Key-Value Memory Networks for Directly Reading Documents

Alexander H. Miller1 Adam Fisch1 Jesse Dodge1,2 Amir-Hossein Karimi1 Antoine Bordes1 Jason Weston1 1Facebook AI Research, 770 Broadway, New York, NY, USA 2Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA {ahm,afisch,jessedodge,ahkarimi,abordes,jase}

Abstract can be used to query such databases (Berant et al., 2013; Kwiatkowski et al., 2013; Fader et al., 2014). Directly reading documents and being able to Unfortunately, KBs have intrinsic limitations such answer questions from them is an unsolved as their inevitable incompleteness and fixed schemas challenge. To avoid its inherent difficulty, ques- that cannot support all varieties of answers. Since tion answering (QA) has been directed towards information extraction (IE) (Craven et al., 2000), in- using Knowledge Bases (KBs) instead, which has proven effective. Unfortunately KBs often tended to fill in missing information in KBs, is neither suffer from being too restrictive, as the schema accurate nor reliable enough, collections of raw tex- cannot support certain types of answers, and tual resources and documents such as Wikipedia will too sparse, e.g. Wikipedia contains much more always contain more information. As a result, even if information than Freebase. In this work we KBs can be satisfactory for closed-domain problems, introduce a new method, Key-Value Memory they are unlikely to scale up to answer general ques- Networks, that makes reading documents more tions on any topic. Starting from this observation, viable by utilizing different encodings in the ad- in this work we study the problem of answering by dressing and output stages of the memory read operation. To compare using KBs, information directly reading documents. extraction or Wikipedia documents directly in Retrieving answers directly from text is harder a single framework we construct an analysis than from KBs because information is far less struc- tool, WIKIMOVIES, a QA dataset that contains tured, is indirectly and ambiguously expressed, and raw text alongside a preprocessed KB, in the is usually scattered across multiple documents. This domain of movies. Our method reduces the explains why using a satisfactory KB—typically only gap between all three settings. It also achieves available in closed domains—is preferred over raw state-of-the-art results on the existing WIKIQA benchmark. text. We postulate that before trying to provide an- swers that are not in KBs, document-based QA sys- tems should first reach KB-based systems’ perfor- 1 Introduction mance in such closed domains, where clear compari- son and evaluation is possible. To this end, this paper Question answering (QA) has been a long stand- introduces WIKIMOVIES, a new analysis tool that ing research problem in natural language processing, allows for measuring the performance of QA systems with the first systems attempting to answer questions when the knowledge source is switched from a KB by directly reading documents (Voorhees and Tice, to unstructured documents. WIKIMOVIES contains 2000). The development of large-scale Knowledge 100k questions in the movie domain, and was de- ∼ Bases (KBs) such as Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008) signed to be answerable by using either a perfect KB helped organize information into structured forms, (based on OMDb1), Wikipedia pages or an imper- prompting recent progress to focus on answering questions by converting them into logical forms that 1


Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1400–1409, Austin, Texas, November 1-5, 2016. c 2016 Association for Computational Linguistics fect KB obtained through running an engineered IE matically (Craven et al., 2000; Carlson et al., 2010)— pipeline on those pages. not an easy problem. To bridge the gap between using a KB and read- For this reason, recent initiatives are returning to ing documents directly, we still lack appropriate ma- the original setting of directly answering from text us- chine learning algorithms. In this work we propose ing datasets like TRECQA (Wang et al., 2007), which the Key-Value Memory Network (KV-MemNN), a is based on classical TREC resources (Voorhees et al., new neural network architecture that generalizes the 1999), and WIKIQA (Yang et al., 2015), which is original Memory Network (Sukhbaatar et al., 2015) extracted from Wikipedia. Both benchmarks are or- and can work with either knowledge source. The ganized around the task of answer sentence selection, KV-MemNN performs QA by first storing facts in where a system must identify the sentence contain- a key-value structured memory before reasoning on ing the correct answer in a collection of documents, them in order to predict an answer. The memory but need not return the actual answer as a KB-based is designed so that the model learns to use keys to system would do. Unfortunately, these datasets are address relevant memories with respect