Loddon Valley Link Issue 434 The Church and Parish Magazine

The June 2011 Edition

This edition of the LODDON LINK features: Page 2 - Services for June; Page 5 - A new style Link; Page 11– Church BBQ and Songs of Praise on the Green; Page 21 - Loddon Players review; Page 23 - Hartley Songs of Praise; Pages 24/25 - Sherfield Fete; Page 29 - Village Hall Matters; Page 31 - Sherfield Park; Page 37 - Easy Fund Raising; Page 41 - Holiday Play Scheme; Page 42 - Useful Numbers.

Services for June 2011

Sunday 5th June Easter 7 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong with St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Holy Communion

Sunday 12th June Pentecost 11.00am Songs of Praise on the Green, Sherfield-on-Loddon

Sunday 19th June Trinity Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield with Children’s Sunday Club 10.00am Matins (BCP) with Communion by Extension St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Wednesday 4.00 pm Toddlers St Leonard’s Church

Sunday 26th June Trinity 1 8.00am Prayer Book Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall 10.00am Family Service St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 3rd July Trinity 2 10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service & Baptism St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong with St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Holy Communion

*Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically BCP = Book of Common Prayer. Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families.

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Have you booked your ticket? Olympics 2012, it’s all beginning to happen. My daughter rang a few weeks ago to talk about booking a ticket. The conversation went something like this: daughter: “Dad, it’s the last day to book your tickets for the Olympics, have you booked your tickets yet?” Dad: “To be honest, no.” daughter: “But if you don’t do it today you’re out of the running.” Dad: “I’m not Revd. Bob Politt sure I actually want to go to the Olympics — the travelling, the crowds, paying £3.50 for a coffee and all that stuff.” daughter: “But it’s a once in a lifetime chance.” Dad: “Actually, I was thinking of leaving the country whilst the Olympics are on.” daughter: “Dad, think about it.” I did. I didn’t put in my bid for a ticket. For some, being there for the event is a must, a good place to be whether it’s The Last Night of the Proms, the Cup Final, the Grand Prix, the Royal Wedding. For others, the effort, the crowds, the trials and tribulations involved are a big turn off and, of course, the fall back position is always the T.V. and the comfort of your own armchair. Perhaps it’s an age factor or merely personal preference but just because it’s happening doesn’t mean we want to be there.

On the other hand, there are some events I wouldn’t miss for the world: seeing old friends, celebrations with the family, holidays. It’s strange to say this, and I dread to think what conclusions some people might reach but nevertheless, here goes: I’d also put God on my list of ‘wouldn’t miss for the world’. I don’t mean the church as an organisation, which for me is my ‘bread and butter’ but if it wasn't here I wouldn’t be that fussed (not to be confused with the people, who I would miss); I don’t mean Christian traditions, Pope’s and Archbishops, I’m quite happy to do without them. I mean the real thing: the intelligence behind the universe, the possibility of sharing eternity with the One who made the birds, the beauty of the sunset, the ability to love, learn and think, to live, move and exist. I wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity of being there with the Author and Sustainer of the universe. That’s got to be worth the effort. Is it possible to get a ticket? It’s worth finding out. I think this is an event too important to miss, a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’d better give my daughter a ring and see if she’s put in her bid. For details see: John 6:38-40

Christian greetings, Page 3


Sherfield on Loddon Contact: Rev Chris Russell 01276 21469 Geoff Belsham 01256 JUNE 2011

SUN 5th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen

3pm Bible Study at Chapel

6.30pm Informal Worship

THU 9th 7.30pm Bible Study at 9 Coopers Lane

SUN 12th 10.30am Family Worship led by Rev Tony Smith

SAT 18th 2.30pm Disabled Christian Fellowship at Camberley Baptist Church

SUN 19th 10.30am Family Worship led by Geoff Belsham

WED 22nd 7pm Swimming at Tadley Pool (with Mencap)

SUN 26th 10.30am Family Worship

3pm Bible Study at Chapel

And every...

TUE 10.30am Open Morning (please phone)

WED 2pm Kurling at Ridgeway Centre, Buckskin (with Mencap)

CATHOLIC SERVICES Church of St Bede, Popley (www.vinntec.co.uk/hg/) Contact Fr. Dominic Golding, at the Parish Office Tuesday to Friday 9.30 - 1.00pm Tel: 01256 465214

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WHY GO PROFESSIONAL? The Loddon Valley Link has always prided itself as being a magazine by the community for the community, or more accurately by the church community for the general community. It has grown up from a single sheet in the days of Revd James Anderson in the seventies to what we have today. It has always been printed by church volunteers, and collated, stapled and delivered by a similar band of dedicated people who want to ensure that information of church, parish and general interest is made freely available to all households within the Benefice. Before the development of Sherfield Park, when the magazine had a distribution of less than a thousand, it was put together in a private home, first at Percy Sim’s residence and then later at my own home. The printed sheets were carefully laid across the dinning room table and the collating team would walk around the table picking up each page in order, carrying them to the stapler in the sitting room, which were then passed to the folder, then stacked in a pile ready for distribution. We soon realised the inefficiencies of this so a move to the village hall was negotiated. We now have 12 collators, six staplers, and about ten who fold and arrange the magazines in correct numbers for distribution, compiling 1650 magazines in about an hour. A team of 40 volunteers are on call to make up the 28 to 30 people needed at the end of each month to put the magazine together. There has always been lots of camaraderie as well as tea and biscuits for the event. In looking to the future, when the distribution will reach over 2,000 with the completion of Sherfield Park, the committee made the unanimous decision to have the magazine printed and collated professionally. At the present time the printing in the church takes 8 hours when the printer is working well, more if problems are encountered. Occasionally the odd blank sheet or upside down one slips by unnoticed, and during collation there are similar times when double sheets are inadvertently slipped in. Stapling can be erratic at times. From an advertisers point of view (and they are by far our main income for offsetting costs of the magazine) a magazine professionally printed and compiled is a far more attractive proposition, and will bring us in line with other similar publications in the area. Hence the decision was made, and the next edition (July/August) will be our first edition professionally printed and compiled. Continued on next page.... Page 5

