VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE, ALIPURDUAR, WEST BENGAL PERSONAL PROFILE (ACADEMIC C.V.) DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Name: Dr. Jaydip Roy Educational Qualifications: MA, B.ED & PH.D. Designation: Associate Professor and H.O.D of History Date of Joining: 28/02/2001 Area of Teaching: Social History of India Research interest: Social Justice, Human Rights, Social Philosophy of Gandhi and Ambedkar, Women Emancipation and Changing Socio-Economic Status and Position of the Totos in Totopara. Contact: 09434179490 /
[email protected] Address: Dr. Jaydip Roy, Associate Professor and H.O.D of History, Vivekananda College, Alipurduar, PO & Dist. : Alipurduar, Pin Code : 736121. Published Papers in National / International Journals: 1. Regionalism: A Colonial legacy of the British, Published by: The Indian Journal of Political Science. , Vol. LXX, No. 3 July-Sept, 2009, Page Nos. 693-704, ISSN NO.0019-5510. (Jointly) 2. Eri-Cultivation under Rashtriya Samvikas Yajana Scheme creates a future trade possibity in North Bengal: A Study of Salkumar No. 1 & 2 Gram Panchayats , The Journal of Historical and Cultural Review , Vol. 1, No. 2 , p. 40-44, Published by Dipali Publishers, November, 2010, ISSN/ISBN 978-81-890-2-6 (Jointly) 3. A Critical Debate on the Question of Caste, Varna and the Hindu Shastras between Gandhiji and Ambedkar, Page Nos. 11-22, The Journal of Historical and Cultural Review, Vol.2, No. 2 ,July to December, 2011, ISSN: 2278-5345. 4. Caste-Mind of Sri RamkrishnaParamahansa and SwamiVivekakananda: A Critical Analysis, East Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No.1, Year: 2012, p. -69-80, ISSN 2277-4483. 5. S¡af¡a J AØf«nÉa¡l fË¢a e¡l¡ue…l¦l cª¢øi¢‰, f¤hÑ i¡la (j¡e¤o J pwú«¢a), a«a£u hoÑ, fËbj pwMÉ¡, j 2014, fªø¡pwMÉ¡ :120-125 , ISSN 2319-8591.