to the ques- very small (hundreds of examples) and, because of tion, whose corresponding values are subsequently their answer selection setting, do not offer the option returned. This structure allows the model to encode to directly compare answering from a KB against prior knowledge for the considered task and to lever- answering from pure text. Using similar resources age possibly complex transforms between keys and as the dialog dataset of Dodge et al. (2016), our new values, while still being trained using standard back- benchmark WIKIMOVIES addresses both deficien- propagation via stochastic gradient descent. cies by providing a substantial corpus of question- Our experiments on WIKIMOVIES indicate that, answer pairs that can be answered by either using a thanks to its key-value memory, the KV-MemNN KB or a corresponding set of documents. consistently outperforms the original Memory Net- Even though standard pipeline QA systems like work, and reduces the gap between answering from AskMR (Banko et al., 2002) have been recently re- a human-annotated KB, from an automatically ex- visited (Tsai et al., 2015), the best published results tracted KB or from directly reading Wikipedia. We on TRECQA and WIKIQA have been obtained by confirm our findings on WIKIQA (Yang et al., either convolutional neural networks (Santos et al., 2015), another Wikipedia-based QA benchmark 2016; Yin and Schütze, 2015; Wang et al., 2016) where no KB is available, where we demonstrate or recurrent neural networks (Miao et al., 2015)— that KV-MemNN can reach state-of-the-art results— both usually with attention mechanisms inspired by surpassing the most recent attention-based neural (Bahdanau et al., 2015). In this work, we introduce network models. KV-MemNNs, a Memory Network model that oper- ates a symbolic memory structured as (key, value) 2 Related Work pairs. Such structured memory is not employed in Early QA systems were based on information re- any existing attention-based neural network architec- trieval and were designed to return snippets of text ture for QA. As we will show, it gives the model containing an answer (Voorhees and Tice, 2000; greater flexibility for encoding knowledge sources Banko et al., 2002), with limitations in terms of ques- and helps shrink the gap between directly reading tion complexity and response coverage. The creation documents and answering from a KB. of large-scale KBs (Auer et al., 2007; Bollacker et al., 2008) have led to the development of a new class of 3 Key-Value Memory Networks QA methods based on semantic parsing (Berant et al., The Key-Value Memory Network model is based 2013; Kwiatkowski et al., 2013; Fader et al., 2014; on the Memory Network (MemNNs) model (We- Yih et al., 2015) that can return precise answers to ston et al., 2015; Sukhbaatar et al., 2015) which complicated compositional questions. Due to the has proven useful for a variety of document read- sparsity of KB data, however, the main challenge ing and question answering tasks: for reading chil- shifts from finding answers to developing efficient dren’s books and answering questions about them information extraction methods to populate KBs auto- (Hill et al., 2016), for complex reasoning over sim-

1401 Figure 1: The Key-Value Memory Network model for question answering. See Section 3 for details. ulated stories (Weston et al., 2016) and for utilizing retrieved context and the most recent query are com- KBs to answer questions (Bordes et al., 2015). bined as features to predict a response from a list of Key-value paired memories are a generalization candidates. of the way context (e.g. knowledge bases or docu- Figure 1 illustrates the KV-MemNN model archi- ments to be read) are stored in memory. The lookup tecture. (addressing) stage is based on the key memory while In KV-MemNNs we define the memory slots as the reading stage (giving the returned result) uses the pairs of vectors (k1, v1) ..., (kM , vM ) and denote value memory. This gives both (i) greater flexibility the question x. The addressing and reading of the for the practitioner to encode prior knowledge about memory involves three steps: their task; and (ii) more effective power in the model Key Hashing: the question can be used to pre- via nontrivial transforms between key and value. The • key should be designed with features to help match select a small subset of the possibly large array. it to the question, while the value should be designed This is done using an inverted index that finds a with features to help match it to the response (an- subset (kh1 , vh1 ),..., (khN , vhN ) of memories swer). An important property of the model is that of size N where the key shares at least one word the entire model can be trained with key-value trans- with the question with frequency < F = 1000 forms while still using standard backpropagation via (to ignore stop words), following Dodge et al. stochastic gradient descent. (2016). More sophisticated