The contract has gone to Greenhouse Graphics, a local company who do similar work for many other organisations within the area. We will still meet in the village hall on the last Thursday of the month, at around 2.00 pm. The magazine, which will have arrived from Greenhouse Graphics, will be divided up into the correct numbers for delivery. All those who do any of the deliveries are invited to collect their allocated magazines, stop by for a chat and have a cup of tea and biscuits. We hope those who have helped us in the past will continue to do so. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the committee, to thank all who have helped us so much for making this magazine the success it has become. Without you all this would not have happened. Donald Dawson Chairman, Loddon Valley Link Management Committee.

Church Toddler Time for Babies to 5’s The next ‘Toddler Time’ will be Wednesday 22nd June 2011 4.00 - 4.20pm At St Leonard’s Church on the Red Carpet Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer. Healthy refreshments. All welcome Contact Bob Politt for more information 01256 882209

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Renowned for delicious food, great ales and a warm welcome

www.whitehartsherfield.co.uk White Hart, Reading Road, , Hants, RG27 0BT 01256 882280

Wellington Farm Shop - 01189 326132 www.wellington-farm-shop.co.uk Located on the A33 at the Riseley roundabout between Reading and Basingstoke

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Every Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon

Sherfield On Loddon Village Hall Climbing frame, toys, parachute games, singing, juice and biscuits, tea and coffee. A great place to meet new people and make new friends – everyone welcome! Come and join us! designed to wear out your children! Contacts: Louisa 01256 881229, or Claire 881771 Becky 880894, Kerry 880167

BRAMLEY ART Jenny Edwards CLASSES Give a special gift of pampering during 2011 Vouchers Antonia Dewhurst is teaching classes in Hot Stone Massage from £15 Drawing & Painting. Reiki Aromatherapy Massage Monday 10.00-12.00am and 12.30-2.30pm Special Offer Wednesdays 7.00-9.00pm £90 for 10 weeks. £80 OAPs Buy a gift voucher for a friend and receive a half price treatment Situated in Cufaude Lane, Beginners & Improvers welcome. for yourself - another gift sorted! Tel: 01256 883876 880829 www.solematters.co.uk

Sherfield Private Hire Local Journeys. Airports. Any distance. Travel tokens accepted. Contact Laurie Morse 07785 221538

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ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH Saturday Open Days On 4th and 18th June from 10am until 4pm. A list of all the Open Day dates for the year is displayed in the Lych Gate at the Church. Everyone is welcome to visit for quiet reflection, a prayer, to study the architecture and history of the church or to view with a wedding in mind.

Parish Registers Weddings

Katherine Brown 07.05.11 Sherfield and Allan Cameron Funerals Alan Davies 13.05.11 Sherfield Dora Farmer 13.05.11 Sherfield Esme Ward 20.05.11 Sherfield

Percy’s Plant Sale - Success Fine weather, a vast array of plants and great support form a steady crowd of visitors.... that was the flavour of the day. A great deal of hard work by church members and friends, many of whom propagated and grew plants especially for the sale, was much appreciated, as was the help given by a large numbers of stall holders. The raffle and the refreshments from the ‘POSH’ ladies contributed to the general success of the day. The plant sale, raffle and refreshments raised in excess of £800 which will be shared between the Church Extension Project and the Village Hall. To everyone who helped and supported... a big Thank You.

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For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480 www. wellington-riding.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]

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ANNUAL CHURCH BBQ SUNDAY 10th JULY, 12.30pm at Lawn Farmhouse (Turn right at the Wellington Arms, and it’s the first house on the right) All Welcome! Offers of Food and Help to Gill Williams please (882705)

Songs of Praise June 12th at 11am on the Sherfield Green A fun informal service held outside on the green for the whole family. Everyone welcome, bring your dogs, bikes! Tadley Concert Brass will once again be providing the music for us. The Collection will be shared between St Michael’s Hospice and the Pelican Trust (Pelican stands for Pelvic Liver Cancer and it supports medical research and medical education to improve surgery for bowel, liver and urology cancers – cancers below the belt.`. Based at Basingstoke Hospital this charity and the doctors involved are world fa-

The Library Van will be stationed in Sherfield Opposite the Four Horseshoes Pub from 3.25pm to 3.50pm: June 10th and 24th.

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Petra Jewellery A reputation for quality

Jewellery made to suit you & your budget!

