A Porphyrogenitan Portulan Huxley, George Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Fall 1976; 17, 3; Proquest Pg
A Porphyrogenitan Portulan Huxley, George Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Fall 1976; 17, 3; ProQuest pg. 295 A Porphyrogenitan Portulan George Huxley N De Cerimoniis 2.45 a stadiodromikon is given at the end of the cata I logue of ships and equipment gathered for the imperial expedition to Crete in 949.1 The text lists places on the way from Constanti nople to Crete, with the distances between them in miles. Some of the numbers given are obviously too large, but it is not possible to dis tinguish with certainty errors of the compiler from corruptions of his work, and since there is but one manuscript, there are no textual variants; the document can nonetheless be placed in its tenth-century historical context. E'TaOWOpOJLLKOV • A1To 'T~e OEoc/>vAaK'TOV 1TOAEwe EtC <HpaKAELav JLlALa g'. a1TO <npaKI\HaC \' EWC"n POtKOV7lCCOV ' l},tl\.\', I" . aTT'O , n POtKOV7lCCOV' EWC" 'Af3 VCOVI~ JLL/\.\ p.I a7TO, \ 'Af3 VOOVI~ EWC" ",1 a7TEVKLa I JLLI\.\ Lf3' • a1TO, \ '" '" ", I~ \ I , , ", I~ ., 15 1 a1TEVKLa Ewe 1 EVEOOV JLLI\. "1 . a1TO 1 EVE 00V Ewe M L'TVI\"1V1}e" \ I • 'liS \ I ., ~ JLLI\. P • a1TO J.Ylt'TVI\"1V1}e Ewe X'tOV JLLI\.\'" p • a1TO X'tOV Ewe., 6.J aJLov, \ , , , - ~, ., 'rn I , \' " , JLLI\. P • a7TO 77JC 6.J aJLov EWC 'TOVC '¥ovpJlove JLLI\. 1\ • a7TO 'TOve rn , "7\T (;' \,., 7\T~(;'" '" T ", '¥OVPJlOVC EWC Ha~tac JLLI\. 0 • a7TO H'-"bLac EWC 77JJI 10V JLLI\. 1\ • , , , "T" 'QI \ t.::'I 1 \ I , , \ a7TO 77JV 10Jl Ewe 77JJI It'J''1pav Kat It'J''1paCLaJl JLLI\.
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