retrieval schemes could be used here, see e.g. Manning et al. 3.1 Model Description (2008), Our model is based on the end-to-end Memory Net- Key Addressing: during addressing, each can- et al. • work architecture of Sukhbaatar (2015). A didate memory is assigned a relevance probabil- high-level view of both models is as follows: one ity by comparing the question to each key: defines a memory, which is a possibly very large ar- ray of slots which can encode both long-term and phi = Softmax(AΦX (x) AΦK (khi )) short-term context. At test time one is given a query · (e.g. the question in QA tasks), which is used to it- where Φ are feature maps of dimension D, A is · eratively address and read from the memory (these a d D matrix and Softmax(z ) = ezi / ezj . × i j iterations are also referred to as “hops”) looking for We discuss choices of feature map in Sec. 3.2. relevant information to answer the question. At each P step, the collected information from the memory is Value Reading: in the final reading step, the • cumulatively added to the original query to build con- values of the memories are read by taking their text for the next round. At the last iteration, the final weighted sum using the addressing probabilities,

1402 and the vector o is returned: this way is an important component of KV-MemNNs, and we are free to define ΦX , ΦY , ΦK and ΦV for the o = p AΦ (v ) . hi V hi query, answer, keys and values respectively. We now i X describe several possible variants of ΦK and ΦV that The memory access process is conducted by the we tried in our experiments, for simplicity we kept ΦX and ΦY fixed as bag-of-words representations. “controller” neural network using q = AΦX (x) as the query. After receiving the result o, the query is KB Triple Knowledge base entries have a structure updated with q = R (q + o) where R is a d d 2 1 × of triple “subject relation object” (see Table 1 for ex- matrix. The memory access is then repeated (specifi- amples). The representation we consider is simple: cally, only the addressing and reading steps, but not the key is composed of the left-hand side entity (sub- the hashing), using a different matrix Rj on each ject) and the relation, and the value is the right-hand hop, j. The key addressing equation is transformed side entity (object). We double the KB and consider accordingly to use the updated query: the reversed relation as well (e.g. we now have two triples “ directed_by ” and p = Softmax(q AΦ (k )) . hi j>+1 K hi “Ridley Scott !directed_by Blade Runner” where !di- The motivation for this is that new evidence can be rected_by is a different entry in the dictionary than combined into the query to focus on and retrieve more directed_by). Having the entry both ways round is pertinent information in subsequent accesses. Finally, important for answering different kinds of questions after a fixed number H hops, the resulting state of (“Who directed Blade Runner?” vs. “What did Rid- the controller is used to compute a final prediction ley Scott direct?”). For a standard MemNN that does over the possible outputs: not have key-value pairs the whole triple has to be encoded into the same memory slot. aˆ = argmaxi=1,...,C Softmax(qH>+1BΦY (yi)) Sentence Level For representing a document, one where yi are the possible candidate outputs, e.g. all can split it up into sentences, with each memory slot the entities in the KB, or all possible candidate an- encoding one sentence. Both the key and the value swer sentences in the case of a dataset like WIKIQA encode the entire sentence as a bag-of-words. As (see Sec. 5.2). The d D matrix B can also be con- the key and value are the same in this case, this is × strained to be identical to A. The whole network is identical to a standard MemNN and this approach trained end-to-end, and the model learns to perform has been used in several papers (Weston et al., 2016; the iterative accesses to output the desired target a Dodge et al., 2016). by minimizing a standard cross-entropy loss between Window Level Documents are split up into win- aˆ and the correct answer a. Backpropagation and dows of W words; in our tasks we only include win- stochastic gradient descent are thus used to learn the dows where the center word is an entity. Windows are matrices A, B and R ,...,R . 1 H represented using bag-of-words. Window represen- To obtain the standard End-To-End Memory Net- tations for MemNNs have been shown to work well work of Sukhbaatar et al. (2015) one can simply set previously (Hill et al., 2016). However, in Key-Value the key and value to be the same for all memories. MemNNs we encode the key as the entire window, Hashing was not used in that paper, but is important and the value as only the center word, which is not for computational efficiency for large memory sizes, possible in the MemNN architecture. This makes as already shown in Dodge et al. (2016). We will now sense because the entire window is more likely to go on to describe specific applications of key-value be pertinent as a match for the question (as the key), memories for the task of reading KBs or documents. whereas the entity at the center is more pertinent as a 3.2 Key-Value Memories match for the answer (as the value). We will compare these approaches in our experiments. There are a variety of ways to employ key-value mem- ories that can have important effects on overall per- Window + Center Encoding Instead of represent- formance. The ability to encode prior knowledge in ing the window as a pure bag-of-words, thus mixing