Free design consultations

Bespoke wedding rings

Stunning selection of designs in stock

www.petrajewellery.com 01256 355945

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TEXT FOR THE MONTH… 2 Timothy 4 : 2 & 3 St Paul exhorts us to… Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. The NIV Bible Prayer for the Month. Loving God, in a month when we enjoy singing your praise in the open air accompanied by the Tadley Silver band we give thanks that we can celebrate the gift of music. We know that like all things this gift can be misused that we can be focussed on our singing without thinking about the words we are singing. Help us to sing with joy in our hearts and help us to show in our lives that we are living out what we sing. Save us from just enjoying the experience without being aware of the presence of your Holy Spirit. Speak to us through everything we share with those around us. We thank for the fellowship we will enjoy and may the songs of our lips and the music of our hearts be acceptable in your sight on that day and for always. May our hearts and lips exult you our Lord and our Redeemer. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Prayer Points for June Pray for all our children and young adults who face the stresses of examinations during this month. Pray for Afghanistan and our forces there who are attempting to bring peace to this war torn country. Pray for the people of Syria and Libya and all the countries of the Middle East as their populations struggle to control their own future. Pray for fine weather for all the outdoor events happening this month in the villages within our benefice and that many will come and enjoy the fun and fellowship which these create. Pray for those who are suffering from illness to themselves or within their families and friends, may they be granted God’s peace. Pray for those who have recently been bereaved. Give thanks for the joy of summertime.

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www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk ELLIOTT’S LANDSCAPING

Tree Surgery Stump Grinding Hedge Cutting Fencing Decking Power Washing Turfing Garden Maintenance

Peter Elliott 01256 883743 Mobile: 07725 749 644

Page 14

Sherfield and District Gardening Club Our summer schedule continues to include visits to a number of interesting gardens and other gardening related locations. All members and non-members will be warmly welcomed to any of our talks and visits. On Monday 20th June we have our first summer visit to the Hartley Park Farm lavender fields at Selborne. They grow four different varieties of lavender from which oil is distilled and used to make hand cream, body cream and fragrances. The lavender fields have now become a local landmark. We will be meeting up at the Sherfield football pavilion car park at 5:00pm. On Monday 18th July we will be visiting ‘The Buildings’ at Stockbridge which is open as part of the National Garden Scheme. ‘The Buildings’ is a renovated farmyard, high on the Hampshire Downs which offers gravel gardens, borders and an exuberant pergola, all on thin chalk soil with spectacular views in all directions. We will be meeting up at the Sherfield football pavilion car park at 6:30pm. Once again we will have our annual plant sale at the Sherfield Fete. All our high quality plants are grown by club members and are excellent value for money. All proceeds go to the club and help fund our speakers throughout the year. For arrangements contact: Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

A GARDEN OPEN FOR CHARITY The next opening of White Gables prize winning garden is the ‘Summer opening’ on Sunday July 3rd from 1pm-5pm. Adults £3; children free – teas, cakes and plants all available! If you like roses – don’t miss this one! The garden is open under the auspices of the NGS, (National Garden Scheme) with the proceeds donated to various National Charities. Our nominated Charity this year is Guide Dogs for the Blind. Page 15


Happy Faces Playgroup

Sherfield-on-Loddon “Bring your happy face to our happy place” A small, friendly playgroup for children aged 2 years 6 months to school age Flexible Sessions including all day

F or further information, F or a prospectus/ please contact us on application form, contact 01256 880903 084501256 479 883162 8890

E-mai l: [email protected] Website: www.happy-faces-playgroup.co.uk

Est. 1982 Charity No. 1029688

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Goddard’s Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon, HOOK, Hants. RG27 0EZ

Tel: 01256 882271 WE CAN CARRY OUT Mobile: 07812 939498  MOT’S - CARS/MOTORCYCLES  SERVICES Under new management  DIAGNOSTICS

 REPAIRS Main dealer trained technicians  AIR CONDITIONING


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SATURDAY 29th APRIL 10am to 3pm (Free Entrance)

YOUR COUNTRY FLORIST CHINEHAM Traditional and contemporary flowers for all occasions Weddings, Funerals, Parties etc. Remember your loved one the best way possible, with flowers. 1 Reading Road, Chineham RG24 8LN (next to Indian Restaurant) Tel/Fax 01256 840222

FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS. ALEXANDER & DRY Twenty four hour service. Pre-paid funeral plans available.

1 Seal Road, Basingstoke, RG21 7NQ Tel: 01256 844663

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EVERGREEN’S CLUB Reported by May MacQueen for the over 60’s

Our meeting on the 9th May was our 65th birthday party. Jean Bernsten our chairperson opened the meeting by introducing Terry Morris who would be entertaining us on his organ. Jean also mentioned that the trip to Portsmouth on June14th was cancelled due to lack of support. Terry brought along his song books and everyone enjoyed singing and he also asked for requests from the members for their favourite songs. There was also a finger buffet and birthday cake. The meeting ended with a raffle which included some Royal Wedding memorabilia as prizes. The next meeting on 6th June is a talk by the gardener from Whitewater Nurseries

THE STRATFIELD SAYE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (Grants for Children and Young People) The Foundation was established by George Pitt in 1739 and provides grants for children and young people under 18 in the Parishes of Stratfield Saye and Beech Hill. The Trustees would like to encourage parents of Stratfield Saye and Beech Hill to make use of this historic charity. All claims, with accompanying receipts, for extra curricular activities, where not provided by the Local Education Authority will be considered sympathetically. The grant is not means-tested and is available for activities such as: Music and swimming tuition, residential and study courses, textbooks and special equipment etc. Applications for grants must be received by: Roy Best, Clappers Farm, Grazeley, RG7 1JJ or James Hare, Stratfield Saye Estates, Estate Office, Stratfield Saye, Near Reading, RG7 2BT, not later than 30th June 2011.

