections Communicable diseases and prevention and the creation of awareness Assist with the inspection of facilities and equipment Assist with the coordination of logistics

2014 Green Earth Environmental Consultant (Student Intern)

Duties: Compile EIA and EMP for Material Recovery Facility (Rent a Drum for Swakopmund Township. Compile EIA and EMP for the proposed Military Information and communication located on portion X of portion B, farm Windhoek Town and Townland No.31. Compile an EIA and EMP for the “Route determination of a public road” on portion 7 of farm Nubuiams Farm No.31. Nara Namib Industrial Estate the rezoning of a portion of the remainder of farm Wanderdune No.23, Walvis Bay from “Undetemined” to “Industrial”.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism (2013)


Review EIA and EMP reports Conduct site visit and write feedback reports Inspect industrial and Municipality facilities across the country Conduct baseline studies for community adaptation


Language Speaking Reading Writing

English Excellent Excellent Excellent

Oshiwambo Excellent Excellent Excellent (native)

Afrikaans Good Good Good

Other skills and competences

Ability to effectively communicate with team members Strong project management skills Independent thinker and work under minimum supervisory Proactive problem solver Strong project management skills; Excellent report writing; Leadership, Adaptability, Multitasking, Problem-Solving, Ability to work in a team


Highly conversant in the following Windows Office Programs Ms Word, Excel & Power Point Microsoft Works, Excel, Word, Access, Outlook, Internet Explorer and E-mailing and Arc view 3.2


1. Muja Annah Rutebuka | Social Development Officer

African Development Bank Group | Southern Africa Regional

Development and Business Delivery Office (RDGS), 339 Witch Hazel Avenue,

Highveld Extension 78, Centurion, South Africa.

Office: +27 12 003 6900 Ext: 8462 | E-mail: [email protected]

2. Ms Maria Amakali

Director of Water Resources Management Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry

First floor, Government Office Park, Windhoek

Email: [email protected] |contact: +264812900823

3. Mr Victor Slinger

Deputy Director for Infrastructure Development

Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry

Third floor, Government Office Park, Windhoek

4. Mr. Immanuel Ngolo (Commissioner)

Directorate of Correctional Industries and Capital Projects

Correctional Services

Ministry of Safety and Security

Contact: +264811685140

5. Mr. Damien Chindo (

Department of Environmental Affairs

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Contact: +264813424606

[email protected]

6. Evidence T. Kasinganetie (Senior Environmentalist)

Mafuta Environmental Consultant cc

Cell: 0813634904

[email protected]