The London Gazette, February 14, 1860
550 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 14, 1860. Constable in the Metropolitan Police Force, E. Division, COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT but from December, 1858, absent from duty on sick DEBTORS. leave. Thomas Saunders, of No. 1, Printing-house-lane, Bridge- street, Blackfriars, in the city of London, Joiner and The llth day of February, 1860. Undertaker. ORDERS have been made, vesting in the Pro- On Wednesday the 29th February, 1860, at half visional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the past Ten o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner following Persons: Murphy. Robert Hunt, of No. 37, Old Castle-street (back of Shore- On their own Petitions. ditch Church,) Bethnal-green, Middlesex, Chair Maker. John Bremner, late of No. 27, Crown-street, Hammersmith, William Glover, formerly of No. 5, Cursitor-street, Chan- Middlesex, Manufacturer of Shirts, Collars, Belts, and cery-lane, then of No. 16, Half Moon-crescent, Caledo- Braces, at No. 39, AJdermanbury, London.—In the nian-road, Islington, then of Nos. 2 and 3, Little Moor- Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. fields, City, then of No. 36, Wilton-square, Islington, all Jemima Lyall, late of No. 23, Beckford-row, Walworth- in Middlesex, then of Sussex Cottage, Camberwell, road, Surrey, -wife of Walter Lyal), of No. 23, Beckford- Surrey, then of No. 2, Paul-street, Finsbury. then of No. row aforesaid, Linen Draper.—In the Gaol of Surrey. 4, Grange-place, Hoxton, then of No. 90, Nichol's- Thomas Snell, late of No. 5. Bowling Green-street, Ken- square, Hackney-road, all in Middlesex, and now of No. nington-park, Surrey, Cabriolet Proprietor, having stables 40, Amelia-street, Wai worth-road, Newington, Surrey, at Harleyford Mews, Kennington Park aforesaid.—In the Law Writer.
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