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There’s never enough time to do … Garden Clearance, Seasonal Tidies, Grass Cutting, Turfing, Hedge Trimming, Steam Cleaning (Patios, Paths, Walls), Creosoting.

We offer weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly visits or one-off tidy ups Tel: 01256 880333 or Mob: 07776 211211 www.masonsgardens.co.uk [email protected]

David and Mary Cole and Will’s Garden Services. Boars Bridge Farm, Little London Tel: 01256 881354 Mobile: 07951917943 or 07986616687 Email: [email protected] We offer a complete range of garden services, garden clearance and tidying, mowing, pruning, hedge cutting, patio cleaning, fencing, patios, turfing, etc.

Rewires, Fuse boxes, security lights Garden lights, alarms quotes free www.j-elec.com [email protected] 0118 942 7553

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A Review of the Loddon Players Latest Production Key for Two The play opens in bedroom as Harriet, played by Louise Hayling, is ‘entertaining’ Gordon, played by Peter Francis. We swiftly discover Gordon is married (not to Harriet) and supporting her in the upkeep of the house. Gordon leaves the scene complaining about the costs of keeping a mistress, only to be swiftly replaced, in the time it takes to change the sheets by Alec. Alec, played by Danny Spurrier enters the scene similarly complaining about the costs of keeping a mistress as money is extracted for a host of mundane items. Each thinks he is the only one in Harriet's life, with her skilful juggling act (and imaginary mother) keeping them both apart. Life quickly gets complicated though as the pace of the play picks up. Harriet's friend Anne (played by Jo Long) arrives unexpectedly which coincides with both Gordon and Alec’s arrival. From this point on the cast really got into their stride and out of their clothes. There was an excellent supporting drunk in the form of Anne’s husband Richard, played by Steve Scholar, who did his best to steal the show. There was also excellent support from Denise Hobbs and Jane Brydges as the ’other’ women. The only problem I found was the audiences laughter drowning out some of the lines, never a bad thing. From the reactions of those around me I can only assume everyone was enjoying the performance as much as I was. A thoroughly enjoyable evening, and I can recommend you get along the ’Players’ next production. Simon Boase

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Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council Annual meeting At the recent annual meeting of the parish council Ivan Gosden was re-elected as chairman. Sandy Johnston decided not to seek re-election to the post of vice-chairman and Bruce Jones was elected to replace him. A full list of committees and representatives may be found on the website. Allotment competition The annual allotment competition will take place this year during week commencing 4 July and, as usual, the winner and runners-up will be decided by an independent judge from the Allotments Association. There are prizes for the best kept plots and a cup and plaques are presented at the Sherfield Show. Hampshire Village of the Year competition Is there a willing volunteer out there who would like to compile the village’s entry to the competition? The initial work consists of putting together five written submissions of up to 250 words each on five set topics. The timescale is tight – the deadline is 21 June. Full details of the competition and the topic subjects may be obtained from the clerk (details below). Calling all helpers! Village Fete: The Fete is desperately short of helpers so, please, can you give some time on 11 June or the couple of days before? The Fete’s success depends on the hard work of volunteers so if you have a spare hour or two, please contact Ivan Gosden (881007) or Bruce Batting (882605) Village Green Volunteers: Thanks go to all those who turned up for the tidy-up of the war memorial area in April. The maintenance of the Village Green is an ongoing project and volunteers are always warmly welcomed so if you can spare any time for future work please contact Bruce Batting (882605) or Sandy Johnston (882507) The next Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 8 June 2011 at 7.30pm in the Liddell Hall – all welcome! Julie Collins - Clerk to the Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon, PO Box 6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZ Telephone: 01256 473927 Email: [email protected] Page 22

An Evening Songs Of Praise on Sunday July 3rd at 6.30 pm The psalmist 200 years ago exhorted us to…. Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

Come and join us at St Mary’s Hartley Wespall at 6.30 pm when we are planning to sing Gods Praises followed by a time of fellowship, enjoying a glass of wine or soft drink with snacks in the marquee at the south door, which Mrs Juliet Donald has agreed to leave up after her daughter Tania’s wedding in the church on July 2nd

Stratfield Saye Village Diary Stratfield Saye residents - do please keep an eye on our Village Notice Boards. Every two months a Village Diary is posted on the boards by the Parish Council, with details of local events both in the village and close by, with contact numbers and other useful information. Geoffrey Preston.

Stratfield Saye Parish Council The Parish Council invites all Residents past and present to another Parish Council Coffee Morning. Come and have coffee and cake and a chat with your neighbours. All ages welcome!! To be held at 11.00 a.m. in the Stratfield Saye Village Hall on Monday 6th June 2011 and Monday 4th July 2011. Penny Mayo

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P 25

HARTLEY WESPALL REGATTA Sunday 19th June 2.30pm HAVE YOU STARTED making your boats YET for the Hartley Wespall regatta at Hartley mill? Entries INCLUDE: Fruit & vegetable Boats Plastic & fruit juice cartons Sailing boats Paper boats DON’T WORRY IF YOU HAVE NEVER WATCHED BLUE PETER WE WILL ALSO BE HAVING A COUPLE OF DUCK RACES (Ducks provided!) There will also be an open race and a special fathers race to mark this special day for dads!