1403 the window center with the rest of the window, we Doc: Wikipedia Article for Blade Runner (partially shown) Blade Runner is a 1982 American neo-noir dystopian science fiction film can also encode them with different features. Here, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford, , Sean we double the size, D, of the dictionary and encode Young, and Edward James Olmos. The screenplay, written by Hampton Fancher and , is a modified film adaptation of the 1968 the center of the window and the value using the sec- novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” by Philip K. Dick. ond dictionary. This should help the model pick out The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in November 2019 in which genetically engineered , which are visually indistinguishable the relevance of the window center (more related to from adult humans, are manufactured by the powerful Tyrell Corporation the answer) as compared to the words either side of as well as by other “mega-corporations” around the world. Their use on Earth is banned and replicants are exclusively used for dangerous, it (more related to the question). menial, or leisure work on off-world colonies. Replicants who defy the ban and return to Earth are hunted down and “retired” by special police Window + Title The title of a document is com- operatives known as “Blade Runners”. . . . KB entries for Blade Runner (subset) monly the answer to a question that relates to the Blade Runner directed_by Ridley Scott text it contains. For example “What did Harrison Blade Runner written_by Philip K. Dick, Hampton Fancher Blade Runner starred_actors Harrison Ford, Sean Young, . . . Ford star in?” can be (partially) answered by the Blade Runner release_year 1982 Wikipedia document with the title “Blade Runner”. Blade Runner has_tags dystopian, noir, police, androids, . . . For this reason, we also consider a representation IE entries for Blade Runner (subset) Blade Runner, Ridley Scott directed dystopian, science fiction, film where the key is the word window as before, but Hampton Fancher written Blade Runner the value is the document title. We also keep all the Blade Runner starred Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young.. . Blade Runner labelled 1982 neo noir standard (window, center) key-value pairs from the special police, Blade retired Blade Runner window-level representation as well, thus doubling Blade Runner, special police known Blade Questions for Blade Runner (subset) the number of memory slots in comparison. To dif- Ridley Scott directed which films? ferentiate the two keys with different values we add What year was the movie Blade Runner released? Who is the writer of the film Blade Runner? an extra feature “_window_” or “_title_” to the key, Which films can be described by dystopian? depending on the value. The “_title_” version also Which movies was Philip K. Dick the writer of? includes the actual movie title in the key. This rep- Can you describe movie Blade Runner in a few words? resentation can be combined with center encoding. Table 1: WIKIMOVIES: Questions, Doc, KB and IE sources. Note that this representation is inherently specific to datasets in which there is an apparent or meaningful QA pairs such that they are all potentially answerable title for each document. from either the KB from (ii) or the original Wikipedia documents from (i) to eliminate data sparsity issues. 4 The WikiMovies Benchmark However, it should be noted that the advantage of The WIKIMOVIES benchmark consists of question- working from raw documents in real applications is answer pairs in the domain of movies. It was built that data sparsity is less of a concern than for a KB, with the following goals in mind: (i) machine learn- while on the other hand the KB has the information ing techniques should have ample training examples already parsed in a form amenable to manipulation for learning; and (ii) one can analyze easily the perfor- by machines. This dataset can help analyze what mance of different representations of knowledge and methods we need to close the gap between all three break down the results by question type. The dataset settings, and in particular what are the best methods can be downloaded from for reading documents when a KB is not available. A sample of the dataset is shown in Table 1. 