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The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information © in T Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83832-0 — The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information Index Access Hollywood tape, 89 Atlas, Scott, 237–238 Adams, Jerome, 136, 154, 239–240 authoritarianism Adelson, Sheldon, 47 of base supporters of Trump, 24–25 administration of Donald Trump democracy and, 266–267 Alex Azar, 186–188 soft dictatorship and, 270–271 demographics, 57 of Trump, 24–25, 266–267 dysfunctionality of, 57–58 Azar, Alex, 186–188 early signs of crowd size lies, 55 Bacow, Lawrence, 146–147 inaugural address, 54–55 bad leadership/followership categories family involvement, 56 ineffective, 15 Hope Hicks, 207–208 unethical, 15 H. R. McMaster, 60–61 Bannon, Steve, 73 James Mattis, 61–62 Barr, William, 181–186 John Kelly, 61 Barrack, Tom, 72–73 Kellyanne Conway, 207–208 base supporters of Trump loyalty tests, 64–67 COVID-19 and, 32 Mark Meadows, 196–199 deference to authoritarianism, 24–25 media savviness importance, 57 defined, 22 Mick Mulvaney, 195–196 demographics, 22–23, 33 Mike Pence, 171–176 devotion of, 19–21, 31–33 Mike Pompeo, 176–179 and economic disenfranchisement, military appointees, 56 24 Peter Navarro, 199–201 ethnicity of, 22–23 Rex Tillerson, 59–60 polling of, 265–266 Robert O’Brien, 201–202 relationship to truth, 33–34 Sonny Perdue, 271 types of, 21–22 Steven Mnuchin, 179–181 Bethrothed, The,94 subordinate subservience, 67–70 birtherism, 160 turnover, 61–64 Birx, Deborah, 121, 145, 197–198, wealth of, 56 242–246 William Barr, 181–186 Black Death, 96–98 advisors. See senior advisors, Trump Black Lives Matter, 158, 159–160, 185–186 African Americans, 159 Bolton, John, 201–202, 274 Age of Enlightenment, 130–132 Breitbart media, 43, 73 Allure of Toxic Leaders, The,25 Bright, Rick, 143–144, 201, 238 alternative facts, 77–78, 207 Browning, Christopher, 7 American preservationist, 22 bubonic plague, 96–98 anti-elite Trump supporter, 22 Buckley, William F., 37 Applebaum, Anne, 266, 270 Bush, Billy, 28 Atkinson, Michael, 68 Bush, George W., 102–103 314 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83832-0 — The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information index 315 Camus, Albert, 95–96 masks, 153–158 Caputo, Michael, 273 polarization of, 147–153 CARES Act, 180 COVID-19 timeline Carlson, Tucker, 151, 226 April 2020, 118–121 Centers for Disease Control, 103, 110, 132, January/February 2020, 109–113 136–137, 246–251, 271–274 June 2020, 126–129 China and COVID-19 March 2020, 113–117 Matthew Pottinger and, 203–204 May 2020, 121–126 Mike Pompeo and, 165–166, 176–179 cruise industry, 114–115 mismanagement by, 118 Cuomo, Andrew, 113 politicization of, 163–164 Robert Redfield and, 247–248 Daniels, Stormy, 73–74 travel restrictions from, 200 Defense Production Act, 141, 199–201 World Health Organization, 109–111 democracy and authoritarianism, 266–267 Citizens United ruling, 48 Democratic Party Clinton, Bill, 29 culture war (COVID-19), 152–153 Clinton, Hillary as panDEMic party, 227 dislike of, 30 demographics presidential vote tally, 265 administration of Donald Trump, 57 Trump lewdness and, 28 base supporters of Trump, 22–23, 33 Coats, Dan, 69, 275 mask-wearing, 155–156 Cohen, Michael, 73–74 DeSantis, Ron, 218–221 Comey, James, 63, 69 DeWine, Mike, 49 Coming Plague, The, 101 Diamond, Jared, 97–98 Conley, Sean, 259–260 disaster preparedness Contagion (film), 96 cognitive biases and, 106–107 containment zone (COVID-19), 113 leadership for, 107 Conway, George T. III, 78 disengaged Trump supporter, 22 Conway, Kellyanne, 77–78, 207–208 donors, political coronavirus. See COVID-19 Bernie Sanders, 47 Corwin, Steven, 136–137 Citizens United ruling, 48 COVID-19 difference between Republican and administration personnel affected, Democratic individual, 47–48 78, 208 Isaac Perlmutter, 46 American dismal response to, 262–263 Robert and Rebekah Mercer, 46 base supporters of Trump and, 32 Sheldon Adelson, 47 failure of United States government to Stephen Ross, 46 contain, 12–14 wealth of Trump, 45–49 Fox News and, 223–233 Jared Kushner and, 86 Ebola virus, 103 leadership of Trump during, 8–9 economy Lindsey Graham and, 216–217 COVID-19 and, 144–145, 181 Melania Trump and, 89 racial disparities in, 159 Operation Warp Speed, 264 reopening guideline tension, 124–125 race and, 158–163 unemployment rise, 124–125 shifting responsibility management, enabler effect, 276–278 197–198 enablers, defined, 1, 16 COVID-19 politics enablers of Trump culture war, 152–153 administration, 54–70 global, 163–167 fealty of, 16 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83832-0 — The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information 316 index enablers of Trump (cont.) Frieden, Thomas, 141 fear of, 268–269 Frist, Bill, 101–102 inner circle, 71–89, 171–188 levels of, 10–12, 269–270 Garrett, Laurie, 101–102 pandemic response team, 150–151 Gates, Bill, 102 political base supporters, 19–35 Gingrich, Newt, 38 relationship to truth of, 268 Giroir, Brett, 271 Republican Party, 36–53 Goldwater, Barry, 37 scientific community, 138–139, 144 governors, Trump enablers types of, 10–12 Brian Kemp, 221–222 Enlightenment, The, 5 Ron DeSantis, 218–221 Esper, Mark, 69 Graham, Lindsey, 213–217 evangelical Christians and Trump, 29–30 Hanks, Tom, 114 exponential myopia, 107 Hannity, Sean, 80–82, 151, 228–232 Harvard University pandemic decision- fables, plague, 93–94 making process, 146–147 fake news, 120 Hicks, Hope, 76–77, 205–207 Fauci, Anthony Hitler, Adolf, 6–7, 266–267 cautious nature of, 104 Hoffmann, Stanley, 265 hydroxychloroquine, 140 Horton, Richard, 135 Lindsey Graham and, 215 hydroxychloroquine, 140, 227 mask-wearing, 136 pandemic resource allocation, 105 impeachment of Donald Trump Peter Navarro and, 200–201 acquittal of, 277–278 slow pandemic response of, 111 Lindsey Graham and, 215–216 target of criticism, 139–140 Mitch McConnell and, 212 Trump enabler, 251–260 Republican fealty during, 50–51 Tucker Carlson and, 226 Ingraham, Laura, 226–228 fiction, plague, 94–96 inner circle of Trump 15 Days to Slow the Spread, 117 inner ring, 83–86 Floyd, George, 158 lack of, 71–74 followership levels of, 74 attraction to bad leaders, 25–26 middle ring, 78–83, 171–188 bad categories, 15 outer ring, 74–78 defined, 3 inner ring of inner circle, Trump enablers, history, 4–7 83–86 and leadership of Trump, 9–10, 261–262 who do not follow bad leaders, 275–276 Javanka, 83–86 Fox News Jefferson, Thomas, 131 COVID-19 spread, 151 Johnson, Boris, 119 demeaning of other media coverage, 43 Jordan, Mary, 88–89 Laura Ingraham, 43 primary media Trump enabler, 223–225 Kadlec, Robert, 240–242 Republican Party and, 42–43 Kaine, Tim, 28 Rupert Murdoch, 225 Katrina (hurricane), 106 Sean Hannity and, 80–82, 228–232 Kelly, John, 61 Tucker Carlson, 226 Kemp, Brian, 157–158, 221–222 Franklin, Benjamin, 130–131 Kolbert, Elizabeth, 96 free marketer Trump supporter, 22 Kushner, Jared © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83832-0 — The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information index 317 in administration, 56 McGahn, Don, 69 campaign role, 190 McMaster, H. R., 60–61 claims of false pandemic success, Meadows, Mark, 196–199 193–195 media Trump enablers inner circle of Trump, 83–86 Fox News, 223–233 mismanagement by, 192, 193 Laura Ingraham, 226–228 pandemic supply chain control, 123–124 Rupert Murdoch, 225 shadow COVID-19 task force, 190–192 Sean Hannity, 228–232 unsavory background of, 189–190 Tucker Carlson, 226 medical Trump enablers La Fontaine, Jean de, 93–94 Anthony Fauci, 251–260 leadership Deborah Birx, 242–246 bad, 34–35 Jerome Adams, 239–240 bad categories, 15 Robert Kadlec, 240–242 change of followers as supporters, 4–7 Robert Redfield, 246–251, 271–274 disaster preparedness, 107 Sean Conley, 259–260 of Donald Trump, 8–9, 263–264 White House Coronavirus Task Force, societal need for, 25–26 234–238 leadership history Mercer, Robert and Rebekah, 46 follower history, 4–7 Messonnier, Nancy, 111, 142–143, 238 in Germany during World War II, 7–8 middle ring of inner circle, Trump enablers, relationship with enablers, 2–3 78–83, 171–188 Limbaugh, Rush, 43–44 Milgram, Stanley, 7 Lincoln Project, 78 military Lipman-Blumen, Jean, 25 defiance of Trump, 32, 161–162 loyalty tests, 64–67 Trump appointees, 56 Miller, Stephen, 75–76 mainstream media and Trump Milley, Mark, 162 bypassing with Twitter, 42 Mnuchin, Steven, 69, 179–181 destruction of credibility of, 42 Mueller report, 182 Fox News, 42–43 Mulvaney, Mick, 195–196 Manzoni, Alessandro, 94 Murdoch, Rupert, 225 mask shortage, 123 mask-wearing National Basketball Association (NBA), 114 demographics, 155–156 national shutdown guidelines, 117 differing recommendations about Navarro, Peter, 139, 199–201 wearing, 136 in Florida, 221 Obama, Barack, 102–103 Jerome Adams and, 240 O’Brien, Robert, 201–202 politics of, 153–158 On Tyranny, 266 reasons for, 253 Operation Warp Speed, 264 Trump not enforcing, 127 Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 Mattis, James, 61–62, 161–162 and the Final Solution in McCain, John Poland,7 Lindsey Graham and, 213–214 outer ring of inner circle, Trump enablers, Trump lewdness and, 28 74–78 McConnell, Mitch enabler of Trump, 209–213 Pamuk, Orhan, 94–95, 118 mask-wearing and, 157 pandemic. See also COVID-19 Trump lewdness and, 28 future preparations for, 104–108 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83832-0 — The Enablers Barbara Kellerman Index More Information 318
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