Basingstoke Choral Society Are to present an evening entitled ‘Baroque at Douai Abbey’. The concert comprises Vivaldi’s Gloria and other Baroque choral pieces and starts at 7.45pm on Saturday, 11th June. We offer strawberries and cream, plus a glass of wine, in the Abbey grounds from 6.00pm. Book tickets at £15 from the Newbury Corn Exchange (01635 522733) or from Jean Taylor on 01256 461402

Borough Council Elections I wish to thank all Taylor’s Farm residents who took the trouble to vote at the recent elections for a seat in the Chineham Ward of . Having been re-elected, it will – as before – be my earnest intent to serve ALL Taylor’s Farm residents although, as ever, it will probably not be possible to satisfy the wishes of every resident. I can be contacted on [email protected], or for those who prefer via 352434. Once again many thanks to all who gave their support.

Martin Biermann. Page 26

On Your Bike! This summer, Nathan of Sherfield Park will be taking on a massive charity challenge, raising money in memory of his niece

Emilie, who tragically passed away at just 4 months old following complications during her birth. Aiming to raise £4,000 for Sparks Children's Medical Research Charity, Nathan is riding a near-1,000 mile route from John O'Groats to Land's End, taking just 9 days! With thanks to Peter Green furniture store in Reading, he is well on his way to achieving this target. Be sure to look out for Nathan in his distinctive jersey as he clocks up the miles in preparation for the big event in June. Please visit www.justgiving.com/team-emilie to learn more about the challenge and donate.

Sherfield School at Sherfield-on-Loddon FAMILY FUN DAY Sunday 3rd July from 12pm-4pm Entertainment will include Mobile Farm, Air Ambulance helicopter, Fun Fair Game stalls, Bouncy Castles, Hog Roast and Cream Teas. Entrance £2.50 each for Sherfield School Parents; £3.00 Non Parents (£3.50 on the day). Children FREE Proceeds shared between Naomi House, Daisy's Dream, Thames Valley Air Ambulance, Varkey Foundation and the school

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J Cook Landscapes Holdshott Farm Shop


Your local organic meat supplier Maintenance Situated on the B3011, the farm Decking & Fencing shop is in an idyllic location with Patios & Driveways plenty of parking. We have a master butcher - Mr Roger Garden Design & Build David on site who has over 40 years experience. Clearance Call now for a free quote: Holdshott Farm Shop, Holdshott Farm, , Hook, 01256 412723 / 0771 7214521 Hampshire, UK, RG27 0JZ Telephone/Fax: 0118 932 6650 e: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] www.jcooklandscapes.co.uk

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SHERFIELD ON LODDON BB N S POST OFFICE & STORES Basingstoke Network Services BNS is your local computer company with many years Tel: 01256 882210 of experience. We offer a friendly, efficient service that’s excellent THE POST OFFICE NOW DOES value for money. ROAD TAX, We specialise in all aspects of software and hardware support, maintenance and training - from installing TRAVEL INSURANCE, exchange servers to servicing laptops—we can do it! PERSONAL LOANS, Call us on 01256 883838 CAR INSURANCE, www.basingstoke-network-services.co.uk FOREIGN EXCHANGE ETC. Your computers are our business!

For a Warm Friendly Welcome THE SHOP IN SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON Selling a vast range of groceries including: Local Bakery bread & Cakes: Market fresh fruit & veg. Quality fresh meat & poultry: Excellent selection of Wine Beer Spirits & Tobacco; All at competitive prices THE SHOP, Reading Road, Sherfield Telephone: 01256 882234 Open: Monday—Saturday 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Sundays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

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SHERFIELD PARK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION These are exciting times for the Association as we all busily prepared ourselves for the long awaited handover to the Association of our newly completed Community Centre on the 18 May. Over the last few months we have received a considerable number of expressions of interest from both residents and neighbours wishing to use our many facilities; we have now contacted all those interested and provided them with details of our services. If you are interested in using the Community Centre for your special event, business meeting or leisure activities please contact us on [email protected] The Community Centre Opening Ceremony will take place on Saturday 18 June at the Community Centre on Sherfield Park between 12.30 to 4.30pm. This will be a fun day with a theme of Sports and children. Please come along to enjoy the fun and events and see at first hand the many facilities available in the new Centre. The Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Community Centre on Saturday 25 June beginning at 10.30am. This will be the Associations first AGM in our new home and will be an excellent opportunity for residents to view the Centre, meet your committee and discuss any ideas that you may have for events and additional facilities in the Centre. Any formal questions relating to the Associations activities which you wish to have included on the AGM agenda should be forwarded to us at [email protected] to arrive not later than Saturday 4 June. David Leivesley Chairman

SCOPE A big thank you to all the residents of Poplar Close, Willow Way and Longbridge Close who gave so generously to the Scope Collection towards the end of April. Between us we collected £74. 08p before Gift Aid. So thank you again. Joan Gould.

