Lesotho National Human Development Report
Lesotho National Human Development Report 2015 Leveraging the Power of Youth to Promote Human Development Published for the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP Lesotho © United Nations Development Programme, 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission. The analysis and policy recommendations of this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Development Programme, or those of the Government of Lesotho. The report is an independent publication commissioned by the UNDP. It is the fruit of a collaborative effort authored by an independent team of experts, consultants and advisors, under guidance, co-ordination and financial support by UNDP Lesotho Country Office. The cover page designs were drawn by Sekhalo Shale, a Design Student at Limkokwing University of Technology, Lesotho campus, for an NHDR cover page design competition. It is a reflection of the spirit of the youth, in silhouette and wearing Basotho hats. Lesotho National Human Development Report 2015 Leveraging the Power of Youth to Promote Human Development i Foreword Human Development Reports have been culture and educational opportunities. This, however, is commissioned and published by the United not translated into independent adulthood, hence the Nations Development Programme (UNDP) minimal progress in HDI ranking. since 1990 as intellectually independent, Despite impressive achievements in education and empirically grounded analyses of literacy rates, Lesotho is still ranked among the lowest development issues, trends, progress and human development countries, with a Youth policies. The ultimate goal of the reports is Development Index of 0.52.
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