Planning and EP Committee 5 July 2016 Item 3 Application Ref: 16/00590/FUL Proposal: Proposed extensions to create new administration accommodation with theatre suite over with plant room in roof and associated link corridor, new first floor level modular construction theatre store and new single storey waiting area. Various internal remodelling works to restaurant, physiotherapy department and main reception waiting accommodation. External works to create additional parking bays Site: Fitzwilliam Hospital, Milton Way, Bretton, Peterborough Applicant: Ramsay Health Care UK Ltd Agent: Hall Needham Associates LLP Referred by: Councillor Coles Reason: Impact upon neighbour amenity, overdevelopment and parking issues Site visit: 21.04.2016 Case officer: Miss Louise Lovegrove Telephone No. 01733 454439 E-Mail:
[email protected] Recommendation: GRANT subject to relevant conditions 1 Description of the site and surroundings and Summary of the proposal Site and Surroundings The application site comprises the Fitzwilliam Hospital, a well-established private hospital. It is located within a predominantly residential area, with the site bound to the north, east and west by residential dwellings. To the south, the site is bound by Milton Park (included in the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest) and the associated Grade I Listed Building of Milton Hall. The building within the site is largely single storey in height albeit there are some two and three storey elements to the south-eastern elevation. It is set back within the site, located centrally with car parking to the north, east and west. There is some soft landscaping around the site boundaries comprising a mixture of mature hedging and semi-mature trees albeit the southern boundary is formed by a mature tree belt.