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Highly Qualified Teacher

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West Green Road, Hartley GCSE) Wintney RG27 8LP Open June to late September for Available for private tuition in Pick Your Own & Ready Picked Maths, English, Verbal and fruit, vegetables and flowers non-verbal reasoning, including Strawberries, Tayberries, Common Entrance and Currants, Gooseberries, general extra teaching Raspberries, New Potatoes, support. Asparagus and Flowers. We also sell local Honey, Free Range Eggs and Please contact Emma Homemade Jams Wellesley CALL 01252 845772 from May 1st 07958 662 015 For information, & to place orders. Or visit www.westgreenfruits.com

Luxury Torquay Holiday Bungalow

Belle Vue Parade, Old Basing

 No appointment necessary, just come in  Free Parking  Excellent prices Sleeps 6  Children section with Ideal for town & beaches Television entertainment Free WiFi High-chair and cot  Fully qualified staff Short breaks available  Special Rates for OAP’s Open all year 01256 883242 Queries: Tel Jenna: 01256 476665 www.sunnytorquay.co.uk

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THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Reported by Ilene Iles

Dee Bulpitt, our President, opened the Meeting and welcomed everyone to our Resolution Meeting. Jerusalem was sung and the Minutes read and signed after approval of those present. Val Denny went over the correspondence with us and covered the up- coming events throughout the county. She mentioned that we have been asked to complete a Survey listing the various talents of Members and this was passed round. Val also let us know that the National Raffle tickets have arrived and asked for support and advised the Members that our Autumn Council Meeting at the Anvil will NOT be an evening Meeting but from 10.45 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Evelyn Holdaway gave the Treasurer’s Report and Val mentioned that we are considering a visit to Bletchley Park in the autumn. Dee confirmed that there would be a walk on the 12th May for those interested and Tess went over the format for the monthly teas as a reminder to Members, and to explain the system to our new Members. Birthday cards were distributed by Brenda Frost and Dee confirmed that we will have a table at the village Fete and asked for Members to make cakes etc. Other internal matters were discussed and the Business Meeting closed at 3.45 p.m. We were then asked to vote on two Resolutions. The first concerned the closure of Local Libraries and the National Federation of W.I.’s (NFWI) request to HM Government to maintain support for local libraries as an essential local educational and information resource. After quite a discussion the vote was taken and came out unanimously in favour. The second Resolution concerned Proposed Mega Farm and the NFWI’s request to HM Government to ensure that planning permission is not guaranteed for such projects particularly for large animals such as pigs and cows. After a lengthy discussion the vote was taken and the majority were in favour, none against, but two abstentions. The voting was followed by a delicious tea and the Raffle was drawn. NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, IST JUNE 2011 AT 2 P.M. SPEAKER: ROBIN RADLEY SUBJECT: CHIKS

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Carl Fanning The Village Decorator Decorating the Loddon Valley Area Painter and Decorator Local Tradesman with 25 years experience Decorating local properties since 1980 A “Dulux” Trade Member Good quality Trade Paints used - Internal and external decorating Free estimates - advice on colour and paints Full liability cover - all work is guaranteed Telephone: Carl on: 01189 424 883

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Report by Gill Fearon

Our May meeting started on a sad note – the untimely death of member Esme Ward, who had been a member since 1994, was marked by a tribute and the lighting of a candle. Various people contributed their own individual memories, some of which were written on a special card, and this was later presented to her husband Garry, mother Peggy and son Christopher. We then started on our Cities of the World evening. Five members gave talks on cities they had visited and enjoyed. First was Thessaloniki in northern Greece in what was Macedonia. It is a large city with a huge university and is rich in ancient sites – an archaeologist’s dream! Virginia is the most important site and it has an unbelievable amount of gold work and wall paintings which date back 2,500 years. There are also well-preserved Roman remains too. Our next city was San Francisco on the west coast of California. It is a very hilly city on two peninsulas and so has water on three sides. It has rare plants, whales, redwood trees and an important wine region in the Napa Valley. There is of course the famous Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz, fabulous shops, restaurants, parks and museums. From one superpower to another, next stop was Moscow. Again it has many large shops, big cars and amazing buildings. Sights include the Kremlin, St Basil’s Cathedral, Red Square and the Hermitage Museum. There is an eternal flame to honour their dead soldiers in Red Square where brides lay their bouquets. Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal came next. This has become a mecca for travellers on their way to the Himalayas. A dirty place with lots of life, it is very fascinating and an exhilarating shock! Lastly we were treated to a trip to Vienna. It is a music lovers’ paradise with many open-air concerts, beautiful architecture, art and high-class shops. There are amazing buildings like the State Opera House and St Stephen’s Cathedral. It is also known for its outstanding choice of delectable cakes and pastries, the descriptions of which were making our mouths water! Then to our great surprise, we were treated to Sachertorte and a Viennese carrot cake to have with our coffee! A superb end to an interesting evening! Our next events are our annual ramble and safari supper.

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First-class care Show suites now open Coming soon to Bramley Green Cherry Blossom Manor A Barchester Care Home providing first-class Nursing Care and expert Dementia Care in our Memory Lane Community Call us or drop in for a chat: Cherry Blossom Manor, German Road, Bramley Green RG26 5GF Tel: 01256 441 388

Pygmalion Interiors The complete interior design service. Our large showroom allows us to offer a wide range of furniture in addition to fabrics, wallpapers, blinds, flooring, pictures & prints and many accessories.

