Ti,;::[Iff# 735101, West Bensar Email: [email protected] Website
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(B C o o c fr e frar Sanc franan (B armo'U nia erity viveka na nda Ti,;::[iff# 735101, west Bensar Email: [email protected] Website: www.cbpbu.net oTTrcf. oT r3{f cosffRo[LfR oF fxAttrs(Arro^{ Ref No : CBPBU/CEtuG/CBCSAJoti cel07 07 / 19 Date:09/1212019 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified to the Principal/Officer-in-Charge/Teacher-in-Charge of affiliated Colleges having Geography Honours Course that the Paper SEC-I of Semester III Geography Honours Course is a Practical Paper. The Practical Examination of the Paper SEC-I of Geography Honours UG CBCS 3d Semester Examinations, 2019 will be held between 09.01.2020 & 14.01.2020 (Schedule Attached). sd/- (Dr. Abhijeet Deb) Controller of Examination Cooch Behar PanchananBarrra University Copy to: t. The Hon'ble Vice- Chancellor,Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University. 2. The Registrar, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University. 3. Notice Board of University Website. 4. University Notice Board. 5. The Principal/Officer-in-Charge/TlC of all affiliated Colleges having Geography Honours Course rvith a request to infonn the students concemed. 6. Guard File ** (Dr. Abhijeet Deb) Controller of Examination Cooch Behar PanchananBarma University C o o c fi cB e frar Qanc fianan B anru'U niv ercity Vivekananda Street, Cooch Behar- 736101, West Bengal I Phone: O3582-230111 Email: [email protected] Websitei www.cbpbu.net o.TTICE oT THr cor,ERaLfrR oT fxAJirNATIo5{s Ref No: CBPEU/CEIUG/CBCS/GEO/SCHEDULE/:'o SrM/HOr{S a eeN/OZOS/1g Oalet 09/12/2O1s nRoGRAMME scxtouu ron cgcs a" sEMEsTfR GEoGRApHy (coRt & nRoGRAMME) pRAcncAr ExAMr{aloti, 201}.2020 Venue: 5EAI. Semester Papers Date & time Eraminee from College 09t0u2020 A.B.N Seal College (I1.00A.M. to 2.00 P.M.XC7) Dinhata Colle8e (J.00P.M. to 4.00 P.ltl)(SEC-I) t0fi1n020 Cooch Behar Collese (l l.mA.M. to 2.00 P.M.XC7) Bakshirhar Mahavidyalaya (3.00P.M. to 4.00 P.MXSEC-l ) 3d Semcstcr C7 & SECI t1nv2020 Sitalkuchi Collese (Corc) (rI.00A.M. ro 2.00 P.M.XC7) Netaji Subash Mahavidylaya (3.00P-M. to ,1.00 P.MXSEC-I) t3tolDo20 Thakur Panchanan Mahila ( I l 004.M. lo 2.00 P.M.XC?) Mahavidyalaya (3-fl)P.U. to 4.00 P.MXSEC-I) Mekhliganj College MntD020 Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya (ll.mA.M..o 2.00 P.M.XC7) Madhusudan Hore Mahavidvalava (3.00P.M. to 4.00 P.MXSEC-I) Semcster Paper Datc & time Exemince from College A.B.N Seal College Cooch Behar College Dinhara College 3'd Semester lstoU2020 Mathabhanga College (Program) DSC2C (12.00 r\-OON ro 3.00 P.M.) Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya Sitalkuchi Collese Thakur Panchanana Mahila Mahavidyalal'a N.B. : SEC I Examination ro be held on 09/01/2020 to I4lOl/2020 insrea d of t' t2t2\1g *#-., (Dr. Abhijeet Deb) Controller of Examination Cooch Behar Prnchanan Barma Universil).