Karanos 3, 2020 39-57 Forever Young The strange youth of the Macedonian Kings* by Antonio Ignacio Molina Marín Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
[email protected] ABSTRACT Traditionally, the belief has been that the Hellenistic kings began to shave their beards following the example of Alexander the Great. This paper proposes a new vision of this idea, given that explains the shaven face of Alexander through the youngness of the Macedonian kings. In our opinion, the sovereigns of Macedonia were presented many times by their fathers or regents like eternal teenagers in order to remain in power for as long as possible. Thus, the only way for any member of the Argead dynasty to achieve complete autonomy and to be fully free was to be seated on the throne. The same happen during the lifetime of popular generals (Parmenion) or advisers (Aratus). The royal portrait created by the Diadochoi was a symbol of power through which they could govern, never was an imitation of a real one. However, this royal portrait was inspired by Macedonian models that presented the Argead prince as inexpert and weak when they were unbearded. KEYWORDS Argead Dynasty, Hellenistic kings, Alexander the Great, Iconography, Power, Beard. The unforgettable Stephan Zweig (The world of yesterday: An autobiography1) said that maturity had always been the model sought by European man until the 20th century: “The newspapers recommended preparations which hastened the growth of the beard, and twenty-four- and twenty-five-year-old doctors, who had just finished their examinations, wore mighty beards and gold spectacles even if their eyes did not need them, so that they could make an impression of “experience” upon their first patients.