Tel: (01252) 842287 www.pygmalioninteriors.co.uk Unit 6, Warren Hill Farm, Hulfords Lane,

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Help the Link raise money for Professional Printing Shop Online and Raise Money! Have you heard about easyfundraising yet? It’s the easiest way to help raise money for the Loddon Valley Link! If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, M&S, Argos, etc., then we need you to sign up for free to raise money while you shop! So how does it work? You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/loddonvalleylink for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. How much can you raise? Spend £100 with M&S online or Amazon and you raise £2.50 for us. There's over 2,000 retailers on their site, and some of the donations can be as much as 15% of your purchase. Save money too! easyfundraising is FREE to use plus you'll get access to hundreds of exclusive discounts , so not only will you be helping us, you’ll be saving money yourself. We've just started but we’ve raised over £30 with easyfundraising so far. We need your help to keep donations coming in. Sign up at www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/loddonvalleylink and start making a difference...simply by shopping. Raise Money As You Search! You can also raise money for Loddon Valley Link while you search. loddonvalleylink.easysearch.org.uk combines the results of several search engines such as Yahoo!, Bing and Ask to ensure you can always find what you’re looking for. But the fantastic thing is that EVERY TIME you search, half a penny is raised for Loddon Valley Link. Search just 15 times a day and you can raise around £25 a year for us. Thanks! PS if you want to use this idea for your own organisation then use this link: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/referral/37779 and not only will you benefit but the link will get a referral fee. Simon Boase Page 37

www.LoddonValleyLink.hampshire.org.uk M. Elliott Builders FREE ESTIMATES No job too small Garden Walls Patios Extensions Driveways Block paving Steps etc. Telephone 01256 334233 Mobile 07729263775

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Seeking a Venue for your Part, Reception, Craft Fair or Club meeting.... then look no further..... Sherfield-on-Loddon Village Hall is the place for you!

For further information on availability, charges and bookings contact Jan Martin Tel: 01256 882539 Mobile: 07799 245 361 Web: www.sherfieldvillagehall.co.uk

Killian-Dawson Interior Design and Decoration We offer a fully bespoke service from curtains and upholstery to comprehensive interior architectural restoration. We specialise in the sensitive treatment of period properties to create functional, beautiful and unique environments for modern living. Residential and Commercial See our gallery at www.reneekilliandawson.com

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Basingstoke Window Cleaning Services We use a pure water, reach and wash system for a perfect smear-free finish  Windows Cleaned Inside  Conservatory Roofs Cleaned  Guttering Cleared & Cleaned  Soffits & Fascias Cleaned For a free, no obligation quote call Simon: 07852 117 361 Dan: 07712 885 345

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. LINDSEY HEMMINGS MECAP COUNSELLOR Anxiety - Bereavement Childhood related problems Co-dependency Dealing with change Depression - Divorce Family problems - Fears Feeling confused - Grief Low self-esteem - Loss Relationship problems Separation - Stress If you are looking for someone professional to listen in a safe and caring environment: Tel: 07946 324754 [email protected] www.lindseyhemmings.co.uk

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£1.00 Entry Fee NO BOOKING REQUIRED, however the schemes operates a first come, first serve basis. Numbers are limited and if full, children will not be admitted. There are limited supported places for children with additional needs. Children with additional needs must be booked in advance. For further information please contact Ceris @ Basingstoke Play Council on (01256) 844847 or [email protected] Page 41

USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Updated June 2011: The STD code is 01256, unless otherwise stated.

Allotments. Bruce Batting 882605 Basingstoke Gazette. Chris Horton 882426 Bingo. Dawn Vernon 882693 Brownies. Sue Handasyde-Dick 882337 St. Leonard’s Church. Revd. Bob Politt 882209 Breach Lane Chapel. Geoff Belsham 882534 Catholic Church Father Dominic Golding 465214 Clift Surgery Patient Group Bryan Jenkins 881938 Cricket Club (Sherfield) Andy Stevens 882414 Cricket Club (ST & HW) Stephen Clarke [email protected] Evergreens. Jean Berntsen 882798 Football (Junior) Fred Berntsen 882798 Football (Seniors) Gary Spencer 882597 Happy Faces Playgroup Peggy Hutchins 880903 Loddon Players Chris Horton 882426 Loddon Quilters Pris O’Rourk 881839 Loddon Valley Link. (See back pages of magazine) Lunch Club. Helen Belsham 882534 NWR. Gill Fearon 882106 Stratfield Saye P. Council. Penny Mayo 01189 332 379 P. Meeting Sheila Campbell (Chair) 882351 Sherfield Parish Council Julie Collins (Clerk) 473927 Police - Local beat officer Mandy Jewell 07500 212847 Police - Report an incident Police Control Room 0845 045 45 45 Poppies. Natalie Larner 880075 Post Office 882210 Sher. Community Care Grp Doreen Tosswill 882344 Sherfield Fete. Bruce Batting 882605 Sher. Dist. Gardening Club Linda Syckelmoore 882341 Sherfield Show. Natalie Larner 880075 Short Mat Bowls. Norman Stanley 881021 Toddler Group 0-5s. Judith Sullivan 883551 Tree Warden. Jane Jordan 880852 Village Green Volunteers. Bruce Batting 882605 Whist Drive. Jean Wright 882845 Women’s Institute Val Denny 882410 Village Hall Caretaker/Bookings. Jan Martin 882539 Management Committee Bruce Batting 882605 Fund Raising Committee Alan Ball 883838 . Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information

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Tel. 01256-882736 or 882368 Mob. 07836 626323

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ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads. For businesses are £5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words. For Sale / Wanted ads £2 monthly for a maximum of 12 words. Space permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display ads. Contact Pip Iles for prices

