How to Buy Food: Lesson Aids for Teachers
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DOCIMEN7 imam! 111D 170 546 CR 020 727 srus How to Buy Food: Lesson Aids for Teachers. Agriculture Handbook No. 443. Revised. INS1ITUTIOg Department of Agriculture, hashing ton, D.C. Agricultural Marketing SErVIces. MO DATE Aug 75 14017 55p.; Information in some of the tatles and footnotes may not reprodute w(?11 due to small print AVAILABLE rPCM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Stock Numher 001-000-03456-1, Catalog Number A1.76:443/2, $1.30) 'DRS PBtC MP01/203 Flus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Consumer Education; instruction; *Home Economics Education; *Instructional Materials; Meat; Secondary Education ABS1RAC This teachers guide presents lesson aids on how to buy f=ood for home economics or consumer education in high school or adult education courses. An introductory section explains nov toget the supplementary materials (publications, films, and slides/filmstrips), what the contents and objectives of these materials are, suggestions for Lesson preparation, and backTround materials for the instructor. Topics of the lessons are meat, dairy products, egg, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables, and more for your money. Each of these lessons contains a list of objectives, materials to use, stiggestions for teaching,. glossary, and quizzes.(CI) *****1124* * * *** * ****** ***** *** ********* * Reproductions supplied by RS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *************** ****** *******0-1 ****** * AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 443 US_ DEPART; IEPAIDF HEALTH. EDUCATION& map ARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF DUCATION THIS DOCUMENT NAS BEEN REPRO- HowtoBuy DUCED EXACTL.Y AS k etelvio FROM THE PE FISON OR ORGANISATION ORIGIN. ATi NG IT POINTS OF VIEW OR ()PINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SEN T OFF iCIAL NATIONAL iNST h'UTE OF EOLICAT,ON POSITION OP POLICY LESSON AIDS FOR TEACHERS AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE U.S, DEPARTMENT O AGRICULTURE CONTENTS page page USING THESE LESSON AIDS 1 LESSON AID IVPOULTRY 31 How to Get Materials . .... 1 Objectives 31 Basic Materials 2 Materials to Use . .. 31 Supplementary Materials 4 Suggestions for Teaching 31 Lesson Aid Contents 4 Glossary 31 Lesson Aid Objectives 5 Poultry Problem-Solving Suggestions for Lesson Preparation 33 5 Comparative Costs of Chicken Parts 34 Background for the Instructor _ . .. 6 Comparative Costs of Turkey Parts 35 LESSON AID IMEAT .. .. LESSON AID VFRESH FRUITS AND Objectives .... ...... 8 VEGETABLES Materials to Use .. .. 8 36 Objectives Suggestions for Teaching 9 36 Materials to Use Glossary . 9 36 Suggestions for Teaching 36 Baa-affled About Lamb?... 11 Glossary Befuddled About Beef Roasts? . ... 13 Does Produce Buying Stump You? Bone Up on Steak . .... 15 3386 Posers on Potatoes . .. 39 Cold Facts About Freezing Meat .....17 Fruit and Vegetable Availability.. 40 Cost of Protein Foods . .. _ . 19,52 LESSON AID IIDAIRY PRODUCTS 20 LESSON AID VI CANNED AND FROZEN Objectives . .. 20 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . 42 Materials to Use.... 20 Objectives 42 Suggestions for Teaching... 20 Materials to Use . 42 Glossary 20 Suggestions for Teaching. ,. 42 Glossary . .. Do You Know Your Dairy Products? 23 .. 42 Check Up On Your Cheeses.. ... 25 Get Your Fruit Facts Straight . 44 How's Your Vegetable Quotient? 46 LESSON AID 111EGGS 27 Objectives . 27 LESSON AID VIIMORE FOR YOUR MONEY. 48 Materials to Use.. ... .. 27 Objectives 48 Suggestions for Teaching = 27 Materials to Use 48 Glossary . .. ... 27 Suggestions for Teaching. 48 What Do You Know About Eggs? 29 Glossary . 49 Cost of Eggs Per Pound . 30 ....... Crossword Puzzle . 50 REVISED AUGUST 1975 3 For este by the Superintendent el Documents. U.S. Government PrintingOffice Washington. D.C. 20402 - Price 51.30 Stook Number 001-400-03456-1 Catalog Number A 1.76:443/: HOW TO BUY FOOD LESSON AIDS OR TEACHERS Office of Communication, USDA, Washinigton, D.C. USING THESE LESSON AIDS 20250. When buying a film, allow at least one month These lesson aids can be used within home eco- lordelivery, and make checks payable to USDA nomics or iconsumer education courses or in a sepa- Office of Communication. Prices are listed with titles, te course. They are Eli itoblQ for both high school and adult education courses. Slides /Filmstrips The .ids are intended to be used with the basic materials listed below, as a base for an instruction Slide sets may be purchased from Photography series. The supplementary materials listed after the Division, Office of Communication, USDA, VVashing- basic materials are of a general nature and can be ton, D.C. 20250, at prices listed with titles. Make used at the instructor's discretion. In addition, each checks payable to USDA Office of Communication. lesson aid has a list of supplementary materials that Allow one month for delivery. deal with that specific topic. Ifslide set is available as filmstrip also filmstrip Some pagesin each lessonaidare designed may be bought from Photo Lab,Inc., 3825 Georgia for reproduction by offset, or other copying equip- Ave.. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011, at price listed. ment, so that the teacher may use them for hand- Allow two weeks for delivery. outs to the students. Ifaudio cassetteisavailable,it may be pur- chased from USDA when buying slide sets or from Photo Lab, Inc_ when buying filmstrip. How to Get Materials Publications STATE FILM LIBRARIES Unless otherwise mentioned, single copies of all ALA, - -- Cooperative Extension FilmLibrary, Auburn publications listed in this booklet are available free University, Auburn, AL 36830 from the Office of Communication, U.S, Department ALASKADivision of Libraries, Pouch 0, Juneau, AK 99801 of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. 20250. USDA does not sell publications. ARIZ.Bureau of Audio-Visual Services, University Any publications indicated for sale only may be of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ARK.Coop. Exten. Film Library, Univ, of Arkansas, purchased fromthe Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.C. 20402, at the price listed. P.O. Box 391, Little Rock, AR 72003 CAOF.U.C, Agr. Exten.. Visual Aids, 1422 South Prices are givenforallpublications, including those available free, because multiple copies must 10th St., Richmond, CA 94804 be purchased from GPO. Discounts of 25 percent COLO.Film Library. Office of Educational Media, are given for orders of 100 or more of any one publi- Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80521 cation. CONN.Audiovisual Center. Univ.of Connecticut, Always include publication name and number. Storrs, CT 06268 and your zip code. when ordering. DEL.Coop. Exten. Film Library, Univ, of Delaware, Agr. Hall, Newark DE 19711 Svc..Florida Coop. Films FLA.Notion Picture Exten. Svc.,Univ. ofFlorida,EditorialDepartment, Most films may be borrowed from State filmli- Gainesville, FL 32601 braries (see list on pages 1-2).If the library does CA, FilmLibrary,Coop. Es -ten.Svc.,Univ,of not have the film you want to borrow, write to Infor Georgia, Athens, GA 30601 4-rationDivision,AgriculturalMarketingService, HAWAII-----Film Library, Coop. Exten.Svce, College USDA, Washington. D.C. 20250, for a copy. Films of Tropical Agr., Univ. of Hawaii, 2500 Dole may be purchased from the Motion Picture Division, Street, Rm. 108, Honolulu, HA 96822 4 IDAHO Audio Visual Center, Univ. of Idaho, Mos- PA.Agr. Exten,Svc.,Pennsylvania State Univ., cow, ID 83843 104 Agr. Adm, Bldg,, Univ. Park, PA 16802 ILL.Visual Aids Svc.,Univ.ofIllinois,Div.of P.R,Agr, Exten. Svc., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Maya- Univ. Exten, 1325 South Oak, Champaign, IL guez Campus, Rio Piedras, PR 00928 61820 R.I.Audio Visual Center-, Univ. of Rhode Island, IND.Audio Visual Center, Purdue UnivStewart Kingston, RI 02881 Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907 .S.C.- Agr. Comm. Dept., Clemson Univ. Exten. Svc., IOWAMedia Resources Center, Iowa State Univ.,. Rrn. 92, Plant & Animal Sri. Bldg., Clemson, Pearson Hall, Ames, IA 50010 SC 29631 KANS.--Coop. Exten.Svc.,FilmLibrary,Kansas S.D.Coop, Exten. Svc., Film Library, South Dakota Stale Univ.,Urnberger Hall, Manhattan, KS State Univ., Brookings, SD 57006 66502 TENN.Teaching Materials Center, Div. of Continu- KY. Audio Visual Svc.,Univ.of Kentucky, Scott ingEd.,Univ.of Tennessee,l(noxville, TN St. Bldg., Lexington, KY 40506 37916 LkCoop. Exten. Svc., Film Library, Louisiana State TEX.Agr. Comm., Texas A&M Univ., Rm. 201, Svc. Univ., Knapp Hall, Univ. Station, Baton Rouge, Bldg., College Station, TX 77843 LA 70803 UTAHAudio Visual Svcs., Utah State Univ., Logan, MAINEInstructionalSystemsCenter,Univ.of UT 84321 Maine, Orono, ME 04473 VT.The Audio Visual Center, Univ. ofVermont, MD.Audiovisual Svc., Univ. of Maryland, Rm. 1, Ira Allen Chapel, Burlington, VT 05401 Annapolis Hall, College Park, MD 20742 VA. MediaSvcs.,VirginiaPolytechnicInstitute, MASS. Krasker Film Library, School of Education, Patton Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Boston Univ., 765 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, WASH.Audio VisualCenter,WashingtonState MA 02215 Univ., Pullman, WA 99163 MICH.Instructional Media Center, Michigan State W.V. --Coop. Exten. Svc., West Virginia Univ., 215 Univ., East Lansing, MI 48823 Coliseum, Morgantown, WV 26506 MINN.Agr, Exten. Svc.,Film Library,Univ.of WISC.Univ. of WisconsinExten. Bureau of Audio Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55101 Visual Instruction, P.O. Box 2093, Madison, WI MISS.Coop. Exten. Svc., Film Library, Miss. State 53701 Univ., Mississippi State, MS 39752 WYO.Audio Visual Svc., The Univ. of Wyoming, MO.Audio Visual & Comm. Svc., Univ. of Missouri, Laramie, WY 82070 203 Whitten Hall, Columbia, MO 65201 MONT.Carnpus Film Library for Coop. Exten. Svc., Montana State Univ., Bozerna-n,IVIT 59715 Basic Materials NEBR.Univ. of Nebraska, Instructional Media Cen- 1. The "How to Buy Food" series. These pam- ter, 901 N. 17th, Rm. 421, Lincoln, NB 68508 phlets may be used by the instructor as the informa- NEV.Audio Visual Center, University of Nevada, tion base for the course. Each pamphlet provides Reno, NV 89507 how-to-buy information for a particular type of food N.H.Audio Visual Center, Univ. of New Hampshire, for example, beef steaks,poultry,freshfruits, Hewitt Hall, Durham.