4.1 Knowledge Representations Doc We selected a set of Wikipedia articles about We construct three forms of knowledge representa- movies by identifying a set of movies from OMDb2 tion: (i) Doc: raw Wikipedia documents consisting that had an associated article by title match. We keep of the pages of the movies mentioned; (ii) KB: a clas- the title and the first section (before the contents box) sical graph-based KB consisting of entities and rela- for each article. This gives 17k documents (movies) tions created from the Open Movie Database (OMDb) ∼ which comprise the set of documents our models will and MovieLens; and (iii) IE: information extraction read from in order to answer questions. performed on the Wikipedia pages to build a KB 2 in a similar form as (ii). We take care to construct

1404 KB Our set of movies were also matched to the Method KB IE Doc MovieLens dataset3. We built a KB using OMDb (Bordes et al., 2014) QA system 93.5 56.5 N/A and MovieLens metadata with entries for each movie Supervised Embeddings 54.4 54.4 54.4 Memory Network 78.5 63.4 69.9 and nine different relation types: director, writer, ac- Key-Value Memory Network 93.9 68.3 76.2 tor, release year, language, genre, tags, IMDb rating Table 2: Test results (% hits@1) on WIKIMOVIES, comparing and IMDb votes, with 10k related actors, 6k di- ∼ ∼ human-annotated KB (KB), information extraction-based KB rectors and 43k entities in total. The KB is stored as ∼ (IE), and directly reading Wikipedia documents (Doc). triples; see Table 1 for examples. IMDb ratings and votes are originally real-valued but are binned and converted to text (“unheard of”, “unknown”, “well Memory Representation Doc known”, “highly watched”, “famous”). We finally Sentence-level 52.4 only retain KB triples where the entities also appear Window-level 66.8 in the Wikipedia articles4 to try to guarantee that all Window-level + Title 74.1 QA pairs will be equally answerable by either the Window-level + Center Encoding + Title 76.9 KB or Wikipedia document sources. Table 3: Development set performance (% hits@1) with differ- IE As an alternative to directly reading documents, ent document memory representations for KV-MemNNs. we explore leveraging information extraction tech- niques to transform documents into a KB format. An IE-KB representation has attractive properties such as more precise and compact expressions of corresponding to different kinds of edges in our KB. facts and logical key-value pairings based on subject- They range in scope from specific—such as actor to verb-object groupings. This can come at the cost of movie: “What movies did Harrison Ford star in?” and lower recall due to malformed or completely missing movie to actors: “Who starred in Blade Runner?”—to triplets. For IE we use standard open-source soft- more general, such as tag to movie: “Which films can ware followed by some task-specific engineering to be described by dystopian?”; see Table 4 for the full improve the results. We first employ coreference res- list. For some question there can be multiple correct olution via the Stanford NLP Toolkit (Manning et al., answers. 2014) to reduce ambiguity by replacing pronominal Using SimpleQuestions (Bordes et al., 2015), an (“he”, “it”) and nominal (“the film”) references with existing open-domain question answering dataset their representative entities. Next we use the SENNA based on Freebase, we identified the subset of ques- semantic role labeling tool (Collobert et al., 2011) to tions posed by human annotators that covered our uncover the grammatical structure of each sentence question types. We created our question set by sub- and pair verbs with their arguments. Each triplet stituting the entities in those questions with entities is cleaned of words that are not recognized entities, from all of our KB triples. For example, if the orig- and lemmatization is done to collapse different inflec- inal question written by an annotator was “What tions of important task-specific verbs to one form (e.g. movies did Harrison Ford star in?”, we created a stars, starring, star starred). Finally, we append → pattern “What movies did [@actor] star in?”, which the movie title to each triple similar to the “Window we substitute for any other actors in our set, and re- + Title” representation of Sec. 3.2, which improved peat this for all annotations. We split the questions results. into disjoint training, development and test sets with 96k, 10k and 10k examples, respectively. The same 4.2 Question-Answer Pairs ∼ question (even worded differently) cannot appear in Within the dataset’s more than 100,000 question- both train and test sets. Note that this is much larger answer pairs, we distinguish 13 classes of question than most existing datasets; for example, the WIK-

3 IQA dataset (Yang et al., 2015) for which we also 4 conduct experiments in Sec. 5.2 has only 1000 The dataset also includes the slightly larger version without ∼ this constraint. training pairs.