DECORATOR I decorate. Inside and Outside. I cut lawns. I do all sorts of repairs. I am reliable and reasonable. I AM JOE. Tel:01256 883143 HOUSE CLEANING by Maria. Reliable & affordable service. Friendly, easy-going, experienced local lady, who cleans every corner. References available upon request. Call 07933316989, e-mail [email protected] LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free estimate ring Ian on 01256 882132 or mobile 07876021772 LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER Self Assessment Tax Returns + Arrears + Claims + Payroll + Self Employed + VAT Returns. Initial consultation free. Call 07920 112533 or email to [email protected]

SEWING. LOCAL SEAMSTRESS For all your sewing needs. Clothing Alterations & Repairs. Curtains, Blinds, Soft Furnishings. Call Diana 01256 881114/ 07796045944 Eve.

COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE T.S.I. Electrical, plumbing, carpentry, decorating. For any quotation TEL: 01256 880460 Mob: 07989940210

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS SMALL V.I.P PLASTERING Internal/external plastering. Rendering, coving and Floor Screeding. Plaster over Artex Ceilings. 28 years experience. Tel: 01420 89468 Mobile: 07970 064182 WAG TAILS DOG SERVICE Looking for a reliable, trustworthy local dog walker - Sherfield, Bramley, Chineham and Old Basing? Contact Katie on 01256 880446 or Mob: 07985 157700 GUITAR LESSONS. Local teacher covering rock, heavy metal, acoustic and jazz styles. Lessons are one-to-one, half an hour to one hour. Call Graham 01256 881513 or mob: 07752591046 LOCAL INDEPENDANT CLEANER Honest; Trustworthy; Excellent Service; Excellent References Telephone: 078841 108 460 or 07949 235 378

Page 44

FOR SALE ‘STAG’ Long-John nest of Tables; light mahogany; Excellent order £150 Telephone: 01256 880092 Yamaha Electric Organ; Good condition; with stool. £240 Telephone: 01256 880092 Two Black Leather/Chrome John Lewis Kitchen Chairs £60 Telephone: 01256 880092 Two Gold Chenille Throws - Debenhams - One Triple, One Double. As New. £35 Telephone: 01256 880092

ESME We all knew and loved her as “Esme”, which of course was her name, not Esme Ward, or Mrs Ward, just Esme. I am sure letters addressed to “Esme”, Sherfield on Loddon, would have found their way to Pound Meadow, her home in Sherfield for 27 years, where she lived with husband Garry, mother Peggy and son Christopher. Esme was central to village life for so many years, with her involvement in the village hall (chairman for several years) and the Loddon Valley Link (founder committee secretary). It was in this latter capacity that I knew her best. Esme was an active member of our committee since its foundation in 1998 until her death on 8th May 2011. It was not just her involvement as secretary, but the hands on help with tasks such as printing the magazine, collating and distributing that made her such a good team member. Her input into management decisions over the years proved invaluable. She was one of the kindest people you could know, always volunteering to help, always cheerful, a true community person, but what she gave to others she was unable to give to herself, and as we all saw her health decline and were ultimately saddened by her demise. She will be greatly missed and the committee send our sincere condolences to Garry, Peggy and Christopher. Donald Dawson

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Loddon Valley Link Management Committee

Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 01256 882379 email: [email protected] Deputy Chairman: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 01256 882209 email: [email protected] Treasurer and Winston Bruce Tel.01256 883277 Small ads. (email: [email protected]) Deadline for small ads. for July edition is 10th June Display adverts. Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 enquiries to: (email: [email protected]) All ads. Email: [email protected] ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads. For businesses are £5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words. For Sale / Wanted ads £2 monthly for a maximum of 12 words. Space permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display ads. Contact Pip Iles for prices

For the July Editor Brian Archer Tel: 01256 882099 edition. ([email protected]) Deadline for including material in the July edition is 16th June Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Ilene Iles Tel. 01256 880559 email: [email protected] Hartley Rep.: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705 email: [email protected] Sherfield Park Rep: Eileen Leivesley Tel: 01256 882938 email: [email protected] Stratfield Saye Rep: Germano Giugovaz Tel: 01189 332166

Committee Member: Sheena Archer Tel: 01256 882099 email: [email protected] Committee Member: Claire Osborne Tel. 01256 324458 email: [email protected] Editor & Webmaster : Simon Boase Tel: 01256 881250 email: [email protected]

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OFFICERS Rector: Reverend Bob Politt, Tel: 01256 882209 Kindly Note: The Rector’s day off is Thursday Assistant Priest: Rev’d. Sammie Armstrong Tel: 01189 816593 Lay Readers: Richard Elphick Tel. 01256 882860 Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705

ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, SHERFIELD ON LODDON Churchwardens: Peter Gould Tel. 01256 882538 Peter Chessell Tel. 01256 478050 Treasurer: Dan Farrow Tel. 01256 882680 Organists: Mike Abrams Tel. 01256 881188 Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099 Peggy Willson Tel. 01256 880503

ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE Churchwarden: Roy Best Tel. 01189 882422 Treasurer: Charles Atkinson Tel: 01256 882459 Organist: Fran Oliver Tel. 01189 268364

ST. MARY’S CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL Churchwarden: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 Treasurer: Michael Webster Tel. 01256 882413 Organists: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256 882705 Andrew Doggart Tel: 01256 880092

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