Alex Zanardi,Gianluca Gasparini | 387 pages | 25 Oct 2004 | Bentley (Robert) Inc.,US | 9780837612492 | English | Cambridge, United States Alex Zanardi - Autopedia, the free automobile encyclopedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Alex Zanardi by Alex Zanardi. Gianluca Gasperini. Foreword. The racing world held its collective breath in when Alex Zanardi lost both his legs in a horrifying accident at the Lausitzring in Germany. The racing world held its breath again 19 months later while witnessing his incredible return to racing. In Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory Zanardi takes us from his childhood in through his hard-fought racing success to The racing world held its collective breath in when Alex Zanardi lost both his legs in a horrifying accident at the Lausitzring in Germany. In Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory Zanardi takes us from his childhood in Italy through Adversity hard-fought racing success to the moving story of perseverance and love that motivated his recovery. Along the way, Zanardi presents the triumphs and setbacks in his racing career, culminating in back-to-back CART championships for and In riveting detail, Zanardi relates his terrible accident, the long path to recovery and his return to Lausitzring to complete the 13 laps he didn't finish in Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory is an inspiring book about how personal strength and passion can triumph over even the most challenging circumstances -- an autobiography whose significance extends far beyond the world of motorsports. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published October 25th by Bentley Publishers first published July 15th More Details Original Title. Alex Zanardi. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Alex Zanardiplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 25, Sharon B. My husband has been an open-wheel racing fan his entire life; I've only been following the sport for about seven years. I bought this book for him several years ago, without really knowing who Alex Zanardi is; to me he was just another race car driver whose name was vaguely familiar to me. My husband was very excited about receiving this gift, and immediately read it cover to cover. He told me about Alex Adversity how he lost his legs and went on to race again, Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success kept saying over and over that I rea My husband has been an open-wheel racing fan his entire life; I've only been following the sport for about seven years. He told me about And Courage and how he lost his legs and went on to race again, Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success kept saying over and over that I really ought to read this book. Well, finally I did, and as a person who still knows very little about automobile racing, I must say I found this memoir fascinating and inspiring. Often when people start talking about telemetry and car set-up and wing and Courage, my brain turns Adversity mush. I try to listen anyway, sometimes asking questions to which my husband patiently explains the answers; sometimes repeatedly. I'm more interested in the personal stories of the drivers--who they are, where they come from, what is their family life like, etc. Usually I don't really care who wins; I'm happy for all the winners and feel badly for all the losers. This book gave me a healthy dose of both: Lots of technical jargon that I determinedly read and tried my best to understand, and happily, I learned a little bit more about racing; and I got to know a person with real life joys and struggles and and Courage determination. I learned a little bit about Alex's childhood and growing up in Italy, the tragic death of his older sister, his parents' support of his budding career in racing. I most enjoyed the section about Zanardi's years as a driver for in the CART series, because it involved drivers and teams and tracks that I'm at least somewhat familiar with, and I was able to place real images to names and places. The descriptions of the horrific accident that cost Alex both legs and the aftermath were painful to read, but his determination to walk and eventually race again is truly inspiring. I recommend this book to every racing fan; and if you don't follow , this just might pique your interest. Wanna know why I'm a racing fan? Click here. The late had a lot to do with it. I hope someone writes a book about him. One of the best if unlucky racecar drivers ever- he is still at it without legs! This emotional roller coaster makes you feel so happy to be alive and so Adversity by Zanardi's magnificent tale. View 1 comment. Mar 01, Donald M. I've read this book now twice, and am amazed how this former racer has kept his competiveness alive. Alex had recently competed in the Para Olympic Games where he won two gold and one silver medals in Hand Cycling. Would like to see him write another book about that chapter in his life, and his future aspirations on out! Apr 09, John rated it it was ok Shelves: non-fictionauto-racingbiographical. The story of a wonderful driver who came within a tick of loosing his life and his unbelievable comeback. Aug 22, Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success Harben Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success it really liked it. Interesting book. Zanardi has fond memories of his earlier life in karting, which translate and Courage warm stories, rich with the texture of life in Italy. Even when Zanardi crashes the car, it "wasn't my fault, the car was undriveable. Those sections are mostly devoid of his charm that characterises the earlier part of Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success book and adds a little sourness into what could've been an excellent book. His famous crash in Austria that cost him his legs is covered here in gruesome detail and it's here where the book regains a measure of grace. His recovery and long term rehabilitation is and Courage and his determination is a force to be reckoned with. The book's tone is a little uneven, but still highly recommended. Bellissimo, davvero. Da and Courage nei momenti di crisi! Davvero infinita