1405 5 Experiments Question Type KB IE Doc Writer to Movie 97 72 91 This section describes our experiments on WIKI- Tag to Movie 85 35 49 MOVIES and WIKIQA. Movie to Year 95 75 89 Movie to Writer 95 61 64 5.1 WikiMovies Movie to Tags 94 47 48 Movie to Language 96 62 84 IKI We conducted experiments on the W - Movie to IMDb Votes 92 92 92 MOVIES dataset described in Sec. 4. Our Movie to IMDb Rating 94 75 92 main goal is to compare the performance of KB, IE Movie to Genre 97 84 86 and Wikipedia (Doc) sources when trying varying Movie to Director 93 76 79 learning methods. We compare four approaches: (i) Movie to Actors 91 64 64 the QA system of Bordes et al. (2014) that performs Director to Movie 90 78 91 Actor to Movie 93 66 83 well on existing datasets WebQuestions (Berant et al., Table 4: Breakdown of test results (% hits@1) on WIKI- 2013) and SimpleQuestions (Bordes et al., 2015) that MOVIES for Key-Value Memory Networks using different knowl- use KBs only; (ii) supervised embeddings that do not edge representations. make use of a KB at all but learn question-to-answer embeddings directly and hence act as a sanity check (Dodge et al., 2016); (iii) Memory Networks; and Knowledge Representation KV-MemNN KB 93.9 (iv) Key-Value Memory Networks. Performance is One Template Sentence 82.9 reported using the accuracy of the top hit (single All Templates Sentences 80.0 answer) over all possible answers (all entities), i.e. One Template + Coreference 76.0 the hits@1 metric measured in percent. In all cases One Template + Conjunctions 74.0 hyperparameters are optimized on the development All Templates + Conj. + Coref. 72.5 set, including the memory representations of Sec. Wikipedia Documents 76.2 3.2 for MemNNs and KV-MemNNs. As MemNNs Table 5: Analysis of test set results (% hits@1) for KB vs. do not support key-value pairs, we concatenate key Synthetic Docs on WIKIMOVIES. and value together when they differ instead. The main results are given in Table 2. The QA system of Bordes et al. (2014) outperforms Super- to Doc (and KB) on Writer, Director and Actor to vised Embeddings and Memory Networks for KB Movie, perhaps because coreference is difficult in and IE-based KB representations, but is designed these cases – although it has other losses elsewhere to work with a KB, not with documents (hence the too. Note that only 56% of subject-object pairs in N/A in that column). However, Key-Value Memory IE match the triples in the original KB, so losses are Networks outperform all other methods on all three expected. Doc loses out to KB particularly on Tag to data source types. Reading from Wikipedia docu- Movie, Movie to Tags, Movie to Writer and Movie to ments directly (Doc) outperforms an IE-based KB Actors. Tag questions are hard because they can ref- (IE), which is an encouraging result towards auto- erence more or less any word in the entire Wikipedia mated machine reading though a gap to a human- document; see Table 1. Movie to Writer/Actor are annotated KB still remains (93.9 vs. 76.2). The hard because there is likely only one or a few refer- best memory representation for directly reading doc- ences to the answer across all documents, whereas uments uses “Window-level + Center Encoding + for Writer/Actor to Movie there are more possible Title” (W = 7 and H = 2); see Table 3 for a compar- answers to find. ison of results for different representation types. Both To further center encoding and title features help the window- KB vs. Synthetic Document Analysis understand the difference between using a KB versus level representation, while sentence-level is inferior. reading documents directly, we conducted an exper- QA Breakdown A breakdown by question type iment where we constructed synthetic documents comparing the different data sources for KV- using the KB. For a given movie, we use a simple MemNNs is given in Table 4. IE loses out especially grammar to construct a synthetic “Wikipedia” doc-

