1966 Football Factbook South Dakota State University
$1.00 1966 r-OOTBALL FACTBOOK SOUTH DAKOTA - STATE UN IVERSITV TO THE PRESS, RADIO AND TV This b�k is designed to aid you as you write and talk about the 1966 South Dakota State University football team. Ad<litional information is available upon request to this office. PRESS BOX TICKETS are required for everyone entering the box-newsmen, camermen and scouts. Requests for these tickets be made as far in advance as possible, and will be mailed or held, which eyer is more conYenient. When held they may be picked up at the win dow at the northwest corner of the stadium. RADIO: After Sports Information Office confirms booth assignment, stations should order own loops from Brookings Telephone Co. Please help us serve you best by advising well in advance of games you plan to attend. Women and children are not permitted in the press box. KEN SCHAACK Sports Information Editor South Dakota State University University Station Brookings, S. D. 57006 PHONES Brookings_ Area Code: 605 Information Offices: 692-6111, Ext. 364, 365 or 366 Ken Schaack, Sports Information Editor; Horne-693-3839 Dan Johnson, News Bureau Editor; Home-692-5461 Press Box-692-6111, Ext. 201 1966 Co-Captains: Gary Hyde, fullback (left) Dave Porter, center QUICK FACTS ON THE UNIVERSITY LOCATION: Brooking�, S. D.; population 11,400; 60 miles north of Sioux Falls. FOUNDED: 1881-South Dakota State College of Agriculture and • � chanic Arts; 1964-South Dakota State University. ·ROLLMENT: 5,000 (1,500 women)-fall estimates. P ESI DENT : Dr. H. M. Briggs. CONFERENCE: North Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (charter member joining in 1921).
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