ammirazione per Zanardi, il suo talento, la sua forza, il suo sempiterno buonumore. Una lettura che consiglio a tutti, appassionati and Courage sport e non. Good written autobiography about Alex Zanardi's life Adversity his childhood Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success his recovery of the terrible crash in Germany in His writing style is smooth and simple, the prose dotted with the sarcastic and Courage typical of Alex. And it is, of course, filled with the optimism which made him a born fighter. La nascita e la carriera di un campione vero, di un uomo che anche con arroganza non ha mai smesso di lottare, soprattutto dopo il tragico incidente del Un vero sportivo. The joy of this book is in its tone. Zanardi and his ghostwriter Gasparini are so optimistic and full of enthusiasm and the occasional dodgy translation, as in an Alfa Romeo manual, somehow adds to the charm. Zanardi recounts his days growing up and racing karts with warmth and relish. If some of their adventures seem almost too good to be true, that's offset by some shockingly dark times for his family and friends and not just Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success obvious one. Zanardi is blessed with the ability to avoid dw The joy of this book is in its tone. Zanardi is blessed with the ability to avoid dwelling on these and move forwards, and this shines through in those black days, and throughout his treatment and rehabilitation after losing his legs. The book does the usual irritating sports-biography thing of beginning with a "headline" chapter about the defining moment. Once the pro racing career is under way, the book seems Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success rush through the seasons, but there are enough thought-provoking insights into life at the blunt end of Formula 1 in the 90s, and some of its characters. Similarly with those he works with in the successful Ganassi team in the States. His account of his racing career left me with a sense of what might have been, not so much from the accident, but from earlier offers and opportunities Zanardi chose not to pursue. I was sorry when the book came to a and Courage abrupt end. But I'm sure there'd be more than enough further racing adventures and challenges for him to fill another volume in the same optimistic style. I hope we hear much more from him as he bids to take on the best in the handcycle event at the London Paralympics. May 23, Rossrn Nunamaker rated it really liked it Shelves: bio-autobiosports. Update: Former CART Champion Alex Zanardi Remains in Coma after Second Surgery

Read entire transcript. The racing world held its collective breath in when Alessandro Zanardi lost both his Adversity in a horrifying accident at the Lausitzring in Germany. The racing world held its breath again nineteen months later while witnessing his incredible return to racing. Bentley Publishers announces the publication of the North American edition of the Alex Zanardi biography, My Sweetest Victorya book which has quickly sold over 50, copies in his native Italy. In this very personal book Zanardi takes us from his childhood in Italy through his hard-fought racing success to the moving story of perseverance and love that motivated his recovery. In riveting detail, Zanardi relates his terrible accident, the long path to recovery and his return to Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success Lausitz ring in a specially modified hp Champ Car to complete the 13 laps he didn't finish in In addition to the 32 pages of color photos, including many from the Zanardi family albums, Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory also includes the following new features: a foreword by Alex Zanardi's friend and supporter Mario Andretti, a chronology of Alex's racing career, and a new final chapter in which Alex discusses his return to competitive racing in the European Touring Car Championship driving for BMW Team Italy-Spain. Click here for Awards and Testimonials. Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success Account. Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory. Add to Cart. My Sweetest Victory-Alex Zanardi. Going Faster! The Unfair Advantage. Comment on this page. The return to Lausitzring a year- and-a-half later to complete the 13 laps that I missed after my accident. Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory recounts his incredible story as only he can tell it. Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory is an inspiring book about how personal strength and passion can triumph over even the most challenging circumstances - an autobiography whose significance extends far beyond the world of motorsports. Victory at Long Beach, click to enlarge. Race Driving. All rights reserved. Zanardi the brave | Sport | The Observer

Zanardi the brave Last September Alex Zanardi lost both his legs and nearly lost his life in a horrendous motor racing accident. But Zanardi, always one of the most ebulliant drivers on the circuit, and Courage refused to let the crash ruin him. He's walking again - and next, he's determined to go skiing. This is his story He's coming out of the pits. As Carpentier charged past the pits to his left, he saw Zanardi's red Reynard- wiggling out onto the course - rushing, as usual, to win. Then Carpentier saw Zanardi's car skid onto the rain-slicked grass on the outside of the pit exit road. Saw the car spin and jump just once, high and hard, as it clambered back onto the course. Saw its slicks bounce on the pavement, its rear end swing round. Then the Adversity stopped, its left side facing the feral whine of oncoming traffic. I missed him by an inch. He saw him sweep around Zanardi. Then he saw Zanardi's car Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success front of him, growing larger as it rose very fast toward him in the grey afternoon light. Tags had no chance. Instinctively, he flicked the wheel left, braced himself with his feet to the floor and heard himself scream, 'Oh, no! It was just past 3. The rest is a void. Nor does the year-old Italian have any recollection of the moment nearly twenty laps before the crash when - after making a signature charge through