1406 Method MAP MRR sion (MAP) and mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of the Word Cnt 0.4891 0.4924 ranked set of answers. The dataset uses a pre-built Wgt Word Cnt 0.5099 0.5132 2-gram CNN (Yang et al., 2015) 0.6520 0.6652 information retrieval step and hence provides a fixed AP-CNN (Santos et al., 2016) 0.6886 0.6957 set of candidate sentences per question, so systems Attentive LSTM (Miao et al., 2015) 0.6886 0.7069 do not have to consider ranking all of Wikipedia. Attentive CNN (Yin and Schütze, 2015) 0.6921 0.7108 In contrast to WIKIMOVIES, the training set size L.D.C. (Wang et al., 2016) 0.7058 0.7226 is small ( 1000 examples) while the topic is much Memory Network 0.5170 0.5236 ∼ Key-Value Memory Network 0.7069 0.7265 more broad (all of Wikipedia, rather than just movies) Table 6: Test results on WikiQA. and the questions can only be answered by reading the documents, so no comparison to the use of KBs can be performed. However, a wide range of methods ument based on the KB triples: for each relation have already been tried on WIKIQA, thus providing a type we have a set of template phrases (100 in to- useful benchmark to test if the same results found on tal) used to generate the fact, e.g. “Blade Runner WIKIMOVIES carry across to WIKIQA, in particular came out in 1982” for the entry BLADE RUNNER the performance of Key-Value Memory Networks. RELEASE_YEAR 1982. We can then parameterize Due to the size of the training set, following many the complexity of our synthetic documents: (i) using other works (Yang et al., 2015; Santos et al., 2016; one template, or all of them; (ii) using conjunctions Miao et al., 2015) we pre-trained the word vectors to combine facts into single sentences or not; and (matrices A and B which are constrained to be iden- (iii) using coreference between sentences where we tical) before training KV-MemNNs. We employed replace the movie name with “it”.5 The purpose of Supervised Embeddings (Dodge et al., 2016) for that this experiment is to find which aspects are responsi- goal, training on all of Wikipedia while treating the ble for the gap in performance to a KB. The results input as a random sentence and the target as the subse- are given in Table 5. They indicate that some of the quent sentence. We then trained KV-MemNNs with loss (93.9% for KB to 82.9% for One Template Sen- dropout regularization: we sample words from the tence) in performance is due directly to representing question, memory representations and the answers, in sentence form, making the subject, relation and choosing the dropout rate using the development set. object harder to extract. Moving to a larger number Finally, again following other successful methods of templates does not deteriorate performance much (Yin and Schütze, 2015), we combine our approach (80%). The remaining performance drop seems to with exact matching word features between question be split roughly equally between conjunctions (74%) and answers. Key hashing was not used as candidates and coreference (76%). The hardest synthetic dataset were already pre-selected. To represent the memo- combines these (All Templates + Conj. + Coref.) ries, we used the Window-Level representation (the and is actually harder than using the real Wikipedia best choice on the dev set was W = 7) as the key documents (72.5% vs. 76.2%). This is possibly be- and the whole sentence as the value, as the value cause the amount of conjunctions and coreferences should match the answer which in this case is a sen- we make are artificially too high (50% and 80% of tence. Additionally, in the representation all numbers the time, respectively). in the text and the phrase “how many” in the question were replaced with the feature “_number_”. The best 5.2 WikiQA choice of hops was also H = 2 for KV-MemNNs. WIKIQA (Yang et al., 2015) is an existing dataset for answer sentence selection using Wikipedia as The results are given in Table 6. Key-Value Mem- the knowledge source. The task is, given a ques- ory Networks outperform a large set of other methods, tion, to select the sentence coming from a Wikipedia although the results of the L.D.C. method of (Wang document that best answers the question, where per- et al., 2016) are very similar. Memory Networks, formance is measured using mean average preci- which cannot easily pair windows to sentences, per- form much worse, highlighting the importance of 5This data is also part of the WIKIMOVIES benchmark. key-value memories.

