Vintage adventure @ home Light Rev Canon Erica Roberts City Chaplain for Older People Southampton
[email protected] 07535 164014 With our best wishes Dear Vintage Friends, Happy New Year! I suspect that many of us will be pleased to leave 2020 behind, but before we do that, perhaps like me you’ve found it helpful to look back and give thanks for some of those moments where we’ve seen God’s grace in action, where we’ve experienced the kindness of others and where we have known God’s goodness and faithfulness in our own lives. Somehow just expressing gratitude for the small things can lift our spirits. As I write this, I’m aware that these next few months are going to be hard for many of us, from young to old, from those who are alone to those living in large families juggling work and home-schooling; and yet, although it may feel as though we’re living in dark times, not only do we have the hope of the vaccination, but we have the hope and reassurance of Jesus, who came to be the light of the world, to shine in the darkness, and to be the light that comforts, guides and saves us. As we you read through the contents of this month’s Vintage Adventure @ Home, you’ll see that we have focussed on the theme of trusting God to light up the way ahead as we look forward into 2021. We’ve also thought about the story of Simeon and Anna, that is both included in the Worship Booklet and in a separate reflection about the widow Anna.