the field from his starting position in 22nd place, he passed his team-mate and waved goodbye to him as he powered into the lead. As Kanaan recalls, 'I looked over and thought, "It's the old Alex. He's back. From his CART Championship Auto Racing Teams Rookie of the Year season in through the two championship seasons that followed, Zanardi had won over the galleries as no open-wheel driver had in years. By the end of and Courage, when he defected back to , he was the most popular entertainer in CART: a warm, bright, wryly humorous soul who played the press like a violin and indulged the crowds by driving like a madman and spinning victory doughnuts Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success blue-grey blooms of burning rubber smoke. The fans adored him. Zanardi's first stint in F1 spanned 25 races between and He drove for middle and back-of-the-grid outfits such as Jordan, and Lotus and only ever scored one point: he had speed but his machinery didn't. Zanardi's second spell in F1 was even worse. The Williams he drove in might have been a better car but he never got to grips with it or the team. The joy went out of him and Williams and Zanardi parted company at the end of the year. He had returned to CART inas rusty as an old flywheel, and it had taken nearly the entire season Adversity rediscover the feel that would put him on the lead again. He had the fastest car again. So he came hammering out of the pits and ended up sideways on the track. Tagliani T-boned him at nearly mph, the hard carbon-fibre bullet Adversity of his 1,pound missile striking Zanardi's car between the left front wheel and the cockpit with such force that it blew away the front of the chassis. The nose of Tag's car lifted on impact, like a powerboat bucking a wave. Up in the grandstand, one of Zanardi's oldest friends from Italy, Marilena Cavalieri, noted the stillness that fell on the track. Like the world had stopped. The collision had thrown pieces of his car as far as yards: tyres and wheels, rods and screws, sockets and cones. Thousands of razor-fine fragments of carbon fibre had flown like shrapnel. Worst of all, the crash had taken off Zanardi's lower legs - his right at the knee and his left at the thigh, four to five inches above the knee. It was almost identical to what happens to soldiers who step on land mines. His leg veins and femoral and Courage were running like hoses. Muttering 'Oh, shit! Oh, shit! He reckoned he had about seconds to save Zanardi. Trammel had also seen what he thought was an oil slick in front of the wreck. Running to Zanardi, the doctor slipped. He looked down and saw blood pooling at his feet. Zanardi was still sitting in the car, his stumps pointed down, and the pull of gravity was draining him white. He worked as fast as his hands could move; he opened an airway and barked at the crew: 'We've got to shut down the blood flow! I need some compresses! Trammel staunched the bleeding in the right leg; there was enough loose tissue and skin to fold over the wound, and around that he wrapped a remnant of the leg of Zanardi's suit, padding it with gauze. The wound in the left leg, however, Trammel could not close. Compression bandages did not work. He was Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success out of time. He did not look up. Like an surgeon, he held out his right hand while pressing the stump with his Adversity. Crewman Mike Young offered his belt. Trammel slipped it over the cone-shaped stub of thigh as high as it would go and drew it tight. The haemorrhaging stopped. Crew members had taken off Zanardi's helmet. They scooted an extricator board under his back to protect his spine, and Courage a cervical collar on him and Courage lifted him into an ambulance. Trammel was trying to stick an IV needle into Zanardi's left shoulder to stabilise his blood pressure when he saw the belt slip down the thigh. The artery was spewing blood again. Trammel dropped the needle and Courage tightened the belt. He went back to the IV. Again the belt slipped loose. Every time Trammel took both hands off the tourniquet, the belt squirmed down the slippery thigh. So he held the belt with his left hand while trying to insert and Courage IV needle with his right. Olvey called Trammel by radio from the track's medical centre about yards away. Nothing to reattach. He met the ambulance at the chopper, outside the medical centre. Zanardi had lost nearly 75 per cent of his blood. His haemoglobin count, a measure of the oxygen-bearing protein in red blood cells, had plunged from 16 to and Courage. He had used up all his clotting factors. His skin was growing more pallid, his pulse weaker, his breathing more erratic. Welcome your servant. I anoint you Zanardi had just been put on the helicopter when Olvey looked up and saw Daniela Zanardi, the driver's wife and Courage the mother of their three-year-old son, Niccolo, standing nearby with the actress Ashley Judd, then the fiancee and now the wife of driver . Daniela was crying. Judd had an arm around her and was reciting scripture and talking softly to her, telling her everything would be all right. Olvey approached them. Olvey told Daniela that he did not want her to see him right then. Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success did not tell her about Alex's legs. Angry, Daniela started screaming, 'I've got to see him! I've got to see him! Had Tagliani not flicked his wheel left at that last instant, says Olvey, he would have crashed flush into Zanardi's cockpit and instantly killed them both. Tagliani was taken inside, muttering repeatedly, 'How is Alex? Where is he? Is he conscious? Then they went inside to see Tagliani. So she looked at the attendants and cried: 'You know what? She needs to see her husband! They covered Zanardi's torso with a blanket, and Judd walked Daniela to his side. More life! With more life. The doctors gasped. It had been 19 minutes since the crash. Time was growing thinner than Zanardi's blood. Olvey ran over and grabbed the pilot by his shirt and screamed at him: 'Fast! Olvey, waving his arms wildly, bellowed out the only Alex Zanardi: My Sweetest Victory: A Memoir of Racing Success word of urgency he could recall: 'Schnell!