1407 6 Conclusion swering with memory networks. arXiv preprint We studied the problem of directly reading docu- arXiv:1506.02075. ments in order to answer questions, concentrating Carlson, A., Betteridge, J., Kisiel, B., Settles, B., our analysis on the gap between such direct methods Hruschka Jr, E. R., and Mitchell, T. M. (2010). and using human-annotated or automatically con- Toward an architecture for never-ending language structed KBs. We presented a new model, Key-Value learning. In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelli- Memory Networks, which helps bridge this gap, out- gence, 2010. performing several other methods across two datasets, Collobert, R., Weston, J., Bottou, L., Karlen, M., WIKIMOVIES and WIKIQA. However, some gap in Kavukcuoglu, K., and Kuksa, P. (2011). Natu- performance still remains. WIKIMOVIES serves as ral language processing (almost) from scratch. J. an analysis tool to shed some light on the causes. Mach. Learn. Res., , 2493–2537. Future work should try to close this gap further. 12 Key-Value Memory Networks are versatile models Craven, M., DiPasquo, D., Freitag, D., McCallum, for reading documents or KBs and answering ques- A., Mitchell, T., Nigam, K., and Slattery, S. (2000). tions about them—allowing to encode prior knowl- Learning to construct knowledge bases from the edge about the task at hand in the key and value world wide web. Artificial intelligence, 118, 69– memories. These models could be applied to storing 113. and reading memories for other tasks as well, and Dodge, J., Gane, A., Zhang, X., Bordes, A., Chopra, future work should try them in other domains, such S., Miller, A., Szlam, A., and Weston, J. (2016). as in a full dialog setting. Evaluating prerequisite qualities for learning end- References to-end dialog systems. In ICLR, 2016. Auer, S., Bizer, C., Kobilarov, G., Lehmann, J., Cyga- Fader, A., Zettlemoyer, L., and Etzioni, O. (2014). niak, R., and Ives, Z. (2007). Dbpedia: A nucleus Open question answering over curated and ex- for a web of open data. In Semantic Web Confer- tracted knowledge bases. In KDD, 2014. ence, 2007. Hill, F., Bordes, A., Chopra, S., and Weston, J. Bahdanau, D., Cho, K., and Bengio, Y. (2015). Neu- (2016). The goldilocks principle: Reading chil- ral machine translation by jointly learning to align dren’s books with explicit memory representations. and translate. In ICLR, 2015. In ICLR, 2016. Banko, M., Brill, E., Dumais, S., and Lin, J. (2002). Kwiatkowski, T., Choi, E., Artzi, Y., and Zettlemoyer, Askmsr: Question answering using the worldwide L. (2013). Scaling semantic parsers with on-the-fly web. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Mining An- ontology matching. In EMNLP, 2013. swers from Texts and Knowledge Bases, 2002. Manning, C. D., Raghavan, P., and Schütze, H. Berant, J., Chou, A., Frostig, R., and Liang, P. (2008). Introduction to Information Retrieval. (2013). Semantic parsing on freebase from Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA. question-answer pairs. In EMNLP, 2013. Manning, C. D., Surdeanu, M., Bauer, J., Finkel, J., Bollacker, K., Evans, C., Paritosh, P., Sturge, T., and Bethard, S. J., and McClosky, D. (2014). The stan- Taylor, J. (2008). Freebase: a collaboratively cre- ford corenlp natural language processing toolkit. ated graph database for structuring human knowl- In ACL: System Demonstrations, 2014. edge. In ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2008. Miao, Y., Yu, L., and Blunsom, P. (2015). Neural Bordes, A., Chopra, S., and Weston, J. (2014). Ques- variational inference for text processing. arXiv tion answering with subgraph embeddings. In preprint arXiv:1511.06038. EMNLP, 2014. Santos, C. d., Tan, M., Xiang, B., and Zhou, B. Bordes, A., Usunier, N., Chopra, S., and We- (2016). Attentive pooling networks. arXiv preprint ston, J. (2015). Large-scale simple question an- arXiv:1602.03609.

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